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C:\BOT-D-Kdoc ADISK073 Meaning of Scientific Names - Botany 1


Compiled by

John Cunliff


Uschi Teicher

Year 2005
C:\BOT-D-Kdoc ADISK073 Meaning of Scientific Names - Botany 2

The following terms have been used in classifying the names:

Terms Used and their Abbreviations

N Name GGN Generic names derived from geographics
G. Greek MGN Miscellaneous Generic Names
L. Latin GSN Geographic Specific Epithets
CGN Commemorative Generic Name CSN Commemorative Specific Names
DGN Descriptive Generic Name DSN Descriptive Specific Names
m Male n Neuter
f Female

1. GERMISHUIZEN, GERRIT, Transvaal Wild Flowers, South China Printing Co, Hong Kong, 1982, ISBN
0 86954 108 0
2. POOLEY, ELSA, The complete field guide to trees of Natal, Zululand & Transkei, Natal Flora
Publications Trust, 1993, ISBN 0-620 17697-0
3. WALKER, JOAN, Wild flowers of KwaZulu - Natal,W R Walker Family Trust, 1996, ISBN 0-620-19079-
4. MACOBOY, STIRLING, Trees for fruit and foliage,Landsdowne Press Sydney, 1982, ISBN 0-7018-
5. PLOWES, D C H, & DRUMMOND, R B, Wild flowers of Rhodesia, Longmans Rhodesia, ISBN 0-582-
6. SAVELL, BOB & ANDREWS, STAN, Growing Camellias in the southern hemisphere, Howard Timms
Publishers, 1982, ISBN 0-86978-235-5.
7. ANON, How to grow African violets, Sunset Book, Lane Publishing Co, 1978, ISBN 0-376-03056-9.
8. Garden and Home, magazine.
9. GILBERT, ZÖ, Fruit growing in Southern Africa, Purnell, 1978, ISBN 0-868-43921-8
10. HARRISON, RICHMOND E, Handbook of trees and shrubs for the southern hemisphere, R E Harrison
& Co Ltd, New Zealand,1960
11. CODD, L E W, Bome en struike van die nasionale Kruger-Wildtuin, Die Staatsdrukker, Pretoria 1951
12. ANON., Reader's Digest complete guide to gardening in South Africa, The Reader's Digest Association,
Cape Town, 1971. Vol,1 pages 297 to 304.
13. ANON, The Reader's Digest Complete Library of the Garden, The Reader's Digest Association Limited,
London, First edition, Volume 3, pages 1218 to 1223.
14. STEARN, WILLIAM T, Botanical Latin,third edition1987, David & Charles, ISBN 0-7153-8548-8
15. DAVIDSON, ALAN & KNOX, CHARLOTTE, Fruit, a connoisseur's guide and cookbook,Mitchell
Beazley, 1991, ISBN 0 855 33 903 9.
16.FABIAN, ANITA and GERMISHUUIZEN, GERRIT, Wild Flowers of Northern South Africa,Fernwood
Press, 1997, ISBN 1 874950 296
17. PALMGRAVE, K C, Trees of Southern Africa, Struik Publishers, 1990, ISBN 0 86977 8100
18. POOLEY, Elsa, A Field Guide to Wild Flowers Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Region, Natal Flora
Publications Trust, ISBN 0 620 21500-3
19. PLEASANT, BARBARA, The Gardener's Weed Book, Storey Communications Inc. Schoolhouse road,
Pownal, Vermont 05 261, 1996, ISBN 0-88266-921-4
20. PERRY, FRANCIS, Flowers of the World, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto,
21. CANDY, SOLVIG, Natal Coast Gardening,Knox Printing Company (Pty) Ltd, 30-36 Baker Street,
Durban. Seventh Edition 1959
22. POTGIETER, MARTIN 7 MADZIBANE, JOEY. Mopane-Veldt, Veld & Flora,Vol 87(2), June 2 001.
23. Veld & Flora magazine.
24. DE BRAY, LYS, Nature Facts. Flowers, Grange Books, ISBN 1-85627-349-0, reprint 1993.
25. POOLEY, ELSA, The Complete Field Guide to Trees of Natal Zululand and Transkei.Natal Floral
Publication Trust, c/o Natal Herbarium, Botanic Gardens, Durban, 4 000, First edition 1993, ISBN 0 620
17612 0.
C:\BOT-D-Kdoc ADISK073 Meaning of Scientific Names - Botany 3

26. DAVIDSON, ALAN and KNOX< CHARLOTTE< Fruit,. A Connoisseur s Guide and Cookbook,
Mitchell Beazley Publishers, 1991, ISBN 0 855 903 9
27. PACKHAM, THOMAS, Meeting with Remarkable Trees,1997, Jonathan Hall Publishers, IISBN 186842
28. BECHEL Helmut, GRIBB Phillip, LAUNERT Edmund, The Manual of Cultivated Orchid Species,
Blandford Press Poole Dorset. ISBN 0 7137 1097 7 First published 1980
29. Veld and Flora. Journal of the Botanical Society of South African

Page Page Page Page
A 4 H 56 O 86 V 131
B 17 I 61 P 96 W 134
C 22 J 65 Q 104 X 135
D 36 K 66 R 105 Y 135
E 42 L 70 S 110 Z 136
F 48 M 76 T 123
G 51 N 83 U 129
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a - G. a not. Example: Aptosimum from a ptosimos, not falling. - 23, Dec 2000,
-a - See -ulus, -tus, -uus.
a- - L. a- before a consonant; ab- before a consonant or vowel; abs- before a c or t. Greek apo-. Away from,
out of, from, by, at, in. Abaxialis, away from the axis. - 14, 302, 378
b- a-- G. Prefix. a- before a consonant; an- before a vowel. Not, without, destitute of, lacking; un-, less;
See e-, ex. Achromus, without colour. See agaratum, and genus Alepidea, Aspilia.- 14,304,378; 16,434;

ab- - L. See a-.- 14, 302 - 14, 302
abbottii CSN. Named after Tony Abbott. See Psoralea a. 18,462
abbreviata - DSN. L. Shortened, stunted. See Cassia a. - 1, 134; 16, 166b
abelia - CGN. Dr Clarke Abel. - 10, 11; 12, 299 DGN. Leaves resemble those of Abelia. -10, 12
-abilis - -is, -e. See bilis . - 14, 307
abros - G. Delicate, soft. See genus Abrus - 1, 126; 18,60,464
abrotanum- -DSN. Artemisia a. - 13, 1221
abrus - MGN. (1) Origin uncertain. Possibly from the Greek abros, delicate, but more probably an Arabic
name for genus Abrus. (2) From abros,soft, refers to the leaves - 1, 126; 16, 194c; 18,60
abs- - See a-. - 14, 302
abutilon - MGN. Arabic name for a mallow-like plant. See genus Abutilon.- 10, 12; 16, 252e; 18,282
abyssinica GSN. L. Pertaining, or from, to Abyssinia now Ethiopia. See Bulbine a., Stephania a.- 1, 30;
16, 56f, 136i; 18,52,224

ac- - See ad- - 14, 302
acacallis - MGN. G. From the Greek Akakallis who was a nymph and the lover of Apollo. - 28,39
acacia - DSN. G. From the Greek Akakia or (acantha), used by Dioscorides. From akantha, thorn an
outstanding feature of this genus Acacia - 1, 142, 144; 10, 14; 11, 35; 12, 300;
16,160b-f,162a-h, 164a-d
acalypha DGN. G. Nettle. The ancient Greek name, used by Hippocrates, for the nettle which this genus's
leaves resemble. - 1, 154; 2, 226; 3, 104; 10, 18; 16, 224c,d,g, 228g; 18,62
acampe - DSN, G. From akampes rigid, in reference to the small brittle flowers and probably an allusion to
Rheede s rigid air flower . See genus Acampe.- 18,246; 28,40;
acanth- - L. acantho-. Thorny, spiny. See akanthos - 14, 379
acantha - G. f. Spine, thorn, prickle. - 14, 272
acanthephippium - DSN. G. From akantha thorn and ephippion saddle probably referring to the shape of the
blade of the lip which has 2 parallel, toothed crests which fancifully resemble a saddle. - 28,40
acanthocarpa - DSN. With a thorny fruit. - 10, 339
acanthus DSN. A genus of Acantaceae. See Rhinacanthus.- 18,438
acaulis - DSN. Stemless. See Crinum a.- 18, 348, 12, 304; 13, 1222
-aceae - Suffix added to stem of name or synonym of type genus to form name of family. Cyperaceae from
Cyprus. - 14, 379
acer DSN. L. Sharp. The leaves sharply toothed, generally in diginate form (resembling a spread hand)
with 3 to 13 lobes. The name for maple. - 4, 15; 10, 18
acerifolius - DSN. Having sharp leaves. - 10, 339
acerosum DSN. Needle-shaped, like a pine needle. See Phymaspermum a. 18,320
-aceus - -a, -um. Indicates resemblance; noun base. Coriaceus, from corium, leathery. - 14, 307
achillea - MGN. Genus Achillea named after Achilles, mythical warrior. - 12, 297; 13, 1216; 18,218
achyron - G. Chaff, husks. See genus Achyranthes. - 14, 272; 18,528
acidos - G. f. Acis. Pointed object. - 14, 272
acinaciformis - DSN. L. Like a curved sword or scimitar. See Crassula a. - 1, 120;18,142
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acineta - DGN. G. From akinetos immoveable describing the rigid jointless condition of the lip. - 28,41
acis - G. f. Acidos. Pointed object. -14, 272
acme - G. f. Highest point - 14, 272
acokanthera - DSN. G. Sharp-pointed bloom. For Acokanthera from akok meaning point, and anthera, the
anthers being pointed. - 1, 204; 10, 22; 16, 306c, 308c
aconitiflora - DSN. L. With flowers similar to those of Aconitum, a member of the Ranunculaceae. See
Duvernoia. a. - 16, 398c
aconitoides - DSN. Resembles aconite or monkshood (Aconitum). See Disa a. 16, 112a;18,364
aconitum - GSN. A hill in Pontica, Asia Minor. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
acraeum - DSN. G. Dweller on the heights. See Pelargonium a. - 1, 148; 16, 204i,j; 18,400
acridocarp - DSN. G. Locust winged. Locust fruit, alluding to the wings on the fruit that resemble outspread
wings of a locust. - 2, 206; 16, 216b
acros - G. At the tip, end, summit. - 14, 272
acrotome - DSN. G. From akrotomos, cut off sharply at the end. - 1, 228, 230; 16, 346g, 348f
actinaciformis - DSN. L. Like a curved sword or scimitar. In Crassula a. it alludes to the leaf shape. -
actino- - G. In compounds, rayed, star-like, radiating from a centre. Actinodromus, with veins radiating from
the centre. - 14, 380
actinos - G. f. Actis. Ray. - 14, 272
actis - G. f. Actinos. Ray. - 14, 272
aculeastrum - DSN. G. Spiny. Solanum a. - 2, 446
aculeata DSN. L. Prickly. See Eulophia a. subsp huttonii. + Pereskia a., - 16, 98d; 18,126,158,370
aculeatum - DSN. Prickly, with horns. In Papaver a. it refers to the stems. - 16,142d; 18,52
aculum - Indicates an instrument or means; verb base. Retinaculum, hold fast, tether from retinere, to hold
back, restrain. - 14, 305
acuminata - DSN. Gradually diminishing point. Tapering into a long narrow point. In Maytenus a. it refers to
the leaves. In Melhania a it refers to the shape of the epicalyx bracts which taper abruptly to a point.
See Melhania a.,Hypoxis a. - 2, 262; 5, pl 104; 16, 260f; 18,232
acutatum - DSN. L. Sharpened slightly, as in the apex. See Helichrysum a. - 16, 440d; 18,310
acuti - L. Acute, sharp. See acutiloba. - 1, 32
acutifolius - DSN. L. Having pointed leaves. See Lycium a.- 10, 339; 18,188
acutiloba - DSN. L. With sharp-pointed lobes. See Tulbaghia a. - 1, 32; 16, 52h; 18,510
acutipetala - DSN. L. With sharply pointed petals. See Khadia a. - 1, 106; 16, 134e; 18,380
acutisepala - DSN. L. With sharp pointed sepals. See Indigofera a. - 1, 124

ad- - L. ac- before c; af- before f; ag- before g; al- before l; an- before n; ap- before p; ar- before r; as- before
s, at- before t. Towards, near. Appendix, something that hangs on. - 14, 302
ada - MGN. G. Named after Ada, the sister of Artemisia, from Caria. - 28,42
adahatodoides - DGN. Resembling Adhatoda, another genus in the family. See Duvernoia a. 1, 250
adansonia - CSN. Michel Adanson. - 1, 172; 4, 19; 16, 258
aden- - G. In compounds, gland-. Adenospermus, with glandular seeds. 14, 380
aden - G. f. Adenos. A gland. See genus Synadenium, Adenandra, Adenocarpum, Macradenia, Adenia,
Tetradenia, Monadenium.- 1, 156, 276; 10, 22; 14, 272; 16, 226f; 18,68,472,534; 28,295
adenandra - DSN. From aden, a gland, and aner a male, the anthers are tipped with a globose gland. - 10, 22
adenia - DSN. G. A glandular enlargement. From aden, a gland, referring to glands on the leaf stalk, flower.
See genus Adenia.- 1, 180; 16, 268a,b, 270a-c; 18,68,290
adenioides - DGN. Resembling the genus Adenium. See Ipomoea a. 1, 222; 16, 334e
adenium - DSN. G. Having a glandular enlargement. Alternatively, Forskal recorded the Arabian vernacular
name of Nerium obesum as Oddaeyn or Aden, and it is from the latter, and not the city, that the generic
name Adenium is derived. See also species adenioides. - 1,200,204,222; 5, pl 123; 16, 302c, 306b;
adenocarpum - DSN. G. From aden, gland and karpos, fruit. Glandular fruit. Helichrysum a. has glandular
achenes. Also Helichrysum a.subsp a. - 1, 276; 5, pl 188; 16, 438c; 18,442
adenodes - DSN. With glandular knots. See Rhynchosia a. 18,270
adenos - G. Aden. A gland. See Adenostemma, Monadenia - 14, 272; 16, 448d; 18,572
adenostemma - DSN.G. From adenos, a gland and stemma, a garland. - 16, 448d
adhatoda DGN. A Malabar name. See Adhatoda, adhatodoides. - 1, 250; 16, 388d; 18,202
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adhatodoides - DSN. Resembling Adhatoda another genus of the family. See Duveronia a. - 1, 250; 16,388d
adianthiferra - Leaves like maiden-hair fern. - 2, 118
adianthifolia - DSN. L. With leaves like a maidenhair fern, bipinate. See Albizia a. 1, 134; 2, 118; 3,196; 16,
adina - DSN. G. From adinos, grouped [gegroepeer] and it refers to the flowers. -11, 170
adinos - See genus Adina - 11, 170
adinstar - L. Similar to. {aster} See genus Cotoneaster - 12, 300
adoensis - MSN. Derived from a place name in Ethiopia. See Coccinia a.,Vernonia a. 1, 262; 16,412b;
adonense - GSN. L. Resembling the genus Adonis. From Addo in the Cape where Cycnium a. were first
collected. See Cycnium a. subsp a. - 1, 234; 5, pl 148; 16, 364f; 18,196
adonis - See Adonense. - 1, 234
adromischus - DGN. G. From hadros, thick or stout and mischos, a stalk, alluding to the stout pedicles of
these succulent plants. - 16, 158b

aemulans - In Encephalartos a. it refers to similar size of the male and female cones. - 2, 46
aeollanthus - DSN. G. From aiolos, changeable and anthos, a flower. - !, 232; 16, 350a,b, 354d, 358f
aequalis - DSN. L. Equal or smaller in size. See Phygelius e. - 1, 236; 16, 366b; 18,72
aequinoctiale - DSN. Refers to the equinox, when day and night are of equal length.
See Aneilema a. 18,222
aër, or aer - G. Air, mist. See Aerangis, Aeranthes, Aerides. - 1, 96; 16, 118b; 18,130; 28,43, 45
aërangis or aerangis - DSN. G. From aër/aer, air and angium, a vessel, probably an allusion to the long spur
of the lip in the type species. Rangaeris is related to and an anagram of this. See Rangaeris - 1,96; 16,
118b-c; 28,43, 382
aeranthes - DSN. G. From aer air and anthos flower, either an allusion to the epiphytic habit or delicate
flowers (air flowers) or to the damp habits favoured by the species of this genus (mist flowers). - 28,45
aerides - DSN. G. From aer air and eides resembling and alludes to the epiphytic habit of this plant. It is a
patronymic meaning literally children of the air - .28,46
aerva - MGN. From the Arabic name of the plant. - 16, 300g
aeschynomene - DSN. G. Aischunomenos, to shame, alluding to the leaves in some species that are sensitive
to touch. - 16, 190d
aesculapius MGN. Immortalised as god of medicine. See genus Asclepias.- 18,170
aesculus - DSN. An ancient Greek name, at one time referring to some other tree, probably the oak, but now
embracing the genus Aesculus of 25 species, commonly known as Horse Chestnut. 10,23
aestiva DSN. Flowering in summer. See Erica a. 18,410
aestivalis - DSN. Of summer. See Erica a. - 12, 304; 13, 1223;
aethiopica GSN. In early botanical Latin it simply means 'Africa.' This is the meaning in Hibiscus
a.,Stachys a.of Ethiopian origin. Zantedeschia a. came from the Cape, see reference 3,7. - 3,7; 5,pl97;
12, 302; 18,84,182
aethiopicum - GSN. From Ethiopia. See Hypericum a., Hypericum a. subsp sonderi. - 1, 178; 16,266e,
aethiopicus - GSN. L. For genus Aethiopicus; 'Aethiopia' in Roman times extended beyond modern Ethiopia.
In early botanical Latin aethiopica simply meant 'African'. See Hibiscus a., Hibiscus a var ovatus. - 5,pl
97; 16, 256b,c, 18,284
-aeus - -a, um. Indicates 'belonging to'; noun base. Europaeus, European, from Europe. - 14, 310

af- - See ad-. - 14, 302
af - Seed - 18, 302
affinis DSN. L. Related, neighbouring.. See Asclepias a., Barleria a.,Trachyandra a. - 1,210; 3,122;
16,316c, 398i; 18,86
afra - GSN. L. Of Africa. See Portulacaria a., Artemisia a. 1, 108; 16, 134l, 452c
africana - GSN. L. From Africa. See Commelina a, Cordyla a., Celtis a., Dichorostachys cinerea subsp. a.
var. a., Menodora a., Geropegia a., Kigelia a., Monochoria a., Ansellia a., Persicaria attenuata subsp
a., Gisekia a., Gisekia a. var. a., Commiphora a., Myrsine a., Olea, europea subsp a. - 1,20,98,130 194,
212, 242; 2, 156; 16, 28c, 32a, 118a, 120d, 128b, 132a, 170e, 212b
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africanum - GSN. L. From Africa. See Peltophorum a., Thilbachium a., Gossypium herbaceum subsp a.
1,138; 16, 148a, 256e
africanus - GSN. L. From or of Africa. See Aspharagus a., Abrus preactorius subsp. a., Stomatanthes a. - 1,
38, 126; 16, 172a, 194c, 448c
azelia - CSN. Adam Afzel. - 11, 59; 16, 174c

ag- - See ad-. - 14, 302
agapanthus - DSN. G. From agape, meaning love and anthos, a flower., alluding to the 'lovely' flowers. -
1,22; 3, 22; 16, 54a
agape - G. Love. See Agapanthus. - 1, 22; 3, 22; 16, 54a; 18,450
agathis - DSN. G. Ball of string. Refers to the fruit cone's shape. Agathis, a clew of thread, being a reference
to the shape of the cone scales. 4, 20; 10, 24
agathisanthemum - DSN. G. With flowers arranged in flower-heads. - 16, 404f
agathos - G. Good. Pleasant. See genus Agathosma. - 10, 24; 14, 272; 18,402
agathosma - DSN. From agathos, pleasant and osma, smell, referring to the pleasant aromatic smell of some
species of this genus.
ageraos DSN. Ageless. See genus Ageratum.- 18,498
ageratum - DSN. Presumably from a, not and gerras, old age, perhaps because the flowers retain their clear
colour for a long time. - 16, 434d
aggeion - A vessel. See genus Hydrangea. See also aggos. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
aggos - A vessel. See genus Hydrangea, Angophora. See also aggeion - 10, 183; 10, 29, 183
-ago - Indicates resemblance or connection; noun base. Plumbago, kind of lead, from plumbum, lead. - 14,305
agon - A gathering. See genus Agonis. - 10, 24
agonis - DSN. From agon, a gathering or collection, an allusion to the number of seeds. - 10,24
agropyroides - DSN. From agros, a field and pyros, wheat. - 1, 14
agros - G. A field. A Greek name for Vitex agnus-castus. See genus Elaeagnus or species agropyroides. 1,
agrostis - G. f. A kind of grass. See genus Eragrotis and species agropyroides. - 1, 14; 14,272; 16,24a,g,22b

ai- - G. Always. Or. L. See semper-. - 14, 303, 304
ailanthus - MGN. From ailanto native name of A. moluccana, meaning tree of Heaven. - 10,25
ailanto - A native name of A. moluccana, meaning tree of Heaven. See Ailanthus - 10, 25
aiolos - G. Changeable. Greek God of wind. See Aeollanthus. - 1, 232; 16, 350a; 18,184
aischunomenos - G. To shame. See Aeschynomense. - 16, 90d

ajuga - DSN. L. A bugle, hence the common name or possibly from azygon, without a yoke. See genus
Ajuga.- 1,230; 16, 348a; 18,470

akakallis MGN. G. From the Greek Akakallis who was a nymph and the lover of Apollo.. See Acacallis -
akakia - G. See genus Acacia. - 10, 14; 12, 300
akampes - G. From akampes rigid, thorn. See Acacia, Hyperacantha, Acanthephippium - 1,140,142; 16,400d;
akanthos - DSN. A thorn [acantha]. See genus Pyracantha, Pyrenacantha, Chaetacanthus or species
myriacantha. - 1, 42, 162; 12, 300, 301; 13, 1219, 1220; 16, 238a; 18,198,280
akelephe - A nettle. See Acalypha - 18,62
akinetos - G. Immoveable. See Acineta - 28,41
akme - G. Point. See Raphionacme. - 1, 206; 16, 310a; 18,542
akok- DSN. Point. See genus Acokanthera. - 10, 22
akron DSN. Summit. See genus Acrotome.- 18,180
akros DSN. Summit. See genus Epacris, Acrolophia.- 10, 137; 18,574
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akrotomos - G. Cut off sharply at the end. See genus Acrotome. - 1, 228

al- - See ad-. - 14, 302
alamania - CSN. Don Lucas Alamán. - 28, 47
alata - DSN. L. Winged or wings. See Schrebera a., Thunbergia a., refers to winged petioles of the mature
leaves. Schrebera a., Thunbergia a., Athrixia a., Atalaya a., Loxosylisa a. - 1,196, 254, 268; 2,244,286,
408; 3, 150; 5, pl 170; 16, 296g, 392c; 18,76
alatum DSN.Winged. Referring to the seed in Sesamum a. - 1, 244; 5, pl 161, 18,434
alatus - DSN. Winged. Euonymus a. - 10, 151, 339
alba DSN. L. White. See Kyllinga a., Crassula a., Cornus a., Correa a., Populus a. Also part of
albomaculata. In Crassula is inappropriate because most of the petals are red. - 1,16,18,11,122; 10,
103, 106, 260, 339; 13, 1223; 16,26g,150d,156c; 18,54,84,386
albanensis GSN. From Albany , E Cape, South Africa. Eugenia a. - 18,68
albens DSN. Whitened. See Asclepias a. 18,416
alberta - CSN. Albertus Magnus. - 10, 26
albertisia CGN. isia, in connection, with Prince Albert of Belgium. See genus Albertisia.- 18,252
albida - DSN. L. Whitish. In Faidherbia a. refers to white stems. See Acacia a. In Polygala a. subsp a. it
refers to the flowers. - 1, 144; 2, 122; 16 160a, 216c
albicuspa - DSN. Tipped with white sharp points. See Moraea a. 18,108
albiflora - DSN. L. Having white flowers. See Hemizygia a., Nemesia a., Chironia a. - 16,358d,372f; 18,164
albiflos DSN. White flowers. See Haemanthus a. 18,104
albivenia - DSN. L. White-veined. See Ipomoea a. - 1, 222; 16, 334g; 18,178
albizia - DGN. Family Albizzi, now spelt Albizi. - 1, 134; 10, 26; 16, 166d,e, 176c,d
alboaculata DSN. White-spotted. Zantedeschia a. - 18,86
albescens DSN. Becoming white. Kniphofia a. - 18,90
albomontana DSN.From albus white and montanum mountain. For Knipofia albomontana, referring to
Thabamhlophe, the Zulu name for the type locality. - 18,28
albostellata - DSN.L. Having white star-like hairs. See Barleria a. - 1, 254; 16, 392
albostriatus DSN. White striped. See Cyperus a. 18,502
albostellata - DSN.L. Having white star-like hairs. See Barleria a. - 1, 254; 16, 392d
albotomentosa - DSN. L. Densely covered with woolly hairs. See Persicaria senegalensis forma a.- 16,128a
albotomentosum - DSN. L. Densely white-woolly. See Polygonum senegalense a. - 1, 104
albuca - DSN. L.White, alluding to a few species with white flowers. From albus, white or albicans,
becoming white - 1, 22; 3, 26; 16, 34e-g; 18,92
albucans - Becoming white. See Albuca - 18,92
albus DSN. White, or albicans, becoming white. See Knipofia albomontana, Albuca - 12,30; 18,28,230
alchemilla -DSN. Arabic - 12, 301; 13, 1220; 16, 206c
alchemilloides - DGN. Resembling the genus Alchemilla. See Pelargonium a. - 1, 148; 16,206c; 18,154
alectra - DSN. G. From alectron, a cock, an allusion to the resemblance of the flowers to a cock's comb. - 1,
238; 16, 368l, 372b,c
alectron - G. A cock -[Alectra]. See Alectra - 1, 238; 16, 368l
alektor DSN. A cock, resembles a cock s comb. See genus Alectra.- 18,306
alektruon DSN. A cock. See genus Alectra.- 18,306
alepidea - DSN. G. Not scaly. - 1, 190; 16, 286c,d
-ales - Suffix added to stem of name of type family to form name of order. Leguminales, from Leguminosae. -
14, 383
aleurites - DSN. G. From aleuron, floury, the pale mealy foliage stands out from the darker leaves of other
trees. 4, 21
aleuron - G. Floury. See genus Aleurites. - 4, 21
algida DSN. Cold loving, refers to the habitat of the plants. See Erica a. 18,412
aliceae CSN. Named after Alice Pegler. See Mystacidium a.- 18,522
-alis - -is, -e. Suffix with sense of 'belonging to, resembling, provided with, pertaining to'; used to form
adjectives from nouns i. e. noun base. Dorsalis, dorsal from, dorsum, back. See genus Rhipsalis.-
14,307,383; 18,158,540
alisma - DSN. Linnaean name for a waterplant. - 18,84
allionii - CSN. Carlo Allioni. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
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allo- - G. In compounds, other, another, different, foreign, strange, diverse leaves. See genus Allophylus. 14,
allophylus DSN. Diverse leaves.
alnifolia - DGN. Leaves like the Alder. See Maesa a. 18,162
aloe - DSN. G. Name for Aloe bardadensis (Aloe vera), the bitter aloes of medicine. Linnaeus named it after
the Arabic name for aloe, alloeh. - 1, 40; 3, 20; 16, 46a, 48a-g; 18,228,342,510
alopecuroides DGN. Resembling the genus Alopecuryus. In Stiburus a. meaning grass like a fox's tail - 16,
alopecurus - DSN. G. A fox's tail. In Erica a. var a. it alludes to the appearance of the leafy branches.
16,290a; 18,412
alpestris - GSN. Lover of the Alps. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
alpina GSN. Alpine. Indigofera a. - 18,56
alpini - CSN. Named after Italian botanist Prospero Alpino. See Secamone a. 18,172
alpinum - GSN. Alpine. See Melolobium a. 18,262
alpinus - GSN. From the Alps. Of the high Alps. - 10, 339; 12, 303; 13, 1222
als - G. Salt. See genus Oxalis. - 3, 100; 18,402
alsinoides - DSN. L. Resembles the genus Alsine. See Evolvulus a., Evolvulus a. var linifolius 1 224; 16,
334k; 18,468
alstroemeria - CSN. Baron Claus Alstroemer. - 12, 299; 13, 1218
alternifolius - DSN. With alternate leaves. - 10, 339
alterno DSN. Alternate. See genus Alternanthera.- 18,528
altissima DSN. High, highest. See Ailanthus a., Urgenia a. - 10, 25, 339; 18,94
aluns - MGN. The Latin name for Alder. - 10, 27
alysicarpus - DSN. From alysis,chain and karpos, fruit, because the pod is restricted between the seeds -
alysis DSN. Chain. See Alysicarpus - 18,60

amabilis - DSN. See Kolkwitzia k. - 10, 199, 399
amajubica GSN. Named for Majuba mountain, KZN. See Lotononis a. 18,460
amarantos DSN. Immortal. See genus Amaranthus.- 18,52
amatymbica - CGN. After the amaThembu people. See Alepidea a., Kohautia a., Polygala a.
amaryllis - CGN. A countrywoman in the works of Virgil. GSN. Derived from the amaThembu, inhabitants
of Caffraria or in ref. 3, the Cape or land previously known as Kaffraria. See Polygala a., Alepidea a.,
Alepidea a. var a., Kohautia a. - 1, 152, 190, 256; 3, 154; 12,297, 13,1218,16, 218e,f, 286d, 400g
amb - ambi-. Around, round about. - 14, 302
ambigua - DSN. L. Doubtful. See Gerbera a. - 1, 278; 16, 446d,e, 450d.e, 454I; 18,220
ambiguus DSN. Uncertain. See Plectranthus a. 18,472
amblostoma - DSN. G. From amblys blunt and stoma mouth, alluding to the flat appearance of the flower due
to the lip being firmly adnate to the column. - 28, 48
ambly- - G. In compounds, blunt obtuse. Amblyantherus, blunt-anthered. - 14, 384
amblyantherus - G. From ambly-, blunt and antherus, anthers, blunt-anthered - 14, 383
amboinicus - GSN. After Amboina, a Moluccan Island. Plectranthus a. 18,184
ambrosia DSN. Food of Greek and Roman gods. See genus Ambrosia.- 18,558
ambrosioides DGN. Ambrosialike. See Chenopodium a. 18,526
ambyls DSN. G. Blunt, dulled. . See Amblostoma - 14, 272; 28, 48
amelanchier - DSN. French name for A. ovalis. - 10, 28; 12, 301; 13, 1220,
amellus - L. Michaelmas. Aster a.- 13, 1221
americana - MSN. In species Ximenia a. var. microphylla it refers to similarity with the American 'Hog Plum'.
- 11, 4
americanus - GSN. L. From America. See Gyrocarpus a. -16, 142c
amesiella - CSN. Professor Oakes Ames, 1874-1950. - 28, 48
ammo- - G. In compounds, sand. ammobius, dwelling on sand. - 14, 384
ammobius - G. From ammo-, sand, dwelling on sand. - 14, 384
ammocharis - DSN. G. From ammos, sand and charis, grace, beauty. Sand beauty. - 1, 52; 5,pl19; 16, 74a
ammos - G. Sand. See genus Ammocharis. - 1, 52; 5, pl 19; 16,74a; 18,350
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amoena - DSN. L. Pleasant. See Gardenia a. - 1, 256

amoenus - DSN. L. Pleasing, delightful. Hypercanthus a. - 2, 460; 12, 304; 13, 1222; 16, 400d
ampelos DSN. G. f. Climbing plant, vine. See Cissampelos. - 14, 272; 16, 136h; 18,52,252
amphi - G. On both sides. See Amphidoxa - 1, 278
amphi- - G. ampho-. In compounds, around, double, on both sides, around, both, of two kinds. Amphicarpus,
with two kinds of fruit. - 14, 304
amphicarpus - G. From amphi-, of two kinds, with two kinds of fruit. - 14, 304
amphidoxa - DSN. G. From amphi, on both sides and doxa, decision. because this genus has affinities with
several other genera. - 1, 278- G. See amphi.. - 14, 304
amplexicaule DSN. Stem clasping. See Heliotropium a. 18,422
ampho G. See amphi. 14,304
ampliata - DSN. L. Enlarged. In Ceropegia a. referring to the generous proportions of the corolla tube.
1,212; 16, 318a; 18,172

