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r/.-,i Jrri Po.

5 i ArE i1.LA!!u.+{ I-(b: CU i'r',-|e..
* x * ? r ! x

L\jO. ! :.i 'ALact, ^'

. ._/AG<.ceii. .".2cCr.

aLL Hr: a,-i: cf Pliice. E s L a l : i j _ s i t r n e t )L s , O r i $ l , ; t , .

( Incluii,ig I - i- o r n e dr..l$ a]1d VrEiJ-ance ).

&;::- Reco-rdiig A. C. R. of Group ' A,

Gro'+p I lr' Pol j-JC u-:rice r$.

,( r.rr ,i n

Itle L ates t Sche,tuie of Ins truc.riJr]S on

.reco';d1;rg of A. C. Rs oi Group ' .u.' atrd Group , E' police
off l-cer oriss a.,- o.:r. ( ) .
es prescr.r_ced vrcic cbv6. oi
IEp ciien'J ietter r,Io.1051_4,/sE. d.t.d.26 . L2.2OO3 afid
subsequeni, amencExeitt flaoe vii:e c. A ( S. E. ) Depa-r.L,rent
l"e i:ter AeJ.l-1957/5!. di:d. i4.5.2004 ac;e €j:telo ueit iterevri lrr
j:Or g.l ]- rl aJrce.

Jhe iirscrlcuions es ]a]u clow;r t:ere i,, m6y

please be f oi icwec, sc-i:uplOus"y.

r), J. G. of PoJ.i ce ( j ' i d i r i r . ) . ,

r.)ri c.. - a1: l- i' .^r-

'.*'--i lal L -../ Ack-- ceL1 . J' .e.zoos.
Cbpl, to AJ-] ( 1bch. ). ,/ Ste,,ca-raphers of ScaLe police
iieaciqiarre!s., Q: Lt.:cli. i;r inJcrrmaLru-t ari,u c€sjctry actj-cit.
AIG lJF A' C't(S L)!'
I r'I5Tr(..r LI'LIul'l-j t.'t'l t{tsCut(Lrl
.jC! rAJ ,irn C.l

'Li ns
r(c i lo: aI i-\\:i Rev.,.e wi n, Accep -{e-!Larli-'
NO. repo rLe o ALr a! ro-]: a Ll-e,S ItY t.+9i',,q..'. 4+tf !9.!r-t-]-e-s-'-
,r'JC A

(4) (<r)

f {Lx a-r!.-qo-+,cP-
\r. t' . r- s of I'i i ni ster '
U. tJ. -. l-.
v' o' v'
inch er ge
of i:tsP i:t'
lii tto.
rJ L L u\J'
2. Corruc and eo';
Gc (re jCaI a.IC
fl a.: I)

Fire Servl-ce.
r-la j 6t DJ-u
3. AddI. D. G. P. Secreta,iaY.

ui tto ; ,r L L\-/.
t. G.P.
.it , a t: )

Slieci a-l I. G' P'

: rniinist'er- :.?i:f^ -L s-! . -


r- s r-rr ivrl n}s te.r .
Add-L. r. G. P .
( Vigi I ance ) { Vieiil a,rce) . V' ' u'
i ii ctr ar ge
and e: uii icro
Ad.ll. S€cret.JIY ,JeP Lc.
to Govt.
jJirecLcI Cn-l-ei ,'iit]rsLer.
' 7 . D. r. G. I. G. P.
/. ( Vrgii i
-Ice) . Secret Y'
('Vigir ce ) .
lJo. ca.r Y
8. I. G. ot \, /\
P ri so Il:; . Irr vlr€r Ye

ot the
lle p E1:.

Adoj-. D. G. /' D' G. P.

l]. r. e., I<. rl. c.
9. r i pI . i . . G .
Rarl9e. ( Adr,rn.).
( icro ever
i s 'Llrc
se,lior illos c
staff off icer
off ice ",
Ioo ing ai- ter -
Aar' .lis cr atit-:ir) '
D-L \J! ! -L!;rir > Kepo.rti,r:) Revrei'li:ig iscep Ei n!
J,\t.,/r. ! C p \J r- us r; .lI+ qiril,r r:cr e.1!.]iu.-.J-1cr' c!,e-g. .A L i . t i l c j : r : 1 e s .
UPO ir.

(3) (4) i:) \o,)

. D ,I . G " cCner Addi. .ri. G. P. 1J. G. p.

Lharr ri6;rgg- .-^..^--r,1rrl co Ac.eIfIeci.

A i. G' t I. G. r. G.P./ U G.P.

Specl al
iqddL . D. G. P.

