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Question Answer

1. office of d secretary - secretary & hs

immediate staff
2. office of Undersecretaries & assistant
d deprtmnt proper of DILG shal consist of secretaries - d secretary shal b assisted
d ff as provided 4 undr EO262 by 2 underscretaries, 1 for local govt & d
ader for peace & order, atleast 1 of
whom mus belong to d career executive
srvice, & 3 career Assistant Secretaries
no retired o resigned military officer o
police official may b appointed as
1 year
secretary w/n __ frm d date of hs
retirement o resignation
term of office of DILG secretary @ d pleasure of d President
1. prepare & submit periodic reports,
including a Quarterly Anti-Crime
Operations report & such ader reports as
d presdnt & congress may require;
2. act as chairman & presiding oficer of d
d Secretary shal hav d ff powers
3. delegate authority 2 exercise any
substantive o admnstratve function 2 d
mmbers of d NAPOLCOM o ader ofcers of
rank w/n d Dept
2. 1 for jail mngemnt & penology &
each regional office of d DILG shal b
anader 4 d fire protection n addition 2 d
headed by a RD to b assisted by __
present assistant regional directors of
assistant RD,
dept of local govt
d mmbrs of d commision may b removed
frm ofice 4 cause. ol vacancies n d
commission, excpt thru expiration of
RA6975. sec18 removal frm office term, shal b filled up 4 d unexpired term
only: provded, dat any prson hu shal b
appointed n ds case shal b eligble 4
regular appointment 4 anader ful term
d chairman & mmbrs of d comision shal
not engage n d prctce of any profesion, o
intervene, drectly o indirctly, n d
mnagemnt & control of any private
RA6975. sec19. prohibitions
enterprise. dey shal not, drectly o
indirctly, hav any fnancial o material
interest n any trnsction requiring d
aproval of der ofice
in no case shal any officer hu has retired
o s retirable w/n 6 months frm his
compulsory retirement age b appointed
as Chief of d PNP.
56 yrs old. provded, dat, n case of any
oficer w d rank of chief superintendent,
RA6975 sec. 39 compulsory retirement director & deputy director gnral, d
comision may allow hs retention n d
srvce 4 an unextendible period of 1 yer
d PLEB by a majority vote of ol 8s mmbrs
& 8s chairman shal dtermine wder o not
d respondent ofcer o mmber of d PNP s
guilty of d charge upon wc d complaint s
*each case shal b decided w/n 60d frm d
tym d case has been filed w d PLEB.
*d procedure shal b sumary n nature,
procedure n PLEB
cndctd n acordnce w due process, but wo
strict regard 2 technical rules of evdnce
*d comision shal issue d necesary
implementing guidelines & procedures 2
b adopted by d PLEB, ncludng graduatd
pnlties wc my b mposed by d PLEB
*NAPOLCOM hering ofcrs act as legal
consultnts of d PLEBs
d decision of d PLEB shal bcome final & 10 days frm d receipt of d copy of d
executory: prvded, dat a decision decision
nvolving demotion o dismissal frm d
srvce may b appealed by either party w
d regional appellate board w/n
d RAB & NAB, as d case may b, shal
60 days frm receipt of d notice of appeal
decide d appeal w/n
oficials of d comision hu r appointed by d
President, as wel as oficers of d PNP frm
d rank of inspector to senior
RA6975 SEC50 power to admnster oaths
superintendent, shal hav d power 2
admnster oaths on maters wc r conected
w d prformnce of der oficial duties
mayors shal hav d OPERATIONAL
30 days preceding & 30 folowng any
national, local & bargy elections.
