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The creation of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) was part of a

broad agenda for reforms in the country's education system as outlined by the

Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) in 1992. Part of the reforms is

the trifocalization of the education sector. The three governing bodies in the

education sector are the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for tertiary and

graduate education, the Department of Education (DepEd) for basic education, and

the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for technical-

vocational and middle level education.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) serves

as the Philippines' Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) authority. As

a government agency, TESDA is tasked to both manage and supervise the

Philippines' Technical Education and Skills Development (TESD). Its goals are to

develop the Filipino workforce with world-class competence and positive work values

and to provide quality technical-educational and skills development through its

direction, policies, and programs (

The demand for a competent and globally competitive middle-level workforce

has been increasing both in the domestic and overseas labor markets. TESDA, as

the government agency mainly responsible for managing the technical-vocational

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Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
education and training (TVET) sector, has to ensure the availability of qualified and

competent skilled workers to meet this demand and to contribute to the economic

development of the country.

Corollary to the above premise, owners and administrators of training centers

with registered TESDA programs are now challenged to revisit their organizational

capabilities to respond to the demand for competent and globally competitive

workforce. The administrators are expected to enhance the structure of their training

centers from vision, goals and objectives, physical facilities, equipment, tools,

qualifications of trainers, assessors and administrators to meet industry demands for

skilled workers and to ensure that the program offerings of the centers are unique

thus, prevent replication by competitors. Developing and cultivating organizational

capabilities can help owners and administrators of training centers gain an

advantage in a competitive environment by focusing on the areas where they excel.

In view of the need to provide equitable access and provision of programs to

the growing TVET clients, TESDA offers the training centers modality options for the

delivery of trainings namely school-based, center-based, enterprise-based and

community-based envisioned to create opportunities for people to be responsible

and become productive citizens. School-based as a training modality is the direct

delivery or provision of TVET programs by the TESDA-administered schools which

include post-secondary offerings of varying duration not exceeding three years.

Center-based training is the provision of short duration non-formal training

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undertaken in TESDA Regional and Provincial Training Centers. Enterprise- based

training is training program like apprenticeship, learnership and dual-training

program which are carried out within the firms or industries. The fourth training

modality is the community-based which is primarily designed to address the poor

and marginal groups, those who cannot access, or are not accessible by formal

training provisions. The program goes further than just mere skills training provision.

It is purposively designed to catalyzed the creation of livelihood enterprises that shall

be implemented by the trainees, immediately after the training. Likewise, it is

designed to assist partner agencies such as LGUs, NGOs, people organizations and

other agencies organizations with mission to help the poor get into productive

undertakings to help themselves and their communities.

As all training operations require financial element, training centers are given

scholarship slots to address equity and access to deserving TVET enrollees across

all regions in the country by providing direct financial assistance. As the trainees

directly benefit from the financial assistance by acquiring trainings and enhancement

of skills, this also lead to the quality training, improvement of facilities of training

centers and sustainability of operation.

The two popular scholarship programs of TESDA are Training for Work

Scholarship Program (TWSP) and Special Training for Employment Program

(STEP). TWSP is a scholarship program that provides immediate interventions to

meet the need for highly critical skills while STEP as an scholarship program

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provides skills and training opportunities for the beneficiaries in communities who

receive free training and competency assessment, starter toolkits and training

allowance per day for the duration of the training.

Aside from the demand of the industry and financial support of the TESDA

through scholarship vouchers, the owners and administrators of the training centers

have to know the different variables involved in business venture and how it will be

accepted on the open market along with who will be the target clients. Business

opportunities are determined by the various factors namely; marketing strategy,

management and organization, operations and financial performance. Marketing

strategy is an important factor that serves as an overall game plan that contains the

company’s value proposition, key brand messaging, data on target trainees

demographics, and other high-level elements for reaching prospective clients and

turning them into trainees of the training center. Management and organization is of

equal value in leading a company and effectively using or controlling its assets and

resources. It also goes well beyond a corporate structure; it requires administrators,

personnel and staff to have methods in place to resolve issues and develop

solutions that help the training center move closer to its desired goals and vision.

Moreover the operation must also be given proper attention since it covers

everything that happens within a company to keep it running and earn money.

Owners of training centers should understand the systems, equipment, people, and

processes need to make the organization function. Lastly, financial performance as

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the most crucial factor that measure how well a training center used all the available

assets in generating revenues. It must take big part of considerations given the fact

that it measures the results of a training center operations in monetary terms. By

collecting these data, management can then make an informed decision on which

path should be pursued in order to create the most profitable revenue stream for the

training center.

Today, there is an increasing recognition of TVET’s role in the development of

the national economy however, along with the increased appreciation, training

centers in the province of Batangas offering TESDA registered programs are

confronted with bigger and more complex challenges in the area of increasing

access to and quality of TVET. Some of the most exigent factors and concerns

TESDA has to deal with include the demand for higher level of skills and knowledge

due to advent of more modern and fast changing technology that has radically

changed the settings and environment of workshops/workplaces in many industries.

There is reactive and populist stance in development and provision of training and

education to target client. On top of these two major concerns is the comparatively

lower government budget/investment in TVET resulting to the dearth investment in

new/modern training centers for hard trades due to high capital requirement to build

and equip such training facility.

In terms of manpower, one issue training centers are facing is the constant

exodus of TVET trainers and highly skilled and experienced industry workers to

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other countries offering higher pay and better incentives. As a result, the number of

trainers or program experts central to the delivery of various TVET programs

particularly in critical or priority trades is decreasing. More than decreasing the

trainers in number, the greater challenge is ensuring their quality. Indeed, this calls

for an intensive implementation of an assessment program for trainers. Relative to

partnership, interest of big industries to collaborate/open their factories to

government/TESDA proposed training arrangement/packages is becoming limited. It

is also noted that there is decreasing client base for TVIs due to integration of TVET

in secondary education (K+12) and diminishing interest of present generation in

agriculture related qualifications and career.

