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Computer Science 30

Student Handouts

Miss. Aqsa Jamil (Lecturer)

GOME Computer Education and Training College, Samundri |

Table of Contents

Computer Philosophy......................................................................................................................... 1
COMPUTER STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
First generation (1940 - 1956) ................................................................................................................................. 1
Second generation (1956 - 1963) ............................................................................................................................. 1
Third generation (1964 - 1971) ................................................................................................................................ 1
Fourth generation (1972 – 2010) ............................................................................................................................. 2
Fifth generation (2010 to present) ........................................................................................................................... 2
Architecture of Computer System ............................................................................................................................ 3
Four steps of Machine cycle ..................................................................................................................................... 4
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Assembly Languages ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Computer High Level Languages .............................................................................................................................. 7
Selection of a Computer Language .......................................................................................................................... 7
COMPUTER SCIENCE ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
What is Computer Science?.................................................................................................................................... 10
Computer Science Disciplines ................................................................................................................................. 10
Comparing Computer Science Careers ................................................................................................................... 11
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: ............................................................................................................................................ 12

Computer Application ...................................................................................................................... 15

COMPUTER SOFTWARE..................................................................................................................................................... 15
WEB APPLICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
MOBILE APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
EDUCATIONAL APPLICATION .............................................................................................................................................. 22

Computer Technologies ................................................................................................................... 24

GOOGLE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
ORACLE: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25
MICROSOFT ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
INTEL ............................................................................................................................................................................ 26
FACEBOOK ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
IBM: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 28

Computer Career .............................................................................................................................. 30

DATA SCIENCE ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
In-Demand Data Science Careers ........................................................................................................................... 30

Computer Philosophy
Computer Structure

Computer generations are based on when major technological changes in computers occurred, like
the use of vacuum tubes, transistors, and the microprocessor.

First generation (1940 - 1956)

The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes as a major piece
of technology. Vacuum tubes were widely used in computers
from 1940 through 1956. Vacuum tubes were larger components and
resulted in first generation computers being quite large in size, taking
up a lot of space in a room. Some of the first generation computers
took up an entire room.

The ENIAC is a great example of a first generation computer. It consisted of nearly 20,000
vacuum tubes, as well as 10,000 capacitors and 70,000 resistors. It weighed over 30 tons and took
up a lot of space, requiring a large room to house it. Other examples of first generation computers
include the EDSAC, IBM 701, and Manchester Mark 1.

Second generation (1956 - 1963)

The second generation of computers saw the use

of transistors instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors were widely
used in computers from 1956 to 1963. Transistors were smaller
than vacuum tubes and allowed computers to be smaller in size,
faster in speed, and cheaper to build.

The first computer to use transistors was the TX-0 and was
introduced in 1956. Other computers that used transistors include
the IBM 7070, Philco Transac S-1000, and RCA 501.

Third generation (1964 - 1971)

The third generation of computers introduced the use
of IC (integrated circuits) in computers. Using IC's in computers
helped reduce the size of computers even more compared to second-
generation computers, as well as make them faster. Nearly all
computers since the mid to late 1960s have utilized IC's. While the
third generation is considered by many people to have spanned
from 1964 to 1971, IC's are still used in computers today. Over 45

years later, today's computers have deep roots going back to the third generation.

Fourth generation (1972 – 2010)

The fourth generation of computers took advantage of the
invention of the microprocessor, more commonly known as a
CPU. Microprocessors, along with integrated circuits, helped
make it possible for computers to fit easily on a desk and for the
introduction of the laptop.

Some of the earliest computers to use a microprocessor include

the Altair 8800, IBM 5100, and Micral. Today's computers still use a microprocessor, despite the
fourth generation being considered to have ended in 2010.

Fifth generation (2010 to present)

The fifth generation of computers is beginning to use AI (artificial intelligence),

an exciting technology that has many potential applications around the world.
Leaps have been made in AI technology and computers, but there is still much
room for improvement. One of the more well-known examples of AI in
computers is IBM's Watson, which has been featured on the TV show Jeopardy
as a contestant. Other better-known examples include Apple's Siri on the iPhone
and Microsoft's Cortana on Windows 8 and Windows 10 computers.
The Google search engine also utilizes AI to process user searches.

In the past sixty years or so, computers have migrated from room-size megaboxes to desktops to
laptops to our pockets. But the real history of machine-assisted human computation (“computer”
originally referred to the person, not the machine) goes back even further.

First in the historical record was the abacus, helping the ancient technocratic gain an edge over
trading partners still counting cows and amphorae by hand? The oldest known complex computing
device, called the Antikythera mechanism, dates back to 87 B.C; it’s surmised the Greeks used this
gear-operated contraption (found in a shipwreck in the Aegean Sea early in the 20th century,
though its significance wasn’t realized until 2006) to calculate astronomical positions and help
them navigate through the seas. Computing took another leap in 1843, when English
mathematician Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer algorithm, in collaboration with Charles
Babbage, who devised a theory of the first programmable computer. But the modern computing-
machine era began with Alan Turing’s conception of the Turing Machine, and three Bell Labs
scientists invention of the transistor, which made modern-style computing possible, and landed
them the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. For decades, computing technology was exclusive to the
government and the military; later, academic institutions came online, and Steve Wozniak built the
circuit board for Apple-1, making home computing practicable. On the connectivity side, Tim

Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web, and Marc Andreessen built a browser, and that’s how
we came to live in a world where our glasses can tell us what we’re looking at. With wearable
computers, embeddable chips, smart appliances, and other advances in progress and on the
horizon, the journey towards building smarter, faster and more capable computers is clearly just

Architecture of Computer System

Computer is an electronic machine that makes performing any task very easy. In computer, the
CPU executes each instruction provided to it, in a series of steps, this series of steps is
called Machine Cycle, and is repeated for each instruction. One machine cycle involves fetching
of instruction, decoding the instruction, transferring the data, executing the instruction.

Computer system has five basic units that help the computer to perform operations, which are
given below:

 Input Unit
 Output Unit
 Storage Unit
 Arithmetic Logic Unit
 Control Unit

Input Unit: Input unit connects the external environment with internal computer system. It
provides data and instructions to the computer system. Commonly used input devices
are keyboard, mouse, magnetic tape etc. Input unit performs following tasks: Accept the data and
instructions from the outside environment. Convert it into machine language. Supply the converted
data to computer system.

