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PAKISTAN PETROLEUM LIMITED WELL ADHI -14 (W/O- 2) WELL COMPLETION POLICY NOTE TSPE/5.2/ADHI-14 (W/O-2) OUTFIT: SPA-1 ‘Abdul Malik Kakar Suhail Qadeer Chief Engineer Senior Manager Producti (Production) Engineering 1 February, 2011 CONTENTS ‘A, INTRODUCTION B. OBJECTIVE C. HOLE CONFIGURATION D. PERFORATION RANGES E. PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE, GENERAL DATA F. ESTABLISHMENT G. EQUIPMENT & MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS H. PREPARATION | WELL COMPLETION Downhole Equipment Layout APPENDIX: Appendix-| Guidelines for Well Completion INTRODUCTION Well Achi-14 (T/k) was drilled as a development well within Adhi Mining lease to a total depth of 3,400m BKB (TD). The well was plugged back to 3,384m BKB and completed as a dual string producer from Tobra & Khewra formations through 2-3/8" tubing using 5" ‘DB’ permanent and 7” ‘GT’ retrievable dual packers in July, 2003. To enhance deliverability of the well by fracturing it hydraulically, a workover was cartied out in January-March, 2010. Hydraulic fracturing job on Tobra formation was successfully executed, whereas Khewra formation could not be fractured due to requirement of very high break-down pressure. Finally, the well was re-completed as dual string producer and completion integrity was checked/ confirmed. Sep/ sleeve from the short string could not be retrieved before rig release, which resulted in extra rig days due to fishing/ milling operations and consequently the well had to be killed and short string above ‘BA’ safety valve landing nipple was pulled back. Proppant accumulated across the Sep/ sleeve was found to be the reason of its sticking. Short string was re-run with a new safety valve landing nipple. The rig was released on 28 March 2010 after necessary completion integrity testing (CIT). The well was put on production after installing the surface fittings. However, the production annulus (annulus biw 7° casing and 2 3/8" tubing strings) was found pressurized after few days of production. The investigative work aimed at identifying the possible source of leakage confirmed communication between short string and the annulus, and 7" dual packer found to be the most suspected point of leakage. Second workover on the well was accordingly planned to rectify the pressure communication problem. Leakage in the tie-down bolts was reported before the rig move for the second workover, therefore the well was killed in emergency on 26-29 December 2010. SCSSSV ot the short string could not be retrieved during the killing operations due to accumulation of proppant across it. The workover operations commenced on 12 January 2011. Alter necessary weil killing, X’Mas Tree was N/D and BOP was N/U. Short string above the dual packer was POOH, whereas attempts to unset the dual packer with the help of straight over pull (maximum of 25 tones) proved unsuccessful. The long string was accordingly cut above the scoop head and was POOH. The dual packer was later unset at an over-pull of 35 tones and retrieved alongwith tail assembly of short string with the help of Overshot during the fishing job (long string and short string were cut above and below the scoop head respectively). The plan is to complete the well with Baker's downhole equipment including surtace controlled subsurface safety system, 5” permanent packer, Halliburton’s 7” retrievable dual packer & Travelling joint and 2-3/8" tubing etc. The tubings-casing annulus will be filled with 1.02 SG filtered inhibited KCI brine OBJECTIVE This note is intended primarily to provide guidelines and procedures for running