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random revent 0Translator(s): H.

Lee (guy102931 on Reddit)

Table of Contents.
i. Translator’s foreword and announcements
ii. Morning and Evenings
iii. Gameplay
1. Prologue
2. Marika Tachibana
2a. Regular Events
2b. Heart Events
2c. Random Events
2d. Dates
*use ctrl+f to find sections you want

1/22/2015: To fast-track progress, I will translate the ‘correct’ choices only and return to other choices if
and when I have time. I suggest downloading the document at this point if you’re going to look at it,
because at around 100 pages, google docs is struggle to keep up.

1/16/2015: Progress has slowed because of the new semester, but I am still updating.

1/10/2015: Finished the fourth heart event. Two remaining, including the ending. These last three are
particularly long so it may take a bit of time.

1/8/2015: Added several events, organized and added subsections.

1/6/2015: Added a bunch of Marika events, including regular ones, dates, and one heart event. (8 total for

1/5/2015: Added three more Marika regular events, and one heart event. I also realized I put honorifics
when Kosaki and Marika speak towards Raku, but not others. This is my mistake, but I’m not going to
retroactively change each and every one of them because I’m too lazy.

i. Translator’s foreword and announcements

The translation is not perfect and I’ve taken some liberties in certain portions of the text. I will note
certain segments I’ve completely skipped within the text, though these will be very few and have no
impact on anything important.

If you are going to post this guide somewhere else, please give credit. Takes a lot of work!
ii. Morning and Evenings
Whenever Raku wakes up or goes to sleep, there is an event which is picked from a pool at random.
These are very generic and have zero impact on the story, usually consisting of dialogue like: “I’m getting
up”, “I’m gonna be late!”, “I’m going to bed now”. Sometimes Raku

will speak to Ryuu or Otama but in neither cases are these dialogues ever important.

iii. Gameplay”
The gameplay is incredibly simp le and only consist of two major phases:

1. Selecting which character to talk with. You can do this two times in one day, with the exception
of when a character is holding a heart - these events will take the entire day. Keep in mind that
the events are picked randomly from a pool, so there is no strict order and you may not see all the
events despite reaching an ending.
2. Day/Night cycles. You may receive a text message or a call from one of the girls. I will try to fill
these in but some are conditional and therefore missable.
3. Sometimes events will happen outside the normal timeframe once certain conditions are met, so I
will try to fill in these as much as possible.

*Important*: Since regular events are picked randomly from a pool, I will classify them based on
according to the location. There may be multiple events at the same location, so make sure to find the
correct one.


First floor hallway

Second floor hallway

Music room

School field

Road to school

Raku’s house

Animal caretaking area

School entrance

Shopping area

Nurse’s office
The title screen: Start/Continue/Majikoi+[unlockable]/Gallery[unlockable]/Settings
[I don’t have a screenshot for this, yet]

1. Selecting one of the girls will trigger an event.

2. Selecting “?” is what I believe to be the ‘main story’ of the game.
3. Top left shows the amount of days you have left and the day of the week.
4. Selecting ススメル on the bottom left which progresses time forcibly.
5. Selecting the right-hand side bubble moves you to one of the three different locations. ル on the
bottom left which progresses time forcibly.
6. Selecting the right-hand side bubble moves you to one of the t
7. Silhouettes: character profiles
8. Wrench: Settings

Tabs are: System, Sound, Text

1. Save
2. Load
3. Autosave on-off
4. Return to title
1. Voice volume
2. Background music volume
3. Sound effects volume
4. Raku’s voice on/off
5. Navigation voice: Chitoge, Kosaki, Tsugumi, Marika (the menus have full voice over)

1. Text scroll speed (slow, normal, fast)

2. Auto-text speed
3. Skip setting: skip everything/skip already read

1. Prologue
???: “Zawsze in love.”
An everlasting love.
You have the locket.
I’ll keep the key.
Let’s always hold it close.
When we grow up and see each other again one day…
When that time comes...
Let’s get married!


Raku: mm....

It’s been a while since I had that dream.
(The girl I befriended many years ago...)
(She was my first love, without a doubt.)
(We promised to meet each other again one day so I’ve continued to treasure the precious
pendant she gave me.)
I wonder if I’ll be able to fulfill a promise to a girl whose face I don’t even remember...

And seasoning goes like this… (drinks)

Mm, this should be perfect.

Ryuu: Young master! Goodmorning!*

*translator’s note: Ryuu speaks like a tough gang member. He slurs some words together but I’ll leave it up to your imagination
how he’d sound like in English.
Raku: Morning, Ryuu. You’re up early as usual.
Ryuu: I can’t be lazing around while you’re cooking breakfast for the rest of us!
A bite of your delicious cooking gives us the strength of a hundred men! We’ll destroy those
Beehive punks today for sure!
Raku: (Oh, right. Our faction, the Shuuei, and the Beehive gang are always at each others throats over
territorial disputes. The situation is extremely shaky; a full-on war may break out at any time.)
(The only thing preventing a war from erupting is…)
Raku’s Grandfather: Hey, hey. No use getting fired up this early in the morning.
Raku: Oh, grandfather.
Ryuu: B-Boss! Goodmorning!
Grandfather: Ryuu, didn’t I tell you to calm down for the time being? If all of you are so rattled, you’re
gonna cause troubles for Raku and his girlfriend.
Ryuu: (groans)
Th-th-that’s right! I got a bit too excited! I apologize, young master.
Raku: (Currently, I, the scion of the Shuuei faction, and the only daughter of the Beehive head, Chitoge
Kirisaki, are in a lovey-dovey relationship.)
(It’s the only thing preventing the two groups from clashing into a bloody war.)
Grandfather: (laughs) It’s not tough being so popular, huh?
Raku: (But this whole thing is a sham forced on to me by this geezer. The truth is, Chitoge and I are in a
fake relationship; there’s no way in hell we’d be lovey-dovey in reality.)
(But if it means keeping the town from drowning in a sea of fire…)
Yeah, Ryuu. It’s fine if you’re just getting worked up, but don’t do anything that will hurt my
Ryuu: Yes, of course! How could I be so idiotic as to forget?
For my dishonor, I’ll chop off this pinky finger!
Raku: Don’t go and start shedding blood this early! We’re about to eat.
Ryuu: You don’t have to stop me, young master!
Grandfather: Oh, I forgot to tell you before, but could you do me a favor, Raku?
Raku: A favor?
Grandfather: Could you make some Inari Sushi for an offering?
Raku: Huh, Inari Sushi?
Well, I don’t mind making some, but what kind of offering are you talking about?
Grandfather: You know that gigantic temple in our neighborhood? The priest there is an acquaintance of
He’s leaving the country for a bit, so he’s asked me to take care of cleaning and other errands.
I've divvied up most of the work amongst other youngsters, but I want you to help me with the
shine at the far end of the temple.
Raku: So the Inari Sushi is the offering for the shine, then? I don’t really mind, but can you tell me these
things in advance?
Grandfather: Like I said, I forgot to tell you. Anyways, I’ve already bought the ingredients, so I’ll leave
the rest to you.
Raku: Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Raku: Alrighty, since it’s on the way to school, I have some time to drop by.
Geez, there’s dust piled up all over the place.. Since this is in the middle of nowhere, I’m not
surprised the cleaners missed it.
I guess since I have some time, I’ll clean up a little.
???: A fine attitude, indeed!*
*TN: the girl speaks like people from the olden days, but also has a childish tone.
Raku: Hm?
(I swear I heard something… Was it just my imagination?)
Ah whatever. I’ll give this place a thorough clean some other time, but the least I can do is tidy up a little.
This should be a good place to leave the Inari Sushi.
And since I came all this way, I may as well offer a prayer.
(Since Inari Sushi was used as an offering, this must be an Inari shrine…)
I’m not even sure what kind of wishes a god of an Inari shrine will grant.

???: Any kind of prayer will be accepted, so make a wish as you please.
Raku: (Any kind of prayer, huh? Then maybe I should wish that my promise from ten years ago will be
Wait a sec, who’s there?
???: Mmm, the seasoning is delightful! It is slightly different from the way I prefer it, but good
Raku: Y-you, when’d you get there?
Hey! Keep your hands off that, that’s an offering for the god!
???: It is for my sake, is it not? Then there should be no complaints!
Delicious! It has been a long time since I had Inari Sushi like this!
Raku: You ate it all…
Where are your parents? It’s extremely disrespectful to eat an offering!
???: As I have said, I am the one who presides over this shrine!
Raku: You? A god?
(sigh) First thing the morning and I’ve already run into a crazy person.
???: It seems you do not believe me at all. Then I have no choice.
???: As a special, I will grant you any wish you want! Family stability, great health, love fulfillment…
Anything is fine!
Raku: What kind of nonsense are you spouting…
???: Still having a difficult time understanding? Then I will have to explain it slowly to you.
After all, communication with humans is another one of my duties. Let us start.
Raku: Wait, what are we starting?
???: Like I said, communication!

[Let’s talk with the fox-eared girl]

It has been a while since I have conversed with a human.
Now, where should we begin?
We should rid your mind of suspicion first.
It is nothing difficult, just touch whatever comes to mind.
So, is there anything that comes to mind when you look at me?
1. What are those ears?
- What do you mean? Obviously they are just ears.
- Compared to human ears, however, my hearing is far more advanced.
- After all, I would fail as a god if I could not hear the peoples’ prayers.
- What? Are you saying that these ears are fake?
- What a rude and untrusting human.
- If you suspect me that much, you can feel it for yourself.
- Go ahead, try touching my ears!
- (After touch) Ah! Enough, stop!
- (Groan) That tickled too much…
- But now you see, no? These ears are legitimate!
- Normally, I would not let anybody get close, let alone touch them.
- You were an exception, since the Inari Sushi you made were so tasty.
- Huh, you say that you are the one who made them?
- I beseech you; tell me how to make it!
- You say that there are a lot of points to consider?
- Then tell me just the most important one!
- (Various ingredients float on the screen; she will respond similarly to most of them, if I have time
I will return to this)
2. Where is your house?
- I have repeatedly told you that I am the god that presides over this shrine!
- I do not have a ‘home’ in a traditional sense. For you to understand, you could call this shrine
where I live.
- Do you have anything else you wish you ask?
3. Pay me back for the Inari Sushi.
- It appears you are struggling to understand. What is there to complain about when a god
consumes an offering?
- (I totally missed this part and do not have a backlog for it, I’ll come back to this at a different
- Do you have anything else you wish to ask?
4. Remain silent (she will tell you that silence is a valid answer, but has the possible consequence of
stumping the progress of conversation. She then tells you to give her a real answer.)

Oh, I have forgotten to tell you something very important: my name!

My name is Otama.
Try calling my name out loud.
O-ta-ma - it is only three characters. Very easy!
Do not touch the characters one by one - give it a long, continuous swipe.
Now, call my name!
(swipe お た ま in that order - top middle, left, right)
That is correct!
It is the precious name granny gave me.


Raku: So you’re saying that you’re this shrine’s god?

Otama: Indeed. I am what the humans call the incarnation of a fox: oinarisama.
Technically, I am currently a god-in-training so accurately speaking, I am a youko.
However, I will one day become a bona fide god! For now I am putting in a lot of - how do you
say - “effort”*.
*TN: Otama tries to use complicated words so sometimes she’ll often say stuff along the lines of: “what you say, how do you
say” and so on.
Raku: Hmm… not sure I really understand, but make sure you don’t skip elementary school, or you’ll
regret it later down the line.
Otama: After all this you still do not believe what I have been saying? I am not in elementary school!
Raku: Yeah, yeah. Oops, I have to get going or Chitoge will skin me alive if I’m too late.
See you, Otama. I’ll listen to your stories if we meet again.
Otama: How thick-headed.
That said, our meeting must have some meaning. More importantly, I need more of that Inari

Chitoge: You’re late, Raku! Making your girlfriend wait is a huge no-no as a boyfriend.
Raku: Yeah, yeah, my bad. The detour I took ate more time than I thought.
Then again, I’m surprised you waited for me.
Chitoge: Well, yeah… I mean since we’re dating, it’d look suspicious otherwise.
It’s not like I waited because I wanted to be with you.
Raku: Yeah, I know.
\After all, we’re just faking this relationship.
Chitoge: (punch)
Raku: Ow, why’d you punch me?
Chitoge: Shut up! Watch what you’re saying.
It’s not as if… you’re…
Raku: Huh? What are you muttering about?
Chitoge: It’s none of your business! (punch)
Raku: (falls)
Tsugumi: Goodmorning, my lady!
Ugh, you’re here too, Raku Ichijo? Why are you sprawled on the ground?
Raku: Oh, Tsugumi. Why don’t you ask “my lady”?
Chitoge: (turns her head)
Tsugumi: I don’t have to look deep to know that it’s completely your fault.
It’s bad enough as it is, with you as my lady’s boyfriend.
Raku: That cuts deep…
Marika: Raku-sama!*
*TN: If you’ve bought this game I’m going to assume you have basic knowledge about Japanese honorifics.
Raku: Huh, Tachibana?!
Marika: Good morning Raku-sama! You’re dignified, manly, and lovely as usual today!
Raku: Don’t jump straight into my face the second you see me!
Marika: Since I get to see you today, I can’t help myself! Now, come closer!
Raku: You’re too close!
Tsugumi: Just what do you think you’re doing, Raku!? Pry Marika off this instant!
Chitoge: Yeah, yeah! How dare you do something like that in front of your girlfriend!
Raku: This is my fault!?
Marika: Let us leave these uncultured people, Raku-sama.
Raku-sama and I have promised to marry each other ten years ago, so there’s no stopping our
Tsugumi: Whatever happened ten years ago doesn’t matter anymore!
Raku: Stop fighting, everyone!
Tsugumi: You keep your mouth closed!
Ugh, why am I getting so worked up for an idiot like you?
Raku: Don’t ask me!
Kosaki: Morning! Everyone’s so full of energy today!
Raku: (This voice…!)
Kosaki: Morning to you too, Ichijo-kun.
Raku: (O, Onodera!)
Kosaki: Wait, what happened to your nose?!
Raku: Oh, it was just a small scuffle.
Kosaki: Oh no! Here, I’ll put a bandaid on for you.
Raku: (She’s so close!)
(Maybe it was a good thing I got hit. I feel better already!)
Shuu: Good morning Raku! Huh, you’re already hogging all our class’s beauties on the way to school?
Damn, I’m jealous!
Well, then again, I’m with Ruri so I’m completely fine!
Ruri: What? We only met by coincidence and you just started following me.
Shuu: You’re so mean to me as usual, Ruri!
Ruri: Sorry to interrupt your guys’s fun, but if we don’t hurry we’re going to be late for school.
Tsugumi: She’s right, we should hurry, my lady.
Marika: Raku-sama, you can relax and walk with me!
Tsugumi: We just said we have to hurry!
Chitoge: I’ve said it a thousand times, stop clinging so close to Raku! Move out of the way!
Marika: ....What’s so bad? Can’t you afford to let me stay beside Raku-sama, just for the mornings?
Shuu: Wow, you always have a flower on each arm, Raku!
Ruri: Geez, why isn’t Kosaki joining the fray as well?
Kosaki: R-Ruri!
Tsugumi: Start running, Raku. Are you trying to make my lady late for school?
Raku: Yeah, yeah.
((Sigh), I feel like today will be another crazy day)

Otama: So your name is Raku Ichijo…

As I thought, I have decided on you, Raku!