an- - G. See a-. L. ad-. In compounds before a vowel, without, destitute of, lacking, un-, -less. - 14,302, 384
ana- - L. See re-. G. ano-. In compounds, upwards, back, again, with general sense of increasing,
strengthening, repeating, upon, up, upwards, above. Anabaptistus, renamed. - 14,302,303,304,384
anabaptistus - G. From ana-, again and baptus, name, renamed. - 14, 384
anacampseros - DSN. G. From anakampseros, a herb that brought back love when touched. - 1,108; 16,134k
anagallis - (1). DGN. See Veronica anagallis-aquatica. (2). Greek name for Pimpernel plant. - 16,372e; 18,70
anagallis-aquatica - DSN. L. From anagallis referring to the genus Anagallis which includes the scarlet
pimpernel and aquatica, growing near water. See Veronica a. - 16, 372e; 18,430
anagelao DGN. Greek name for Pimpernel plant, believed to remove sadness. See genus Anagallis.- 18,162
anceps DSN. Two edged, flattened, compressed. See Lobelia a.,Viscum a.,Smilax a. 18,494,526,572
-anche - G. See ancho. Ending of names of poisonous plants. - 14, 272
ancho - G. To strangle, hence -anche as ending of names of poisonous plants. See Cynanchum - 14,272;
16,332b; 18,552
anchousa DSN. A paint used for the skin. See genus Anchusa. - 13, 1221
anchusa - DSN. From anchousa, a paint used for the skin. -12, 302; 13, 1221
ancistrochilus - DSN. G. From ankistron hook and cheilos lip, referring to the hook-like mid-lobe of the lip. -
28, 49
ancistron -G. n. Fish-hook. - 14, 272
ancistrorhynchus -DSN. G. From ankistron hook and rhynchos beak, alluding to the hook-like rostellum
which is curved back on itself. - 28, 49
ancyl DSN. Bent, crooked,curved. See genus Ancylobothrys.- 18,166
andro- - -andrus. G. In compounds, male. - 14, 385
androcymbium - DSN. G. From andros, male and kymbion, a small cup. - 1, 22; 16, 54b-c; 18,86
andromeda - MGN. The daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopea who was rescued from the sea monster by
Perseus. - 10, 29; 13, 1218
andros - G. Male - stamens. See genus Calliandra, Stephanandra, Androcymbium, Crossandra, Trachyandra,
Adrostachys or species triandra, - 1, 14, 22, 254; 10, 61; 10, 305; 16,24c,50f 54b-c 222c; 18,78,86,86
androstachys - DSN. G. From andros, a man and stachys, a spike, alluding to the male and female flowers
being borne separately. - 16, 222c
-andrus - andro-. G. In compounds, male. - 14, 385
aneilema - DSN. G. Without spaths (sheaths). See genus Aneilema. 18,222,448
anemo- - G. In compounds, pertaining to the wind. Anemophilus, wind-loving. - 1, 20; 16, 32i
anemone - DSN. Wind-flower. - 13, 1219; 12, 300
anemophilus G. From anemo-, wind giving, wind-loving. - 14, 385
anemos G. Wind; also of older, Semitic origin, from nahamea, handsome, equivalent of Adonis. See genus
Anemone.- 18,382
anepsia DSN. Cousin. See genus Aspidonepsis.- 18,168
aner - A male. See Adenandra - 10, 22
-aneus - -a, -um. Indicates resemblance or material out of which something is made; noun base. Cutaneus,
relating to the skin from, cutis, skin. - 14, 307
angeion - G. Vessel. See Hydrangea, angiosperm. - 8. Dec 2001, p119; 24, 12
angio - G. Vessel, receptacle. See genus Aerangis, where it refers to bloodvessel-like spur. - 14, 272; 18,130
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angiosperm - G. From angeion, container, and sperm,a seed. Plants in which ovules are encased in an ovary. -
angium - G. A vessel. See Aërangis. - 1, 96; 16, 118b
angolense - GSN. L. From Angola. Protea a., Geniosporum a. - 1, 228; 5, pl 58; 16, 346j, 356c
angolensis - DSN. L. From Angola. See Haworthia a., Eulophia a., Hebenstreitia a., Protea a.Aristea a. subsp
majubensis, Maerua a., Pterocarpus a., Lobelia a. - 1, 36, 92, 234; 5,pl57; 16, 50a, 88f, 114d, 146b, 192f,
364j, 420g
angophora - DSN. From aggos, a vessel and phero, to bear, the allusion is to the shape of the fruit. - 10, 29
angos - G. Vessel. See Aerangis, Chamaengis, Grammangis, Podangis - 28,43, 86, 153,377
angraecopsis - DGN. G. From Angraecum, a genus of African epiphytic orchids and opsis looking like, from
their resemblance to some Angraecum species. - 28, 50
angraecum - DGN. L. Latinised version of the Malayan name angurek, for epiphytic orchids resembling
Aerides, Vanda, etc. - 16,96e; 28, 50
angulicaule DSN. Angled stems. Anthericum - 18,88
angulare - DSN. Corners. See Jasminum a. 18,162
angulatum DSN. Angled, with corners. See Abutilon a., - 18,282
angulatus - DSN. L. Angled. See Solanecio a. - 16, 428d; 18,330
angulicaule DSN. Angled stems or with angled stems. See Anthericum a. - 16, 52e; 18,88
angulifolia DSN. Angular leaves. See Vernonia a. 18,440
anguloa - CSN. Don Francisco de Angulo, Director-General of Mines in Peru. - 28, 54
angurek DSN. From the Malay angurek for this type of orchid. See genus Angraecum - 16,96e; 18,126
angusta DSN. Narrow, small. See Scleria a. 18,568
angustata - DSN. L. Narrow. See Acalypha a., Acalypha a. var glabra.,Gonatopus a. 1, 154; 16, 228g;
angusticladus - DSN. L. Having narrow cladodes [a leaf-like organ found in Asparagus species]. See
Asparagus a. 16, 58b
angustifolia - DSN. L. Having narrow leaves. See Bulbine a., Salvadora a., Cleome a., Dolichos a., Monsonia
a., Crabbiea a., Pentanisia a., Rinorea a., Merremia tridentata subsp a. var. a., Cephalanthus a,
Acalypha a., Acalypha a. var glabra.,Kyphocarpa a., Stenosemis a., Hypoxis a., Nerine a., Sphenostylis
a., Trichodesma a., Periglossum a., - 1, 30, 114, 124, 148, 248, 256; 2, 324, 414; 3, 154; 5, pl 70; 16,
56h, 144e, 186c, 204e, 334h, 386g, 400b; 18,26,134,162,232,346,396,400,468,546
angustifolium - DSN. L. Having narrow leaves. See Becium a. - 16, 358a
angustifolius - DSN. L. Having narrow leaves. See Dolichos a., Sphenostylis a., Merremia tridentata subsp. a.
- 1, 124, 128, 222; 16, 200h
anisata - DGN. L. Like anise. See Clausena a. - 16, 208d
anise - See anisata - 16, 208d
aniso - G. In compounds, unequal, uneven. [an - iso]. Anisodontus, unevenly toothed. - 14, 385
anisochaetoides - DSN. Like unequal bristles. See Vernonia a. 18,208
anisodontus - G. From aniso-, uneven for unevenly toothed. - 14, 385
anisos - G. Unequal. See Pentanisia, Anisochaeta, Anisodontea, Anisotoma. - 1, 256; 3, 154; 16, 400b;
anisotes - DSN. G. Inequality, referring to the petals. - 1, 248; 16, 386d
ankistron - G. Hook . See Ancistrochilus, Ancistrorhynchus - 28, 49
annesorrhiza - DSN. G. Anise, a root. - 16, 288b
annona - MGN. From an American Indian vernacular name for the custard apple. - 16,142 b
annuus - DSN. Annual. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
ano G. ana- Upwards, upon, up, above. See Anopterus - 10, 29; 14,304
anoectochilus - DSN. G. From anoektos open and cheilos lip, referring to the open appearance of the lip
achieved by a sharp bend on the isthmus which directs the apail part of the lip downwards. - 28, 55
anoektos - G. Open. See Anoectochilus - 28, 55
anomala - DSN. L. Deviating from the normal, abnormal. See Dicoma a. subsp. a., Cirsioides, Struthiola,
Dicoma - 1, 266; 16, 242b,c; 18,158,220
anomalus - L. Abnormal. See genus Anomatheca. - 1, 74, 3, 62; 16, 94a
anomatheca - DSN. L. From anomalus, abnormal and theca, a case. An abnormal capsule, refers to the wart-
like papillae that cover the fruiting capsule, considered an important and unusual feature. - 1, 74; 3, 62;
5,pl 41; 16, 94a-b
anopterus - DSN. From ano, upward and pteron, winged, alluding to the winged seeds. - 10, 29
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ansellia - CSN. John Ansell, assistant botanist on Niger Exped. in 1841. See genus Ansellia. 1,96; 3,68;
5,pl.49; 16,118a; 18,242; 28, 55
ant- - G. Before a vowel and h; anti- before a consonant. Against, opposite to. Antipetalus, opposite to (not
alternate with) petals. - 14, 304
ante- - Before. Antecedens, going before, preceding. - 14, 302
antenna - L. A sail-yard. See antennifera. - 1, 86; 16, 108a
antennifera - DSN. L. From antenna, a sail-yard and fero, to bear. See Bonatea speciosa a. - 1,86; 16, 108a
anthe - G. Flower. See Calanthe. - 28, 72
anthemon - G. n. Flower. See Erianthemum, Mesembryanthemum. 1, 106; 14, 272, 18,50,374
anthemos - G. Flowering. See genus Chrysanthemum. - 12, 301; 13, 1220; 14, 272
anthera - G. Flower. See Pelatantheria, Rananthera, Alternanthera.- 18,528; 28, 359, 382
anthera - G. f. In modern botany anthers. See Acokanthera, Helixanthera. - 10, 22; 14, 272; 18,132
anthericum - DGN. G. From antherikon, the name for asphodel. - 1, 28; 16, 34b, 50e;16, 52c-f; 18,88
antherikon - G. The name for asphodel. See genus Anthericum. - 1, 28; 16, 34b, 18,88
anthoccleista - DSN. G. From anthos, a flower and cleistos, closed., the allusion is not clear. - 11,146
anthos - G. n. A flower, in combinations the Latinised form -anthus is treated as masculine. See Aeollanthus,
Aeranthes, Achyranthes, Anthospermum, Agapanthus, Calanthe, Catharanthus,Cochleanthes, Coryanthes,
Cryptophoranthus, Cyrtanthus, Diaphananthe, Dianthus, Haemanthus, Hesperantha,
Hybanthus,Hisperantha, Melianthus, Phyllanthus,Plectranthus, polypodantha, Calycanthus,
Cephalanthus, Cimonanthus, Chionanthus, Ilysanthes, Tapinanthus, Clianthus, Disanthus, Aeollanthus,
Enkianthus, Prostanthera, Strobilanthes, Anthoccleista, Sisyranthus, Strophanthus, Stylosanthes,
Chrysanthemum, Eranthis, Galanthus, Helianthos, Lampranthus, melanthioides, dianthus, stenanthus,
micrantha, oianthum, leucantha., Chamaeanthos., nanthus, cryptantha, Stylosanthes, Phyllanthus,
myriantha - 1, 22, 50, 62, 72, 88, 102, 106, 108, 200, 218, 228, 232, 236, 256; 3, 22, 34, 54, 76, 132; 10,
66, 92, 97, 129, 136, 255, 261, 308; 11, 146, 156; 12, 300, 301; 13, 1219, 1220; 14, 272; 16, 52h; 16, 54a;
16 60a-b, 76a-j, 90e, 96e, 126b-f, 134c, 136e, 178a, 188a, 222a, 302d, 408d, 444b;
8,552,556; 28, 45, 91, 98, 99, 128,
anthospermum - DSN. G. From anthos, a flower and sperma, a seed - 16, 408d
anthron - G. A joint. See Pogonanthria. - 16, 24i
-anthus - G. See anthos. - 14, 272
anthylloides DGN. Resembling Anthyllis. See Gnidia a. 18,292
anti - Like, for. See Antirrhinum., Antidesma - 13, 1220; 12, 300; 16, 220a
anti- - G. In compounds, against. Antidysentericus, against dysentery. See contra- - 14, 302, 386
antidesma - DSN. G. From anti, for and demos, a band. Refers to the use of bark of one species for cord. See
desmos, anything used for tying. - 2, 216; 3, 203; 16, 220a
antirrhinum - DGN. From anti, like and rhin, a snout, referring to the seed vessel. - 12, 300; 13,1220
antonii - CSN. Anton Rehmann. See Hermannia a. - 1, 174; 16, 262e
-anus - -a, -um. Indicates position, connection or possession by; noun base. Africanus, African from, Africa.
Also suffix with sense of belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns,
particularly from geographical or personal names. - 14,307,386
antriplex - DGN. See Antriplicifolia. - 1, 254; 3, 150
antriplicifolia - DSN. Because the leaves resemble those of the genus Atriplex. See Thunbergia a. - 1,154;3,

ap- - L. See ad-. G. Before a vowel and h; apo-. From, away, down, downwards. - 14, 302
apertiflora DSN. Exposed flowers. See Ledebouria a. 18,512
aphylla - DSN. L. Latin for leafless or apparently so. - 16, 148b
apiculata - DSN. L. Terminating abruptly in a short and often sharp point. In Tacezzea a. it alludes
to the hair-like leaf tip. - 16, 310-e; 18,542
apiculatus DSN. Pointed ends. See Sclerochiton a. 18,490
apium DGN. Classical Latin name for parsley and celery. See genus Apium.- 18,160
apo- - L. See a-, and de-. G. ap-. In compounds, from, away from, out of, asunder, free. Apocarpus, with
carpels free from one another. - 14, 302, 303, 304, 386
apocarpus - G. From apo-, away from alluding to the carpels that are free from one another. - 14,386
apod DSN. Without a foot. See genus Apodolirion. 18,106
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apodolirion - DSN. G. A Lily without foot or stem. - 16, 76b

apon - Water. See Apongeton - 18,84
apongeton - DSN. From apon, water and geiton, neighbour - 18,84
appendiculatum - DSN. L. Having appendages such as hairs. See Helichrysum a. - 1, 276; 16,438g; 18,82
appendiculatus - DSN. Appendix-that which hangs, latus-side. Having appendages. See Gladiolus a., Nerine
a., Pachycarpus a. 18,110,346,546
apten - G. Wingless. See genus Aptenia. - 16, 134a; 18,378
aptenia - DSN. G. From apten, wingless, alluding to the capsule valve. - 16, 134a
aptosimum - DSN. G. From a not and ptosis deciduous (which in turn comes from ptosis meaning fall ) and
refers to the fruit , a capsule which is retained on the plant even after the seeds have been released. Not
falling off, persistent. - 5, pl 145; 16, 374e-h; 23, Dec 2000, 170

aquatica - DSN. L. Growing in or near water. See Mentha a., Veronica anagallis-aquatica,
Ipomoea a., Mentha a. - 1, 232; 16, 350f, 372e; 18,420,424
aquifolius - DSN. With leaves like holly. - 10, 339

ar- - See ad-. - 14, 302
arabidis - GSN. From Arabia. See Cerastium a. 18,136
arabis - GSN. Arabia. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
arachnoidea - DSN. L. Covered with entangled hairs giving the appearance of a spider's web. See Stachys a.. -
16, 356e
arachne - G. Spider. See Arachnis. - 28, 56
arachnis - DSN. G. From arachne spider, from the fancied resemblance of the flower to a spider. - 28, 56
arachnoides - DSN. L. Cobwebby. See Cassia italica subsp. a., In Senna italica subsp. a. origin unknown. - 1,
140; 16, 182e
araliacea - DSN. L. Resembling the genus Aralia of the Araliaceae family.. Stengaotaenia a. - 1,190; 16,286a
araucaria - MGN. From its native name Araucanos. Named for the Araucanian natives of South America. -
4,24; 10, 30
arborea - DSN. In the form of a tree. See Clethra a. - 10, 97, 339
arborescens - DSN. L. Tree-like. See Heteromorpha a. - 1, 190; 12, 304; 13, 1223; 16, 286b
arbutus - L. Strawberry tree. Genus Arbutus. - 10, 31
arcaeum - DSN. G. Dweller on the heights. See Pelargonium a. - 1, 148
arche- - G. Original, primitive, first, chief. - 14, 272, 304
archi- - G. Chief, first. - 14, 272, 304
arcuata DSN. Arcuate or arching. For Mussaenda a., the branches. Cyrtorchis a. - 5, pl 174; 18,130
ardesiaca DSN. Slate coloured, refers to dull slate blue flower colour. See Moraea a. 18,452
ardis - A point. See genus Ardisia. - 10, 32
ardisia - DSN. From ardis, a point an allusion to the acute, spear-shaped anthers. - 10, 32
arenaria - DSN. Sand loving, growing in sandy places. See Habenaria a. 18,516
arenicola - DSN. Dwelling on sand. Cussonia a. - 2, 378
argemos DSN. White spot, hence eye cataract, which the plant was believed to cure. See genus Argemone.-
argenteus - DSN. L. Silvery. See canoargentea - 1, 182; 10, 339; 16, 272e
argentissimum - DSN. Very silvery. See Helichrysum a. 18,212
arguta - DSN. Sharp. In Drypetes a. it refers to the sharp toothed margin or tip of the leaf. - 2, 212
argr- - G. In compounds, silver. Argyrocalyx, with silver calyx. - 14, 388
argyreum - DSN. Silvery. See Dierama a. 18,110
argyrocalyx - G. From argyr-, silver, with silver calyx. - 14, 388
argyrolepis - DSN. G. Silver scales. See Helichrysum a. - 16, 442; 18,212
argyrolobium - DSN. G. From argyros, silver and lobion, a pod. - 1, 124, 136;
argyrophylla - DSN. G. Silver-leafed. See Crassula globularioides subsp. a. - 1, 122
argyros - G. Silvery. See argyrolobium, argyrophylla, argyrosphaerum, and genus Argyrolobium. - 1,122,124,
276; 14, 272, 16, 180c; 18,266
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argyrosphaerum - DSN. G. From argyros, silvery and sphaera, a sphere. See Helichrysum a. - 1,276; 16,438f;
aria DSN. Fruit. See genus Lagenaria.- 18,206,558
-aria - Like. See Flagellaria, Persicaria - 18, 26,134,376
-aria DSN. Possessing, refers to the long spur. See Habenaria.- 18,114,516
-aris - G. -is, -e. A variant of -alis used after the stem ending in l. Suffix with the sense of 'belonging to,
resembling, provided with. Stellaris, starry from stella, star. - 14, 308, 388
aristata DSN. L. Having an awn; bearded awns, like ear of barley. See Pearsonia a., Hypoestes a. var a. In
Aloe a. it refers to the tips of the leaves. - 1, 140; 16, 182a, 390a; 18,32,260,436
aristea - DSN. G. From aristos, the best. - 1, 76; 3, 52; 16, 88e-f
aristigera DSN. Bearing beards. See Verbena a. 18,470
aristos - G. Best, noblest. See genus Aristea. - 1, 76; 3, 52; 16, 88e-f; 18,454
-arium - Indicates a place where something is done or a container. Herbarium, collection of dried plants, from
herba, herb. - 14, 305
-arius - -a, -um. Indicates connection or possession, noun base. Arenarius, pertaining to sand from arena, sand.
- 14, 308
arktos DSN. A bear. See genus Arctotis, Arctotheca.- 18,332
armata - DSN. L. Armed with thorns. See Dalbergia a. -16, 176b
armerioides - DGN. Resembles Armeria. See Hirpicium a. 18,220
arnotii - CSN. David Arnot. Talinum a. - 5, pl 64
aromaticum - DSN. L. Aromatic. See Petalidium a. var a.- 16, 396c
aronia - MGN. Named by Dioscorides from a closely related shrub. - 10, 33
arpophyllum - DSN. G. From harpe sickle and phyllon leaf, referring to the leaf shape of the type species, A.
spicatum. - 28, 56
artemisia - MGN. In honour of the Greek goddess of chastity, Artemis. - 13; 16, 452c
artemissiifolia DGN. Leaves like Artemisia. See Ambrosia a. 18,558
arthro- - G. In compounds, jointed. Arthrodactylus (adjective). - 14, 389
arthron - G. Joint. See genus Pogonarthria, Caularthron, Pseudarthria - 1,12; 18,396,576; 28, 85
artos - G. Bread. See Encephalartos. - 16, 18; 18,500
-arum - Meaning of . Descriptiones plantarum novarum, description of new plants. - 14, 389
arundina - DGN. G. From arundo reed, because the reed-like stems of this species inspired Blume to base the
name of the species on this. - 28, 57
arundo - G. Reed. See Arundina - 28, 57

as- - See ad-. - 14, 302
-ascens - Present participle ending used in forming adjectives to indicate a process of becoming but also a lack
of full attainment. Indicates process of becoming, hence incomplete manifestation. Purpurascens,
becoming purple, purplish. - 14, 308, 389
asclepias - MGN. G. Genus Asclepias named after Asklepios, a Greek mythological god of medicine. - 1,206,
120, 220; 10, 33; 16, 312d-f, 316c,g, 330g,h, 332c; 18,302,416,550,580
ascocentrum DSN. G. From ascos bag and kentron spur, alluding to the large spur on the lip. - 28, 57
ascolepis - DSN. From askos, bladder and lepis, scale - 18,84
ascos - G. Bag. See Ascocentrum - 28, 57
ashtonii CSN. Named after H.Ashton. See Delosperma a. 18,378
asiatica - GSN. L. From Asia. See Striga a. - 1, 238; 16, 368e
askion DSN. Bladder. See genus Diascia.- 18,428
askos DSN. Bladder. See Ascolepis - 18,84
aspalathifolia DGN. Leaves like Aspalathus. See Erica a. 18,412
aspalathos DSN. A scented bush. See genus Aspalathus. 18,150
asparagoides - DGN. G. Resembling asparagus. See Asparagus a. - 16, 58a
asparagus - DGN. From asparagos after the name given to the edible asparagus. 18,100
aspasia - DGN. G. From aspasio glad, delightful, in allusion to its pretty flowers or, more probably, in honour
of Aspasia, the Athenian wife of Pericles. - 28, 58
aspasio - G. Glad, delightful. See Aspasia. - 28, 58
aspera DSN. Rough. See Achyranthes a. 18,528
asperata DSN. Rough with points or hairs. Trachyandra a. - 18,88
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asperifolius DSN. Rough leaves. See Pachycarpus a. 18,548

asperum DSN. Rough. See Xysmalobium a. 18,542
aspharagus - DGN. G. From aspharagos, the edible asparagus . - 1, 38; 16, 58a-g
aspidoglossum - DSN. G. From aspidos, a shield and glossa, a tongue. - 16, 312a,b, 316a
aspido - G. A shield. See Aspidoglossum, Aspidonepsis. - 16, 310a; 18,168,544,580
asplenifolius - DGN. L. With leaves like a fern, Asplenium. See Corchorus a., Pachycarpus a. - 1,168;
16,250d, 326b; 18,282
asplenium - A fern genus. See asplenifolius. - 1, 168; 16, 250d
astarte MGN. The Assyrian Venus. See Astartea. - 10, 33
astartea - MGN. Derived from Astarte an Assyrian Venus. - 10, 33
aster DGN. See ad instar Latin for similar to. See genus Cotoneaster. A star , Aster. - 1, 268; 10,109;
12,300; 13, 1220; 16, 426j, 448b
-aster - -astra, -astrum. L. In compounds, suffix to nouns indicating incomplete likeness or inferiority, hence is
often applied to the wild equivalent of a cultivated plant, noun base. Oleaster, wild olive, olea. See
Cotoneaster. - 12,300; 14, 305, 389, 454b,c
astero- - G. astro-. Starry, stellate. See astro-. - 14, 389
astripomoea - DSN. Star-Ipomoea, a reference to the star-shaped hairs which cover the leaves and stems of the
species of Astripomoea. The possession of these hairs is a diagnostic feature of the genus within the
Convolvulaceae. - 5, pl 129
astroloma - DSN. Derived from astron, a star and loma a fringe and alludes to the tufts of hair inside the
corolla of most of the species. - 10, 34
astron DSN. A star. See Astroloma, Astripomoea, Aster.- 10, 34; 18,210,418,440
asystasia - MGN. Derivation of name for genus Asystasia unknown. - 10, 34; 18,200

at- - See ad-. - 14, 302
ataxacantha - DSN. G. Irregular thorns, scattered thorns. In Acacia a. having irregular thorns. - 1,144; 2, 124;
16, 160d
athanasioides - DSN. G. Similar to the genus Athanasia. See Brachymeris a., Phymaspermum a. - 1,278;
ather - G. An awn [Awn bristle-like attachment, as on seeds, flowers etc.]. See Athrixia - 1, 268; 16, 426a
atherstonei - CSN. William Atherstone. See Selago a. - 1, 240; 16, 376e
athrixia - DSN. G. From ather an awn an allusion to the fine awn-like tips of the incolucral bracts. Or, no hairs,
and refers to the glabrous receptacle. - 1, 268; 5, pl 179; 16, 426a
-aticus - -a, -um. Indicates place of growth, noun base. Sylvaticus, belonging to the woods, from silva, a wood.
14, 308
-atilis - -is, -e. Indicates place of growth, noun base. Saxatillis, dwelling among rocks, saxum. - 14,308
atlanticus - GSN. The Atlas mountains. - 12, 302; 13, 1221
atriplicifolia - DSN. Leaves resemble those of genus Atriplex. See Thunbergia a. - 1, 254; 3, 150; 16,392a;
atropurpureum DSN. Blackish or very dark purple. See Schizoglossum a. 18,578
atropurpureus - DSN. L. Dark purple. See Gladiolus a. - 1, 78; 10, 339; 16, 86e
atrosanguineus - DSN. Deep red. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
attenuata - DSN. L. Narrowing to a point. See Monsonia a., Persicaria a. subsp africana - 1, 148;
16,128b,204d; 18,152,376
attenuatum DSN. Narrowing to a point. See Osteospermum a. 18,332
-atus - -a, -um. (1) Indicates possession or likeness, noun base. Capitatus, with a head, caput. (2) Perfect
participle ending of verb of First Conjugation, indicating an action made or done, provided with or
pertaining to. Fucatus, coloured (provided with colour) from to colour, fucare. - 14, 308, 390

aubrieta - CSN. Claude Aubriet. - 13, 1218
aucuba - DGN. From Aokiba, the Japanese name laurel. See genus Aucuba. - 10, 34; 12, 301; 13,1220
augea - CSN. Johan Andreas Auge. - 12, 297
aulac- - G. In compounds, furrow. Aulacospermus, with furrowed seeds. - 14, 391
aulacospermus - G. With furrowed seeds, from aulac-, furrow - 14, 391
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aule - G. Abode. See Aulojusticia. - 1, 250

aulojusticia - DSN. G. From aule, abode and justicia, from the genus Justicia, because it shares its habitat or
lives in close proximity with plants of that genus, although not a parasite upon them. - 1, 250
aulos - G. M. Pipe, flute, tube. - 14, 272
aurantiaca - DSN. L. Orange-coloured, Between yellow and red, i.e. orange. See Sutera a., Hermbstaedtia
odorata var a., Calpurnia a. subsp a., Jamesbrittenia a, Sandersonia a. - 1,234, 238; 16,300i,364d,368i;
aurantiaca DSN. Orange-yellow. Gerbera a. - 18,82
aurantiacus DSN. From the latin meaning orange-yellow . For Gerber aurantiacus , perhaps referring to the
coppery-orange undersurface of the petals. For Gladiolus a - 10, 339, 23, March 2003, pp31; 18,44
aurea - DSN. L. From aureus, golden, yellow. See Crocosmia a., Corcosmia a. var a.Cavacoa a., Calpurnia a.,
Barberetta a., Asclepias a. - 1, 78; 2, 158, 222; 16 88g,166c; 18,42,230,302
aureonitens - DSN. L. From aureo-nitens, golden and shining. See Helichrysum a. - 3, 172; 16, 438; 18,310
aureo-nitens DSN. L. Golden and shining. See Helichrysum a-n. - 1, 276; 3, 172
aureum - DSN. L. Golden. In Helichrysum aurea, var monocephalum, it refers to the incolucral bracts. -
16,440e; 18,312
aureus - DSN. L. Golden or beautiful. See Crocosmia aurea. - 3, 56; 10, 339; 12, 304; 13, 1223
auricoma - DSN. Golden haired. See Hermannia a. 18,288
auriculata - DSN. L. Having an ear-like appendage. In Buddleja a. refers to shape of stipule. Plumbago a.,
Nidorella a., Hygrophilla a. - 1, 192, 196; 2, 424; 16, 292e, 298d; 18,310,466,488
australis - GSN. L. Southern. See Crotalaria laburnifolia subsp. A., Ruspolia hypocalymma var. a.
1,124,250; 12, 302; 13, 1222; 16 186i, 388b
austro-africana - GSN. Southern African or South African. See Scabiose a. - 5, pl 176
austroafricanum - GSN. Southern African. See Cynoglossum a. - 16, 340a
austro-africanum - GSN. Southern African or South African. See Abutilon a. - 16, 152e
aut- - G. auto-. In compounds, self. - 14, 391
auto- - G. aut-. In compounds, self. - 14, 391
autumnalis - DSN. L. Pertaining to autumn. Flowers in autumn, Eucomis a. - 1, 26; 5, pl 16; 12, 304; 13,1223;
16, 36a; 18,512

avonia - Origin unknown.- 16, 134j

-ax - Uncommon ending with sense of inclining to or apt to , verb base. Tenax, gripping from to hold, tenere.
- 14, 308
axillare - DSN. L. Axillary. In Macrotyloma a and Macrotyloma a. subsp a. and Macrotyloma a. subsp glabra
it refers to the position of the flowers, Mitriostigma a. - 1, 136; 16, 184g, 202l; 18,152,204

azalea - See Rhododendron - 10, 35
azara - CSN. J N Azara. - 10, 42
azurens - DSN. Blue. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
azygon - G. Without a yoke. See Ajuga. - 1, 230; 16, 348a; 18,470
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babiana - MGN. Dutch. L. Latinised version of an Afrikaans word, bobbejaan, (baboon), because baboons
are said to eat this bulbous plant. - 1, 72; 5, pl 35; 12, 301; 13, 1220; 16, 94I
baccifera - DSN. Bearing berries. See Rhipsalis b., Chironia b.,Rhipsalis b. 18,158,414,540
bachmannia - CSN. Frans Bachmann. - 3, 195
bachmanniana CSN. Named after F. Bachmann. See Lotononis b. 18,460
bachmannii - CSN Frans Bachmann for Watsonia b.,Tephrosia b. - 18,46; 392
backhousia - CSN. James Backhouse. - 10, 42
baeckea - CSN. Abraham Baeck. - 10, 43
baileyi - CSN. F M Bailey. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
bainesii - CSN. Thomas Baines. See Eulophia ovalis b. Eulophia ovalis subsp b. - 1, 94; 16, 116f
bakerianus - CSN. Named after J G Baker. See Aster b. - 16, 454b; 18,440
balanos - G. f. Acorn. - 14, 272
ballien - G. To throw. See Sporobolus. - 16, 22c
balsamina - DGN. Like balsam. See Momordica b. 18,206
banksia - CSN. Sir Joseph Banks. - 10, 43; 12, 299
baphia - DSN. Dye. In genus Baphia refers to dye from the heartwood of tropical African species.- 2, 160
barbata - DSN. L. Bearded. See Tinnea b. - 1, 232; 16, 350d
barbatus -DSN. Bearded. See Plectranthus b.,Senecio b. - 10, 339; 12, 304; 13, 1223; 18,476,498
barberae - CSN. Mrs Mary Elizabeth Barber. See Brachystelma b. - 1, 218; 16, 324a; 18,582
barberetta CSN. Named after Mrs. Mary Barber (neè Bowker) who with her brother, was the first to collect
this plant in Natal. See genus Barberetta.- 18,230
barbertoni - GSN. L. Of Barberton, See Habenaria b. -1, 88; 16, 110a
barbertonicus - GSN, L. Pertaining to Barberton. See Senecio b. - 1, 274; 16, 434a; 18,320
barbeyi - CSN. William Barbey. See Cotyledon b. - 1, 122; 16, 156f
barbosae - CSN. G. Barbosa. See Hibiscus b. - 16, 256d; 18, 66
barbosella - CSN. Dr João Barbosa Rodrigues, 1842-1909. - 28, 59
barkeria - CSN. George Barker, ob 1845. - 28, 59
barklya - CSN. Sir John Barkly. - 10, 46
barklyi - CSN. Sir Henry Barkly. See Tavaresia b. - 1, 216; 16, 322a
barleria - CSN. Rev James Barrellier - 1, 248, 252; 5, pl 166; 10, 46;
16, 386e,f,390bf,392d,e,394h,j,396e-h, 398e-j; 18,76,198,436,488
barringtonia - CSN. Daines Barrington. - 4, 27
barys DSN. G. Heavy - 14, 272
basananthe - MGN. Origin unknown. - 1, 180; 16, 270d,e
basanos DSN. Touchstone, black igneous rock used as test for gold, refers to black seeds. See genus
Basananthe.- 18,538
basis - G. f. Base, pedestal. - 14, 272
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basuticus - GSN. L. From Basuto Land (Basutoland), (Lesotho). See Dianthus b. - 1,108; 16,136g;
batesiana - CSN. John Bates. See Gasteria b. - 16, 50c
batophylla - DSN. GF. From batos, bramble and phyllon, leaf, due to the leaf resemblance. See Rhus b. -
1,160; 16, 234c
batos - G. f. Bramble. See batophylla. - N. Franz Bauer. Genus Bauera. 1, 160, 14, 272
bauhinia - CSN. Johannes ( Jean) and Casper (Gaspard) Bauhin. - 1, 130, 138; 2, 150; 5, pl 75; 10,47;
11,61; 16, 170a, 172b, 174a
baurii - CSN. Named after Rev. Leopold Richard Baur, See Rhodohypoxis b.,H erschelia.b. Rhodohypoxis b.
var confecta, Hesperantha b. subsp b., Herschelianthe b.,Ranunculus b., Gnidia b., Kniphofia b. - 16,
78e-f, 90e, 102h; 18,250,292,352,458,508

beareana - CSN. Dr O' Sullivan Beare. See Cassia abbreviata b. - 1, 134; 16, 166b
beaufortia - CGN. Mary, duchess of Beaufort. - 10, 47
bechion - G. The name for colt's feet, used to alleviate a cough, and the name for sage. See Bechium. - 1,228;
3, 135; 16, 346i
bechuanense - GSN. L. Of Bechuanaland (Botswana). See Hirpicium b. - 1, 270; 16, 428c
becium - DSN. G. From Bechion, the name for the plant 'colt's foot', sage, used to alleviate a cough. - 1,228;
3, 135; 16, 346i, 358a; 18,188,426
begonia - CSN. Michael Begon, French governor of San Domingo, patron of botany. - 1, 180; 3, 112; 10,49;
12, 299; 13, 1218; 16, 270f; 18,156,408
behnia CSN. Named after Danish botanist Behn. See genus Behnia. - 16,h; 18,230
bella - DSN. Beautiful. See Asystasia b. - 10, 34, 339
bellidioides - DGN. Resembling Bellium, a member of the daisy family. See Silene b. - 16, 136d
bellium DSN. A member of the daisy family. See bellidioides - 16, 136d
beloperone - DSN. G. From belos, arrow and peronne, a band, referring to the arrow-shaped connective. - 10,
belos - G. n. Missile, especially a dart or arrow. - 10, 48; 14, 272
benghalensis - GSN. L. From Bengal, India. See Commelina b. - 1, 20; 16, 32b; 18,448
benguelensis - GSN. From Benguela, a province in Angola. A place where Leptactina b. is not found -
bequaertiodendron - CSN. J C Bequaert. - 16, 294a
berberis - MGN. From Berberys, the Arabic name for the fruit - 10, 49; 12, 301; 13, 1220
berchemia - CSN. M Berchem. - 11, 111; 16, 240c,d
bergiana CSN. Named after Peter Bergius. See Berkheya b. 18,334
berkheya - CSN. Named after Dutch botanist Jan le Francq van Berkhey. See genus Berkheya - 1, 266, 268;
5, pl 182; 16,424d,e,426h, 456f; 18,220,334,446
bersama - MGN. The Ethiopian name for this genus. - 16, 214c
berula L. Latin name for Water Cress. See genus Berula.- 18,296
berzelia - CSN. Berzelius, famous Swedish chemist. - 10, 52
betonica - DGN. A variation of Vettonica, a similar plant that grows in Spain. See Justicia b. - 16,396b;
betula - MGN. L. Roman name for birch. - 4, 28; 10, 52
bewsia - CSN. J W Bews. - 12, 297

