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Success Story


Cost Savings All Day Long The real matching challenge was not with
How does FedEx make the case for IT the records for outgoing shippers, who
spending? Cost savings is a large com- could be easily identified by their account
ponent. In particular, an innovative Web- numbers. Linking shipment recipients to
based customer service portal, called customers in the InSight database was
FedEx InSight, has aligned with signifi- far more difficult. It relied on name and
cant increases in the use of FedEx services address information, which is notoriously
by some of the company’s most valuable fraught with errors, omissions, and other
Challenge customers. anomalies—especially when entered by
Link and match shipment recipients to individual shippers around the globe. The
inaccurate and inconsistent customer With FedEx InSight, business customers
point of pain was being able to match on
name and address data, while aligning view all outgoing, incoming, and third-
addresses, because what FedEx receives
new records to services and customer party shipments online and they prefer
on the airbills is not very standardized.
service initiatives. interacting with FedEx Insight over other
channels. In fact, they like it so much that FedEx airbills had another problem: too
SOLUTION much information. “For the purpose of
they forgo lower rates from competitors
Trillium Software System ®
in order to have access to FedEx online matching customers to shipments, the
FedEx InSight package tracking
tracking. airbills contain a lot of garbage,” said
RESULT FedEx’s senior technical analyst. “Infor-
Cutting costs while increasing customer
Fortify customer loyalty by enabling mation such as parts numbers, stock-
loyalty, InSight is considered by FedEx to
customers to track inbound, outbound, keeping units, signature requirements,
and third-party packages more accu- be a milestone technology. The innova-
shipping contents, delivery instruc-
rately and quickly via, while tive Web service lets business customers
tions, country of manufacture, and more
increasing the use of FedEx services instantly access all their current FedEx
obscures the name and address data,
by its largest, globally distributed cargo information, tailor views, and drill
making it difficult to interpret that free-
customers. down into freight information includ-
form text and correctly identify name and
ing shipping date, weight, contents,
INDUSTRY address information.”
expected delivery date, and related ship-
Logistics and transportation
ments. Customers can even opt for email
A Deeper Look at Data
notifications of in-transit events, such as
As Trillium Software® demonstrated to
attempted deliveries, delays at customs,
FedEx during the sales cycle, no matching
software would be successful for FedEx
“The Trillium Software The Perfect Match
airbills without some intelligent interpre-
tation of free-form text and standardiza-
System let FedEx target InSight works because FedEx can link
tion. Matching is more accurate when it
shipper and receiver data on shipping
specific data issues and bills with entries in a database of reg-
acts on more complete and standardized
quickly modify rules to istered InSight customers. The linking
software FedEx chose to support InSight
resolve them. There’s had to be superior in terms of its ability to
a certain amount of recognize, interpret, and match customer
name and address information. Fast pro-
confidence you have cessing speed and flexibility were also
to have in the product. top criteria. After a broad and thorough
evaluation of vendors in the data quality
You have to trust in market, the delivery giant chose Trillium
what it’s doing.” Software®.
– Senior Technical Analyst, FedEx
Case Study: FedEx | TRILLIUM SOFTWARE, A Harte Hanks Company

The Trillium Software System® first inves- Split-Second Processing Award-Winning InSight
tigates data entries word by word—not Speed was another requirement. To effi- FedEx won several e-commerce awards
just line by line—in order to understand ciently handle the volume of FedEx’s daily for its innovation, and customers raved
maximum data content. Valid content transactions, the software had to identify about their InSight experiences. In fact,
is often “hidden” when it’s entered in and resolve matches at sub-second rates. FedEx customers communicated that
the wrong field or free-form text fields. Only the Trillium Software System could they would forgo lower shipping rates
Trillium technology reveals this hidden demonstrate this capability and process from competitors, because they prized
data by identifying individual data millions of records per day—as many as the ability to track their incoming and
elements in each shipping bill, interpret- 500,000 records per hour. outgoing shipments so easily with
ing the real meaning of each element, InSight.
and ensuring that all valid data elements Surgical Precision
FedEx also realized concrete gains from its
are part of the matching equation. It then “That we could customize [business] rules
investment. Repeatedly, implementation
standardizes content into a consistent and surgically make changes was a big,
of InSight was shown to align with signifi-
format. big winning point,” said the senior techni-
cant increases in use of FedEx services by
cal analyst. The Trillium Software System
some of the company’s largest custom-
Beyond Address Correction lets FedEx target specific data issues and
In the logistics industry, accuracy is ev- quickly modify rules to resolve them. The
erything; FedEx needed to identify cus- business rules, written in plain text, were
tomers reliably based on a variety of data
International Expansion
understandable, traceable, and repeat-
Based on the success of InSight in the US
elements, including business names, able. Because the analyst team could
and Canada, FedEx extended the service
office suite numbers, and other address see what the rules were and how they
to other countries simply by adding global
elements. Its chosen data quality solution worked, they were more confident about
modules. With geographic validation for
had to identify and distinguish between the matching process. “There’s a certain
every country on the globe and in-depth
companies on different floors of an office amount of confidence you have to have
support for more than 60 countries in
tower or divisions within a geographically in the product. You have to trust in what
Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Americas,
dispersed corporate campus. It had to link it’s doing.”
the Trillium Software System kept up with
customers based on detailed analyses of
FedEx InSight.
abbreviations, nicknames, synonyms, Rapid Rollout
personal names, street addresses, and FedEx took only about four months to
other information. implement its solution fully. Trillium
FedEx knew they needed more than Software professional services helped
address verification software that only FedEx get started. After just three days,
confirmed that an address was inter- the senior technical analyst was ready to
nally consistent and correct according work on his own: “Once I understood it, it
to postal authorities. They needed pre- was just a matter of applying that knowl-
cision matching capabilities that would edge,” he stated.
lie at the heart of InSight. The Trillium He also gives Trillium Software
Software System had all these capabili- Customer Support a lot of credit:
ties, in addition to usability features that “The Trillium Software tech support
allowed FedEx to tune and test quickly is just terrific. Most of my support is
and iteratively the matching process until done through email and someone
the match results met the company’s always gets back to me quickly. If I call,
stringent requirements. there’s no kind of triage. I tell them what
language I speak, and then I get to talk to

TRILLIUM SOFTWARE, A Harte Hanks Company • •

Corporate Headquarters (978) 436-8900 • EMEA +44 (0) 118 940 7600 • Central Europe +49 (0) 7031 714756

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