Raku: Alright, this should be it for animal caretaking duties for today
I had to deal with a lot of stuff since the morning, so I’m gonna sleep when I get home.
Claude: I have finally found you.
Raku: Y-you’re…!
(The Beehive’s executive, Claude! He’s the one who’s most suspicious of my relationship with
Why’re you inside the school?!
Claude: I have been trying to find you all this time to ask you something important.
Raku: (It’s probably about me and Chitoge, right? I can’t get caught here and interrogated…)
Claude: Now come here….
Raku: No way in hell! I’m outta here!
Claude: W-what. Wait, come back!
Raku: (What’s up with him? He’s definitely acting a little weirder than usual.)
(More importantly, I gotta get out of the school before he catches me or it’ll be a real pain.)

[Sneaking mini-game]
Call from Chitoge
Chitoge: hello, Raku? I just saw Claude chasing after you. What’s going on?
Raku: Oh, it’s you, Chitoge! I have no idea why, but he’s chasing after me with a huge smile. It’s
seriously creeping me out.
Chitoge: Oh God.
Well first of all, you should try hiding behind something tall.
If you’re making your way through the classroom, the desks may be a good place to hide. Just
make sure not to stand when Claude is looking your way.
Raku: Got it, I’ll manage.
Thanks, Chitoge.

Call from Tsugumi

Tsugumi: Raku, do you read?
Raku: Oh, Tsugumi, it’s pretty rare for you to give me call.
Tsugumi: I’m assessing your current situation from outside.
Claude should have already ended his surveillance shift over you, so why’s he chasing after you?
I demand an explanation!
Raku: Hell if I know! It’s not like I did anything… wait a sec, you guys have surveillance shifts for me?!
Tsugumi: Hmm… from the way you’re speaking, it doesn’t really look like you did anything, so it might
just be a misunderstanding on Claude’s behalf. For now, I’ll help you escape.
If you press O, you’ll go into a crouching position. As long as you’re hiding, nobody should be
able to find you. But as long as you’re crouched, you won’t be able to move. As soon as he’s not looking,
press O to stand and hold X to quickly move.
When things get dicey, press O to hide. Once you’ve confirmed the area is clear, you have to
move immediately. These are the basics of enemy infiltration. Remember that.
Raku: Infiltration? I just wanna get out of here!
Tsugumi: Stop twiddling your thumbs, unless you want to be caught!
You see that pillar over there? Try to get there without being seen by Claude!
Raku: I see - behind a pillar like that, there’s no way he can see me.
Tsugumi: Be cautious where you put your feet, as well. You might make some noise if you step on
Raku: Roger. Careful but deliberate movement, right? Thanks. With you supporting me, I feel a lot more
Tsugumi: Just make sure you’re not caught.

Call from Shuu

Shuu: Hey, Raku! Where are you right now? Wanna stop by karaoke on the way home?
Raku: Sorry Shuu, I’m in real deep with some crap right now. Now’s not a good time.
I don’t know why, but Chitoge’s head bodyguard is after me right now. I gotta sneak by without
getting caught.
Shuu: In other words, a sneaking mission!
Then you obviously have a cardboard box with you, right?
Raku: A cardboard box? Why would I have something like that?
Shuu: Are you serious? You need a cardboard box to move around without being seen by the enemy!
That’s common sense!
Raku: Huh, for real?! I’ve never even heard of anybody hiding inside a cardboard box.
Shuu: Say what? Wait, don’t tell me you don’t even have cigarettes, or even block-type supplements!?*
*TN: For those who do not understand, this is a reference to what Snake carries with him in Metal Gear Solid games.
Raku: Why the hell would I have things like that?! Nevermind the supplements, but I’m still underage for
Shuu: Man, what a feeble inventory.
But don’t worry Raku. Even if you don’t have any, there are cardboard boxes conveniently
installed around the school.
If you press O at a cardboard box, you’ll go into hiding so try it out.
Raku: Why’s something like that around here in the first place?
Well, whatever. If it’s useful, I may as well use it. Thanks, Shuu!
Shuu: Godspeed.
[Minigame end]

Raku: Ahh, what a tiring day.

(But what was up with Claude today, barging into the school like that? Usually the most he’d do
is stalk me from outside.)
(Not that stalking is any better…)

I’m home.

Claude: Welcome home.

Raku: (screams)
Claude: First you ignore me, then you run away. How cold is that?
Raku: C-Claude, why the hell are you here?!
Claude: Claude?
Oh right, I forgot to dispel my transformation!
Raku: Wait, what!? Otama?
Otama: It appeared you did not show a shred of belief in my words, so I decided to transform into a man I
saw close to the school to give you a scare!
Amazing, was it not?
Raku: Yeah… I guess it was… I’m at a loss for words.
You’re seriously the real deal, huh?
Otama: You finally believe me! That took a long while.
Raku: That aside, why are you in my house?
Otama: Yes, I was just getting to that.
For one month from today, I have decided to live here.
Raku: What…?
Otama: Your Inari Sushi was delightful and I would like some more. So, I will freeload here!
Raku: No, get out! Go back to the shrine!
Otama: Why would I ever go back to a boring shrine nobody visits? So inconsiderate!
Raku: Why are you getting mad at me?
Otama: Now, I order you to make more Inari!
Raku: Dammit… it doesn’t look like she’ll back down anytime soon.
Otama: If you understand, simply nod your head.
If it makes you feel better, you can simply think that a divine incarnation is visiting your home.
If you want, I may aid you with the relationship of someone you are interested in…
Raku: I don’t need any help! That’s something I gotta do myself.
Otama: Oh, really? It is ultimately up to you. I will be here for the next month, so if you have a change of
Raku: It’s already decided you’re living here!?
Otama: If I say I am living here, I am living here!
Raku: (sigh)
It doesn’t seem like I can convince her otherwise.
Considering she’s technically a god, I guess there’s no way out. But it’s just for one month,
Otama: Yes, yes.
Raku: However! There are some conditions: don’t show yourself in front of Ryuu and the others, nor my
grandpa. Also, you can’t nonchalantly roam around when there are people around. Deal?
Otama: Acknowledged.
Since everything is in order, all I have to do is fulfill my objective!
Raku: Objective? Are you scheming something?
Otama: It is nothing for you to worry about.
I have something far more of importance to tell you. Listen closely.
Raku: Huh, what is it?
Otama: You have to turn the tofu inside out when making Inari Sushi. That is the way I prefer it.
Raku: …
That was supposed to be the important bit?
Otama: Indeed. Do not ever forget it.
And so, I will be in your care for the next month, Raku.
Raku: Yeah, yeah.
(Great, now I’m living with a weirdo…)
(I just hope nothing strange happens in the next month…)
[Prologue END]

“ 2. Marika Tachibana
2a. Regular Events
1. Classroom: An incident

Male student This is… an incident, right?

Female student They’re surrounding the entire school!

Raku Hm…? Why’s everyone so unsettled?

Chitoge They’re all looking out the window. I wonder if something happened?

Raku Lemme take a look…


Honda 4th squad, patrol the back gate.

6th squad, secure the perimeter of the school.
Riot Police Understood!

Raku The hell is going on?!

Chitoge Why are the police surrounding the school?

Raku Maybe there was a huge incident around here.

Chitoge Hey... this might be our fault!

Raku Oh no… did the Shuuei and Beehive clash without us knowing?!

Chitoge They’re gonna make the school into a battleground! Come on, we gotta stop them!

Raku Grandpa, Ryuu… please hold off until we get there!

Marika Oh my, it appears squads 4 and 6 are off-duty today.

Raku Say what?

Marika I even told them that this degree of protection wasn’t necessary...

Chitoge Just a second. Does that mean that they’re with you?

Marika Of course. The squads take turns guarding me when they’re off-duty.

Raku This is beyond the point of being overprotective...

Chitoge Geez, you nearly gave us a heart attack over that misunderstanding.

Marika I apologize. I will give them a warning next time I see them, but you are going to
have to put up with it for today.

That said, this is quite small compared to when I was younger.

When I was in elementary school, it would be like this but with the entire police

Thanks to that, the crime rate for that neighborhood was at zero for six years

Chitoge I can’t even tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing...

Marika You should watch out, though, Raku-sama. They believe that you’re a bad
influence towards me.

Raku Huh?! The police have eyes on me too?

Marika You may even be arrested if you don’t quickly make me your wife!
2. On the road to school: Running into Onodera’s mom

Marika Oh Raku-sama, I cannot believe you tried to go home without telling me.

Raku It’s not that big of a deal; we don’t even live near each other.

Marika None of that matters. Even just for a moment longer I want be with you.

Onodera’s Mom Well if it isn’t Ichijo-kun!

Raku Oh, Onodera’s mom!

Marika Is this lady Onodera’s mother?

Onodera’s Mom And I’m assuming you’re Kosaki’s friend?

Marika Yes. My name is Marika Tachibana.

Onodera’s Mom So you two are on a date now, huh? I hope I’m not interrupting?

Marika Yes, we are on a date!

Raku Don’t suddenly start blatantly lying!

It’s not like that Mrs. Onodera, not in a million years!

Marika You don’t have to deny it so harshly, Raku-sama...

Raku O-oh, sorry, I just...

Onodera’s Mom My, my, such a lady-killer, Ichijo-kun. Kosaki can’t let her guard down either.

Raku Huh? What do you mean?

Onodera’s Mom I’m just talking to myself, don’t worry.

By the way, come by to our shop once in a while to work! I’ll even give you a

Raku Thanks, I’d be happy to!

Onodera’s Mom It’d be even better if you just became my son-in-law!

Raku Thanks, I’d be happy -

Wait, what? Son-in-law?!

Marika No, no, no!

I’ll never let that happen, even if it’s Onodera we’re talking about!

Raku Hey, why are you getting more worked up than I am?

Marika No means no!

Onodera’s Mom Darn, it looks like winning you over is going to take more hurdles than I thought!
It’d be nice to have you around for help all the time.
Well, I should go back to the store before I’m gone for too long.
We may call you over for work later, so keep your schedule free!

Marika Goodness, just what is she trying to do to my Raku-sama. I can’t rest even for a

Raku You realize I’m not yours, right?

Marika As for you, Raku-sama, you already have me, so you can’t go around talking about
making families with anyone else!

Raku You’re not mine, either!

Anyways, don’t twist the conversation into something completely different. I’m
just a part-time worker at Onodera’s shop.

Marika If that were true, it’d be fine…

By the way, do you make a lot of money by working?

Raku Hmm… Well if you’re serious about it, I guess so.

Marika Oh, is that so?

A part-time job, huh? Maybe I’ll try my hand at it…
If I start now, it will help me reach my dreams…

Raku Did you have something you wanted to buy?

Marika Yes! But it’s a secret.

Raku Huh?

3. School field: Dodgeball

Raku We’re playing dodgeball today, huh? It’s been a while, so I’m getting hyped up!

Shuu Little do you know, Raku, we’re only playing dodgeball because the guys
requested it to the teacher.

Raku Really now? Why?

Shuu Oh, you’ll know when it begins. Goodbye, Raku.

I want you to know that you’ll always be my best friend. I’ll never forget you!

Raku What…?

Male Student Everybody, to their stations!

Raku Huh?!

Male Student The target is Raku Ichijo! Commence barrage!

Male Students (yell)

Raku Why is everyone only throwing at me?

Wait, I’m the only one on this side!

Male Student Not only Kirisaki, but you’ve hogged all our class’s beautiful ladies!

Male Feel the wrath of class C-1… no, the wrath of every man in school!

Raku What?!

Choice 1. Dodge
2. Take the hits
a. Raku: Ugh!
b. The boys: Good, good! Keep attacking!
c. Raku: Ow, ow, stop! I’m already hit!

The choices in this don’t really matter. Taking the hits will lower your HP,

Shuu Raku, you understand, right? A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do - even if he
knows it’s wrong.

Raku The hell are you talking about?!

Marika Everyone, please stop!

Male Students Ah!

Raku Tachibana...

Marika Raku-sama has done nothing wrong! It’s we who are at fault!
So please, stop ganging up on him!

Male Students Ugh!

Raku Thanks, Tachibana!

Marika Don’t mention it, Raku-sama.

To be honest, it’s Kirisaki’s fault she’s hopelessly attracted to you.

Raku Say what…?

Marika It’s not your fault you’re so popular, considering how manly and attractive you

Male Students (Angered noises)

Marika But too bad for her, we have already promised we’d marry each other. Not to
mention that kiss we shared…
It goes without saying that as a wife, I would run in to protect you.
Raku No no, what are you saying?!
Guys, this is all a misunderstanding! It’s a long story…

Male Student Be quiet! All forces, focus onto the target!

(Male students yell)

Raku Oh crap!

Marika Oh my…
You’re loved by everyone Raku-sama! I wouldn’t expect any less from you.

4. Classroom: Covering for Marika

Tsugumi Raku Ichijo, I suppose you haven’t seen Marika Tachibana scurrying about?

Raku Huh? Not at all.

Tsugumi Hmm, strange. I swear she went in this direction.

Damn you, Marika Tachibana. Today I’ll catch you for sure and make you pay for
the troubles you’ve caused my lady.

Raku She’s gone.

Marika These desks are surprisingly a suitable hiding place.

Raku This is the only time I’ll cover for you, alright? It’s a pain when you girls are out
for each other.

Marika My gracious thanks, Raku-sama! I would have expected nothing less.

Raku So what kind of trouble did you stir up today?

Marika Oh, just the usual.

I was just telling Kirisaki my honest impressions of her and as for Tsugumi, I only
wanted to directly check her sizes.

Raku So you were screwing with them on purpose! Ah, I shouldn’t have covered for

Marika But believe me when I say I consider Tsugumi an interesting friend.

Raku That’s surprising. I always thought you two didn’t like each other.

Marika I can’t speak for the other side, but I don’t personally dislike her.
Just think of it as if we were playing tag or hide-and-seek.

Raku Don’t piss them off too much, though. They’re real scary when they’re actually

Marika As for Miyamoto, I would like to become closer to her, but...

Raku Oh right, I never really see you talking with her.

Marika If only I had a good chance…

Raku I think as long as you’re hanging around Onodera, there’ll be chances.

Marika I suppose so. I won’t rush it, though.

5. First floor hallway: Gym wear

Marika Ra-ku-sa-ma!

Raku Not again!

Marika So mean, Raku-sama! I ran all the way here just for you!

Raku Isn’t it time for gym class? Shouldn’t you hurry?

Marika And that’s precisely the reason I’m here!

Raku Huh?

Marika Have you ever heard of gym wear fetishes? I wanted to see if you were into that
kind of stuff, Raku-sama.
Now, look to your heart’s content!

Raku Gym wear fetishes don’t include sweatpants and sweatshirts, you know? And
don’t assume I’m into that kind of perverted hobbies!

Marika Oh, Raku-sama, you don’t need to be so shy about it!

Now tell me, which part of me do you think has the most charm?

Raku I get it, I get it - now stop getting so close!

(I need to answer quickly, or I’ll be late!)

Touch her charm *TN: … I’m just gonna touch her face. You can imagine what she’d say wherever else you touch.
- Raku: Well, you’re seriously good-looking, for real.
- Marika: Oh my! So you’re saying that I’m your type, right?

Raku More importantly, we gotta get going. We’re late as it is!

Marika It’s so difficult to get you to give me a straight answer…

Does that mean you want to get a closer look?!

Raku Ah! Why the hell are you trying to take off your shirt!? Stop it!

Marika You can’t make me stop until you tell me that I’m cute, or I make your heart skip
a beat, or that you want to marry me!

Raku What does the last one have anything to do with your charm?!
Oh crap!