The persisting low regard/status of TVET in the Philippine education system

is another challenge met by administrators of training centers not only in Batangas

but nationwide as well. The bad image of the past scandal involving the Technical

Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) . Report on TESDA released in

2013 that highlighted a number of questionable payments to some technical

vocational institutions (TVIs) found to have overpriced tuition fees or shortened

training schedules. It was during the time when the Priority Development Assistance

Fund (PDAF), also known as pork barrel, was still in existence, and where 19

legislators were implicated in the TESDA anomalies, mainly for having supported the

questionable TVIs (https://www. philstar. com/business/201905/07/ 1915583/poor-

regard-tech-vocational-education#CP5fSfCPW03feLud.99 ). With billions of pesos

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made available to TESDA in recent years, either through the national government,

the pork barrel system, or donati ons, the COA not only revealed non-compliance to

TESDA training standards, but even the presence of ghost students.

As part owner of a training center in Batangas City and a student of Doctor of

Philosophy in Business Management, the researcher is prompted to pursue this

paper to determines the status of the different training centers with TESDA

registered programs in the Province of Batanags. The end in view is to propose

business strategies to sustain their profitability.

Conceptual Framework

The Systems theory proposed in the 1940's by Ludwig von Bertalanffy  is one

of the two conceptual references of this study. According to (Jackson, 2003),

systems theory is an interdisciplinary theory about every system in nature, in society

and in many scientific domains as well as a framework with which we can investigate

phenomena from a holistic approach. Systems thinking comes from the shift in

attention from the part to the whole considering the observed reality as an integrated

and interacting unicuum of phenomena where the individual properties of the single

parts become indistinct. In contrast, the relationships between the parts themselves

and the events they produce through their interaction become much more important,

with the result that system elements are rationally connected). The systemic

perspective argues that we are not able to fully comprehend a phenomenon simply

by breaking it up into elementary parts and then reforming it; we instead need to

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apply a global vision to underline its functioning. Although we can start from the

analysis of the elementary components of a phenomenon, in order to fully

comprehend the phenomenon in its entirety we have to observe it also from a higher


Systems theory encompasses a wide field of research with different

conceptualizations and areas of focus. Specifically, within management and

marketing, a number of authors and scholars have adopted implicitly or explicitly a

vision of organizations as systems with the aim of analyzing the relationship

between organizations and their environment (Aldrich, 1979). Review of the systems

theory guides the researcher on managerial applications of systems thinking

specifically, those that make a specific reference to management. Von Bertalaffy

(1956) defines a system as a complex of interacting elements. He fosters systems

thinking in all disciplines in order to find general principles valid to all systems. A

fundamental notion of general systems theory is its focus on interactions. The center

in relationships lead to sustain that the behavior of a single autonomous element is

different from its behavior when the element interacts with other elements.

The second of the two conceptual references of this study Mintzberg's

general theory of strategy which identifies eight ideal types along a deliberate-

emergent continuum. The planned strategies type originate in formal plans-precise

intentions exist, formulated and articulated by central leadership, backed up by

formal controls to ensure surprise-free implementation in benign, controllable, or

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predictable environment. The entrepreneurial strategies originate in central vision-

intentions exist as personal, unarticulated vision of single leader, and so adaptable

to new opportunities organization under personal control of leader and located in

protected niche in environment. In this type, strategies are relatively deliberate but

can emerge. The ideological strategies which originate in shared beliefs-intentions

exist as collective vision of all actors, in inspirational form and relatively immutable,

controlled normatively through indoctrination and/or socialization organization often

proactive vis-à-vis environment

The umbrella strategies  originating in constraints-leadership, in partial control

of organizational actions, define strategic boundaries or targets within which other

actors respond to own forces or to complex, perhaps also unpredictable environment

while the process strategies originate in process-leadership controls process

aspects of strategy such as hiring, structure and the like leaving content aspects to

other actors.

From the two theories, the researcher is able to conceptualize that a training

center as a system has several domains which are inter-related and must be

connected with each other for sustainable operations. Domains in the training

centers refer to the manpower qualifications, organizational capability, training

modalities and scholarships. To achieve the desired future for the organization,

monitoring and evaluation of these areas must be done on a regular interval. Doing

so will ensure that areas needing improvement are identified and appropriate plans

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for enhancement are crafted for immediate implementation. On the other hand, the

general theory of strategy spoused by Mintzberg gives the idea that and

administrator or manager can opt for several actions to attain one or more of the

organization’s goals. Strategies can also give general directions for the company

and its various components to achieve a desired state in the future. However,

before an administrator or manager an strategize, he must be able to determine

factors contributing the effectiveness and efficiency of the day-to-day business

operations which include the elements of business such as marketing strategy,

management and organization, operations and financial performance. While

planning a strategy, it is essential to consider that decisions are not taken in a

vaccum and that any act taken by an organization is likely to be met by a reaction

from those affected, owners, administrators, customers and employees hence, the

assessments of these groups on the status of day-to-day business operations is of

vital importance. Strategy can also be defined as knowledge of the goals, the

uncertainty of events and the need to take into consideration the likely or actual

behavior of others. Strategy is the blueprint of decisions in an organization that

shows its objectives and goals, reduces the key policies, and plans for achieving

these goals, and defines the business the organization is to carry on, the type of

economic and human organization and the contribution it plans to make to its

shareholders, customers and society at large. The foregoing is the conceptual

paradigm of the study to be conducted by the researcher. As seen in Figure 1, the


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Profile of the
Training Centers

 manpower Triangulation
qualifications Method
 organizational
 training
modalities Questionnaire
 Scholarships
Elements of Business
Business Interview Strategies

 marketing
 management
and FGD
 operations
 financial

Challenges 11

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Figure 1

Research Paradigm

first box contains the input to be processed by the triangulation method. The input

covers the profile of the training centers in terms of manpower qualifications,

organizational capability, training modalities, the elements of business namely

marketing strategy, management and organization, operations and financial

performance and the sustainability challenges met by the administrators of TESDA

training centers. The second box contains the triangulation methods as

questionnaire, interview and Focus Group Discussion which will be used to

processed the input from box 1. The third box contains the expected output of the


The one-headed arrow signifies the process to be undertaken in which the

input will be processed through the throughput (triangulation method) to come up

with the output (Business strategies to sustain the profitability of the TESDA

registered programs).