Output Unit: It connects the internal system of a computer to the external environment. It
provides the results of any computation, or instructions to the outside world. Some output devices
are printers, monitor etc.

Storage Unit: This unit holds the data and instructions. It also stores the intermediate results
before these are sent to the output devices. It also stores the data for later use.

The storage unit of a computer system can be divided into two categories:

Primary Storage: This memory is used to store the data which is being currently executed. It is
used for temporary storage of data. The data is lost, when the computer is switched off. RAM is
used as primary storage memory.

Secondary Storage: The secondary memory is slower and cheaper than primary memory. It is
used for permanent storage of data. Commonly used secondary memory devices are hard disk, CD

Arithmetic Logical Unit: All the calculations are performed in ALU of the computer system. The
ALU can perform basic operations such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication etc.
Whenever calculations are required, the control unit transfers the data from storage unit to ALU.
When the operations are done, the result is transferred back to the storage unit.

Control Unit: It controls all other units of the computer. It controls the flow of data and
instructions to and from the storage unit to ALU. Thus it is also known as central nervous system
of the computer.

CPU: It is Central Processing Unit of the computer. The control unit and ALU are together known
as CPU. CPU is the brain of computer system. It performs following tasks:

 It performs all operations.

 It takes all decisions.
 It controls all the units of computer.

The steps performed by the computer processor for each

machine language instruction received. The machine cycle is
a 4 process cycle that includes reading and interpreting the
machine language, executing the code and then storing that

Four steps of Machine cycle

 Fetch - Retrieve an instruction from the memory.

 Decode - Translate the retrieved instruction into a series of computer commands.
 Execute - Execute the computer commands.
 Store - Send and write the results back in memory.

Programming Language

What defines a language?

A language is a complex system of communication, spoken or written, verbal or non-verbal.

Actually, natural languages are spoken or signed: written language is an artificial creation made
by man and this includes also systems like Braille (for blind people), etc.

What are the main components of language?

There are four main components of language:

 Phonology involves the rules about the structure and sequence of speech sounds.
 Semantics consists of vocabulary and how concepts are expressed through words.
 Grammar involves two parts. ...
 Pragmatics involves the rules for appropriate and effective communication.
What is computer language explain with examples?

A programming language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing

a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks. The term programming
language usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Java,
FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal. What are the components of a programming language?

There are 5 basic components of Programming Language.

 Variables.
 Control Structures.
 Data Structures.
 Syntax.
 Tools.
Around the world language is a source of communication among human beings. Similarly, in order
to communicate with computer user also needs to have a language that should be understandable
by the computers. For the purpose different languages are developed for performing different types
of work on the computer.

Mainly there are two types of computer languages.

Low Level Computer Languages: These are machine codes or close to it. Computer cannot
understand instruction given in high level languages or in English. It can only understand and
execute instructions given in the form of machine languages i.e. the binary number 0 and 1. There
are two types of low level computer language.

Machine Language: The lowest and most elementary language and was the first type of
programming language to be developed. Mache language is basically the only language which
computer can understand. In fact, a manufacturer designs a computer to obey just one language,
its machine code, which is represented inside the computer by a string of binary digits (bits) 0 and

1. The symbol 0 stands for the absence of an electric pulse and 1 for the presence of an electric
pulse. Since a computer is capable of recognizing electric signals, therefore, it understands
machine language.

The set of binary codes which can be recognize by the computer is known as the machine code
instruction set. A machine language instruction consists of an operation code one or more
operands. The operation code specifies that operation that is to be performed e.g. read, record etc.
the operands identify the quantities to be operated on e.g. the numbers to be added or the
locations where data are stored. But, it is almost impossible to write programs directly in machine
code. For this reason, programs are normally written in assembly or high level languages and then
are translated in the machine language by different translators.

Advantages: It makes fast and efficient use of the computer. It requires no translator to translate
the code i.e. directly understood by the computer.

Disadvantages: All operation codes have to be remembered. All memory addresses have to be
remembered. It is hard to amend or find errors in a program written in the machine language

These languages are machine dependent i.e. a particular machine language can be used on only
one type of computer.

Assembly Languages
It was developed to overcome some of the many inconveniences of machine language. This is
another low level but a very important language in which operation codes and operands are given
in the form of alphanumeric symbols instead of 0’s and 1’s. These alphanumeric symbols will be
known as mnemonic codes and can have maximum up to 5 letter combinations e.g. ADD for
addition, SUB for subtraction, START LABEL etc. because of this feature it is also known as
“Symbolic Programming Language”. This language is very difficult and needs a lot of practice to
master it because very small English support is given. This symbolic language helps in compiler
orientations. The instructions of the assembly language will also be converted to machine codes by
language translator to be executed by the computer

Advantages: It is easier to understand and use as compared to machine language. It is easy to

locate and correct errors. It is modified easily

Disadvantages: Like machine language it is also machine dependent. Since it is machine

dependent, there programmer should have the knowledge of the hardware also.

Computer High Level Languages
High level computer languages give formats close to
English language and the purpose of developing high
level languages is to enable people to write programs
easily and in their own native language environment
(English). High-level languages are basically symbolic
languages that use English words and/or mathematical
symbols rather than mnemonic codes. Each instruction
in the high level language is translated into many
machine language instructions thus showing one-to-
many translation.

Problem-Oriented Language: These are languages used for handling specialized types of data
processing problems where programmer only specifies the input/output requirements and other
relative information of the problem, that are to be solved. The programmer does not have to
specify the procedure to be followed in solving that particular problem.

Procedural Language: These are general purpose languages that are designed to express the logic
of a data processing problem.

Non-procedural Language: Computer Programming Languages that allow users and professional
programmers to specify the results they want without specifying how to solve the problem.

Selection of a Computer Language

There are many high-level languages in use today. The choice of language depends on type and
complexity of the problem.