Marika Ooh, if we’re late together, everyone will be suspicious of us!

Raku If that happens, that’ll the end for me! Chitoge, Tsugumi, and the rest of the guys
will kill me for sure...

Marika Worse comes to worst, I’ll call Honda and she’ll bring in her men.

Raku No, no, that’d only make the situation worse.

Marika It’s too bad you’re not into gym wear… I’ll have to think of something else.
Perhaps I’ll think outside the box and cosplay as a police or nurse…

Raku We don’t have any more time for this; we gotta go!

6. Classroom: Mindful Marika

Chitoge … And, like, the puppy on the television was so cute!

Kosaki Ohh, really? I must have missed it since I was taking a bath.

Chitoge You seem like the type who’d take a long bath, Kosaki!

Kosaki No way~!

Marika Aw, it looks like Kirisaki is chatting away with Onodera again.
I also had something I wanted to tell her...

Raku Why don’t you just talk with her? I don’t think it’s a big deal.

Marika Kirisaki and I would probably get into another argument, so I’ll wait until she’s

Raku So you do have some tact, huh? I didn’t think you’d care much about that.

Marika Of course! Raku-sama, just what kind of person do you think I am?

Raku Err… I wonder…

(I can’t possibly say something like she’s obsessed over me or that she had no
But in all honesty, I don’t think you need to be that careful.

Marika No, I have to be.

The moment I open my mouth she’ll definitely argue about you. We’re simply not
going to get along.
Raku Then maybe you should take the initiative and try being the bigger person.

Marika Raku-sama, youth only comes once in a lifetime. Battling and earning victory is
something I cannot turn my back against.

Raku I’m the one who receives collateral damage from your “battles”!

Marika Well, I’m not fighting because I want to.

Besides, it’s not as if I particularly hate Kirisaki in any way.

Raku What, really?

Marika Although she’s foul-mouthed, hot tempered, violent, does not have a shred of
lady-like charm, and yet she insists being your girlfriend...

Raku …

Marika but I know from these few months that she isn’t necessarily a bad person.
If she weren’t your girlfriend, we may even have become friends.

Raku I would have never guessed you saw Chitoge like that; she’d be surprised, too.

Marika Well, in the end, this is all hypothetical.

Right now, I have no intention to get along with her, and she seems to think the
As sworn rivals, the real battle has yet to come!

Raku Like I’ve been saying, stop fighting…

7. Second floor hallway: Going to the store

Marika Oh, are you buying lunch too, Raku-sama?

Raku It’s pretty rare to see you not packing lunch, Tachibana.
Wait, huh?

Marika What is it?

Raku I think I forgot my wallet at home…

Guess I’m skipping lunch today...

Marika Absolutely not! A growing boy should never skip meals.

I’ll treat you for lunch today.

Raku No, I really shouldn’t…

Marika No need to worry about the money, Raku-sama. If it means I can be of use to you,
I’d want nothing more!
Now, I’ll bring back the most expensive item!
Raku Hey, wait!
(You need need to go out of your way to get the most expensive one…)

Marika (heavy breathing)

I’m back!

Raku Already?! Are you okay, running around like that?

Marika If it’s for you, this is nothing…

Here, I brought back some bread.

Raku Holy crap, it’s glowing!

Shuu That’s the store’s absurdly expensive super-high-quality BLT sandwich that
nobody can afford!
The flavor is said to be comparable to the most exquisite French cuisine, and
rumor has it that celebrities occasionally come to buy it in secret!
That is all for the backstory.

Raku Th-thanks for that NPC-like exposition.

Anyways, isn’t this worth a small fortune? I’d feel bad just biting into it.

Marika I had just enough for it after emptying my wallet, thank goodness.

Raku You’re saying this is the only thing you bought?

Marika That’s right! I wanted you to have the most delicious item in the store.

Raku Well, this is you we’re talking about.

Here, I split it in half.

Marika Huh?

Raku You should have some of it, at least.

Marika But if we split it, you won’t have enough!

Raku It won’t sit well with me if I eat this alone, especially since you went out of your
way to get it.

Marika I understand. You’re so considerate, Raku-sama.

Raku (well to be completely honest, she could have just bought two or three regular
(well, no use thinking about that now. I’m gonna take a bite of this…)
What the… This thing’s friggin’ delicious!

Marika I’m glad you like it.

That’s the kind of reaction I wanted to see!
8. First floor hallway: something’s on your head

Marika Raku-sama!
Do you have anything planned for after school? If you are free, would you like to
spend some time with me?
If you decide to ditch whatever you have with Kirisaki, I promise to keep quiet!

Raku Where do you keep springing out from?

And don’t just casually suggest that I ditch Chitoge; I’m the one who’s gonna get
punched if she finds out.

Marika You could simply break up with such a scary woman.

Raku Hm?

Marika What is it, Raku-sama?

Raku (There’s something on her head. It’d probably be just faster if I just took it off
right now)

Marika Ah! Uh…

Raku Just stay still for a sec, It won’t take long.

Marika B-but what if somebody catches us?

At least we should move to somewhere empty… Er, I don’t mean it like that…

Raku Why are you getting so excited by yourself?

If you keep fidgeting like that it’s just gonna take longer. Lemme just do it.

Marika If you’re so direct like that, I can’t…

I-It’s my first time, so please be gentle...

Raku (Here we go)

Take the dust off Tachibana

Raku There, done.

Marika Ah…?

Raku It was just a piece of dust stuck to your hair.

Marika D-Dust?
Since ya say’t like that I got mix’d up, stupid Rakkun.

Raku Wait, did I do something wrong?

9. Music room: Raku sings Enka?

Raku 65%... I guess it’s not that bad.

Shuu Oh hoh! Even in singing you score at the average, huh?
Aside from being swamped by all the beauties in our class, you’re all-around
pretty average!
Or should I say, average within average? The face of all average students in
Bonyari High School!

Raku Could you stop saying that over and over? What did you score, anyways?

Shuu I’m not telling you~

Raku Sometimes you piss me off so much…

Marika Don’t sweat it, Raku-sama! Your burly voice is one-of-a kind!

Tsugumi Really? I really don’t think there’s anything special about his voice.

Raku Cut it out, guys. You’re making me self-conscious about my voice.

Chitoge Oh that’s right. You all don’t know yet, but he can only sing Enka. He’s
surprisingly crazy good at it, too.

Ruri That’s… surprising.

Kosaki That’s news to me, too. I didn’t know you like Enka, Ichijo-kun.

Raku Uh, yeah, I guess. Enka’s probably the only thing I can sing.
It's probably just because of how I was raised. I grew up listening to it, so it kinda
stuck over time.

Tsugumi That kind of talent is pretty out-of-touch, isn’t it?

Raku Don’t say I’m out-of-touch! And you just insulted the entire country’s young
Enka fans!

Marika More importantly, why is it that only Kirisaki has heard you sing Enka?
It’s not fair - I want to hear your “crazy good” singing too!

Raku Wait no, it’s not like I’m that good at it. You’re exaggerating it.

Marika Teacher! Play us an Enka song!

Raku Hey, come on! Don’t go and start telling the teacher what to do!
Besides, there’s no way I can sing all of the sudden.

Marika Well then, let’s go to karaoke soon. That should be fine, right?

Raku Err, yeah, I don’t mind I guess...

Chitoge I wanna go too! It’s been a while since I went to karaoke. You’re coming with us
too, Tsugumi!

Tsugumi Me, too!?

Shuu Yeah, yeah! You’re coming too, right, Ruri?

Ruri Sure. As long as you pay for everything. You also have to be in a separate room.

Shuu Then there’s no point in going together!

Kosaki (laughs) I’m starting to look forward to it.

Raku (Awesome! Onodera’s on board as well. Maybe if I play it cool and belt out a
sweet Enka tune, I’ll score some points!)

Marika Then we should make a date where we can all go to karaoke together!
But for today, let’s go just the two of us, Raku-sama!

Raku What?! What are you talking about?

Marika I would love to hear your sweet voice just for myself.
After we can have dinner then watch a movie together!
It’s all decided!

Chitoge That’s basically a date! There’s no way I’m letting that happen.

Marika I understand your feelings, Kirisaki, but this is up to Raku-sama.

Chitoge Darling, you know the answer!

Marika You’ll go with me, right?

Raku (Oh crap, it’s turned into another dilemma…)

10. Classroom event: sleep-talking

Female student Tachibana? Class is already over, wake up!

Marika -mumble-

Raku She’s completely out… the teacher was glaring at her earlier too.

Marika Ra….ma

Raku Is she talking in her sleep?

Marika -laughs- No… you can’t eat that…

Raku She’s dreaming of food? And she looks so happy too.

Choices でも起こす
Wake her
- Raku: I’ll feel bad if I don’t wake her.
- Raku: Hey, Tachibana. Wake up.
- Marika: Hm…?
- Marika: Rakkun?
- Marika: Oh it is Rakkun…
- Raku: You still half asleep?
- Marika: I finally got t’meet you…
- Raku: Hey don’t fall asleep on me!
- Raku: Wait, you’re pretending, dammit!
- Marika: -giggle- I love you Raku-sama.
Keep watching
- Raku: No harm in watching. It’s pretty funny anyways.
- Chitoge: What’s going on? Looks you’re having fun.
- Raku: Oh, Chitoge. She’s saying stuff in her sleep so I’m just listening in
a little. Wanna join?
- Chitoge: Oh?
- Marika: You’re wrong… It’s not me…
- Chitoge: I wonder what she’s dreaming about?
- Raku: Hah, just listen.
- Marika: Like I said…
- Marika: My chest isn’t something for you to eat, Raku-sama…
- Raku: What?!
- Chitoge: ….
- Raku: The hell are you saying?!
- Marika: Well since it’s you… maybe just… a little bit…
- Raku: Hey, wake up! Stop saying crazy stuff in your sleep!
- Chitoge: So this is what you were having so much fun listening to? Are
you getting off on this?
- Raku: N-No! That’s not what I was…
- Chitoge: What the hell are you making me listen to, you stupid
- Raku: Agh!
- Chitoge: I can’t believe I wasted my time on this.
- Raku: She doesn’t even gimme time to explain…
- Raku: And you! I bet you were awake this entire time!
- Marika: -giggle- I love you, Raku-sama.

11. Classroom: A rumor

Marika Raku-sama, have you heard that story?

Raku Heard what story?

Marika That story.

My, I’m already trembling in fear! Help me, Raku-sama!

Raku Whoa!

Marika You’ve gotten quick at dodging me, how frustrating.

Chitoge Hey you! Stop lunging at my boyfriend while I’m not looking!

Kosaki So what story are you talking about?

Marika Even you two haven’t heard that rumor?

Raku A rumor?

Marika Yes. A rumor so terrifying I can’t even bring myself to tell it. It’s one of our
school’s Seven Wonders.

Chitoge It’s one of those kind of stories?!

Kosaki Now that you mention it, there have been a lot of rumors floating around lately. I
wonder why?

Chitoge I-I’m not so good with that kind of stuff, so see ya!

Marika Yes… Apparently the witness was some female student from the art club.

Chitoge Why are you grabbing me; I don’t want to hear it!

Raku (Didn’t she just say it was so terrifying that you couldn’t bring yourself to tell

Marika She stayed after school everyday to work on her piece for a contest.
On the last day, she begged the teacher to allow her to stay after closing hours so
she could complete her painting.
She was completely alone with but her canvas and the bust sitting atop the desk.
The sun had set hours ago, but the student mindlessly continued. The sound of
her brush hitting the canvas echoed throughout the building. But then…
Once she put her brush down to take a break, she heard a noise behind her.
“Uuuuuuuuu,” a voice moaned.

Chitoge ---!

Marika She quickly turned on her heel to see behind her, and then...

Kosaki A-And then?

Marika She saw it.

Streaming tears of blood, the contorted face the Mona Lisa painting!

Chitoge -scream-

Kosaki Ch-Chitoge, are you okay?

Marika Hold me, Raku-sama! I’m so scared!

Raku You’re the one telling the story! Your reaction is completely off-base!
Marika It’s not just she who heard the voice of the Mona Lisa.
If something that horrifying is in our school, I can’t possibly think about walking
around - unless, of course, you’re with me all the time.

Raku You’re not even scared, are you…

Marika That’s not true! I’m a lady, so I’m definitely scared of a ghost or two.

Raku That’s not convincing at all…

If you were, you’d look like Chitoge.

Chitoge Huh? Me?

It’s not like I even believe her story. I’m not scared at all!
Only children would get scared from a childish story like that.

Kosaki You should wipe your tears, first.

Marika If you’re not convinced, Raku-sama. How about we try it out for ourselves?
I’ll show you how scared I can get, as proof!

Raku (This is all 200% bullcrap… But, should I play along?)

Choices めんどくせぇ・・・・
That’s a pain in the ass
- Raku: Nah, that sounds like a pain in the ass.
- Chitoge: Yeah! Besides, I bet that ghost story is full of crap.
- Marika: If you’re that sure, why don’t you come along with us?
- Chitoge: Ack! Well... um…
- Marika: I bet you just don’t want us to be alone, right?
- Marika: Or perhaps you’re actually scared?
- Chitoge: Sh-Shut up! I don’t give a crap about that beansprout! Bring it
on, I’m not scared!
- Raku: (I’m standing right here, you know...)
- Marika: Now that Kirisaki has agreed, you should come too, Raku-sama!
- Raku: Alright, alright. I’ll go.
- Kosaki: Mm…
- Kosaki: Did we even have Mona Lisa at our school in the first place?

I don’t really mind
- Raku: So, like a test of courage, right? I’m down for it.
- Marika: Then it’s a promise.
- Chitoge: Wait just a second! Don’t even think about doing something
stupid like that!
- Marika: I’m sure you don’t want to be a part of this, Kirisaki. You can
just sit here, if you’re too scared.
- Chitoge: What!?
- Raku: Stop fighting over every little thing…
- Kosaki: Mm…
- Kosaki: Did we even have Mona Lisa at our school in the first place?
12. Classroom: A Rumor 2 - Nighttime only

Marika Hehe, the time has finally come!

Raku I know I promised, but I didn’t think we’d go ghost hunting for real...

Marika I bet you’re curious about whether the rumor about the “Moaning Mona Lisa” is

Raku It’s probably just someone playing a prank. Or maybe, the so-called witness just
misheard the noises. Either way, let’s get this over with.

Marika You could be at least a little bit excited...

You’re alone with a girl in a dark classroom. Isn’t your heart racing?

Raku And there you go again… You’re not even scared one bit.

Marika We’ll see once we encounter a real ghost! I may be so scared you might need to
hold me all the way!

Raku (Honestly, she’s not convincing anybody…)

Marika Ahh! I’m so scared~!

Raku Come on, nothing’s even happened yet so don’t cling on to me so much.

Marika You’re so cold… But when you say it like that, does it mean as long as
something happens I can cling on as much as I want?

Raku Just stay still for once!

Marika You’re always the same, Raku-sama. I was hoping I would get a more exciting
reaction from you.

Raku These kinds of stuff generally don’t bother me, so too bad for you.

Marika If I knew this was going to happen, maybe it would have been more fun to bring
along Kirisaki.

Raku No way. Knowing her, she wouldn’t even be able to move from this spot.

Marika You’re such a softy towards her, Raku-sama. Always caring about her, it’s not

Raku Hm? I don’t do it on purpose.

Marika There’s no reason to hide it. For now, at least, you two are dating so I understand.
For now, at least.

Raku Why’re you getting upset all of a sudden?

Marika I can get jealous too, you know. Hmph.