bi - L. Two.. See Bifrenaria. - 28, 60
bi- - L. In compounds, two. Biaristatus, two-awned. - 14, 392
biaristatus - L. Two-awned from bi-, two. - 14, 392
bicaudata - DSN. Two-tailed, refers to lip. See Tridactyle b. 18,128
bicolor DSN. Two coloured. Eucomis b., Dietes b. - 18, 98; 18,238
bidens - DSN. Two toothed, referring to the bristles on the achene. From bis, twice and dens, a tooth,. In
Schizoglossum b. subsp galpinii, Schizoglossum b. subsp pachyglossum, alluding to the two teeth on the
dry one-sides fruit. See genus Bidens. - 5, pl 180; 16, 330c, 330c,d; 18,218,318,444
biennis - DSN. Biennial. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
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bifrenaria - DSN. L. From bi two and frenum rein or strap, alluding to the 2 strap-like stipites joining the
pollinia and the viscidium. This character distinguishes the genus from Maxillaria. - 28, 60
biflora - DSN. Two flowered, twin-flowered. Not apt for Monsonia b. as inflorescences are one-to-three-
flowered. In Satureja b, twin-flowered. - 5, pl 88; 16, 360f
bilabiata - DSN. L. Two-lipped. In Striga b. it describes the corolla. - 1, 238; 16, 368f; 18,432
-bilis - -is, -a. Indicates capacity or ability; verb base. It becomes -abilis with verbs having the infinitive in -
are and -ibilis with those in -ere and -ire, variabilis, able to change. - 14, 308
biloba - DSN. With two lobes. See Bossiaea b., Ginko b., Leschenaultia b. - 10, 54, 168, 208, 339
bios - G. m. Life. See Dendrobium, Xylobium - 14, 272; 28, 110, 414
bipinnatifida - DSN. Twice-cut, in pinnate manner. See Berkheya b. 18,220
birch - L. Betula - 4, 28
birrea - MSN. Based on common name for this tree, birr, in Senagambia. See Sclerocarya. - 1,160; 16,234e
bis - L. Twice. See bidens. - 16, 330c
bispinosa - DSN. L. Two-spined. See Sesbania b., Carissa b. - 1, 132, 200; 16, 168d, 302a, 308b
-bius - G. In compounds, -living. Amphibius, double-living. - 14, 393

blanda - DSN. L. Bland, mild, pleasing, charming. See Peperomia b., Peperomia b. var leptostachya 1,98;
16, 120a; 18,524
blandfordia - CSN. George Marquis of Blandford. - 12, 299
blastos - G. m. Shoot. - 14, 273
blepharis DSN.G. f. Eyelash, eyelid. From blepharon, eyelash, an allusion to the bract. - 1, 248; 14, 273;
16, 386h, 394f,; 18,490
blepharon - G. n. Eyelid. See blepharis. - 1, 248; 14, 273
bletia - CSN. Don Luis Blet, 18th century. - 28, 61
bletilla - DGN. G. Diminutive form of Bletia a genus of American orchids to which their flowers bear a
resemblance. - 28, 61
blighia - CGN. Captain Bligh. - 4, 30
blumea CSN. Named after Dutch botanist Karl Blume. See Blumea.- 18,442

bock - A goat. See Tragia and Hieronymus Bock. - 16, 224a
boerhavia VSN. Named after H. Boerhaave, great Dutch physician. See genus Boerhavia.- 18,378
boivinii CSN. Named after Louis Boivin. See Gonatopus b. 18,570
bojeri - CSN. Wenzel Bojer. See Cassocephalum b., Agathisanthemum b. subsp b. - 1, 270; 16,404f
bolbos G. A bulb. See genus Bolboschoenus, Bulbostylis, Bulbophyllum 18,566,568,574
bollea - CSN. Dr Carl Boll. - 28, 62
bolos DSN. A point. See genus Tribulus.- 18,276
bolusanthus - CSN. Dr Harry Bolus - 1, 134; 11, 68; 16, 166a
bolusiana CSN. Named after Harry Bolus. See Ipomoea b. 18,420
bolusiella - CSN. Sir Harry Bolus, South African botanist, 1834-1911 18,128; 28, 62
bolusia - CSN. Dr Harry Bolus. - 12, 297
bolusiana - CSN. Harry Bolus. See Ipomoea b. subsp b. - 1, 222; 16, 334c
bolusii - CSN. Dr Harry Bolus. See Tieghemia bolusii. - 16, 126a
bombax - DGN. G. Cotton. It refers to the seeds that resemble those of cotton. - 4, 31
bonariensis GSN. From Bonaria, in Buenos Aires, S.America. See Canavalia b.,Verbena b., Hydrocotyle b.
bonatea - CSN. Named after Guiseppe Bonato, prof. of botany at Padua - 1, 86; 3, 68; 16, 108a, 110e;
18,116; 28, 63
boophane - DGN. G. From bous, an ox and phonos, slaughter. Ox-killer. - 1. 60; 3, 36; 5, pl 21; 16,64a
borealis - GSN. North. - 12, 302; 13, 1222
boronia - CSN. Francesco Boroni. - 10, 53
boscia - CSN. Louis A G Bosch - 16, 148d
bossiaea - CSN. M Boissier Lamartinière. - 10, 54
bothr- - G. In compounds, pit. Bothryospermus, with pitted seeds. - 14, 395
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bothriochilus - DSN. G. From bothrion small hollow and chilus lip, referring to the saccate base of the lip. -
28, 63
bothrion - G. Small hollow. See Bothriochilus - 28, 63
bothry- - G. -botrys. In compounds, bunch, raceme. Botryoides, like a bunch of grapes. - 14, 395
bothryospermus - G. With pitted seeds, from bothr-, pit. - 14, 395
bothrys DSN. A furrow or trench. See genus Anvylobothrys.- 18,166
-bothrys - G. botry-. In compounds bunch, raceme. - 14, 395
botrus - A cluster. See genus Eriobotrya. - 10, 142
botryoides - G. Like a bunch of grapes. - 14, 273
botrys - G. m. Bunch of grapes. See Dermatobotrys - 14, 273; 18,72
boubalos - G. Buffalo. See bubalina. - 1, 258; 16, 400i
bougainvillea - CSN. Louis de Bougainville. - 12, 299
bous - G. An ox - [boo-], See genus Boophone - 1, 60; 3, 36; 16, 64a; 18,346
bouvardia - CSN. Dr Charles Bouvard - 10, 54
bowiea - CSN. James Bowie. - 1, 24; 12, 298; 16, 54d; 18,508
bowkeri - CSN. Named after James Henry Bowker. See Chlorophytum b., Liparis b.,
Pelargonium b. - 1, 28; 16, 50d, 96d; 18,154
bowkeri - CSN. Named after Mary (Bowker) Barber. See Liparis b. 18,242
bowkeria - CSN. James Henry Bowker. - 1, 236; 16, 366c, 370e
boylei - CSN. F Boyle. See Aloe.b. - 18,32

brachialis - Arm-long (2 ft or 65 cm); brachiatus, having decussate branches provided with arms; brachium,
arm i.e. distance from arm-pit to tip of middle finger, 2 ft or 65 cm. - 14, 394
brachiaria - DGN. From brachium, an arm; an allusion to the arm-like racemes. - 1, 12
brachiata - DSN. L. With arms but botanically it has a more exact application and refers to the fact that each
pair of opposite leaves or branches is produced at right angles to the last. See Clematis b. - 1, 112; 3,78;
5, pl 67; 18,140
brachium - L. Arm. See genus Brachiaria. - 1, 12
brachy- - G. In compounds, short. Brachycarpus, with short fruit Brachystelma, Brachycorythis. - 14, 394;
brachycarpa - DSN. G. Having short fruits. See Crotalaria b. - 1, 140; 16, 182f
brachycarpus - G. Having short fruits, from brachy-, short. - 14, 394
brachyglottis - DSN.From brakhus, short and glossa, a tongue, and it refers to the short ligulate (strap-
shaped) corollas of the female florets. - 10, 56
brachylaena - DSN. G. From brachys, short and chlaina, a cloak, referring to the short bracts that surround
the disc. - 1, 270; 16,428e
brachyloba - DSN. L. With short lobes. See Kohautia caespitosa var b. - 16, 404c
brachymeris - DSN. G. A short part. - 1, 278
brachypetala - DSN. G. Having short petals. With short petals, See Schotea b., Crassula pellucida subsp b. -
1, 130; 10, 339; 16, 158a, 170a; 18,146
brachypodus DSN. Short foot. See Senecio b. 18,322
brachys - G. Short See genus Brachysema, Brachylaena., Brachystelma - 1,214,270; 10,56; 16, 320a,428e
brachyscyphus DSN. Short cups. Cyrtanthus b. - 18,38
brachysema - DSN. From brakhus, short and sema, standard, and it refers to the very short standard of the
flower. [Standard-uppermost, usually erect, petals]. - 10, 56
brachystachya DSN. Bearing short spikes. See Kniphofia b. 18,572
brachystelma - DSN. G. From brachys, short and stelma, wreath, garland. - 1, 214, 218;
bracteata - DSN. With bracts. See Knowltonia b.,Veltheimia b. 18,140,344
bracteatus - DSN. Having bracts. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
bracteosum - DSN. Bracts. From bracts at the base of the flower stalk in Combretum b. [Bract- modified
leaves surrounding flower]. - 2, 354
brakhus - Short. See genus Brachyglottis, Brachysema. Also in species brachypetala, brachymeris - 10,56
brassaia - (1). MGN. Origin unknown. (2). CGN. William Brass botanist illustrator who collected in Guinea
and South Africa for Sir Joseph Banks. - (1). 10, 56; (2). 28, 66
brassavola - CSN. Sr Antonio Musa Brassavola , Venetian nobleman botanist. - 28, 64
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braybonnae - CSN. Mrs H Braybon. See Mystacidium b. - 16, 96g

bremekampii - CSN. Cornelius Elisa Bremekamp. See Anacampseros b., Barleria b. - 1, 108, 252; 16,390f
breonadia - CSN. N Breon. - 16, 402a
brevi-- L. In compounds, short. Brevispinus, short-spined. - 14, 395
brevicornis DSN. With short horns. See Monadenia b. 18,572
brevicuspis DSN. With short, sharp point. See Asclepias b. 18,550
breviflora DSN. Short flowers. Jamesbrittenia b, Kniphofia b.. - 18,74,92
breviflorum - DSN. Short flowers. See Jasminum b.,Cyrtanthus b. 18,164,232
breviflorus - DSN. L. With short flowers. See Cyrtanthus b. - 16, 76d
brevifolia DSN. Short leaves. See Myrica b. 18,524
brevipes - DSN. L. Short-footed. See Asclepias b. - 1, 206; 16, 312e; 18,550
brevispica - DSN. Short spines. See Acacia b. - 2, 124
brevispicata - DSN. With short spikes. See Tetradenia b.. - 16, 360e
brevispinosum - DSN. L. Shortly-spined. See Rhigozum b. - 1, 240; 16, 376f
brevispinus - L. Shortly-spined, from brevi-, short. - 14, 395
brevistyla DSN. Short style. See Moraea b. 18,108
breyeri - CSN. Herman Gottfried Breijer (Breyer). See Pavetta b. - 1, 258
broma - G. n. Food. See Theobroma. - 4, 145; 14, 273
brotos DSN. Edible. See genus Carpobrotus.- 18,378
broughtonia - CSN. Arthur Broughton, early 19th century. - 28, 68
brownleea - CSN. Reverend John Brownlee, early Scottish missionary who collected the type species of the
genus Brownleea. - 1, 94; 16, 116a-b; 18,120,364,458
brunfelsia - CSN. Otto Brunfels. - 10, 57
brunsvigia - CSN. Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand Duke of Brunswick. The House of Brunswick - 1, 58;
16,66a,68a; 18,38,348
brycei - CSN. Rt Hon James Bryce. See Podranea b. - 5, pl 156
bryo- - G. In compounds, relating to mosses. Byrologia, the study of mosses. - 14, 395
bryon - G. n. Moss, liverwort. - 14, 273

bubalina - DSN. From boubalos, a buffalo or antelope. The hornlike shape of the enlarged old calyx
segments in the fruit, or it refers to the hard wood in Burchellia b. - 1, 258; 3, 220; 16,400i
buchananii - CSN. Rev. John Buchanan. See Asparagus b., Apodolirion b., Kniphofia b. - 16,58c,76b; 18,92;
buchnera - CSN. Johan Gottfried Buchner, 18th Century German naturalist. - 1, 234, 238;
16,364b,368m,372a; 18,432
buchnerianthus - CSN. J G Buchner. See Aeollanthus b. -16, 358f
buddleia - CSN. Adam Buddle. [Sometimes spelled buddleja.] - 1, 196; 10, 57; 12, 299; 13, 1218
buddleja - CSN. Adam Buddle. [Sometimes spelled buddleia]. - 1, 196; 16, 298d.e
bulbine DSN.L. A bulbous plant. See Bulbine - 1, 30; 16, 56f-h; 18,26,224
bulbispernum - DSN. G. Seeds resembling bulbs. See Crinum b. - 1, 56; 16, 72a; 18,348
bulbophyllum - DSN. G. From bulbos bulb and phyllon leaf, referring to the prominent leafy pseudobulbs of
most species. - 28, 68
bulbos - G. Bulb. See Bulbophyllum - 28, 68
bulbus - Bulb. bulbi. See bulbispernum. - 1, 56
-bulum - -bula. Indicates an instrument of means, verb base. Involucrum, wrapper, involucare, from
involvere,wrap up. - 14, 306
-bundus - -a, -um. Indicates doing, like a present participle, or action accomplished, verb base. Floribundus,
flowering, full of flowers from to flower, florere. - 14, 308
buphanoides - DGN. G. Resembling the genus Boophane. See Crinum b. - 1, 56; 16, 72b
bupleurifolia DSN. Bous, an ox, pleuron, a rib, the side; or ancient Greek name for umbelliferous plant,
Bupleurum. See Euphorbia b. 18,532
bupleuroides - DSN. G. Resembling the genus Bupleurum, a member of the Apiaceae. Senecio bupleuroides
- 16, 432c
bupleurum - Genus. See Senecio bupleuroides - 16, 432c
burchellia - CSN. William John Burchell. - 1, 258; 10, 59; 12, 298; 16, 400i
burchellianum - CSN. Burchell. See Trifolium b. - 3, 89; 18,388
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burchellii - CSN. William John Burchell. See Silene b., Pavonia b., Chaetacanthus b., Gnidia b. - 1,108,170;
3, 76, 220; 16, 136b, 180i; 16 254I; 18,198,284,292,382
burkeana - CSN. Joseph Burke. See Monsonia b., Sutera b., Crotolaria b., Cassine b., Jamesbrittenia b. - 1,
148, 238; 16, 204c, 236h, 368j
burkei - CSN. Joseph Burke. See species Acacia b., Elephantorrhiza b., Eriosema b., Acacia b., Hermannia
b., Geigeria b. subsp b. var elata, Geigeria b. subsp valida. -1, 128, 132, 144; 11, 41; 16,160c, 168a,
200d, 260e,452a,b; 18,316
burmannia - CSN. Johan Burmann. - 1, 78
bursa-pastoris - DSN. Bursa, purse and pastoris, shepherd. Shepherd's Purse for Caspella b-p. - 19, 123
burtt-davyi - CSN. Dr Joseph Burtt Davy. See Hibiscus b-d. - 5, pl 99
buttonia - CSN. Edward Button, geologist, who wandered round South East Africa in search of gold and
plants. See genus Buttonia.- 1, 236; 16, 366d; 18,430

cacos - G. Bad, ugly. - 14, 273
cadaba - MGN. From Arabic, kadhab, which is the common name of one member of the genus.
1, 114; 16, 144g, 148b
cadetia - CSN. Cadet de Gassicourt. - 28, 71
caenos - G. New, fresh. To be distinguished from cenos, empty and coenos, common. - 14, 273
caerulea - DSN. L. Dark blue/sky-blue. See Nymphaea c., Nymphaea nouchali var c.,Nemesia c. - 1, 110; 16,
138a-b; 18,480
caeruleus - DSN. Blue. Sky-blue. - 10, 339; 12, 304
caesalpinia - CSN. Andreas Caesalpini. - 10, 60
caesia CSN. Named after Frederico Cesi, Italian naturalist. See Caesia.- 18,448
caesius DSN. An adjective most often applied to eyes, and can mean blue-eyed or grey-eyed. In Hibiscus c.
it is aptly translated dark-eyed . - 5, pl 98
caespititium - DSN. L. Growing in clumps/spreading in carpetlike patches. See Helichrysum c. - 1,276;
16,438j; 18,442
caespitosa - DSN. Growing in dense clumps. See Kohautia c. subsp brachyloba. - 16, 404c
caespitosum DSN. Tufted like the grass of a sod. See Delosperma c. 18,380
caespitosus - DSN. Tufted. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
cafra - GSN. From Caffraria. See Maerua c. - 1, 114
caffra - GSN. From Caffraria (an old name for part of Eastern South Africa, now in the Transvaal) also from
Kaffraria, an old name for part of the Eastern Cape(16, 110b). Habinaria falcicornis c. Protea c.,
Maerua c., Acacia c., Gnidia c., Erythrina c., Protea c. X Protea welwitschii, Protea c. subsp c.,
Sclerocarya birrea subsp c. Stachys c, Tinospora c., Diaphananthe c. - 1, 88, 100, 114, 144, 182; 3,192,
199; 16, 110b, 122b, 124d, 144f, 160b, 234e, 272d, 356d, 358e; 18,52,128,292
caffraria - An old name for part of eastern South Africa, now in Transvaal. See cafra, caffra. -
1,88,100,114,144, 182; 3, 192
caffrum - DSN. L. Caffraria (Kaffraria), once part of Transvaal. The old name for the Eastern Cape (16, 134
h). caffra. From the country of the Kaffirs. See Talinum c., Harpephyllum c., Adenostemma
c.,Geranium c., Otholobium c. - 1, 108; 10, 176, 339; 16, 134h, 448d; 18,398,462
cairica GSN. From Cairo. See Ipomoea c. 18,420
cajanifolia - DSN. L. With leaves resembling the pigeon-pea. With leaves resembling the genus Cajanus,
another member of the family. See Pearsonia c. subsp. C. - 1, 136; 16 178a, 184e
calamos - G. m. Reed. - 14, 273
calandae - First of each month. See genus Callendula. - 12, 300; 13, 1220
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calanthe - DSN. G. From kalos beautiful and anthe flower, alluding to the pretty flowers of many species. -
28, 72
calanthoides - DGN. Bearing beautiful flowers (calanthos), resembling Calanthe. See Eulophia c. 18,244
calcartus - DSN. Spurred. In Gladiolus c. it refers to the long-tail anthers. - 16, 8c
calceolaria - DSN. From calceolus, slipper, and it refers to the lower lip of the flower. - 10, 61; 12,300;
calceolus - DSN. A slipper. 10, 61
caledonica - GSN. From the Caledon river area. See Wahlenbergia c., Lightfootia c. - 1, 264; 16,420d
calendula - DSN. Calendae, The first of every month, referring to its continual flowering - 12, 300; 13,1220
calli- - G. In compounds, beautiful. Callicarpus, with beautiful fruits. - 14, 273, 397
calliandra DSN. From kallos, meaning beauty and andros, meaning flower, and refers to the long richly
coloured stamens. - 10, 61
callicarpa - DSN. From kallos, beauty and karpos, fruit, and refers to the attractive berries. - 10,61
callcarpus - G. With beautiful fruits, from calli-, beautiful. - 14, 397
callilepis - DSN. G. A beautiful scale. An allusion to the paleae or pappus. [Paleae-chaff-like bract or scale]
[Pappus-downy or feathery appendage on fruit, seeds etc.] - 1, 268; 3, 189; 16,426g, 454a
callistemon - DSN. From kallos, beauty or kallistos, most beautiful and stemon, a stamen, and refers to the
spikes of clustered flowers with conspicuous stamens. - 10, 62; 12, 301
callistephus - DSN. From kallistos, most beautiful and stephos, crown, referring to the seed. - 12,301; 3,220
callitris - DSN. From kallos, beauty, and refers to the appearance of the whole plant. - 10, 64
callos - G. n. Beautiful. - 14, 273
calluna - DSN. From kallunein, to sweep, and it alludes to the old-time use of the branches as brooms. -
10,64; 12, 302; 13, 1221
calo- - G. In compounds, beautiful. Calochromus, beautifully coloured. - 14, 397
calocephala - DSN. Beautiful head. See Gnidia c. 18,158
calocephalus - DSN. From kalos, fair and kephale, head, and it refers to the head of bloom. - 10,65
calodendron - DSN. From kalos, fair and dendron, tree, and refers to the whole tree. See also calodendrum.
- 2, 186; 10, 65
calodendrum - DSN. G. Beautiful tree from kalos, fair and dendron, tree. - 1, 150; 2, 186; 16, 210a
caloglossa - DSN. Beautiful tongue. See Fanninia c. 18,168
calothamnus - DSN. From kallos, beauty and thamnas, shrub, and it refers to the whole shrub. - 10, 66
calpurnia - CSN. T Julius Calpurnius. - 1, 134; 16, 166c
calva DSN. Hairless. See Inulanthera c. 18,318
calycanthus - DSN. From kalux, calyx and anthos, flower, referring to the calyx which is coloured like the
petals. - 10, 66
calycina - DSN. G. Calyx-like. Kalux, calyx. See Rabdosia. c., Rabdosiella c., Lotononis - 1, 228; 10, 66; 16,
346d, 358b; 18,258,424
calycinus DSN. With a big calyx. Kalux, calyx. - 10, 339
calycophylla - DSN. G. Having a leafy calyx lobe. - 16, 404g
-cylmma - G. In compounds, covering, veil. - 14, 397
calyphyllus - DSN. Leafy calyx. See Hibiscus c. 18,284
calyptra - G. f. Veil. - 14, 273
calyptrata - DSN. Capped. See Padalyria c. - 10, 257, 339
calyptrochilum - DSN. G. From kalyptra veil or covering and cheilos lip, referring to the calyptrate condition
of the lip. - 28, 74
calythrix - DSN. From kalux, calyx and thrix, hair, and refers to the hair-like awns terminating the calyx
lobes. [Awn-bristle-like attachment, as on seeds, flowers etc.) - 10, 67
calyx - G. f. Covering of a flower or fruit, hence calyx. - 14, 273
camara DSN. Vaulted chamber. See Lantana c. 18,422
camarotis - DSN. G. From kamarotis arched, probable alluding to the chambered structure of the lip. - 28,74
camassia - MGN. North American Indian. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
cambricus - GSN. Cambria (Wales). - 12, 302; 13, 1221
camellia - CGN. George Josef Kamel, named by Linnaeus in 1735. - 6, 5; 10, 67; 12, 299; 13, 1218
campana DSN. A bell. See genus Campanula. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
campanula - DSN. Diminutive of campana, a bell. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
campanulatus - DSN. Bell-shaped. See Enkianthus c., Pachycarpus c. var sutherlandii., Agapanthus c. - 10,
136, 339; 16, 328b; 18,450,548
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campestris - DSN. Of the plains or fields. See Pollichia c.,Cuscuta c. - 12, 303; 13, 1222; 16, 136a;
campo- - campso-, campto-, campylo-. G. In compounds, bent. - 14, 397
campso- - campo-, campto-, campylo-. G. In compounds, bent. - 14, 397
campto- - campso-, campo-, campylo-. G. In compounds, bent. - 14, 397
camptos - G. Camptos. Bent, curved. - 14, 273
campylacantha - DSN. G. With recurved thorns. See Acacia polaacantha subsp. C. - 16, 164b
campylo- - campso-, campto-, campo-. G. In compounds, bent. - 14, 397
campylos - G. Campylos. Bent, curved. - 14, 273
campylostemon - DSN. Curved stamen. See Justicia c. 18,202
cana DSN. L. Whitish-grey. See Sopubia c., Sopubia c.var c. - 1, 234; 16, 364h; 18,430
canavalia - MGN. From the Melabar vernacular name, kanaval , for these climbing herbs. - 16,198a; 18,396
candicans DSN. Pure white. Galtonia c. - 18,96
candidus - DSN. Pure white. See Streptocarpus c. - 12, 304; 13, 1223; 18,196
candolleanum DGN. Like Candollea. See Helichrysum c. 18,442
canescens - DSN. L. With off-white, ash-grey or greyish. In Dissotis c. it refers to the leaf and hair colour.
See Hemizygia c. - 1, 186; 3, 116; 5, pl 116; 16, 278d, 360c; 18,410
canino-- L. In compounds, pertaining to dogs. - 14, 398
cannabinus - DGN. L. Like hemp or dagga. See .Hibiscus c. - 1, 170; 3, 110; 16, 254d; 18,286
canoargentea - DSN. L. From canus, grey, hoary and argenteus, silvery. See Gnidia c. - 1, 182; 16, 272e
cantabricus - GSN. Cantabria (North-Western Spain). - 12, 302; 13, 1221
cantabridgensis - GSN. Cambridge. - 12, 302; 13, 1222
canthium - MGN. The latinisation of the Malabar botanical name kanti. - 16, 408e
canus DSN. L. Grey, hoary. See canoargentea. - 1, 182; 16, 272e
capanemia - CSN. Dr Guillemo Schuch de Capanema. - 28, 75
capassa - GSN. The African name for this tree in Mozambique - 16, 174d
capense - GSN. L. Pertaining to the Cape. See Piper c., Calodendrum c. Zanthoxylum c., Mystacidium c.,
Epilobium c., Gallium c. - 1, 98, 150; 16, 96f, 120b, 120a,b, 280a, 404d; 18,130,132
capensis - GSN. Of the Cape of Good Hope. Typha c, Eragrotis c., Landolphia c., Limosella c., Tecomaria
c., Tecomaria c. subsp c., Gardenia c., Psychotria c., Calodendron c., Crotalaria c., Virgelia c.,
Plumbago c., Tephrosia c., Ekebergia c., Delechampia.c., Alectra c., Rothmannia c., Psychotria c. subsp
c. var c. - 1, 14, 200, 236, 240, 256, 258; 3, 5; 10, 65, 113, 256, 329, 339; 12,302;13,221; 16, 24a, 202e,
214a, 224f, 302b, 372c, 376g, 400e,k
capitata DSN. L. Knoblike head/head-shaped, Composite flowerhead. See Bulbine c., for Schotia c. with a
head, Urginea c.,Gnidia c. - 1, 30; 16, 174b; 18,94; 18,224,292
capitatum DSN. Head. Refers to inflorescence. See Pelargonium c. 18,400
capitella - DSN. L. Having a small head. See Crassula c. - 1, 116; 18,144
capitellata - DSN. L. Having little heads. See Selago c. - 1, 240; 16, 376a
capparis - MGN. G. The ancient Greek name for these shrubs - 16, 146f
caprea - DSN. From a goat (goat s food). Salix c. - 10, 291, 339
capreaefolia DSN. Letterlike booggladmaker or bow-smoother , and in the species Ficus capreaefolia
refers to the sandpaper character of the leaves. - 11, 20
capreolata - DSN. Entangled with tendrils. - 10, 339
caprifolium - DSN. Perfoliate. Lonicera c. - 13, 1221
capsa DSN. Capsule. See genus Craterocapsa.- 18,494
cardia - G. f. Heart. - 14, 273
cardia- - G. cardio-. In compounds, heart-. - 14, 273
cardio- - G. cardia-. In compounds, heart-. - 14, 273
cardiophora - DSN. Bearing hearts. See Disperis c. 18,122,520
cardiospermum - DSN. G. From kardia, heart and sperma, a seed, alluding to the heart-shaped spot on the
seeds. - 16, 238b
caribaea - GSN. From the Caribbean, Leeward Islands. Rhynchosia c. 18,270
caric DSN. Sedge. See genus Carex.- 18,506,568
carissa - MGN. From the Indian name for the plant of this genus from which comes carissin, a bitter,
poisonous glucoside found in the bark - 1, 200; 16, 302a, 308a
carlinopsis - DSN. G. Medieval plant name, the Carlina thistle after Charlemagne (Carolus). See Berkheya c.
magalismontana. - 1, 266; 16, 424d
carneus - DSN. L. Flesh-coloured. See Haemanthus c. - 1, 62; 10 , 339; 12, 304; 13, 1223; 16, 60a
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carnosa - DSN. Fleshy or soft but firm, refers to leaves. See Ceropegia c.,Phylohydrax c. 18,172,204
carp- - G. carpo-. In compounds, relating to the fruit. - 14, 398
carpa DSN. Fruit. See Eriocarpai - 18,56
-carpa - G. carpus, carpium. In compounds fruit, -fruited. - 14, 399
carpenteria - CSN. N. Prof William Carpenter - 10, 74
carpinifolia - DSN. Beech-like foliage. See genus Zelkova. - 10, 331
carpinus DSN. Beech. - 10, 75
capitata - DSN. L. A knot-like head. See Bulbine c. - 16, 56g
carpo- - G. carp-. In compounds, relating to the fruit. - 14, 398
carpos DSN. G. m. Fruit. See genus Symphoreo., Pterocarpus - 13, 1219, 1220; 12, 300; 14,273; 16,172c
carpus DSN. Fruit. See genus Gomphocarpus, Pachycarpus.- 18,168,170,546,580
carpus Wrist joint. See genus Commicarpus.- 18,378
-carpus - G. carpa, carpium. In compounds fruit, -fruited. - 14, 399
carsonii - CSN. Alexander Carson. See Glossostelma c. - 5, pl 128
carvalhoi - CSN. Dr M R P de Carvalho. See Sutera c. - 5, pl 152
carya - G. n. Nut bearing. - 14, 273
caryo- - G. In compounds, nut-, nucleus-. - 14, 399
caryon - G. n. Nut. - 14, 273
caryophyllaceae - Descriptive Family Name. G. From karyolphollon, the name of a clove tree, given to the
Pinks because of their scent. - 3, 76
caryopteris - DSN. From karoun, nut and ptron, wing, it indicates that the seeds are winged. - 10,75
cassia - DSN. G. From kasia, bark strips. An ancient Greek name, kisia, for this genus of leguminous plants.
- 1, 134, 140; 10, 75; 11, 62; 12, 301; 16, 166b
cassidea - DSN. A helmet. See Bonatea c. 18,116
cassine - MGN. The North American name for dahoon , (Ilex cassine) - 16, 236h
cassinia - CSN. Count Cassini. - 10, 77
cassytha DSN. Of Semitic origin, used by the Greeks for the parasitic plant now known in English as
dodder laurel of the same genus. Not related to dodder Cuscula, Convolvulaceae. See genus
Cassytha.- 18,528
castalis - MGN. A Greek fountain on mount Parnassus sacred to Apollo. - 1, 268; 16, 426b
castanea MGN.Latin name for chestnut. Castanea. See also Castanospermum - 10, 77
castanospermum - DSN. From castanea, chestnut and sperma, seed and refers to the seed. - 10,77
casuarina - MGN. The long drooping branches resembles the feathers of Australia s cassowary bird
Casuarinus. - 4, 38; 10, 77
cat-- G. Before a vowel and h; cata-. Against, along, below. -14, 304
cata- - L. See de-. G. See cat-. - 14, 302, 303, 304
cataractarum - DSN. L. Of waterfalls. In Gladiolus c. it alludes to the habit of these plants. - 1, 70; 16, 84a
catasetum - DSN. From the Greek kata down and the Latin seta bristle, referring to the 2 antenna-like
appendages at the base of the column in male flowers. - 28, 75
cathartica - DSN. With purgative qualities. - 10, 339
cato- - G. Down, downwards, below, under. - 14, 304
catophylla - DSN. G. With leaves hanging down. See Pavetta c. - 1, 258; 16, 406b; 18,204
cattleya - CGN. William Cattley the first horticulturalist to grow epiphilic orchids successfully in England. -
28, 78
caudatum - DSN. L. Tailed. In Entandophragma c. it refers to the tail-like apex to the leaves. - 16,208e
caularthron - DSN. G. From kaulos stem and arthron joint, referring to the persistent leaf-bases on the
pseudobulbs. - 28, 85
caulescens DSN. L. From caulis stem; having a stem. Clivia c.,Dimorphotheca c. For Kniphofia c.
referring to the distinct stem, uncommon in this genus. Agapanthus c.- 1, 62; 16, 60c,454d;
caulis - Stem. See Caulifloris, caulinus, Caulescens - 14, 399; 18,28
caulos - G. m. Stem. See Eriocaulon - 14, 273; 18,86
cavendishi - CSN. W P Cavendish. - 10, 79

ceanothus - DSN. G. From keanothus a spiny plant, in genus Ceanothus but seems to bear no connection to
the present genus. - 10, 79
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cedarbergensis - GSN. Of the Cedarberg. - 12, 302

cedrela - DGN. G. Diminuative of kedros, the Cedar, the wood being similarily scented to some extend.
4,19; 10, 81
cedrus - DGN. For genus Cedrus, from the Roman name cedrus. The Greek name was kedros, a name for a
coniferous tree from the time of Homer. See also genus Libocedrus - 4, 40; 10,82,213
celastrus - G. Name of an evergreen tree. See Pterocelastus. - 16, 236g
-cellus - -cella, -cellum, -cillus, -cilla, -cillum, -culus, -cula, -culum, -ellus, -ella, -ellum, -illus, -illa, -illum.
Diminutive. Lamella, small plate, from lamina; Pilosiuscullus, slightly pilose, from pilosus. - 14, 306,
celosioides - DGN. Like Celosia. See Gomphrena c. 18,134
celtis - DGN. G. Whip. For the genus Celtis a very ancient Greek name. - 1, 98; 10, 83; 16, 120d
cenos DSN. G. Empty. See caenos - 14, 273
centaureoides DGN. After a plant whose medicinal properties were said to be discovered by a centaur. See
Vernonia c. 18,498
centella DSN. Possibly diminutive of cento a patchwork covering. Centella 18,540
centron - G. n. A sharp point, sting, spur of a cock. - 14, 273
centurea - CGN. Chiron the centaur. 13, 1218
cephal DSN. A ball or sphere. See Sphaerocephala. - 18,96
cephalanthus - DSN. G. From kephale, a head and anthos, a flower. - 1, 256; 16, 400a, 402b
cephalaria - DSN. G. From kephale, a head. - 1, 260; 3, 156; 16, 410a
cephale DSN. G. Head. - 14, 273
cephaloideum DSN. Headlike. See Helichrysum c. 18,312
cephalotes - DSN. A head. See Disa c. 18,120
-cephalus - G. In compounds, -headed. Monocephalus, with one head. - 14, 400
ceras DSN. G. Horn. - 14, 273
-ceras - G. In compounds, -horn, horn-like projection. - 14, 400
cerasifera - DSN. Bearing cherries. See Prunus c. - 10, 271, 339
cerato-- G. In compounds, horned. - 14, 400
ceratonia - DSN. From keration, a horn or pod. - 10, 83
ceratopetalum -DSN. From keras, a horn and petalon, a petal since the petals of some species resemble a
stag s horn. - 10, 83
ceratostigma - DSN. From keras, a horn and stigma, and it alludes to the horn-like excrescenses on the
stigmas. [Excrescence-abnormal outgrowth] - 10, 84
ceratostylis - DSN. G. From keras or kerato horn and stylis style,from the fleshy horn-like appearance of the
column. - 28, 85
ceratotheca - DSN. G. Keras, a horn and theke a case. Having horned capsules, which distinguishes it from
Sesamum. - 1, 244; 3, 145; 5, pl 160; 16, 378a, 380d
cercidiphyllum - DGN. From Cercis and phyllum, a leaf,suggesting that the leaves resemble those of
Cercis. - 10, 84
cercis DGN. From the old Greek word kerkis the Judas Tree. See genus Cercidiphyllum - 10,84
cerinthe - G. The honey-wort. See cerinthoides - 1, 192
cerinthoides DSN. G. Resembling Cerinthe, the honey-wort. See Erica c., Erica c.var c. - 1,192;
16,292a,b; 18,68
cernua DSN. Nodding, drooping. See Peristrophe c. 18,436
ceropegia - DSN. G. From keros, wax and pege, streams, because some species have waxy flowers. Or wax
fountain, an allusion to the form of the flower. - 1, 212; 5, pl 127; 16,318aj,328d
cerviana - CSN. J Cervi. See Mollungo c. - 16, 132f
cestrum - DSN. From kestron, an ancient Greek term. - 10, 65

