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Wyn Salvador 11/30/18

8-Obedience Ms. Julienne C. Miranda

Happiness Depend on Us

Can you tell that you are happy now or are you finding a way to be happy?
What is happiness? Is happiness determined by receiving a gift or present from a
person. Or happiness is when you’re being with someone you love, your friends,
your family. Happiness is a very confusing feeling. Everyone deserve to be happy and
to make others happy.

Everyone want to be happy even me wants to be happy. But not everytime you
could be happy or I could be happy. Because after this happy feeling there is an
opposite feeling what we called sadness. I can say that happiness is when you are with
your friends, family, love ones. And it’s determined by the things that you want to a
person. But the memories when you are with a person is a deeper happiness. Because
if the things that the person gave to you it may broke. But the precious memories that
you made will be forever in your heart.

So right now I can say that there are a lot of ways to be happy. I wish that my
speech helped you to understand more about happiness. And how to be happy or ways
of being happy. So if I will ask you, What is happiness for you?

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