Raku We’re almost at the art room, but I haven’t heard a single noise so far.

Marika Maybe we need to enter the room for ourselves.

Raku You say that, but it’s obviously gonna be locked, see?
Wait, what?

Marika It opened…

Raku Did the teachers forget to lock up before they left?

Marika Probably. To be honest, I never really believed there would be ghosts in here
from the beginning.

??? -moaning-

Raku & Marika ?!

Raku Wh-What was that?

??? -moaning-

Marika I hear a voice coming from further in… There’s no way it’s Mona Lisa, right?

Raku Come on, there’s no way. It’s probably just the wind! I mean, that’s probably
what it was all along.

Marika I don’t feel a breeze, though...

??? -louder moaning-

Marika Ahh!

??? -moaning intensifies-

Marika I-It’s getting louder!

Raku (Shit, what do I do?)

Choices 万理花と一緒に逃げる
Run with Marika
- Raku: There’s no time to sit and wait! We gotta get out of here!
- Marika: Raku-sama! Raku-sama!!
- Raku: Hold on tight, let’s go!
- Marika: O-Okay!
- ???: Ahhhh… Raaaaaku?
- Raku: We should be all right.
- Raku: It’s okay, Tachibana. We can’t hear the voice anymore, so it looks
like whatever that thing was can’t leave the art room.
- Marika: Thank you. I never imagined there would be a real ghost…
- Raku: Yeah. Against something like that, even you wouldn’t be able to
stand it.
- Raku: (Not that I wasn’t scared, either. That’s one place I’m not
returning to.)
- Marika: Let’s bring in the riot police.
- Raku: Huh!?
- Marika: We cannot stand by and leave something as scary as that alone. I
will contact Honda and we’ll bring in the entirety of the riot squad, the
district squad, and the special forces.
- Marika: I’ll make the ghost regret the day it scared me.
- Marika: This is an all-out war!
- Raku: Whoa, settle down! You’re starting to overreact like Tsugumi.
- Marika; B-But…
- Raku: If something like that happens, the entire school will be burnt to
the ground.
- Raku: Let’s call it a day for now. I’ll take you home tonight.
- Marika: Could you… hold my hand?
- Raku: Sure, but only for today.
- Marika: If that’s the case, I’ll hold back on suppressing the art room.
- Marika: I don’t think I’ll ever be able to come back to school at night…
- Raku: For yours and the school’s sake, that’s probably for the best.

Leave Marika and investigate the sound

13. Nurse’s office

Marika Raku-sama! What brings you here?

Raku I heard you had to come here, so I came to see how you were.

Marika Oh, you came all the way to see me? I’m so happy.
However, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m not as sickly as you think I am.

Raku Really, now? I hope you’re right.

(She’s putting on a front, again, isn’t she?)

Marika Since you’re here, please have a seat! I’ll bring over some tea.

Raku Huh?

Marika The tea I bought last week should be right here, along with the cookies another
student brought. Ah, I found them.

Raku Hey, you shouldn’t snoop around in here; you’ll get in trouble.

Marika It’s completely fine, the nurse isn’t somebody who would give me trouble over
Oh that’s right, she told me to organize the gauze and disinfectant, as well. I may
as well do it now.
Raku Give-and-take, I see…?

Marika The nurse is at a meeting right now, so make yourself at home.

Raku This ain’t your house or anything…

Marika Hm… now that I think about it, I’m probably here just as much as I am at home.
She told me to come here regardless of how my body is doing, so we’ve had
many chances to talk.

Raku So you’re pretty friendly with her, huh?

Marika That’s right! She’s a very good person.

Raku (I’m surprised she has somebody to talk to like this…)

(At least she has stuff to do aside from chasing me, so that’s a relief.)

Marika And of course, we always talk about you - so you don’t need to worry!

Raku … Now I kinda feel bad for her.

14. Classroom (40 zawsze keys)

Marika Ah… It’s fall again. I’m beginning to miss summer already.

Raku Already? It actually hasn’t been that long since we went to the beach.

Marika I remember that; it was so fun.

Japan’s beach was much better with you than Maldives.
The barbeque we ate together, the fireworks we did together… they’re all
precious memories now.

Raku So the others were basically non-existent in your memories…?

Marika Who may you be talking about?

That’s strange… my memories of the beach were so fantastic, I remember it as if
it happened yesterday.
I even remember the exact sensation when you applied sunscreen over my back.

Raku I didn’t even do that!

Chitoge Geez, the things you were saying so were dumb I couldn’t just sit back and listen.

Marika Oh, an eavesdropper?

Chitoge The entire class can hear you!

Are you trying to make Raku’s reputation worse than it already is? You have to
think a little about what you’re saying.

Raku My God, Chitoge is standing up for me!

Chitoge Well, obviously. I don’t want others to think I’m your plaything.

Raku Oh, so you were just worried about yourself…

Marika Her selfishness is almost… palpable.

Chitoge --!!

Raku Ow!

Chitoge I’ll punch you instead.

Raku You’re trying to justify it after you’ve punched me?

Marika As usual, she’s only knows violence.

As for me, even if your reputation hits rock bottom, I’ll believe you no matter

Chitoge Just whose fault do you think it is in the first place?! Just stop being so touchy
with him, for godsakes!

Marika Unfortunately, I won’t ever stop until you two break up.

Raku Come on, you two! If you don’t stop…

Female Student Oh my God! Everyone, come look, it’s another bitch fight!

Female Student 2 Ichijo’s at it again. According to the rumors, people have lost count of how many
girls he’s reduced to tears by now.

Raku (I can almost feel my reputation plummeting…)

Marika Oh my poor Raku-sama. Come here, I’ll make you feel better.
Now, now, don’t you worry about a thing.

Raku Wait, stop!

Chitoge Argh, you’re showing off again!

Marika Are you jealous? Well then again, you’re the one who punched him.

Chitoge Raku, you better not forget this.

Raku Why me?!

(I swear… I’m not gonna have any breaks until graduation…)

15. Classroom: Marika’s old school

Marika Raku-sama! There’s something I didn’t understand during class. Please teach me!
Raku Is there really a need to hug me while you’re asking?

Marika I can concentrate the best while we’re like this.

Raku Yeah, right!

Shuu They’re at it again.

Ruri Yeah… it’s basically become a normal thing.

Why don’t you try something like that once in a while, Kosaki?

Kosaki What are you saying?!

Raku What about Onodera?

Kosaki Anyways, did you always talk about Ichijo-kun back at your old school like this,

Marika My old school?

Ruri Why are you changing the subject?

Shuu Yeah, you changed the subject.

Kosaki Ack, just be quiet, you two!

Shuu Then again, I’m curious too. Considering how cute you are, you probably were
super popular, right?

Marika Let’s see...

My previous school was an all-girls one, but the boys from the school nearby
called out to me a lot.
I positively felt like throwing up.

Raku I’m surprised you can say that with a smile.

Marika Well, one day they stopped appearing altogether.

Ruri When was that?

Kosaki Don’t tell me this is going to turn into a horror story.

Marika It’s nothing like that.

My father came to school with me one day.

Shuu … and that’s it? What happened?

Marika That’s it.

Raku Tachibana’s father, huh?

Since he looks like that, I’m not surprised…
They probably knew they were going to disappear if they approached Tachibana
any further.
Marika Oh no, they’d probably only be interrogated.

Raku Interrogated?!

Marika But if it’s you, Raku-sama, there shouldn’t be any problems. After all, our
relationship is officially recognized.

Raku Don’t go ‘officially recognizing’ anything without me knowing…

Marika It will happen eventually, so there’s nothing wrong with it.

You’re impressive as usual, Tachibana…

16. Animal caretaking area

Raku Is that Tachibana? I wonder what she’s doing over here.

Marika Umm… so you’re Divine Spencer Kuniyoshi… and you’re Rodriguez the
The crocodile is Margarita de Sato… and you’re Cyclops Gengar…
Gosh, all your names are so long! This note isn’t enough to fill everything.
Raku-sama may be ideal in every way possible, but his naming sense is
certainly… strange to s
The crocodile is Margarita de Sato… and you’re Cyclops Gengar…
Gosh, all your names are so long! This note isn’t enough to fill everything.
Raku-sama may ay the least.
But I suppose that’s what makes him unique. If I think of it like that, maybe
these names are cute, as well…

Raku Well sorry for having a “strange naming sense”

Marika Ack!
When did you get here, Raku-sama?

Raku Since you were saying Kuniyoshi’s name.

Marika I can’t believe I didn’t notice your presence. I’m so ashamed.

Raku You can sense my presence..? That’s slightly unsettling. Anyways, what are you
doing here?

Marika I was trying to remember the names of all these animals.

Raku Really?

Marika Since they’re your precious family, it’s the least I can do.
I was hoping to keep this a secret until I memorized all of them…

Raku Wow, that’s great!

Marika Huh?

Raku No one has ever tried to remember their names so I’m really happy!

Marika My, so I’m the first one? As your wife, nothing makes me prouder!

Raku No seriously, this is awesome! Er, except the part about you being my wife.

Marika If you’re that moved, you could just accept me as your wife...

Raku Don’t try to push it!

Here, I’ll help you learn their names. Let’s do it!

Marika Hey, you’re changing the subject…

Oh well! We can talk after I’ve learned all their names.

Raku Thanks! These guys will be happy, too. By the way…

Is my naming sense really that bad?

Marika So you do have some sort of idea…

2b. Heart Events

Heart event #1

Ms. Kyoko That’s it for class today. I’ll be collecting the printouts.
Could you lend a hand, Ichijo?

Raku Okay.
Bring all your papers to me, everyone.

Chitoge Here, darling.

Tsugumi T-take it already.

Onodera Thanks, Ichijo-kun.

Ruri Here.

Shuu Thaaanks!

Marika Here you go!

Raku What’s this gigantic pile, Tachibana?!

Marika These are my love letters to you, Raku-sama!

Raku Love letters?!

Marika You’ve been rejecting all my direct advances recently, so I’ve decided to change it
up a little!

Raku You know, this is still very direct...

Marika Each and every page is filled with my love for you, for a grand total of 1500!

Raku This is over the top!

Chitoge Hey, Marika! Just what do you think you’re doing? I’m standing right here, you

Marika Umm… have we met before?

Chitoge I’m his girlfriend, as you already know.

Marika Oh that’s right! You’re just Raku-sama’s current girlfriend, for now.
I must thank you for taking care of my future husband.

Chitoge Oh, you’re just dying for a fight, aren’t you?

Raku Come on, you two…

Tsugumi I can’t sit back and watch anymore!

Raku Ichijo, if you’re my lady’s boyfriend, then you should immediately stand up
for her!

Raku Wait, this is my fault!?

Kosaki Everyone please stop arguing. Look, you’re making Ichijo-kun uncomfortable!

Ruri Why are you in the backstands, Kosaki? Here’s where you show your stuff!

Kosaki R-Ruri! Not so loud!

Raku (At least you’re on my side, Onodera! As usual, I can count on you!)

Shuu Hey, sorry to interrupt while you’re having fun, but you should take a look at your
surroundings, Raku.

Raku Huh?

Female Student Look, look! Chitoge and Marika are at it again.

Female Student It’s another catfight! I think Chitoge has the advantage here as the girlfriend, but
you never know…

Male Student Dammit, why’s it always Raku!

Male Student Damn you Ichijo, damn you Ichijo, damn you Ichijo!

Shuu See? Things are getting pretty interesting!

Raku This isn’t funny!

(It feels like I’m going to catch on fire with all these eyes glaring at me!)

Chitoge Anyways, I’m confiscating these love letters!

Whatever happened in the past is in the past. Right now, Raku is my l-l-lover… so
stop trying and give up already!

Marika Well this is troubling…

I had reservations about showing this to everybody, but since you’ve driven me
into a corner I have no choice.
Here I have something which solidly proves the love between me and Raku-sama.

Chitoge What kind of proof?!

Raku, you better start explaining.

Raku I honestly have no idea what she’s…

Marika Now feast your eyes on this!

Tsugumi Th-this is…!

Kosaki No, it can’t be!

Everyone A marriage registration form!?

Marika Precisely! When we were children, I forced - I mean, we signed this together!

Chitoge You were just about to say you forced him to write it!

Marika I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Tsugumi What the hell’s this supposed to be, Raku Ichijo!?

Raku Just a second - this was ten years ago, you know? I don’t remember any of this!

Chitoge Besides, you forced him into it, didn’t you? It doesn’t mean anything, then!

Raku You don’t have to get so emotional! I mean, this was when we were in
kindergarten. If we just calm down and -

Chitoge You keep your mouth closed!

Raku Yes ma’am.

Marika I can’t have savages like Kirisaki attempting to steal our proof of love.

Tsugumi Shut up and hand over that piece of paper!

Raku You too, Tsugumi? Come on, everyone’s overreacting!

Tsugumi Don’t interrupt us, or you’ll regret it!

Raku Ack!
Marika Let’s run from this place, Raku-sama!

Raku Wait, me too!?

Tsugumi Hold up, Raku Ichijo!

Chitoge You’re not getting away, darling!

Raku Since when did I become the target!?

Marika Let’s hurry, come!

Raku Stop pulling! If we’re going to run, we may as well just give them the -

Chitoge Stop right there!

Tsugumi You can’t get away from us!

Kosaki ….

Ruri Snap out of it, Kosaki. Now’s not the time!

Shuu It’s good to be young, huh?

Ms. Kyoko So when am I getting my printouts back?

Raku …
(I think we’re clear for now, at least)
(There’s no way they’d try to look for us in here)

Marika Ooh, you’re bolder than I thought, Raku-sama.

Raku Keep your voice down!

Marika Pushing me into a place like this, you’re so manly!

Raku Don’t latch on to me like that!

Marika It’s so cramped in here, I have no choice!

Raku There’s clearly a lot of space behind you!

Marika You mustn’t raise your voice like that, Raku-sama. They’ll hear us.

Raku You’re telling that to me?!

Marika Or what, do you really hate me doing this?

Raku No, it’s not that… it’s just…

If Chitoge and the other see this, I’m seriously gonna get murdered.
Marika That’s too bad. If it’s with you, Raku-sama, I’m prepared to run away to the far
corners of the earth.
It wouldn’t be so bad if we found a place where we could be with just the two of

Raku Stop saying such weird things while clinging on to me!

Marika For me, this is still not enough…

Just for a little bit, can’t I stay like this?

Raku Ah…!
(Crap, she’s so cute when she’s this close. My heart’s about to burst!)

Marika Raku-sama

Raku Come on, stop!

Marika Your face is getting completely flushed red, Raku-sama.

Raku Gimme a break. Anybody in this situation would…

Marika Would what?

Raku You’re more of a tease than I’d thought…

Marika If I wasn’t this upfront, you’d never look my way.

Or is it that by doing this, am I being a real bother to you?

Raku That’s....

Marika Since you never tell me how you really feel, I’m always anxious too...
Do you hate me, Raku-sama?

Raku …
(Since she’s asking me like this, I have no choice but to give her a straight answer)
(I’ll have to answer honestly, but make sure she doesn’t get hurt.)

Marika Please tell me.

What do you really think of me, Raku-sama?

Choices (1) (I don’t hate you) (You’re a friend)

嫌いじゃない      友達
(Nothing special) (Love….)
普通          愛    
(No comment) (You’re annoying)
ノーコメント       面倒な人

I don’t hate you I see… you don’t hate me.

Then that means you like me, right?
You’re a friend A friend…?
That’s good and all, but I was actually asking how you see me as a girl…
Can you give me a straight answer?
How do you see me, as a girl?
I’ll ask once more, all you have to do is say yes or no.
Do you like me, Raku-sama?