chabaudii - CSN. John Chabaud. See Aloe c. - 18,32
-chacta - G. chaete. In compounds, bristle, long hair. - 14, 400
chaenomeles - DGN. From khaino, to gape and meles an apple. - 10, 88
chaeris - G. Young pig. See Hypochaeris. - 18, 338
chaerophylloides - DGN. Resembling Chervil. Chaerophyllum. See Conium c. 18,160
chaeta DSN. Bristle. See genus Anisochaeta.- 18,216
chaete - G. f. Loose flowing hair, mane. - 14, 273
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-chaete - G. chaeta. In compounds, bristle, long hair. - 14, 400

chaite DSN. Bristle. See genus Chaetacanthus.- 18,198
chalcedonicus - GSN. Chalcedon, part of Asia Minor. - 12, 302; 13, 221
chalco- - G. In compounds, copper, on the ground, hence low-growing. Also given as dwarf, lowly, creeping,
false. See chamaecyparis. 14, 273
chamae DSN. On the ground. See genus Chamaecrista.- 18,256
chamaeathus - DSN. G. Chamai a dwarf and anthos a flower. See Angraecum c. - 16, 96e
chamaecrista - DSN. G. From dwarf, growing close to the ground and crista, crested. - 16, 176e
chamaecyparis - DGN. From khamai, on the ground and kuparisos, Cypress, and it refers to the low-growing
nature of this genus. Another author says Dwarf cypress. How it got this name is a mystery. - 4,43; 10,
chamaelaucium - DSN. The name meaning obscure. - 10, 91
chamaedendrum DSN. Dwarf tree. See Pygmaeothamnus c. 18,556
chamaengis - DSN. G. From chamai lowly and angos a vessel, referring to the swollen vessel-like spur of the
small flowers of many species in this genus. - 28, 86
chamai - G. A dwarf, lowly. See Chamaeanthus, Chamaengis - 16, 96e; 28, 86
chamois - G, Dwarf, growing close to the ground. See Chamaecrista. - 16, 176d
charis - G. f. Grace, beauty, delight. See genus Ammocharis,Eleocharis. - 1,52; 5,pl 19; 14,273; 16,74a;
chascanum - DSN. G. From chaskanon a mask with wide open mouth. See genus Chascanum.- 1,226;
chaskanon - G. A mask. Wide open at the mouth. See Chascanum. - 1, 226
cheil- - G. cheilo-. In compounds, lip-. - 14, 401
cheilo- - G. cheil-. In compounds, lip - 14, 401
cheilos - G. n. A lip. See Schizochilus, neochilus. Dichilus, Ancistrochilus, Anoectochilu, Calyptrochilum,
Chiloschista, Dendrochilum, Gastrochilus, Isochilus, Leochilus, Otochilus, Sarcochilus - 1, 88, 232; 14,
273; 16, 110g, 180a, 350e; 18,118,240,364; 28, 49, 55, 63, 74, 86, 127, 149, 160, 287, 346, 389
cheiro DSN. Hand. See genus Cheirostylis.- 18,370
cheno - G. A goose. See Chenopodium. - 16, 300d; 18,526
chenopodium DSN. From chen, a goose and podion, a little foot alluding to the leaves. - 16,300d
chilos - G. Green food. See Dendrochilum - 28, 127
chilos DSN. Lip. See genus Siphonochilus.- 18,360
chiloschista - DSN. G. From cheilos lip and schistos cleft, referring to the bipartite or cleft lip in the type
species. - 28, 86
chilus - G. Lip. See Bothriochilus. - 28, 63
-chilus - G. In compounds, lipped. - 14, 401
chimonanthus - DSN. From kheimon, winter and anthos,flower, and this refers to the season. - 10,92
chion DSN. G. f. Snow. See Chionodoxa. - 12, 300, 301; 13, 1219, 1220; 14, 273
chionanthus - DSN. From the Greek khion, snow and anthos,flower, and this refers to the white downy
panicles of bloom. - 10, 92
chionodoxa - DSN. Fron chion, snow and doxa, glory meaning glory of the snow. - 12, 301; 13,1220
chionosphaerum - DSN. G. Snow, spherical, possibly alluding to the white involucral bracts. See
Helichrysum c. - 16, 440b,c, 442d; 18,212
chironia - MGN. Named after the centaur, Chiron, father of medicine and botany. See genus Chironia - 1,
198; 5, pl121; 16, 300e; 18,164,414
chiton - G. m. Tunic, covering, shirt. See Sclerochiton, Stylochiton.- 14, 273; 16, 398d; 18,200,490,506
-chiton - G. In compounds, coat, tunic, covering. - 14, 273, 401
chlaina - G. f. A cloak, covering, blanket. See Brachylaena, Lopholaena, Chromolaena. - 1,270,274; 14,273;
16,428e; 18,210
chlamys - G. f. Military cloak, mantle. - 14, 273
chloe - G. f. Young green corn or grass. - 14, 273
chlor- MGN. G. chloro-. In compounds, green-. Named after the Greek goddess of flowers.
See C. gayana. - 1, 12, 14; 14, 401, 16, 22f, 24e
chlorotica - DSN. G. Chloros yellow-green alluding in Habenaria c. to the flowers. - 16, 100d; 18,516
chloro- - G. chlor-. In compounds, green-. - 14, 401
chlorophytum - DSN. G. From chloros, green and phyton, a plant. - 1, 28; 3, 12; 16, 50d; 18,90
chloros - G. Green, greenish-yellow. See Chlorophytum, chlorozonum, chloritica - 1, 28, 214; 3,12; 12,300;
13; 1219; 14, 273; 16, 50, 100d; 18,90
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chlorozonum - DSN. From (G) chloros, green and (L) zona, a band, refers to the flowers, Brachystelma c. -
1, 214; 16, 320g
choisya - CSN. M J D Choisy. - 10, 93
chondrorhyncha - DSN. G. From chondros cartilage and rhynchos beak, referring to the beak-like rostellum.
- 28, 87
chondros - G. Cartilage. See Chondrorhyncha - 28, 87
chordospartum - DSN. From khorde, a tough spring and spartium, the slender shoots. - 10, 93
chori- - G. In compounds, separate, apart, free. Choripetalus, with free petals. - 14, 304, 401
choristos - G. Separated. See Dyschoriste. - 16, 394a; 18,434
chorizema - DSN. From khoros, a dance and zema, a drink, and it is said the name was given by Labillardière
as an expression of joy in finding the original species near a spring of pure fresh water after his party
had been long tantalised by finding many salt springs. - 10, 94
chorus - G. Different. See Monochoria. - 16, 28c
chroa - G. Coloured. See Dichrocephala. - 16, 456
chrom- - G. chromat-, chromus-. In compounds, pertaining to colour, coloured. - 14, 401
chroma - G. n. Colour, complexion. - 14, 273
chromat- - G. chroma-, chromus-. In compounds, pertaining to colour, coloured. - 14, 401
chromo DSN. Coloured. See genus Chromolaena. 18,210
chromus-- G. chromat-, chroma-. In compounds, pertaining to colour, coloured. - 14, 401
-chrous - G. In compounds, -coloured. See chromus. - 14, 401
chrysanthemoides - DGN. Resembling Chrysanthemon. See Euryops c. - 17, 913; 18,330
chrysanthemum - DSN. From chrysos, golden and anthemon, a flower. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
chrysocoma - DSN G. Golden or shiny hair.From Salix c., Senecio c.- 27, 152; 18,218
chrysophyllum DSN. G. Golden or shiny leaves. Here it refers to the colour of the underside of the leaves.
- 4, 45; 11, 140
chrysos - DSN. Gold, golden. See Helichrysum, Chrysanthemum, Chrysocoma.- 1, 276; 3, 169; 12,300,301;
13,1219, 1220; 16, 438; 18,212,310,312,442
chrysos- - G. In compounds, gold-. - 14, 273
chrysostachya DSN. Yellow spots. From Disa c. - 18,48
chysis - DSN. G. From chysis melting, alluding to the fused appearance of the pollinia when the flower opens
resulting from self-fertilisation. See Chysis. - 28, 88

cichorium - DGN. Egyptian. - 12, 300, 301
ciclospermum DSN. Misspelt from cyclo, round. Refers to the round seed. See genus Ciclospermum.-
cidos DSN. Resembling, like. See genus Taxodium. - 4, 141: 10, 314
cienfuegosia CSN. Named after Spanish botanist B. Cienfuegos. See genus Cienfuegosia.- 18,288
cilianensis - GSN. From Ciliana, a village in Italy. See species Eragrotis c. - 4, 141: 10, 314
ciliatus - DSN. Fringed with hairs. See Plectranthus c. - 10, 339; 18,184
ciliosa DSN. Fringed, eyelashlike. See Habenaria c. 18,516
cimiciodora DSN. Scientific name for bedbug, refers to scent. See Ceropegia c. 18,554
cinerarius DSN. Light grey. See Cineraria.- 18,320
cinerea - DSN. Ashy, grey. In Dichorostachys c. africana it possibly alludes to the bark. - 1, 130; 2, 142;
3,197; 16, 170e
cinnamomea DSN. Cinnamon coloured. See Ficinia c. 18,564
cinnamomum - MGN. Derived from the Hebrew name kinamon. - 4, 46; 10, 95
ciprès - French name Ciprès for Cypress. See Genus Cupressus. - 10, 116
circinatum - DSN. Coiled inwards from tip, refers to curved tips of flower lobes.
See Brachystelma c. 18,172,582
circum- - Around. Circumdans, surrounding. - 14, 302
cirrhopetalum - DSN. Possibly from the Greek kirrhos orange-tawny or pale yellow and petalon petal,
referring to the flower colour, or alternatively, and more likely, from the Latin cirrus tendril or fringe,
referring to lateral sepals which in some species are curled, or to the fringed petals. - 28, 88
cirrhosum DSN. Curled tendrils. Cyptostemma c - 18,66
cirrus L. Curl of hair, fringe. See genus Cirrhopetalum.- 18,246
cirsiifolia DGN. Leaves like Cirsium. See Berkheya c. 18,334
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cirsioides - DSN. G. Like a thistle. See Dicoma anomala subsp. C. - 1, 266

cissampelos - DGN. G. From kissos, a climber, ivy, and ampelos, a vine. In Cissampelos it refers to the
rambling habit.and fruit like a bunch of grapes - 16, 136h; 18,52
cissus - DSN. G. From kissos, ivy because of the climbing habit of these shrubs. - 1, 166; 16,246b,248d
cistus DSN. Derived from kistos an ancient Greek name for the plant, genus Cistus. - 10, 95
citharexylum - DSN. From kithara, a lyre and xulon, wood, because the timber is used for making musical
instruments. - 10, 96
citrina DSN.L. Lemon-coloured, yellow. See Bowkeria c., Clivia miniata var c. where the flowers are
creamy yellow and the fruit yellowish orange.- 1, 236; 16, 366c; 18,38
citrinus - DSN. Lemon. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
citriodora - DSN.With the odour of citrus. See Backhousia c., Eucalyptus c. - 10, 43, 146, 339
citrullus DSN. Citrus plus diminutive, refers to round fruit. See genus Citrullus 18,558

clad- - G. cladus-. In compounds, branch, shoot. - 14, 402
cladium DSN. Branch or sprout. See genus Cladium 18,568
clados - G. m. Branch, shoot, branched. See species leptocladus. - 1, 16; 14, 273
cladostemon - DSN. Stamens terminating a short branch -2, 106
cladus-- G. clad-. In compounds, branch, shoot. See genus Oeceoclades.- 14, 402; 18,126,246,372,520
clarkia - CSN. William Clarke. - 13, 1218
clausena - CSN. Peter Clausson. - 16, 208d
clava DSN. L. A club, See clavata, clavicornis. - 1, 80; 16, 102d
clavarioides - DGN. Means Clavaria-like, because it resembles a fungus of that name. See Euphorbia c. 1,80;
16, 36a; 18,278
clavata - L. Club-shaped. From clava, a club. See Eucomis autumnalis subsp c., Habenaria c.- 18,516
clavi- - L. In compounds, club-, cudgel-. - 14, 402
clavicornis DSN. L. From clava, a club and corneus, horny. In Eulophia c. and Eulophia c. var c. possibly
refers to the slender structure of the lip. - 1, 80; 16, 102d; 18,126,370
cleistanthus DSN. Closed flowers.
cleistos - G. Closed, shut. - 14, 273
cleistostoma - DSN. G. From kleistos closed and stoma mouth, alluding to the calli which almost block the
mouth of the spur. - 28, 90
-clema - G. clemus. In compounds, twig, branch, shoot. - 14, 401
clematis DGN. G. Traveller s joy from klema, a vine. See Clematopis. Clematis. - 1, 112; 3, 78; 5,pl 67; 16,
clematopis - DGN. G. Vine-like. Klema, a vine. Like Clematis. - 1, 112; 5, pl 69; 16, 140c
-clemus - G. clema. In compounds, twig, branch, shoot. - 14, 401
cleome - DGN. The derivation of the name is unknown or obscure. From Cleoma, a name used in the Middle
Ages for a strong tasting plant that grew in a moist habitat. See genus Cleome.- 1, 114; 5, pl 70; 16,144a-
clerodendrum - DGN. From kleros, chance and dendron, a tree, and it is said to be an allusion to its variable
medicinal properties. - 1, 226; 10, 96; 16, 340c,d, 342a,b, 344a-d
-cles - G. In compounds, famous for, noted for, endowed with. Indicates honour or renown, hence abundance
of a particular quality, often part of Greek personal names; noun or adjective base. - 14, 306, 402
clethra - DGN. It is the Greek name for the Alder, given on account of leaf resemblance. - 10, 97
clianthus - DSN. From kleois, glory and anthos, a flower, and refers to the brightly coloured flowers. - 10,97
cliceras DSN. Chambered. See Tricliceras. - 18, 66
cliestanthus - DSN. G. Closed flowers, refers to the flowers which appear partially closed. - 2, 216
cleistos - G. Closed. See genus Anthoccleista. - 11, 146
cliffortia - CSN. George Clifford, patron of Linnaeus. See genus Cliffortia.- 16, 158e; 18,150
cline - G. f. Couch. - 14, 273
clinopodia DSN. Leaning foot, limp. See Dicliptera c. 18,436
clitellifera - DSN. L. Bearing a small pack saddle, which the central lobe resembles. Eulophia c. - 1, 80;
16,102e-f; 18,244
clivia - CSN. Lady Charlotte F Clive. - 1, 62; 16, 60c; 18,36
clowesia - CSN. Rev John Clowes. - 28, 91
clusii - CSN. Charles de l Ecluse. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
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clutia - CSN. Outgers Cluyt, 17th cent. Dutch botanist. See genus Clutia.-16,222d,e; 18,278,530

cneme - G. f. Cnema. Leg, internode, spoke. - 14, 273
cnemis - G. f. Greave, legging - 14, 273
cnestus - DSN. Scratch. - 2, 118

co- - Before vowel or h; col- before l; com- before b,m and p; con- before c, d, f, g, j, n, qu, s, t, and v; cor-
before r. With, together with. Coalitus, grown together. - 14, 302
coccinea DSN. L. Scarlet. See Schizostylis c. - 1, 74; 16, 94h; 18,42
coccinia - DSN. From coccinus, scarlet. - 18,80
coccineus - DSN. L. Crimson. Scarlet. See genus Coccinia and species calistemon. - 1, 262; 3,158;
10,63,339; 12, 304; 13, 1223; 16, 412b
coccinus DSN. Scarlet. See coccinea, Coccinia - 18,42,80,308
coccinia - DSN. L. From coccineus, scarlet, referring to the fruit colour. - 1, 262; 3, 158; 16,412b,c,414a,b
coccos - G. m. Grain, seed, round gall, pill. - 14, 273
cochleanthes - DSN. G. From kochlioides spiral; snail-shell and anthos flower, descriptive of the appearance
of the flower. - 28, 91
cochlearis DSN. Shell-like. See Acrolophia c. 18,574
cochlioda - DSN. G. From kochlioides spiral; snail-shell, alluding to the snail-shell appearance of the callyx
of the lip as described by Lindley in this type of species. - 28, 92
cocos - DSN. Portuguese for a grimace, because of the likeness at the end of the nut to a monkey s head. -
10, 100
coddia - CSN. Dr Leslie Edward Wastall Codd. - 16, 402e
coddii - CSN. Dr Leslie Edward Wastall Codd. See Tulbaghia c., Tylophora c., Brachystelma c. - 1,32,208,
214;16, 52j, 312g, 320f
coddiana - CSN. L E W Codd. See Kniphofia c. - 18,28
-codon - G. In compounds, bell. - 14, 403
codon DSN. G. m. Crier s bell, a bell. - 12; 300; 13, 1219; 14, 273
coelogyne - DSN.G. From koilos hollow and gyne female, probably referring to the deeply set stigmatic
cavity found in this genus. - 28, 92
coelos DSN. Hollow. See genus Microcoelia.- 14, 273; 18,128
coenos - G. Common. See caenos. - 14, 273
coerulea - DSN. L. Dark blue. Brownleea c. - 1, 94; 16, 116a-b; 18,458
coeruleus DSN. Blue. - 13, 1223
cognata - DSN. cognitus-now understood, refers to the confusion in identifying it as a species separate from
Aspidonepsis flava and A.diploglossa. See Aspidonepsis c. 18,168,300
cognata DSN. Related. See Carex c. 18,568
col-- See co-. - 14, 302
colchicifolia - DGN. Leaves like Colchicum. See Hypoxis c. 18,234
colchicum - GSN. Colchis, ancient Black Sea region, South of Caucuses. - 12, 301; 13, 122
-cola - -dweller, exists. Dwelling. See graminicola [-colus, colum].
coleonema - DSN. From koleos, a sheath and nema, a filament, and refers to the filaments in the sterile
stamens which are enfolded in the channel of the petals. - 10, 100
coleotrype DSN. Sheath borer. See genus Coleotrype.- 18,340
collis DSN. A hill.
colophon - GSN. Name derived from Colophon in Iberia which was the birthplace of Homer and famous for
its resin. The seed is covered with resin glands. - 22, pp79,far right picture caption.
colorata - DSN. L. Coloured. See Vernonia c. subsp c. - 16, 452e
colquhounia - CSN. Sir Robert Colquhoun. - 10, 100
columbaria - DSN. L. A dove. In Scabiosa c. alluding to certain flower colour forms. - 1, 260; 16,410b;
columella DSN. Small pillar. See Pavonia c. 18,408
colutea - MGN. From a Greek word koloutea. - 10, 100
com- - See co-. - 14, 302
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coma - L. A tuft. See Dicoma. - 1, 266; 16, 242a

combreticola - DSN. L. Growing on Combretum. See Viscum c. - 1, 102; 16, 126j
combretum - MGN. A name given by Pliny to a climbing plant, the identity of which has been lost with time.
- 1, 184; 5, pl 110; 11, 128; 16, 274b-e, 276a-d
come - CGN. Linnaeus named it after a member of the Commelina family of which Joseph and Caspar were
botanists. After the Dutch botanist Johan Commelin. - 1, 20; 3, 10; 5 pl 12; 16,32a-c
commelina CGN. Named by Linnaeus after the three Commelin brothers. See genus Commelina.-
commiphora - DGN. G. From kommi, gum and pheros, to bear, hence the Greek word for gum-bearing. - 11,
84; 16, 212a-c
communis - DSN. Common. See Juniperus c., Myrtus c., Prunis c. - 10, 195, 233, 268, 339
comosa DSN. Hairy tufts, shaggy. See Eucomis c.,Hebenstretia c., Chamaecrista c. - 18,98,194,256
comosum DSN. Tufted with hair. Chlorophytum c. - 18,90
compacta - DSN. Compact. See Crassula c. 18,144
comparettia - CSN. Andreo Comparetti. - 28, 97
complanata DSN. Flattened. See Fimbristylis c. 18,566
compositae - Composite. In COMPOSITAE it refers to the flowerheads - 18,82
compositarum - DSN. Belonging to the Compositae. Hypericophyllum c. - 5, pl 189
compressum DSN. Pressed together. See Cyperus c. 18,560
comptonii - CSN. Prof. R H Compton. See Streptocarpus polyanthus subsp. c., Protea c., Aster c.- 1,246; 2,
86; 12, 303; 16, 122d, 448b
con- - See co-, and cum. - 14, 302, 405
conchiferum - DSN. Shellbearing, refers to lip. See Angraecum c. 18,126
concinna DSN. Pretty, neat, elegant. See Disperis c. 18,368
concolor - DSN. Of a uniform colour. In Manilkara c. it refers to the leaves. Pachycarpus c. - 2,392; 16,382e;
concreta - DSN. L. From concertus, growing together. See Polystachya c. - 1, 84; 16, 106a; 18242
concretus - L. Growing together. See concerta. - 1, 84
condylocarpon - DSN. G. From kondylos, a knuckle or prominence and karpos, a fruit. In Diplorhynchus c. it
refers to the shape of the fruit. - 16, 308e
confecta - MSN. Origin unknown. See Rhodohypoxis baurii c. - 16, 78 e-f
confertifolium - DSN. Closely set with leaves. See Helichrysum c. 18,212
confusa - DSN. L. Confused, uncertain. See Ochna c. - 1, 178; 16, 266a
confusa DSN. L. Confused, uncertain. See Ochna c. Also refers to the species often being confused with
other KZN species with similar dry bracts, especially W.densiflora. See Watsonia c.,Indigofera c.
1,178; 16,266a; 18,358,388
congesta - DSN. Congested. In Nuxia c. refers to the dense flowering heads. - 2, 420; 16, 298b
congestus DSN. Crowded. See Mariscus c. 18,504
conis - G. f. Dust. - 14, 273
conocarpus - DSN.With cone-shaped fruit. - 10, 339
conopharyngia - DSN. G. From konos, a cone, and pharynx, throat, it refers to the manner in which the
stamens are grouped in the crown. - 11, 152
conostomium - DSN. G. From konos, a cone and stoma a mouth, referring to the peristomium teeth that form
a cone-shaped body. - 1, 256; 3, 154; 16, 400h
conranthii - CSN. Paul Conrath. - 16, 328d
contorta DSN. Contorted. See Caesia c. 18,448
contra-- contro-. Against. Contraversus, turned against. Greek anti-. - 14, 302, 304
contractus DSN. L. Compressed or contracted, narrowed. Cyrtanthus c. - 1, 50; 3, 44; 10, 100; 16, 76h;
convallaria - GSN. Of the valley. - 12, 302; 13, 1221
convolvo - L. To twine around, entwine. See also convolvere, Convolvulus. - 1, 222
convolvere - From convolvo, to entwine. See genus Convolvulus. - 1, 50; 3, 44; 10, 100; 18,176
convolvulus - DSN. From convolvo, to twine around, to entwine. - 1, 222; 10, 100; 16, 334a
conyza - MGN. The ancient name for the genus Inula (dating from Pliny). - 16, 432d, 448e
conyzoides DSN. Strong smelling. See Ethulia c. 18,440
cooksonii CSN. Named after Clive Cookson. See Streptocarpus c. 18,482
cooperi CSN. Thomas Cooper. See Anthericum c., Ledebouria c., Aloe c., Eulophia c., Disa c.,
Delosperma c, Eriospermum c.,Pterygodium c., Rhynchosia c., Helichrysum c., Disperis c., Erica c.,
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Isoglossa c. 1, 28, 30, 42, 80, 90, 94, 106; 3, 20; 16, 40c-d, 48d, 50e, 102g, 112b, 134g;
copaifera - MGN. From Copaiba the Brazilian name for the balsam obtained from some of the species. - 11,
copro- - G. In compounds, relating to dung, excrement. Coprobius, living on dung.. - 14, 407
coprosma - DGN. From kopros, dung and osme, smell, and alludes to the fetid odour of some species of this
genus when crushed - 10, 101
cor DSN. Bedbug. See genus Coreopsis.- 18,318
coranica - GSN. L. From Korana bushmen. From the Koranna country, an early name for the northern Cape
and Botswana. Ammocharis c. - 1, 52; 5, pl 19; 17, 74a; 18350
corbichonia - Origin unknown. - 16, 132g
corchorus - DGN. G. Jute, a plant in the same genus. - 1, 168; 16, 250d
cordata - DSN. L. Heart-shaped. See Hermannia c., Ruellia c., Diascia c.,Clutia . - 1, 174; 16,262c, 394e;
cordatum - DSN. L. Heart-shaped. Eriosema c., In Syzygium c., it alludes to the leaves. - 1,128,186,200b,c;
16, 278a; 18,274
cordatus - DSN. Heart-shaped. See cordifolius - 10, 339; 12, 304; 13, 1223
cordia - CSN. Valerius Cordus. - 11, 161
cordifolia - DSN. With heart-shaped leaves. See Sida c.,Anredera c.,Aptenia c., Rubia c.-16,252d
cordifolium - DSN. L. With heart-shaped leaves. See Schizoglossum c. - 16, 330e; 18,544
cordifolius - DSN. Heart-shaped leaves. - 10, 339
cordyla - DSN. Club-shaped, from kordule, a club, and refers to the fruit. - 2, 156
cordyle - G. A club. See Cordylogyne. - 16, 330b
cordyline - DSN. From kordule,a club, and refers to the large root base of some species. - 10, 101
cordylogyne - DSN. G. From cordyle, a club and gyne, female, possibly due to the shape of the ovary. -
coreopsis - DGN. From koris, a bug and opsis,appearance, referring to the seed resemblance. - 12,301;
coriacea DSN. From corium, skin; leathery. In Euclea c. refers to the leaves, Mucuna c. - 2, 398; 18,60
coriarius - DSN. Of curriers (curries?) or tanners. - 13, 1223
coriifolia - DGN. L. With leathery leaves [coriacea]. With leaves resembling those of the genus Cornus. See
Lopholaena c. See also coriacea. In Cissus c. leaves resemble that of Cornus. - 1, 274; 16,248d,434b
corium DSN. Skin. See Coriacea - 18,60
corneus - L. Horny [cornis], See clavicornis. - 1, 80; 16, 102d
corniculata - DSN. Small horn. See Oxalis c. 18,276
cornigera - DSN. Having thorns. See Datura c. - 10, 125, 339
-cornis - -cornutus. In L. compounds, -horned. Bicornis, two-horned- 10, 407
cornu - L. Horn, horn-like process, spur. Adjective cornutus. See Salicornia -14, 407; 18,50,526
cornus - MGN. The Latin name for C. mas. -10, 103
cornuta DSN. Horned or spurred. See Disa c., Habenaria c. - 18,456,516
-cornutus -cornis. In L. compounds, -horned. See also cornu. - 10, 407
corokia - MGN. A Latinised name derived from the Maori korokia. - 10, 105
coromandelianum - GSN. Named after the Coromandel coast of India. See Malvastrum c. 18,284
coronarius DSN. Crowned. See Pachycarpus c. 18,548
coronatus - DSN. L. Crowned. See Senecio c. - 1, 268; 12, 304; 13, 1223; 16, 426f; 18,322
coronopifolia DGN. Leaves like Coronopus. See Lobelia c. 18,496
correa - CSN. Jose Francisco Correa de Serra. - 10, 106
coryanthes - DSN. G. From korys helmet and anthos flower, in allusion to the shape of the lip. - 28, 98
corycium - DSN. G. From korykion, a diminutive of korkos, a leather bag. An allusion to the shape of the
flowers. - 1, 92; 3, 70; 16, 114e
corylopsis - DGN. From korulos, a hazel and opus, like, because the genus resembles Corylus, the hazel. - 10,
corylus - DGN. An ancient Latin name for hazel, for genus Corylus. See also genus Corylopsis. - 10, 107
corymbis - DSN. A cluster. See Corymborkis c. 18,124
corymbosa - DSN. Having flowers arranged in a corymbs/flat topped inflorescence. See Cassia c., Lotononis
c.,Macowania c., Rhynchospora c. - 10, 76, 339; 18,258,316,568
corymbosus DSN. Clusters of flowers. See Schoenoplectus c. 18,564
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coryne - G. f. Club. - 14, 273

cosmos - DGN. From kosmos, beautiful. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
costatum - DSN. L. Ribbed. See Indigastrum c. subsp macrum., Thesium c. - 16, 188h; 18,134
cotinifolia - DSN. L. Leaves resemble another genus Rhus cotinus, the Sumach. See Dioscorea c. - 3, 212;
cotinus - For genus Cotinus an ancient Greek name of doubtful origin. See also Dias cotonifolia. - 3, 212; 10,
cotone - G. A quince. See genus Cotoneaster. - 12, 300
cotoneaster - DGN. From kotonion, quince and ad intstar or aster, similar, means similar to quince. - 10,109;
12, 300
cotonifolia - DGN. With ovate-elliptic leaves. The specific name given by Linnaeus because the leaves
resemble Cotinus, another genus of kotinos the wild olive. Dias c. - 1, 182; 3, 212; 10,121, 339; 16,272f
cotyle - G. f. Small cup, anything hollow. - 14, 273
cotyledon - DGN. G. (1). From kotyle, a cavity or small cup, referring to the small cup-like leaves. (2). From
kotyledon, cup-shaped hollow., referring to the leaves of some of the species. - 1, 118, 122; 16,152c,d,
coulteri - CSN. Thomas Coulter. - 12, 303; 13, 1222

crabbea - CSN. Named after Rev. George Crabbe, amateur botanist. See genus Crabbea. - 1, 248; 16, 386g;
craspedon - G. n. Edge, border. - 14, 273
crassicornis DSN. Thick horn, refers to single spur. See Disa c. 18,366
crassifolia - DSN. L. Thick-leafed. See Manulea c. subsp c., Ceropegia c. - 16, 374I; 18,172
crassifolius - DSN. L. Thick-leafed. See Gladiolus c., Tapinanthus c. - 1, 78; 16, 90c; 16, 126c; 18,356,456
crassipes - DSN. L. Thick-footed. See Ipomoea c., Eichhornia c., Cyperus c. - 1, 222; 16, 334d;
crassiusculus DSN. Moderately thick. - 14. 409
crassocephalum - DSN. G. From krasson, thick, forceful, kephale, a head. A thick head. - 1, 270; 16, 456e;
crassocephalum Xpicridifolium - DSN. G. From krasson, thick, forceful, kephale, a head.
X. picridifolium, with the leaves of the genus Picris. - 16, 456e
crassula DSN. L. Thickish. Derived from crassus, thick. For the genus Crassula it refers to the fleshy
leaves. - 1, 116, 120, 122; 3, 84; 16, 150c-e, 152b, 154a,b, 156a-c, 158a; 18,54
crassus DSN. Thick, refers to fleshy leaves. See genus Crassula. - 1, 116; 3, 84; 14, 409; 18,142,254,386
crataegifolia DSN. Thorny flowering shrub. See Vernonia c. 18,440
crataegifolium DGN. Leaves like Crataegus. See Schistostephium c. 18,320
crataegus -DSN. From kratos, strength. In this genus the wood is hard. - 10, 111
crateriformis DSN. L. Bowl-shaped, hemispherical, concave. See Hypocalymma. - 1, 250; 16,388b
craterocapsa -DSN. G. From krateros, cup-shaped and kapsa, a capsule. - 16, 418f
craterostigma - DSN. G. From krateros, cup-shaped and stigma, a stigma; a stout stigma. A conspicuous
stigma is a feature of this genus. - 1, 236; 5, pl 147; 16, 366e, 370ab
cremnos - G. m. Cliff. - 14, 273
crenata - DSN. Scalloped, notched. See Kalanchoe c. 18,254
crescentia - CGN. Crescenzi. - 4, 54
crinitus DSN. Barbed with long and weak hairs. Having tufts of long weak hair. - 2page ?; 14,409
crinis DSN. The hair. - 14, 409
crinon - G. n. Lily. - 14, 274
crinum - MGN. G. Name for lily. - 1, 54; 3, 44; 5, pl 24, 25; 16, 70a; 16, 72a-c
crispa -DSN. L. Finely-waved. Curled (leaf margins). See Euclea c., Euclea c. var c. - 1, 192; 2, 398 16,292f
crispus -DSN. L. Irregularly waved, crisped, See Rumex c., Potamogeton c. 18,502,526
crista -G. Crested. See Chamaecrista. - 1,104; 18,256
cristata -DSN. L Crested, (see cristatum). See Hermannia c. - 1, 174
cristatum -DSN. L. Having tassel-like tips, crested alluding to the back of the lip. See Satyrium c., Satyrium c
var c. - 1, 82; 16, 104c; 18,118
crista-galli -DSN. Cock s comb. See Erythrina c.-g. - 10, 144, 339
cristata -DSN. L. Crested. In Hermannia c., referring to the fruit. - 16, 262a
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crocea - DSN. Saffron-yellow. In Cassine c. refers to the yellow bark. - 2, 276

crocos - G. Saffron. See genus Crocosmia - 1, 74; 3, 56; 16, 88g; 16, 94f
crocus - DGN. Chaldean. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
crocosmia DSN. G. From crocos or krokos, saffron and osme, a smell. In Crocosmia it refers to the smell
the dried flowers have of saffron when placed in warm water. - 1, 74, 78; 3, 56; 16,88g, 94f-g; 18,42
crossandra - DSN G. From krossoi, a fringe and andros, a male, alluding to the anthers which are fringed.
Fringed anthers, an allusion to the normally hairy anthers. - 1, 254; 5, pl 168; 16,392f,396a,b,h; 18,78
crossandriformis - DGN L. Resembling the genus Crossandra, also a member of the Acanthaceae. Barleria
c. - 16, 396h; 18,76
crotalaria - DGN. From krotalon castanets, rattle, because the inflated pods, when shaken, rattle. Seeds in
many species rattle in the pod when ripe. - 1, 124, 140; 2, 162; 10, 113; 16,180i,182f,186i, 198e, 202a
croton - DSN. G. A tick., referring to the smooth seed. - 1, 156; 16, 224e, 226g
cruentus DSN. Blood red, dull red. For Gladiolus c. - 12, 304; 13, 1223; 18,44
crustata DSN. L. Encrusted. In Maerua juncea var c. it alludes to the surface of the fruit. - 16,146a; 18,142
crypt-- G. crypto-. In compounds, covered, hidden, concealed. - 14, 410
cryptantha - DSN. G. From krypto, to hide and anthos, a flower. See Pearsonia c. - 16, 178a
crypto DSN. Hidden. See genus Cryptolepis.- 18,166,300
cryptocarya - DSN. Hidden nut, refers to a calyx completely covering the fruit. See kruptos, hidden. - 2, 98
cryptolepis - DSN. G. From krypto, to hide and lepis, a scale, alluding to the scales of the corona which are
deeply sunk in the corolla. - 16, 310c
cryptomeria - DSN. From kruptos, hidden and meros, part, since all parts of the flower are obscure. - 10,114
cryptophoranthus - DSN. G. From kryptos hidden, phorus bearing and anthos flower, from the flowers in
which the sepals are united at the apex and only open by a window at each side. - 28, 99

