Ferrer, Michael U. - Instructional Model

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Lesson Plan for: Solves a system of linear inequalities in two variables.

I. Objectives

Within the duration of the class discussion, the students must perform with:

A. Given a system of linear in equalities in two variables, at least 75% of the class

will be able to solve system of linear inequalities in two variables with at least 80%

accuracy in their solution within a 10-minute period.

B. Given at most 10 minutes for a groupwork, the students will be able to cooperate

with one another while solving system of linear inequalities in two variables, with at least

75% completeness of their groupwork.

C. Given at most 5 minutes for class presentation, the students will be able to

explain on how to solve linear inequalities in two variables with at least 80% accuracy in

their solution and 80% coherence in the explanation of the group’s work.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Solves a system of linear inequalities in two variables.

References: Abuzo, E.P., et al. (2013). Mathematics – Grade 8 Learners Module. First

Edition. Department of Education.

Dugopolski, M. (2004). Intermediate Algebra. Fourth Edition. McGraw Hill:

New York.

Jose-Dilao, S. and Bernabe, J. (2009). Intermediate Algebra: Textbook for

Second Year. Revised Edition. SD Publications, Inc.: Quezon City.

Materials: colored ball pens, pencil, ruler and graphing paper.

Mathematics Concepts

A. Graphical Method – a method of finding the solution(s) of a system of linear

equations or inequalities by graphing.

B. Linear Inequality – an inequality in which each side is a polynomial of degree

1 or constant.

C. Test Points – a linear inequality may also be graphed by graphing the

corresponding line and then testing a point to determine which region satisfies

the inequality.
Values Focus: Cooperation and Collaboration

Learning Competencies:

Solves a system of linear inequalities in two variables.

Code: M8AL-IIb-1

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer 1. Daily Prayer
Good morning class. Before we start The students will stand up and pray.
may we all stand up and pray. (The teacher
will pray).

2. Cleaning 2. Cleaning
Okay class, before you sit down The students will pick up the pieces of
please pick up pieces of paper and trash. paper and trash, and then the class will sit
down properly.

3. Greeting 3. Greeting
Good morning once again class. Good morning Sir!
So how are you doing today? It’s fine Sir.
Well, good then.

4. Checking of Attendance 4. Checking of Attendance

Are there any absents today? None.
Very Good!

B. Priming B. Priming
1. Recall 1. Recall
Before we begin to our lesson, let us (The students will raise their hands)
have a recap on your past lesson. So, who
can still recall your past lesson?
So, let’s hear student A. The past lesson was about the solving
problems involving linear inequalities in two
Very good!
So last time you studied about solving
problems involving linear inequalities in two
variables. Who can still remember on how to
solve problems involving linear inequalities in
two variables? (The students will raise their hands)
Let’s call for student B. In solving problems involving linear
inequalities in two variables first you must
identify the linear inequalities in the given
problem. Then you will graph it in the
Cartesian coordinate system and apply the
test point method to determine the half-plane
solution of the linear inequality.

Very good student B.

Let’s have an example of linear
inequality y > x +4 . (The students will raise their hands).
What is the first thing to do? First Step: change the inequality
Let’s call for student C. symbol to equal sign “=”, y=x + 4.
Second Step: graph the equation.
Broken line will be used if the inequality
symbol are simply ¿∨¿, and solid line will be
used if the inequality symbol is ≥∨≤ .
Third Step: select at least three test
points on either side of the two half-planes.
( 0,5 ) , (−4,6 ) ,∧( 0,0 ) .
1. ( 0,5 ) y > x+ 4
y > x +4
5>0+ 4
5> 4 True

2. (−4,6 ) y> x + 4
6> x + 4
6>−4+ 4
6> 0True

3. ( 0,0 ) y > x +4
y > x +4
0> 0+4
0> 4 False

Fourth Step: the results show that we

will shade on the region where the test points
are true.
y > x +4

Thank you very much student C.

C. Activity C. Activity
Did you bring your math tools? Yes Sir.
Very good! You will group yourselves (The students will group themselves)
consisting of five members. Now, that you
have grouped yourselves, I will give you two
linear inequalities in two variables and you
should graph it on one graphing paper.
Show the graph of the solution of the
system { yy>←2x+5

Discuss your observations, findings

and ideas about the given system of linear
inequalities. Write it in a one whole piece of
paper and attached your graphing papers. All
members should participate, okay? And don’t
make loud noises. Yes Sir.
Okay, very well.
(The teacher will roam around the
classroom to ensure that all members
cooperate with one another).