1. Purpose e.g. business, educational, scientific.

2. Facilities provided e.g. meaningful variable names, control and data structures, and error
checking facilities.
3. Ease of learning and use.
4. Portability - if a program is to he used on or in more than one system.
5. Popularity - availability of compilers/interpreters.
6. Documentation provided.

Types of High Level Languages: Many languages have been developed for achieving different
variety of tasks, some are fairly specialized others are quite general purpose. These are categorized
according to their use as:

Algebraic Formula-Type Processing: These languages are oriented towards the computational
procedures for solving mathematical and statistical problems. Examples are

1. BASIC (Basic All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

2. FORTRAN (Formula Translation).
3. PL/1 (Programming Language, Version 1).
4. ALGOL (Algorithmic Language).
5. APL (A Programming Language).

Business Data Processing. These languages emphasize their capabilities for maintaining data
processing procedures and files handling problems. Examples are:

1. COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)

2. RPG (Report Program Generator).

String and List Processing. These are used for string manipulation including search for patterns,
inserting and deleting characters. Examples are: LISP (List Processing).

Multipurpose Language. A general purpose language used for algebraic procedures, data and
string processing. Examples are:

 Pascal (after the name of Blaise Pascal).

 PL/1 (Programming Language, version 1).
 C language.

Simulation: These may be written in algebraic or multipurpose languages. Examples are:

 SPSS (Statistical Package System Simulator).

 GPSS (General Purpose System Simulator).

10 Best Programming Language to Learn in 2019: With time old programming languages
become obsolete while new programming languages are launched, but they never gain traction. A
common question amongst beginners (and coders alike) is the programming language they should
invest learning in that is in demand, stable outlook, and plenty of jobs. Here, is a list of top 10
languages that you should learn.

1) Python Created: Python language developed by Guido van Rossum. It was first released in
1991. Usage/Application: Web and Internet Development, Scientific and Numeric applications,
Desktop GUIs, Business applications. It is widely used in AI and Machine Learning space.

2) C: Created: C was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie in 1972.

Usage/Application: C is highly portable and is used for scripting system applications which form
a major part of Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating system. C is a general-
purpose programming language and can efficiently work on enterprise applications, games,
graphics, and applications requiring calculations, etc.

3) Java Created: James Gosling primarily designed Java at Sun Microsystems in the year 1996
Usage/Application: Java mostly used for developing Android apps, web apps, and Big data.

4) C++: Created: C++ is a programming language that was developed by Bjarne Strou strup in
1983. Usage applications: C++ is widely used in Game Development, Advance Computations,
and Graphics Compilers.

5) C#: Year Created: C# is a computer programming language. It's the first version released in
2001. Usage applications: Widely used in Enterprise Cross-Applications Development, Web

6) R: Created: R was designed by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka at the University of
Auckland. This project was conceived in 1992, but its initial version released in 1995 and a stable
beta version in 2000. Usage/Application: Data Science projects, Statistical computing, Machine

7) JavaScript: Created: JavaScript was earlier called LiveScript when it first shipped in with
Netscape Navigator 2.0 in September 1995. Later, it was renamed as a JavaScript. Usage/
Applications: JavaScript usage include web/mobile app development, game development, and
desktop app development.

8) PHP: Year Created: Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1994. Usage applications: Web
Applications, Content Management Systems, ecommerce Applications.

9) Go: Created: Go language which is also known as golang is developed at Google in 2009 by
Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson, and Rob Pike. Usage applications: Console utilities, GUI
applications, and web applications.

5) Swift: Created: Swift was developed by Apple in July 2010 so that iOS developers do not need
to work with Objective-C. Usage applications: Swift is specially designed language which works
with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks to create all types of iOS apps.

Computer Science

What is Computer Science?

There are many reasons that computer science is so popular, including exceptional job security,
uncommonly high starting salaries, and diverse job opportunities across industries. However, an
international student contemplating studying computer science needs to ask themselves, "What is
computer science?"

So, what is computer science? Generally speaking, computer science is the study of computer
technology, both hardware and software. However, computer science is a diverse field; the
required skills are both applicable and in-demand across practically every industry in today's
technology-dependent world. As such, the field of computer science is divided amongst a range of
sub-disciplines, most of which are full-fledged specialized disciplines in and of them. The field of
computer science spans several core areas: computer theory, hardware systems, software systems,
and scientific computing. Students will choose credits from amongst these sub-disciplines with
varying levels of specialization depending on the desired application of the computer science
degree. Though most strict specialization occurs at the graduate level, knowing exactly what
computer science is (and where a student's interests fall within this vast field) is of paramount
importance to knowing how to study computer science.

Computer Science Disciplines

The disciplines encompassed by a computer science degree are incredibly vast, and an
international student must know how to study computer science or, in other words, how to
effectively navigate amongst this sea of sub-disciplines and specializations. Here are a few
possible areas of specialization available to students pursuing computer science degrees:

 Applied Mathematics
 Digital Image/ Sound
 Artificial Intelligence
 Microprogramming
 Bioinformatics
 Networks And Administration
 Computer Architecture Networks
 Cryptography
 Computer Engineering
 Operating Systems

 Computer Game Development
 Robotics
 Computer Graphics
 Simulation And Modeling
 Computer Programming
 Software Development
 Software Systems
 Data Management
 Web Development
 Design Databases
 Parallel Programming
 iOS Development
 Mobile Development
 Memory Systems
 Computational Physics

Comparing Computer Science Careers

Job Education License Median Salary

Computer and Information Minimum: Bachelor's
none $123,950
Systems Manager Preferred: Master's

Computer Systems Analyst Bachelor's none $81,190

Computer Hardware needed if working

Bachelor's $104,250
Engineer directly with the public

Computer Programmer Bachelor's none $76,140

Computer Support
Varies none $46,620

Minimum: Experience (systems)
Software Developer none
Preferred: Bachelor's $92,660

Minimum: Experience
Web Developer and certification none $63,160
Preferred: Bachelor's

Comparing Computer Science Careers

Web Master Associate or certificate None $82,340

Information Technology:

Information technology is a growing field that offers relatively secure positions for those with
solid technical skills and at least a bachelor's degree in an IT-related field. From support to
engineering, there are several specializations that deal with the various facets of information

Inside Information Technology

The field of information technology (IT) covers the design, administration and support of
computer and telecommunications systems. Some of the positions in this field include database
and network administrators, computer support specialists, computer scientists, software
programmers and system analysts. The majority of career tracks in IT entail design and operational
tasks related to computer hardware components, networks and software applications. Professionals
in the IT field work with businesses and organizations to set up and support viable computer
networks that will keep systems efficient and reliable. IT encompasses all hardware and software
used in the storing, creation and accessing of information. Examples of technologies that
professionals work with are firewalls, databases, media storage devices, networks and the Internet.