ctenium- - G. cten-, ctenium. In compounds, comb, cock s comb. - 14, 410
cten-- G. cteno-, ctenium. In compounds, comb, cock s comb. - 14, 410
cteno- - G. cten-, ctenium. In compounds, comb, cock s comb. - 14, 410
ctonos - G. m. Murder. - 14, 274

cubica DSN. Cubic, refers to the boxlike shape of the lower half of the flowers. See Erica c. 18,412
cucullata - DSN. Hooded or hood-like, that is having the sides or apex curved inward to resemble a hood. For
Eulophia c. alludes to the short rounded spur which resembles a monk s cowl or hood. See Asclepias c. -
5, pl 53; 16, 330g; 18,372,416
cucumis DSN. L. Ancient Latin name for cucumber. - 1, 262; 16, 412e, 414c; 18,80,308
cultriforme - DSN. Curved like a scimitar. See Angraecum c. 18,126
cultriformis - DSN. L. Shaped like knife blade. Knife-like. See Asclepias c., Accacia c. - 1, 210; 10,15,339;
16, 316g; 18,550
-cundus - -a, -um. Indicates an aptitude or constant tendency. Fucundus, fruitful, verecundus, bashful. -
cuneata DSN. Wedge-shaped. See Gnidia c. 18,292
cunninghamii - CSN. (1) Alan Cunningham. (2) Richard Cunningham. - 12, 303
cuphea - DSN. From kuphos, bent, and it refers to the shape of the capsule. - 10, 115
cupressus - MGN. From very old Greek word kuparissos, though the Latin Cypressus and the old French
Ciprès are all names for the Cypress - 10, 116
cupulare - DSN. L. Cup-like. In Synadenium c. it alludes to the structure in which the flowers are placed. -
1,156; 16, 226f
curviflorus - DSN. Name suggests the flowers are curved. Lorunthus c. - 5, pl 63
cuscuta DSN. Name for dodder. See genus Cuscuta.- 18,302
cuspidata DSN. Tipped with rigid point, refers to calyx lobes. See Wahlenbergia c. 18,494
cussonia - CSN. P. Cusson. - 1, 188; 11, 138; 16, 282, 284
cussonioides DGN. Leaves like Cussonia. See Cissus c. 18,538
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cyan- - G. cyano-. In compounds, blue. - 14, 410
cyaneus - DSN. G. Dark blue. See Streptocarpus c. - 1, 246; 16, 382d, 384a
cyano - G. cyan-. In compounds, blue. - 14, 410
cyanos - G. m. Dark blue colour. - 14, 274
cyanotis - DSN. G. From kyanos, blue and ous, or otis, an ear; an allusion to the colour and form of the petals
of these herbs. - 1, 20; 3, 10; 16, 32d-h; 18,340,448
cyanthos - G. m. Ladle, cup. - 14, 274
cyanus - DSN. Centaurea c. - 13, 1221
cyath- - G. & L. In compounds, cup-. Cyathifer, cup-bearing. - 14, 412
cyathophora DSN. From kyathos,a cup and phorus, bearing. Euphorbia c. -18, 64
cyathula - DSN. G. Cup-shaped. - 16, 300e-f
cybe - G. f. Head. - 14, 274
cyclamen - DSN. A circle. - 13, 1219
cyclopia - DSN. From kuklops, round-eyed, and possibly refers to the blotch on the standard petals of the
flowers. - 10, 118
cyclopogon - DSN. G. From kykos cycle and pogon beard, apparently alluding to the pubescent sepals which
resemble a circle of beards around the flower when viewed from the front. - 28,100
cyclos - G. m. Circle. - 14, 274
cycnium - DGN. G. A swan. Possibly alludes to the white flowers or to the slender furry corolla tube,
resembling a swan s neck. - 1, 234; 5, pl 148; 16, 364f,g, 366f, 370c
cygnus - L. Swan. See Cycnium. - 1, 234; 16, 364f
cylindraceus - DSN. Of cylindrical form. See Plectranthus c. 18,184
cylindrica - DSN. Cylindrical. See Cyathula c. 18,250
cymbalaria - DGN. Like Toadflax. See Stachys c. 18,182
cymbe DSN. Boat. Pachycymbium 18,586
cymbidiella - DGN. G. Diminutive of Cymbidium to which the species bears a superficial resemblance and
were once referred to. - 28, 102
cymbidium - DSN. G. From kymbes boat-shaped in an allusion to the shape of the lip. - 28, 103
cymbion - G. Small cup. - 14, 274
cymosa - DSN. L. With cymes or flower clusters in which the flowers in the centre open first, the remainder
opening in sucession outwards. - 16, 370e
cymosum - DSN. In flat topped flower clusters. See Helichrysum c., Dichapetalum c. 18,312,530
cynanchum - DSN. G. From kyon, a dog and ancho, to strangle, possibly alluding to some of these species
being poisonous. - 16, 332b
cynoglossum - DSN. G. From kyon, a dog and glossa, a tongue, alluding to the texture of the leaves.
cynorkis - DGN. G. From kynos, a dog and orchis, an orchid, testicle, because of the small testiculate tubers.
- 1, 88: 16, 112d; 28.,107
cyperus - DGN.Latin and Greek for sedge. See genus Cyperus.- 1,16; 16, 26a-f; 18, 84,222,502
cyphia - DSN. G. From kyphos, curved. - 1, 264; 16, 420h, 422a-c
cyphos - G. Bent, hunch-backed. - 14, 274
cyphostemma - DSN. G. From kyphos, curved or bent and stemma a wreath or garland, because of the
structure of the flower. - 1, 164; 3, 106; 16, 242, 244a,c, 246a, 248a-c: 18,66,280
cypressus - L. Cypress. See genus Cupressus. -10, 116
cypripedium - MGN. G. From Cypro Cyprus, the island sacred to Venus, and pedilon slipper, corrupted to
pedium, meaning Venus s slipper orchid. - 28, 108, 348
cypro - G. Cyprus, the island sacred to Venus. See Cypripedium - 28, 108
cyrtanthus DSN. From kyrtos, curved and anthos, flower and refers to the frequently curved flower tubes. -
1, 50; 16, 76c-j; 18,38
cyrtorchis DSN. Curved orchid, all segments are strongly curved. See genus Cyrtorchis.- 18,130
cystis - G. f. Bladder. - 14, 274
cytisus - DGN. Possibly from Greek kutisos, a kind of clover. - 10, 118
cyto- - G. In compounds, relating to the cell. - 14, 412
cytopodium - DSN. G. From kyrtos a swelling or curve and podion little foot, referring to the shape of the
column-foot, which curves upwards. - 28.,109
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cyrtorchis - DGN. G. From kyrtos a swelling or curve and orchis orchid, probably alluding to the curved
sepals, petals and lip or possibly to the fleshy leaves and roots of some species - 28,110

dacrydium - DGN. From dakrudion a diminutive of dakru, tear, since resin drops are commonly exuded. -
10, 120
dactyl- - G. & L. In compounds, finger. Dactylifer, finger-bearing, Tridactyle. - 14, 412; 18,128,246,522
dactylos - G. Finger. See Tridactyle - 14, 274; 28, 409
daemia - MSN. The Arabic name for the species daemia. See Pergularia d. - 1, 210; 16, 316f
dahlia - CSN. Andreas Dahl - 12; 299; 13, 1218
dais - DGN. G. A firebrand or torch. It resembles a torch about to be lit. OR. The genus name Dias,
pronounced in two syllables, is because the flower-heads are each placed on a little platform or "dais",
made by the bracts, which remain on the tree long after the flowers have fallen. - 1,182; 3, 212; 10,121;
16, 272f
dakru - G. A tear.See genus Dacrydium. - 10, 120
dakrudion - G. Diminutive of dakru, a tear. See genus Dacrydium. - 10, 120
dalechampia - CSN. French botanist Jacques Dalechamps. See genus Dalechampia.- 16, 224f; 18,276
dalenii CSN. Dr Cornelius Dalen. See Gladiolis d. - 1, 76, 78; 3, 58; 18,44
dalbergia - CSN. N Dalberg. - 11, 69; 16, 176a
damascenus - GSN. Damascus. - 12, 302; 13, 1221
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daphne MGN. G. f. Sweet bay, laurel. Daughter of Peneus. The name has reference to the Bay-Tree, as the
foliage resembles some of the species. - 10, 122; 13, 1218; 14, 274
darwinii - CSN. Charles Darwin. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
dasy- - G. In compounds, shaggy, thick or markedly hairy. Dasyanthus, with thickly hairy flowers. - 14, 413
dasymallum DSN. G. From dasys, thick and mallos, a fleece, referring to the indumentum. See Helichrysum
d. - 1, 276; 16, 438a
dasys -G. Shaggy, hairy, thick-haired. See dasymallum. - 1, 276; 14, 274; 16, 438
datura - MGN. The name is derived from the Hindu dhatura, also from tatorah, Arabic name of a species of
the genus Datura. - 10,124; 18,188,588
davidia - CSN. Père Armand David. - 10, 125
davyana - CSN. Joseph Burtt Davy. See Aloe d. - 1, 40
davyi - CSN. Joseph Burtt Davy. See Acacia d. - 16, 164c

de- - Downwards, outwards, from descendens, sinking down. Greek apo-, cata-. - 14, 303, 304
dealbatus DSN. Whitewashed, refers to the colour of some plants. See Pachycarpus d. 18,548
debilis - DSN. L. Weak. See Dissotis d., Dissotis d.var d. 1, 186; 16, 278c
deca - G. In compounds, ten. - 14, 274 ,413
decipiens - DGN. L. Deceiving, deceptive, used of a species closely resembling another. In Monopsis d. they
used a species that closely resembles another. Lobelia d., deceptive but what it refers to is uncertain. See
Vigna d. For Allophylus d. because of deceptive resemblance to Rhus - 1, 128, 264; 2,284; 3, 160; 5, pl
178; 16, 420e; 18,496
decora - DSN. L. Decorative, pretty. Polygala d., Polygala virgata var d., Kaempferia d. - 1, 152; 5, pl 45;
16, 218b
decorum - DSN. L. Decorated, adorned. See Helichrysum d. - 1, 276
decorus - DSN. Beautiful. See Pachycarpus d. 18,170
decumbens - DSN. L. From decumbens, trailing with tips erect. See Corbichonia d. - 16, 132g
decurrens DSN. Running down. See Senecio d. 18,322
decussata - DSN. Opposite leaves carried in pairs at right angles. See Beaufortia d. - 10, 48, 339
deformis - DSN.Misshapen, deformed. See Haemanthus d. 18,106
dekindtiana- - CSN. Dekindt. First recorded collection of Vigna unguiculata Subsp d. in Angola-16, 192b
delagoense/sis - GSN. From Delagoa Bay, Mozambique. Albertisia d.,Crinum d., Hippocratea d.
delavayi - CSN. Jean Marie Delavay. - 13, 1222
delos - G. Exposed, visible. See Delosperma - 1, 106; 16, 134f-g; 18,134,378
delosperma - DSN. G. From delos, exposed and sperma, seed. - 1, 106; 16, 134f-g
delphinium - DSN. A dolphin. - 12, 303; 13, 1219
deltoideus DSN. G. Delta-shaped, triangular. Leaves like the Greek 'D', triangular. See Populus d., Senecio
d.- 10, 260, 339; 14, 274; 18,322
demos ? G. A band. See Antidesma. [ ? Maybe this should read desmos and not demos]- 16,220a
dendr- G. dendro-, -dendron. In compounds, tree. - 14, 414
dendro- G. dendr-, -dendron. In compounds, tree. - 14, 414
dendrobium - DSN. G. From dendros tree and bios life meaning tree-life, an allusion to the aerial existence
of most species. - 28, 110
dendrochilum - DSN. G. From dendron tree and either cheilos lip or chilos green food, alluding to either to
their prominent lip, or to the epiphytic habit. - 28, 127
dendron - DSN. G. n. A tree. See genus Calodendron, Clerodendrum, Leucadendron, Rhododendron,
Dendrochilum, Dendrophylax, Epidendrum - 1, 226; 10, 65, 96, 208, 278; 12, 300; 13, 1219; 14,274;
16, 340c; 18,248,470; 28, 127, 128, 137
-dendron - G. dendr-. In compounds, tree. - 14, 414
dendrophylax - DSN. G. From dendron tree and phylax guard, probably alluding to the roots which tightly
clasp the branches of trees. - 28, 128
dendros G. Tree. See Dendrobium - 28, 110
denekia CSN. Named after a Dutch botanist friend of Thunberg. See genus Denekia.- 18,210
dens DSN. m. Tooth, prong. See bidens. -14, 414; 16, 330c
dense DSN. densus, confertus. Densely, confertrim, spisse. - 14, 414
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densiflora - DSN. L. Densely flowered, refers to crowded spike. See Watsonia d., Walafrida d., Selago d. - 1,
74; 3, 62; 16, 94d, 370g; 18,114,194,358
densiflorus DSN Densely covered in flowers. See Gladiolus d., Asparagus d., Syncolostemon d., - 8,44;16,92a;
dentata - DSN. Toothed. See Lavendula d., Quercus d. In Rhus d. it refers to the leaves. - 10,204,275, 339;
16, 232b
denticulata - DSN. L. Slightly toothed. See Lightfootia d., Nemesia d. - 1, 264; 16, 420c; 18,428,480
denticulatus - DSN. L. Finely toothed. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
denudatus - DSN. L. Bare, naked. See species Cyperus d. - 1, 16; 18,560
dependens - DSN. Hanging down. See Crassula d. 18,144
depressa - DSN. L. Flattened, pressed down. See Urginea d., Lobelia d.,Dyschoriste d.
1, 30, 264; 16, 56d; 18,434
derma DSN. Skin. See Dermatobotrys - 14, 274; 18,72
dermatobtrys - DSN. From derma, skin and botrys, bunch of grapes - 18,72
derris DSN. A skin, leather covering. See genus Pomaderris, Derris. - 10, 259; 18,396
descaisnea - CSN. Joseph Descaisne. - 10, 125
desfontainea - CSN. R L Desfontaines. - 10, 126
-desma - G. In compounds, band. Also bundle. - 14, 415
desme - G. f. Bundle, handful. - 14, 274
desmondium - DSN. G. From desmos, bond or chain; fastening, referring to the stamens that are joined
together. Desmondium, referring to the jointed pod which resembles the links in a chain. - 1, 132;
16,168c; 18,60
desmos G. m. Bond, chain, halter, anything used for tying, fastening; referring to the stamens which are
joined together. See Desmodium, Antidesma, Hexadesmia, Trichodesma. - 1, 132; 3, 96; 14, 274;
16,220a; 18,60,150,178,394,464,468; 28,157
detinens - DSN. L. Detain, hold. In Acacia mellifera d. it refers to the recurved thorns. - 1, 142;
16, 162b
deuter - G. In compounds, second. - 14, 415
deutzia - CSN. Johan van der Deutz. - 10, 127
dewetii - CSN. J F de Wet. See Aloe d. - 18,32

dhatura - MGN. Hindu name. - 10, 124

di - G. (1). Two. (2). From Zeus. See dianthus. Or two, twice. See Dichrocephala, Diothonea,
Dicerocaryum, Dicoma, Diascia, Dicliptra. - 1, 108; 3, 76; 16, 136e, 456c; 18,76,220,428,436,446; 28,
di- - G. In compounds, two-, with stamens two sets, etc. See also bi-. - 14, 415
di- - dis-, before a consonant. Between, away from. Dissepimentum, partition
dia- - L. See pel-. G. Through, across. - 14, 303, 304
dialy- - G. In compounds, separated, disbanded. - 14, 415
dianthus - DGN. G. From di, for Zeus and anthos a flower; a divine flower. Or from dios, divine and
anthos,flower, referring to the scent of some species. - 1, 108; 3, 51, 76; 16,136e-g; 18, 382
diaphainein DSN. To show through, more or less transparent. See genus Diaphananthe.- 18,128,522
diaphananthe - DSN. G. The membranaceous and often translucent perianth of many species suggests name
derived from diaphanes transparent and anthos flower. - 28, 128
diaphanes - G. Transparent. See Diaphananthe - 28, 128
dicerocaryum - DSN. G. (1). From dikera, two horns and karyon, a nut. A two horned nut. (2). From di, two
and keras, horn and karyon, a nut, referring to the hard fruit with two spines
1, 244; 5, pl 162; 16, 378b; 18,76
dicha - G. dicho-. In two. Dichapetalum, Dichotomus, forked, divided in pairs. - 14, 304; 18,530
dichilus - DSN. G. From dis, two and cheilos, lip alluding to the calyx which has two distinct lips. -
dicho - G. dicha-. In two. Dichotomus, forked, divided in pairs. - 14, 304
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dichrocephala - DSN. G. From di, two, twice, chroa, coloured and kephale, a head, alluding to the two
coloured capitula. - 16, 456c
dichorostachys - DSN. G. Two-coloured flowers. - 1, 130; 2, 142; 3, 197
dichrostachys - DSN. G. Two-coloured flowers. - 16, 170e
diclis - DSN. G. Double folding or 2 winged, possibly alluding to the appearance of the corolla lobes. See
genus Diclis.- 1, 234; 16, 364a; 18,190,428
dicoma - DSN. L. From dis, two and coma, a tuft. - 1, 266; 16, 424a-c
dictammus - GSN. Mt. Dicta in Crete. - 12, 301; 13, 1221
dictyon - G. Net. - 14, 274
didymos - G. Double, two-fold, twin. - 14, 274
didymus DSN. Double or twin. See genus Didymoplexis. 18,124
dierama - DSN. G. A funnel, referring to the floral, flower, shape. See genus Dierama. - 1, 72;
3,54;5, pl 36; 16, 90d-f; 18,42,110,354,454
diervilla - CSN. M Dierville. - 10, 128
dieterlenii CSN. Named after Anna Dieterlin. See Cineraria d. 18,320
dietes G. From di, two and possibly the Latin etum, a plant association. For its dual affinities with Iris and
Moraea. See genus Dietes. - 3, 51, 76; 18,110,238
diffusa - DSN. Widely spread. See Boerhavia d. - 10, 339; 18,378
digitalis - DSN. From digitus, a finger. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
digitata - DSN. L. Hand-like. Fingered. In Rhoicissus d., Adansonia d., Adenia d. all the leaflets from one
base. - 1, 172, 180; 2, 304; 16, 258, 268a, 270a; 18,68
digitus DSN. A finger. See Digitalis. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
dikera - G. Two horns - [dicer-]. See Dicerocarynum. - 1, 244
dimidiata - DSN. It means that one half of an organ is so small that the whole organ appears halved. For
Indigofera d. the organs referred to are the large stipules. - 5, pl 82; 18,388
dimidiatus DSN. Halved or divided, half the organ smaller than the other. See Carpobrotus d. 18,378
dimorphotheca - DSN. G. From dis, twice, morphe, shape and theka, a fruit, alluding to the two kinds of fruit
found in the fruiting head. - 16, 454d
dinteri - CSN. Moritz Kurt Dinter. See Brachystelma d. - 1, 214; 16, 320b
dioecious -G. Having two homes. Male and female flowers separate. - 24, 30
dios - G. Divine. See genus Diosma, Diospyros, Dianthus. - 1, 194; 10,128; 16, 292g; 18,138,296,382
dioscorea - CSN. Pedanios Dioscorides, 1st century AD Greek herbalist. See genus Dioscorea. - 16, 82a-b;
diosma - DSN. Fron dios,divine and osma, smell. The crushed foliage has a pleasant fragrance - 10, 128
diospyros - DSN. G. From dios, divine and puros, grain, wheat, grain or pear, and it refers to those species
with edible fruit. [note the differences in meaning for puros given in ref. 10 & 11].- !, 194; 2, 407;
10,128; 11, 143; 16, 292g: 25, 402
diothonea - DSN. G. From di two and othone sail, alluding to the two membranes stretched from the column
to the lip like jibs from the foremast to the bowsprit of a ship. - 28, 129
dipcadi - MGN. Possibly from the oriental name for the grape-hyacinth. - 1, 22; 16, 50h; 18,510
dipelta - DSN. From dis, twice and pelte, shield, and it refers to two bracts shielding the seed.
10, 129
diplo- - G. In compounds, double. - 14, 417
diploprora - DSN. G. From diplous double and prora prow, alluding to the conspicuous bifurcate apex of the
lip in the type species. - 28, 129
diplorrhynchus - DSN. G. For diplos,doubled and rhynchos, beak or bill, and it refers to the double fruit. -
11, 152
diplos - G. Double. See genus Diplorrhynchus. - 11, 152, 16, 308e
diplorhynchus - DSN. G. From diplos, double and rhynchos, a beak, alluding to the paired somewhat beak-
like fruit. - 16,308 e
diplous - G. Double. See Diploprora - 28, 129
dis - L. Rich dis (dives), or G. double. Referring to two large wings in the style. See Dimorphotheca,
Disperis,Dipelta, Disanthus, Dicoma, Disa, Dichilus.- 1,82,88,266; 3, 62;
10,129;16,96a,98e,180a,350g,424a,454d; 18,48,120,364,368,446,456,520,574; 28,130
dis- - See di-. - 14, 303
disa - DSN. Origin uncertain, but probably from Latin, dis, rich. Or probably from the Greek dis alluding to
the two large wings in the style. In Disa possibly from rich and oppulent alluding to the beauty and
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magnifiscence of the first species described in this genus - 1, 82, 90, 92, 94; 3, 64; 5, pl 51;
16,98ef,104f, 112a-b,114ac, 116e; 28, 130, 18,48,240
disaeformis - DGN. Like a Disa. See Disperis d. 18,122
disanthus - DSN.From dis, twice and anthos, flower as the flowers are in pairs. - 10, 129
discolor - DSN. Different colours. Varying in colour, having two different colours. In Lannea d. refers to the
white underside of the leaves which are of different colours. In Manilkara d. it refers to the leaves.
Accacia d., Leucadendron d., Pseudopanax d. In Lotus d. having two different colours. In Rhus d.,
Berchemia d. it alludes to the two different colours of the leaf surfaces. - 2, 242, 394;
10,15,209,271,339; 16, 202c, 232e, 240c; 18,150,534
disermas - DSN. G. From dis, twice and erma, prop, support. See Salvia d. - 1, 232; 16, 350g
diskos - G. M. A quoit, circle, disc. See Pterodiscus. - 1, 244; 14, 274; 16, 378c
dispar - DSN. L. Unequal. In Pelargonium d. indicating that this species is unlike others in the genus. -
disperis - DSN. G. From dis, twice and pera, pouch, a reference to the pouches on the side sepals. - 1, 88; 16,
96a, 110f
dissiti- - G. In compounds, remote, apart. - 14, 417
dissitus -G. Lying apart, remote, well spaced. -14, 417
dissos DSN. Two-fold. Dissotis 466
dissotis - DSN. G. Of two kinds. This is a reference to the stamens, or anthers, which can be markedly
unequal with the shorter differing structurally from the longer. See 5, pl 116 for more details. - 1, 186;
5, pl 116; 16, 278c
distans - DSN. Far apart, straggly. See Zaluzianskya d. 18,190
disticha DSN. In 2 rows, refers to leaves. See Boophone d. 18,346
distincta -DSN. L. Distinct. See Ceropegia d., Ceropegia d. subsp haygarthii -1, 212; 16, 318f
distinctum DSN. Separate. Eriosema d. - -18,60
diticha - DSN. G. In two rows.Two-ranked fan-shaped leaves which all occur in the same plane. Boophane
d., Tritonia d. - 1, 60; 3, 36; 5, pl 21; 18,42
divaricata - DSN. L. Spreading. See Raphionacme d. - 1, 206
diversifolia DSN. Leaves of more than one kind. See Tithonia d. 18,318
dives - DSN. L. dis (dives) rich or plentiful. See Disa d., Habenaria d., Cyperus d. 16,100c; 28,130;
divinorum - DSN. Refers the use of Euclea d. by medicine diviners in parts of Africa. - 2, 398

dodeca- - G. In compounds, twelve. - 14, 418
dodonaea - CSN. Rembert Dodaens. - 10, 129
dolich- - G. dolicho-. In compounds, long-. - 14, 418
dolicho- - G. dolich-. In compounds, long-. - 14, 418
dolichopodus DSN. Long stalked. See Plectranthus d. 18,472
dolichos DSN. G. Long. Also the Greek name for several long-podded beans. - 1, 124, 140; 5,pl72; 14,274;
16, 182c, 186c, 192a
dolomiticus - DSN. L. Dolomite-loving. See Plectranthus d. - 16, 352c
dombeya - CSN. Joseph Dombey. - 1, 174; 3, 209; 10, 130; 11, 121; 16, 262g,h
domestica - DSN. Belonging to the home. See Nandina d., Sorbus d.- 10, 234, 299, 339
dominella - DSN. Derivation unclear, perhaps refers to the plant being locally dominant in small areas. See
Aloe d. 18,228
donax - G. Decision. See Amphidoxa. - 1, 278
dongolensis - GSN. Species named after Dongola, a place on the Nile in N Sudan, also a game reserve in the
Northern Transvaal, now N.Province. See Hibiscus d. - 5, pl 101; 18,286
dora DSN. Skin. See genus Menodora.- 18,296
doritis - DSN. G. Either from dory spear , alluding to the lip shape or from Doritis, one of the names of the
goddess Aphrodite. - 28, 131
doritis MGN. Doritis, one of the names of the goddess Aphrodite. See Dritis - 28, 131
doron - G. n. Gift, present. - 14, 274
dory - G. n. Shaft, spear. See Dritis - 14, 274; 28, 131
douglasii - CSN. David Douglas. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
doxa DSN. G. f. Glory, repute or decision. See Amphidoxa, Chionodoxa. - 1, 278; 12, 301; 13,1220; 14,274
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-doxa - G. -doxus. In compounds, glory, splendour, good repute. - 14, 418

doxus DSN. Glory or splendour. See Scadoxus. -3, 36; 16, 62a, 76a; 18,36
-doxus - G. -doxa. In compounds, glory, splendour, good repute.- 14, 418

dracaena - CSN. G. Dragon. - 3, 190
dracomontana/num - GSN. From the Drakensberg. See Dierama d.,Protea d., Scilla d.
dracydium DSN. G. Diminutive word for tear. Refers to its weeping habit. - 4, 59
drakensbergensis - GSN. L. Pertaining to the Drakensberg range. See Erica d. - 1, 192; 16, 292c
dregea CSN. Named after Jan Drège. See genus Dregea.- 18,176,588
dregean - CSN. J F Drège. - 1, 218; 16, 324c
dregeana - CSN. J F Drège. Dioscorea d., Habenaria d., Asclepias d., Eleocharis d. - 16, 82a; 16,98a;
dregeanum - CSN. J F Drège. See Oxygonum d., Aneilema d.,Desmodium d. - 16, 130c; 18,134,448,464
dregeanus - CSN. J F Drège. Allophylus d. subsp lanceolatum. - 2, 286
dregei - CSN. J F Drège. See Sida d., Eriocaulon d., Erianthemum d., Begonia d. 1,170; 16,126h, 254h;
drepanophylla - DSN. Sicklelike leaves. See Kniphofia d. 18,226
drimia - DSN. From drymis, acrid or pungent plant as all parts of some species of this genus are poisonous
and irritants. - 18,96
drimiopsis - DGN. From Drimia the name of a related genus which this one closely resembles drimys acrid,
pungent - 16, 40a; 18,344,512
drimus DSN. Acrid. See genus Drimys - 10, 130
drimys - DSN. From drimus, acrid, pungent. See drimiopsis. In genus Drimys because the bark tastes acrid. -
10, 130; 16, 40a
dromos - G. m. Course, running place. - 14, 274
droseros DSN. Dewy. See genus Drosera.- 18,384
dryadum - MGN. G. From dryas, a tree-nymph to whom the oak tree was sacred. See Lagynias d. - 1, 260;
16, 406f
dryandra - CSN. Jonas Dryander. - 10, 131
dryas MGN. G. A tree-nymph to whom the oak tree was sacred. See Dryadum. - 1, 260; 16, 406f
drymis DSN. Acrid or pungent plant. See Drimia - 18,96

dubius DSN. Doubtful. See Tragopogon d. 18,338
duchesnea CSN. Named after Antoine Duchesne, French horticulturalist. See genus Duchesnea.- 18,254
dumasia CSN. Named after French naturalist M. Dumas. See genus Dumasia.- 18,270
dunnii - CSN. E J Dunn. See Streptocarpus d. - 1, 246; 16, 380c; 18,76
duplo-sinuatum DSN. Double- bent. See Solanum d. 18,478
dura - DSN. L. Hard. See Buchnera d., Crotalaria d. - 1, 234; 16, 364b, 370a; 18,262
duranta - CSN. Castor Durantes. - 10, 132
duthieae - CSN. Augusta Vera Duthie. Impatiens d. - 1, 162
duvalia - CSN. Named after French botanist Henry Auguste Duval. - 1, 208; 16, 314h; 18,584
duveronia - CSN. J G Devernoy. - 1, 250, 251; 16, 388d, 398c

dys - G. Bad or with dificulty. See Dysophylla., Dyschoriste - 1, 230; 16, 394a; 18,434
dys- - G. Bad-, ill-, difficult. - 14, 304, 274
dyschoriste - DSN. G. From dys, with difficulty and choristos, separated, alluding to the capsule valves
which stick together tenaceously. - 16, 394a, 398a,b
dysophylla -DSN. From dys, bad, phylla, leaf, bad leaf or stunted leaf. In Leonotis d. it refers to the
aromatic leaves. - 1, 230; 5, pl 141
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e- - Before s and d; ef- before f; ex-. L. prefix. In compounds, without, destitute of, not, lacking, from out, un-
, -less. See also ex, a-. Edentatus, toothless, Evolvulus. - 14, 303, 419; 18,468
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-eae - Suffix added to stem of name or synomyn of type genus to form name of tribe. Datureae. - 14, 419