d mncpal/cty mayor shal, n coordnation
w d local peace & order council of wc he
s d chairman pursuant 2 ___, as
amended, dvelop & establish an
integrated are/comunity public safety
plan embracing priorities of action &
prgram thrusts 4 implemntation by d
local PNP stations 
8 shal, lykwys, b d duty of d cty o
mncpal mayor 2 sponsor periodc
semnars 4 mmbrs of d PNP asigned o
dtailed n hs cty o muncplty n ordr 2
update dem rgrding local ordnances &
d vice chair person of d NAPOLCOM shal
executive officer
act as
d NaPolCom shal rndr 2 d President & 2 d
Congress an annual rport on 8s actvties
& acomplishmnts during______, wc shal
nclude an appraisal of d condtions
during d 30 days after d end of d
obtainng n d organzation & admnstration
calendar year
of police agencies n mncpalities, cties &
provnces thruout d country, &
recomndations 4 appropriate remedial
d NAPOLCOM shal recommend 2 d
w/n 60 days b4 d commencement of
President, thru d scretary, w/n ______, a
each calendar year
crime prevntion prgram
1. ctzen of d PH
2. a mmbr of d PH Bar w atleast 5 yrs
experience n handling crmnal o human
ryts cases o a holder of master's dgree
but preferably a doctorate dgree n public
admnstration, sociology, crmnology,
crmnal justce, law en4cemnt, & ader
qualification for NAPOLCOM regular related dsciplines; &
mmbr 3. d rgulr mmbr frm law en4cemnt sctor
shud hav practcal experience n law
en4cemnt work 4 atleast 5 yrs wyl d 3
ader mus hav done extensive research
work o projcts on law en4cemnt,
crmnology o crmnal justce o mmbers of
a duly regstered non-govt org nvolved n
d promotion of peace & order
term of ofice of NaPolCom Comisioner 6 years wo reappointment
1. planing & research srvce
2. legal affairs srvce
3. crym prvntion & coordnation srvce
4. prsonnel & admnstratve srvce
staff services of NAPOLCOM
5. inspection, monitoring & invstgation
6. installations & logistics srvce
7. financial srvce
d NAB shal dcide cases on appeal frm d
decisions rndred by d PNP Chief, wyl d
RAB shal dcide cases on appeal frm yes
decisions rndred by d oficrs ader dan d
PNP chief, d mayor, & d PLEB
sec22 RA8551. qualifications of RD 1. ctzen of PH
2. a holder of a master's degree &
appropriate civil service eligibility
undr d waiver program, any applicant
not meeting d weight requirement shal b
gven reasonable tym but not 6 months
exceeding____ w/n wc 2 comply d said
any PNP mmbr hu shal b dismissed undr
d waiver program shal b eligible 2 re-
his or her reappointment is not by virtue
apply 4 appointmnt 2 d PNP. provded,
of another waiver program.
dat he o she possesses d mnimum
qualifications undr sec14 & _____
ol uni4med mmbrs of d PNP shal undergo
a FTP for ____ nvolving actual
experience & asignmnt n patrol, trafic, & 12months
invstgation as a requiremnt 4
permanency of der appointment
1. holder of master's degree n publc
admnstration, sociology, crmnology,
crmnal justice, law en4cement, natl sec
admnstration, dfense studies, o ader
sec20 increased qualifications for related dscpline frm a recognized
provincial directors institution of learning; &
2. has satisfctorily passed d required
training & career courses necessary 4 d
position as may b established by d
1. inefficiency based on poor prformnce
during during d last 2 successive annual
2. inefficiency based on poor prformnce
a PNP mmbr o oficer w atleast 5 yrs of for 3 cumulative annual rating periods
accumulated actve srvce shal b 3. physical &/or mental incapacity 2
separated based on any of wat factors prform police functions & duties; o
4. failure to pass required entrance
examnations twice &/or finish d required
career courses except 4 justifiable
no PNP mmbr shal b eligible 4 promotion
during d pendency of his o her
admnistratve &/or crmnal case o unless
he o she has been cleared by d PLEB, & d
ofice of d ombudsman of any complaints
proffered against him o her, f any
50% of d base pay & longetivity pay of d
retired grade n case of 20 yrs of active
service, increasing by 2.5% foor evry yer
of actv srvce rndred beyond 20 yrs 2 a
maximum of 90% for 36 yrs of actv
srvce & over. prvded, dat, he shal hav d
option 2 receive n advnce & n lump sum
monthly retiremnt pay shal b
hs retiremnt pay 4 d first 5 yrs:
prvded,further,dat paymnt of d retiremnt
benefits n lump sum shal b w/n 6m frm
efctvty date of retiremnt &/o completion.
pay shal n subjct 2 adjustmnts based on
d prevailing scale of base pay of police
prsonel n d actv srvce
1. chief of police, wer d ofnse s
punshable by w/holdng of
privileges,restriction 2 specified
lmits,suspnsion o 4feiture of salary,o any
any complaint by a natural or juridical cmbnation derof, for a periof not
person against any mmbr of d PNP sal b exceeding 15days
brought b4 d ff 2. mayors of cities o mncpalities. not les
dan 16d but not exceding 30d
3. PLEB.. period exceding 30d o by
wen an admnstratve complaint s filed w forum shopping of multiple filing of
a police dsciplnary authority, such as d complaints
PLEB, no ader case nvolving d same
cause of action shal b filed w any ader
disciplinary authority
1. dat he has not heretofore comnced
any ader action o proceding nvolving d
same isues n adr dscplnary forum