Sorry, I’m not sure if I heard you correctly.
Can I ask you one more time?
Do you like me, Raku-sama?
[This goes into an infinite loop]

Nothing special Nothing special?

Whazzat suppos’d to mean?!*
*tn: Marika sometimes speaks with a heavy accent so I’ll try to translate it as best as possible.

(Say what?)
Oh, apologies. Just a slip of the tongue.
Either way, that kind of answer is no good.

(I wanted to hear your accent)*

*TN: This might be a wrong translation
It’s bad to try and trick me, Raku-sama.

No need to be shy, just answer honestly!

I’ll ask once more, all you have to do is say yes or no.
Do you like me, Raku-sama?


Sorry, I’m not sure if I heard you correctly.
Can I ask you one more time?
Do you like me, Raku-sama?
[This goes into an infinite loop]

Love... Love…?
The next word that comes after must be “you”!
In other words, you’re saying you love me!

No comment No comment?
Oh! You’re just so embarrassed you can’t say you like me!

You’re annoying Oh my, that’s a rather honest reaction.

But there’s a way so that I no longer have to annoy you…
You guessed it: getting married!
Beautiful Hearing that from you makes me so happy.
There’s no one who’d hate a beautiful person, right?

Marika Now with that out of the way, let’s get married right now!
Here, I have a new marriage registration form ready.
Let’s quickly make this official!

Choices (2) (Just when did you get another one?!)


(This is a fake!)

Just when did you I made another one, just last night.
get another one?

This is a fake! Oh, so you’re so distrusting! This is definitely a real one, I assure you.
But, only one side is filled out
So I need you to make it complete, Raku-sama!

Marika Now, Raku-sama!

Choices (3) (I’m not old enough to get married yet!)

(I want to get married to someone I love!)

I'm not old Oh… that’s…

enough Well I guess I can’t do anything about the law…
I’ll wait until you become of age for marriage, but in exchange,
Please keep your eyes on me!
And then, my love will keep growing for you!

I want to get The person you love…?

married to You mean me, right?
someone I love Since you said you love me, just moments ago!

Chitoge ...

Raku Ah....

Chitoge It looks like you were having fun making all that noise, darling.

Raku Uh… how do I explain…

Marika That was the first time I’ve been in such a hot embrace!

Raku What are the hell are you saying?!

Chitoge You perverted beansprout!

Raku Wait, why’re you holding your first like that?!

Chitoge You better grit your teeth now.

Raku Just wait a second!

Chitoge You’re dead!

Raku Agh!

Chitoge You idiot! I don’t even care anymore!

Marika Are you okay?

Raku Do I look okay to you?

Marika If you would just break up with such a savage girlfriend and become my husband,
you wouldn’t have to endure such things.

Raku That’s just not possible.

As long as she’s my girlfriend, I can’t just up and leave her whenever.

Marika Really now…

But then again, this is why I love you so much, Raku-sama.

Raku Sorry, Tachibana.

Marika It’s nothing to apologize for.

Even if she’s your girlfriend right now, there’s no telling what will happen in the
So keep watching me.
I will become a woman you will eventually fall for.

Raku You’re certainly optimistic...

Marika I’ve been thinking of you for ten years so this is nothing in comparison.
Wait for me, Raku-sama. I’ll grab your hand and take you with me, one day.

Raku R-right...

Marika Now, now.

What kind of approach should I go for next?
Cosplay? Or maybe I’ll sneak into your room…
Which do you prefer, Raku-sama?

Raku You’re asking me?

Marika Too bad, I was hoping you’d tell me.

Raku Geez…
(I seriously can’t win against her…)
Heart event #2

Shuu Yo Raku, you got anything after school?

Raku Nothing in particular, no.

Shuu Then let’s do a study group at your place!

Raku Huh, why?

Shuu Since the cultural festival is finished, we only have a month until the next exams,

Raku Oh yeah. I haven’t reviewed much these days, so I don’t really mind.
But what are you actually trying to do?

Shuu Using the study group as a pretense, I want to get all the girls together and have a
heart-pounding event!

Raku Why did I even ask…

Shuu So you’re good, right? I’ll even invite the girls myself.

Marika You already have an OK from me, Raku-sama!

Raku That was fast!?

Shuu Sweet! We’ve got Marika to join already!

Marika However, I have some things I need to prepare, so please begin the study group
without me.

Shuu Alrighty! I’ll leave the rest to you, Raku.

Marika I’ll see you later, Raku-sama!

Raku Y-Yeah…
(What kind of preparations is she talking about…?)

Chitoge So here you do this… and there!

Kosaki Wow, you solved it already! You’re a pretty good teacher, Chitoge.

Chitoge (laughs) Really?

Shuu Ruri-chan! Can you teach me too?

Ruri Don’t talk to me. I’m trying to concentrate.

Shuu But it’s a study group!

How about you, Seishiro-chan? Can you help me with this one?
Tsugumi Think for yourself. Also, never try to come close to me.

Shuu Huh?! This study group is much different than I imagined… this is not heart
pounding at all!

Raku Don’t look at me…

You’re the one who suggested this, yet you’re the only one screwing around.

Shuu Come on, you know I’m always serious.

Raku (Just how the hell does he get higher marks than I do…)

Shuu By the way, it looks like Marika’s late. When did she say she was coming?

Raku I’m not sure. But now that you mention it, it’s been a while since everyone got
here. I’ll take a look outside.
Considering how she is, it’s not like she’d get lost on the way here…

??? (humming)

Raku What’s that noise?

(Wait a sec, that voice…)

Marika Ryuu-san, could you get the soy sauce for me? And could the gentleman over
there ready the plates?

Ryuu S-Sure.

Raku What do you think you’re doing?!

Marika Oh, Raku-sama. As you can see, I’m preparing dinner!

Raku I can see that! I’m asking why you’re barging into other people’s kitchens all of
the sudden!

Marika It’s an obvious duty of the wife to prepare a delicious feast for her lover, Raku-
Oh! We’d just be like newlyweds if you came to see me and have a little taste!
Now, open your mouth and say “ahh”.

Raku “Ahh” - wait a second, this is all wrong! Go study, dammit!

Marika I am studying… as your wife, Raku-sama.

Raku Don’t try to turn this around!

Servant If I heard correctly, this lady from your school said she was your wife. Is that true,
young master?

Ryuu Oh, does that mean you’ve found another new lover!?
I’m so proud of you, young master!
Raku Is that how you guys see me…?

Chitoge Marika!?
I thought it was a bit noisy and it turns out to be you!

Marika Oh, I was just making Raku-sama’s dinner as his wife!

Tsugumi Oh, yes. If I remember correctly, you’re the ex-fiancee who forcibly made him
promise you marriage during kindergarten.

Marika Save me, Raku-sama! These people are scaring me!

Raku I’d say what you’re doing is much scarier…

Chitoge Get your filthy hands off him!

Kosaki Chitoge, calm down a little!

Servant My God, amazing! This is turning into a showdown between the young master’s
lover and wife!

Ryuu I’m so moved, young master! It looks like they’re out for blood!

Raku Stop saying stupid stuff and help me stop them!

Ryuu So, who’s your special one, young master?

Raku Say wha-?

Ryuu No matter who you choose, I’ll be on your side!

I’ll do anything to help your endeavors in love!

Raku You’re getting it all wrong!

Ryuu Now, now, give us an answer!

Raku Ack…

Choices Automatically chooses Marika

Marika Marika, no questions about it.

Raku Hey hey, don’t put words in my mouth!

Tsugumi Raku Ichijo… even though you have someone like my lady, how dare you
continuously flirt with Marika Tachibana! Do you want to die?

Raku You’ve got it all wrong!

Kosaki Ah..

Raku No no, Onodera! I swear I didn’t do anything!

Chitoge Why are you trying to explain the situation to her, and not me?

Raku You, too?!

Ryuu I still remember the days you were in diapers - and now, look how popular you
are! I can’t stop crying!
Alright! Everybody, let’s get fired up for our young master!

Raku What are you saying!?

Ryuu To decide who’s our young master’s number one, we’re holding a cook-off!

Raku No, we’re not doing anything!

Shuu (laugh) This is the best! You’re always fun to be around, Raku!

Ruri At this point, I can’t even tell if you’re actually his best friend…

Raku I can’t believe we’re actually doing this…

Ryuu The judges tonight will be myself, young master, Mr. Shuu, and the rest of the
Shuuei servants!

Shuu and the Yay!


Raku Aren’t you guys having the time of your life…

Shuu Yeah, and it’s all thanks to you!

Raku Stop with that stupid smile…

Chitoge Geez, why do I have to make food for a guy like Raku?

Marika I won’t mind if you decide to run.

It’s not like you’ll win him over with your banana cooking.

Chitoge Who said I was cooking bananas?!

Just you watch, I’ll make a mind blowing original recipe!

Tsugumi I’ve got your back, my lady. There’s no way we’ll lose to someone like her!

Kosaki Maybe I should really back down… Mom even told me not to cook for

Ruri Don’t worry, I’ll help you out.

Shuu I see, I see. We have Kirisaki’s team, Onodera’s team, and Marika, huh?
It must be nice being so popular! I’d die for a chance to eat a girl’s handmade
cooking all the time!

Raku (The only thing I see is hellfire, right now…)

Marika Here, Raku-sama! I put a lot of love into this, so bon appetit!

Raku That was pretty quick. But then again, you were at it for a while so I guess you’d
be the first to finish.

Marika Eat it while it’s warm!

Raku (Even though I didn’t ask for it, she put a lot of effort into it so I should dig in!)

Marika I made Japanese cuisine to match your tastes today!

Choices 好みとか当てずっぽうだろう
My tastes? Isn’t that just a wild guess?
- No, that’s not the case.
- I know everything about you, Raku-sama… is what I’d like to say but you
told me yourself, though it was a long time ago.

How’d you know my tastes?
- I know everything about you, Raku-sama… is what I’d like to say but you
told me yourself, though it was a long time ago.

Choices そういえば言ったような・・・
Oh right, I did tell you before.
- My, you remembered?
- I’m so happy that my some of my feelings are still left in you.
- It was worth working so hard to learn it.
- I’ve spent the last ten years honing my cooking skills just for Japanese
- All of this, so I can become a suitable wife. Everything I’ve done is for
you, Raku-sama.

I don’t remember telling you at all.
- Oh… You don’t remember at all, huh?
- It doesn’t… really matter. What’s important is that I’m with you right
- (weak laugh)
- …
- Anyways, I’ve spent the last ten years honing my cooking skills just for
Japanese cuisine.
- All of this, so I can become a suitable wife. Everything I’ve done is for
you, Raku-sama.

Choices オレのためにそこまで
I can’t believe you did all of this for me...
- It’s too early to say anything yet!
- You have to try it for yourself!
- Oh, that’s right…
- I ended up cooking based on what you told me years ago,
- but do you still like Japanese cuisine?
- What kind of food do you prefer now, Raku-sama?

You know you’re being too pushy
- Ah! Too pushy…?
- Are you saying that my feelings for you are just a bother?
- I’m so sad… I'm just going to eat all of this myself!
(Stop her)
- Then make sure you eat all of it, okay, Raku-sama?
- Oh, that’s right…
- I ended up cooking based on what you told me years ago,
- but do you still like Japanese cuisine?
- What kind of food do you prefer now, Raku-sama?
(Don’t stop her)
- …
- You’re not going to stop me?
- (Infinite loop)

Choices (洋食)   (和食)
Western Japanese
(中華)   (エスニック)
Chinese Ethnic
(イタリアン) (フレンチ)
Italian French
Outer space food

Anything other Marika: Oh… well I suppose it’s obvious that your tastes would change over the
than Japanese years.
cuisine, including Marika: If I couldn’t even cook according to your tastes, all of this is useless!
staying silent Marika: I’m going to throw all of this in the garbage…!
Raku: Wait a second, Tachibana - just calm down!
Marika: Don’t try to stop me, Raku-sama! If what I cooked doesn’t meet your
tastes, all of this is worthless!
Raku: No, no! You can’t waste food like that.
Marika: Huh!?
Raku: It’s alright, just lemme eat it.
Marika: B-but, it doesn’t suit your tastes…
Raku: Who cares about that? You put that much effort into this, right?
Marika: (gasp)
Marika: If that’s the case… okay, say “ahh!”

Japanese food Thank goodness! My cooking won’t go to waste!

Now, Raku-sama! Eat before it gets cold.

Drag in this order   た  ま  す

2 5 6
い  だ  き
1 3 4

*TN: What Japanese people say before starting a meal.

Marika Bon appetit!

Oh, just a moment!
Now, say “ahh”.

Raku H-hey, cut it out. I can do it myself.

Marika “Ahh”

Raku Er..

Marika How is it?

Raku This is delicious!

Marika Really?

Raku Yeah! Everything’s cooked to perfection and the seasoning is just right. I’m
actually surprised!
You seriously put in a lot of work, huh? You can totally make it as a wife!

Marika If you wanted, I could become your wife immediately?

Raku Huh, no! That’s not what I meant.

Marika If you were with me, I could make you exactly what you wanted everyday!
Go ahead! Say that you want me to make you miso soup every morning!

Raku You’re too close!

Marika Not close enough!

Raku Holy crap, this is bad! Chitoge and Onodera are standing right over there, too!

Chitoge Darling?

Raku Ah! What is it?

Chitoge Why are you all worked up? Here, I’m done cooking as well.
Since you ate Marika’s food, you’re definitely eating mine too, hm?

Raku The hell is this?! There’s something moving inside the curry!

Chitoge Isn’t it amazing? I made sure to use the freshest ingredients!

Raku (Oh God, there’s something fundamentally wrong with this!)

Kosaki Hey, Ichijo-kun? I tried my best to make this so could you have some of it, too?

Raku You’re done too, Onodera? The decoration is perfect, as usual.

Kosaki Ruri helped me out this time, so I think it’ll be alright.

Raku Now that you mention it, where are they?

Chitoge Oh… ahem… they’re… well, everybody’s… kinda… see for yourself.

Raku (gasp)

Marika My, this is worse than I thought.

Raku Is everyone alright?!

Ryuu My apologies… young master. As judges, we tried some in advance… but…

Raku Why would you do something so reckless?!

Chitoge Tsugumi tried tasting it as well, but as you can see, she’s suddenly passed out!

Kosaki I wonder if mine was that terrible…

Marika This scene is straight out of hell…

Chitoge But there’s nothing to worry, Raku! Even after Tsugumi ‘left’, I managed to finish
it all by myself. I won’t let everyone’s sacrifices to be in vain!

Raku Sacrifices? I don’t even think this can be called cooking anymore…

Kosaki As I thought, you can’t eat any of this… huh?

Raku Agh!

Ryuu Young master!

Raku Ryuu! Don’t stand if you don’t need to!

Ryuu What is means to be a man… is to dive straight into danger for the one he loves
and never looking back!

Raku Ryuu, snap out of it!

(You’re telling me to eat their cooking?)
Chitoge Raku…

Kosaki Ichijo-kun...

Raku (If you look at me with those kind of eyes…)

Marika Raku-sama, I apologize to the others, but I don’t think you should force

Raku No… I’m a man! There’s no way I’m stepping down now.
Here I go, Chitoge, Onodera!

Chitoge Raku, are you okay? Raku!

Kosaki Open your eyes, Ichijo-kun!

Marika As expected of Raku-sama… your kindness knows no bounds.

What should I do? I’m starting to fall deeper in love!