the dual string completion equipment and installing X’Mas tree in a sate and efficient manner However. it operationally required, deviation from this program may be made under consultation with SMPE, HOLE CONFIGURATION The hole configuration is as follows: DEPTH (mBKB) | CASING SIZE WEIGHT AND GRADE 0-156.5 30° 0.625" WT, API X-52, SAW °R" PxB 0- 597.5 24%" 165 Ib/ft K-55, BTC threads Casing 0- 1,591.0 18 5/6" 96.5/139 lbvit K-5SIN-80, , BTC threads Casing [023290 | 13.a/e" x14" | 68/99 loft P-110, BTC threads Casing 1,889.0-2,6160 | 95/8" 53.5 Ibftt P-110, BTC threads Liner 0- 3,192.0 r 29 Init N-80, AMS threads Casing 3,138.0- 3,398.0 | 5" 18 Ib/it SM-110, VAM FJL. PERFORATION RANGES Khewra and Tobra formations were perforated using 2-7/8" HSD, HMX, 6 SPF, 60° Phasing PowerJet 2906 charges. in the following ranges: 1. Tobra 3,201.5m-3,204.0m (2.5m) 3,206.0m-3,209.0m (3.0m) 3,209,5m-3,215.0m (5.5m), [Re-perforated with 3 1/8" 6 SPF guns during WO-1] 3,217.0m-3,221.0m (4.0m) 3,226.5m-3,227.5m (1.0m) {Total = 16.0m) I. Khewra 3,319.5m-3,324.5m (5.0m), [Re-perforated with 3 1/8" 6 SPF guns during WO-1} 3,325.0m-3,327.0m (2.0m), [Perforation added during WO-1] 3,328.0m-3,333.0m (6.0m), [Perforation added during WO-1] 3,335.0m-3,338.0m (3.0m) (Total = 15.0m) PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE & GENERAL DATA The bottomhole pressure and temperature data acquired recorded in 2009 is given hereunder: Tobra: SIBHP 4,130 psia @ 3,115.05m SIBHT 220% Khewra’ SIBHP 4,346psia @ 3,297.94m SIBHT 2a1°F Ground Elevation 527.0 mami Kelly Bushing Elevation 535.9 mami. Greenwich Coordinates Lat. 33°10' 02.25" N Long. 73°11'41.07°E ESTABLISHMENT Company Site Representative (CSR) will be the in-charge of well operations during completion supported by Production Engineer under the guidance of SMPE from the Head Office. PPL's Completion Team Deputy Chief Engineer Production Production Engineering Asstt. Engineers (Production) ~Preduction Engineering SMJO/ PEIC-Adhi to please provide necessary support (if required) during completion operations such as manpower, tools, spares, redress kits and hydrautic oil ete Service Companies Services of M/s Weatherford will be available for running-in the tubing strings. Services of M/s ETS will be available for Slickline operations. Services of M/s Sprint will be available for CT/ Nitrogen Kick-off operations. Services of Ms Scomi will be available for brine filtration services (completion fluid) Halliburton’s Completion Engineer will be available at site EQUIPMENT & MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS, Outfit Contractor's outfit SPA-1 will be available during well completion operations. Downhole/ Wellhead Equipment The downhole/ wellhead completion equipment is procured through following purchase orders: Downhole Equipment i) Baker downhole equipment ii) Halliburton’s. model ‘ROH’ 7" Dual retrievable packer and Travel Joint. DH equipment retrieved trom hole will be re-run 4500025755 2 Tubing i) 2 3/8"-4.74, TPS-Muttiseal-TS-8' (Interchangeable w/ Hydril ‘CS') Tubing (L-80). — 6,500 meter Tubing retrieved from hole ii) 2 9/8'-4.7#, ‘TPS-Muttiseal-TS-8' (Interchangeable | will be re-run w/ Hydril ‘CS') Tubing (L-80) with special clearance OD tubing for installation above 'BA’ Nipple. ~ 200 meter Z Z iii)2 3/8"-4.7#, 'RTS-8' (Interchangeable w/ Hydnil‘CS}) | Special clearance _ joints Tubing (L-80) with special clearance OD (20, 15, 10, | retrieved from hole will be re- 6,3, and 2 tt) two sets run 3 Spares for Wellhead and X’Mas Tree Equipment 4500023141 X’Mass Cleaning and Pressure Testing The X'Mas tree will be cleaned and pressure tested at +6,000 psi Work String/ Scrapers/ Pipe Rams Work string for running scraper and pipe rams suitable for 2 3/8" string will be available from Dnlling Contractor. Tubular Handling Tools Running’ handling tools required tor running 2 3/8" completion (including dual slip and elevator) will be arranged on rental basis from M/s Weatherford. Completion Fluid ‘Completion will be run in the 1.02 Sp. Gr. Inhibited filtered KC! brine system. Chemicals for the preparation of water base completion fluid are given below: Corrosion Inhibitor 1 drum / 100 bbls Oxygen Scavenger 1 drum / 100 bbls Bio Cide 1 drum / 100 bbls Caustic Soda 0.5 Ibs/ob! ‘Change-Over Inhibited filtered KCI brine will be changed-over prior to start of the completion operations. Flareline Hook-up i) Flareline already installed for well killing will be utilized during post completion clean-up. PEIC-Adhi to please arrange necessary fittings and flareline at the end of completion operations. PREPARATION Check flareline and flare stack are properly anchored to allow safe flaring of produced fluids during completion! well bring-in operations. Make necessary arrangements to hook-up side valve(s) of X’Mas tree with the flareline. WELL COMPLETION Guidelines and sequence of operations for running-in dual string downhole completion equipment and installing X’Mas tree are given in Appendix. APPENDIX-1 WELL COMPLETION NOTE: THESE ARE GENERAL GUIDELINES; ACTUAL SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS! REQUIREMENTS SUBJECT TO EXISTING WELL CONDITIONS AND MAY DEVIATE THIS PROGRAM WITH THE CONSULTATION OF SMPE. A. PREPARING COMPLETION EQUIPMENT i) Check operation of all SSDs, Blanking Plugs, Equalizing Check Valves, Separation Sleeves, and Sub-surface Safety Valves with corresponding running’ pulling Slickline tools at surface. ii) Pressure test, SSDs, Sub-surface Safety Valves and the controt lines Expansion joint will be pressure test inside the hole. ii) Record IDs, ODs, part numbers and lengths of all equipment and prepare sub- assemblies. Counter check ODs to make sure that strings can be run one after the other. iv) All downhole completion equipment including tubing hanger to be drifted with Slickline tool of the largest outside diameter to be run through tubing/ completion section v) Tubing to be drifted, numbered with permanent marker, threads cleaned and separated for short and long string before running. USE ONLY PLASTIC BRUSH FOR CLEANING OF THREADS. WIRE BRUSH SHOULD NOT BE USED. vi) Prepare pipe tally for long string and short string. vil) Both bores of the X’Mas tree to be drifted through their entire length with 2” BPY, using the BPV setting/retrieving tool viii) Inspect Tubing Hanger’ for any visible damage and ensure all the subcomponents are complete. ix) Pressure test X’Mas Tree Valves and Flanges to +6,000 psi. x) Recommended minimum make-up torque for 2 3/8" 4.7 # ‘TPS-muttiseal-TS-8° Grade L-80 tubing is 1,500 ft/lb. However, torque should never exceed 25% over the minimum i.e. 1,875 fil. xi) Check the X-overs for pressure testing the tubing and tubing to drill pipe are available. (Schematic of downhole completion assembly and X’Mas tree is shown in Figures-1 and 2 respectively). Hole Con rt ‘+ CSR/ Mud Engineer/ Production Engineer to please ensure that brine in the hole is properly conditioned prior to ruaning-int the completion. ‘+ Debris left by the cutting/ fishing, iFany, shall be properly circulated out B. RUNNING COMPLETION EQUIPMENT Following sequence of steps shall be followed during running-in of completion operations. (Appropriate crossovers to be used where necessary) Running Long String 1. M/up and RIM the following: a, 'G-22' Locator Seal Assembly (LSA), 2.348 m (effective Seal lengt Baker size 40-26, 2 3/8"-4.7# Hydril ‘CS’ Box x ¥z Mule Shoe. Tubing (1 joint), 2 3/8'-4.7# 'TPS-Multiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin. 