D. G. P. Secre tarY,
12. P ri ncip af,
fl.Lar ei- riE
.DTS E. D. G. P.
13. S.P. ot
Ji d:iis t--rate.
( i.llot
Vrg r-l arice ).

Add]. D. G. P. lJ. u. P.
14. s. P. crime.
R l-ways. Raifway.
;rddl. D. G.,P' rjrtLo.
15. s.p. c. B.

!'/-L L L\.' .
i,:. S .! ' . 5 . u . 7 ' I. G. Aa JJ- . 1l. \'. H.

Secur i Lv. I n'iei.! i ge rlce. f ngel-Iige;Ice'"

l.J,ii. & R ange

I'l , i,riul. 5. -r .
qof legtor. D .r . G . ( P ) .
AssL' 5' P' of
rne+_,- j-l_

ri D D. l. G. lj,. !it'ec LJr- CIIILI-

r.-, . Ad.tI. s. P .
Ltt Lel-l lrjence. Addl. D. G. P,
C. B. /' S. lJ.
r ntel {.i,lejlc.j.

ir. o. P.
{igiI artce. Secrerary -
( Vr g -r-.,-.+rce ) .
^|'' ''.,lc ^i Vigil ance
i-)rp i:t.

Dr-re c tor cilr ef Lar)'/

20. A" r. G. secre tari
(vigiiatrce). ( Vi 9:- allce ) / (Vi;1i1aiice) .
Vlgi] a;rcc.
( lti} airce) .

'2:. Grvei!rJr
, Ai cl- de- cainP
Lo Governor. of orrssa.

'22. r.G.P./ Addr' D' G'P'

r-::ir,taaAd <rilt, ( s. 4.9. ).
u5ilP (rjac. j. (s.aP). Special
T r: i-)

( s . A . P .) .
IY ansporL Secretary, C. S. or V' S' o'
23. . Tra')sport j-rr-char!e of
(.lJ,lxni sj s - Tr ansport-
fr'rr:rr. tlte ll]::,.)Lt.
( Eiljjar. ceriie '1t ) ' Io r'Ier'
/i ' //
\ a./ r J! !vc

( - ) U-j -.r'J '-i L.c tij:=c LJ. \'e 're i- J il- -?ciICe'
\.4Ju,iruEr "
c r a t - + 1 . - : - - jlcu.,rL:li-r '.+
- * Y . . : ii : i.l--
'-r'icet) r '-I':j -49'rriqr-l\:
'E.i "r.,, -- ' jiJ L" iv. !i r ut'u-
-NO. re :io r+-: u r?d i..]or-..Lr' A9.'qlo.!-r.'.'.errJ

(4) t5) (b)

( z) (3)
( r)

.-,. i. c. ( r: ) D. G, P.
1-. cou i) Ls
P oI rCe
( T:&L'l ) .

( a) jr" :L. q (P) '

2. r{e9i.,L.raI. 1
l -
(b) Establish I
,,]g t I
oi l- :jer ' i
, , T a / D \
? pol-ice r/eif e l-: cL-.
^r.c: ^^r

( i;icl uding
l,a Poilce

( ii ) Districl- Po.Lrce'
i. P . D. I'1. Ranqe
4. Add i LiJna_L D .r . G . ( P ) .
5. P.
D. i'{ . D:Ltto.
S. P.
5. D 5. P.
Special I. G.
D, I. G.
5. ii, s,P. cf P o l i c e .
( C.ri;tie Cr rtrie
br- aYi ci'r ) .

I. G.. ot
l nLef ii.- Poirue,
1 :ipeci al.L ile IIce, IllteL I r ge'lc(r/
l.jr ailcn ) . 'Lioilar
t G. P.

. . . D i. (,. +.dii ti-',ial

r l i D
i{a]-IwaYs' ,. G. P. CriKie '
( RdLi-wiryt ) . R.[!wiiys'
I' G' P' o.1 Ef OiIeli
o n' *' u' ("') '
::t . u. v- v . v! l-ilt\:.
ri. ;r' cr u' l)'
a,Id o liler s.
p-ciilcipaI. Spe_cla.i DG. & I. G.
1o. vice .prt^1ci-J ai
r ' G 'i ) ' of PoI ic e.
"' n;a';..-ii"i;-l'' Porrce
r^- I I ': :' rY'"r 'i'Lns
CoI ie ;' '

3:eci al i./i tto.

D'I' G'
11. Prrl.Icipal, r. c.(P).
r'. i. D.

.1 -:..r' ,r_i I r t..fy, spe aj<-e!