Education Information

Aspiring IT professionals typically need a bachelor's degree in a technology field, such as

computer science, information systems management, programming or networking. Even without a
degree, experience in an entry-level help desk position could help IT professionals advance with
professional certification or vocational training. The fundamentals of a degree program generally
include computer hardware, programming, networking, and technical theory. Depending on the
major, students could also learn IT management, website development, computer circuitry,
systems analysis and database management. Some programs also include internship opportunities.
To work as a computer research scientist, a Ph.D. degree is often necessary. Information
technology degree programs are widely offered at many community colleges, vocational schools
and universities. Certification preparation programs are also offered at many of these schools,
though testing for credentials typically takes place at an approved testing facility. Look into these
articles from Study.com to learn more.

 Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

 Information Technology Major
 Bachelor's Degree in Software Design
 Computer Science Ph.D. Program Information

Additionally, many schools offer IT programs online, including stand-alone courses, certificate
programs, undergraduate degree programs and graduate degree programs. Check out these articles
to learn about what you can expect from an online degree program in information technology.

 Online Associate Degree in Information Technology

 Online Bachelor of Information Technology
 Online Master's Degree in Information Technology
 Online Ph.D. in Information Systems Management


Almost all hardware and software manufacturers offer certification options that allow IT
professionals to demonstrate their proficiency with particular technologies. There are also many
industry-standard IT certifications that cover fundamental and advanced understanding of general
hardware, software and communications technologies. Certification isn't required to work in the
field, but is often preferred by employers. Here is a sampling of some professional IT

 Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert Information

 Overview of Cisco Certifications
 CompTIA's A+ Certifications
 Sun Certified Java Programmer
 Oracle Certified Associate

Required Skills

Individuals who aspire to enter the IT field should develop solid logical and critical-thinking skills.
Those who enter support positions should also possess the ability to listen, communicate and
maintain a professional, calm demeanor when faced with end users and frustrating problems.
Computer, component and network designers, such as engineers and scientists, need to be able to
envision the current needs and growth potential of users or businesses.

Career Options

Software Developers
Software developers create and write programming code for computer applications and hardware.
This may include operating systems, business productivity software, Web functionality tools,
video games and device drivers. Developers could take a concept from planning and design
through to its final testing and implementation.

Network Engineers and Administrators

Network engineers are primarily responsible for the design and implementation of computer and
telecommunications networks. Administrators typically support and maintain existing local area
and wide area networks (LANs and WANs). This includes both intranet and Internet
communications and server maintenance. Some degree of ongoing troubleshooting and system
design adjustment is inherent in a network administrator position. Administrators also monitor an
organization's network security and develop preventive strategies against hackers.

Computer Scientists

Computer scientists innovate, develop and design new computer hardware and devices. These
professionals may specialize in one component of hardware, such as processors, modems, routers
or motherboards. While computer scientists often work with a team of internal test users and
engineers, they typically have little to no contact with the end users of the products they develop.

Computer Application
Computer Software

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific
tasks. Opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer, software is a
generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Types of

 System Software
 Application Software

System Software

There are two main types of software: systems software and application software. Systems
software includes the programs that are dedicated to managing the computer itself, such as the
operating system, file management utilities, and disk operating system (or DOS). System software
is software that provides platform to other software. Some examples can be operating systems,
antivirus software, disk formatting software, Computer language translators etc. These are
commonly prepared by the computer manufacturers. This software consists of programs written in
low-level languages, used to interact with the hardware at a very basic level. System software
serves as the interface between the hardware and the end users. What are the types of system

The System Software are divided into 3 types, they are:

 Operating System Software.

 System Software.
 Utility Software.

Application Software: Applications software is capable of dealing with user inputs and helps the
user to complete the task. It is also called end-user programs or only an app. It resides above
system software. First user deal with system software after that he/she deals with application
software. The end user uses applications software for a specific purpose. It programmed for simple
as well as complex tasks. It either be installed or access online. It can be a single program or a
group of small programs that referred to as an application suite. Some examples of Application
Software are Word processing software, Spreadsheets Software, Presentation, Graphics,
CAD/CAM, Sending email etc.

Types of Application Software: According to the need of users it is categorized into following

1) Presentation Software: Presentation program is a program to show the information in the form
of slides. We can add text, graphics video and images to slides to make them more informative.

The software has three components:

1) Text editor for inputting and formatting text.

2) Inserting graphics, text, video and other multimedia files.
3) Slideshow to display the information.

Presentation software helps the presenter to present their ideas with ease and visual information
easy to understand. Example of presentation software: Microsoft's PowerPoint and Apple's

2) Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheet software is used to perform manipulate and calculations. In

spreadsheet software data is stored in intersection row and column. The intersection of row and
column is known as a cell. The cell labeled with the row and column label like A1, A2 etc. While
entering data into the cell, we can also define the data value like text, date, time, number. It
provides many formula and function to perform calculations like arithmetic operations, logical
operations, text operation etc. It provides charts, graphs to display data graphically. For example
Microsoft Excel, lotus 1-2-3 for windows and number for MAC OS.

3) Database Software: Database is a collection of data related to any applications. Today is

environment every application has some database where data regarding users stored. For this
purpose, we used database software. When we operate the application data is accessed from the
database, and after manipulation, it gets back stored in the database.

Database Management System software tool used for storing, modifying extracting and searching
for information within a database. MS Access, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle is the example
of database application Software.

4) Multimedia Software: Multimedia is a combination of text, graphics, audio and Multimedia

software used in the editing of video, audio and text. Multimedia software used in the growth of
business, educations, information, remote system and entertainment.