Statement of the Problem


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This study aims to propose business strategies to sustain the profitability of

TESDA registered training centers in the province of Batangas.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1. How may the TESDA registered training centers be described with

reference to:

1.1 manpower qualifications of administrators, trainers, assessors; and

non-teaching personnel;

1.2 organizational capability of the TESDA registered training center

administrators in terms of:

1.2.1 leadership;

1.2.2 customer connection;

1.2.3 process excellence; and

1.2.4 people engagement?

1.3 training modalities

1.3.1 center-based;

1.3.2 enterprise-based;

1.3. 3 community-based;

1.4 scholarship

1.4.1 Training for Work Scholarship (TWSP); and

1.4.2 Special Training for Employment Program (STEP)?


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2. As assessed by owners, administrators, trainers and assessors, to what

extent are the following elements of business contribute to the operations of the

training centers?

2.1 Marketing strategy;

2.2 Management and organization

2.3 Operations

2.4 Financial performance

3. Is there significant difference in the assessments by the four groups of

respondents? How significant is the difference?

4. What sustainability challenges are met by the administrators of TESDA

registered training centers?

5. Based on the analysis, what business strategies may be proposed to

sustain the profitability of TESDA registered training centers?

Hypothesis of the Study

This study will test the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship in

the assessments by the four groups of respondents.

Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

The study covers the profile of TESDA registered training centers with

reference to manpower qualifications of administrators, trainers, assessors; and non-

teaching personnel, the organizational capability of the TESDA registered training

center administrators in terms of leadership, customer connection, process


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excellence and people engagement, the training modalities classified as center-

based, enterprise-based, and community-based, the scholarship programs

categorized as Training for Work Scholarship (TWSP) and Special Training for

Employment Program (STEP). In addition, it comprises the elements of business that

contribute to the operations of the training centers namely: marketing strategy,

management and organization, operations and financial performance. Part of the

study also are the sustainability challenges met by the administrators of TESDA

registered training centers. The output of the study is the proposed business

strategies to sustain the profitability of TESDA registered training centers in the

province of Batangas.

The study is delimited to only four elements of business as its coverage and

considers only the training centers located in the Province of Batangas. One

limitation of the study is it uses only researcher-made questionnaire, interview and

FGD and did not employ documentary analysis as instrument in data gathering.

Significance of the Study

This study may benefit the, the owners and administrators of training centers,

trainors, assessors, trainees and the industry employing the graduates of TESDA

training centers.

This study is considered significant to owners of training centers because of

its capacity to generate needed information for effective and appropriate use of

strategies to sustain profitability.


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The findings of the study will serve as basis for administrators of training to

enhance the currently existing practices pertaining to the management of training

centers offering TESDA registered programs. They may also be given the

opportunity to revisit the structure of their organizations to identify possible areas for

improvement and strengthen further the good points of the structure.

To the trainers and assessors, the identification of their practices and

perceptions on the contribution of business elements in the operation of the training

center may shed light on their problems and needs and how these could be met.

Further, their awareness will be enhanced and they shall be more guided in the

performance of their assigned tasks.

The trainees, being the key players may be benefited in such a way that the

proposed strategies may direct the school administrators efforts towards the

improvement of their learning experiences.

For other researchers, result that this study may reveal may help them to

widen their understanding about management of business particularly training

centers for the improvement and completion of their work. More so, in developing a

research related to the present study.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are lexically and

operationally defined.


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Business strategies. The term refers to the combination of all the decisions

taken and actions performed by the business to accomplish the business

goals and to secure a competitive position in the market. It is the backbone of

the business as it is the roadmap which leads to the desired goals. Any fault

in this roadmap can result in the business getting lost in the crowd of

overwhelming competitors. (


Center-based training. These are training provisions or programs that are

being offered under selected trade areas in TESDA Regional and Provincial Centers

throughout the country. (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.

Retrieved July 12, 2017).

Community-based training. This term means the TESDA programs, which are

primarily offered to those belonging to marginalized groups. These are intended to

expand educational access to those who are unable to access, or are not

accessible, by formal training provisions and programs. The program is also

designed to assist partner agencies such as LGUs, NGOs, people organizations and

other agencies and organizations with regard to their poverty-alleviation and

livelihood programs. (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.

Retrieved July 12, 2017).


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Customer connection. The term refers to a program by which key members of

a client company, such as the marketing team, spend time directly with consumers

or other people representing the client's existing or target customers.

( As used in this study,

customer connection is an organizational capability vital for a training center to

maintain its smooth operation.

Enterprise-based training. Enterprise-based programs are training programs

that are being implemented within companies or firms. (Technical Education and

Skills Development Authority. Retrieved July 12, 2017).

Financial performance.  It means subjective measure of how well a firm can

use assets from its primary mode of business and generate revenues. The term is

also used as a general measure of a firm's overall financial health over a given

period. ( As used in this

study, customer connection is one of the business elements necessary to pursue

efficient operations of the training centers.

Leadership. Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act

towards achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean

directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's

needs. ( As used in

this study, leadership is an organizational capability vital for a training center to

maintain its smooth operation.


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Management and organization. These are processes of leading a company

and effectively using or controlling its assets and resources. Organizational

management goes well beyond a corporate structure; it requires leaders to have

methods in place to resolve issues and develop solutions that help the business

move closer to its desired goals and vision. (


Marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is a written plan that

includes marketing topics like product development, promotion, distribution and

pricing approach; identifies you company's marketing goals; and explains how you

will achieve those goals. (


Operations. The term operations in management is the administration of

business practices to create the highest level of efficiency possible within an

organization. It is concerned with converting materials and labor into goods and

services as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit of an organization.


 Organizational capability. The terms refers to anything an organization does

well that improves business and differentiates the business in the market.

As used in this study, organizational capabilities are leadership, customer


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connection, process excellence and people engagement abilities administrators must

possess to sustain the effective and efficient operations of the training centers.

People engagement. Employee engagement is the extent to which

employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and

put discretionary effort into their work. (

engagement-survey/what-is-employee-engagement.asp). As used in this study

people management is the training centers’ organizational capability to ensure that it

will produce the desired workforce needed by the industry.