2. dat 2 d bes of hs knwldge, no such
action o proceding s pending n ader
n order 2 prevnt forum shopping o police admnstratve dscplnary machinery
multiple filing of complaints, d o authority
complainant seeking relief n d complaint 3.dat f der s any such action o procding
shal crtfy undr oath n such pleading, o n wc s either pnding o may hav ben
a sworn crtfcation annexed derto & trmnatd, he mus state d status derof
simultaneously filed derwith, to d truth of 4. dat f he shud deraftr lern dat a simlar
d ff facts & undrtaking action o proceding hs ben filed o s
pnding b4 any adr police dscplnary
authority,he mus undrtake 2 report dat
fac w/n 5 days derfrom 2 d dscplnary
authority wer d orgnal complaint o
pleading has ben filed
1. wen d chrge s serious & d evdnce of
guilt s strong
2. wen d respondent s a recidvist o has
d NaPolCom, PNP Chief, & PNP RD, aftr
ben repeatdly chrged & der r reasonable
due notice & sumary herings, may
grounds 2 believe dat he s guilty of d
imediately remove o dsmis any
chrges; &
respondent PNP mmbr n any of d ff cases
3. wen d respondent s guilty of a serious
ofense nvolving conduct unbecoming of a
police oficer
d formal admnstrative dsciplinary
machinery of d PNP shal b d
d NAB shal b composed of 4 regular
commissioners & shal b chaired by d
executive officer. d board shal consider
appeals frm decisions of d Chief PNP
6yrs & 1day or more. provded dat f d
acused s harassing d complainant &/or
for grave felonies wer d penalty mposed witnesses, d cort may ordr d prevntve
by law s ______, d cort shal immediately suspension of d PNP mmber even d
suspend d acused frm office 4 a period chrged s lower dan 6 yrs & 1day. not 2
not exceeding 90 days frm arraignment. exceed 90d still excpt f d delay n d
dsposition of d case s due 2 d fault,
neglgnce o petitions of d respondent
any personnel hu shal violate d
established rules & regulations regarding
gender sensitivity & gender equality shal
b suspended wo pay for not les dan ___
& shal undergo gender sensitivty semnar 30 Days
o training: prvded, dat any prsonel hu
violates d rules mor dan twice shal b
recomended 4 demotion o dsmissal frm d
n no case shal an officer-in-charge as
COP be designated for more than ___
1. frequent unauthorized absences
2. abuse of authority
3. providing material support 2 crmnal
suspension o withdrawal of deputation elements; or
4. engaging n acts inimcal 2 natl security
o wc negate d efectvenes of d peace &
order campaign
d ___ shal b d central receiving entity 4
any citizen's complaint against d officers
& mmbrs of d PNP. subjct 2 d provisions
of sec41 of RA6975, d PLEB shal take
cognizance of or rfr d complaint 2 d
proper dscplinary o adjudicatory
authority w/n 3 days upon filing of d
compensation of PLEB mmbrshp n d PLEB s a civic duty.
howevr, PLEB mmbrs shal b paid PER
DIEM & shal b provided w lyf insurnce
coverage as may b dtermined by d city o
muncpal council frm cty o municipal
funds. d DILG shal provide 4 d per diem
& insurnce covrage of PLEB mmbrs n
certain low income muncpalities
1. wen d respondent refuses 2 heed d
PLEB's summons o subpoena
d PLEB may ask any authorized superior 2. wen d PNP personel has ben chrged w
to mpose prvntve suspension against a ofenses nvolving bodily harm o grave
subordnate police oficer hu s d subjct of threats
a complaint lasting up to a period as may 3. wen d respondnt s n a position 2
b allowed undr d law. a request 4 unduly influence d witnesses 
prvntve suspnsion shal not b denied by d *any superior hu fails 2 act on any
superior ofcer n d ff cases request 4 suspension wo valid grounds
shal b held admnistratvely liable 4
serious neglect of duty
8 s used n d preparation of mltary
policies, plans & prgrams. 8 ncludes d mltary intelignce
stratgc & combat intelignce
dat knwldge prtaining 2 d capablties &
probable courses of action of foreign stratgc intelgnce
s required by d comnder n ordr 2
dtrmine d best use of hs availble firepwer
combat intelignce
& maneuvr 4ces, 2 acomplish hs mision,
& to maintain d securty of hs comand
an intgral prt of ol intlgnce oprations &
such can't b spratd frm combat & strtgc
intelgnce. 8s objctve s to safeguard
countr intelgnce
n4mation against espionage, material &
instalations against sabotage & prsonel
against subvrsve
cncrns d maner n wc mltary 4ces r
order of battle intelgnce
organized & dsposed
cncrns foreign techncal dvlopmnts, wc
hav prctcal mltary aplication & d physcal
charactrstcs, prformnce, cpablties, & techncal intelgnce
lmtations of material & instalation, used
by & for foreign
those aspcts of d oprational environmnt
exclusve of d mltary 4ces nvolved. 8
cncrns weathr econmcs, poltcs,
sociology, hydroglyphcs "study of lakes, Area of opration
seas" & chrctrstcs of d envirnmnt of an
area n wc mltary oprations r taking place
o planed
frm a mltary stndpoint, enemy cpblties r
courses of action wc d enemy cn adopt &
wc f adopted, wil influence d capablities
acomplishmnt of d friendly mision, eithr
favorable o not
r weakneses, wc make 8 susceptble 2
any action, wc reduces 8s war potential vulnerabilities
& o 8s wil 2 fyt
d harlot of jericho "joshua 2:1-21" hu
sheltered & concealed d agents of Israel,