Chitoge Stop your babbling and help me wake him up!

Kosaki Ichijo-kun! Get a hold of yourself!

Heart School field Event #3

Shuu Ah~ Girls playing tennis is just the greatest!

Raku Come on, Shuu, stop screwing around and get back to the soccer field.

Shuu What are you saying, Raku? Someone has to watch these girls playing their hearts
The beads of sweat hanging from each strand of hair, the graceful movement
around the court, the swish of the rackets…
As a man, don’t you feel something burning deep inside your heart?

Raku Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.

Shuu Can you imagine how much better it’d be if they were wearing tennis skirts?
I know you want to see Onodera or Kirisaki wearing one.

Tsugumi Are you in that much of a hurry to die?

Shuu Oh, Seishiro! Don’t tell me you were listening?

Or is it that you wanted to wear a tennis skirt, too? White, pink, blue… I can get
you any color you like?
Tsugumi No way in hell!

Shuu W-Wait a second, Seishiro! I was just joking!

Tsugumi More like sexual harassment! I’ll kill you, pervert!

Shuu Ack!

Raku (He just never learns…)

Marika Raku-sama!

Raku You’re here too? What’s up!

Marika I wanted to you to hear my “proclamation” for today!

Raku Proclamation?

Marika Since you’re going out with Kirisaki, I figured you like a girl with some “spunk”!
As such, I’d like for you to watch me come out on top on the tennis courts today.
Not even Tsugumi or Kirisaki can stop me!

Raku Aren’t you setting the bar a little too high?

Marika Even if I have no chance of winning, I have other ways too…

Raku You’re creeping me out.

Marika It was merely a jest. I won’t actually be playing against them today, so there’s no
need to worry.
That said, no matter whom my opponent is, I don’t plan to hold back.

Raku Er.. I’ll be cheering for you, but promise me that you don’t overdo it.

Marika Leave it to me!

With you cheering for me, nothing is impossible!

Raku (That’s exactly what I’m afraid of…)

Marika In any case, it’s time for me to get on the stage! Today’s theme is: Love, Effort,
and Victory!

Raku What about “friendship”?

Marika Sometimes there are more important things than friendship, especially when it
comes to you, my dear Raku-sama.

Raku You’re not gonna make any friends like that…

Marika I’ll think about it, but only after you’re mine.

Raku (I really hope she doesn’t overwork her body… She’s always making me worry.)
Kosaki (yells)

Marika Not bad, Onodera. But I won’t lose to this!


Kosaki Ah! I can’t catch up!

Marika Now it’s my turn to serve!


Kosaki I can handle this much!


Shuu Raku.

Raku Yes, Shuu?

Shuu My heart. It’s catching on fire.

Raku I think I finally understand what you were saying earlier.

Shuu So who are you cheering for? Obviously Onodera, right? Or maybe Marika?

Raku As much as I’d like to cheer for Onodera, I’m on Tachibana’s side right now.
She told me she’s trying her best for my sake, so it’s the least I can do.

Shuu Huh, I see.

Raku (But man, seeing Onodera trying her best is so cute! I can’t help but stare at her.)
(Wait, no, no! I can’t lose to temptation right now!)

Marika (heavy breathing)

Raku (Hey, wait. Is she…? )

Shuu What’s up?

Raku I’m going to hop over there for a second. I’ll be right back.

Shuu What, the tennis courts?

Marika Prepare yourself, Onodera! This is the super-killer-final-technique that will seal
my victory!

Kosaki Super-killer?! I’m not ready for this!

Marika My feelings for Raku-sama will guide this ball! “Marika In Love!”

Raku Stop!

Marika Huh?

Kosaki Ichijo-kun?
Raku Sorry, Onodera. Could you let Marika rest for a second?

Kosaki Oh, um, sure. I don’t mind at all.

Marika I can still do this! Don’t try to stop me now!

Raku Listen to me and come over here!

You don’t look so good, Tachibana. You’re pushing yourself too far again.

Marika Ah, you found out…

Kosaki Really?! Sorry, I didn’t even notice...

Marika No need to worry, Onodera! It’s nothing serious; I still have a lot of energy left.
Now let’s finish our duel!

Raku Hey, you promised me you wouldn’t overdo it.

Marika But I can still keep playing!

Raku (Why’s she being so stubborn? I have to calm her down somehow so I can get her
to take a break…)

Marika Please let go of me!

Raku No, you’re coming with me. We’re just gonna have a talk between the two of us.

Marika Just the two of us?

If that’s the case then I suppose it’s fine...

Raku (Now that I’ve got her attention…)

Marika You worry too much, Raku-sama. I still have a lot of energy left!

Choices 証拠       心配だ
Gimme some proof I’m worried
顔色悪いぞ    ウソだ
Your face is flushed That’s a lie
がんばれ     信じる
Okay, do your best Alright, I believe you.

Gimme some proof Proof…?

Isn’t this shining smile proof enough for you?

I’m worried I’m touched that you worry so much about me.
But once I’ve decided on something, I cannot give up without a fight.
1. But…
- It’ll be alright!
- When a girl’s in love, she draws strength from it!

2. There’s a time and a place for this

- Right now is important to me.
- There’s no need to worry, I feel like I’m in good condition today!
- When a girl’s in love, she draws strength from it!

You face is flushed … The breeze is rather cold today, isn’t it?

That’s a lie I’m not lying.

I know exactly where my limits are.
Don’t worry about me, I feel like I’m in good condition today!
When a girl’s in love, she draws strength from it!

Okay, do your best Got it!

Please watch me do my best!
- Marika: Now Onodera, let’s pick up where we left off.
- Kosaki: Will you be alright, Tachibana?
- Marika: I don’t need pity from my opponent! With Raku-sama as the
prize, let’s return to our game!
- Kosaki: Wait, I’m not ready for these stakes!
- Shuu: Are you sure it’s okay to let Marika keep playing?
- Raku: She just wouldn’t listen to me no matter what I said.
- Raku: If it gets really bad, I’ll definitely stop her.
- Raku & Shuu: Ah!
- Kosaki: Tachibana!
- Raku: Shit, I knew it!
- Kosaki: Ichijo-kun, Tachibana’s…
- Raku: Tachibana, hey! Can you hear me?
- Marika: …
- Raku: Agh, I gotta take her to the nurse’s office immediately.
- Honda: There’s no need.
- Raku: Honda!
- Honda: It looks like anemia. She’s also piled up quite a bit of fatigue, but
she just needs some rest and she should recover shortly.
- Honda: We’ll handle the rest from here, so please resume your class
- Raku: We’ll leave it to you.
- Honda: Here, my lady.
- Honda: Excuse us.
- Kosaki: I’m worried about her…
- Raku: Yeah… I should have known.
- Raku: If I had convinced her to stop earlier, this wouldn’t have happened.

Alright, I believe Got it!

you Please watch me do my best!
- Marika: Now Onodera, let’s pick up where we left off.
- Kosaki: Will you be alright, Tachibana?
- Marika: I don’t need pity from my opponent! With Raku-sama as the
prize, let’s return to our game!
- Kosaki: Wait, I’m not ready for these stakes!
- Shuu: Are you sure it’s okay to let Marika keep playing?
- Raku: She just wouldn’t listen to me no matter what I said.
- Raku: If it gets really bad, I’ll definitely stop her.
- Raku & Shuu: Ah!
- Kosaki: Tachibana!
- Raku: Shit, I knew it!
- Kosaki: Ichijo-kun, Tachibana’s…
- Raku: Tachibana, hey! Can you hear me?
- Marika: …
- Raku: Agh, I gotta take her to the nurse’s office immediately.
- Honda: There’s no need.
- Raku: Honda!
- Honda: It looks like anemia. She’s also piled up quite a bit of fatigue, but
she just needs some rest and she should recover shortly.
- Honda: We’ll handle the rest from here, so please resume your class
- Raku: We’ll leave it to you.
- Honda: Here, my lady.
- Honda: Excuse us.
- Kosaki: I’m worried about her…
- Raku: Yeah… I should have known.
- Raku: If I had convinced her to stop earlier, this wouldn’t have happened.

Choices 無理すんな
Don’t push yourself too hard?
- I’m not!
- You’re finally cheering for me
- So I have to try my best, or I won’t be able to accept it

Why are you pushing yourself so much?
- Even I have some pride.
- Not even you can stop me, Raku-sama.

I’ll play for you instead!
- What are you saying?!
- No matter how lovely you are, Raku-sama, you can’t suddenly play on
the girls’ side!

Choices 好きにしろ
Do what you want
- I will.
- Don’t make that kind of face, I’ll definitely be successful!
- Okay, I’m going back.
- Marika: Now Onodera, let’s pick up where we left off.
- Kosaki: Will you be alright, Tachibana?
- Marika: I don’t need pity from my opponent! With Raku-sama as the
prize, let’s return to our game!
- Kosaki: Wait, I’m not ready for these stakes!
- Shuu: Are you sure it’s okay to let Marika keep playing?
- Raku: She just wouldn’t listen to me no matter what I said.
- Raku: If it gets really bad, I’ll definitely stop her.
- Raku & Shuu: Ah!
- Kosaki: Tachibana!
- Raku: Shit, I knew it!
- Kosaki: Ichijo-kun, Tachibana’s…
- Raku: Tachibana, hey! Can you hear me?
- Marika: …
- Raku: Agh, I gotta take her to the nurse’s office immediately.
- Honda: There’s no need.
- Raku: Honda!
- Honda: It looks like anemia. She’s also piled up quite a bit of fatigue, but
she just needs some rest and she should recover shortly.
- Honda: We’ll handle the rest from here, so please resume your class
- Raku: We’ll leave it to you.
- Honda: Here, my lady.
- Honda: Excuse us.
- Kosaki: I’m worried about her…
- Raku: Yeah… I should have known.
- Raku: If I had convinced her to stop earlier, this wouldn’t have happened.

(Force her to rest)
- No matter what you say, I’m going back -
- Wait, why are you suddenly getting so close?
- Ah!

(Touch her chest)

- !@#?!?
- Rakkun!? where you touchin’ me!
- That’s… n-n-n...
- No!!!
- Kosaki: Tachibana! Get a hold of yourself!
- Tsugumi: This is bad, it looks like anemia. Let’s take her to the nurse’s
office immediately.
- Shuu: I wonder if she’ll be okay?
- Raku: ….
- Shuu: Just what the hell did you do?
- Raku: Er… I didn’t…
- Raku: (I’m just the worst! I got too carried away and made Tachibana
pass out!)

(Touch her head)

- Oh…
- Raku-sama…
- It’s not fair if you rub my head like that…

Raku H-Hey, Tachibana!

Marika Please excuse me… my legs seem to have given up on me.

All I need is a small break and I’ll be back on my feet shortly.

Raku (It looks like she’s completely exhausted herself… Alright, here we go.)

Marika Ah!

Raku Stop moving around! I’ll take you to the nurse’s office, so you get some shut-eye.

Marika There’s no way I can sleep when you’re carrying me like this!
I’m so sweaty, too! Please stop!

Raku I don’t care about that, but if you keep talking like that you’re gonna bite your

Marika … Okay.
Now that I think about it, this is probably the first time you took the initiative.
Maybe this isn’t so bad…

Raku That’s a quick change in attitude!

Marika Hold me even closer!

Raku Could you please behave for once and go to sleep?

I can’t believe the nurse is gone at a time like this. I don’t even know where the
medicine is stored.
Well first of all, I should lay down Tachibana onto the bed and then get some

Marika Oh are you done carrying me already? I wanted to enjoy your warm embrace for a
little while longer.
Actually, that’s probably the best medicine! Come here, Raku-sama, and hold me!

Raku How’re you so full of energy still?

Marika It’s only anemia, so it’s nothing that a little rest won’t fix.

Raku If you say so. But I know that your body is weak, so don’t force yourself.

Marika I’m happy you’re so worried about me. You haven’t changed at all.
I can handle the rest from here, so please go ahead and return to class.

Raku After what just happened, you expect me to believe that?

Marika I’m telling you, I’ll be fine. Just look…

Wait, huh?
Raku Your legs are shaking, see? Don’t try to get up now.
I’ll stay until the teacher comes along.

Marika B-But, I don’t want to cause any more trouble for you.

Raku You don’t need to worry about that.

Just lemme spoil you for once.

Marika -gasp-

Raku Don’t get any weird ideas! It’s the least I can do after seeing you try your best for

Marika That’s not fair… sayin’ somethin’ like that suddenly…

Raku Did you say something?

Marika I-I didn’t say anything.

Raku Really? Don’t tell me you have a fever? Your face is getting all red.

Marika I’m okay! J-Just don’t stare at my face like that.

Raku I have to check, just in case. Come on, lean your forehead this way.

Marika -screams-
If you’re this close, I’ll… I’ll…!

Raku Tachibana?! Hey!

Marika Rakkun, you’re too bold…

Heart event #4

Raku I’ve brought food, “Crusher Kato”!

Hey, stop pecking me! Ha ha! You’re a funny one, ha ha ha…

Marika Raku-sama, I don’t mean to spoil your fun, but I think that chicken is pecking you
for real…

Raku I know… These guys don’t like me too much, as you can see…
Anyways, are you sure you want to help me with the animals, today?
Even without Onodera or Chitoge, I can manage everything alone. You’re bad
with animals, right?

Marika I should be fine. This isn’t the first time I helped you and more importantly, this
kind of chance doesn’t come very often.

Raku What chance?

Marika The chance to be alone with the two of us! I’m honestly so happy I could start
dancing right now.

Raku Er, right…

Marika It looks like you’re blushing a little. Are you getting self-conscious?

Raku B-Be quiet! Let’s get this over with.

Marika Okay! Just leave it to -

Chicken -clucking-

Hamster -squeak-

Bullfrog -ribbit-

Marika Um… Raku-sama? Were these animals always so… ferocious?

Raku Mm… I think they’re a bit more excited than usual since you’re here, but it’s
usually like this.

Marika I-Is that so…

Turtle -growl-
*TN: or whatever sounds turtles make.

Snake -hiss-

Marika I swear they’re going to attack me…

Dog -bark-

Marika Ack!

Raku It’s still not too late to turn back.

Marika Th-This is nothing… I can do this.

These fine animals are like your family, aren’t they? In that case, they’re family to
me, too!
There’s no way I would be scared of family.
Now, everyone! Say hello to your new caregiver!

Iguana -growl-

Marika Ha. Ha. Ha.

It’s good to see you have s-s-s-s-s-so much energy.

Raku (That forced smile… not to mention how much her legs are shaking…)

Marika -gasping for air-

Raku You sure you’re gonna be okay?

Marika N-No problemo!
I’ll… just go fill up the water for now.

Raku Yeah, thanks…

Take a break while you’re at it.

Marika Yes… I suppose I’ll take that offer. I’ll be back shortly.

Raku Geez, she’s always forcing herself.

Otama She’s brave, I’ll give her that.

Raku No kidding… I have to thank her for the help later.

Wait a sec, Otama! Why are you here?

Otama There are things I must learn by real life experience and not merely by watching

Raku What, learning?

Otama No need to concern yourself.

In any case, I cannot become a “shut-in”. So, I am here to conduct “social
observations”. Aren’t I smart?

Raku Could you please just stay in the house…

Otama As long as nobody sees, there is nothing to complain about.

Snake -hiss-

Otama I see, so your name is Taa.

Raku You can understand what they’re saying?

Otama Isn’t that obvious? You cannot even do that and yet you are their caregiver?

Raku That’s amazing! Is that one of your youkai powers?