Entertainment: This area deal with the general public, media and telecommunication. With the
growth entertainment mode, many application is available for mobile phone as well as the system.
Like Music and video entertainment app, navigation app, social networking application, news and
weather application, educational apps and e-book reader’s app for preparation of any type of

5) Simulation Software: Simulation is an imitation of real world and environment. The simulation
creates a physical environment of the real world to represent the similar behavior, function and
key nature of the selected topic. Simulation is technology for education, engineering, testing,
training, video games and for scientific modeling of natural systems to gain insight into their
functioning. The simulation used in the area of the real world where the real system cannot be
accessible or may be dangerous or unacceptable. Area of technology flight, economics,
automobiles, Robotics, digital lifecycle, Space Shuttle Navigation, weather.

Web Applications

What does Web mean?

The Web is the common name for the World Wide Web, a subset of the Internet consisting of the
pages that can be accessed by a Web browser. Many people assume that the Web is the same as the
Internet, and use these terms interchangeably. However, the term Internet actually refers to the
global network of servers that makes the information sharing that happens over the Web possible.
So, although the Web does make up a large portion of the Internet, but they are not one and same.

What does Internet mean?

The internet is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data via various
types of media. The internet is a network of global exchanges – including private, public, business,
academic and government networks – connected by guided, wireless and fiber-optic technologies.
The terms internet and World Wide Web are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly
the same thing; the internet refers to the global communication system, including hardware and
infrastructure, while the web is one of the services communicated over the internet.

Web Pages

When you enter an internet address (a URL, e.g. https://login.1und1.de/) into a web browser, a
webpage will appear. A webpage is an individual page on the internet. The webpage that first
appears when you go to a website is the start page (frequently a homepage). The website’s other
pages are referred to as subpages.


A website is a collection of HTML documents that can be called up as individual WebPages via
one URL on the web with a client such as a browser. Alongside classic content such as text,
internet sites can also include image media such as photos or videos, but also other files.
Furthermore, web applications offer the opportunity for users to interact with a website. The
subpages of a website are correctly described as WebPages. Alternative terms include homepage
or internet site.

The creation of the website

In 1990, the first website in the world was published by an employee of the CERN research project
in Geneva. Just three years later the World Wide Web began with websites that could be called up
all over the world via an internet connection. The first websites were made up almost exclusively
of text a few pictures. Over the course of the commercialization of the internet and the expansion
of bandwidth by internet providers, websites have become more and more complex. Thanks to the
increasing mobile use of the internet, however, a trend for simplification in design has resurfaced.
Today there are more than 1.3 billion websites worldwide, from small sites with a a single URL, as
can be created with a homepage construction kit, to complex, professionally created online shops
with many thousands of subpages. Interestingly, a large part of internet sites used around the world
cannot be accessed via public networks. In some cases, these are internal company intranets while
in other cases this is “dark web” content, which can only be accessed with certain browsers. The
global traffic related to websites creates a daily data quantity of more than four billion gigabytes.

Structure of a website

Nowadays, a website is mostly made up of numerous webpages. These webpages are HTML
documents that are stored in a directory on a domain. The domain should not be confused with the
website. The domain is the internet address via which the content of the website can be called up.

HITML is not a programming language but a page description language: In the code, it is defined
which element is to be displayed at which point. This means in the design of a website, there is not
a picture used for the entire site, rather it is defined in the code how the font, the colors and, of
course, possible pictures or videos are to be arranged – depending on what device is being used
(e.g. desktop computer or smartphone) to access it. When a website is designed to adapt to mobile
requirements it’s called responsive design.

The individual WebPages of a website are stored in directories, which each form their own URL.
If the user enters this URL, they can call up the desired website. The URL for the individual
websites is also stored by the search engine and in the so-called “search snippet” with elements
such as Meta description, Meta title or rich snippets displayed in the search results as a clickable

Creating websites

A homepage can be created with the help of a simple text editor. This allows users to add HTML
elements. This HTML file is then uploaded to a directory or a domain on a server. In this way a
client can call up the website with its content via the web.

HTML documents can include paths for further file types, such as CSS files or JavaScript files.
They increase functionality or can influence the layout of a website.

Many webmasters do not have an individual website programmed, but either use a “homepage
construction kit” or so-called “CMS”, i.e. content management systems. These are programs that
companies use to simply and professionally create websites. Popular CMS providers include
WordPress, Joomla! and Wix.

Types of websites

There are a broad variety of website types that can be found on the World Wide Web.

Blogs: These are the most common form of websites on the net. Anyone who wants to create a
website nowadays mostly uses the form of a blog. A blog in its original form is characterized by
private user writing about issues from their subjective point of view and publishing to their blog.
Today blogs are used for a variety of different purposes. For example, companies often have a so-
called “corporate blog”, in which employees write about company-relevant topics.

Online shops: A webshop is a website designed for online shopping. The site not only offers
information on products or services, but also offers customers the opportunity to purchase or order
these items online.

Web directories: In the early days of the commercial internet, search engines were not as efficient
as they are now. Users therefore often used so-called “web directories” in order to find internet
sites on a certain topic. Nowadays web directories play a much smaller role, as they are also often
used for search engine spam.

Price comparison portals: These websites offer buyers the opportunity to compare prices for a
certain product.

Forums: In forums members, can log in and discuss their own chosen topics online.

News websites: These are generally digital forms of classic news magazines. Today the digital
versions have a significantly higher coverage than the print editions.

Social networks: Social networks such as Facebook or Twitter are special websites that give the
opportunity for users to interact. You do not need your own domain to use these portals.

What is domain with example?

Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name
microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify
particular Web pages.

What is mean by hosting?

A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and
services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. Websites are hosted, or

stored, on special computers called servers. ... If you do not have a domain, the hosting companies
will help you purchase one.

Mobile Applications

What is mobile technology and what are the benefits?