.!- -.
,1f-+ r.-j:r_
,:,. ; O . l , .A .
o. L. ;!
Ql,rtd- .P. .4/ -
tt |/ 4- i /
i€po.rLing!ng--- r . - ^ - . ^ { - i (4:r:j r , ?
J.i'rves[, KeiIaI](s
r\o. repoj: tei .,-trlLrIo.11-l:i.e,s. rgt-1}.9,{}3},e.y.-

(r) ( 4) (6)
( 1) (2)

l. iJ. P. u. /' s.P. (uist. ). r r .] . . G . ( P )

13 . I t I S r ) € r ca D . r o r
Porj-ce, Ci jicie. D. $.P. / .
:rdcl-L Li i i'tal-

r.s.P./ b,.,P.(uisL. ). uitto.

t4. I . - 1. C .

$, D;P;O./ 5;P. ( Dist. ). D.I. G. (P)

i5. I ilspec Lrr.,
D. S. P. Raflg-e.

ire pu ty Ocr,Liiia,ird ant. I. G. ( ir ) ,

1;. s:f {a{ S. AP.
llcil r. Qtrru'r arrd an t. ,
-uioirai ir. I. G. ( P)
17. I il:lnector, D. b. P. Add:.
i). 1J. i-. . i r D / Ran.lie.
{rddi ti o ,l ar sb P. Dist.
s ; D .P . o .
teiru L:, q)lnrrr.Lild arr t. I. G. ( P )
lE. Subecier.
Cl"I,'l and aill-. S.:i.P.

)Q.d:.!,1., Elw. Ir'€x{+t)

1.9.. IiliEtfrrid..igitd
J(Ejj.ij!{ESt . ftlGjrftrs4c*. (Raili$rylt*. kit^aid.raasx)"

19 " Ins.lec c.;r D. -r. G. (P). r . ( , .( P )

( Cr iL,ic sec Li o rI it airg'-. C-rrl{re.
Raige) '
j. p. I. G. (P)
-L!i5 Jsq uu-
( it .ri I vraYs ) . ( Raj] wal s ) ,
i.( .ri.L '.t a)' sj ( Ruli *ar,) .
( L r .I . G .
i( +,I I r,vc1-t s
otI i.:e ) .
Vige.- , G ) l u na n c i a n i / l. G' (P),
2 l. I jlslJ€c LJ!,
S. L Y.
iirLile -l Pcl-..1-c€ P r.! jlclv ai . lrg flclp i1i.
]tdl-.ri 'r!
Ceatr e.

U. p. P. s. F. (Dist; ). ,. I. G. (P) .
22. j(eserve
Iil:jPe c t.)r. . Adda $ci,lai
! i D

5. -o. ( C, iB. ). D.r. c. (P) l. G.(P), (c. B. )/

2J. - Lj l j i ) e c L ( Jj - ,
( c- rr. ) . Addi. D. G.
D, J. r':.
s:.tuar: C.
r\ q .J / s. P. D.r. G.(P),
24. - Ln s i ) e c t o r
( VtqiL alrce ) . Ador ti o;tai ( Vrgri a,:ce ) . vj-gil ance'

t l r L rt - d - - P . . 5 / -
ii J /
,,Ccei-'.iii9 i
J L ie )C- LL li:ji !C){,: a=l: SeIrraJiil
5 i 9' !lr9 z-r'l];i.I.J I -r -Ie ::,.
.-ij. L.tio..1 "
i.L"c s.
rlLi [nor i iies .

('l) (i) (ti)

,u.' ,r; ''.--r,,

,- 'JI' ,ilec Lrr, P. P.
P Lll- I -!! ,) . -. - , /i )_ , :
i: jlCS.-:3-:. Llf .

2ti,, l.rspac:.-,: ;l ,-.r.S. r, s . P . ( s . 1 B).. rl. I. G. (!'),

Pol ice ( Sl" ) , (j. d. ) I r1-erl-i!ence.

27. I nsrlec ! ,Jr: s.P.(c.B,). qr.G. (P) ( C.B.).

Poiic; ( eE) . (c.'.)
28. Ii,xspe c Lr;" Xji!{ D, i. P. D. I. G.
11. rli l1. \-. (ri.rr.P.C.).

29. Irrs,:octoji, P ri :rcip ai . 1 . .G . P .

P; T. C. It ei ni iig,i
n d d i . . D ,G . ( P )

30. I nJpec tor, titi:o, Dr'.G,(r'),

E. L. v. ai Ili rlg.

3 1. f nsilec l-o j: . r . ) i P , . r . G .( P ) ,
T. R. D. 1]r di aing.