made a covenant w d agents & duped
der pursuers. she was not only an
impromptu confederate of imense value Rahab
4 d jewish ledr of dat far dstant day, but
also established a plot-pattern wc s stil
of periodic relief 2 motion pcture
wat s judges 16:1-19 delilah
f u know thy enemy & know yourself, u
ned not fer d results of a hundred battles
f u know urself & not d enemy, 4 evry
sun tzu
vctory, u sufer defeat
f u know neither urself nor d enemy u r a
fool hu wil meet defeat n evry battle
he sought d truth & got it by simpliest alexandr d great
expedient. he devised d frst "leter
sorting" & opening 2 obtain n4mation
d roman comnder n spain hu possessed a
wyt fawn & alowed 8 2 b come widely
known dat he derived both screts &
gen. romano q. sertorius
guidnce frm a fawn. hs intelgnce agents
creditd der n4mation 2 d supernaturl
pwer of animals
d great mogul & sagacious master of
hindustan employed mor dan 4,000
agents 4 d sole purpose of bringing hm d
truth dat hs throne myt rest upon 8
he was d leader of d so-called MONGOL
genghis khan
undr Quen elizabeth, organized d 1st natl
intelgnce srvce. he employed spies on d
staff of d admral n comand of d spanish
army & able 2 obtain n4mation rgrding sir francis walsingham
spanish army as to der ships, equipment,
forces & stored. he protctd quen
elizabeth I frm countles assasins
n france, he introduced d network of
covrt colctors hu transmited prompt &
acurate in4mation 2 paris rgrdng d richelieu
actvties of d rebels & disidents of d
was born on paris on sept 9, 1585. he
tok d name richelieu frm d name of hs
family's estate.. he bcame a crdnal & armand jean du plessis
chief o prime mnister of king louis XIII.
bcame d mos pwerful prson n france.
systematized poltcal policy, continuous
surveilnce, postal censorship & military louis XIV
intelignce organization.
he said dat 1 spy n d ryt place s worth
napoleon bonaparte
20,000 men n d field
bureau of intelgnce-consoldate ol
ncoming n4mation rgrdng d enemy 4
prsntation 2 d emperor & to obtain
wat r d 2 bureaus organized by n4mation as desired
topographc bureau-maintains a lrge
map, wc covrs d latest n4mation
regrding both enemy & friendly 4ces
spy against spy was of high proportion
during hs tym werin countrespionage napoleon bonaparte
came n2 popular usage
considred one of d briliant mltary
strategist n hstory. he hd dvloped an
efctve intlgnce for 15 yrs n Rome, & he hannibal
usualy roam around d city often disguise
as a beggar 2 gather 1st hand n4mation
during hs tym, d staf of each legion
includes 10 "speculators" hu srved as an
n4mation-colecting agency. d
"speculators" wer d 1st intelgnce prsonel
2 apear defnitely n a mltary organization.
mltary suces of d romans was aided by julius ceasar
comuncation system. made use of carrier
pigeons, wc made posible amazing sped
w wc intelgnce of Imperial Rome was
transmted: dey also employed ciphers 2
ensure svrecy of comuncations
conspirator undr oath abounds n d hstory
of every nation. as a grand
mastermobilized d free masons of d george washington
colonies @ d outbreak of d american war
of indepndnce
napoleon's eye, hs miltary scret, was karl schulmeister
born on august 5, 1770. e bgan hs
career n ofensive espionage. undr cover
role, he was able 2 infiltrate d austrian
gnral staff
1 of d most briliant intelgent agent, thu
homosexual. bcome d chief of d austro-
hungarian scret srvce, bu n fact a double
agent of russia. n 1913, hs treason ws
alfred redl
dscovred & he was 4ced 2 comit suicide.
hs treason led 2 d det of 500,000 agents
& soldiers combine n hs 13 yrs espionage
was bismarck's mastr spy, drector of
bureaus. was both an agent of domstc
surveilnce & an extrnal agent. however,
wilhelm johann carl eduard stieber
he worked n reality for tsar's ochrana.
along w joseph fouche, he nvnted
modern n4mation gathering
rivaled d modrn soviets & had d ff tasks:
shadow d king's mnisters & oficials &
atempt 2 dtermine der very thoughts -
rport wrong doings of d people - oprate
scretly n foreign countries-spread unrest-
mayuryan spy system
comit sabotage-asasinate poltcal &
mltary leaders-oficial envoys wer
instructd 2 make friends w oficials of d
enemy 2 compare der mltary strengths w
der own
organizer of d OSS "ofice of d stratgc
srvce, US", buildr of a cntral intelgnce
william donovan
systm. d OSS whose exploits bcome
lgndary n WWII
head of d MI-8 d foreruner of d Top
Secret Natl Securty Admnstration aka
herbert yardley
Black chamber, a crypanalytic
n june 1442, d turning point of d Naval n
d pacific, d vctory gained by d amercans
battle of midway
was due 2 d dsruptd mesages frm d
imperial japanese navy
april 1943, d cryptoanalyst of d US navy
comuncations intelgnce intrcptd a top-
secret sgnal relaying d travel of d admral isoroku yamamoto
admiral. en route he was intercptd &
crashed n d jungle of baugainville
OSS Agents wrking n conjunction w d
british intelgnce, through pnertration &
techncal intelgnce dscovred pneumundo,
wc was V2 guide misile research projct of
Nazi Grmany. 8 resultd 2 8s destruction
& heavy bombing
d french stateman srved as mnister of
police under napoleon & was influential n
d return of louis XVIII 2 d throne n 1815.
