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1. Discuss both the views:

● A segment of society believes in……………. whereas others have a different
● Some people argue that this is a positive or a negative development while
others tend to have an opinion that……..
● Numerous people have a mindset that………..while others think (differently)
● A section of society holds a notion that…….while critics believe that………….

2. Discuss both the views and give your opinion:

● A segment of society believes in……………whereas others including me tend
to have an opinion that………
● Many people have a mindset that………..but according to my point of
● Some people think that………………..whereas I, along with others believe
● According to me, both the aspects hold their own significance but still my
inclination is towards………………

3. Give your own opinion:

● I clearly opine that…………….
● I think that…………….
● I believe that……….
● My perspective is that……….
● Many people (believe that)/ (perceive the………….) whereas I think
● According to my point of view, ………………….
● According to my perspective, ………………

4. Do you agree or disagree: (always take only one side)


● I support the notion that………………

● I am in favor of the fact that…………
● Many people believe that……………… to which I concur.
● I espouse the…………..
● I am convinced with the fact that………….


● My views differ considerably from those who think that…………

● Some people think that…….to which I contradict, I believe that……………
● I oppose the idea of…………………..
● I dissent from the fact/ view that……………

5. To what extent do you agree or disagree: /how far do you agree or disagree:
● I fully support the fact/notion that………………..
● To a certain extent I agree that….but not completely
● I believe that……………but not completely
● I vehemently espouse that……………..
● I firmly believe that………..
● I am strongly in favor of the fact that…………….
● My views completely contradict with the mindset of certain people who
believe in………….
● I vehemently condemn the belief of certain people who think that………
● I have been contemplating on this issue and now I am certain that…………

6. Is it a positive or a negative development: (always take one side)

● I believe that…………… is putting a positive/negative impact on our society
● In my point of view, ……………….is highly beneficial for…………………….
● According to me, ………………… having a detrimental impact/effect on our

7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages:

● Everything has its own pros and cons, thus……………………….has few demerits
and numerous merits. (vice versa)
● This /……………. not only has certain benefits but few drawbacks as well.
● There are many reasons to support and very few reasons to oppose this.
● I believe that the most significant benefits from……… are …….., ……………. and
the major drawbacks are ……………, …………………

8. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages:

● I believe that the advantages/disadvantages hold more significance
● Certainly, the merits of………………….overpower its demerits
● Definitely, the positives of………………… overshadow its negatives.

9. Give causes and effects:

● The major reasons behind…….. are ………….., …………… leading to……………………
● The prime reason behind…………. is…………. which leads to certain major
● The key factors leading to…………. are………….., ……….. resulting in…………….

10. Give reasons and solutions:

● The major factors giving rise to such……… are …………, …………… which can be
effectively tackled by taking certain measures including….. and ……..
● The important causes/factors leading to………… are…………, …………… and this
can be resolved by certain effective measures taken by not only the
government but public sector as well.
● There are multifarious reasons behind………….. which can be rectified if
people act more responsibly and maturely. / if the government makes
stringent laws and takes certain strict actions.

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