3 2. 1 fls pec l-J-i:, u. S. P. iji tto . r. G,(P) "

s. p. .i. training/
,dci. il. G. (P).

3 3. I nspec tor, Pa-riliip at. D. 1. \,. ( P),

T, ir'. b. lr at iu ;i9.
(brnxir -i.ird aji-rt.

f 4. I i.r3ricc t,Jt, D. 'j. -". S. ir. DiieQ LD.L-, l'. i! S.

foJr.:,i,,. l:ojiu.:t",.
35. I-rspeciJ.r:, , . , .I . G . ( P ) . u. r. G. (Pi. I. G. (P) .
S i:ate (birrro-L Adrlilu-s aLiJA.

3d. I.rspec Lrr, --,r.t.(r).

Crorrt r -ieriti al
Po-i rce ii. u-rs,

3'1 . Iirspec Lui--, i D I. \J. ( I/l , .E. b. 5

!-inge r Prl ilt
Ilure iio-.

3E. frlsp-:cLui, ]J. ; P. I.G.(!)),

P ito LO ii. (Jrs, ( Jiio 1-o) Cr ]-ine (jri-rrre tsr.r.'ic
l - i . q IJ.r aicn. A.lCi . il. G. (P).
39. Lt€;ire c.Lore i r S L s ti'
114rrdwri tin-; ffitre Brarrcl)/
Rlr-re aLl . ;ddi . D . G. (p).
i/ 6
Pieoortii:j qlun Lex- ;Cce ji tr ir!'
SL ur:iicerrf
r\lo. re )oj: ]:eo L ie
.ti-r.o.-r-i. s.,,si gitrng ,;.,u_..+lr_I.],
;rLi Cilor i i:re s.

(r.) (2) (3) ( 4) (s)

lJ, I. rr. (Y r.
40. I ; \ i ' , ) t a a: ' L ,
PIi) Lec Lii;r oi
Crvi r i"! liL c.

1 , .P . ( r i s L . ) , i. I.v. (i') . l.G.(P),

4I . i ilslr.- rj ,--,.,;-,
, I ; I ati9 e ) .
il Itr CeJ -l-igeilce,
,.dd1 . u. G, (!,).
' - u D .I . G . ( P ) ,
/+2. -lirgr:..;C,:Ci, U. D. l''
i"leciralric cl-/ ( s:..j.'^ar ) . (siEnaf). Lfecir;rj-cel ).
O,-:e:: -;-.)r:,

43. I : r s . L : at ' j ! , U. o. i" S.u. ( Dist. ). IJ. J. U. l|t'l

D. C. i1. g.
( R.ange) . .

rils!)ec.-r, t'r'i" (r)' u. I. G. (P)

44. ( ;rd,,ill. ).
Gri ev a:ice Cel I. ( Adii n. ).

+ rj. D:| ioi, F..9. S.

45. 1 nspec Lot,
F r o e r a t L ' i Lni 9 ( C o m p u ' c e r ) . ' ( oo,nputer) ,
Ckjirij )u --eI.

46 . Subed ar (I'r ' 1'. ) C. D.r.G.(P),

.D, conpu i:er.

4'7, I.rtsr.' c c:rr ot rr li D s.p. (s. B.). D.r.u.(P)"

(s.i,.). ( s . B .) .

;rer-o droiit'

of 5. P. ( Illst. ). D. I. G. ( P )
4t. I -t-,:,"cC;r
R ange.
I r c ) 1i c a , . r(l!,t-L . v. E .

BaI l-(nel a

t i . 9. S. re:.tiji !u J ol il i:

o'i ! L... / lirec toi:/ Di rec k)r/

Se liL'.if JlLt.-,(l. r.

' S: re,r LLr l-.i


J. 5. P. ( S' ir' ) . r j .P . ( s . B . ) . r+ I. G. (r)

50. I.!r!p€c .J-t o:.
i -iILel- -Lr gelrce.
i?orl..jt: , V, I. .P.
SeJLii i tl'.

Vice - PrIrjcl-PaJ. u. f. G.(P),

51. I r r s r )= c L o r c ! '1Yai' iti jtj.
Poii.e, l ' . T . P - S. P l: r -rCI !t ar-L.

v. p. v. / D. I. G. (rr).
52. r.ts,,.,ccu.-,r,
, , i r'1,:

oii P r r 4rcr? al- Dp,L. I. \'. \r',/

::l3. lit-spccaJ-r
,9nl-iec, tl ai ni it..t
(} ) . Cr-ordinatj-on
& Direc LDr'
rrciji: , Li;i:l f<eriiaLrli,-i -


c. ( iecir. ).
P c j -- r i e (Pl:je,-.r). ( sr'j,r...r).