bonaparte's hed of internal securty. he
joseph fouche
creatd a ntwork of agent. his assistnce
founded d modrn system of spying on
spies, wc later was known as counter
head of italian squad. he s credited 2
joseph petrosino
smash d black society
1st established n 1908 as an invstgatve
explain FBI arm of US dept of jstce. frst director
edgar hoover n 1924.
creatd undr d US natl security act of
1947 aka publc law 110 established by d
explain CIA
late president truman n jan 1946. undr d
natl security council.
hu s d first director of CIA? rear admiral roscoe hillenkoetter
first director of mossad reuven shiloah
wer cn we find d motto of mossad? proverbs XI, 14- wer no counsel s, d
people fall, but n d multitude of
counselors der s safety.
Aman-mlitary intelgnce "israel's defense
wat r d 2 branches of mossad
shabak-gnral security srvice. frm d word
"shin bet" dat means a dfender hu shal
not b seen.
US 3 branches of intelgnce negative
geographic branch
has d function of colecting, evaluatng &
dissemnating intelgnce. prepare stuation positive branch
estmate & trnslate documnts
8 s d countr intlgnce fnctions wc involve
n invstgating dsloyalty & sedition,
negative branch
invstgate enemy actvties, nvstgate graft
& fraud n organization
produces maps, photogrphs & terrain
geographc brnch
strted d WWII w d world's bst organized
intelgnce srvce thru advnce preparation
german intelgnce
of intelgnce acompanied by troop
failed bcause 8 was not provided w
suficient # of trained prsonel 2 asemble
& evaluate d mass of materials wc wer japanese intelligence
colcted although dey wer nvolved n shrt
war & dfnsve n nature.
8s achievement was d delay n d use of
british intelligence
german V-Bomb against dem
n 1932, he organized d china's secret
police 2 cnduct espionage &
countrespionage against d japanese
spies & chinese communist
was organized during d war as countr
intelgnce concrned w disaffection among
smersh or death of spies
soviet Troops & anti-comunism n any
admnstration, opration, invstgation,
five major divisions of smersh
prosecution, & prsonel
no one may cross d borders of d USSR
iron curtain
wo being dtcted
securty srvce organized by east grmany
2 combat d covert actvties of d west
red gestapo
grmany group wen 8 was stil dvided by d
berlin walls
BND - bundes nachrichten dienst "federal
west germany's intelgnce group
intelgnce srvce"
founded 1909 - dvoted 2 countr-
1st director of MI5 george mansfield smith-cumming
aka box850 MI6
set up d bureau central de
gen. charles de gaulle
renseignements et d' action
part of french intellgnce surete nationale
2 ensure timely & rational decision-
wat s d fundamntal objctve of intelgnce?
1. colction o procuremnt of n4mation
today ol countries hav der intelignce 2. evaluation of d n4mation wc den
srvices. dey maybe diferent n der bcome intelgnce
organzation, efficiency & method but dey 3. disemnation of inelgnce 2 those hu
ol hav d basic functions: need 8
4. countr intlgnce
dfensive fnction of intelgnc counter intelligence
r fundmntal guides 2 action, broad principles
statements of truth frm wc aders r
1. univrsalty of application
2. 8 mus b broad
criteria of intelgnce
3. dey mus b mutualy exclusive; instead
each shud complement d ader.
8 shud apply 2 as many phases &
aspects of intellignce as possible. 8 shud
guide not only d production of intelgnce
but also d concomitant actvties essential universality of application
2 d proces as wel as d organization & d
thoughts & actions of d indvdual
composing 8
der exist an esential unity btween
knwldge & action; dat knwldge enhances
doctrine of intelgnce
d efectvenes of action - & minimizes
1. objctivity
2. interdependnce
3. continuity
4. comuncation
prncples of intelgnce
5. usefulnes
6. selection
7. timeliness
8. security
8 s necesary dat ___ so dat d shape of
wat happens 2day cud b studied n d lyt
coverage be continuous
of wat hapened b4, wc n turn wud enable
us 2 predict d shape of things 2 come.