Process excellence. The term is about process effectiveness and efficiency. It

requires processes to be designed and improved for consistent delivery with

minimum variation and minimum waste. (


Profitability.  Profitability is ability of a company to use its resources to

generate revenues in excess of its expenses. In other words, this is a company’s

capability of generating profits from its operations. (www.

accounting-dictionary/profitability). As used in this study profitability means

measurement of efficiency – and ultimately its success or failure. It is the

training center’s ability to produce a return on an investment based on its


Scholarship Programs. In this study, the term means programs created to

give help and financial assistance to deserving TVET enrollees and trainees in the


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country such as Special Training for Employment Program and Training for

Work Scholarship.

School-Based Program. In this study, the term means programs that are

directly delivered or provided by TESDA-administered schools .

Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) is a type of scholarship

that focuses on the specific skills needed by the communities in order to promote

employment. This tackles self-employment and service-oriented activities to be more

specific (Scholarship and Student Assistance Programs. TESDA Retrieved July

12, 2017).

As used in this study, the term denotes a scholarship program with an

objective to provide skills and training opportunities not only to enhance the trainees

in the barangay area but to also make the trainees more adept and keen of their

skills needed to be ready for the job. Those who are a part of this program receive

free training, competency assessments, tool kits and training allowance worth sixty

pesos per day during the training period.

. Sustainability. Sustainability is a strategy that prioritizes the long term survival

of a business and connected ecological, social and cultural systems. It is the

capacity of a business to endure. (

business-sustainability). As used in this study, the term means business approach to

create long-term value by taking into consideration how a training center operates in


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the ecological, social and economic environment on the assumption that developing

such strategies foster the training center’s longevity.

Training for Work Scholarship (TWSP). The term means a scholarship

program which aims to give out solutions to the where the lack in skills in sectors

that relate with one another such as metals and engineering, along with

construction, tourism many more (Scholarship and Student Assistance Programs.

TESDA Retrieved July 12, 2017). In this study, the term means a scholarship

program that reinforces TVET institutions through incentives and proper training

programs in making the quality of their delivery better in order to meet the

requirements of a certain job.

Training modalities. As used in this study, training modalities are the different

forms of deliveries employed by trainers in training centers with TESDA registered

programs such as center-based, enterprise-based and community-based trainings.



This chapter presents various literatures and studies that have bearing to the

present study. Discussion on Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

(TESDA) Training Centers, Business Elements and Its Role in Training Center

Operations, Sustainability Challenges Among TESDA Training Centers and

Business Strategies are presented. The reviewed studies were conducted by foreign


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and local researchers which the writer considers relevant to the proposed


Related Literature

This portion contains reviewed literature on Technical Education and Skills

Development Authority (TESDA),

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Training

Centers. The education system in the Philippines embraces formal and non-formal

education. It is closely related to the American mode of education, which has 12

years basic education. The levels of education namely; elementary, secondary and

tertiary levels comprise the formal education. However, non-formal education

includes education opportunities, even outside school premises, that facilitate

achievement of specific learning objectives for particular clienteles, especially the

out of-school youths or adult illiterates who cannot avail of formal education.

Examples of this are TESDA programs for non-literate and semi-literate adults,

which integrate basic literacy with livelihood skills training.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) serves

as the Philippines' Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) authority. As

a government agency, TESDA is tasked to both manage and supervise the

Philippines' Technical Education and Skills Development (TESD). Its goals are to

develop the Filipino workforce with world-class competence and positive work values

and to provide quality technical-educational and skills development through its


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direction, policies, and programs conducted and delivered by various public and

private training centers.

TESDA training centers and other private Technical Vocational Institutions

are given the responsibility to conduct training for programs registered under

(UTPRAS) which primarily focus on job-specific training to students who are

typically bound for one of the skilled trades rather than providing academic training

for students pursuing careers in a professional discipline.

Business Elements and Its Role in Training Center Operations. Each training

center as individual business entity that operates separately, the organizational

capability should be ensured to sustain the operation and drives meaningful

business results. The skills and knowledge of a company's workforce allow the

organization to direct those skills to achieve the business's goals. Leadership,

customer connection, process excellence and people engagement are

organizational capabilities that ensure a capable workforce. To maintain the

capability, organization should ensure the workforce has the resources available to

improve continuously. Managing a talented workforce is an organizational capability

that provides a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

In business like managing TESDA training center, leadership is linked to

performance and any leadership has to consider that. It is not solely about profit,

those who are viewed as effective leaders are those who increase their company's

bottom lines. If an individual in a leadership role does not meet profit expectations


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set by boards, the higher management or shareholders may terminate the

concerned leader. To be effective, a leader certainly has to manage the resources at

her disposal. Leadership also involves communicating, inspiring and supervising -

just to name three more of the primary skills a leader has to have to be successful.

Leaders listen to the clients needs and unique issues, design, implement, track, and

refine each element to harness the maximum possible result and establish good

customer connection.

To ensure the continued growth and competitiveness of the training center in

the market, good customer relationship between the organization and its trainees

shall be taken into considerations. This is an organizational capability that affects

revenues, reputation and loyalty of trainees for future business. Maintaining existing

relationships with customers as well as developing new ones ensures the company

will grow and thrive in the future. A lean manufacturing environment is a capability

that focuses on the voice of the customer and meeting demand. This improves the

relationship with the customer for the business.

However, maintaining good customer relationship entails effectiveness and

efficiency. It requires processes to be designed and improved for consistent delivery

with minimum variation and minimum waste. Process excellence consists of having

simple, fast, repeatable and error-proof business processes that would strengthen

the trust of the clientele. All employees are expected to deliver consistent process to

achieve the desired goals.


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Employee engagement drives performance. Engaged employees look at the

whole of the company and understand their purpose, where, and how they fit in.

