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Richard Shweder- “Cultural traditions & social practices 2.

Public- generalized view of self, how others view

regulate…” you
Ancient Grecian Philosopher sees humans as the bearers of 3. Collective- view of self in a collective concept
irreplaceable values. Self-Development- lifelong commitment to learning
Thomas Aquinas- believed that the body constitutes Helen Keller- “The best & most beautiful things in the world
individuality. cannot be seen or touched- they must be felt w/ the heart
Frank Johnson- 4 categories of self 1. Beauty is objective
1. Analytical- reality as an aggregate of parts 2. Beauty is subjective
2. Monotheistic- unitary explanations of St. Augustine- it gave delight
phenomena Plato- response to love and desire
3. Individualistic- self-expression & self- Aristotle- demonstrated by mathematical sciences
actualization are important David Hume- “Beauty is no quality in things themselves.
4. Materialistic/rationalistic- discredit information Immanuel Kant- “The judgment of taste is therefore not a
that do not use analytic deductive judgment of cognition,…”
VEDAS- earliest religious writings in the East Francis Hutcheson- “The perception of beauty does depend
Chants&Hymns- unified w/ the creator on the external sense of sight;”
Brahman (Hindu Text)- true nature of man/ divine universal Cognitive Bias- an error in reasoning
consciousness/ self that is all within us Halo effect- rate attractive individuals
-“Change your perception of the William James- self-esteem
world to perceive the Brahman…” Body image- how you view your physical body
Buddhism- SELF is not an entity, a substance, or essence/ it is Positive body image- accept yourself the way you are
a dynamic process Subconscious mind- will contradict you
-taught ANNATA(“no-self or no-soul”)- “self” is an Self-image problem- when your looks do not match your
illusion beauty standards
Confucianism- of spirit, of body, or of essence does not exist/ Female sex “fundamental”
that of personality SRY- Sex Determining Region of the Y Chromosomes
4 Beginnings: Puberty- stage of development at w/c individual become
Jen- compassion/sympathy towards others sexually mature
Yi- righteousness/ rightness & respect FEMALE
Li- propriety/ not demonstrating your inner attitude 8-11- ovaries enlarge & hormone production starts
Chih- wisdom/ jen, yi, li into practice 8-14- breast development/ 1st stage of Pubic Hair/ height &
Personality- state of moral excellence weight increase
Confucian Concept- embedded within the family & society 9-15- whitish discharge from the vagina/ first period
Taoism- rejects the hierarchical view of the self, society or 10-16- triangular pattern of growth
cosmos 12-19- final stage
Chuang-Tzu- a mystic & unmatched brilliance in China/ “The MALE
perfect man has no self; the spiritual man has no 9-12- No visible signs of development/ hormones become a
achievement; the true sage has no name” lot more active
Nafs- by the Holy Qur’an/ self- progress into becoming 9-15- height increase/
“good” 11-16- penis starts to grow/
Collectivism- duty to groups to w/c we belong, & to group 11-17- voice continues to deepen
harmony. 14-18- shaving is necessity
Individualistic cultures- moral worth of the individual Erogenous zones- highly sensitive to stimuli
Patricia Licuana- strengths of Filipino character is our deep Nonspecific type- haired skin,hair-follicle, pleasurable
love & concern for the family sensation, axilla
Collectivistic Culture- interdependence & harmonious Specific type- mucocutaneous regions, acute perception,
relatedness w/ one another genital regions
3 aspects of self-concept: Prepuce- retractable fold of skin
1. Private- mental processes that perceive one’s Penis- male erectile organ of copulation
own traits & behaviors Female External Genitalia:
-mons pubis
-clitoris -Cervical Mucus (ovulation) method- Billing’s Method- color
-labia majora- fleshy lips around the vagina & viscosity of the cervical mucus
-labia minora- inner labia, inner lips, vaginal lips,… 75%- pre-ejaculation fluid that contains a few spermatozoa
-Vaginal Introitus- leads to the vaginal canal may cause fertilization
-Hymen- covers external vagina Oral Contraceptives- contain synthetic estrogen &
Perianal Skin- surrounding the anus progesterone
Lips- opening for food intake Transdermal Patch- a medicated adhesive patch that is
Nipples- raised region of tissue placed on the skin
Sexual Response Cycle- sequence of physical & emotional Vaginal Ring (Birth Control Ring)- inserted into the vagina
occurrence and slowly releases hormones through the vaginal wall
Masters&Johnson- pioneered research to understand human Subdermal Contraceptive Implant- delivery of steroid
sexual response progestin
Excitement- lubrication begins Hormonal Injection- once every 3 months/ keeping the
Plateau- clitoris becomes highly sensitive ovaries from releasing the egg/ thickens cervical mucus
Orgasm- ejaculation of semen Intrauterine Device- T-shaped plastic devise wrapped in a
Resolution- refractory period copper/ killing sperm
Emotions and feelings originated in limbic system Chemical Barriers- spercimides, cause death of sperm before
1. Oxytocin- “love hormone” they can enter the cervix
2. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone(FSH)- responsible for Diaphragm- dome-shaped barrier, block sperm entering the
ovulation in females uterus
3. Luteinizing hormone (LH)- produce testosterone Cervical Cup- cover the cervix
4. Vasopressin- male arousal phase Male condoms- placed on the erect penis
5. Estrogen and Progesterone- regulate motivation to Female Condoms- prevents bodily fluids and semen from
engage in sexual behavior for female. entering the vagina
3 stages of Falling in love- Surgical Methods-
Lust (erotic passion)- physical attraction -Vasectomy- permanent male contraception method
Attraction (romantic passion)- craving for your partner’s -Tubal Ligation- disrupts the movement of the egg to
presence the uterus
-Norepinephrine- extra surge of energy
-Dopamine- motivation and goal-directed behavior
- Serotonin- obsessive thinking
Attachment (commitment)- desire to have lasting
Sexual Orientation- person’s emotional & erotic attraction
toward another individual
Gender Identity- one’s sense of being
Intersex- born mix male & female
Asexual- does not desire sexual activity
Sex- label male or female
Gender- relations between men and women
Gender Identity- one’s innermost concept of self as male,
Sexual Orientation- inherent or immutable enduring
emotional, romantic or sexual
Kathoey- described as transgender in western cultures
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)- acquired through
sexual contact
-Rhythm (calendar) method- predict she will ovulate
-Basal body temperature monitoring- contraceptive method

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