1. exeptional organizing ablty
2. ablty 4 intelgnce work
3. prodigious memory & a sense of
attributes comon 2 intelignce directors 4. broad knwldge of many sbjcts, 2
include complex techncal maters
5. insatiable curiousity
6. wat myt b called "intelectual
ruthlesness & cold cynicism"
1. college graduate
2. passed prescribed test 4 intelgnce
3. passed BI
4. good moral character
gneral qualifcations of an intelgnce oficer
5. loyal 2 d republc of PH
6. no undesirable traits such as
gambling, excesive drunkenes,
indebtedness, drug adiction, etc
7. passed by screening comittee
1. knwldge ablty
2. prcptve about people-judge of charctr
3. flexiblty/adaptablty
4. cn dstnguish btwen fact & fction;
esentials & non esentials
5. poses inquisitiveness or an inquiring
6. hav ingenuity-able 2 improvise
7. obsrvnt & alert
desirable qualities of an intelgnce oficer 2 expres ideas clerly
9. dscpline-snse of tym
10. patient & hrdwrkng
11. gud memory
12. intgrty
13. objctvty-shud not b caried away by
prejdce o bias
14. dscreet. knws wen 2 kep mouth;does
not brag about wat he knows o mportant
purposes of police intelgnce 1. chck comunty relatng 2 crime, vice,
juvnile dlnquency & indcations of
suvrsion & insurgncy
2. dtrmne prsonel securty
3. dtrmine folow-up leads & helps n d
solution of ndvdual crmnal cases
4. idntfy crmnal elmnts & ader law
breakrs as wel as der associates
5. asist n d ares of wantd crmnals
6. check d quality & efctvenes of d
operation of d PNP
s d proper, economcal & mos prodctve
use of prsonel resources & equipmnt
employed &/o utilized n planing d
colction of n4mation & disemnation of
intelgnce. 2 pursue ds ends, heds of d
PNP comnds n d
wat d crdnal principle n police ntlgnce?
zone/regionl,prvncial,dstrct & station
lvels shal maintain a hrmonious wrkng
reltionshp w ader cvilian intelgnce
agncies. liaison w des agencies wil b
encouraged @ ol times & as necesary 2
efect coordnation of intelgnce oprations
prodction of intelgnce esential 2 d
prevntion of crimes & d invstgation, crimint
arrest, & prosecution of crmnal ofndrs
knwldge esential 2 d maintennce of
insint. intrnal security
peace & order
knwldge esential 2 ensure d protction of
pusint. publc safety intelgnce
lives & proprties
deals w d demographic & psychologcal
sociologcal intelgnce
aspcts of groups of people
1. population & manpower
2. chrctrstcs of d people
scope of sociologcal intlgnce 3. pblc opinion - atitude of d majority of
d people 2wrds matter of pblc policy
4. education
deal w d progres of research &
dvelopmnt as 8 afects d economc & geographical intelignce
mltary potential of a nation
an intelgnce data dat r not of an
immediate value. 8 s usualy dscrptve n
nature, acumulation of physcal
descrption of prsonalities, modus
strategic intellignce
operandi. 8 does not hav imediate
operational value but rather long range
dat may bcome relevant 2 future police
intel nfos 2 b dtermined n Line
PWET. people, weathe2, enemy & terrain
Intelligence r
1. cover & concealment
2. obstacle
5 military aspects of terrain 3. critical key terrain features
4. observation & fields of fire
5. avenues of approach
intelignce dat covers d actvty devoted n
destroying d efectveness of hostile
counter intellignce
foreign actvties & to d protction of info
against espionage, subvrsion & sabotage.
2 kinds of CI passive & active measures
r those measures, wc seek to conceal
passive measures
info frm d enemy
r those measures, wc seek actvely, block
d enemy's efort 2 gain info o engage n active measures
espionage, subversion o sabotage.