Wait, could you ask everyone if they enjoy living here?
Er, nevermind. I think I’m better off not knowing the answer…

Otama So indecisive.
If you wish, I can speak with the animals in your stead. One inari sushi per
question as payment, though.

Raku That’s a terrible deal…

But oh well. Could you start by asking if they’re satisfied with their lives here?

Otama Understood.

Snake -hiss-
Otama ...

Raku So…?

Otama -hiss-

Snake -hiss-

Otama (surprised scream)

-furious hissing-

Snake -hiss-

Raku H-Hey, why are you getting so excited?

Otama These scoundrels are treating me like a child and underestimating me!

Chicken -clucking-

Otama You too!

These foolish animals do not seem to value their lives. I’ll show them my power!

Raku Wait up! It’s dangerous if you get too close.

Otama Here I go!

Chicken -cluck-

Otama Agh! S-Stop! Stop biting my ears!

Snake -hiss-

Otama Ah! It’s coiling around my leg!

Raku Now look what you did…

Otama Grr… They’re completely underestimating me!

Stupid! Idiots! Good-for-nothings!

Raku Ack! What the hell!?

Otama -cries-

Raku Shut up! My head’s gonna split open!

Snake -hiss-

Chicken -cluck-

Hamster -squee-

Raku Guys, wait! Oh God they’re escaping!

How did the locks come undone?!

Baboon -screams-

Iberian Pig -oink oink-

Monkey -screech-

Raku W-Wait!
(This is a disaster!)

Otama (sobbing)

Ah, it looks as if they finally realized my power and fled in terror.

Raku This is nothing to be proud of!

You have to help me too!

Otama My favorite anime is about to begin, so I’ll be taking my leave now.

Raku Wai-

Otama See you later, Raku. I’ll be looking forward to dinner.

Raku Otama!!
(I can’t believe her! I swear I’m gonna shove some hot peppers in the inari
Oh man, this is too much to do alone!

Marika Raku-sama!

Raku Oh, Tachibana! You’re just in time.

Marika I came running when I heard the animals making a lot of noise.
W-Wait, what happened here! All the cages are empty!

Raku Yeah… Sorry, but could you help me round them up?

Marika Huh?! You want me to… with those crazy animals!?

Raku I’m begging you! Please help me out.

Marika Ah…!

Raku You’re the only one I can count on, please!

Marika That determined gaze… the fire in your eyes! If you look at me like that...

Raku (I’m actually just really desperate…)

Marika I’ll do it! If it’s for you, I’ll overcome anything!

Raku Finally found you, Edelweiss Sakurako!

Hamster -squee-

Raku Ah! It’s kinda depressing how fast she ran away from me…

Marika Leave this to me, Raku-sama.

Raku Don’t let your guard down. Edelweiss Sakurako can slip through any crack so if
you’re not careful she’ll get away before you know it.

Marika There’s nothing to worry about. There isn’t a single crack between your love and

Raku Wait, what are we talking about?

Marika Now! Sakurako, stay still so I can get you!

Hamster -squeak-

Raku You got her!

Female student -screams- why’s there a chicken in the classroom!?

Raku Crusher! It’s me! Calm down!

Chicken -clucking and pecking-

Raku He’s not gonna go down without a fight.

Marika I’ll handle this!

Raku You can do this!

Marika There!

Chicken -caw-

Raku Amazing, Tachibana! We’ve almost got them all.

Marika Hah, do you see me in a new light?

Raku Yeah, for real! I’m surprised you’re so good at this!

Marika Yay, I’m finally getting complimented by you!

So, how many are left?

Raku Just one left. She’s hiding behind that tree over there.

Marika Hmm… I can’t really see from this angle.

Either way, I’ll capture her in no time.

Raku You sure? The last one is definitely going to be the hardest.

Marika As long as I have your trust, there’s no foe too great.

Now come out, uh...

Raku It’s Margarita de Sato.

Marika Margarita! Show yourself!

Crocodile -growl-

Marika Huh?

Crocodile -roar-

Raku I’m begging you, Margarita de Sato! Come back to me!

Marika I-I just wanted to confirm… that’s… not a crocodile, is it?

Raku Of course Margarita de Sato is a crocodile. She may not look like it, but she’s
normally a very refined lady.

Marika Why in the world is there a crocodile within the school grounds!?

Raku Well I couldn’t just her be thrown away!

Marika Where would you even find a crocodile being thrown away, in the first place...

Crocodile -roar-

Marika Ah!

Raku She’s completely pissed off… If we’re not careful she’s gonna swallow us whole!

Marika But we can’t simply leave her as she is…

Do you have a plan, or does she at least have some weak point?

Raku Margarita’s weak point?

Choices 小野寺だ!
- Raku: If anybody can calm her down, it’s Onodera. If we call her over,
she’ll be able to help us.
- Marika: Mm… It’s slightly frustrating that she’s the first one who comes
to mind for you at a time like this…
- Raku: What are you talking about?
- Marika: No, I won’t lose now.
- Marika: Even if Onodera’s not here, I’ll somehow capture Margarita!
- Marika: Yah!
- Raku: Whoa! Don’t suddenly jump towards her!
- Crocodile: -growl-
- Marika: -screams- Nevermind, I can’t do this!
- Marika: Dun come over ‘ere!
- Raku: Shit! At this rate, she’ll be in danger!
- Raku: (What should I do!?)
Her backside!
- Raku: If we scratch her back, she should become docile!
- Marika: Okay! With your planning and my courage, we should be able to
tame her without a hitch!
- Marika: There’s no way I’d be scared as long as I’m with you, Raku-
- Marika: Prepare yourself, Margarita!
- Crocodile: -growl-
- Marika: -screams- Nevermind, I can’t do this!
- Marika: Dun come over ‘ere!
- Raku: Shit! At this rate, she’ll be in danger!
- Raku: (What should I do!?)

Choices 橘を助ける
Help her
- Raku: You can’t do this alone, Tachibana. We have to work together and
get to her backside.
- Marika: Okay!
- Raku: Ready?
- Marika: Let’s do this!
Leave it to her
- Raku: I won’t ever forget your sacrifice, Tachibana.
- Raku: Wait, no! What am I thinking!?
- Marika: Save me, Raku-sama!
- Raku: I’m coming now!
- Crocodile: -growl-
- Raku: Er, Margarita? What’s with that big open mouth!?
- Crocodile: -roar-
- Raku: Agh!

Raku I thought I was done for back there…

Marika We’re lucky we’re still alive…

At least we were able to capture everyone, somehow.

Raku You were a huge help, Tachibana. I don’t know what I would have done with

Marika You know I’d do anything for you, Raku-sama.

But I’d rather avoid something like what happened today…

Raku Yeah, I’m really sorry.

Marika Please don’t apologize. I’m simply happy that I was of use to you.

Raku Mhmm. I should be thanking you instead. So thank you, Tachibana.

Marika You’re very welcome.

Raku Since we’re done with caretaking duties, let’s head home. I’m exhausted.

Marika I agree. ...Huh?

Raku What’s up? You need to sit down for a little?

Marika I think because I was running on adrenaline up until now, my legs finally gave

Raku Are you going to be okay?

Marika Looks like I have no choice… I really wanted to walk home with you.

Honda Yes.

Raku Where’d you come from?!

Marika Please bring around the car.

Honda Understood. I will return shortly, so please wait here.

Raku It looks like she can materialize just about anywhere.

Marika Yes, I suppose.

Anytime… anywhere…

Raku Hm?

Marika Since we still have some time before she returns, would you like to talk for a
little? We didn’t have a single minute of rest the entire day, after all.

Raku No problem. I owe you one for today.

Marika Now, what should we talk about?

Choices ケガはない?     動物慣れた?
Are you hurt anywhere? Getting used to animals by now?

About Chitoge

昔の話を・・・     体は大丈夫?
Talk about the past How’s your body holding up?

Are you hurt No, not a single scratch. I’m more worried about you.
anywhere? See? You have a cut on your cheek…

D-Don’t get so close all of a sudden.
- You don’t need to be so embarrassed.
- Hehe, your skin is so smooth.
- Hm… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

Ah! Don’t touch!
- Oh, don’t be so pushy.
- Anyways… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

Getting used to On the contrary, I may have gotten worse with animals after today…
animals by now? Don’t worry, though.
I promise I’ll become better at caring for animals before we get married.

I told you, we’re not getting married
- How can you be so sure?
- I’m completely serious, I’ll have you know.
- Hm… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

Will you ever let topic that go?
- Of course not.
- I’ve been trying my heart out for the last ten years, after all.
- Anyways… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

About Chitoge Talking about another girl with at a time like this…
You’re sometimes so clueless…
Hm… I always thought it was a bit strange...
But why don’t any of the animals like you?

Talk about the That’s fine with me.

past We used to talk like this all the time back then.

That’s right
- Hm? If I recall, you had forgotten that I had even existed.
- Hehe, I’m just teasing you.
- But you did forget mostly everything.
- If that’s the case, we should talk about now instead.
- Hm… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

I don’t remember
- I know you don’t…
- Perhaps we should talk about the present instead
- Hm… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

How’s your body I’m feeling much better, just by talking with you.
holding up? Thank you for your concern.

It’s not like I was that concerned...
- Oh? Then what else could it have been?
- You don’t need to be embarrassed. You’re so kind, Raku-sama.
- Hm… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

Go to sleep early tonight
- I will, after I write in my diary.
- Hm? What do I write about?
- That’s obviously a secret.
- Anyways… I always thought it was a bit strange...
- But why don’t any of the animals like you?

Choices しらんよ     好かれてる

No idea They do like me

永遠の謎     オレは好き
It’s a mystery Well, I like them…

好かれたい    助けて
I want to be liked… Can you help me?

No idea Please don’t be so sad.

You’re already loved by me!
Oh, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to yawn in front of you.
It’s certainly not because this conversation is uninteresting.
I think I’m just… a little tired.

They do like me Oh! Of course!

That was a strange question, my apologies.
Oh, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to yawn in front of you.
It’s certainly not because this conversation is uninteresting.
I think I’m just… a little tired.

It’s a mystery I certainly don’t understand how they could possibly dislike someone like you.
Oh, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to yawn in front of you.
It’s certainly not because this conversation is uninteresting.
I think I’m just… a little tired.

Well, I like them I know that.

If only you spared some of that love towards me.
Oh, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to yawn in front of you.
It’s certainly not because this conversation is uninteresting.
I think I’m just… a little tired.

I want to be liked Even if you get teary-eyed like that…

Mm… I believe that the animals at least acknowledge you, since you’re always
doing your best for them.
Perhaps there is some external reason.
Oh, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to yawn in front of you.
It’s certainly not because this conversation is uninteresting.
I think I’m just… a little tired.

Help me Even if you get teary-eyed like that…

Mm… I believe that the animals at least acknowledge you, since you’re always
doing your best for them.
Perhaps there is some external reason.
Oh, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to yawn in front of you.
It’s certainly not because this conversation is uninteresting.
I think I’m just… a little tired.

Choices 手伝わせて悪かった
Sorry for making you go through that.
- No, I did it because I wanted to.
- Oh, but I do have something you could do in return… if that’s okay with
- As a hint, it starts with an “M”

Let me do something for you in return.
- Oh, no! You don’t need to think about something like that. Love doesn’t
ask of anything in return.
- Oh, but I do have one request, if that’s okay with you.
- As a hint, it starts with an “M”

What starts with け   ん   こ

an “M”? 1 4 3
っ   さ   つ


Marika That’s correct! Marriage!

It appears you already knew what I was thinking!
If you want to thank me, Raku-sama, then let’s get married!

Raku That’s completely unreasonable!

Marika Oh, so you’d rather propose in a place with a better atmosphere?

Then I’ll gladly wait until then.

Raku Aren’t you a little bit too optimistic?

Honda I have brought around the car, my lady.

Marika My, already?

I wanted to continue enjoying our conversation.

Raku Wait so why didn’t you call over Honda earlier?

Honda and her crew would have caught all those animals no problem, right?

Marika That may be true,

but I suppose I was just being selfish.

Raku Selfish?

Marika I wanted to do it myself, since it was for you.

Or else it wouldn’t mean anything.

Raku Oh… I see.

Marika I believe that’s how it works when you love somebody.

Raku (She’s referring to me, huh... It’s hard to give her a direct reply. If I think about it
like that, I guess her straightforwardness is one of her good points.

Marika Now, please excuse me, Raku-sama...

Raku Mhmm. I’ll treat you next time.

Marika Like I said, all you have to do is marry me.

Raku And like I said, that’s not happening.

Anyways, if you ever find yourself in trouble, gimme a shout. I’ll do anything…
within reasonable limits.

Marika I understand. When that time comes, I’ll be counting on you.

2c. Random Events

Phone call from Marika in the evening

Raku Oh, I’m getting a call.


Marika Hello, Raku-sama? It’s Marika. Excuse me for calling so late.

Raku Tachibana… what’s up?

Marika Do you have anything planned for this weekend, Raku-sama?

Raku I’ve got nothing planned so far.

Marika Perfect! Then would you like to go out with me? It’ll be a date!

Raku You haven’t forgotten that Chitoge and I are still going out, right?

Marika There’s no rulebook which says I cannot have fun with somebody who’s already
taken, right?
Besides, as long as nobody finds out, it’ll be okay!

Raku Hey, I’m not that kind of guy.

Marika Aw… well it’s no surprise. But that part of you is what makes you so attractive!
Then it’s fine if we simply hang out, right? As long as we do not do anything date-

Raku I guess, yeah.

Marika Then it’s decided! I’ll come to your house on the weekend, so be ready!

Raku Wait, I haven’t actually said anything!

Marika I’m getting excited already!

Raku Ahh… I guess it’s too late now. Just this time, okay?
Just make sure you don’t do anything weird.

Marika (giggle) It’s normally the girl who’s supposed to say that to the guy, Raku-sama.
Anyways, I’ll see you this weekend; it’s a promise!

Raku Okay, okay, it’s a promise. Now go to sleep. Don’t blame me if you’re tired

Marika Okay! Goodnight.

Raku Goodnight.
Marika I love you, Raku-sama.
(kiss sound)

Raku Hey, hey! I just said not to do anything weird -

Huh, she hung up already!
Goddamn, that Marika… she seriously does whatever wants...

Sudden event at Marika’s house

Raku Hey, this suit doesn’t look weird on me, does it? Could you also check my tie?

Marika It fit’s perfectly! My father will be delighted to see you.

Raku Okay, good.

Marika I’m so happy we’ll finally make our promise come true.
Every minute of waiting these past ten years was worth it.

Raku Yeah. To be honest, I didn’t think you’d be the one to open the pendant.
But a promise is a promise. From now on, I’ll only look at you.

Marika If you say it like that, it makes it sound as if you’re only marrying me because I
had the right key.

Raku Oh, my bad. I didn’t mean it like that.

Marika I know. Besides, this is no longer about just us two anymore.

Raku What do you mean?

Marika We’re here to tell my father about your decision to marry me along with that other
news, right?
So try your best, Raku-sama - no…

Raku Papa?

Raku (Heavy breathing)

Chitoge Could you not sleep talk in the middle of class?

Raku … Papa.

Chitoge What?

Raku Thank God, it was only a dream…

Sudden event in the hallway

Raku We have gym next, so I should get ready and change.

??? Guess who it is!

Raku Ah!

??? Guess who it is!

Raku Well obviously it’s…

Choices Choose “橘だろう?”

Raku Tachibana, right?

Marika Correct!
You’ve completely memorized the sound of my voice!

Raku Well, yeah… It’s not that big of a deal.