56. Assi-. iJ alt

D. ( c. r',.)
( CI'j-LfLe
:r erncii,i .

57. f ; r s i r ec ' . o - L ' o f D. I. G, SpL. I . G.

P()iice ( i - , ,i ' i . t . 1 . ( t . i ' r . I ) . 'I-'si&
r .i

58. i I r : i r) c c t i f c f D .I . G . spl.l-.t. (F) .,;

P c i . r - c c ( , - : r m e r ; , ( adian. ). AiL,rn.
( i i ) S , . ' e c r a i a r r i r eJ P o l r c e .
'4 . i . l i-'
59, (k>r:rt
iii aird :r,l t s . .-,r. . ,:, Ot i. G. ,.-)f J,-.'l -:r',r .' . . ,r r
S. ?! P. -;, : ;: ii." rI i ;;;: trtri: :Ar)
ij C. llr+'{..aria.1'i'ts,/ (i)irli-n air.- u. I. G. ( I ) . iipeci al_
darrr,-. ^ I. G. ( P) ,

. r rrre rIJ <u r !. r.G. (P) i. L;. (r'C,IICe),

(l)lllIlt ti].it-i ir-r: e (P.i',.c.). tr ait}l n9/
S{.,. j i ,l I rr.r ,.i L .ary iI dj-r'!i,:! Adcil . D. G.

( iv) ioirce Ra.iio .ii- i <-r.

o 2. >.rpeLi-rl LeLicii i- jJ. _j_ , e. I . \r. rr.L

o i P o l r -c e ,
4!':rJ:J. Si)eci ai
-L.u. \JI

( : J
i3, ,. J. P. .-:l -., !. :i. G. ( P) T
qiErr.iis. I. R- rJ. a i\ ,'

Adi-l. D. G.
oi Poi.r-ce.
C4. t-;. o. i'. . P ti : r c i i r a i , D. I. -. of T ' : D /

Si 9 n.-l- 5 Poir-ce P.,riic.. qpeci ai f. -.P.

a t t:rci ied ;;i r:: irg
i:i tri rr-,'
OJi ieiie,

C,Jilid. . P. ,A/ ^
h q
.. -,.,.-
, , l
' l / -r'lilri jl':':'1- r]":
Lb un c ji:-
i t
' '.e-:t.
!(\J i )Of L ! li:j
O-'' r i i g r d J l g
+i.U"Jor .L
Otfljilj]., .-.O tlrO-f.t- "tO
,.i -). rc r)a)i
'--ii o ,/rL1-Cnoflti,e-Q.'-

rrdrr'P-- :'
( V) P i jLce l.iotor
D. !J. lJ'
I ..e G
! 1. .T
D . . -^..i'
Teciulical' f::=/,!.r
{,,,i';J$r,:r ;lJ",.I;.. (
";; r-;.1,.., .,!:.r.:,,tij.i:';;;;.. \- ___,,
t * 9 i r *
. at,t! .{.1r,-tbll,. i,rst6<i. 23 .b,qla?.



' I

**F+ lI h* 9|r* tF ?Ffir IE[f ?

ef slr b s!s** Gnrns r ma rb 4qEd
*lrd{ lFS ra*gltr

.l .rrrc *
gCl*_E I I
.- r- aat - ar r- - rr - tr at - - at
(11 ta- frt- {{t t5.}
r; *,r c ? Q *'a - ir * * - - - + .r * r,r - rl - rt t t-. rr. r-

f' /Er*tffir lQtfrGr *lt +Ih

t rErl{r?rff* *F* **rr s.
rffii *l[& t't
+.r, aat jL
Attr l*r
*qtr rLSb
f- re, al?. tbh
f* Irff. llfr anr
nd Ett 4*F. *F
ferhqle! n* *F. *fiisr 3L
LLnr*le lri &**. &lEF. *$.

f3c|.tla Cf|E -] *&?r **; a&*t*a/


- .- - t, - - - - !- r- + rF -, al ira * - - il - * rt t i} A - * - - r * - i

** I r*

+lJrtj toa, s lrB,'la Bi4ptr:r,. ii.f'l,+ 6l.110 li:r*:

qrpI.{edblo ttr ths rrbsdr t{ijtk{r+ s**.r,iPr& i;}g i.r J.r rbr
,q. Cb1S sS tls sffi.rsi eg ?iXr-6; g-4sg.a1'srLi+i !,x{rslf
Int*lt{p*at $&}4gf.ts}r;t $lbref}1t,J5} tire +qfi,4 €* t{,ls
aFtl fg&l-eil (t!trsers { Eerl&x6{i {s; *rI.3 dxss }*
& Ils €lrestu .sree 6 € *rdes *f,lq$ lltsc SFr,
L€b,rr BC &k&etscrlss*J'I4oer s4€lt tt *ortr*+ lE'
rb stt** 3 ** b lr .**f;ar{l s qlrdl til ft
Et tsL3llf |lltE|rtqt L{t Le,to / *lrEGS, brit r rl-,E !.
{rlr*t* rftlII}Hrk