1. security intel
negative intelgnce s a generic term
2. counter intel
meaning 3 diferent things
3. counter-espionage
means dat d total sum of eforts 2 security intelignce
counsel d national policies, diplomatic
decisions, military data, & any ader
n4mation of a scret nature afcting d
security of d nation frm unauthorized
prsons. 8s efort s to deny n4mation 2
unathorized prsons by restrcting to those
hu r explicitly authorized 2 poses 8
s d organized efort 2 protct specfc data
dat myt b of value 2 d oponent's own counter-intelgnce
intel org
1. censorship
2. aims 2 prvnt d disemnation of any
n4mation dat myt aid an opponent
3. maintenance of files of suspct
4. surveilnce of suspct
functions of CI
5. mail reading, wire taping & rcrdng
6. infiltration of d enemy intelgnce
organized 2 procure n4mation about 8s
method, prsonal, specfic oprations &
negatve intelgnce bcomes dynamic &
actve efort. 8s purpose s 2 invstgate
actual o theoritcal violation of espionage
laws, 2 en4ce laws & to aprehend any
violators. 8 s a job 2 catch spies. 8 s
basicaly a police function
former chief of scotland yard crmnal
invstgation dvsion hu says dat A BASIC
Sir Bassil Thompson
1. deny info 2 d enemy
2. reduce d risk of a comand
3. achieve susprise
5 importance of efctve CI
4. increases d security of d comand
5. decreases d enemy ablty 2 create info
about our 4ces
8 encompasses d measures taken by a
command 2 protect 8self against
miltary security
espionage, enemy opration, sabotage,
subvrsion o surprise
has 2 do w d application of both mltary &
cvil security measures for CI control @
port frontier & trvel security
point of entry & dprture, intrnational
bordrs o boundaries
encompases actve & pasive CI measures
afecting d non-mltary nationals
cvil security
prmanently o temporarily residing n an
area undr mltary jursdction
8 s d control & examnation of d civil,
natl, armed 4ces, field press, & POWs
counter subvrsion, sabotage & espionage special operations
1. secrecy discipline
2. special safeguarding of clasified info
3. securty of troop movmnt
examples of CI n military security
4. special handling of weather & escapes
5. counter subvrsion w n d armed forces
6. tactcal measures n combat area
screning & control of frontier security
example of CI n port frontier & travel control of merchants, seaman & crew of
security comrcial aircraft, securty control of
frontier crosing point, control of seaports
1. systmatc regstration of civilians &
2. control of circulation, curfew
example of CI as civil security 3. surveilnce of suspcted politcl orgs
4. screning of labor, isuance of passes &
5. control of internal commerce
CI opration s also called CI invstgation. 8
s an actvty dat constitutes d value of d
CI workload, worldwide & includes
wat s CI operation?
specific invstgation of indvdual & incidnce
wc 4 d most part r conductd n an overt
but dscret maner
3 categories of CI measure denial, detection, deception measures
screcy dscpline, documnt security,
camouflage & concealment, comuncation
denial measure
security, mltary censorship, counter
PSI, security tag o pass card, chalenge o
dtction measure
password, reconaisance
ruse-use of escape & evasion, dummy
deception measures
position, fbrcated info
dtction, idntfy d threat
CI mission
counter action & prevntion- recomnd
counter measures n neutralizing d trget
seeks 2 ovrcome enmy atempts 2 use
humn resources 2 colect n4mation o 2
conduct sabotage & subvrsion wc counter human intel
includes CI special oprations, liaison,
countr securty, CI screning
includes action taken 2 dtrmine enmy
SIGINT & related EW capblties &
actvties. ds actions include srveilnce
counter imagery intel. IMINT
redar, photo thermal & infrared systems.
rely heavly on pattern & movmnts
analysis & evaluation
dtrmines enemy SIGINT & relatd EW
capblties & actvties, ases friendly
oprations 2 idntfy patterns, profiles & counter sgnal intel SIGINT
dvelop, recomnd & analyze countr
1. ident insurgnt ndcators
2. construct database on insurgent
3. analyze curent intelgnce infrastructure
4. recomnd CI trgets 4 exploitation
functions of CI prsonel
5. recomnd specfic operations on specfic
CI trgets
6. recomnd population/resources cntrol
7. ensures instalation base security
8. conduct liaison w ader agencies
fore knwldge, a kind of propecy-lyk craft,
intelgnce s d same as wc s always on alert, n every part of d
world, 2ward friend & foe alike
1. dtermnation of d intelignce
2. dtrmnation of priority, wc wil b
assigned, 2 these intel requiremnts
3. balancing d intel requiremnts w
5 successive steps comprising d colection
available colction agencies 2 arrive @ a
equitable alocation of colction eforts
4. slctng d colcting agncy 2 b employed
& d isuance of colction dirctves
5. suprvision & inspction 2 insure dat d
colection directves r carried out proprly
8 s an item of intelgnce o in4mation of d
characteristcs of d area of operations & d
enemy, wc d commander feels he needs
wat s d priority intellignce requirement b4 he can reasonably arrive @ a
"PIR" formerly Esential Element of decision.
Information "EEI" evaluation based on d existing situation-
current domestc & foreign situations, natl
objctves; der s no exact formula;
jdgemnt & experience r necessary
a category of PIR n relation 2 use wc s executive
an intel required by executve,
govrnmntal & mltary comnders; d
executve requiremnts r d basis 4
decisions & national policy making
1. executive
categories of intellignce requirements n 2. contributory
relation to use 3. operational
4. collateral
a category of IR n relation 2 use wc s d
intelgnce required 2 complete d staff
process - make staff plans & estimates contributory
dat contribute 2 d decision & policy
category of IR n relation to use wc s an
aditional intel required n planning &
carying out efctvely d decision o policy operational
anounced. decisions & policy require
a category of IR n relation to use wc s
higher o adjacent echelons of d govt o collateral
military establishmnt may require info
1. basic
categories of intel requiremnts by type 2. current
3. estimative intel
ctgory of IR by type wc s a gnral refernce
materials 4 use n d planning regrdng d basic
enemies, area of operations, capblities
a category of IR by type wc s temporary
n nature & narrower n scope. info current
required 2 scope w curent objctves
a catgory of IR by type wc dtermines d
future courses of action; required by d
estimative intel
executve 2 plan future mltary oprations
& policies
1. wat r der capablties & vulnerablities?