D. Analysis D. Analysis
Guide Questions
1) How would you describe the
graphs of y > x +5 and y ←2 x −3?
2)How would you describe where the
graph of y > x +5 and y ←2 x −3 meet?
3) Select any three points in the
region where the graphs of y > x +5 and
y ←2 x −3 meet. What statements can you
make about the coordinates of these points?
4) How would you describe the
graphical solution of the system { yy>←2x+5
5) How is the graphical solution of a
system of linear inequalities determined?
6) How is it similar or different from
the graphical solution of a system of linear

Okay class. Time’s up!

(The students will stop what they are
May I call each group’s representative
doing and will sit properly).
to present their observations, findings and
Group representative will come in
ideas in our activity.
front and present their observation, findings
and ideas.
(Possible student’s response and it
may vary from each group).

{ yy>←2x+5

1. The half-plane solution of each

inequality overlaps in some portion.
2. It seems that it forms like a
triangular region.
3. We select (−6,1 ) , (−8 ,−2 ) and
(−7,1). Those coordinates satisfy both
1. (−6,1)
y > x +5 y ←2 x −3
1>−6+5 1<−2 (−6 ) −3
1>−1 True 1<9 True
2. (−8 ,−2)
y > x +5 y ←2 x −3
−2>−8+ 5 −2←2 (−8 )−3
−2>−3 True −2<13 True
3. (−7,1)
y > x +5 y ←2 x −3
1>−7+5 1←2 (−7 )−3
1>−2 True 1<11 True
4. We observed that not all
coordinates which are solution for y > x +5 is
also a solution for y ←2 x −3. But once we
select coordinates where the two half-planes
overlap it satisfy both equations.
5. The graphical solution of a
system of linear inequalities in two variables
in which they are overlap on each other.
6. Commonly the system of linear
equations has only one solution and that is
the intersection. While in the system of linear
E. Abstraction inequalities where the planes overlap and
You all did great in our activity, are that is the solution.
there any questions? E. Abstraction
So, let’s have a recap. What are
the things we should remember when solving None Sir.
solution of a system of inequalities?

First, we must graph each

inequality in the system. Then, show by
Very well said! Thank you. So, now darker shading the region that consists of
let’s proceed to the discussion. Who can give those points belonging to all graphs drawn.
possible answer for the two given linear
Let’s call for student F.
(The students will raise their hands).
y > x +5 y ←2 x −3
2>−10+5 2←2 (−10 )−3
Very good! 2>−5 True 2<20−3
So, now let’s have examples. 2<17 True
Is the point (−1,5) a solution of
y > x +5? Is it a solution of y ←2 x −3?
Let’s call student G.
(The students will raise their hands).
Thank you very much! The point (−1,5) is a solution of
Is the point (2 ,−8) a solution of y > x +5, but not a solution of y ←2 x −3.
y > x +5? Is it a solution of y ←2 x −3?
Let’s call student H.
(The students will raise their hands).
Thank you! The point (2 ,−8) is not a solution of
Is (−10 ,−2) a solution of y > x +5 y > x +5, but a solution of y ←2 x −3.
and y ←2 x −3?
Let’s call student I.
(The students will raise their hands).
Thank you! The point (−10 ,−2) is a solution of
both inequalities y > x +5 and y ←2 x −3.
F. Application
Okay class, since there are no more
questions and you all understand the lesson
F. Application
please answer the following system of linear
inequalities. Use graphing paper and give at
least three ordered pairs that satisfy the
system of inequalities in two variables.
1. { yy≥−x+
≤ x−1

1. { yy≥−x+
≤ x−1

2. { yy>−x−2
< x +1
2. { yy>−x−2
< x +1

G. Assessment
1. { yy≥−x−1
≤ x +2

2. { yy>←xx+1+1
Okay class, time’s up! Please pass
your papers.
G. Assessment
Goodbye class.

(The students will pass their papers).

Goodbye and thank you Sir.

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