Mobile technology is a form of technology that is mostly used in cellular communication and other
related aspects. It uses a form of platform where by many transmitters have the ability to send data
at the same time on a single channel. This platform is called Code-division multiple access
(CDMA). This platform allows many users to make use of single frequencies because it restricts
the likelihood of interference of frequencies from two or more sources. This channel has evolved
over the years. The mobile technology is rapidly evolving; over the years, its uses are becoming
diverse and is gradually replacing some similar sources in the market that are also used for
communication e.g. post office and land lines. The mobile technology has improved from a simple
device used for phone call and messaging into a multi-tasking device used for GPS navigation,
internet browsing, gaming, instant messaging tool etc. Professionals argue with the trend that the
future of computer technology is rest on wireless networking and mobile computing. Mobile
technology through tablet and portable computers are becoming more and more popular.

What is mobile firmware?

Firmware refers to the applications and operating system that control how a Samsung Smartphone
operates. It is called firmware rather than software to highlight that it is very closely tied to the
particular hardware components of a device. Firmware updates are sometimes provided by a
company as a way to fix bugs or introduce new functionality.

Firmware was originally designed for high level software and could be changed without having to
exchange the hardware for a newer device. Firmware also retains the basic instructions for
hardware devices that make them operative. Without firmware, a hardware device would be non-

Famous mobile OS:

Android operating system is the most popular in the current mobile platforms. This is designed by
Google using Linux kernel. Every day more than 1 million new Android based devices are
activated in worldwide. It is an open source platform, so many of mobile manufactures are
customizing this and using as there key operating systems. Android uses Linux kernel as its
hardware abstraction layer between hardware and other software. This also provides a better
memory management, process management, security options and network options. This is written
in Java programming language and run in the Dalvik virtual machine. The key advantage of this
operating system is anyone can customize this operating system. With the same reason the
innovative growth of this OS is in peak. Android applications have common structure, mainly in
views, recourse management, notifications, data storage, services etc.

iOS is one of the leading mobile operating system, which others trying to catch up. Related to the
same many patent related cases are going in many places. This OS is designed by Apple followed
by Mac operating system. In first glance the user friendly feature is the key for this operating
system. HTML5 technology started rising in mid of 2011, iOS very well using this one. iOS
considered the foundation of the iPhone. This is designed for the iPhone but now supports iPod
touch, iPad and Apple TV Businesses around the world are choosing iOS devices for their
enterprise-ready features and powerful security. iOS works with Microsoft Exchange and
standards-based servers to deliver over-the-air push email, calendar, and contacts. It protects your
data by encrypting information in three separate areas: in transmission, at rest on the device, and
when backed up to iTunes. You can securely access private corporate networks through industry-
standard VPN protocols. And companies can easily deploy iPhone across an enterprise using
configuration profiles.

Windows is the most popular computer operating system. Past five years they are started to give more
attention on mobile operating system also. It is offering new user interface with ‘Metro’ design. They
designed Windows CE (Compact Edition) specifically for handheld devices, based on Windows API. Later
introduced Windows 7 version. Recent version Windows 8 mobile OS released at June 2012, its support,
many of great features like multi core processor support, hifi screen resolution, higher storage support
and near field communications. This mobile OS is almost simulating the personal computer version of
Windows 8.

What does Mobile Application (Mobile App) mean?

A mobile application, most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of application software

designed to run on a mobile device, such as a Smartphone or tablet computer. Mobile applications
frequently serve to provide users with similar services to those accessed on PCs. Apps are
generally small, individual software units with limited function. This use of app software was
originally popularized by Apple Inc. and its App Store, which offers thousands of applications for
the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. A mobile application also may be known as an app, web app,
online app, iPhone app or Smartphone app.

Native apps are built for a specific operating system. A native app developed for iOS operating
system won’t work on Android devices and vice-versa. If an app is developed for iOS, it will
remain exclusive to that operating system. If at all the app has to support Android version, new app
has to be built again for Android operating system. Software’s used to develop native apps
generally would be Objective-C or Swift for iOS, Java and ADT for Android operating system and
.NET(C#) for Windows operating system.

Mobile web apps are the web applications to render/deliver pages on web browsers running in
mobile devices. Since these apps target browsers, they work on different mobile operating systems.
You can view a mobile web app on Android, iOS or Windows tablets and phone devices. They
also work on PC web browsers. Software’s used to develop these applications are generally
HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JQuery.

Hybrid apps are a mixture of both native and mobile web apps. This type of application has cross-
platform compatibility but can still access phone’s hardware. Softwares used to develop these apps
are generally HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Mobile Javascript frameworks, Cordova/PhoneGap

App store (application store)

An app store (application store) is an online portal through which software programs are made
available for procurement and download.

All major mobile operating system vendors, including Apple, Google, BlackBerry and Microsoft,
run their own app stores, which gives them control over the software available on their respective
platforms. There are also several third-party app stores in operation; examples include the Amazon
Appstore for Android and iOS Apple devices.

Educational Application

What are educational applications?

Educational software or computer applications developed for the purpose of teaching and learning,
arrived with virtually the first desktop computers. ... Some programs, such as flight simulators,
teach professionals the details of their jobs.

 What are the benefits of educational apps?

 Three Advantages of Educational Apps
 Remote Learning. Learning away from the classroom not only helps students to progress
faster, but also improve their ability to use technology. ...
 Education and Entertainment. Apps combine education with entertainment, so that children
can enjoy the learning process. ...
 Better Communication.

What is Internet and its uses in education?

It can improve the quality of education in many ways. It opens doorways to a wealth of
information, knowledge and educational resources, increasing opportunities for learning in and
beyond the classroom. Teachers use online materials to prepare lessons, and students to extend
their range of learning.

Why are educational apps important?

Educational apps allow users to track their progress, which is one of the most important things that
everyone explores. ... Educational app is also beneficial for parents as it enables them to track their
children's study progress flow and guide them correspondingly.

What is the best app for education?

 EdX. Price: Free. EdX is one of the more unique education apps.
 Google Play Books. Price: Free / Varies. Google Play Books has come a long way since it
first came out.
 Khan Academy. Price: Free. Khan Academy is another education platform.
 Quizlet. Price: Free / $19.99 per year.

edX is your trusted platform for online education and learning.Founded by Harvard and MIT, edX
is home to more than 20 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world, and
industry-leading companies. edX brings 2000 online courses to your mobile device, so you can
learn new skills anytime, anywhere.

Meet Google Play Books for iOS: the one app to enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from Google Play.