Organizations with an engaged workforce outperform their competition. They have a

higher earning per share (EPS) and recover more quickly after recessions and

financial setbacks. Engagement is a key differentiator when it comes to growth and

innovation. A company that has an effective employee engagement strategy and a

highly engaged workforce is more likely to retain top performers as well as attract

new talent. Successful organizations are value-driven with employee-centric

cultures. Aside from the organizational capabilities, TESDA provides direct training

programs, which are divided into four distinct training modalities: School-Based

Programs, Center-Based Programs, Community-Based Programs, and Enterprise-

Based Programs.

School-based programs are TVET programs that are directly delivered or

provided by TESDA-administered schools. Currently, there are 57 TESDA-

administered schools, 19 of which are agriculture schools, 7 are fishery schools and

31 are trade schools. School based programs include post-secondary offerings of

varying duration not exceeding three years. There are training provisions or

programs that are being offered in TESDA Regional and Provincial Centers

throughout the country. There are fifteen (15) Regional Centers and forty-five (45)

provincial centers, adding up to a total of 60 centers that provide center-based

programs. Such programs are offered under selected trade areas in the different


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regions and provinces of the country. Moreover, Enterprise-based programs are

training programs that are being implemented within companies or firms. Lastly,

TESDA also provides community-based programs, which are primarily offered to

those belonging to marginalized groups. These are intended to expand educational

access to those who are unable to access, or are not accessible, by formal training

provisions and programs. The program is also designed to assist partner agencies

such as LGUs, NGOs, people organizations and other agencies and organizations

with regard to their poverty-alleviation and livelihood programs.

To extend financial assistance to marginalized but deserving students in post-

secondary non-degree courses; TESDA provide scholarship programs namely

Training for Work Scholarship (TWSP) and Special Training for Employment

Program (STEP) which also aim to contribute to the development of a competent

skilled workforce and assist private institutions in their development efforts by

assuring a steady supply of enrollees to their course offerings.

Training for Work Scholarship (TWSP) Launched in May 2006 by the Office of

the President, the Training For Work Scholarship (TWSP) aims to give out solutions

to the where the lack in skills in sectors that relate with one another such as metals

and engineering, along with construction, tourism many more. Beginning in 2008 as

a part of the regular budget, this program also looks to give out more opportunities

for employees through incentives and proper training programs that link both jobs

internationally and domestically.


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On the other hand, Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) plans

to focus on the specific skills needed by the communities in order to promote

employment. This tackles self-employment and service-oriented activities to be more

specific. In this program, the objective is to provide skills and training opportunities to

not only enhance the enrolees in the barangay area but to also make the enrolees

more adept and keen of their skills needed to be ready for the job. Those who are a

part of this program receive free training, competency assessments, tool kits and

training allowance worth sixty pesos per day during the training period.

Along with the assurance of steady supply of trainees brought by the scholarship

voucher and grants by TESDA, training centers shall also ensure that various factors

are given proper implementation. Business opportunities are determined by the

various factors namely; marketing strategy, management and organization,

operations and financial performance. Marketing strategy is an important factor that

serves as an overall game plan that contains the company’s value proposition, key

brand messaging, data on target trainees demographics, and other high-level

elements for reaching prospective clients and turning them into trainees of the

training center. Management and organization is of equal value in leading a

company and effectively using or controlling its assets and resources. It also goes

well beyond a corporate structure; it requires administrators, personnel and staff to

have methods in place to resolve issues and develop solutions that help the training

center move closer to its desired goals and vision. Moreover the operation must also


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be given proper attention since it covers everything that happens within a company

to keep it running and earn money. Owners of training centers should understand

the systems, equipment, people, and processes need to make the organization

function. Lastly, financial performance as the most crucial factor that measure how

well a training center used all the available assets in generating revenues. It must

take big part of considerations given the fact that it measures the results of a

training center operations in monetary terms. By collecting these data, management

can then make an informed decision on which path should be pursued in order to

create the most profitable revenue stream for the training center.

Sustainability Challenges Among TESDA Training Centers. With the

increasing recognition of TVET’s role in the development of the national economy,

the major challenges confronting TVET are in the area of increasing access to and

quality of TVET. There is the need to expand the pool of experts particularly in

critical or priority trades. More than increasing the trainers in number, the greater

challenge is ensuring their quality.

The other major challenge is expanding the capacity of private TVET

institutions through scholarships. It makes the TVET system highly accessible to

poor but deserving Filipinos who require and need economic empowerment through

the acquisition of competitive competencies that meet job requirements. In response

to this challenge, the existing scholarship programs of TESDA are being expanded


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by pursuing partnership especially through financial sharing scheme with national

and local officials.

The rapid pace of globalization pressures nations to be competitive in order to

survive. This ushers the freer permeability of human resources among countries.

While it poses as a huge challenge to the survival of Filipino workforce in the global

market, it yields various opportunities. This challenge pushes for the continuing

development and replenishment of manpower in order to ensure that there are

workers of the right quality and right quantity for jobs that are made available at any

given instance. Further, it urges for a stronger labor market intelligence and

technology development. Lastly, it encourages transformation of the Filipino

workforce to be knowledge-based and adaptable to shifting skills or even


In pursuits of relevant, accessible, equal and cost efficient TVET, TESDA will

gear up to raise the capacity of TVET by being more innovative in managing its

resources and tapping more partners that could augment the limited resources, and

satisfy the demands of the industries in terms of skills and competency requirements

by sharpening labor market intelligence and subsequently use the updated labor

market information in developing and re-engineering training programs.

The search for competitive advantage is an ongoing quest for companies in

the industries. As new technologies continue to develop at a lightning fast rate, and

efficiencies are gained in all areas of production, one relatively new endeavor is


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becoming increasingly important: companies around the world are looking for ways

to become more sustainable.

In recent years, sustainability has become a popular topic as business

leaders face hardships with the poor economy. In fact, sustainability strategies have

been growing in popularity over the past several decades. Young and Tilley (2006)

describe in a recent article that the 1980’s and 1990’s were decades of eco-

awareness following the pollution aware decades of the 1960’s and 1970’s. Now, as

companies face increasing problems in trying to achieve profitability, managers are

looking for ways to decrease costs while still maintaining quality products and

services. Managers are looking for ways to survive. However, mere survival skills

will not give a company much hope for the future. This is where the concept of

sustainability becomes important.