1++ st nuil lrt^l.r

6nlt ffi{ E * b&}, t rcltr*_f4l*

$ryre. -€'*#**tt#t t* 4ffi f;l rnr.E!
de* Sit 6crs s H. trt*.!r +?ifS*E*;* &fill"
*Ltcr *'**rv**r, a*{Fl**,nri}.
lEt G lcllc {h,b,

egf r{httir|f b b lffs&)rl, a.ciltal/ tlr
{FF!i o{C Cf.ra &r EBIt|ltIg, turrmr , tor ldrc|lr OC
tsI'ad fa€arnlrtloq.
JF.'55- - Ju - - i - . i
ST;.]E .{ EJ'IJIU AR TER S : C.: -I I'.rCK.
* * t k * i

i.,lo. D a t e C .2 a , 2 . Z a O e ,

ltre IJepu ty CoLamissj.olrer of L-oIice,

5 .1"-y.-L-e -il .e.-9....r.r,i-l:
Bef:- Your l-etter .b.400/corL dt. 15.2.2008.

,sJbl- R€garding o.:nlnunic atio n of adverse

qC- R. remarks to S. rs of, PoLice.

As per the provision laid down in .Par a. 14. (IV) of

G.A(s.E") Deptt M e m o l \ l c . 7 4 8 0( 1 2 0 ) , / s E dL31. 10.90.
' n Ren arj(s of, Lfle oountersigning offlcer shalL
prevail. gv€r tfrat of, the reporting officer. Sjmil Erty,
remarks,of the Acc ep ting Artiority sha].I prevail over
tho se of, the CountersiEning Off .icer. Mverse rema.rks sha"ll
not be coftnunlcated iJ remarks 1lke rrA'pod off icer'r,
{a very goo d off icerr tr dr e:{cellent officeiu or an.'
outstandlng off icer have'been iecorded .by :d -hlgher
officer. Gener al remarks J-rKe
ike n
" r,o
eorli satisf etoryu and
I average off icerrr a !€u.Ld rI)
r t co.u nter aflc e adveise

recorded at aJry level- of assessmenL with

wi1 the overalf

oriss+ ol t.tack.
Iierlb -*'li **--J.ecR-celJ-. Dated. 26 . 2. 2008.
Copy fgri,,rarde,l to A+I Heads of Police, Eshts., OrissE
f,or inforrnation and 9J idarce.
I- c. of Policd
or j-ss an or ttac k.
Gove!'nfitent of Orissa,
G e n e r a l A . d m i n i st r a t r o n ( S E D e p a r t n r e
) nt.
r*. ftl93,sE Datec '
Frorn ?J 1 .?Mx
Lerr;a.jAS (.SAGt
Srt l.,1
AddiitcrnaI Secretal- tc Go',,efnrnent


All Prlnctpal
m isstoner_cu
Heaos of Departmeni.iAli
Sub: A m e n d m e n It n S c h e d u l eo f I n s t r u c t t o n sf o r
r e c o r d i n go f
in theperfcrmance
Rerna:'ks Apprais"fn"pcrifinhl
PoliceiOther Officialsworking'in tt e Cornmisslon"r","

I am o,rectedto say that after careful constderation

been preaseoto Incorporate the fo|owing reversof AssessmentIn the schedure
of Instructtons issued vide this Department lener
No.1Og14/SE dated
26 12 2003' as new rtem '(h) porrcecommrssronerate'
underthe heading (13)
Home oepartmentfor recororngof remarksrn the performance
(PAR)of Polrcei otnerOtfictaisworKingrn the Commrsstotnerate.