It is the best because of its motto - free education to everyone. The explanations are very
professional and the animations are awesome.

With Khan Academy learning app you can study math, science and more at your own place,
anytime, and completely free.

Quizlet is a mobile and web-based study application that allows students to study information via
learning tools and games. Its creators claim that it is currently used by two-thirds of high school
students and half of university students in the United States.

Computer Technologies

Google LLC (LLC: A limited liability company (LLC) is a corporate structure in the United
States whereby the owners are not personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. ) is an
American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and
products, which include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software,
and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Four technology companies, alongside Amazon,
Apple and Facebook.

Here's a list of available and under development Google products:

 An Internet search engine.

 Web email.
 A news aggregator.
 Calendar software.
 Cloud storage

These products on this list are obviously related to Google's core business, Web search. Chrome and
Android assure that a Google search bar is never far from almost all Web users.

Who is the foundation of Google?

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students in Stanford University's Ph.D. program,
founded Google. Today, Google is one of the most influential companies on the World Wide

Access your Email in Gmail

 Login to your Gmail Account.

 In the top lefthand corner, open the Settings cog and choose Settings.
 Click Accounts.
 Locate the 'Check mail from other accounts' setting and click Add a mail account.
 Enter your Email address.
 Click the Next button.
 Enter your full email address as the Username.

Can Google Docs open PDF?

Right-click on the PDF file in the file list and select Open With > Google Docs. ... However,
the Google Docs file has a different icon than the PDF file.

Difference between Google Account and Gmail Account:

Google is an American multinational technology company which provides Internet-based

services and products to clients. The user can access Google services such as Google+, Gmail,
Hangouts, Google Drive, etc. using the Google Account. Gmail is one major Google service. It
allows the users to exchange digital messages within few seconds. To create a Gmail Account,
the user should first create a Google Account.


What is Oracle best known for?

The company is best known for its Oracle database software, a relational database management
system, and for computer systems and software, such as Solaris and Java, acquired in its purchase
of Sun Microsystems in 2010. ... In 1987 Oracle became the largest database management
company in the world.

When was Oracle founded?

June 16, 1977, California, United States.


Microsoft is a technology company whose mission is to empower every person and every
organization on the planet to achieve more. We strive to create local opportunity, growth, and
impact in every country around the world. Our platforms and tools help drive small business
productivity, large business competitiveness, and public-sector efficiency. They also support new
startups, improve educational and health outcomes, and empower human ingenuity.

We continue to transform our business to lead in the new era of the intelligent cloud and intelligent
edge. We bring technology and products together into experiences and solutions that unlock value
for our customers. In this next phase of innovation, computing is more powerful and ubiquitous
from the cloud to the edge. Artificial intelligence (“AI”) capabilities are rapidly advancing, fueled
by data and knowledge of the world. Physical and virtual worlds are coming together to create
richer experiences that understand the context surrounding people, the things they use, the places
they go, and their activities and relationships. A person’s experience with technology spans a
multitude of devices and has become increasingly more natural and multi-sensory with voice, ink,
and gaze interactions.

Domination of the corporate market

 In 1989 they release Microsoft Office.

 In 1995, Microsoft released Windows 95
 More than a 40 million copies were sold in the first year after its release.
 Microsoft releases their first web browser, Internet Explorer.
 Microsoft Network (MSN) is released as a direct competitor to AOL.
 Internet Explorer 4.0 is released on Windows and Mac O/S.
 Microsoft taken to court by the US Justice Court and asked to stop bundling Internet
Explorer with Windows
 In 2000, judgment passed in US federal court calling Microsoft an “abusive monopoly.”
 In 2004, the European Union brings MS to court for abusing its current dominance with the
Windows Operating System.


What is the Intel Company famous for?

Intel competes primarily with AMD, the world's second-largest manufacturer of processors.
Gordon Moore, famous for Moores law, and Robert Noyce, co-inventor of the IC, founded Intel in
1968. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

What does Intel Company do?

Intel supplies processors for computer system manufacturers such as Apple, Lenovo, HP, and
Dell. Intel also manufactures motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated
circuits, flash memory, graphics chips, embedded processors and other devices related to
communications and computing

Is Intel owned by Microsoft?

No, Microsoft and Intel have always been completely separate entities. Microsoft is primary a
software and services company, while Intel is primarily a hardware company (although, both sell
software, hardware, and services). In its 42-year history, Microsoft has not dealt exclusively
with Intel processors.

When did Intel go public?

With Grove on board, Intel released its first product in 1969, the 3101 64-bit Schottky bipolar
RAM, and launched denser MOS SRAM & DRAM soon after. A $6.8
million IPO (initial public offering) moved the company along in 1971, with Intel public at $23.50
a share.

Who is Intel founder?

 Gordon Moore
 Robert Noyce


Facebook was founded in 2004. It has grown into a global phenomenon, counting more than 750
million users, including approximately 70 percent from outside of the United States. The social
networking site was started with a much more modest purpose. Founder Mark Zuckerberg
developed Facebook while he was a student at Harvard University initially as just a social
networking site for the university's students.

Stated Mission

Facebook's stated mission is "to give people the power to share and make the world more open and
connected." On its site, Facebook explains that it believes that increased connection between
people through their site will lead to better understanding between disparate groups. Facebook is
designed to be free for its users; it should give them control of their information and who can
access it, according to the company's statement of principles

Individual Users

Personal engagement in an online space is the core purpose of Facebook. It serves to allow
individual users to connect with friends in a simple, shorthanded manner, sharing thoughts, news
and multimedia content with them. Facebook allows users to connect with many of their friends at
once through posts that go out to a set list of individuals; it allows them to keep up with their
friends and connect directly with individuals through direct messaging. It also lets individuals
connect with public figures and businesses.

Disadvantages of Facebook:

1. "Facebook Addiction" A new disorder.