'SLCMU’ SSD, Baker size 1.81" Baker, 2 3/8'-4.7# Hydril CS’ Box x Pin. Tubing Joints, 03 Nos. 2 3/8"-4.7# ‘TPS-Multiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin. Blast Joints, 12 Nos. (10ft each) 2 3/8"-4.7# Hydril ‘CS’ Box x Pin, against Tobra perforations, Tubing Joints, 11 Nos. 2 3/8°-4.7# TPS-Multiscal-TS-8' Box x Pin, to keep the 7" dual packer about 435m above the top of 5” liner. Setting depth for the dual packer shall be selected on the basis of UCIT/ USIT results. 42m), aeaos 2. On the catwalk, M/up the Seal Bore Receptacle assembly with Haliburton's size 26-32 lb/'t ‘ROH’ dual hydraulic set retrievable packer. P/up the assembly and Miup string with Long string mandre! of ‘RDH' dual packer. 3. M/up (at surface) the following as tail assembly of Short string: a. Wireline Re-entry Guide, 2 3/8"-4,7# Hydril‘CS' Box x Ye Mule Shoe. Spacer Tube, 2 3/8"-4.7# Hydril 'CS' Box x Pin, 108 long “RY Nipple, Baker size 1.78", 2 3/8'—4.7# Hydril ‘CS! Box x Pin. Perforated Spacer Tube, 2 3/8°-4.7# Hydril 'CS' Box x Pin, 10ft long. 'F Nipple, Baker size 1.78", 2 9/8"-4.7# Hydril‘CS' Box x Pin. Spacer Tube, 2 3/8"-4.7# Hydril 'CS' Box x Pin, 10ft long reece 4. P/up Short string tail assembly and M/up with short string mandrel of 'ROH’ dual packer, 5. Remove rotary bushings. RIH 'RDH' dual packer with Short string tail assembly. 6. M/up and RIH Tubing (01 joint), 2 3/8"-4.7# TPS-Multiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin 7. Rlup Slickline. RIH and set 1.81” FB-2 check valve in SSD and pressure test at 4.500 psi. 8. Retrieve 1.81” FB-2 check valve from 1.81” SSD. 10. " 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 17. 18, 19, 20, a Miup and RIH Tubing (39 joints), 2 3/8°-4.7# TPS-Multiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin, Miup and RIH Halliburton Expansion joint, 2 9/8'-4.7# OECO-A Box x Pin. Notes Expansion joint should be installed enough length above ‘ROH’ packer to ensure easy passage and entry of 'G-22' locator tubing seal assembly into the Short string seal bore, Miup and RIH Tubing (01 joint), 2 3/8"-4,7# 'TPS-Multiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin, Riup Slickline. RIH and set 1.81" F8-2 check valve in SSD and pressure test at 4,500 psi. Retrieve 1.81” FB-2 check valve from 1.81” SSD. M/up and RIH Tubing, 2 3/8"-4.7# TPS-Mukiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin, as required. Tag "DB packer with 'G-22' locator tubing seal assembly. Make sure that seal assembly has been stabbed into the packer bore. Ensure that locator of 'G-22' is in shoulders of DB packer and 'M' expansion joint is closed by Stt. At the surface, mark tubing for space out. Note: + Slowly lower the string until the seal assembly is 2 ft above the top of ‘DB’ packer. The up and down string weights must be observed prior to stabhing-in into the packer. + Phup to open the expansion joint and string weight below the expansion joint 10 place the string in neutral toeight. Also, note the string zright belove the expansion joint. Rup Slickline. RIH and set 1.81" F8-2 check valve in SSD and pressure test at 4,500 psi Retrieve 1.81" FB-2 check valve from SSD. Pull-back to depth where BA’ Nipple has to be installed (480m from the surface), space ‘out the completion Miup and RIH the following: a. Flow Coupling, 2 3/8'-4.7# Hydril CS’ Box x Pin, 6ft long b. ‘BA’ Safety Valve Landing Nipple, Baker size 1.875", 2 3/8"~4.7# Hydril 