It is important that sustainability concepts are able to produce visible results

for the companies that implement them. Without visible results, it is likely that

companies will choose not to pursue these strategies. However, researchers have

been able to identify ways to ensure success through sustainability. It has been

found that a competitive advantage can be accomplished through a balance

between economic progress, social responsibility, and environmental protection

(Epstein, 2008). With this formula for competitive advantage, more companies will

be willing to implement sustainability concepts.


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With the growing popularity of sustainability, it is not surprising that the trend

is also growing in popularity among entrepreneurs. According to Gibbs (2009) in his

recent article, sustainability entrepreneurs are a new breed of entrepreneur that work

to combine the social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainability. These

business owners are leading the trend towards successful sustainability. Using the

three valuable components of the formula for competitive advantage that were

defined by Gibbs (2009), these entrepreneurs are starting their companies from the

ground up in a way that produces an immediate advantage in their respective


Sustainability entrepreneurs have an alternative approach to doing business

that also assists them in building their advantage. In common practice, the primary

strategy of businesses is to do whatever it takes to earn a profit. While profit is key to

the success of any business, it is not the primary concern of the sustainability

entrepreneur. Instead, these business owners focus on environmental health and

social concerns (Gibbs, 2009). These owners are more likely than the traditional

entrepreneurs to focus on reducing their companies’ carbon footprint and keeping

their employees happy.

It is common knowledge that employee happiness is essential to the long-

term viability of a company. However, it is difficult to imagine a company finding

long-term success using a strategy that places social concerns above all else. A

recent article by Gundlach and Zivnuska (2010) addresses the topic of sustainability


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entrepreneurs from the standpoint of the differences in business education required

for sustainability entrepreneurs versus traditional entrepreneurs. In the article, the

authors point out that curriculum must be changed to suit the drive and passion of

these social entrepreneurs who often will not accept the traditional concepts

(Gundlach and Zivnuska, 2010).

Sustainability entrepreneurs, by definition, show a concern for society, the

economy, and the environment. However, another group of entrepreneurs is known

for their ability to combine an environmental focus with their for-profit business.

These entrepreneurs have been named ecopreneurs (Gibbs, 2009). Ecopreneurs,

by definition, are entrepreneurs who combine their business activities with an

environmental awareness in order to shift the basis of economic development

towards a more environmentally friendly basis (Gibbs, 2009). These ecopreneurs

are at the forefront of leading the way towards going green. Sustainability is a good

choice for companies, the environment, and society. These strategies have

numerous benefits for everyone.

However, sustainability strategies may not be feasible for a number of

companies. Small and medium sized companies face a number of challenges at

start-up and throughout the life of the company. These challenges include barriers to

entry, high operating costs, and small customer base. All of the challenges affect a

company’s ability to spend money. With tight budgets, it can be difficult to convince


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managers to pursue an often costly move towards an environmental focus or social

concern strategy.

Starting a Training Center can be challenging. When a group of

administrators decides to open a training center they need to make sure that their

decision is based on sound data and that they have a reasonable understanding of

the costs and strategies needed to successfully open their training center. In today’s

complicated market, the need to work smarter and be ready for opening day is

critical. There is never a second chance to make a first impression. With proper

planning, financial sustainability can be assured.

Business Strategies. In business, strategies is the long-range sketch of the

desired image, direction and destination of the organization. It is a scheme of

corporate intent and action, which is carefully planned and flexibly designed with the

purpose of achieving effectiveness, perceiving and utilizing opportunities, mobilizing

resources, securing an advantageous position, meeting challenges and threats,

directing efforts and behaviour and gaining command over the situation.

It is nothing but a master plan that the management of a company

implements to secure a competitive position in the market, carry on its operations,

please customers and achieve the desired ends of the business.

A business strategy is a set of competitive moves and actions that a business

uses to attract customers, compete successfully, strengthening performance, and

achieve organisational goals. It outlines how business should be carried out to reach


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the desired ends. Business strategies equip the top management with an integrated

framework, to discover, analyze and exploit beneficial opportunities, to sense and

meet potential threats, to make optimum use of resources and strengths, to

counterbalance weakness.

Levels of Business Strategies are identified to set the boundaries and

responsibilities of all levels namely, corporate, business, and functional. Corporate

level strategy is long-range, action-oriented, integrated and comprehensive plan

formulated by the top management. It is used to ascertain business lines, expansion

and growth, takeovers and mergers, diversification, integration, new areas for

investment and divestment and so forth. Business level strategy on the other hand is

developed by the general managers, who convert mission and vision into concrete

strategies. It is like a blueprint of the entire business. Lastly, the functional level is

developed by the first line managers or supervisors, functional level strategy

involves decision making at the operational level concerning particular functional

areas like marketing, production, human resource, research and development,

finance and so on.

In business, there is always a need for multiple strategies at various levels as

a single strategy is not only inadequate but improper too. Therefore, a typical

business structure always possesses three levels.


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Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
Related Studies

This portion contains reviewed literature on Technical Education and Skills

Development Authority (TESDA),

Pacio (2016) Impact Evaluation Study, TESDA produced 1,606,622 TVET

graduates in 2016, dominated by females. The largest portion of the TVET

graduates came from Region IV-A. On the average, a TVET graduate is 28.49 years

old with a standard deviation of 11.2 years. The potential TVET clientele are mainly

high school graduates in which about 42% were high school graduates (old

curriculum) before taking TVET programs. The largest proportion of the TVET

graduates (55.92%) was produced by institution-based mode of training, followed by

the community-based mode of training (39.2%). Among the 2016 TVET graduates,

508,314 were recipients of a certain scholarship. This makes up 32% of the

population, in which around half were scholars of Training for Work Scholarship

Program (TWSP). TVET programs in Tourism sector were the most popular among

graduates in 2016, registering the highest number of graduates (22.75%), dominated

by females.

Many of the graduates (57%) were produced by WTR programs, while 7%

were graduates from programs with No Training Regulations (NTR). Among the

WTR graduates, about 78% took the assessment. There were WTR graduates who

did not take the assessment because they believed it was not mandatory (21.65%);


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Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
there was lack of time due to work, school or being abroad (18.96%); the

assessment tools/test package were not available (17.5%); and due to financial

constraints (9.2%). WTR graduates who took the assessment attained a passing

rate of 94.22% and most of them were given certificate of competency for National

Certificate (NC) Level II.