There are many, who are addicted to FB. People just start living in this virtual world & spend hours &
hours on Facebook. Due to this, a new type of disorder has also come in human life i.e. Facebook
addiction disorder in which person spends far too much time on Facebook, have difficulty cutting back.
Furthermore, this disease keeps you away from real people and eventually creating problems with real-
life relationships, relatives, school, or in the career. This is the biggest disadvantage of the Facebook

2. The fight continues against fake profiles & phishing bots.

Opening an account, making a fake profile & ID is simple for anyone on Facebook. And there is no
limit for these fake profiles. There are so many cases of harassment & abuse that are often formulated
by the fake accounts. Once you get into this trap, it would be very dangerous. Many cases have been
reported about these fake accounts, bullying, stalking, blackmailing, due to which many lives have been
destroyed especially, teens.

3. Can’t keep things personal.

People are now use to reportedly sharing fewer personal updates on Facebook. The updates from you,
about your private life, come in terms of the notification of your friends & other friends of friends so
that your privacy is compromised automatically. It's a fact if you see, every breakup, makeup,
adventures, emotions are uploaded up there & the main reason behind this is most obvious to seek the
attention of the people & to get share & be social, get likes, & comments. It’s a cycle that once you start
updating about everything, then you can’t stop yourself further anymore.

Effect on academic activity.

Too much time on FB has proper with bad grades on the student's results. Even it’s often found that
many employees waste their time for surfing FB. That’s why many offices have blocked these kinds of
sites from their networks completely.


IBM History

Incorporated in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (C-T-R). In 1924, C-T-R

became International Business Machines Corporation


From punch-card tabulating machines to room-sized calculators to mainframe computing systems

for large enterprises –

Changed the nature of accounting, calculation, and basic back-office business processes.

1970s-80s –

IBM product line broadens from mainframes to minicomputers and personal computers –
Applications move beyond back-office enterprise to departmental operations and personal

1990s –

With the Internet and open standards, the network computing model is embraced and advanced –
Coined “e-business” to describe how network computing can transform core business functions
and transactions

IBM Today

The world’s largest information technology company.

The 8th largest corporation in the world.

Year end 2001, IBM reported: –

 $85.9 billion in revenue.

 $7.7 billion in net income.
 More than 310,000 employees worldwide.
 More than 670,000 stockholders of record.

A Global Company

Corporate headquarters: Armonk, NY. Operations in more than 160 countries worldwide. Nearly
60 percent of revenue generated outside the United States

Senior Management

 Samuel J. Palmisan
 Chairman, President and CEO

Computer Career
Data Science

In-Demand Data Science Careers

Data science experts are needed in virtually every job sector—not just in technology. In fact, the
five biggest tech companies—Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook—only employ
one half of one percent of U.S. employees. However—in order to break into these high-paying, in-
demand roles—an advanced education is generally required.

“Data scientists are highly educated–88 percent have at least a master’s degree and 46 percent
have PhDs–and while there are notable exceptions, a very strong educational background is
usually required to develop the depth of knowledge necessary to be a data scientist,”
reports KDnuggets, a leading site on Big Data.

Here are some of the leading data science careers you can break into with an advanced degree.
Business Intelligence (BI) Developer

Average Salary: $89,333

Typical Job Requirements: BI developers design and develop strategies to assist business users
in quickly finding the information they need to make better business decisions. Extremely data-
savvy, they use BI tools or develop custom BI analytic applications to facilitate the end-users’
understanding of their systems

Notable Companies: DollarShave Club, Discover, and Liberty Mutual

Data Architect

Average Salary: $137,630

Typical Job Requirements: Ensure data solutions are built for performance and design analytics
applications for multiple platforms.

Notable Companies: IBM, eBay, AAA Club Alliance, T-Mobile

Applications Architect

Average Salary: $134,520

Typical Job Requirements: Track the behavior of applications used within a business and how
they interact with each other and with users.

Notable Companies: UPS, Humana, Dow Jones, Oracle

Infrastructure Architect

Average Salary: $126,353

Typical Job Requirements: Oversee that all business systems are working at optimally and can
support the development of new technologies and system requirements. A similar job title is Cloud
Infrastructure Architect, which oversees a company’s cloud computing strategy.

Notable Companies: Abbott Labs, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Ford Motor Company

Enterprise Architect

Average Salary: $161,272

Typical Job Requirements: According to Techopedia, an enterprise architect, “Works closely

with stakeholders, including management and subject matter experts (SME), to develop a view of
an organization’s strategy, information, processes and IT assets.”

Notable Companies: Cisco, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft

Data Scientist

Average Salary: $139,840

Typical Job Requirements: Find, clean, and organize data for companies. Data scientists will
need to be able to analyze large amounts of complex raw and processed information to find
patterns that will benefit an organization and help drive strategic business decisions. Compared to
data analysts, data scientists are much more technical.

Notable Companies: Facebook, Capital One, Airbnb, Twitter

Data Analyst

Average Salary: $83,878

Typical Job Requirements: Transform and manipulate large data sets to suit the desired analysis
for companies. For many companies, this role can also include tracking web analytics and
analyzing A/B testing.

Notable Companies: Walmart, Gap, Bank of America, Kohler

Data Engineer

Average Salary: $151,307

Typical Job Requirements: Perform batch processing or real-time processing on gathered and
stored data. Make data readable for data scientists.

Notable Companies: Spotify, Verizon, General Motors, Shutterfly

Machine Learning Scientist

Average Salary: $139,840

Typical Job Requirements: Research new data approaches and algorithms.

Notable Companies: Apple, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Expedia, Tinder

Machine Learning Engineer

Average Salary: $114,826

Typical Job Requirements: Create data funnels and deliver software solutions.

Notable Companies: Nike, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Uber


Average Salary: $93,589

Typical Job Requirements: Interpret, analyze, and report statistical information, such as formulas
and data for business purposes.

Notable Companies: U.S. Census Bureau, Google, PayPal, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Data Scientists Are in Constant Demand

Dr. Schedlbauer concludes that while some data science work will likely be automated within the
next 10 years, “there is a clear need for professionals who understand a business need, can devise a
data-oriented solution, and then implement that solution.”

Data science experts are needed in almost every field, from government security to dating apps.
Millions of businesses and government departments rely on big data to succeed and better serve
their customers. Data science careers are in high demand and this trend will not be slowing down
any time soon, if ever. Find out how big data can have a big impact on your career and income
with this free breaking into Analytics e-book below.


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