Running into Marika in the morning

Marika Raku-sama! Good morning.

Raku Hm? Oh, what brings you all the way over here?

Marika I wanted walk to school together like a lovey-dovey couple.

Raku You seriously walked all the way just to do that?

Marika I’ll do anything for love! That said, I’m a bit cold after walking here.
So please warm me up with your embrace!

Raku Hey, no clinging!

Marika Aw, you’re no fun.

Marika asks what you’re doing on saturday (Week 2 onwards)

Marika Raku-sama, what are you doing this weekend?

Raku What’s up, so suddenly?

Marika I’ll ask again. What are you doing this weekend?

Raku I don’t think I’m doing anything, aside from helping around the house.
Marika Really? Well now, if you’ll excuse me…

Raku What’s up with her? She isn’t as persistent as usual…

2d. Date Events

Saturday date with Marika

Otama Raku, Raku! I’m so bored! Play with me!

Raku Sorry but you’re gonna have to play by yourself today.

Otama But it’s the weekend! I said play with me!

Raku I just lent you a manga a second ago! I have to go out today anyways.
Oh, it looks like she’s here. I’ll be back later, so don’t cause any trouble, alright?

Otama Grr…

Marika Good afternoon, Raku-sama!

Raku Hey, Tachibana.

Marika Now let’s get going immediately!

Raku There’s not a single moment to rest with you around, huh?

Marika Of course, we can’t waste a moment of our day. Now let’s go have some fun!

Raku Geez, you and Otama are the same...

Marika Hm? What are you talking about?

Raku Oh, it’s nothing.

Marika I see...
Well anyways, let’s get going! The car’s just out front.

Raku The car? Where do you plan on taking me? It better not be a date…

Marika No worries, Raku-sama. It’s certainly not a date. Now, no more dawdling, let’s

Raku Ah! Don’t pull on my arm!

Marika After you.

Raku So we ended up coming to your room, huh? Is your dad not home?

Marika You don’t need to be so tense; he’s out for work-related business today.
Raku Well I can’t help but be tense when I’m in a girl’s room…

Marika Now, ahem.

Welcome back, honey!

Raku Huh?

Marika You said we couldn’t go on a date, so in exchange, we’re going to play house

Raku We’re playing house!?

Come on, we’re not children anymore; there’s no way I can do something this

Marika We used to do this all the time as kids! All you have to do is relive those

Raku Yeah, when we were kids. You can’t expect me to follow along at this age.

Marika That’s unfortunate. However, I will not let you leave until we play house, Raku-
Just imagine what my father would think if he came home and saw me reduced to

Raku Hey, that’s not fair!

Agh, alright, I got it! We’re only doing this until your dad comes back, okay?
Then you have to let me leave after.

Marika Of course! That will be enough for me.

Raku (Geez… her threats are never half-baked…)

(I may as well try to play along and get this over with as soon as possible, so I can
get out of here)

Marika Now where were we… oh right!

Welcome back, honey!

Raku Uhh… yeah… I’m home.

Marika You must be tired from work. I have both dinner and bath ready for you.

Raku Er… thanks, as usual.

Marika We’re married, after all!

Raku (Agh, this is so embarrassing! If I knew it was gonna come to this, I would have
rather gone out on a date!)

Marika Hmm… What did we do after this, back then?

Raku Don’t ask me, I honestly don’t remember anything.

Marika If I remember correctly, you used to copy what your father.
For example, “I’m goin’ out to beat some punks, so bring me my gun!”

Raku Ack! Out of everybody I copied him?

Marika And remember how my father used to scold us and said he’d arrest you for that?
Oh, I will go bring up drinks and snacks, since we’ll be eating.
Just a moment, Raku-sama.

Raku Ah, thanks.

Well, if we’re just talking and eating snacks it’s nothing out of the ordinary, I

(Now that I look at it, Tachibana keeps this room pretty much spotless.)
(What’s that over there?)
(What’s up with this childish drawing?)

Marika Raku-sa - I mean, honey! I brought back drinks and snacks for us.
First, let me pour you a glass.

Raku Thanks. We’re still not done playing house, huh?

Marika What were you looking at just now?

Raku Nothing really, I was just wondering what that painting was.

Marika Oh, that? You don’t remember it?

Raku What, have I already seen it once?

Hmm… I’m drawing a blank…
Is it by some famous artist?

Marika Hm… well, to me, I think it is the loveliest painting in the entire world.

Raku Really, now?

(I’m guessing she’s into that kind of art, huh? To me, it just looks like a crude
drawing. Maybe I’m the one out of the loop.)

Marika Okay, let’s continue from where we left off - we still have a long ways to go!
I just got a call from my father and he said he wouldn’t be coming home until late.
We could do whatever we want!

Raku No no, we’re not doing anything like that!

And when will I ever get to go home?

Marika No need to rush, honey! Just make yourself at home.

Otama …
How long do you intent to make me wait, Raku! I am getting hungry!
Sunday: giving a present to Marika

Raku Sunday, huh?

It’s not like I have anything important to do...

Choices 寝てすごす

Give somebody a present

Raku Now that I look around, there’s a lot of clutter in my room.

Otama If you have something you do not need, why not give it to somebody?

Raku I don’t think I have anything worthwhile, though.

Otama “It’s the thought that counts”, is it not? It all depends on who you give it to.

Raku Hah, where’d you learn that kind of expression?

Otama Aren’t I studious? So, who are you giving a present to?

Raku Hmm…

Choices 橘に・・・
To Tachibana… (4th choice)

Raku I guess I wanna give it to Tachibana.

Otama The police chief’s daughter? A fine choice.

I think one of these will be a good present.

Raku Lemme see...

Choices *this depends on your inventory, but you should have at least picked up
漢の詩 from the first sneaking mission. If you don’t have anything, Otama
will tell you to pick someone else or stop altogether.

漢の詩 (Han Poetry)

Raku I wonder if she’ll actually like this…

Marika Oh, Raku-sama! Have you finally turned around and come to propose? I’m so

Raku N-No!
You’ve been a big help recently so I was planning to give you this.

Marika Oh, what’s this...?

My, can I really have this?
Raku Of course, that’s why I brought it.
Anyways, I’ll be going now.

Marika Just a moment! Since you came all the way here, at least have a cup of tea before
you leave.

Raku Huh? If you don’t mind, sure.

(I enjoyed the rest of the day at Tachibana’s…)

Sunday: Call from Marika (weekend after Heart Event 4)

Raku Ugh…
It’s not even 7 in the morning. Who the hell’s calling me at this hour…

Marika Good morning, Raku-sama.

Raku Oh… Tachibana? Why are you calling so early in the morning?

Marika To tell you the truth, I’m in a lot of trouble right now. Could you please come help

Raku You’re in trouble?

Marika Yes… It’s something that can’t be solved without you here.

Raku Okay, no problem.

Marika You’re not going to ask for details?

Raku You helped me with the animals not too long ago and I promised you I’d help
whenever you needed me.
If I can do something about it, it doesn’t matter what it is.

Marika I knew I could count on you. I’ll text you the address, so let’s meet there.

Raku Got it, I’ll be there as soon as possible.

Marika I’ll be looking forward to it. I’ll see you soon.

Raku Looking forward to it?

Umm… this should be the right place, according to the text.
What kind of trouble could she possibly have at a place like this?
(But I already have a vague idea…)

Marika Raku-sama!

Raku Oh, Tachibana. Are you okay?

Marika Hm? What do you mean?

Raku … You said you were in some big trouble so you called me, right?

Marika …
… Oh!
Of course! I’m in a huge pinch!

Raku What was that long pause…

Don’t tell me you tricked me into coming here!?

Marika I would never try to trick you. I am in a huge pinch!

When I realized that I wouldn’t be able to see you this weekend, I thought I was
going to die of loneliness!

Raku Wait so this is…?

Marika As such, today we are going on a date!

Raku I knew it!

No, no! I didn’t come all the way here for something like this.

Marika And you said you’d do anything…

You didn’t mean any of those words?

Raku Hey, come on! Don’t start crying, or you’re gonna create a huge misunderstanding
with all these people.

Marika So will you come with me?

Raku Okay fine, I’ll go!

Marika Okay then, let’s have some fun!

Raku You were faking those tears!

You’re always trying to trick me into these things.

Marika Quickly, let’s go! Life is short, so we have to hurry!

Raku Stop pulling!

Marika Leeeeet’s Goooo!

Raku Well, no turning back now.

(I did promise her, so I’ll play along with Marika for today)

Marika Ahh! Look at the waterfall! The water’s splashing everywhere!

Raku Hey! If you keep pulling at me like that I can barely walk.

Marika But if I don’t get close the water will splash all over me.

Raku I’ll trade places with you, so just walk normally!

Marika It’s so dark! Save me, Raku-sama!

Raku Cut that out! You’re disturbing people around us by bouncing around like that.

Marika But I can’t see a thing in this place.

Raku We’re nearly past the deep sea area, so let’s keep moving.

Marika If I don’t hold on to you like this, I don’t think I can!

Raku Are you serious...

Marika Oh my, I tripped!

Raku Ack! You’re dragging me down with you!

Marika Ah! Some weird stuffed animal is chasing me! Save me, Raku-sama!

Raku Okay come on! That’s obviously not gonna happen. It’s just the aquarium’s

Marika So would you like to head to Penguin Corner?

Or maybe we should go back to where the polar bears were?

Raku Hold up… Just… lemme take a little break.

Marika Are you already tired? I still have plenty of energy left.

Raku Try being pulled in all directions non-stop and maybe you’ll understand...

Marika Oh, you don’t like it?

Raku Well, it isn’t bad… I guess.

Marika Then it should be all good! We’re finally alone without any interruptions, so I
want to hold your arm the entire time.

Raku Gimme a break...

Marika Now, where should be go next?

This place is so large, it’ll take the entire day to see all of it.

Raku I’m surprised you’re so energetic.

Marika Well yes. This is my first time at an aquarium.

Raku Wow, really? That’s kind of unexpected.

Marika Yes… I never really had many friends I could go with and whenever I was
invited, I held back and refused.

Raku Why’s that?

Marika I always wanted to come together with you for my first time.
Raku M-Me?

Marika You once talked about an aquarium when you were over at my house, do you
We promised to go together that time.

Raku … Sorry, I honestly have no recollection of it.

Marika It was something trivial, so I don’t blame you for forgetting.

However, for me, it was a precious memory.

Raku (I wonder why she holds those childhood memories so close to her…)
(For someone like me, who forgot she existed…)

Marika Raku-sama? Is something wrong?

Raku Alrighty, I’m fully recovered. Let’s go, Tachibana!

Marika Hm…?

Raku No time to waste!

Marika What is it, all of a sudden?

Raku Since we came all the way here, we should make as many memories as possible!
You held back all this time, so we have to make up for it!

Marika Oh, you… Always catching me off-guard with those kind of words.
My heart’s suddenly racin’, I dunno wha’ to do…
Eek! Pretend you didn’t hear that.

Raku What, your accent? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

Marika I practiced these mannerisms for all this time, so that I meet your visions of an
ideal girl.
But the smallest of things will cause me to revert back to my old habits. How

Raku You’re thinking too much about it. I think the way you talk now and the way you
talked back then are both cute.

Marika Huh? C-Cute?

Raku Yeah. It kinda feels nostalgic too, somehow.

Marika ---
If you say’t like that, Rakkun…
Just for today, I’ll talk like I did back then…
So I wantchu t’call me Marie.
And we can be together like old times.
Raku Yep, if that’s what you want.

Marika Thanks, Rakkun.

Raku Mhmm. Now let’s get going, Marie!

Marika Yeah!

Raku Oh man, I think we went through everything. I’m completely beat…

How’re you feeling, Marie?

Marika You worry too much about me, Raku-sama. I’m not as frail as you think I am.
And besides, it’s been a long time since I went all out like today. I was having too
much fun to feel tired.

Raku That’s good to hear.

Marika Thank you for being with me today, I had a lot of fun.

Raku So you’re back to how you usually talk. Calling you Marie is a little bit
embarrassing, so I’m gonna stop for now.

Marika Ah well, it was good while it lasted.

Now then, since we’ve exhausted the attractions, I would like to do something
more… adult-like.

Raku Adult-like?

Marika Take a look around - have you noticed anything?

Raku Lemme see… ack!

(There are couples left and right!)
(And they’re all...)

Marika They’re all kissing.

Raku Just how can you be so straightforward like that…

Marika Why don’t we take a break under the fountain over there?

Raku If we’re gonna take a break, let’s go over to the food court instead.

Marika Please excuse me… my body is completely fatigued and I cannot walk any further
than that fountain.

Raku You were full of energy just seconds ago!

Marika If we don’t hurry, all the good spots will be taken! Let’s go!

Raku See? You’re not tired at all!

Marika Quickly, Raku-sama!

Raku Okay, okay. It’s not like you’re going to listen to what I say at this point.

Marika It looks like you’ve begun to understand me.

Raku (I’ll do what she says until she’s satisfied, for now)

Marika Did you know?

There’s a legend regarding couples about this fountain.
Can you take a guess as to what it is?

Choices Live happily ever after

- Precisely. How keen of you, Raku-sama.
- If the couples kiss here, they’ll live happily ever after.
- As a girl, I’d like to believe in these kinds of tales.
- Of course, if it isn’t with you, it would be meaningless.
- Do you believe in stories like these?

Break-up no matter what

Choices That really depends on the person.

*probably wrong translation since I skimmed what she was saying. I will return to this if I have time

I’d like to believe it, if just a little.

- That’s great to hear.
- Hey, Raku-sama, would you like to test out whether the legend is true?
- Since you’re slow at these kinds of things, I will say it directly.
- I want to create one last special memory tonight.
- A memory that will make us live happily ever after.
- If I say it like this, you know what I mean, right?
- Please answer me, Raku-sama

Anagram キ  ス
1  2


Marika Yes, that’s correct.

Raku-sama, please kiss me.

I’ve been waiting for this day to come.

Now, please go ahead. I’m ready any time.

Raku Tachibana…

Marika Come, Raku-sama.

Please don’t make me wait… my heart is pounding.

Raku (Where am I supposed to kiss her?)


Where do you Touch anywhere aside from her head area, because Raku will engage in self-
want to kiss? harm if you actually try to kiss her and you’ll lose HP.

Raku There’s no way in hell I can do this!

Marika My, we’ve come all the way here and you want to stop now?

Raku Obviously! I almost got swept in by the atmosphere, but you know I have no right
to do something like that.
(Sorry, Onodera… and Chitoge. Just a moment later and I would have become the
worst human being on the planet!)

Marika Well, it’s alright.

I can’t say I didn’t try. At least you were captivated by me, if just for a moment.
I’m satisfied for tonight.
But still, Raku-sama, it would have been nice if you had a little bit more courage.

Raku Yeah, right. There’s no way I’d kiss someone who isn’t in a relationship with me.

Marika So you’re saying you’ve already done it with Kirisaki?

That’s so unfair! If that’s the case, there should be no problem in kissing me!

Raku No, I didn’t kiss her! You’re getting ahead of yourself.

Marika Oh phew, that’s good.

To be honest, I had no expectations of you kissing me in the first place.

Raku So you were just screwing with me?

Marika You’re so pure, just as you were as a child. It’s cute.

Raku And you’re playing around with that ‘pure’ man’s heart!
I’m outta here!

Marika Oh, wait! I didn’t mean to tease you so much!

Raku I don’t care! I’ve returned the favor, so my work is here done. See you later!

Marika Maybe I overdid it, a little…

To be honest, I was expecting something more…

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