Quimba (2017) Study on the Employability of TVET Graduates, the labor

force participation rate (LFPR) of 2016 TVET graduates is found to be at 62.2%, in

which 72% were employed during the time of the survey. More male graduates

(72.23%) than females (63.59%) were reported working at the time of the survey.

The highest employment rate was recorded in Region XI. Moreover, those under

TTIs registered a higher employment rate than those non-TTIs. The dual training

system accounted the highest employment rate at 88.93%, which is considerably

higher than the other training modes. On the average, it took for a graduate 2.85

months before getting a job, with deviation of 2.96 months.

Statistical comparison revealed no significant difference in the employment

rate among different training delivery modes at 5% level of significance. The

employment rate of graduates from ARMM is recorded as the lowest, but not

significantly different to that of in Regions VIII, IX, and XII. Whereas, employment

rate recorded in Region XI was significantly higher than the other 16 regions.


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Employment rate across different occupational groups was also not significantly

different. Moreover, employment rate was not significantly different from the rates

gained by Decorative Crafts, Furniture and Fixtures, and Logistic. Employment rate

of graduates from TTI was found to be significantly higher than non-TTI. Conversely,

employment rate of certified graduates was not significantly different from non-

certified graduates. The same result is noted in the comparison of employment rate

across scholarship programs.

Based on the findings, although majority of the graduates were employed at

the time of the survey, still a considerable number of graduates (of about 28%) were

not yet employed, not meeting the target that all graduates will be employed after

attending a program. Regions and programs with a large portion of unemployed

graduates shall be taken into consideration. Enhancing the job bridging program of

the government is suggested. Also, as the implication of the many graduates opting

not to take the competency assessment specifically for WTR programs, it is

recommended that the mandatory assessment policy be reviewed for a more

effective implementation of the said policy. Moreover, there were graduates who

were not satisfied with the program attended because they felt that they did not

possess the skills they were expecting to gain in attending the TESDA program.

Hence, it is recommended that programs be reviewed in accordance to the demand

of the industry, especially the dual training system for WTR programs and the

enterprise-based for NTR programs.


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Characterizing the employed graduates, it can be said that a quarter of them

were hired as service and sales workers. Majority of the employed graduates during

the survey were from institution-based training delivery mode. A large portion

(75.77%) of employed graduates is classified as wage and salary workers. Many of

the employed graduates were from the Tourism sector (Hotel and Restaurant) with

20.77%, followed by electrical and electronics sector with 12.22%. About 51% of the

employed graduates were already permanent in their jobs or businesses. Majority

(81.82%) of the graduates, half of which were females, chose to work within their


It is estimated that 831,352 (91.33%) of the graduates have already been

given a certification as a recognition for meeting the standard competency in the

knowledge and skills required in a certain sector, of which 74% were working at the

time of the survey. In both male and female certified graduates, TTIs had a higher

employment rate than non-TTIs. Majority (93%) of the wage and salary workers

were already given certification for meeting the competency standards. Also,

majority of the own account workers (91.69%) and those involved in the unpaid

family work (95.76%) were already certified graduates. Likewise, most of the

graduates in different occupational groups took and passed the competency

assessment. Alternatively, the highest percentage of employed graduates who were

not yet passers of the assessment were the skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery


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workers. Most employed graduates were competency assessment passers, in which

the highest employment rate was recorded for those working for different employers

on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis. It was also found that many skilled TVET

clients are given incentive by their employers, in the form of salary increase, to

enhance their skills and productivity.

Cabautan (2014) Cost Benefit Study on Dual Training System, only about

32% of the TVET graduates availed a scholarship while enrolled in a training

program, in which around 76% were employed. STEP scholars accounted for the

highest employment rate at 77.62%, slightly outnumbering other scholarship

programs. Majority of the graduates from many of the different sectors funded by

the TWSP program were actively working during the survey.

Males, on the average, earned ₱11,323.06 monthly, while females earned

₱10,869.89. Moreover, graduates from non-TTI earned higher (₱11,129.23) than TTI

(₱10,377.85), on the average. Higher monthly income was recorded for (1) Maritime

with ₱20,822.78, (2) TVET with ₱19,411.28, (3) Language with ₱17,933.67, and (4)

Information and Communication Technology with ₱ 14,629.03.

Majority of the graduates from all the training delivery modes thought that the

trainings gave them the skills expected for them to gain. However, it is still important

to note that there were graduates, though very few, who felt that attending the


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training did not help them level up their skills. Overall, majority of the graduates were

satisfied with the trainings they attended at TESDA.

Many of the graduates got their job through referrals (34.28%) and walk-in

applications (31.95). Among the employed graduates, only 40% deemed the skills

that they gained from the attended programs as very useful in their current jobs.

Statistical analysis for association found that educational attainment, age

group and region of a graduate were moderately associated with a graduate’s

employability, while the type of provider, availing of a scholarship program, took

competency, took YP4SC or not, level of certification, perception, satisfaction of

training attended, were weakly associated with one’s employability. Furthermore,

logistic regression analysis revealed that type of provider, perception whether or not

the graduates possess the skills after completing the program and age group can be

considered as determinant of the likelihood for a graduate to be employed. A higher

employment rate was recorded for those who affirmed that they gained skills from

the training than those who did not. Also, a graduate aged 25-34, 35-44, 45-54; and

55-64 is 1.5 times, 1.6 times, twice, and thrice, respectively, more likely to be

employed than a graduate aged 15-24 years. Conversely, the odds of a TVET

graduate to be employed is reduced to about 21.6% if one is from non-TTIs.