'CS' Box x Pin, with control line and Sep/ sleeve installed. Flow Coupling, 2 3/8"~4.7# Hydril 'CS' Box x Pin, 6ft long. Note: Test control line to + 6,500 psi and bleed off to 2,000 psi while running tubing strapped with control line Miup and RIM special clearance Tubing’ Pup joints (2 9/8"-4.7# ‘TPS-Multiseal-TS. xP) as per space out, strapping control line to tubing and carefully observing contro! tine. M/up double pin sub to the last tubing joint, Landing Long String Hanger 22, Ensure that lockdown screws and aligning pins operate freely and are fully retracted. 23. Screw the alignment pins in the tubing spool until the pins shoulder bottoms in spool. The angle should protrude in the ID of the tubing spool. Back out the alignment pins ¥2 turn 24. Prepare the Long string tubing hanger: a _Inspect the condition of the packing seal on the tubing hanger and replace any that are worn or damaged. b. Ensure the Swagelok male connector HSV manual sub is tightened properly in the tubing hanger. c. Check the tubing hanger tor any damage. Dress up if required. d. — M/up landing joint with the tubing hanger. 25. Land the hanger into the tubing spool a. Pup the tubing hanger & tubing and set this in slips such that the tubing hanger is at convenient height from the deck. b. Reel off approximately 12 additional tt of 4 * DHSV control line & cut i. c. Wrap the additional DHSV contol line around tubing below the tubing hanger. d. Insert the % * DHSV control line through % " thermocouple fitting and feed the DHSV control line through the tubing hanger and the DHSV mandrel sub. . Pull the DHSV control line to maximum and tighten the thermocouple fitting at the bottom of the tubing hanger. t Slide the additional thermocouple fitting over the top of the DHSV line and tighten the fiting into the top of DHSV mandrel sub. 9. _Use a tie strap wrapped around the tubing hanger to hold the excess control line in place. h. Make the DHSV control ine from the reel o the excess control line on the tubing hanger using a tubing union. Pressure test the contro! line from the reel. 26. Plup the Long string tubing hanger and orientate alignment angles on the bottom of the tubing hanger parallel with the alignment pins. 27. Slowly lower the Long string tubing hanger through the BOP stack and land it in the tubing spool load shoulder. Monitor the pressure on the OHSV control {ine as the tubing hanger is landed, 28. A mark can be painted on the landing joint prior to setting the tubing hanger to indicate when the tubing hanger is properly landed. The indicator mark will be even with the rotary table when the tubing hanger is set. 29. Back out the 2 3/8" landing joint. te: After landing it will be necessary f0 feed control line ant manifold through rig floor to the cellar so that Short string can be run with pressure on Long string control line and control line zoill not get in the tway of slips). Test control line to £6,500 psig. Bleed the pressure off 30. Install Back Pressure Vaive (BPV) in the Long string tubing hanger. Running Short String 31. M/up and IH the following: a. Secondary Seal Unit Assembly, 2 3/8’-4.7# Hydril'CS' Box x ¥» Mule Shoe. b, Tubing joint (01 No), 2 3/8"-4.78 Hydril ‘CS’ Box x Pin c. ‘SLOMU' SSD, Baker size 1.81” having 2.695" OD, 2 3/8°-4.7# Hydril ‘CS’ BxP. 32. M/up and RIH Tubing, 2 9/8'-4.7# TPS-Multiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin to +2.000 m meters. 