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General:​ The Jotnar, born of ice and snow, are unlike any other race in the world. Even the fey
and dangerous Aldrin are made of flesh, but the Jotnar are seemingly made from ice itself, their
souls binding and manipulating their cold forms. Wandering from the farthest south, the Jotnar
tribes, while individually small, came upon Rossiya in great numbers. While many Jotnar live in
the uninhabited tundra between the Dwarven realm and the principalities of Rossiya, many
Jotnar march north, either to raid the humans for supplies, or as mighty, fierce, and loyal
soldiers to those willing to pay them.

Roleplaying​: Jotnar are an ancient and proud people. Fierce warriors and hardy survivors, a
Jotun is unlikely to take insults lightly, though what counts as an “insult” can vary on an
individual basis. Surprisingly, despite their reputation as ruthless barbarians among the humans,
the Jotnar are actually relatively mild-mannered in peace, preferring the stability of the Balance
over the extremes of Law and Chaos. On a personal level, a Jotun is most likely to get along
with warriors, particularly rangers, as well as druids and clerics. Wizards, sorcerers, and
warlocks make them uncomfortable due to the fact these tend to serve forces that threaten the
Balance. Most Jotnar tend towards Neutral Good.

Society​: The Jotnar are not organized into a single nation, and even their tribes and petty
kingdoms are less unified than the human principalities. Occasionally, in times of strife, they will
elect a High King to lead them through the storm. As they do not reproduce in a biological
fashion, there isn’t really a thing as a biologically male or female Jotun. All Jotun participate in
their community’s efforts in setting up settlements, fighting, finding sources of energy to feed off
of. The Jotnar reproduce through a kind of reincarnation; when a Jotun dies, its soul gets
transported into another block of ice and snow, from which the new Jotun springs up.1 While
their populations are relatively small, they can field armies that are large relative to their
population size because every adult Jotun is expected and able to take up arms when the need

● D&D 5e:
○ Ability Score Increase: +2 STR, +2 CON
○ Damage Immunity: Immune to Cold-based damage.
○ Damage Vulnerability: The cold bodies of the Jotnar, while sturdy, are liable to be
melted in extremely hot or magical flame, and can be disrupted by sufficiently
violent concussions. Vulnerable to Fire and Thunder damage.
○ Fight or Die: Jotnar must learn to fight from an early age. All Jotnar are proficient
in maces, longbows, greataxes, and greatswords.
○ Age: Most Jotnar reach adulthood around 25 years old. As the Jotnar have only
just appeared to the other races it is unknown how old they can get, though they

This is one of the reasons human historians give to disprove the Jotun theory that they once ruled a
massive empire; the reproduction of the Jotnar would suggest they should have a relatively stable
population. If so, then why are there relatively few Jotnar today? Where did the souls of the rest go?
claim their oldest members can be thousands of years old, and still fight as they
did when they were young. Most adventuring Jotnar would be 90-180 years old.
○ Of the Wilds: Jotnar are proficient in two of the following: Survival, Animal
Handling, and Nature.
○ Cold Weather Fighters: Jotnar have advantage on initiative and attack rolls in
snowy or arctic climates. However, they have disadvantages in warm climates.

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