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Giantsville tale
Giantsville tale
Written by : Bhavya Singh and Keren Lydia

Illustrated by : Aleena Johnson

Designed by : Keren Lydia

Authors Note
This book was written and designed by Giant Keren, Elf
Bhavya; illustrated by Dwarf Aleena.We wanted our mini-sized
humans to know about our fantasy world and know about the
happening there. And through those happening, we want the
candy loving small people to learn to love and appreciate
themselves as they are
Jolly's Giantsville tale was born in our brains, when all
of us sat together and scratched our heads and thought hard
about what the mini-sized humans who are as wonderful as
coloured candies would want to learn. Finally we decided to
create the story of a fantasy hero, Jolly who once was sad
because he was different from the rest of the crowd and how
Jolly finds happiness in his journey. So we found a secret way
to let you all know about the trick to happiness.
This story has that trick hidden.

Happy Reading!
Once upon a time, there was a
friendly elf named Jolly, he lived
with his parents in the great town
of Giantsville.

Now, Jolly was a tiny, tiny elf in a

ginormous town of giants.

The giants were not as nice to

Jolly as they were to the other
giants. They made fun of him all
the time.
One day,while Jolly was
returning home from school
he saw his giant classmates
playing basketball.Jolly
wished to play with them so
he ran towards the
basketball court and asked
them if he could play.

They said that only giants

could play since basketball
was a tall giants’ game and
that tiny elves like Jolly
could never reach the basket
unless he was a ball.
Jolly, the elf was heartbroken.

He told the giants that he was

also a giant, but the giants
refused to believe Jolly and
made fun of him.
a novel by annie f. gilbert

Jolly was so sad that he ran

back home and cried out loud.

Hearing Jolly cry Mommy

rushed to Jolly’s room and
asked what had happened.

Jolly shouted in anger that he

didn’t want to talk to
anybody and that everybody
hates him anyway.
Jolly was still sad when he went to
school the next day.As he was
coming back home, he heard a loud
cry. Jolly looked around and found
one of his classmates crying holding
a broken toy.

"It's just a broken toy. What are you

crying so loudly for?" Jolly asked.

After all, at least that Giant did not

have to play all by himself as Jolly

"It was my favorite toy" the giant

replied, still sobbing.
"Can I take a look?" Jolly asked and the
Giant handed over the toy.

Jolly saw that the toy could easily be fixed

and told the giant about how he could fix it
himself. The giant tried but he had huge
hands that could not properly hold small

"Here, let me do it." Jolly offered. He quickly

took the toy and fixed it and handed it back.

"Wow! How were you able to do that?" The

Giant loudly exclaimed and ran back to his
other friends to show them.
Jolly felt bad that the Giant had
run away from him as soon as he
got his toy fixed but Jolly already
knew that all the Giants hated

Jolly also despised himself

because he was short. Jolly went
to bed wishing he could be as tall
as the other Giants, and maybe
then, people would like to be
friends with him.

Little did Jolly know that he was

beautiful just as he was and he
did not need to be tall to fit in
with the others.
The next day, as Jolly entered
the class, all of his classmates
gathered around him, asking him
to fix their beloved toys.
Jolly helped all of them.

They thanked Jolly and praised

him f or being so skilled and
even asked him to play with
their toys that he had fixed!

That day Jolly was happy for

being small for the first time
We would like to extend our heartfelt
gratitude to Prof. Renu Elizabeth
Abraham for providing us with an
opportunity to create a story for the
blossoming young minds. We would like
to thank our parents and friends for
their immense support throughout this
process.Last but not the least we would
like to thank our lovely readers for
choosing our book.
all aboard for Giantsville

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