OfficerReporled upon Repor-ting -

Author.i|l Revielvrng AcceptingAuthori
P, ChiefSeiietiry-e hrefN4n,ster


D , GP .
. a ' , , - r , - i : in . 1 . 1 . I a.i-inilnd;.r
":ll' C D a i:)
/ nl.t
7 AddD
iHGsr a\aD
u L , r J F l j r
i ' 1A s s t C o m m d t
Commdt A d d tc . P
'13 ln-spegtogTTl D S P / A s s t C o m m d tP. r i n c i
14ITC D.C.P, cP.
n,J i-^ ^. ^, t^a^ll;-^F
L./!,l,tc' .Ll , [v rg('r rl
l.J,ll lJlrveLvl, !-/ I u
trtrr Cnmmclt L;OmnlOt. 1,.r.
16 SuDedar -A.C.P.
17.lnspector, Ciime Crime A d d l .C . P CP
1C q.;d^i;fi. nffi^a'
D.C.P. r Director.Health

2 2 C . l .o f P c l i c e .
-PCrP-,- C.P.
24.lnspector, A C P:- jlqjL c.P.
n:{.9_o4Aq!-----*Py=Commcjt C.P.
i_5,Subeciqll\{,T1 l-)irantnr F P
2O..nsst Public ACdl.P.P./P P. D.C.P.
21 f.:afficEngineerot- PrinCipal,
28 Establishment D C P (Hqrs) Addt.c P CP

Thts may be brougntto the notce of all concerned under your



of Hon'bleChiefMinister,

G c v e r n m e n to f O l s s a
G e n e r aI A d r n i n i s t r a t i o(nSE ) D e p a r t m e n r

No .>t __/Jte : ). :. z'. .q

, , * 4tu \
CS("' -
S h r i B . B . M o h a p a t r aI A
,S - l
AdditionalSecretaryto Government a.u
f ..- c.I4t-,, . Q \
S u b A , r r r d i aS e r v i c e( p - e r { o r m a n cAep p r a i s a i
R e p o r t )R u l e s ,2 0 0 7 -A n n u a l
h e a t | hc h e c k -u p o f l . p . S .O f f i c e r s_ r e g .

A s p e r t h e A I S ( p A R )R u l e s 2 0 0 7 a n d a m e n d m e n i s
annualhealth check up rs mandatoryfor ali lpS
officers The summaryoi the
rnedrcarreport irn part-c of Fcnn- rV) rs to be aftachedto the pAR by the
' memberof the service The pAR arongwith the summary
of the medrcarreport
shall ce kept in the PerfortrancsAppraisaldossier
of each nremberot the
2- -The€ overrrmerrt*ra
vejiraiized the.gaekage :aie fu,rthsrnediear eheekup
@ Rs 1500/-per officerto be ccnductedin any of rhe fofiowrrrg Governrnenr
wellas PrivateMedicaiCoiieges& Hospitals.
oJg11U1eIrr M-qdlgal Co ||eo es,& Hos p ita I
(r) S C B. MecjicalCollege& Hospital.Clrttack
(ir) l , l K . C . G .M e d r c aCl o i r e g e&, H o s p i t a iB e r h a m p u r
(iii) V . S . S .M e C r c aCl o i l e g e& H o s p i t a lB, u r l a S a m b a i o L r r .
1 r v ) C a p r t a l H o s p i t aBth. u b a n e s w a r
-l.:,ls!Sfpr'vate trtedicaIC
(i) K a l i n g aH o s p i t a E
t ,i hu b an e s w ar
(ij) K l l v l SM e d i c aCl o i l e g e& H c s p r r a B
(iii) hr- fech lvtedical Coliege& irospital,Bhubanes,,var
(tv) S U M M e d r c aCt o l i e g e& H o s p i t a lB, h r J b s 6 s s , ! v r r -
3 T h e H e a l t n& F a n l y w e l f a r eD e p a d n n e nhla v e a , s c S S - i c . i t € s S a . v
l n s t r u c t r ot o
n t h e a b o v er r e d i c aCl o l l e g e s& H o s p l t a /fso r t e a t h c r e c x . : o c i F S
officersrn theirretterNo 3637dt i6 2 2009
4 S i n c et h e H e a l t hC h e c ku p h a s b e e n m a d e m a n d a r o r yt h e a u l h o z e d
hospitalsshall performthe requrredtests and examinetionson productlonot
identityand proofof dateof birth.
5 The Govt as well as Prrvatehospitalsshallundertakethe healthc.heckup
as containedin Form-lV{copyenctosed)and submitthe reportto the Officerduty
srgnedby the Superintendent
/C.M.O.concernedon paymentof Rs. 1500/-oer
6. The expenditurefor conCuctinghealth check up wrll be borne by the
etc. and reimbursed at par with the R C.M
claims in the establishment
in which the salary of the Officer(s)is drawn on
submissionof necessarydocuments.
7 This mav be brought to the notice cf all IPS Officers concerned
8. This has been cor,curredin by Health& FamilyWelfare Departmentjn
theirUOR No. 4326/5 H&FWdt. 27 12.20:08 andiry Financepepa rtmentin thef
UOR No. 1275tPSF dt.27 3.2009 i/
A . ^ L, 't l] ,-t"- , ,
AdditionalSecretaryio dovernment
Memo No. 4 Dt 13.04.20@
Copy with copy ci enclosureforw,ardedto Sr. P S. to Chief Secretary,