8 Rlup Slickline. RIH and set 1.81" FB-2 check vaive in SSD and pressure test at 4,500 psi 34, Retrieve 1.81" FB-2 check vaive from 1.81" SSD. 35. M/up and RIK Tubing, 2 9/8°-4,7# TPS-Muliseal-TS-8' Box x Pin as required, 36. Rup Siickline. RIH and set 1.81" FB-2 check valve in SSD and pressure test at 4,500 psi 37. Retrieve 1.81" FB-2 check valve from SSD. 38, Tag Seal Bore receptacle assembly (SBR) with locator Secondary Seal Unit Assembly. Make sure that seal assembly has been stabbed into the SBR. Ensure that locator of Secondary Seal Unit Assembly is in shoulders of SBR. At the surface, mark tubing for space out Note: * Slowly lower the string until the seal assembly is 2 ft above the top of SBR. The up and down string covights must be observed prior to stabbing-in into the SBR. = Continue fo lower the string until the seal assembly bottonts out to the receptacle assembly. Apply 5,000 Ibs string tevight to confirm the seals have been located. Pfup the tubing to neutral rovight 39. Mark pipe at surface for space out keeping No-Go locator 2 fl above Seal Bore Extension. 40. Pullback to point where ‘BA’ Nipple is to be installed (+70 m from the surface). 41, M/up and RIK the following: a, Flow Coupling, 2 3/8'-4.7# Hydril ‘CS! Box x Pin, 6tt long b. __'BA’ Safety Valve Landing Nipple, Baker size 1.875", 2 3/8"-4.7# Hydril ‘CS’ Box x Pin, with control line and Sep/ sleeve installed. c. Flow Coupling, 2 3/8'~4.7# Hydril ‘CS’ Box x Pin, 6tt long. Note: Test control line to +6,500 psi and bleed off to 2,000 psi while running tubing strapped with coutrol line 42. M/up and RIH special clearance Tubing/ Pup joints (2 3/8’-4.7# ‘TPS-Multiseal-TS-8' Box x Pin) as per space out. strapping control line to tubing and carefully observing control line. 43. M/up double pin sub to the last tubing joint. Landing Short String Hanger 44, Prepare the Short string hanger as per step-24 45. Land Short string hanger in tubing spoo! as mentioned in steps-25 thru 28. 46, Screw in the tubing hanger lockdown screws to energize the packing seal and lock the dual tubing hanger. Note: + Picking-up of the Long string may be required for proper landing of dual split tubing hanger © Duil Slip & Evaluator shall be available onsite at the time of land hnunger: ig dual split tubing 47. Install Back Pressure Valve (BPV) in the Short string tubing hanger. Setting Dual Packer 48. POOH BPV fram Short string. 49. Riup Slickline equipment on Short string. a. POOH Sep! sleeve from 'BA’ Nipple. b. _ RIH and set 1.78" FB-2 Check valve in 'F Nipple. c. install Sep/ sleeve in 'BA' Nipple. 50. Pressurize Short string in increments of 500 psi as per instructions of Halliburton’s Completion Engineer and hold for +10 minutes. 51. Test completion by pressurizing tubing/ casing annulus to + 1,000 psi for +20 minutes. Installing X'Mas Tree 52. NID the BOP stacks and move it aside 53. Disconnect the excess control line at the tubing union. 54. Use properly inspected ring joint gasket onto the top of the tubing spool body and pre fill the area on top of the dual tubing hanger. 56. Bring the control line out the top of the tubing hanger while the X’Mas tree is suspended approximately 20° above the tubing head flange. Wrap the 1/4" line, loosely. approximately three times around the tubing. The final wrap (the top one) should be pulled upward so that the control line is nearly horizontal with the exit port on the bottom flange of the tree. The line can then be slipped through the 3/8° port hole and out the exit. As the tree is lowered onto the tubing head the wrapped coils will compress safely into the cavity between the tubing hanger and X’Mas tree bottom flange. 56. Orientate the X’Mas tree assembly as per requirement. 57. Slowly lower the X’Mas tree while pulling the control lines through 3/8” port at the same time to avoid them being trapped or being kinked. 