Personal Friendship: MADERA, Alexandra Claire C. BSN 2Y1-4S

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MADERA, Alexandra Claire C.

BSN 2Y1-4S

Michael had several friends including Roger and Daniel. Roger has recently met
and started dating a wonderful lady named Phyllis. He is convinced this is a long term
relationship. Unknown to Roger, Michael observed them at a restaurant several days
ago and realized Phyllis is the wife of his other friend Daniel.
Michael is deciding whether to tell Roger that Phyllis is married when he receives a call
from Daniel. Daniel suspects his wife is having an affair and since they and Michael
share many friends and contacts, he asks if Michael has heard anything regarding an
To whom does Michael owe greater friendship to in this situation? No matter who he
tells, he is going to end up hurting one, if not both friends. Does he remain silent and
hope his knowledge is never discovered? 
First of all, Michael is in a bit of a predicament that no one wants to be in but
nonetheless he still need to make a decision and no decision has ever been easy when it
comes to truth. For me, Michael owes both Roger and Daniel a great friendship and both of his
friends were oblivious of what is happening. If I were Michael, I won't talk to my friends yet and
confront Phyllis first. I won't tell it to my friends and let Phyllis talk to them because I don't want
to take Phyllis's right to explain her own side. Not unless she will drag me to the mess she has
created. Because the main problem in this situation is Phyllis herself. I will confront her that I
know what is happening behind my friends' back and enlighten her that she should do
something about it before things will get out of hand. And it is for her to decide on what action
she thinks best and that suits the situation she's in, so that she'll reflect on what she has been
doing.Either she will accept or ignore Michael advice. She could end one of the relationship or
rather end both the relationship. So that both the three of them can forgive each other, because
nothing can be kept as a secret. In my own perspective, she first need to confront the one she
was dating then have a serious talk with her husband so that they could discuss those problem
in their relationship and the reason of such action, if there were any lackings in the relationship.
It is up to Daniel whether he will continue or end the relationship with her wife.

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