I Orissa/D.C.-cum-A.C.S.,Orissa/ Member, Board of Reven.ue.Orissa/Chief

Administrator,K.B.K. for kind information of chief Sbcretary/D.C
Boardof Revenue/C hrefAdministrator,


t ' . ]' r = D - - ' " : 1 : = '"-" " -- ':

ts.jl'e l"/'a:l'c
: a c : v ' / v l i l 'c c p ! ' c r e n t
[ l € c € S S 3 isvc i i o l
i r n f o r m a t t c na n o
D e p a , t n r e nf o

?9b Dt 13'04' 20CE

MemoNo. \ /,///'
to the D C E t C of Polrce Crtssa
Copy with copy of enclosureforwarded
and nec€isary action'
for informatron
Loint erRmeru-
\ - l -- 1i ; ' - l
797 13.04.20@'
(by name) for
forwardedto all IPS offrc':rb
CoPYwith coPYof enclosure
and necessaryaction

13.04. 20@
79a Date
Memo No.
f:Yfl*1 t-,*:i"t? lli"J'iltt"l'i,3'

P:f,iT:ili;'3:,#;ii;ffi-;''i'ro 36szrFrirv
joi nt S/cr"elary iGQPenm ent,t
;:' \'-.'
' \a' :l-\'l
?' -o-q \3'o4' 20@
' M e m oN o . Dt
the Health & Famrryvvcrrcrr
99 jv tvitn copy of enclosure-forwa'-d,"d^to^ nt i10 (ten)
Department -p"liliiyi*" :::tr:ji:,"t
andnecessary l.lJJ'''"
3;i,1lIiii.'l; i .t

M e m oN o .
80o u4lc
r S . O a .z O 0 9

CoPY forwarded
( )
.t,t dl--



Fo'm lV
[ s e e r u l e3 ]

R e P o r t )R u i u s 2 0 C 7
T h e A I I l n C i a5 e r v i c e( P e r f o r m a n c eA p p r a l S a l

t t ' r c x u pr o n t ' s o r f l c t ^ s
p a o r o n v or o n x E a L t u

Sax: l t i , /F

Weight Chest E\pa|i:.,o.

He i g h t

B r i e f c l i n i c a lh i s l o r v , i f a n v :

I : E x am i n a t i o n

A . G c n e r aI P h Y s i c aEl x a m i n a i r o n

B S V sl , e m i cE x dm i n a t r o n

C. Hearing

D. Vrsicjr'

ll. lnvestisations





P e r i p h e r aSl m e a r

Blood Sugar


Lipid Prollle

Total Cholesterol
)- ,. _, ,,..11t,l

i-L !iri,la,!irrirt

r r! D / . C h o l c 5 i c r c l

i t L l f . . , t) o a

L i v e r F L r 6 s 1q 6 T s 5 1

T o t , r tD r i, - u b i n

i l r a €c t B r l r i ub i n

l r i . j ri i. (I B r l i ur b i n



/ \ L K P h o s p ha l a 5 e

5 P r o te i n



K i d n e y Fu n c t i o n T e s t


Cr e at i n i ne



li a+


c hosphates






Rouijnc l'/,tqascoptc



X - r a yC h e s t

U l t r e S o u n dA b d o m e n



Physical EfticiencYTest

Any other Investltatlon


B: Medical ReEort of the Of{icel

1. Haemoslobinlevelof tlE olffigg!
) Satisfactory/Normau Htgh/Low _
Ilood sugarlevel
Chol6terol level of the officer Normat/ High/Low
4. Liverfunctioning
Normat/Both-one kidneYnot f unctional
e CardiacStatus lilormal/enlarged/blockd/not
7. BMI
(BodYMass Index)
6- Test
Endurance -t€iiFr-tsFoffit4ow
C j S u m m a r y o l M e d i c e i R ( p o 1 1( . o p y t o b e e i i a . h e . ! o p A R l

g [ , ! e _ ,_ - _ _ _ , Exc<ljeni/Veryca.!,ic.oci!,.\.,,t:,:-

r n e d i c acl h e c ku p o f t h e o f f i c e r
W h e t h e rF i t f o r F i e l dD u

Oate S i g n a t i r ,f . o f t r i e C i c z A
l oiltcriiy

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