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Name of Student: Jherra Celestine B.



STEPS Return 1 2 3 PE
1. Get medication card. Check with doctor’s order.
2. Arrange medication card on tray.
3. Place container with respective cards on tray.
4. Proceed with the preparation of medication.
5. Read medication card carefully.
6. Get medications one at a time from cubicle reading
label carefully and compare it with medicine ticket.
For liquid Medication
1. Read label before taking from the cubicle.
2. Read label before pouring.
3. Measure dosages accurately by pouring
medication at eye level and placing the
thumbnail on the medicine glass indicating
the prescribe dose.
4. Pour medication opposite the label of the
5. Wipe mouth of the bottle with tissue paper.
6. Read label of the medication before putting it
back to cubicle.
For the tablets, capsules caplets and spansules medicines
1. Read label before taking from the cubicle.
2. Read label and stock before placing it in a
3. Read label and stock before returning it back
to the medicine cubicle.

7. Place medicine in their proper container beside each

respective card.
8. Carry tray and medication to respective patients.
9. Ask patient’s name, verify with medication cards.
Prepare water if not contraindicated.
10. Place towel under chin as necessary.
11. Support back of neck of a bed patient in giving
medications. Give medications.
12. Follow with water if not contraindicated. Wipe
mouth with towel.
Note: if a number of medications are to be given liquid
medicine should be given last.
13. Turn each medicine card face down on corner of
tray after giving medication.
14. Leave patient comfortable.
15. Soak medicine glass in Lysol solution 5% for 30
16. Wash with soap and water and scald.
17. Return to proper places.
18. Return medication cards after proper recording.
19. Chart medications whether given, refused, or
20. Ability to answer question:

A type of medication that is given to a patient by mouth as ordered by the physician.
1. To provide medications that has systematic effects/local effects on the gastrointestinal
tract or both.
2. To cure client’s certain diseases
3. To make the patient have his/her fast recovery
1. Check the drug label three times
2. Secure the appropriate amount of drug as per order by physician.
3. Use always the medicine ticket to make sure that you are giving the right medicine to the
right patient.
1. Medicine Ticket
2. Disposable Medication Cup
3. Trays
4. Medicine/Drugs
5. Tissue Paper
6. Glass of Water
7. Towel
8. Lysol Solution
9. Soap
1. To prepare for the procedure
2. To save time and effort
3. To have an organized work
4. To save time and effort
5. To avoid errors in giving the medicine
6. Organization of supplies saves time and reduces the chances of errors.
For liquid medications
1. To make sure you are giving the exact amount of medicine to be taken by the patient
2. To avoid unnecessary errors
3. To make sure that you are giving the exact amount of medicine to be taken by the patient
4. To keep the label from getting soiled from the liquid medication
5. Prevent the cap from getting sticky
6. This third check further reduces the risk of error
For tablets, capsules, caplets, and spansules medicine
1. To make sure that you are giving the right medicine to the right patient
2. Certain medications have a specified time frame at which they expire and need to be
reordered by the primary care provider.
3. This third safety check reduces the chances of errors.
Continuation of Liquid Medication
7. To make sure that you are giving the right medicine to the right patient
8. To prepare for the administration of medicine
9. To know the right patient for the certain medicine and information can facilitate
acceptance of and compliance with therapy
10. To avoid aspirating the medicine to the lungs
11. To avoid spillage of medicine to the patient’s clothing
12. To provide comfort and to remove debris of medicines from the mouth
13. To know if the medicines were already administered
14. For the patient to be relaxed
After Care
15. To reduce the number of microorganisms
16. To sterilize the medicine glass
17. To have an organized work
18. To prepare for next use
19. For documentation purposes
Kozier, Barbara, et al. Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice tenth edition,
Pages 801-805

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