Appendix A.1 Poverty Criteria of The Ministry of Social Affairs

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Appendix A.1 Poverty Criteria of the Ministry of Social Affairs

Poverty Criteria Kepmensos 146 / HUK / 2013
No Criteria Variabel Operational Definition
1 Do not have a source of livelihood and poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household
/ or have a source of livelihood but do income income was below the poverty line
not have the ability to meet the basic

2 Having the most expenditure used to poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household

meet the simple basic foods exp expenditure mostly used to meet
consumption basic food consumption
3 Unable to or difficult to seek medical poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household
treatment, except for community health health needs were insufficient
health centers or subsidized by the
4 Can not afford to buy clothes once a poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household did
year for each household members clothes not buy clothes in the past year
5 Having the ability to only send their poor_ It is equal to1 if the household
children to junior high school educ education needs were insufficient for
education children
poor_ It is equal to 1 if there are any
school household members aged <18 were
not attending school
6 Having a house wall made of bamboo/ poor_ It is equal to 1 if most of the outer
wood/ walls which are not in a good wall walls of the house was made of wood
condition, low quality. Including walls / board / plywood / bamboo / cubicle
that are worn and mossy or not type
7 The condition of floor that were made poor_ It is equal to 1 if the widest floor
of by soil or wood/ cement/ ceramics floor were made of wooden / board /
with poor condition, low quality bamboo / soil type
8 The roof was made of palm fiber / poor_ It is equal to 1 if most of the roof
thatch or tile / zinc / asbestos with roof were made of leaf / palm type
poor condition or low quality
9 Have lighting in residential buildings, poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household did
but not from electricity without meters electric not use electricity

10 The floor area of a house is less than 8 narrow_ It is equal to 1 if the floor area of the
m2 / person floor house was < 8m2 times the number
of household members
11 The drinking water sources comes poor_ It is equal to 1 if the main drinking
from wells or unprotected springs / water water source used by households
river water / rain water were rainwater / river / river pool /
Source: Kepmensos 146 / HUK / 2013 (processed)
Appendix A.2 Poverty Criteria of the Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia
Poverty Criteria CBSI (PSE05)
No Criteria Variabel Operational Definiton
1 The income of the head of the poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household head's
household is: a farmer with an area of income income is less than Rp. 600,000 per
500m2, farm laborers, fishermen, month
construction workers, plantation
laborers and / or other occupations
with income below Rp. 600,000 per
2 Consumed meat/milk/chicken only poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household
once a week meat consumes meat (beef, chicken, pork,
etc.) <= 1 time a week
poor_ Same as 1 if the household consumes
milk milk, cheese, butter, and its kind <= 1
time a week
3 Only able to eat as much as one / two poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household eats
times a day eat <= 2 times a day
4 Unable to pay for medical expenses at poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household health
the community health center / health needs are insufficient
5 Only buy one set of new clothes a poor_ It is equal as 1 if the household was
year clothes not buying clothes in the past year
6 Having a house wall made of poor_ It is equal to 1 if most of the outer
bamboo/ wood/ walls which are not in wall walls of the house was made of wood
a good condition, low quality. / board / plywood / bamboo / cubicle
Including walls that are worn and type
mossy or not plastered
7 Type of residential floor is made of poor_ It is equal to 1 if the widest floor
soil / bamboo / cheap wood floor were made of wooden / board /
bamboo / soil type
8 Household lighting sources do not use poor_ It is equal to 1 if the household did
electricity electric not use electricity
9 The floor area of a house is less than narrow_ It is equal to 1 if the floor area of the
8 m2 / person floor house was < 8m2 times the number of
household members
10 The drinking water sources comes poor_ It is equal to 1 if the main drinking
from wells or unprotected springs / water water source used by households
river water / rain water were rainwater / river / river pool /
11 Do not have toilet facilities/ shared poor_ It is equal as 1 if the household
with other households toilet defecates not in its own toilet
12 Fuel for daily cooking is firewood / poor_ It is equal as 1 if the household cooks
charcoal/ kerosene oven with kerosene / firewood / charcoal /
13 The highest education of household poor_ It is equal to 1 if the head of the
heads: not going to school / not educ household has graduated from
completing elementary school / elementary / did not pass junior high
completing elementary school school
14 Do not have savings / goods that are poor_ It is equal to 1 if a household does
easily sold with a minimum of Rp. vehicle not have a vehicle
500,000, - such as credit motorcycle/ poor_ It is equal to 1 if the house occupied
non-credit loans, gold, livestock, house is not his own
motor boats, or other capital goods. poor_ tv It is equal to 1 if the household does
not have a television
Source: The SMERU Research Institute 2016 (processed)

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