58, Release all weight and make up the flange connection between the solid block X’Mas tree and the tubing spool. 59. Slide the %" NPT connecter fitting over the top of the control line and tighten the fitting into the solid black X’Mas tree body. 60. Pressure test the cavity between the ring joint gasket, dual tubing hanger to tubing spool and tubing hanger seal to solid block X’Mas tree by applying a maximum test pressure of 5,000 psi to the test port in the bottom flange of X’ Mas tree. 61. Pressure tests the control fine by applying a maximum of 5,000 psi to the ¥% fitting connector C. POST-COMPLETION OPERATIONS Long String Bring-in 1. Conduct pre job safety meeting 2. Rup Slickline equipment. POOH Sep/ sieeve from ‘BA’ Nipple. 3, Rfup CTU on the long string. 4, Conduct Pull test at 10,000 Ibs and pressure test BOP at 4,000 psi 5. Open the well in the flare pit through choke manifold 6. RIK CT to the depth of 1,000 meters and kick-off the well through Nitrogen. If the well does not flow, then RIH to the depth of 1,500 meters and kick of the well 7. Ridown CT. Flow the Khewra formation (flowing wellhead pressure not to fall below 65% of the static wellhead pressure) for + 6-8 hours’ to clean-up. Shut-in Long string, 8 Riup Slickline equipment. RIH and install 'BAAFVE’ SCSSSV in the ‘BA’ Nipple. Function test SCSSSV. 9. RYDown Slickline equipment. Short String Bring-in 10. Conduct pre job safety meeting, 11. Rlup Slickline equipment. POOH Sep/ sleeve from ‘BA’ Nipple. 12, Riup CTU on the short string. 13. Conduct Pull test at 10,000 Ibs and pressure test BOP at 4,000 psi. 14. Open the well in the flare pit through choke manifold. 15. RIK CT to the depth of 1,000 meters and kick-off the well through Nitrogen. If the well does not flow, then RIH to the depth of 1,500 meters and kick of the well 16. Flow the Tobra formation (flowing wellhead pressure not to fall below 65% of the static wellhead pressure) for + 6-8 hours’ to clean-up. Shut-in Short string. 17. Rlup Slickline equipment. RIH and install 'BAAFVE’ SCSSSV in the 'BA’ Nipple. Function test SCSSSV, Rig Down 18. Ridown Rig outit D. TIME BREAK DOWN 1. Pre-completion Operations 2.0 days 2, Running-in Completion Equipment 4.0 days 3. Post-completion Operations 3.0 days 4. Contingency 1.0 day TOTAL (COMPLETION) DAYS WITH OUTFIT 10.0 days Figure-1 (not Ta Sena) PAKISTAN PETROLEUM LIMITED ‘ADHI GAS CONDENSATE FIELD wen Rae Aan 0-2) ‘cxnng Ten tawehfapieae [10 Ne WO! Work Over sre fess a ou: eet sna i ae | Lone sac. L 2 [eoae Tae, 8 rya CS ox | [Peta Space uke, 298 ya 0 Bx 20 595 5 |i Sine F Toph Colpoe, 239'Fy3 CSTE 2, rc 7 Fitrgae 298 Fy 0S Pre ST Rew a Bae 2 > [es 28 Baer OG" Roane rod a 2a To [asesoze Gar Lah 2383 CS Box 1a WS, Bie =| Tt get Tube. 726 TPS Waar 50 Box Pe Bare ie ns Joes cng. 236° TPS tase 7S Bo 2a i [Rod Ban Packie 252 Be Se d Frag.onte 29 TPS Mises TE Gan Pa. frag P28" Temas TeeSs 7 [a ener wage 7 aera Fa BEBE 8 5 fe Saige CS 2 25 [Pupiore.2 18 TPS MaMteoai TSO BP =: 2375, — > Se wemeneencaa| ara ae Posse 238 140 0 Bo sit ise [oma Fars CS oP Ea 13 Snr Sng 5 is ster Sa ra pos Bir SUC S60 Ss Ose 70 HTCEETE Sa Ta Roper roe romeo On a Tae [Ravcaprs 73ers tsa ear (tua Goreltion at = (te Howes Corsi a fea Se ge Saw Vi CHT ae ia pee eae i [Sons tleorance Tog. 2 38° TPS Muliseal TSS 6 xP 2275 5995 esas feniienconnea eT eee TS eal Tana TAT PEROT : DEMS OECOM Tre noQucToN encneEMNG DEPARTMENT cmon wntyer'es bearoan aT oTe rerses or sansinon [cies ease ate Poovey Salona (2 570 wry (ape yn (sre an) Fict INSTALLATION ON LOWER DUAL BLOCK 110-5 : VALVE & K-MAS TREE ASSEMBLY Tesamer Otted 7c” Wathead Sen

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