Chaleunsouk, T. (2017) cited on the study of business strategies applied by

entrepreneurs, today’s competitive business environment is unstable and continues


Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
to change, so business owners are facing great challenges in designing suitable

business plans, particularly in developing countries where there are few studies and

limited knowledge on business analysis and organisational strategies. Organisations

need effective business strategies so that they can compete and succeed. In

addition, to understand business environment, it is important for entrepreneurs and

top managers to analyse the business environment in which their firms are

surrounded in order to make effective business plans and suitable strategies. As

Laos is a small and developing country which SMEs are the back bone of the

national economy, it is vital to apply business environment analysis and business

strategies to enhance business performance and gain competitive advantages.

Based on the findings, it was found that although the majority of the hotel

entrepreneurs were familiar and use business analysis tools, more than half of them

did not apply PESTLE and Porter’s Five Forces in their hotel businesses. Besides,

the main difficulties of hotel SMEs to apply business analysis tools were a lack of

concern about organizational plans, inadequate human resources and limited

access to analytical information.

Yong Zeng (2017) Organizational Capability Model: Toward Improving

Organizational Performance. Organizational capability is of particular importance to

organizational performance. Existing research in the literature identified a wide

range of factors that would contribute to organizational capability. The study develop

an organizational capability model based on a model of individual capability.


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Organizational knowledge, skills and emotion are identified as the three elements

determining the organizational capability. In the proposed model, organization is

abstracted as a work-centric construct highlighting work, goal and people as the

contextual factors influencing emergence of the organizational elements. These

elements are explained in details focusing on their characteristics as organizational

phenomena. Finally, it is briefly discussed how the proposed organizational

capability model can be used for effective organization management.




This chapter presents the research design of this study. This serves as the

roadmap towards the completion of the paper. It discusses what methods were used

in collecting and analyzing the data gathered. In particular, this part presents the


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Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
procedures in conducting and gathering the essential information for further

assessment, synthesis, and final interpretation.

Research Design

The researcher tends to use triangulation method in this paper to achieve

accurate results. Triangulation is a powerful technique that facilitates validation of

data through cross verification from more than two sources. In particular, it refers to

the application and combination of several research methodologies in the study of

the same phenomenon. It can be employed in both quantitative (validation) and

qualitative (inquiry) studies. It is a method-appropriate strategy of founding the

credibility of qualitative analyses. It becomes an alternative to traditional criteria like

reliability and validity. It is the preferred line in the social sciences.


The respondents of this study will be the one hundred and eighty (160) out of

the total population of five hundred and twenty (520) owners, administrators, trainers

and assessors province wide. The respondents represent the ________training

centers in the province of Batangas.

The distribution of the respondents will be 40 per group of respondents

selection be done through random sampling.

Research Instrument

There are several data collection instruments to be used in the research

namely: questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion.


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Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
Questionnaire. The instrument that the researcher will use in gathering the

desired information for the study is the checklist questionnaire which will be

patterned according to the problems stated in the study. The questions are made in

details to obtain valid and reliable results. The researcher intentionally makes the

responses easy but significant to the study so that respondents would not mind

sharing a little of their time and so as not to consume extra effort and energy. As the

prime method of collecting data. The researcher will use sets of items in which the

respondents are usually asked to rate the importance of a particular issue, on a

rating scale of 1-4. A four-point numerical scale with 4 as the highest or Very High

Extent and 1 as the lowest or Very Low Extent will be used to ascertain the extent

four identified business elements contribute to the day-to-day operations of the

training centers.

The questionnaire will be divided into four parts: Part 1 will be the the profile

of the TESDA registered training centers in terms of manpower qualifications. Part 2

will be the organizational capability of the TESDA registered training center

administrators in terms of leadership, customer connection, process excellence and

people engagement. The third part of the questionnaire will be the training modalities

of programs registered under TESDA and the scholarships provided by the agency

to trainees of different trades. The last part of the questionnaire will be the four

elements of business which contribute to the operations of the training centers


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namely: marketing strategy, management and organization, operations and financial


The first draft of the questionnaire will be shown to the adviser for comment.

Suggestions on the format and content were incorporated for the second draft. The

second draft will be shown to the Provincial TESDA Director for validation. The pre-

survey will be conducted to determine the reliability and validity of the questionnaire

Interview. Another source of data will be through interview. A formal meeting

in selected person, specifically arranged for the assessment or evaluation of some

facts needed in this paper will be done by the researcher. Data that cannot be

provided by questionnaire can be acquired through this instrument with interview

guide carefully written. In order to facilitate a more productive interview, a guide or

schedule will be carefully prepared. Open-as well as close-ended questions relative

to the study will also considered.

Focus Group Discussion. Series of focus group discussion will be conducted

in an informal manner on the sustainability challenges met by owners and

administrators. One on one interview will be implemented by the researcher to come

up with sincere and uninhibited answers from the respondents. Sustainability

challenges met by administrators of TESDA registered training centers will be

revealed through the effective interview techniques to be done in this paper.

Recorded transcripts will likewise be considered. Like in the interview, FGD guide or

schedule will be carefully prepared to facilitate more productive exchange of


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Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
information. The researcher will take notes on the proceedings of the discussion.

This method is hoped to be effective since the participants will exchange views on

matters being discussed. These will serve as input to the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of endorsement will be requested from the Dean of the Graduate

School of University of Batangas. Then permission to sample out respondents and

conduct the study and to gather the necessary data from all the respondents will be

requested from the authorities. The approved request will be presented to the duly

identified respondents to whom the questionnaires will be distributed. After which,

questionnaires will be retrieve, tallied, analyzed and interpreted. For the interview

and FGD, the notes on the proceedings of the discussion will be transcribed by the


Statistical Treatment of Data

The empirical data collected will be treated statistically using most appropriate

statistical methods. Descriptive statistics such as weighted mean, standard

deviation, frequency and percentage will be employed to analyze and interpret the

data to be gathered.

Weighted mean. Measured the typicality of the data and the standard

deviation will give a description on the variability or dispersion of the responses.

Scale Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50 - 4.00 Most Extensive


Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
3 2.50 – 3.49 More Extensive

2 1.50 – 2.49 Less Extensive

1 1.00 – 1.49 Not Extensive

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondents for a

certain questions or items.


Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041



Key Result Area Performance Strategies Success

Indicators Parameters

 Process
 People
Business Elements

 Marketing
 Management
 Operations
 Financial


Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041

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