-ebus - Ending of substantive verb meaning mostly 'with' but also 'from, by, in', (when ablative), and 'to, for',
(when dative). - 14, 420

ecbole DSN. Expulsion. Ecbolium.- 18,492
echidna - G.f. Viper. - 14, 274
echinacea - DSN. G. From echinos, a porcupine In Berkheya e. subsp e.alluding to the sharp prickles
scattered throughout these herbs. - 2, 274; 16, 236g, 456f; 18,334
echinatus - DSN. Armed, or covered, with prickles. In Pterocarpus e. refers to the fruit. See Pterocelastrus e.
- 2, 274; 16, 236g
echinos - G. m. Hedgehog, porcupine. See echinacea - 14, 274; 16, 456
echis - G. m. Viper. See genus Echium.- 14, 274; 18,468
-ecious - G. Home. See dioecious, monoecious. -24.30
eckloniana CSN. Named after Christian F. Ecklon. See Commelina e. 18,448
ecklonii - CSN. Christian Friederich Ecklon. See Gladiolus e.,Gladiolus e. rehmanii,Plectranthus, Aristea e.,
- 1, 74, 76; 16, 94c, 354a; 18,454,474,572
ecklonis - CSN. Dr Christian Friederich Ecklon. See Aloe e., Helichrysum e.- 1,48;16, 48e; 18,32;442
ect- - G. Before vowels; ecto-. On the outside, outwards. - 14, 304
ecto- - G. See ect-. On the outside, outwards. - 14, 304
ectos - G. Outside. - 14, 274

edentula - DSN. L. Without teeth. See Pavetta e. - 16, 408a
edes - G. Resembling. See Aerides, Mormodes - 28, 46, 314
edgeworthia - CSN. M P Edgeworth. - 10, 132
edinensis - GSN. Of Edinburgh. - 12, 302; 13, 1222
edulis - DSN. L. Edible. See Gladiolus permeabilis subsp. e., Inocarpus e., Lannea e., Maerua e., Carissa e. -
1, 78, 160, 3, 58; 4, 78; 10, 339; 13, 1223; 16; 86f, 146d, 234a, 308a

ef- - See e-. - 14, 303
effusus DSN. Spread out. See Juncus e. 18,506

ehretia - CSN. G D Ehret. Ehretia - 1, 224; 161?; 16, 338b

eichhornia CSN. Named after Johann Eichhorn, Prussian official.- 18,448

ekebergia - CSN. Captain C G Ekeberg - 16, 214a
ekleipo DSN. Deficient. See genus Eclipta.- 18,216

elaeagnus - MGN. G. From elaia, olive and agnos, a Greek name for Vitex agnus-castus: Theophrastus'
Elaeagnus was a willow. - 10, 133
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elaeocarpus - DGN. From elaia, an olive and karpos, fruit, and it alludes to a round fruit enclosing a nut with
a rugged shell. - 10, 134
elaia - G. Olive. See genus Elaeagnus, Elaeocarpus. - 10, 133, 134
elastica - DSN. Yielding latex or rubber. - 10, 339
elata - DSN. Tall. See Cyphia e. var e., Cyphia e. var glabra., Athrixia e., Geigeria burkei subsp burkei var e.,
Drima e. - 16, 422a; 16, 426a, 452a; 18,96,208
elatior DSN. Tall. Wurmbea e. - 18,86
elatus - DSN. Tall. - 10, 339
elegans DSN. L. Elegant, graceful. See Talbotia e., Erica e., Barleria e. For Striga e. a reference to the
flowers. See Tabermaemontana e. {ref.3, 140 says; from elegas, elegant but this looks incorrect.} 1,
68, 204, 238; 3, 140; 5, pl 153; 10, 139, 339; 14, 420; 16, 78d, 306a, 368d; 18,74,108,198
elegantula - DSN. Elegant flowers. See Justicia e. - 5, pl 169
eleo- - G. See heleo-. - 14, 274
elephantina DSN. L. Ivory. In Elephantorrhiza e. it possibly alludes to the colour of white flowers. Or
thick skinned. See Elephantorrhiza e.- 18,150
elephantorrhiza - DSN. G. Elephant root. Massive rhizomatous root. - 1, 132; 5, pl 78;
elingue - DSN. Lacking tongue, refers to the simple appendage-free corona lobes. See Schizoglossum e. 18,166
elinus DSN. A twiner. Helinus.- 18,536
elion also helion - To shun. See Phygelius - 18,72
elionurus - DSN. From eluo, to roll and oura, tail, because the spike-like racemes curl strongly when old. In
E. muticus it refers to the spike-like racemes which curl strongly when old - 1, 12; 16, 22e
ellaeanthus - MGN. The Ancient Greek Helle or Helena, daughter of Athamar and Nephrele. - 28, 131
elliotii CSN. George F Scott-Elliot. See Moraea e., Gladiolus e. -3, 49; 16, 86a; 18,452,456
elliptica/cum DSN. Like an ellipse, oval. See Rafnia e.,Cynanchum e. 18,258,552
-ellus - Suffix, used to form diminutives; in colour-names indicates a pale tint. - 14, 420
elongata - DSN. L. Elongated, lengthened. See Tephrosia e., Orbeopsis gerstneri subsp. e., Geigeria e.,
Heliophila e., Zaluzianskya e., Selago e. - 1, 124, 216, 272; 16, 186h, 322c, 430g; 18,58,140,192,194
elongatum - DSN. L. Elongated, lengthened. See Aptosi, procumbens var e. - 16, 374f-h
eluo - G. To roll. See genus Elionurus. - 1, 12; 16, 22 e
elytron - G. Cover, scale or husk - beaked bracts. See genus Rhynchelytrum, Urelytrum. - 1, 12, 14; 16, 24g

em-G. Before b and p; en-. In, within. See genus Empodium.- 18,232
emaragdu- G. Emerald green. See Esmeralda
emarginata - DSN. L. Notched. For Olinia e., with a shallow notch at the apex of the leaves.
eminens DSN. Standing out, refers to the large, protruding corona. See Asclepias e. 18,550

en - G. Well. See Eulophia e. - 28. 147
en- - L. See il-. : G. see em-, within. Encephalartos -14, 303, 304; 16, 18; 18,500
enantio- - G. In compounds, opposite. - 14, 421
encephalartos DSN. en- within, -kephale- a head, -artos bread; alluding to the starchy pith of the cones -
16, 18
encyclia - DSN. G. From enkyklein to encircle , referring to the manner in which the lip side lobes encircle
the column. - 28, 132
end- - G. endo-. In compounds, within, inside. - 14, 421
endeca- - G. In compounds, eleven-. - 14, 421
endo- G. end-. In compounds, within, inside. - 14, 421
endo- - L. See intra-. - 14, 303
endo- - G. ento-. In compounds, inside, inwards, within. - 14, 274, 304, 421
enervis DSN. Nerveless. In Olea capensis subsp. e. side veins are not visible. - 2, 412
engleranum - CSN. Prof Adolph Engler. See Eriosema e. - 5, pl 80
engleri - CSN. Prof G Adolph Engler. Hibiscus e. - 1, 170; 16, 254b
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enkianthus - DSN. From enkuos, swollen and anthos, a flower, presumably referring to the pouching of the
base corolla in certain species. - 10, 136
enkuos DSN. Swollen. See genus Enkianthus. - 10, 136
enkyklein - G. Encircle. See Encyclia -28, 132
ennea - G. In compounds, nine-. - 14, 422
enneaspermus DSN. Nine seeds. See Hybanthuse. 18,408
ensata DSN. L. Sword-shaped. See Eulophia e. - 1, 88; 16, 110h;18,244
ensifolia - DSN. L. With sword-shaped leaves. See Kniphofia e. subsp e. - 1, 28; 16,44a-b
-ensis - -is, -e. Adjectival suffix. Indicates country or place of growth or origin or else habitat, noun base.
Bononiensis, relating to Bononia (Bologna), Pratensis, growing in meadows, pratum. - 14. 308, 422
entandophragma - DSN. G. In, male (referring to the stamens), and compartments. - 16, 208e
ento- - G. endo-. Inside, inwards. - 14, 304
entos - G. Within, inside. - 14, 274

ep- -G. Before vowels and h, epi-. Upon, on, over. -14, 304
epacridea -DSN. Like the genus Epacris, whose name derives from the Greek for a summit, often the habit
of these plants, See Wahlenbergia e. -16, 418d
epacris -DSN. From epi, upon and akros, summit. It is said that this genus, in the wild, grows on top of hills.
- 10, 137
ephippio -G. Saddle. Acanthephippium. - 28,40
ephippium -G. Saddle. In E. orientalis it refers to shape of fruit. - 2, 434
epi -G. Upon. See Epacris., Epicyparissias, Epilobium., Epidendrum, Epigeneium. - 10, 137; 14,274; 16,
222g, 280a; 18,160,410; 28, 137, 142
epi- -G. See epi-. In compounds, upon, on, over, on the top of, added to. - 14, 304, 422
epicyparissias - DSN. G. From epi, upon and kyparissos, cypress, possibly alluding to the habit resembling
that of cypress. See Euphorbia e. - 16, 222g; 18,532
epidendrum -DSN. G. From epi upon and dendron tree, referring to the epiphytic habit of most species in
this genus. - 28, 137
epigeneium -DSN. G. From epi upon and geneion chin. The position of the petals and lateral sepals in
relation to the column-foot. - 28, 142
epilobium - DSN. G. From epi, upon and lobos, a pod, alluding to the petals of these herbs surmounting the
pod-like ovary. - 16, 280a
epipactidea - DSN. The Greek plant name adopted for a genus of terrestrial orchids which sometimes has
green flowers. See Habenaria e. - 1, 84; 16, 106d; 18,114
epiphyticus DSN. Growing on another plant; not parasitically. Cyrtanthus e. 18,38

er - DSN. Spring. See Eranthis. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
eragrotis - DSN. From eros, love, alluding to the heart-shaped spikelets in some species and agrostis, a kind
of grass. - 1, 12; 16, 24a, 24b
eranthis - DSN. From er, spring and anthos, flower. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
erecta/tum DSN. Upright. See Berula e.,Dierama e.,Commelina e. 18,296,354,448
ereike - G. A word used by Pliny and Theophrastus to describe the genus, which in turn comes from the
Greek word ereiko, to rend - [Erica]. See Erica - 1, 192; 3, 120; 10, 137
ereiko - G. To rend. See Erica. - 1, 190; 16, 290a; 18,162,410
erem- - G. In compounds, desert-. -14, 423
eremia - G. f. Desert, wilderness. - 14, 274
eria - DSN. G. From erion wool, which refers to the woolly indumentum of the perianth. - 28, 143
eriantha - DSN. G. Woolly-anthered. See Lotononis e., Lotononis e.var e. - 1, 140; 16, 182d, 202d; 18,258
erianthemum DSN. Having woolly flowers, from erion, wool and anthemon, flower. For Erianthemum -
16, 126h ; 18,50
erica - MGN. From ereiko, to rend, alluding to the ability of some species to break down gall stones. From
Pliny's erica. When Linnaeus established the genus Erica in 'Species plantarum' (1753), he took up a
name that has long been used and which was derived from the Greek 'ereiko', a name for heaths used by
classical writers. - 1, 192; 3, 120; 5, pl 120;
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10, 137; 16, 290a,b, 292a-d

ericoides DGN. Resembling Erica or heather. See Euphorbia e. 18,532
erigeroides - DSN. To raise. See Felicia e. 18,210
erinos - G. See erinus. - 16, 420f
erinus - DSN. G. Liver balsam. From erinos, a name given to the ancient plant by Dioscorides. See Lobelia e.
- 16, 420f; 18,496
erio- - G. In compounds, woolly-wool-. - 14, 423
eriobotrya - DSN.From erion, wool and botrus, a cluster. - 10, 142
eriocarpa DSN. Woolly fruit. See Lotononis e. 18,460
eriocaulon - DSN. From erion, wool and caulos, stem and referring to woolly hairs on the rhizome - 18,86
eriocarpa DSN. From erion, wool and carpa, fruit. For Indigofera e. it refers to the woolly fruits. - 18,56
eriocarpum - DSN. L. From erion, wool and karpos, a fruit. See Dicerocaryum e. - 16, 378b
eriocephalus - DSN.From erion, wool and kephale, head, because the seed heads become woolly after
flowering. See Syncolostemmon e. - 10, 142; 16, 354e
erioloba - DSN. G. Having woolly-pods. See Acacia e. - 1, 142; 16, 162a
erion - G. n. Wool. See genus Eriospermum, Eriocephalus, Eriostemon, Eriosema, Erianthemum, Eriocarpa,
Eriocaulon, Eria - 1, 30, 128; 3, 14; 10 142; 12, 301; 14, 274; 16, 34i-j, 378b;
18,50,56,60,86,90,226,274,374; 28, 143
eriopsis - DGN. G. From eria a genus of orchids and opsis appearance. The Eria-like apperance of some
species of this genus. - 28, 145
eriopus DSN. Woolly. See Stangeria e. 18,500
eriosema - DSN. G. From erion, wool and sema sign, 'woolly standard' , an allusion to the woolly or
hairy nature of the standard petal. - 1, 128; 5, pl 81; 16, 180c. 200b; 18,60
eriosemopsis DGN. Like Eriosema.- 18,556
eriospermum - DSN. G. From erion, wool and sperma, seed. Allusion to the genus's woolly seeds. - 3, 14;
16, 34i-j; 18,90
eriostemon - DSN. From erion, wool and stemon, stamen, since the stamens are woolly. - 10, 142; 12, 301
erma - G. Prop, support. See disermas. - 16, 350g
ernstii CSN. Named after Ernst van Jaarsveld. See Plectranthus e. 18,474
erogrotis DSN. Er love and agrotis kind of grass. In the genus it alludes to the heart shaped spikelets in
some species - 16, 22b
eron DSN. Wool. See genus Eriobotrya - 10, 142
eros - G. Love, heart shaped. See genus Eragrotis, Eragrostis. - 1, 14; 16, 22b
erubescens - DSN. L. Becoming red. See Smithia e., Euphorbia, krausiana var e., Senecio e. var e. - 16,190b,
eruthros - Also spelt erythros, which see. - 10, 143
erycinia MGN. Erycinia was the Aphrodite of Mount Eryx in Sicily. See Erycinia - 28, 145
erythrina - DSN. G. From erythos or eruthros, scarlet or red and inus,possession; referring to the colour of
the flowers of many of the species. - 1, 126, 138; 3, 199; 10, 143; 11, 70; 16,172e,194a,b, 196; 18,60
erythrocepala - DSN. Red sepals. See Oenothera e. -16, 208e
erythrocephalum - DSN. Red head. - 5, pl 185
erythrophleum -DSN. Red bark. In E. lasianthum refers to red sap. - 2, 144
erythrophyllum - DSN. G. Having red leaves. See Combretum e. - 1, 184; 3, 199; 16, 276a
erythrophysa - DSN. G. From erythos, red and physa, bladder, alluding to the red bladder-like fruits. - 1,162;
16, 238e
erythros - G. [Also spelt eruthos]. Scarlet or red. See Erythrina, Erythrophysa. 1, 162; 3, 199; 14,274; 16,
238c; 18,60
erythroxylum - Red wood. The wood in some species of the family. Erythroxylaceae are red. - 2,178c

escallonia - CSN. Señor José Escallon y Flores. - 10, 145; 13, 1219; 12, 299
-escens - -is, -ep. Present participle ending used in forming adjective to indicate a process of becoming
without full attainment reached. Indicates process of becoming, hence not fully achieved resemblance,
often expressed in English by the termination '-ish', verb base, usually itself with a noun or adjectival
base. Senescens, becoming aged, from senex. - 14, 308, 423
eschscholzia - CSN. Johann Friederich Eschscholz. - 13, 1219; 12, 299
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esculentus - DSN. G. Edible. In Plectranthus e., the roots are eaten. Cyperus e. - 1, 228; 13, 1223; 16,346f;
esmeralda - DSN. G. From smaragdus emerald green, probably an allusion to the jewel-like beauty of the
flowers or alternatively in reference to the deep green colour of the foliage. - 28, 146
estia - G. House, undergarment. See Hypoestes. - 1,252; 16,390a; 18,200,436
-estris (-ester) - -is, -e. Indicates place of growth, noun base. Rupestris, dwelling among rocks, rupes. -

etum - L. A plant association, e. g. Iris and Moraea. See genus Dietes. - 3, 51
-etum - L. In compounds, indicates place dominated by a given plant. Indicates collective place of growth,
hence plant association, noun base. Quercetum, oak-wood, from quercus, oak. 14, 306, 423

eu - G. Good, well. See genus Eulophia, Eucomis, Euphorbia, Eucryphia, Eucalyptus.- 1, 26, 80; 3, 72; 5, pl
16; 10, 149; 12, 301; 16, 36a, 96b-c, 98b; 18,126,242,370,458,520,574
eu- - G. In compounds, well, good, thorough,completely, truly. Good, well, well-developed. Also formerly
used in a sense of 'true, original, primitive' in subgeneric and sectional names. - 14,274, 304, 423
euanthe - DSN. G. From euanthes blooming, referring to the showy inflorescence. - 28, 146
euanthes - G. Blooming. See Euanthe - 28, 146
eucalyptus - DSN. From eu, well and kalyptos,covered. Or from eukalupto, well covered. Here it refers to the
"cap" of the calyx which covers the flower stamens before they open, afterwards falling off. - 10,146;
12, 301
euclea - DGN. G. From eukleia, glory, fame, referring to the fine ebony-like wood of some species. -1,192;
16, 292f
eucomis - DSN. G. Beautiful hair or topknot. From eu, good and kome, hair; implying a beautiful head, and
refers to the tufted crown of the flowering spike of this genus. Beautiful hair, alludes to the bracts. See
genues Eucomis. - 1, 26; 5, pl 16; 16, 36a-b, 38a; 18,98,512
eucryphia - DSN. From eu, well and kruphios,covered and it alludes to the cap formed by the sepals
covering at their tips. - 10, 149
eugenia - CGN. Prince Eugène of Savoy. - 4, 18; 10, 149; 12, 299; 18,68
eugeniamyrtus - DGN. Cross between Eugenia myrtifolia and Myrtus bullata - 10, 150
eukleia - G. Glory, fame. See Euclea. - 1, 192
eulophia - DSN. G. From eu, well and lophos, a crest or plume. Referring to the species on which the genus
was founded. Well developed crest, referring to the crest on the lip which is present in most species of
Eulophia. - 1, 80, 92, 94, 154, 156, 158; 3, 72; 5, pl 53; 16, 96b-c, 98b-d, 102a-g, 106b-c, 110h,112c,
114d, 116f; 28. 147
eulophiella - DGN.Diminutive of Eulophia given for the superficial resemblance of the species to those of the
latter genus. 28, 148
euonumus DSN. Well named. See genus Euonymus - 10, 150
euonymus - DSN. From the name used by Pliny from the Greek euonumus, well named. -10, 150
eupatorium - MGN. Named by Pliny to commemorate Eupator, king of Pontus, who found one species to be
an antidote for poison. - 10, 153
euphorbia - CGN. Named in honour of Euphorbus, 1st cent. physician to king Juba I of Mauritania. See
genus Euphorbia -1,154; 3,104; 10,153; 11,96; 16, 222f,g, 226a-e, 228a-e, 230a-e; 18,64,278,532
europaea - GSN. L. From Europe. See Olea e. - 1, 194; 16, 296e
euruops DSN. Having wide eyes. See genus Euryops. - 10, 154
eurus - G. Broad. See Euryops. - 16, 456a
euryops DSN. Having wide eyes. From eurys, broad and ops, a face, referring to the large yellow flowers.
Or an allusion to the conspicuous flowers of some species in this genus.-10, 154; 16, 456a; 18,330
-eus - -a, -um. Indicates material or colour or resemblance in quality; noun base. Melleus, pertaining to honey,
from mel. This should not be confused with the Greek -eus meaning belonging to or noted for.
Giganteus, belonging to the giants. - 14, 308
-êus --a, -um. Indicates possessed by or belonging to, noun base, usually the name of a person. Giganteus,
huge from giant, gigas. -14, 310
eutaxia - DSN. Meaning modestly. An allusion to the character of the plants in this genus.
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10, 155

evansii - CSN. Dr I B Pole Evans, for species Albizzia e. - 11, 54
evansii - CSN. Maurice Evans. See Kniphofia e., Euryops e. - 18,28,330
evolvo - L. To unroll or unravel. Evolvulus. - 1, 224
evolvulus DSN. L. From evolvo, to unroll or unravel because these plants do not twine, as do others in the
same family. - 1, 224; 16, 334k

ex- - See e-. From, out of, away from, through, by reason of . Ex- is always used before vowels, and even
before consonants it is used quite as commonly as e-. - 14, 303, 424
ex- - L. Prefix. In compounds, lacking, without, destitute of, un-, -less. See also e-, and an-. - 14,424
excelsa - DSN. High. See Araucaria e. - 10, 30, 339
excelsior -DSN. Higher. - 10, 339
exilis - DSN. Thin, weak. See Microcoelia e. 18,128
eximia DSN. Excellent. - 10,339
eximius - DSN. Choice, rare. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
exo - External. See genus Exochorda. - 10, 155
exo- - See extra-. G. In compounds, outward, outside. Opposite of endo-. - 14, 303, 425
exochorda - DSN. From exo, external and khorde, wood and it refers to the outside fibres. - 10, 155
exoleta - L. Mature, dying away. See Utricularia gibba subsp.e. - 1, 248
exoniensis - GSN. Of Exter. - 13, 1222
expansa - DSN. L. Expanded, spread. See Crassula e. - 1, 120; 16, 154b; 18,144
exserta DSN. Producing. Ottelia e.- 18,84
extra- - On the outside, beyond, over and above. Extraordinarius, out of the common order. 14, 303

eylesii - CSN. Fred Eyles. See Streptocarpus e. - 5, pl 165
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fabiana - CSN. Francisco Fabian y Fuero. - 10, 155
fadogia - Origin unknown. - 16, 402 c,d
fagus - Beech tree. See Genus Nothofagus. - 10, 235
faidherbia - Origin unknown . - 16, 160a
falcatus DSN. L. Shaped like a sickle. Sickle-shaped. In Podocarpus f. it alludes to the leaves. In
Asparagus f. it alludes to the cladodes. See augusticladus. Cyrtanthus f. - 2 page ?; 10 ,339; 14, 510;
16,20a, 58d; 18,40,100
falcicornis -DSN. L. Sickle-shaped. With a sickle shaped horn. See Habenaria f., Habenaria f. subsp caffra,
Dolichos f. - 1, 88; 16, 110b, 182c; 18,116
falciformis - DSN. L. Sickle-shaped. See Dolichos f. - 1, 140
falckia CGN. Named after John Peter Falck, pupil of Linnaeus. See genus Falckia.- 18,176
fallax - DSN. L. Deceptive, false. See Asclepias f. - 16, 330h
fanninia CSN. Named after George Fannin. See genus Fanninia.- 18,168
fanniniae - CSN. Named after Marianne (Fannin) Roberts. Disperis f.,Streptocarpus 18,122,482
fariam- - L. In compounds, -ranked, in a row or line. Infariam, in one row. - 14, 427
farinosus - DSN. Floury, mealy. Covered in dusting of flour. See Convolvulus f.- 10, 339; 12, 304; 13,1223;
-farius L. In compounds, -ranked. - 14, 427
farreri - CSN. Reginald J Farrer. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
fasciculata DSN. In close clusters. See Wahlenbergia f. 18,494
fassoglense GSN. Coming from Fazoghli, a place in the Sudan where it was first collected. See
Fassoglensis., Tylosema f. - 1, 138; 16, 172d; 18,256
fassoglensis - GSN. Coming from Fazoghli, the place in Sudan where Tylosema f. was first collected. -
fastigiata DSN. Parallel erect branches, narrowing towards the top. Albuca f., Vernonia f. - 18,92,498
fastigiatum DSN. Parallel, erect, clustered branches. Indigastrum f. - 18,56
fatsia - MGN. An adaption of the Japanese name for Fatsia japonica. - 10, 156
faurea - CSN. W C Faure. - 16, 122e-f

feijoa - CSN. Don da Silva Feijoa. - 10, 157
felicia - CSN. Herr Felix, a German official at Regensburg. See genus Felicia.- 10,158; 16,456b;
fenestratum - DSN. L. From fenestra, a window. In Limeum f. var. f. it alludes to transparent wings of the
fruit. - 16, 132c
-fer - L. In compounds, -carrying, bearing. - 14, 427
fero - L. I bear, bearing, carrying - [-fera]. See. Indigofera, antennifera. - 1, 86; 10, 190; 16, 108a
ferox - DSN. Strongly armed with teeth. Feroceous, spiny leaves for Aloe ferox.See also Encephalartos f. - 2,
42, 56
ferrugineus - DSN. Rusty. - 12, 304; 13, 1223

fibrosa - DSN. Fibre. See Kniphofia f. 18,226
fici- - L. In compounds, relating to figs. See Fig-. - 14, 428
ficifolia DGN. Leaves like Ficus. See Ipomoea f. 18,420
ficifolius - L. Fig-leaved. See fici-, and fig-. - 14, 428
ficinia CSN. Named after Heinrich Ficinus, a German botanist.- 18,564
ficinioides DGN. Resembling Ficinia, See Scirpus f. 18,564
ficus - DGN. L. Name of small shrubby fig tree in Asia Minor. - 4, 67; 10, 158; 11, 4
-fidus - L. In compounds, divided, (usually within outer third). - 14, 428
fig - L. In compounds, syco-. Ficifolius, fig-leaved. - 14, 428
filago - See filaginea., filagopsis. - 1, 278; 16, 438
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filagopsis - DGN. L. Resembling the genus Filago. - 16, 438m

filaginea - DGN. Resembling the genus Filago. See Amphidoxa f. 1, 278
fili - L. Thread-like. See filifolia. - 1,50
fili- - L. In compounds, thread. Filicaulis, with thread-like stem. Filifer, thread-bearing. Filifolius, thread-
leaved. - Filipendulus, hanging by a thread, e.g. the swollen parts of tuberous roots connected by
narrow thread-like parts. - 14, 428
filic- - L. In compounds, relating to ferns. - 14, 428
filifolia - DSN. L. With thread-like leaves, like fern fronds. See Nerine f., Pearsonia sessifolia subsp f.,
Felicia f.subsp f. - 1, 50; 16, 180d, 456b; 18,442
filiformis DSN. L. Thread-like, narrow form. Hypoxis f. In Passerina f. refers to narrow leaves, Cassytha
f., Secamone f. 1, 64; 2, 342; 18,528,552
filipes - DSN. L. With thread-like stalks. See Indigofera f. - 16, 190h
fimbri- - L. In compounds, fimbriate, [fringed]. - 14, 428
fimbria G. A fringe. Fimbristylis- 18,566
fimbriata -DSN. L. Fringed. In Stenoglottis f. alluding to the lip, Huttonaea f. 1,82; 16,104g; 18,114,360
fischeri - CSN. G A Fischer. See Dyschoriste f. - 16, 398a,b
fissi- - L. In compounds, split-. - 14, 429

flabellata - DSN.L. Like an open fan. See Setaria f. - 1, 14
flabellifolius DSN. In the shape of a small fan. See Myrothamnus f. 18,576
flaccida DSN. Limp. See lobelia f. 18,496
flagellaria - DSN. From flagellum, a whip and aria, like. Refers to the long flexible stems. - 18.26
flagellifolia - DSN. L. With long, thin whip-like leaves. See Annesorrhiza f. - 16, 288b
flagellum - DSN. A whip. See Flagellaria - 18, 26
flanaganiae CSN. Discovered by Mrs. Flanagan, wife of Henry Flanagan. See Impatiens f. 18,406
flanaganii - CSN. Named after Henry Flanagan. See Cyrtanthus f.,Geranium f., Selago f., Mystacidium
f.,Raphionacme f.,Tylophora f. 18,232,398,480,522,542,588
flava - DSN. Bright, clear yellow. See Justicia f. In Grewia refers to the flowers, Aspidonepsis f. - 1,168,
252 2, 308; 16, 250b, 390h; 18,300,306
flavescens - DSN. Yellowish. See Grewia f., Grewia f.var f. - 2, 308; 10, 339; 16, 252a
flavicaulis - DSN. G. Yellow-stemmed. See Asparagus f. - 16, 58e
flavida - DSN. Pale yellow. See Dietes f. 18,238
flavum DSN. Yellow. See Schizoglossum f. 18,300
flavus - DSN. Yellow, flaxen. - 10, 339; 12, 304; 13, 1223
flexuosus - DSN. Winding, bending. See Schizochillus f. 18,118
flora - DSN. Flower. See multiflora, laniflora. - 1, 34; 16, 328a
flore pleno - DSN. Double flowered. - 10, 339
floribunda - DSN. L. Many-flowered, flowering profusely. Many flowers. With a wealth of flowers: free-
flowering. For Nuxia f. many flowered. See Sutera f., Abelia f., Dipelta f., Malus f., Fraximus
f.,Ledebouria f., Hermannia f., Kraussia f., Dregea f. - 1, 196, 234; 2, 422; 10, 11, 129, 161,222,339; 16,
52a, 260d, 298a, 364e, 408c; 18,176,190,512
floribundus - DSN. Free-flowering. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
florida - DSN. From floridus, flowery. - 12, 302; 13, 1222
floridus DSN. Flowery. See florida, obtusiflorus. - 1, 16; 12, 302; 13, 1222
florifera/rum - DSN. Bearing flowers. See Manulea f.,Dierama f. 18,190,454
flos - L. Flower. See Floscopa -16, 34a; 18,340
floscopa - DSN. L. From flos flower and scorpa a broom. - 16, 34a
flumen - L. A river. See fluminense. - 1, 194; 16, 296b
fluminense - DSN. L. From flumen, a river, because occurs along rivers. See Jasminum f.
1, 194; 16, 296b
fluminensis DSN. Running water. See Tradescantia f. 18,340
fluviatilis - DSN. L. Growing in a river or running water. See Kniphofia f. - 16, 44d; 18,28

fockea CSN. Named after Hendrick Focke. 18,554
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foetida - DSN. L. Having an unpleasant or foul smell. In Boscia f. it alludes to the flowers. See
Momordica f. - 16, 148d, 416a; 18,80
foetidissima - DSN. L. Having a very unpleasant smell. Kedrostis f. - 16, 416b; 18,78
foetidum - DSN. L. Bad-smelling. See Brachystelma f. - 1, 214; 16, 320c; 18,582
folia - L. Leaves. See angustifolia, limifolia, filifolia. - 1, 30, 36, 50
foliosa - DSN. L. Leafy. Closely clothed in leaves, dense foliage as in Gerrardina f., Eulophia f.,
Lotononis f., Portulaca f., Indigofera f. - 1, 90, 128; 2, 332: 16, 112c, 134m, 200a; 18,56,258,520
folium -L. Leaves. See tenuifolium, Trifolium.- 1, 32; 18,388
fontanesia - CSN. M Rènè Louiche Desfontaines. - 10, 159
forbesii - CSN. John Forbes. - 16, 176c
forma DSN. Form, figure, shape. - 14, 430
formosa - DSN. From formosus, charming. - 12, 302; 13, 1222
formosum - GSN. From the island of Formosa, now Taiwan, ,country of origin. See Dierams f., Lillium f.
- 16, 92d; 18,92
formosus DSN. Charming, beautiful. See formosa, Streptocarpus f. - 12,302; 13,1222; 18,482
forskaolii - CSN. Named after Peter Forskaöl. See Hypoestes f. 18,200
forsythia - CSN. William Frosyth. - 10, 159; 13, 1219; 12, 299
fortunei - CSN. Robert Fortune. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
foveolatus - DSN. Small pits. Chionanthus f. - 2, 410

fragaria - DSN. L. Fragrant. F. vesca (strawberry). - 9, 97
fragilis - DSN. L. Brittle, fragile. See Crassula expansa subsp. f., Ipomoea obscura var f., Cissus f. -
1,120, 222; 16, 334b; 18,538
fragilus - DSN. Fragile, brittle. In Crassula f. it refers to the stems. - 10, 339; 16, 154b
fragrans - DSN. Fragrant. See Adenandra f., Clerodendrum f., Viburnum f., Genista f., Osmanthus f.,
Disa f. - 10, 23, 96, 168, 239, 309, 339; 18,366
fragrantissima DSN. Very fragrant. See Diaphananthe f. 18,522
franksiae - CSN. Named after Millicent Franks (Mrs.Flanders). See Brachystelma f. 18,172
fraxinus DSN. Old Latin name for Ash Tree. - 10, 160
freesia - CSN. Dr F H T Freese. - 18,46
fremontia - CSN. Col John Charles Fremont. - 10, 161
frenum - L. Rein or strap.. See Bifrenaria. - 28, 60
freylinia - CSN. Count L de Freylino. - 16,374a,b
frigida - DSN. Ice-cold. - 10, 339
frithia - CSN. Frank Frith. - 1, 106; 16, 134b
fritillaria DSN. A dice-box. 12, 300; 13, 1219
frondosa - DSN. With rich foliage. Mussaenda f. - 10, 232, 339
frutescens - DSN. Shrubby. Growing like a shrub. Vigna f., Orphium f., Sutherlandia f., Vigna f. subsp f.
var f. - 5, pl 87; 10, 238, 309, 339; 13, 1223; 16 192c, 200f; 18,464
fruticans - DSN. Shrubby. In Nemesia f. it refers to the habit. - 16, 374d
fruticosa - DSN. L. Shrubby or bushy. See Asclepias f., Stylosanthes f., Polygala f., Plectranthus f. -
1,206; 16 188a, 312d; 18,268,404,474
fruticosus - DSN. Shrubby. - 12, 304
fruticulosa - DSN. L. Shrubby, small and dwarf. In Crossandra f. it alludes to the habit. - 16,396b; 18,78

fuchsia - CSN. Leonard Fuchs. - 10, 162; 12, 299; 13, 1219
fulgens - DSN. L. Shining, glistening, brilliant. See species Mariscus f., Senecio f., Malaleuca f., Fuchsia
f., Euphorbia f., Cyperus f., Kleinia f. - 1, 16, 272; 10, 153, 162, 226, 339; 16,26f, 430b; 18,82
fulleri CSN. Named after Claude Fuller. See Hyobanche f. 18,434
fulvus - DSN. Tawny. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
fumaria - DSN. L. From fumus, smoke. - 16, 142e
fumus - L. Smoke. Refers to smoky scent of some species. See Fumaria. - 16, 142e; 18,384
fusc- - L. fusco-. In compounds, dark, or dark brown. - 14, 433
fusco- - L. fusc-. In compounds, dark, or dark brown. - 14, 433
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gal- - G. gala-, galacto-.In compounds, milk, milky (referring either to milky colour or production of latex). -
14, 433
gala - G. Milk..See Polygala, Galanthus, Ornithogalum., Galium, Ornithogaloides - 1, 32, 152; 10, 259; 12,
301; 13, 1220; 16, 34b, 42e, 404d; 18,98,90,404,512,556
galea - G. Helmet-shaped. See Galeandra - 28, 148
galeandra - DSN. L. From galea helmet-shaped. Referring to the anther-cap of the type species. - 28, 148
galacto- - G. gala-, gala-.In compounds, milk, milky (referring either to milky colour or production of latex).
- 14, 433
galanthus - DSN. From gala, milk and anthos flower. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
galee - G. Polecat, weasel. - 14, 274
galium - DSN. G. From gala, milk , alluding to the fact that yellow bedstraw (Galium verum) was used to
curdle milk for cheese-making. - 16, 404d,e
gallicus - GSN. Gaul (France). - 12, 302; 13, 1221
galphimia - MGN. Related to Malpighia and the same letters - transposed gives the genus Galphimia. - 10,
galpinia - CSN. Dr E E Galpin. . -12, 298
galpinii - CSN. Dr E E Galpin. See Anthericum g., Barleria g., Bauhinia g., Cyrtanthus g. Eriospermum g.,
Hypoxis g., Kniphofia g.,Raphionacme g., Schizoglossum bidens subsp g., Streptocarpus g., Vernonia g,
, Cyrathus g., Tinnea g. Diospyros g., Lotononis g., Selago g. - 1, 28, 50, 66, 130, 206, 246, 274; 5, pl
73; 11, 128; 16, 34j; 16,44f;16, 52f; 16, 76j; 16, 78d, 170a, 310a, 312j, 330c, 382b, 394h, 398j, 434h,
436f; 18,40,70,296,460,480,542
galtonia - CSN. Sir Francis Galton - 18,96,510
gamo- - G. In compounds, united. - 14, 433
gangetica - GSN. Ganges River in India. See Asystasia g. 18,200
gardenii CSN. Named after Major Robert Garden. See Streptocarpus g. 18,482
gardeniifolia - DSN. L. With leaves resembling those of the genus Gardinia. See Pavetta g., Pavetta g.var g.
-1, 258; 16, 406d
gardenia - CSN. Dr Alexander Garden. - 1, 256; 3, 221; 10, 166; 11, 173; 12, 299; 16, 400c
gardenii - CSN. Major Robert Garden. See Clivia g. -18,36
garipense - GSN. From the Gariep area in the Northern Cape. - 16, 404d
garrya - CSN. Nicholas Garry. - 10, 167
garuleum DSN. Corruption of coeruleus. Refers to deep blue colour of marginal female florets. See genus
Garuleum.- 18,444
gaster - G. f. Belly. See genus Gasteria., Gastrochilus. - 1, 36; 14, 274; 18,342; 28, 149
gasteria DSN. L. From gaster, belly an allusion to the large swelling at the base of the plant. - 1,36; 16,50c
gastrochilus - DSN. G. From gaster belly and cheilos lip, referring to the lip shape. - 28, 149
gayana - CSN. J. E. Gay. See Chloris g. - 1, 12; 16, 22f
gazania - DSN. G. Wealth, alluding to the golden flowers of many species. CSN. Theodore Gaza. - 5, pl 184;
16, 454f; 18,332,334
gazensis -GSN. Area where C F M Swynnerton discovered this species, Gladiolus g., called Gazaland
Delagoa Bay to Umvumvumvu to Lusitu and Buzi rivers, the sea on East and Sabi river on West. See
Protea g. covering the same area. - 5, pl 37, 59

geigeria - CSN. Dr L Geiger. - 1, 272; 16, 430g, 452a,b; 18,316
geiton DSN. Neighbour. See Potamogenton, Apongeton - 3, 2; 18,84,502
-gena - L. Born. See nubigena. - 1. 48; 16, 48f
-geneus -G. -genus. In compounds, of a particular kind. homogeneus, all of the same kind.
14, 434
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geneion - G. Chin. See Epigeneium - 28, 142

geniculatum DSN. Abruptly bent. See Solanum g. 18,478
genlisea CSN. Named after Comtesse de Genlis, author of La Botanique Historique et Literature . See
genus Genlisea.- 18,486
-genus - G. -geneus. In compounds, of a particular kind. - homogeneus, all of the same kind.
14, 434
geniosporum - DSN. G. The seeds having protuberances. - 1, 228; 16, 346j, 356c
genista - MGN. Celtic. Latin name for broom used by Virgil. - 10, 167; 13, 1220
gentiana - CGN. Gentius, King of Illyria. - 12, 297; 13, 1218
geometricum DSN. Geometric shape. See Cynoglossum g. 18,468
-ger - L. In compounds, carrying, bearing. ramus floriger, flowering branch. - 14, 434
geranioides - DGN. Resembling Geranium. See Begonia g. 18,156
geranium DSN. G. From geranos, a crane. See Geranium a crane's bill referring to the seed vessel.
Alluding to the long beak formed by the carpels. - 1, 148; 3, 102; 13, 1220; 16,204a,206a
geranos - G. A crane. See Geranium. - 1, 148; 3, 102; 16, 204a; 18,398,466
gerbera - CSN. Traugott Gerber, died 1743, German naturalist. See genus Gerbera.- 18,82,220,446; 23,30,31
Describes how it got its name.
gerbera - CSN. Franz Gerber. - 1, 270, 278; 3, 189; 5, pl 186; 16, 428a, 446b,d,e, 450a-e, 454I
gerrardanthus CSN. Named after William Gerrard.- 18,558
gerrardi CSN. N. Gerrard. See Acacia g. var. g., Cynanchum. g., Senecio g. - 11, 4, 44; 16,164d,332b,436b
gerrardii CSN. Named after William Gerrard. See Xyris g., Leucospermum g., Aspalathus g., Hermannia
g., Strophanthus g., Schizochilus g., Athrixia g., Secamone g.,Brachystelma g.-
gerras DSN. Old age. See Agaratum. - 16, 434d
gerstneri - CSN. Rev. Father Jacob Gerstner. See Orbeopsis g., Orbeopsis g. subsp elongata, Aloe g. -
1,216; 16, 322c; 18,32
gesneria CSN. N. Gesner. See also gesnerioides. - 1, 238; 16, 368g,h
gesnerioides - CSN. Resembling Gesneria, which in turn is named after Conrad Gesner. See Striga g. -
1,238; 16, 368g,h;18,432
geton - G. m. Neighbour. - 14, 274
-geton - G. In compounds, neighbour, a dweller. Potamogeton, river-neighbour. - 14, 434
gettliffei - CSN. George Frederick Rawson Gettliffe. See Strapelia g. - 1, 210; 16, 316d
geuo DSN. Tasty. See genus Geum.- 18,254

gibba - DSN. L. Swollen on one side, humped on one side. See Asclepias g., Asclepias g. var g., Utricularia
g. - 1, 220, 248; 16, 326c, 386c; 18,170
giga- - G. gigant-. In compounds, giant, very large. Gigalobius, very large pods. - 14, 434
gigalobius - G. from giga-.very large pods. - 14, 434
gigant- - G. giga-. In compounds, giant, very large. Gigalobius, very large pods. - 14, 434
gigantea - DSN. L. Very large. See Ansellia g., Stapelia - 1, 96; 16, 314g;18,302
gilfillanii - CSN. D F Gilfillan. - 16, 408e
ginkgo - DGN. Chinese name for genus Ginko. --10, 168; 12, 301; 13, 1220
gisekia - CSN. P D Giseke - 16, 132.a b
giton - G. m. Neighbour. - 14, 274

glaber - DSN. Smooth. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
glabra - DSN. L. Without hairs. Acalypha angustata var. g., Cyphia elata var g. - 1, 154; 16, 228g, 422b
glabrata - DSN. L. Smooth, without hairs. See Acalypha g., Leucas g. var. g.,Tragia g., Centella g. - 2, 226;
16, 224g, 360d; 18,182,530,540
glabratum DSN. To make smooth, deprive of hair or bristles. See Ecbolium g. 18,492
glabrum - DSN. L. Without hairs, smooth. See Conostomium natalense var. g. Smooth in Macrotyloma
axillare subsp g. - 1, 256; 16, 202l, 400h
glabrus - DSN. Smooth. - 10, 339
gladiatus DSN. Sword. See gladiolus, gladiformis.
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gladiiformis - DSN. Sword-shaped. Short sword used by the Roman gladiators. In Casearia g. it refers to the
leaf shape. - 2, 338; 5, pl 37
gladioloides DGN. Like Gladiolus. For Watsonia g. - 18,46
gladiolus DSN. A little or small sword. In Gladiolus alluding to the shape of the leaves. Sword-like leaves.
- 1, 70; 3, 58; 5, pl 37; 12, 300; 13, 1219; 16, 84a, 86a-f; 88a-c, 92a-c, 94c;
glandufolia DSN. Leaves bearing small glands. Acalypha g. - 18,62
glanduliferum DSN. Bears glands. See Aspidoglossum g. 18,580
glanduligera - DSN. L. Gland-bearing. See Hermannia g. - 16, 260c
glandulosa - DSN. Having glands. See Platylepis g. 18,124
glauca - DSN. G. Bluish- or greenish -grey. Having a bloom (a white powdery substance covering the
leaves). In Albuca g. it alludes to the leaves. In Monsonia g., Adenia g. it alludes to the bloom. - 1, 22;
16, 34g, 204b, 268b
glaucophylla - DSN. G. Having grey-green leaves. See Triaspis g. - 16, 216a
glaucus - DSN. Blue-green grey. See Bolboschoenus g. - 12, 304; 13, 1223; 18,566
gleditsia - CSN. J G Gleditsch. - 4, 72; 10, 169
glob- - L. globi-. In compounds, ball-like, globose. Globifer, globe-carrying. - 14, 436
globi- - L. glob-. In compounds, ball-like, globose. Globifer, globe-carrying. - 14, 436
globifera - DSN. Bearing balls, globose. See Crotalaria g. 18,262
globosa - DSN. L. Round. In Cordylogyne g. it refers to the shape of the flower-head. - 16, 330b
globularioides - DSN. L. Like a small sphere or ball, See Crassula g. - 1, 122
globulus - DSN. Round. - - 10, 339
glochidiata - DSN. A projecting point, refers to nutlets. Afrotysonia g. 18,180
glochin - G. f. Projecting point. - 14, 275
gloeo- - G. In compounds, glue, sticky. - 14, 436
glomerata DSN. Club-shaped,clustered into a head. See Floscopa g., Platycarpha g., Roella g.
glomeratum - DSN. L. From glomeratum, clustered into more or less round heads. See Limeum viscosum
subsp viscosum var g., Helichrysum g. - 16, 132d;18,312
gloriosa DSN. From gloriosus, handsome. See Gloriosa - 1, 26; 16, 36b; 18,26
gloriosus DSN. Handsome. See Gloriosa. - 18,26,222
glossa DSN. G. f. Tongue. [Glottis, a tongue]. See Ornithoglossum, Microglossa, Isoglossa, Brachyglottis,
Schizoglossum, Aspidoglossum, Cynoglossum, Odontoglossum, Porroglossum, Symphyglossum,
Miraglossum, Periglossum - 1, 36, 206; 3, 152, 166; 10, 56; 14, 275; 16,50g,312a,340a;
18,166,200,210,300,438,468,544,546,578,580; 28, 319, 381, 404
glosso- - G. In compositions, tongue-. - 14, 436
glossostelma - DSN. It refers to the tongue-like lobes in the corona. - 5, pl 128
glotta DSN. G. A tongue, see also gloss., See Sarcoglottis, Scaphyglottis, Spathoglottis, Stenoglottis,
Trichoglottis. - 1, 82; 16, 104g; 18,360; 28, 389, 391, 398, 403, 407
glottis DSN. G. f. Mouth of the windpipe [A tongue?] . See glossa. - 3, 152, 166; 14, 275
glumis DSN. L. Glumes. See species grandiglumis. - 1, 12
glutinosus - DSN. Sticky. See Mimulus g. - 10, 231, 339
glyco- - G. In compounds, cut into. - 14, 437
glypto- - G. In compounds, sweet of taste or smell. - 14, 437
glycys - G. Sweet to the taste or smell. - 14, 275

gnaphalium -DSN. G. Greek name for this downy plant . - 16, 438m
gnestis DSN. Scratch. (Itch). - 2, 118
gnidia - GSN. G. The name of a Greek city (Knidos) where a kind of laurel grew. The ancient Greek term for
a species of Daphne. See genus Gnidia.- 1,182; 3,114; 5,pl 108; 16,272a-e; 18,292

godetia - CSN. C H Godet. - 12, 300; 13, 1219
goetzei - CSN. Dr Walter Goetze. - 16, 422d
gomesa - CSN. Dr Bernardino Antonio Gomes. - 28, 151
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gomphos DSN. Club, refers to flower heads, see genus Gomphrena, Gomphocarpus. In genus
Gomphostigma it refers to the club-shaped stigma. - 1, 196; 16, 298c; 18,134,164,168,546
gomphostigma - DSN. G. From gomphos, bolt and stigma, style. - 1, 196; 16, 298c
gone DSN. G. f. Offspring, reproductive organs, womb. - 14, 275
-gône - G. -gonium. In compounds, reproductive organs. - 14, 275, 437
gongylodes DSN. G. Roundish. - 14, 275
gongyloides DSN. G. Roundish. - 14, 275
-goni - G. -gonia.. In compounds, angled, angular. - 14, 437
-gonia - G. -goni.. In compounds, angled, angular. See genus Oxygonum.- 14, 275,437; 18,134
gonion DSN. Angle or knee. See genus Gonatopus 18,570
-gonium - G. -gône. In compounds, reproductive organs. - 14, 275, 437
gonu DSN. A knee joint. See genus Polygonatum. - 13, 1220
gony DSN. G. n. Knee, node (of grass). - 14, 275
goodyeara - CSN. John Goodyear, 1592-1664. - 28, 152
gordon-grayae - CSN. Named after Kathleen Gordon-Gray, SA botanist. See Asclepias g. 18,170
gordonia - CSN. James Gordon. - 10, 169
gossypium - DGN. G. Ancient name for the cotton plant, or Latin name for cotton. See genus Gossypium.- 5,
pl 96; 16,256e; 18,288
gouanii - CSN. A Gouan. See Conyza g. - 16, 448e

gracile - DSN. L. Slender, graceful. See Brachystelma g., Mystacidium g., Nothoscordum g. - 1,214; 16,96h,
320h, 330a; 18,92,130
gracilifolia - DSN.With slender or graceful leaves. See Pavetta g. - 16, 406c; 18,204
gracilis - DSN. Slender, graceful. See Deutzia g., Kniphofia g., Tapinanthus g., Mimulus g., Rhinacanthus -
10, 127, 339; 12, 304; 13, 1223; 18,28,48,92,132,192,438
gracillimum - DSN. L. Most graceful. See Dipcadi g. - 1, 22
graderia - MGN. George Bentham transferred Gerardias scabra to a new genus , which he named graderia,
an anagram of Gerardia. - 1, 238; 5, pl 149; 16, 368c, 370 f; 18,430
grallatus - DSN. L. Stems rodlike, stilted. See Plectranthus g. - 16, 354b; 18,186
gramen DSN. Grass. See gramminicola.
graminicola - DSN. L. Grass-dwelling [gramen - cola]. Inhabitant of grassland.. Crinum g., Moraea g. -
1,54; 5, pl 24; 16, 70a; 18,236,350
graminifolia - DSN.L. With leaves like grass. See ledebouria g. - 16, 52b
graminifolium DSN. Grasslike. See Ornithogalum g. 18,512
gramma DSN. G. n. Written character, letter, mark, writing. See Gammangis, Grammatophyllum - 14,275;
28, 153
grammangis - DSN. G. From gramma letter or mark and angos vessel, possibly referring to the conspicuous
red-purple lines of the lip. - 28, 153
grammatophyllum - DSN. G. From gramma letter or mark and phyllon leaf, referring to the dark and
conspicuous markings of the sepals and petals. - 28, 153
gramme DSN. G. f. Line, stroke of a pen. - 14, 275
grandi- - L. In compounds, large, big . See species grandiglumis, grandiflora. - 14, 437
grandialata - DSN. L. With broad wing-like angles. See Eulophia g. - 1, 158; 16, 230a
grandicornis - DSN. Large thorns. See Euphorbia g. 18,278
grandicornuta - DSN. Big thorns. For Acacia g. refers to Zulu name meaning, resembling horns. - 2, 130
grandidentata - DSN. L. Having large teeth. See Plectranthus g. - 1, 230
grandidentatum DSN. Having large teeth. Osteospermum g. 18,332
grandidentatus - DSN. L. Having large teeth. In Plectranthus g. alluding to the leaf margins. - 16,348c;
grandiflora - DSN. L. Having large flowers. See Anomatheca g., Tephrosia g., Pyrenacantha g., Limosella
g.Faogia, Tetraquetra var g., Freesia g.,Dietes g., Wahlenbergia g., Brunsvigia g., Zephyranthes g. - 1,
74, 132, 162; 16, 94a, 168b, 238a, 366g, 402d; 18,46,110,192,206,348,392,494
grandiflorum - DSN. L. With large flowers. See Becium g. var obovatum. - 16, 346i
grandiflorus - DSN. L. With large flowers. Large-flowered. See Pachycarpus g., Pachycarpus g. var g.
Trichocladus g., Pachycarpus g. var g. tormentosus. - 1, 220; 2, 114; 12, 304; 13, 1223; 16,158c,326a,
328c; 18,580
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grandifolia - DSN. L. With large leaves. See Pearsinoia g. - 16, 180f; 18,462
grandiglumis - DSN. From grandi, long and glumis, glumes. For Trichoneurea g - 1, 12
grandis - DSN. L. Large. In Sebaea g it refers to the large flowers of this species. See Banksia g.,
Streptocarpus g. - 1, 198; 10, 45, 339; 16, 300a,b; 18,164,298,482
grandistipula - DSN. L. Having large stipules (a basal appendage of a petiole [Petiole-stem of leaf or fruit]).
See Hermannia g. - 1, 174; 16, 262d; 18,290
grantii - CSN. Named after William Grant. See Isoglossa g. 18,200
graphe DSN. G. f. Drawing, picture, writing. See Graphorkis. - 14, 275; 28,154
graphis DSN. G. f. Pencil. - 14, 275
graphorkis - DGN. G. From graphe writing and orchis orchid. The significance of this name is obscure as
there are no markings on the flowers of the type species. - 28,154
gratissimum DSN. Very pleasing. See Ocimum g. 18,556
gratissimus - DSN. L. Very pleasant. See Croton g., Croton g.var g. - 1, 156, 2, 220; 16, 226g
graveolens - DSN. L. Fragrant. See Pelargonium g., Apium g. - 16, 204g; 18,160
greatheadii - CSN. Dr. J B Greathead. See Aloe g. - 16, 48g
greenii CSN. Named after Dave Green. See Barleria g. 18,436
greenstockii - CSN. Cannon William Greenstock. See Crossandra g. - 16, 392f, 396a; 18,78
grevillea - CSN. Charles F Greville. - 10, 170; 12, 300
grewia - CSN. Nehemiah Grew. - 1, 168; 3, 207; 10, 173; 11, 114; 16, 250a,b, 252a,b
greyia - CSN. Sir George Grey for genus Greyia - 1, 162; 10, 173; 16, 238d
griselinia - CSN. Francisco Griselini. - 10, 173
griseola - DSN. L. Greyish. See Eulophia g., Euphorbia g. - 1, 156; 16, 226c
griseum DSN. Somewhat grey. Helichrysum g. - 18,82
grobya - CSN. Lord Grey of Groby, England. - 28,
groenewaldii - CSN. B H Groenewald. See Eulophia.g., Euphorbia g. - 1, 158, 16, 230d

gueinzii - CSN. Dr Wilhelm Gueinzius. Keetia g., Barleria g., Gladiolus g. - 3, 224; 16, 398e; 18,356,488
guerichiana - CSN. George Gürich. See Eulophia.g., Euphorbia g. - 1, 158; 16, 230e
guineense - GSN. L. From Guinea, where Syzygium g. was first collected. - 1, 186; 16, 278b
gummiferum - DSN. Gum-bearing. See Ceratopetalum g. - 10, 83, 339
gunnera - CSN. J E Gunnerus. - 13, 1219; 18,578
guttata - DSN. With oil-glands or drops. See Beloperone g. - 10, 48, 339
guyana - Origin unknown. See Chloris g. - 1, 12

gymno- - G. In compounds, naked. Gymnocarpus, with the fruit naked, Gymnosporia. - 14, 438; 18,154
gymnocarpus - G. With naked fruit from gymnos, naked. - 14, 438
gymnos -G. Naked, unclad. See Gymnosperm. - 14, 275; 24, 12
gymnosperm - G. From gymnos, naked, and sperm, seed. Describes plants that bear their ovules on open
scales, such as cycads, gingkos and conifers. - 24, 12
gynandra - DSN. Both sexes. See Cleome g. 18,142
gyne - G. f. Woman, female. See Cordylogyne, Coelogyne. - 14, 275; 16, 330b; 28, 92
gypsophila - MGN. A lover of chalk. - 12, 302; 13, 1221
gyrocarpus DSN. G. 'Draaiende vrug' or turning-fruit. Having a rotating fruit. Gyrocarpus has this
characteristic. - 11, 31; 16, 142c
gyros - G. Rounded, curved. - 14, 275
gyros - G. m. Ring, circle. - 12, 275
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habena - L. Rein, reins, or strap. See Habenaria. - 1, 84; 16, 98a; 18,114,516; 28, 155
habenaria - DSN. L. From habena a rein or strap an allusion to the strap-like divisions of the petals and lip,
or alluding to the long strap-like spur in some species. - 1, 84; 16,98a,100cd,110a-b; 28, 155
hadiensis - GSN. L. Named after Hadiyah mountains in Yemen. See Plectranthus h. var tomentosus, where
this plant was first collected. - 16, 354c; 18,186
hadros - G. Thick or stout. See Adromischus. - 16, 158b
haemanthus - DSN. G. From haima, blood and anthos, a flower. Blood flower. - 1, 62; 3, 34; 5pl30; 16,60a-
haema - G. n. Blood. - 14, 275
haematocephalus DSN. Blood red head. See Cyperus h. 18,560
haima - G. Blood. See genus Haemanthus.- 1, 62; 3, 34; 16 60a-b; 18,232,346
hakea - CSN. Baron von Hake. - 10, 173; 12, 300
halicacabum - MSN. The Latin version of the old Greek name halikakaban for the genus Physalis., alluding
to the fruits of this species being similar to those of Physalis. - 16, 238b
hallackii - CSN. Named after Russell Hallack. See Satyrium h., Satyrium h. subsp ocellatum - 1,94; 16,116c;
halleria - CSN. Albrecht von Haller. - 1, 236; 3, 218; 16, 366a
hallii - hama- - G. Together with. - 14, 304
halo-G. In compounds, Salt. - 14, 439
halos - G Hals. m. Salt. - 14, 275
hals - G Halos. m. Salt. - 14, 275
halsia - CSN Stephen Hales. - 10, 175
hamamelis - DSN. G. Ancient Greek name for the pear-shaped fruit. - 10, 175
hamatum DSN. Hooked, possibly refers to petals. See Schizoglossum h. 18,578
hapalo- - G. In compounds, soft. - 14, 440
haplo- G. In compounds, single, spread out. See Haplocarpha.- 14, 440; 18,332
haplocarpha - DSN. G. From haploos, single, spread out and karphos, any small,dry body, twigs, referring to
the pappus. OR. It means , single scale, and refers to the ring of hairs or pappus of the achene or seed.
[Pappus downy or feathery appendage on fruit, seeds etc] - 1, 270; 5, pl 187; 16,428g
haploos - G. Single, spread out. See Haplocarpha. - 1, 270; 16,428g
haraella - CSN. Yoshi Hara. - 28, 156
hardenbergia - CSN. Countess Hardenberg. - 12, 300
hardyi - CSN. David Spencer Hardy. Cyphostemma h., Orbeanthus h. - 1, 164, 208; 16, 242, 314i
hare - G. See Lagos. - 14, 275
harmsiana - CSN. Named after Herman Harms. See Rhynchosia h. 18,270
harpagophytum - DSN. G. From harpagos, hook or grapple and phyton, a plant referring to the hooked
thorns on the fruit. - 1, 244; 5, pl 163; 16, 378g, 380a,b
harpagos CSN. G. Hook. See harpagophytum. - 1, 244; 16, 378g
harpe DSN. G. A sickle. See Harpephyllum, Arpophyllum. - 10, 176; 28, 56
harpephyllum - G. From harpe, sickle and phyllon, a leaf, referring to the leaf shape. - 2, 242; 10,176
harveya - CSN. Dr. William Henry Harvey, chief author of early volumes of Flora Capensis. See genus
Harveya. - 1, 236; 12, 298; 16. 364k, 372g; 18,74,196,434
harveyanum - CSN. Dr W H Harvey. See Argyrolobium h. - 16, 202h; 18,266
harveyanus - CSN. Dr. William Henry Harvey. See species Aster h., Sclerochiton h. - 1, 268;
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harveyi - CSN. W H Harvey for species Albizzia h., Rhus h. - 11, 56; 18,576
hasta DSN. L. Spear. See hastatum - 1, 82
hastatum - DSN. L. Spear-shaped. See Pterygodium h. - 1.82; 16, 104a; 18,124
haworthia - CSN. Adrian H. Haworth, English botanist and writer on succulents.- 1, 36; 16, 50a-b; 18,342
haygarthii - CSN. Walter. J. Haygarth. See Ceropegia distincta subsp. h.,Anthericum h.,
Senecio h., Streptocarpus h. - 1, 212; 16, 318f; 18,88; 18,172,322,482

hebe MGN. Pubescent. [Soft down on plant or animal].Thought to honour the Goddess of Youth, daughter
of Jupiter and wife of Hercules. See also hebeclada. - 1, 142;10, 176; 13,1218; 16, 162d
hebeclada - DSN. G. From hebe, pubescent and klados, a branch. In Acacia h. subsp. h. it refers to the hairy
branches. - 1, 142; 16, 162d
hebenstretia - CSN. Johan Ernest Hebenstreit. See genus Hebenstretia. - 1, 234; 16, 364j, 370h; 18,194
hederaceum - DGN. L. Resembling ivy (hadera). See Chascanum h. - 1, 226; 18,180
hederaceus - DGN. L. Resembling ivy (hadera). See Plexipus h. var h. - 16, 340e, 342f
hedyantha DSN. Sweet flowered. Indigofera h. - 1, 124; 16, 186e; 18,56
hedys - G. Pleasant to taste or smell. - 14, 275
helenium - CGN. Helen of Troy. - 13, 1218
heleo- - G. helo-. In compounds, marsh. - 14, 440
heleos G. Marsh. See genus Eleocharis.- 18,566
helianthos DSN. From helios, sun and anthos,a flower for Helianthos. - 13,1220
helianthus - DSN. From helios, sun and antho.- 12, 301
helic- - G. In compounds, coiled, spirally twisted.. - 14, 440
helica - DSN. L. From helicum horse-collar or yolk. Referring to the hollow hairy pit at the base of the lip
which, when seen from in front, looks, with the anther and column, like an old-fashioned Elizabethan
headdress of horse-collar decorated with ribbons. - 28, 156
helicoides - G. Of winding, or spiral form. - 14, 275
helichrysopsis DGN. Like Helichrysum. See genus Helichrysopsis.- 18,212
helichrysum - DSN. G. From helios, the sun and chrysos, gold, or golden sun as many species have bright
yellow involucral bracts. 1, 276; 3, 169; 5, pl 188; 16, 438a-l, 440a-h, 442a-d, 446a
helicum - L. Horse-collar or yolk. See Helica - 28, 156
helinus - DSN. G. A twiner. - 16, 240f
heliophilia - DSN. G. From helios, sun and philein, to love, alluding to this plant's habit.
heliopsis DSN. Like the sun. See Senecio h. 18,324
helios - DSN. G. m. The sun. Part of Helichrysum, Helichrysopsis,Heliotropium, Helianthos., Phygelius.,
Heliophilia 1,224,236, 276; 3, 169; 10, 176; 12, 300, 301; 13, 1219, 1220; 14, 275;
18,212,310,422,442,460; 16,142f-g,338c,366b, 438; 18,140,178
heliotropium - DSN. G. From helios, the sun and trope, turning. In genus Heliotropium from old idea that
flowers turn to face the sun. - 1, 224; 10, 179; 16,338c
helix - G. Anything of spiral shape. See genus Helixanthera. - 14, 275; 18,132
hellion also elion DSN. To shun. See Phygelius - 18,72
helminthioides DSN. Like a worm. See Senecio h. 18,324
helmuthii - CSN. Helmuth Meyer. - 12, 303
helo- -G. heleo-. In compounds, marsh. - 14, 440
helodes - G. Frequenting marshes. - 14, 275
hem - G. See loma. - 14, 275
hemera - G. f. Day. See genus Hemerocallis. - 12, 301; 13, 1220; 14, 275
hemerocallidea - DGN. Resembling Hemerocallis, the Day Lily. Hypoxis h. 18,234
hemerocallis - DGN. From hemera,day and kallos, beauty, (day-lily). - 12, 301; 13, 1220
hemi - G. Half. See Hemizygia. - 1, 228; 16, 346a; 18,426
hemi-L. See semi-. Or. G. In compounds, half-. -14, 275, 303, 304, 401
hemizygia - DSN. G. From hemi, half and zygon, a yoke, join. - 1, 228; 16, 346a,b, 358d, 360a-c
henkellii - CSN. Dr J S Henkel. See Podocarpus h. - 2, 48
henryi - CSN. Augustus Henry. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
hepta- -G. In compounds, seven-. - 14, 441
heptalobium - DSN. Seven-lobed. See Schistostephium h. - 1, 268; 16, 426I
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herbacea DSN. Succulent stem, herblike. See Oldenlandia h. 18,202

herbaceum - DSN. L. Herbaceous, not woody. Also means yellow-green and in Helichrysum h. it refers to
the involucral bracts which are yellowish-green. See Gossypium h. subsp africanum., Anthospermum . -
1, 276; 5, pl 191; 16, 256e; 16, 438; 18,288,314,556
herbeum - DSN. L. Grass-coloured. Delosperma h. - 1, 106; 16, 134f
hereroenis - GSN. L. Of Hereroland, Namibia. See Eulophia h., In Combretum h. this is where this tree was
first found. In Plectranthus h. this is where the plant is found. - 1, 84; 16,106b,274d, 152b
hermannia - CSN. Paul Hermann, prof. of botany in Leyden, one of the first collectors to visit the Cape. See
genus Hermannia. 1,174; 12, 298; 16, 260b-e, 262a-f; 18,66,288,466
hermbstaedtia CSN. S F Hermbstadt. SeeHermbstaedtia - 16, 300h-I; 18,50
herschelia - CSN. Sir John Frederick William Herschel. - 1, 80
herschelianthe - CSN. Named after Sir John Herschel, eminent astronomer who spent some time at the Cape
in the 1830s and collected and illustrated some of the wild flowers. - 16, 102h; 18,458
hespera - G. Evening. See genus Hesperantha. - 1, 72; 3, 54; 16, 90e
hesperantha - DSN. G. From hespera, evening and anthos, flower. - 1, 72; 3, 54; 16,, 90e-f
hesperos - G. Of evening, western. See genus Hesperantha. - 14, 275, 18,352
heteracantha - DSN. G. Having different thorns. Acacia tortilis subsp. h. -1, 144; 2, 140
hetero- - G. In compounds, different, other, uneven etc. - 14, 441
heteromorpha - DSN. G. Having different forms, referring to the very variable nature of the genus. - 1, 190;
2, 382; 16, 286b
heterophyllla - DSN. Different, diverse, leaves. See Maytenus h., Gymnosporia h., Cyphia h.
2, 266; 16, 236c; 18,154,208
heteros - G. Of another kind, different. - 14, 275
heterotricha -DSN. G. [hetero-, trich-]. Diverse haired. With more than one kind of hair. See
Crassula perfoliata var h. - 1, 116; 16, 150e; 18,146
hewittia CSN. Named after John Hewitt, naturalist, director of Albany Museum for 40 years. See genus
Hewittia.- 18,302
hex - G. Six. See Hexamita, Hexadesmia, Hexisea - 16, 252a; 28,157
hexa - G. In compounds, six. -14, 442
hexadesmia - DSN. G. From hex six and desmos chain or bond, referring to the six pollinia joined in two
groups. - 28,157
hexalobus DSN. G. Six-lobed. - 16, 142a
hexamita - DSN. G. From hex, six and mitis, lobes, threads. - 16, 252b
hexisea - DSN. G. From hex six and isos equal, referring to the six more or less equal perianth segments. -

hibiscifolia - DGN. Leaves like Hibiscus. See Montanoa h. 18,216
hibiscus - MGN. G. Genus Hibiscus from the Greek name for 'marsh mallow', ibiskos. - 1, 170; 3,111; 5,pl97;
10, 179; 16, 254a-g, 256b-d; 18,66,156,284,408
hiemalis - DSN. Of winter, referring to midwinter flowering. See Moraea h. - 12, 304; 13, 1223, 18,236
hilaris DSN. L. Cheerful, gay. See Indigofera h. - 1, 136; 3, 90; 5, pl 83; 16, 184b, 188g; 18,58,390
hildebrandtii - CSN. Named after Johan Hildebrandt. See Cienfuegosia h.18,288
hilliardiae - CSN. Named after Olive Hilliard, SA botanist. See Schizoglossum h., Plectranthus h.-
himanto- - G. In compounds, Strap-shaped. - 14, 442
hippobromus DSN. Horse stench. H. pauciflorus refers to the common name for Clausena anisata
(perdepis). The leaves have a pleasant aromatic scent. - 2, 292
hippocratea - CGN. After Hippocrates, Greek physician and author, father of science and pharmaceutical
botanist. See genus Hippocratea.- 16, 236f; 18,536
hircicornis DSN. Goat-horn. See Disa h. 18,574
hirpex - L. A harrow. See Hirpicium. - 1, 270; 16,428a; 18,220
hirpicium - DSN. L. From hirpex, a harrow. - 1, 270; 16,428a
hirsuta - DSN. L. Rough hairy. See Vernonia h., Piloselloides h., Jatropha h. var h., Raphionacme h.,
Crabbea h., Clutia h., Fuirena h. - 1, 274, 278; 3, 162; 16, 220e, 312h,j, 434c;
hirsutum DSN. Rough hairy. See Epilobium h., Clerodendrum h. 18,410,470
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hirsutus - DSN. Hairy. See Cucumis h., 12, 304; 13, 1223; 18,308
hirta - DSN. L. Hairy. Cleome h., Barleria h., Rhynchosia h. - 1, 114, 130; 5, pl 71,pl 166;
16, 144b, 170d
hirtella DSN. L. Rather hairy. Coccinia h. - 16, 414b; 18,80
hirti- - L. In compounds, hairy, particularly with long distinct hairs. - 14, 442
hirtum - DSN. Rough. See Delosperma h. 18,136,380
hispanicus - GSN. Hispania, (Spain). - 13, 1221
hispera DSN. Evening. See genus Hisperantha. - 3, 54
hisperantha - DSN. G. From hispera meaning evening, and anthos a flower. - 3, 54
hispida - DSN. L. Covered with coarse bristles or rough hairs. See Acrotome h., Pterostyrax h., Robina h. -1,
228; 10, 272, 287, 339; 16, 346g
hispidulum - DSN. L. Covered with stiff hairs. See Anthospermum h. - 16, 408d
hispanicus - GSN. Hispania, Spain. Spanish. - 10, 339; 12, 302
hispida - DSN. With stiff hairs or bristles, shaggy, rough. See Acrotome h.,Cotula h., Polygala h.-
hispidula DSN. Small bristles, shaggy or rough. See Genlisea h.,Bulbostylis h. 18,486,568

hochstetteri - CSN. Christian Ferdinand von Hochstetter. See Ipomoea h., Impatiens h. subsp h. -
16,238e,334f; 18,406
hockii - CSN. A Hock. See Aneilema h. - 1, 20; 16, 32I
hoffmannseggia CGN. Named in honour of Ioannis de Hoffmannsegg. 18,388
hohere DGN. Maori name houhere for genus Hoheria. - 10, 181
hoheria - DGN. Maori name houhere for genus Hoheria. - 10, 181; 12, 301; 13, 1220
hollandii - CSN. Mr F H Holland. See Gladiolus h. - 16, 88b
holmskioldia - CSN. Theodor Holmskoid. - 1, 226; 10, 182
holo- - G. In compounds, entire, complete, whole, undivided. - 14, 442
holos - G. Whole or entire. See Holothrix. - 1, 88; 14, 275; 16,100e; 18,240,362,516
holothrix - DSN. G. From holos, whole or entire and thrix, a hair. Refers to the hairiness of the stems, leaves
and sepals. Whole hair, for hairiness of the type species. - 1, 88; 5, pl 50; 16,100e, 110c-d
holstii - CSN. Carl H E W Holst. See Ochna h. - 16, 264c
holubia - CSN. Dr Emil Holub. - 1, 244; 16, 378f
holubii - CSN. Emil Holub. Turbina h., Indigofera h. - 5, pl 135:16, 190g, 336e
homalium - DSN. Even, regular, referring to stamens evenly divided into clusters. - 2, 332
homalos - G. Even, level. - 14, 275
homeo- - G. homo-, homoio-. In compounds, like, of the same kind, agreeing. - 14, 442
homeria - CGN. After the Greek poet, Homer, or from omereo, to meet together. Refers to filaments united
around the style. See genus Homeria. 1,76; 16, 90g; 18,238
homio - G. homo-, homoeo-. In compounds, like, of the same kind, agreeing. - 14. 442
homo- - G. homoeo-, homoio-. In compounds, like, of the same kind, agreeing. - 14. 442
homoios - G. Like - [-omia] - [omoea], alluding to the creeping habit. See Peperomia, Ipomoea. - 1,98,222;
16, 120a,334b; 18,178,304,420,468,524
homonyma DSN. With the same name. See Begonia h. 18,408
hookeri CSN. Sir Joseph Hooker. Trochomeria h., Pseudarthria h. - 5,pl.86; 16,192d;
horizontalis - DSN. Prostrate in growth. See Cotoneaster h. - 10, 108, 339
horsfallii CSN. Named after J.B.Horsfall. See Eulophia h. 18,372
hortensis - GSN. Of gardens. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
hoslundia - MGN. (1). Origin unknown. (2). CSN. O Hoslund-Smith. - 16, 356g; 18,72
hottentotica - GSN. L. Named from, or pertaining to, the land of the Hottentots. Nidorella h. -16,452d
hottentotta - GSN. Named from, or pertaining to, the land of the Hottentots, the Khoi-khoi, who occupied a
region in the Cape. See Polygala h. - 1, 152; 16, 218c,d; 18,404
houlletia - CSN. M Houllet. - 28, 158
houstonianum - CSN. Dr William Houston. See Agaratum h. - 16, 434d
houtteana - CSN. Van Houtte of Ghent. See Sonerilla bertolina x betolina houtteana - 20, 1881
hovea - CSN. A P Hove. - 10, 183
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hudor DSN. Water. See genus hydrangea - 10, 183; 10, 183; 12, 301; 13, 1220
huernia - CSN. After Dutch missionary Justus Huernius. - 1, 208; 12, 298; 16, 314a-I; 18,586
humeana - CSN. N. Sir Abraham Hume. See Erythrina h. - 1, 138; 3, 200; 16, 172e
humen - G. Membrane. See genus Hymenosporum, Hymenocardia - 2, 214; 10, 186
humilis - DSN. L. Low-growing, low, lowly, humble, small. See Xerophyta h., Chironia purpurascens subsp
h., Rivina h.(small), Eucomis h. (low), Asclepias h., Haemanthus h., Eucomis h. - 1, 68, 198; 5,pl 121;
10, 339; 16, 78c, 300e; 18,52,98,170,346,512
huntleya - CSN. Rev J T Hunt. - 28. 158
hupo DSN. Under. See genus Hypocalymma. - 10, 187
huttonaea CSN. Named after Caroline Hutton, who collected with her husband who was an officer during
the frontier war and later a Cape civil servant. See genus Huttonaea. 18,114
huttonii - CSN. Justice Henry Hutton. See Cyrtanthus h., Harveya h, Eulophia acculeata subsp h., Moraea
h. - 1, 50, 236; 16, 76i, 98d, 364k; 18,236
huttonii - CSN. Named after Caroline Hutton. See Anagallis h. 18,162

hyacinthus - CGN. The youth accidently slain by Apollo. - 13, 1218
hyacinthoides - DGN. G. Resembling a hyacinth. See Sanseveria h. - 1, 34; 16,42b; 18,100
hyalos - G. f. Glass. - 14, 275
hybos DSN. A hump. See genus Hybanthus.- 18,408
hybridus - DGN. Sharing characters of 2 species. See Amaranthus h. - 12, 304; 13, 1223; 18,526
hydnora - DGN. Described by Thunberg, 1775, and derived from the Greek for truffle because lower part
eaten by Hottentots, viverrae, foxes and other animals. See genus Hydnora.- 23, March 2003, pp12;
hydro- - G. In compounds, water. See Hydranea, Phylohydrax. - 14, 443; 8,Dec 2001 pp119; 18,204
hydor - G. n. Water. - 14, 275
hydros G. Water. See genus Hydrocotyle.- 18,540
hydrangea - DGN. Hudor, water and aggos or angeion a vessel; being a reference to the cup shaped seed
heads or seed-vessel in genus Hydrangea. - 10, 183; 10, 183; 12, 301; 13,1220; 8. Dec 2001 p 119
hygro- - hygros - G. Wet, moist. - 14, 275
hygrophila DSN. Water loving. See genus Hygrophila.- 18,488
hygrophilus DSN. Moisture loving. See Senecio h. 18,324
hyle - G. Wool or stuff. See Leucohyle - 28, 289
hyle - G. f. Forest, woodland. - 14, 275
hymen - G. m. Thin skin, membrane. - 14, 275
hymen- - G. In compounds, membrane, membranous, shinny. - 14, 443
hymenocardia - DSN. G. From humen, membrane and hinge. In H. ulmoides it refers to the fruit.
2, 214
hymenosporum - DSN. From humen, a membrane and spora, a seed and the species in this genus have a
membranous seed. - 10, 186
hyp- - G. hypo-. In compounds, below, under, lower, beneath. See genus Hypoxis.- 14,444; 18,232
hyper - G. Over, above. See Hyperacanthus. - 14, 275; 16, 400d
hyper- - G. In compounds, beyond, above, over. Latin super-. - 14, 303, 304, 444
hyperacanthus - DSN. G. From hyper, above and akantha, a thorn. - 16, 400d
hypericophyllum - DGN. With leaves like a Hypericum. - 5, pl 190
hypericum - MGN. Genus Hypericum from the classical Greek name uperikon for St John's wort. Used for
decorating religious images. - 1, 178; 5, pl 106; 10, 186; 16, 266d-f; 18,290
hypo- - G. hyp-. In compounds, below, under, lower. Latin infra-, sub-. - 14, 304, 444
hypo - G. Under, beneath. See Hypocalymma, Hypoestes, Hypochaeris. - 1, 250, 252, 252; 14, 275; 16,388b,
390a; 18,200,338,338,436
hypocalymma - From hupo, under and kaluptra, a veil, an allusion to the calyx falling off like a veil or cape.
- 10, 187
hypochaeris - DSN. G. Greek name for 'succory'. Hypo, beneath and chaeris, young pig. See Hypochaeris -
18, 338
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hypocraterformis - DSN. From hypo (G), under and craterformis (L), bowl-shaped or hemispherical and
concave. Salver-shaped. In Ruspolia h. referring to a flower which has a long narrow tube expanding
into a short open trumpet.. - 1, 250; 5, pl 172; 16, 388b
hypoestes - DSN. G. From hypo under and estia, house, referring to the covering of the calyx by the bracts. -
1, 252; 16, 390a
hypogea - DSN. G. Underground, developing underground. Babiana h.has an inflorescence which is
underground before the flower opens. Also Babiana h. var h. - 1, 72; 5, pl 35;
hypoleucum - DSN. Leaves white beneath. See Cyphostemma h.,Helichrysum h. 18,280,314
hypoxis - G. Below and sharp. See Rhodohypoxis. DGN. For Hypoxis, 'sharp below', suggesting this refers to
the base of the capsule which is acute and sharp. Another theory is that it applies to the sharp apices of
the lower petals. - 1, 66; 3, 46; 5, pl 33; 16, 78a-d, 78e
hypsi- - G. On high, aloft. - 14, 275
hyptis DSN. Laid back. See genus Hyptis.- 18,184
hyssopsis - DGN. Hebrew. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
hystera - G. Womb. - 14, 275
hystrix - DSN. G. Porcupine, prickly. See Pyrostria h., Huernia h., Huernia h. var h. - 1, 208; 2,480;
16,314d; 18,586

-ias - Indicates a close connection, noun base. Asclepias. - 14, 306
iatros - G. A physician. See Jatropha. - 16, 220c

iberis - GSN. Iberia, (Spain). - 13, 1221
ibericus - GSN. Iberia, (Spain and Portugal). - 12, 302; 13, 1221
-ibilis - -is, -e. See bilis - 14, 308, 309
ibiskos - G. Marsh Mallow. See Hibiscus. - 3, 111
iboza - DSN. From iboza, the name given to the plant by the Zulus. - 1, 232
-ibus - Verb ending. Meaning mostly 'with' but also 'from, by, in'. - 14, 444

-icans - Indicates process of becoming or resemblance to something so close as to be almost identical,
participle suffix with verb base from noun base. Nigricans, blackish from nigricare, to be blackish, from
niger, black. - 14, 309
ichopensis GSN. Named after Ixopo, where the plant was first discovered. See Kniphofia i. 18,508
-icius - -a, -um; -itius, -a, -um. Indicates result of action, verb base. Adventicius, come from abroad, foreign or
out of the ordinary, from to arrive or to come, advenire. - 14, 309
-icus - -a, -um. indicates belonging to, noun base. Arcticus, arctic from Arctos, the Great Bear constellation. -
14, 310

-ides - Indicates resemblance, noun base. - 14, 306
idesia - CSN. E Y Ides. - 10, 187
-idion - G. In compounds, a diminutive suffix. Oinidion, poor wine. - 14, 275
-idium - Diminutive; noun base. Ascidium, from acos, a sack, refers to rostellum lobes in genus Mystacidium
- 14, 306; 18,130,522
-idus - -a, -um. Indicates a state or action in progress, verb, noun or adjectival base. Albidus, whiteish from
albus, white. - 14, 309
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-ies - Indicates a thing formed, verb base. Series, row, from serere, to put in a row. - 14, 306

igneum DSN. Flame coloured. See Dierama i. 18,354

il- - Before l; im- before b, p, m; in- before vowels and most constanants; ir- before r. In, into, for, contrary.
Illegitimus, unlawful. Greek en-. - 14, 303
Ilex - MGN. L. Old Roman name for the evergreen 'holm oak', Quercus ilex - 4, 76; 10, 188; 16, 236a
ilicifolia - DGN. Leaves like ilex, holly. See Rinorea i. - 2, 320
-ilis - -is, -e. Indicates capacity or ability, hence a property or quality, verb base. Fragilis, easily broken from
frangere, to break. - 14. 309
illus - -a, -um. Diminutive, like -cellus q. v. - 14, 308, 309
Ilys - G. Mud, slime. See Ilysanthes. - 1, 236
ilysanthes - DSN. G. From ilys, mud, slime and anthos, a flower. - 1, 236

im- - See il-. - 14, 303
imbricata - DSN. Covered in scales arranged like tiles of house. See Phaulopsis i. 18,198
impatiens - MGN. L. Impatient. A metaphorical name given to the genus in allusion to the force with which
the capsule bursts and scatters their seeds. - 1, 162; 3, 106; 16, 238e,f; 18,406

in- - See il-. - 14, 303
-inae - Adjective nominative f. plural ending added to stem of a name of synomym of type genus to form the
name of subtribe. Rutinae, from Ruta. - 14, 447
inamoena - L. Nopt showy. See Eragrostis i. - 16, 22b
inapertus - DSN. L. Closed. See Agapanthus i. - 1, 22; 16, 54a; 18,450
incanum - DSN. L. Hoary, white. Geranium i., Solanum i., Desmodium i. - 1, 148; 16, 204a; 18,304,394
incarnus - DSN. Grey, hoary. - 12, 304; 13, 1223
inclinata DSN. Refers to stem which is bent at base, inclined at a 45 degree angle. See Watsonia i., Moraea
i. 18,360,452
indica GSN. L. Of India. See Morinda, Nymphoides i., Nymphoides i. subsp occidentatalis., Duchesnea
Melilotus i. 1,198; 4, 95; 16, 300e; 18,254,268
indicus - DSN. Indian. - 10, 339
indigastrum - Origin unknown. - 16, 188h
indigo DSN. A blue dye. See genus Indigofera. - 3, 90; 10, 190; 16, 184b
indigofera - DSN. From indigo, a blue dye that is obtained from several species of this genus and fero, I bear.
Producing indigo. For the genus Indigofera a blue dye is obtained from several species of this genus,
including I. tinctoria and I. arrecta which occur in Rhodesia. - 1,124,136; 2, 162; 3, 90; 5, pl82; 10,
190; 16, 184b, 186d-f, 188c-g, 190f-h, 198b; 18,56,150,388
-ineae - Nominative f. plural ending added to stem of type of family to form name of suborder. Malvineae,
from Malvaceae. - 14, 448
-ineus - -a, -um. Indicates material or colour or close resemblance, like -eus q.v., noun base. Coccineus,
scarlet, coccus. - 14, 308, 309, 310
inezia - CSN. Inez Clare Verdoon. - 16, 442f
infausta - DSN. L. Unlucky. For Vangueria i. refers to the tribal superstition, magical properties, regarding
this tree. In the case of Vanueria i. subsp i., for its supposed magical properties. - 1, 258; 2, 470; 16,406a
inflata - DSN. L. Inflated, swollen. See Acrotome i. - 1, 230; 16, 348f
inflexa - DSN. Bent abruptly. See Utricularia i. 18,198
infra- - Below. Infranodis, below a node. Greek hypo-. - 14, 303
ingens - CSN. L. Huge. Eulophia i., Euphorbia i. - 1, 154; 16, 228a
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inflexa - DSN. Bent abruptly. See Utricularia i. 18,198

innovans - DSN. Sprouting. See Leucospermum i. 18,248
inocarpus - DSN. Fibrous fruit. - 4, 78
inornatus DSN. Modest. See Senecio i. 18,324
insigniflora - DSN. L. With remarkable or distinguished flowers. Huernia i. - 1, 208; 16, 314e
insigne DSN. Remarkable, outstanding or notable. See Dierama i. 18,354
insignis - DSN. Noticeable, distinguished. See Pachystegia i., Berkheya i. - 12, 304; 10, 240; 13,1223; 18,334
insipidum - DSN. L. Without taste. Pentarrhinum i. - 1, 206; 16, 312c; 18,550
integerrima DSN. Perfect. See Diascia i. 18,428
integri- - L. In compounds, entire. - 14, 450
integrifolia - DSN. With entire leaves. See Blepharis i. var i., Inezia i., Dichrocephala i. subsp i., - 16,394i;
16, 442, 456c; 18,490
integrifolius - DSN. Leaves with smooth unbroken margins. See Helinus i. - 12, 304; 13, 1223; 16,240f;
inter- - Between. Interjectus, thrown between. - 14, 303
intermedia - DSN. Intermediate between. For Leonotis i. Between L.leonorus and L. nepetifolia - 18,72
intra- - Within. Intra-axillaris, within the axil. Greek endo-. - 14, 303
inula - Genus. See Conyza. - 16,432d
inus - Possession. See Erythrina - 18,60
-inus - -a, -um. (1) Indicates possession or resemblance, noun base. Marinus, belonging to the sea, mare. (2)
Indicates material or colour resemblance or possession. noun base. Hyalinus, transparent from glass,
hyalos. - 14, 309, 310
involucratum DSN. Refers to reflexed petals that resemble an involucral bract.
See Xysmalobium i. 18,166

-io - f. Indicates the abstract or general result of an action, verb base. Collectio, a collecting together, from
colligere, to gather together. - 14, 306
io- - See ion-. - 14, 452
iochroma - DSN. From ion, violet and khroma, colour, and it refers to the colour of the flowers in some
species.- 10, 190
ion DSN. G. Violet. See Iochroma, Ionopsis - 10, 190; 14, 275; 28.,159
-ion - Indicates occurrence, noun base. - 14, 306
ion- - G. io-. In compounds, violet-coloured. Ionandrus, with violet stamens. - 14, 452
ionantha - DSN. With violet- like flowers. Sainpaula i. - 7, 4
ionopsis - DSN. G. From ion violet and opsis appearance, referring to the flowers which somewhat resemble
violets, viola species. - 28.,159
ios - G. Poison, rust. Also, alone, one, equal. See Oianthum. - 1, 218; 3, 152; 14, 275

ipomoea -DSN. G. From ips, a worm and homoios, like, alluding to the trailing habit. Similar to bindweed.
The lesser bindweed in Europe is Convolvulus arvensis.- 1, 222; 3, 124; 5, pl 130; 16,334bg, 336d
ips - G. A worm. See Ipomoea. - 1, 222; 16, 334b; 18,178,304,420,468

ir- - See il-. - 14, 303
iridifolia - DSN. L. Iris-leaved. See Hypoxis i. - 16, 78b
iris - MGN. The goddess of the rainbow. - 13, 1218

-is - Indicates a close connection, noun base. - 14, 306
isatideus DGN. Resembles the genus Isatis, family Cruciferae/Brassicacae. See Senecio i. 18,324
isatidioides - DSN. Resembling the genus Isatis, a member of the Brassicaceae. - 16,432b
isatis - Genus. See Senecio isatidioides. - 16,432b
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ischno- - G. In compounds, thin, slender. - 14, 452

-iscus DSN. Diminutive, noun base. Astericus, from aster, a star. - 14, 306
isia DSN. In connection, with Prince Albert of Belgium. See genus Albertisia.- 18,140,252
iso - G. Equal. See Isochilus, Isoglossa,Isolepis. 18,200,438,566; 28, 160
iso- - G. In compounds, equal, like. - 14, 452
isochilus - DSN. G. From iso equal and cheilos, as the lip more or less equals the other floral segments in
length. - 28, 160
isoglossa - DSN. G. From isos, equal and glossa a tongue for genus Isoglossa. - 3, 152
isopogon - DSN. From isos, equal and pogon, a beard, as in this genus the inflorescense has a beard-like
fringe. - 10, 191
isos - G. Equal. See genus Isoglossa, Isopogon, Hexisea - 3, 152; 10, 191; 14, 275; 28.157

italica - GSN. L. From Italy. See Cassia i. subsp. arachnoides., Senna i. - 1, 140; 16, 182e; 18,256
-itas - -ita, -ities, -itudo. Indicates a concept or quality, adjectival or participle base. Affinitas, relationship,
from affinis, bordering. - 14, 306
-ites - -itis. Indicates a close connection, noun base. - 14, 306
ithos - G. Bird. See Ornithocephalus, Ornithophoroa - 28, 344, 345
-iticus --a, -um. Indicates fitness or capability of something or possession of.

-ium - Diminutive, noun base. Resembling. Corycium, Aspidium, from aspis, a shield. - 14, 306; 18,574
-ius - -a, -um. Means 'characteristic of', hence indicates connection or resemblance noun base. Regius, royal
from king, rex. - 14, 309, 310

-ivus - -a, -um. Indicates capacity, ability, possession by or property of; verb or noun base. Sensitivus, capable
of feeling, sentire - 14, 309

-izans - Means 'becoming like, resembling, forming', noun base. Graecizans, imitating the Greeks, Graeci. -
14, 309
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jacaranda - DGN. Derived from Jacaranda, the name of one species in Brazil. - 10, 192
jach - Celtic. Salutary -ago in Selago.Refers to supposed medicinal properties. - 1, 240; 16, 376a;
jacottetianum - CSN. Helen Jacottet. See Satyrium longicaunda var j. - 16, 100b
jacobina - GSN. Name from Jacobina in South America. - 10, 192
jamesbrittenia - CSN. Named after British botanist James Britten. See genus Jamesbrittenia. -
16,364c,d,368i,j; 18,74,190480,588
jamesonii - CSN. Robert Jameson. See Gerbera j. - 1, 270; 16,428a
japonicus - DSN. Japanese. See Euonymus j. - 10, 151, 339
jasminum - MGN. Persian.Arabic name from which have come Jasmin and Jasminum. The latinised form of
the Persian name yasmin for these sweet-scented shrubs and climbers. See genus Jasminum.-1, 194; 12,
301; 13, 1220; 16, 296a-d; 18,162
jatropha - DSN. G. From iatros, a physician and trophe, food, alluding to some species which have
medicinal properties. - 16, 220c-e
jatros DSN. Physician. See genus Jatropha.- 18,276
javanica - GSN. L. From Java. See Lippia j. - 1, 226; 16, 342c; 18,180

johannis GSN. Named after Port St.Johns, where it was first collected. See Streptocarpus j. 18, 484
johnsonii - CSN. W H Johnson. See Androstachys j. - 16, 222c
jovellana - CSN. D C M Jovellanos. - 10, 193

jucunda DSN. Lovely. See Dimorphotheca 18,446
jucundum - DSN. L. Pleasing, agreeable. See Osteospermum.j. - 1, 268; 16, 426c
juga DSN. Juga, paired leaves. See multijuga. - 21, 52
juglands - MGN. L. Corruption of Jovis glans, Jupiter's acorn, meaning highly esteemed. - 4,79;9,85
jumellea - CSN. Dr Henri Jumelle. - 28, 160
juncea - DGN. Resembling a rush. See Russelia j., Maerua j. - 10, 291, 339; 16, 146a; 18,142
junceus DGN. Rushlike. Aponogeton j. - 18,84
juncus DSN. Rush. See genus Juncus.- 18,570
juncifolium DGN. Leaves like rushes. Ornithogalum j. - 18,98
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jungere DSN. To join. Juncus.- 18,506

juniperus - MGN. The ancient name used by Virgil is said to mean rough, referring to the bark of most of the
species. - 10, 194
junodii CSN. Named after Rev.Junod. See Striga j. 18,432
justicia - CSN. James Justice, Scottish horticulturalist. See genus Justicia.- 1,250, 252; 5, pl 169;
16,390h,394 c,d, 396d; 18,200,306,438,492

kadhab - Arabic. Common name of one of the genus. See Cadaba. - 1, 114; 16, 144g
kaempferi - CSN. Engelbert Kaempfer. - 12, 303; 13, 1222
kaempferia - CSN. Engelbert Kaempfer. - 5, pl 45
kalachariensis - GSN. L. From the Kalahari. See Plicosepalus k. - 16, 126g
kalanchoe - MGN. Chinese name of one species of Kalanchoe. - 1, 116, 118, 120; 3, 86;
16,150a,b,152a,154c,d; 18,54
kallistos DSN. Most beautiful. See genus Callistephus, Callistemon. - 13, 1220; 12, 301
kallos - DSN. Beauty. See genus Calliandra, Callicarpa, Callilepis,Callistemon, Callitris, Alosthamnus,
Hemerocallis. - 10, 61, 62, 64, 66; 12, 300, 301; 13, 1219, 1220; 18,216
kalmia - CSN. Peter Kalm. - 10, 196; 12, 300; 13, 1219
kalos DSN. Fair. See genus Calocephalus, Calanthe,Calopsis.- 10, 65; 18,458,570; 28, 72
kallunein DSN. To sweep. See genus Calluna. - 10, 64; 13, 1221
kaluptra DSN. A veil. See genus Hypocalymma. - 10, 187
kalux DSN. Calyx. See genus Calycanthus, Calythrix - 10, 66, 67
kalyptos DSN. Covered. See genus Eucalyptus. - 12, 301
kalyptra - G. Veil or covering. See Calyptrochilum - 28, 74
kamarotis - G. Arched. See Camarotis. - 28, 74
kanahia - MGN. From knakk the Arabic name for these plants. - 16, 328a
kanaval DSN. Malabar name. Canavalia 18,576
kapnos DSN. Smoky. See genus Cysticapnos.- 18,384
kapsa - G. A capsule. See Craterocapsa. - 16, 418f
karasbergensis - GSN. Of the Karasberg. - 12, 302
kardia - G. Heart. See Cardiospermum. - 16, 238b; 18,536
karomia - MGN. Origin unknown. - 16, 342d
karphos - G. Scale. Any small, dry body, twigs. Refers to pappus. See Haplocarpha, Platycarpha. - 1, 270;
karpos - G. Fruit. See genus Sphedamnocarpus, Pachycarpus, Streptocarpus, Callicarpa, Carpobrotus,
Elaeocarpus, Podocarpus, Stenocarpus, Symphoricarpos, Rhamphicarpa, Lonchocarpus,
Kyphocarpa,Osyridicarpos. And species adenocarpus., ricinocarpa, eriocarpum, haplocarpa,
alysicarpus - 1, 150, 210, 236, 246, 276; 3, 146; 10, 61, 134, 258; 10, 304, 31; 16, 20a, 174d, 210c,
252c, 316b, 378b, 428g; 18,60,134,196,250,276,300,378,482
karroo - GSN. L. Pertaining to the Karroo. See Acacia k. - 1, 144; 16, 160f
karuon DSN. Nut. See genus Caryopteris. - 10, 75
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karya - G. A nut-tree - [carya]. See Sclerocarya. - 1, 160; 16, 234e

karyolphollon - G. The name of a clove tree and is given to the 'Pinks' because of their scent. See Family
Caryophyllaceae. - 3, 76
karyon - G. A nut. See Dicerocarynum. - 1, 244; 18,76
kasia DSN. Bark strips. Ancient Greek name for genus Cassia, used by Dioscorides. - 10, 75; 12, 301
kassnerana - CSN. Theodor Kassner. See Cynorkis k. - 1, 90: 16, 112d
kata - G. Down. See Catasetum - 28, 75
katharinae - CSN. Named after Katharine Saunders. See Scadoxus m. subsp k., Clutia k. - 18,36,530
katharos DSN. Pure. See genus Catharanthus.- 18,416
kaulos - G. A stem. See villicaulis., Caularthron - 16, 224; 28, 85

keanothus - G. For spiny plant. See genus Ceanothus. - 10, 79
kedros DSN. Cedar. See genus Cedrela, Cedrus. - 4, 39, 40; 10, 81, 82
kedrostis - MGN. (1). Origin unknown. (2). Greek for the plant Bryonia dioica - 16, 416b; 18,78
kefersteinia - CSN. Herr Keferstein. - 28, 281
keithii CSN. Named after D.R. Keith. See Pachycymbium k. 18,586
kentaniensis GSN. Named after Kentani, on the Transkei coast. See Streptocarpus k. 18,484
kentrocaulos - DSN. Refers to the small purple tubercles found on the stems, or having a prickly , hairy
stem.See Merremia k. - 5, pl 134; 16, 336c
kentron - G. Spur. See Ascocentrum, Trichocentrum - 28, 57, 406
kephale - G. A head - [cephale]. See genus Cephalaria, Calocephalus, Calodendron, Eriocephalus,
Cephalanthus, Encepalartos, Dichrocephala, Crassocephalum, Ornithocephalus, Ceratostylis,
Dicerocaryum. Also species sericocephala, microcephala. - 1, 182, 256, 260; 3, 156; 10, 65, 142; 16,
18, 400a, 410a, 456c,e; 18,76,204,500; 28,85,344
keras - G. For keras or kerato Horn. See genuses Ceratotheca, Ceratopetalum, Ceratostigma, Cerastium. - 3,
145; 10, 83, 84; 18,76,136
keration DSN. A horn or pod. See genus Cerationia,Ceratiosicyos.- 10, 83; 18,540
kerato - G. From kerato or keras horn. See Ceratostylis, Ceratotheca.- 18,434; 28, 85
kermesina - DSN. L. Carmine. See Portulaca k. - 1, 108; 16, 134p
keros - G. Wax. See Ceropegia. - 1, 212; 18,172,584
kerria - DSN. William Kerr. - 10, 197
kestron - See Cestrum. - 10, 85
kewensis - GSN. Of Kew. - 12, 302; 13, 1222

kgadi DSN. Tswana name for a drink prepared from the roots of this plant. See Khadia. 1,106

khadia DSN. From kgadi, the Tswana name for a drink prepared from the roots of this plant. - 1,106;
khaino DSN. To gape. See genus Chaenomeles. - 10, 86
khamai DSN. On the ground. See genus Chamaecyparis. - 10, 87
kheimon DSN. Winter. See genus Cimonanthus. - 10, 92
khion - G. Snow. See genus Chionanthus. - 10, 92
khorde DSN. A tough spring. Wood. See genus Chordospartum, Exochorda . - 10, 93, 155
khoros DSN. A dance. See genus Chorizema. - 10, 94
khroma DSN. Colour. See genus Iochroma. - 10, 190
khypho DSN. Bent. See genus Kyphocarpa.- 18,134

kiepersol DSN. Portuguese for parasol or sunshade. - 3, 213
kigelia - MGN. L. Latinised from the Mozambique vernacular name Kigeli-keia. - 1, 242; 11, 165
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kiggelaria - CSN. Francois Kiggeler. - 16, 264e

kilimandscharicus - GSN. From Mount Kilimanjaro, where the type specimen of Dolichos k. was collected. -
5, pl 72
kinamon DSN. Hebrew name for genus Cinnamomum - 10, 95
kingdium - CSN. Sir George King. - 28, 281
kirkia - CSN. Sir John Kirk. - 11, 83
kirkii - CSN. Sir John Kirk. Huernia k., Momordica k., Ormocarpum k. - 1, 208; 5, pl 177; 16, 190a
kirrhos - G. Orange-tawny or pale yellow. See Cirrhopetalum - 28, 88
kirsion DSN. A kind of thistle. Cirsium.- 18,446
kissos - G. A climber, ivy. See Cissampelos, Cissus, Parthenos, Rhiocissus - 1, 166; 12, 301; 13,1220;
16,136h, 244b, 314c; 18,52,252,538
kistos - Ancient greek name for plant of genus Cistus. - 10, 95
kithara - G. Lyre. See genus Citharexylum. - 10, 96
kituiensis - GSN. From Kitui, a village about 150 km east of Nairobi, See Ipomoea k. - 5, pl 130

kladon - G. A branch. See Trichocladus, Oeceoclades - 16, 158c
klados - G. A branch. See hebeclada. - 1, 142; 16, 162d; 28, 325
kleinia - CSN. DR. J T Klein. - 16, 430b,f; 18,82
kleio DSN. To shut. See genus Dicliptera.- 18,436
kleistos - G. Closed. See Cleisostoma - 28, 90
klema - G. A vine - [clema-), branch or twig, used as a cutting or graft. See Clematopis, Clematis. -
1,112;3,78; 16, 140d; 18,140
kleois - G. Glory. See genus Clianthus. - 10, 99
kleros - G. A chance - [clero-] See genus Clerodendrum. -1, 226; 10, 96; 16, 340c; 18,470

knightia - CSN. Thomas Knight. - 10, 198; 12, 300
kniphofia - CSN. Johan Hieronymus Kniphof, prof.of medicine at Erfurt University. See Kniphofia. -
1,28,34; 3, 16; 5, pl 17;12, 300; 13, 1219; 16, 42c, 44a-f; 18,26,226,508.572
kniphofioides DGN. Resembling Kniphofia. See Aloe k. - 18,34
knobelii - CSN. J. C.J. Knobel. See Eulophia.k., Euphorbia k. - 1, 158; 16, 230b
knowltonia - CSN. N. T Knowlton, English horticulturalist. See genus Knowltonia. - 1, 112; 16,140a; 18,140
knuthii CSN. Named after Paul Knuth. See Euphorbia k. 18,532

kochlioides - G. Spiral; snail-shell. See Cochleanthes, Cochliod - 28, 91, 92
koellensteinia - CSN. Capt Kellner von Koellenstein. - 28, 282
koelreuteria - CSN. Joseph Koelreuter. - 10, 198
kohautia - CSN. Francisci Kohaut, plant collector, inventor. See genus Kohautia [formerly Oldenlandia] - 1,
256; 3, 154; 16, 400f,g, 404c; 18,202
koilia - G. Abdomen. See Microcoelia - 28, 311
koilos - G. Hollow. See Coelogyne - 28, 92
kokkos - DSN. A berry. See genus Sarcococca, Coccinia.- 10, 293; 12, 300; 13, 1219; 18,308
koleos - G. A sheath. See genus Coleonema. - 10, 100
kolkwitzia CSN. N. R Kollwitz for genus Kolkwitzia. - 10, 199
kolos - G. Stunted. See genus Syncolostemon. - 16, 354e; 18,188,424
koloutea - G. See genus Colutea. - 10, 100
komatiensis - GSN. Of Komati. - 12, 302
kombe - DSN. An African vernacular name for Strophanthus k. - 5, pl 126
kome - G. Tuft of hair - [comis]. See genus Chrysocoma, Eucomis, Dicoma.- 1,26; 5,pl 16; 16,36a;
kommi - G. Gum. See Commiphora, Commicarpus.- 16, 212a;18,378
koneion DSN. Plant, and the poison derived from it Poison Hemlock . See genus Conium.- 18,160
koniza DSN. A strong smelling plant. See genus Conyza.- 18,310
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konos - G. A cone. See genus Conostomium, Conopharyngia. - 1,256; 3,154; 11 152; 16,400h; 18,202,492
kopros - G. Dung. See genus Coprosma. - 10, 101
kordule - G. A club. See genus Cordyline. See cordyla, club-shaped. - 10, 101
koreo DSN. To purge. See genus Corchorus.- 18,282
koris DSN. A bug. See genus Coreopsis. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
korkos DSN. A leather bag. See Corycium. - 1, 92; 3, 70
korokia DSN. Maori name, see Genus Corokia. - 10, 105
koros DSN. Helmet. See Brachycorythis.- 18,362,456
korulos DSN. A hazel. See genus Corylopsis. - 10, 106
korykos - G. A leather bag. See Corycium. - 1, 90; 3, 70; 16, 114e
korykion - G. Diminutive of korykos, a leather bag. See Corycium. - 1, 90, 92; 3, 70
korymbos DSN. A cluster. See genus Corymborkis.- 18,124
korys - G. Helmet. See Coryanthes, Corycium.- 18,574; 28,98
kosmos DSN. Beautiful. See genus Cosmos. - 12, 301; 13, 1220
kotonion - Quince. See genus Cotoneaster . - 10, 109
kotule DSN. A cup. See genus Cotula.- 18,218,320
kotyle - G. A cavity or small cup. See Cotyledon, Hydrocotyle.- 1, 118; 18,540
kotyledon DSN. Cup-shaped hollow. See Cotyledon - 18,54
kotzei - CSN. J J Kotze. - 16, 404b

krasson - G. Thick, forceful. See Crassocephalum. - 16, 456e
kratos DSN. Strength. See genus Crataegus. - 10, 111
krateros - G. Cup-shaped, mouth of volcano - [crateros-]. See Ceratostigma., Craterocapsa. - 1,236;
16,366e, 418f; 18,194,494
kraussia - CSN. Dr Ferdinand Friedrich von Krauss. - 16, 408c
kraussiana - CSN. Dr Ferdinand Friedrich von Krauss. See Gnidia k., Gnidia k var k., Euphorbia k. var
erubescens., Xylotheca k.,Jamesbrittenia k. - 1, 182; 3, 114; 5, pl 108; 16, 222f, 264f, 272a;
kraussianum CSN. Named after Christian Krauss. See Eriosema k. 18,274
kraussianus - CSN. Christian Krauss for Tapinanthus k. - 18,48,248
kraussii - CSN. Named after Christian Krauss. See Teucrium k.,Aloe k.,Helichrysum k., Wurmbea k., Scilla
Juncus k.. 18,180,228,314,342,450,570
kraussii - CSN. Dr Ferdinand Friedrich von Krauss. See Combretum k., Helichrysum k - 16,274c,440h
krebsiana - CSN. G L E Krebs. See Gazania k., - 5, pl 184; 16, 454f,g; 18,332
krebsii CSN. Named after Georg Krebs. See Chironia k., Wahlenbergia k. 18,414,494
krinon DSN. Lily. See genus Crinum 18,106,348
krokos - Saffron. See Crocosmia. - 18,42
krookianum CSN. After P Krook. Chlorophytum k. - 18,90
krossos DSN. Fringe. See Crossandra
krotalon - G. A rattle - [crotal]. A castinet. An allusion to the seeds rattling in the pod when ripe. See genus
Crotalaria. - 1, 124; 10, 113; 18,262
kruphios DSN. Covered. See genus Eucryphia. - 10, 149
kruptos DSN. Hidden. See genus Cryptomeria. - 10, 114
krypto - G. To hide. See cryptantha., Cryptolepis - 16, 178a, 310c
kryptos - G. Hidden. See Cryptophoranthus - 28, 99
krytos - G. A swelling or curve. See Crytopodium, Cyrtorchis - 28.,109, 110
kteis,kten DSN. A comb. See genus Ctenomeria.- 18,530

kukulops - G. Round-eyed. See genus Cyclopia. - 10, 118
kuntzei - CSN. Named after Carl Kuntz. See Stachys k. 18,182
kunzea - CSN. Gustav Kunze. - 10, 199
kuparisos DSN. Greek name for Cypress. See genus Chamaecyparisis, Cupressus. - 10, 87, 116
kuphos DSN. Bent. See genus Cuphea. - 10, 115
kurtos - G. Curved - [cyrt]. See genus Cyrtanthus. - 1, 50; 16, 76c-j
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kutisos - G. A kind of clover. See genus Cytisus. - 10, 118

kyanos - G. Blue -[cyan]. See genus Cyanotis. - 1, 20, 3, 10; 16, 32d
kyathos DSN. Cup. See genus Cyathula.- 18,250
kyknos - G. Swan. See genus Cycnium, Polycycenis. 18,196,432; 28, 377
kykos - G. Cycle.. See Cyclopogon - 28, 100
kyllinga - CSN. Peter Kylling. - 1, 16; 16, 26g; 18,84
kymbes - G. Boat-shaped. See Cymbidium - 28, 103
kymbion DSN. G. A small cup. See Androcymbium, genus Androcymbiu.. - 1, 22; 16, 54b-c ; 18,86
kynos - G. Dog. See Cyclopogon, Cynorkis, Cynanchum.- 1, 90: 16,112d; 18,552; 28,107
kyon - A dog. See Cynanchum, Cynoglossum.- 16, 332b, 340a; 18,468
kyparissos - G. Cypress. See epicyparissias - 16, 222g
kypeiros DSN. A rush or sedge. Cyperus 18,560
kyphos - G. A twiner, bent, curved - [cyph-]. Cyphostemma, Cyphia. - 1, 164, 264; 3, 106; 16,242,420h;
kyptos DSN. Bent. See Cyptostemma - 18,66
kyrtos DSN. Curved. See Cyrtanthus - 18,38,232
kystis DSN. Bladder. See genus Cysticapnos.- 18,384
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