2. wat r d physcal charctrstcs of d
probable area of operation?
3. wat major policies, plans & decisions
mus b made n d near future?
4mulation of intelignce requirements
4. wat step mus b taken 2 presrve d d
security of d nation?
5. wat s d in4mation required by d
higher, lower o adjacent echelons w/n d
govt o armed forces?
8 s necesary 2 decide wc items of
in4mation r mor important - a systm of
priority s neded; crtcal mportnce & leser
1. list ol availble sources; exploitation of
colcting agencies
2. colction wil b assigned n acordnce w
3. colction dirctves prepared once d
propr colcting agncy has ben slctd 2
how 2 select a colecting agency
exploit a prtcular source
4. colction dirctves do not limit d actvties
of d colcting agency
5. criteria 4 d slction of colcting agncy;
suitablty, cpblty, cnfrmation, tymlines &
1. overt
methods of colction
2. covert
1. govt agencies
colcting agencies 2. intel units/agencies
3. organizations
organization of raw data & in4mation nto
usable form; grouping smlar items of
n4mation so dat dey wil b readily
examnation of raw in4mation 2 dtermine evaluation
intelgnce value, pertnence of d
in4mation, reliability of d source &
agency, & 8s credblity o truth of
does 8 hold some value 2 current
operation? s 8 needed immediately? s pertinence
dtermnation of
judging d source of n4mation by d
truth of n4mation; s 8 posible 4 d
reportd fact o event 2 hav taken place? s
d report consistnt w/n 8self? s d report
confrmed o corroborated by info frm credibility
dferent sources o agencies? f d report
does not agree w info frm ader sources
wc 1 s mor likely 2 b true.
A-completely reliable
B-usually reliable
C-fairly reliable
evaluation of reliability of Item
D-not usually reliable
F-reliability cannot b judged
1-confirmed by ather sources
2-probably true
3-possibly true
evaluation of accuracy of Item
4-doubtfully true
6-truth cannot be judged
T-direct obsrvation by d comnder/chief of
U-report by DPA o residnt agent
V-report by PNP/AFP troup
evaluation of source of info
W-interogation of captured enemy
X-obsrvation of gov't/cvlian employee
Y-mmbr of populace
establishing d meaning & sgnfcance of d
Interpretation involves d ff actvties integration
d 4mulation of conclusions frm a theory
dveloped, tsted & consdred valid-
dtrmnation of efort & meaning of d
phase I - direction d colection eforts
"dtrmnation of intellignce requiremnts"
phase II-colection of in4mation
phases of intelignce cycle
phase III- processing d colected
phaseIV-dissemination & use
criteria dat mus b obsrved n *timeliness
dissemination r *propriety
msg mus b clear, concise & complete, as
wel as n d proper form 4 d receiver 2
readily undrstand 8s contents. 8 mus b
disemnated 2 d corect user, presntd n a
form dat lends 8self 2 imediate use &
dstributd by d most efctve means
appropriate 2 both tym & securty
1. fragmntary ordrs frm top 2 bottom of
d command
2. memorandum, crculars, special ordrs
methods of dissemnation 3. oprations order, oral o written
4. conference-staff mmbr
5. ader report & intelgnce documnts
6. prsonal contact
% of info frm open source 99%
% of info frm close sources 1%
8 s a controlled grup of people hu
worked thru d direction of d agent
handler. d in4mants, prncpal o cutouts informant net
supply d agent handler drectly o indirctly
w intel n4mation
people slctd as sources of n4mation, wc
cud b voluntary, o n consideration of a informants "assets"
1. crmnal in4mants
2. confidential n4mant
types of informants 3. voluntary in4mant
4. special in4mant
5. anonymous in4mant
an n4mant hu gve n4mation 2 d police
prtaining 2 d undrworld about organized
crmnal n4mnts
crmnals w d undrstnding dat hs idntity
wil b protctd
smlar 2 crmnal n4mant but in4mation
confdential n4mant
violate of d law not organized crym
those hu gves n4mation concerning
specialized cases only & 8 s regrded a
special in4mants
special treatment by d opratves "teachrs,
n4mants dat r undr d compulsion 2
ordnary run of the mill in4mants
report nto d police
8 s prtculrly desirble 2 b able 2 identfy &
recruit an n4mant hu has aces 2 many
crmnal n-group o subvrsive org. wyd
aces s probably d single mos imprtant
feature n d cnsideration of recruiting d
potential n4mant
8 mus b done n a setting frm wc myt
include pleasant surroundings, prhaps a
cnfdntial apartmnt, completely free frm
any probablity of compromise, preferably
n an adjacent cty o a remote area
foreign 2 d n4mants lving patern
d __ program shud begin, of course, w d
limited asignmnt, w a gradual intgration
n2 d mor mportant areas. d ocasional __ testing
of an n4mant shud continue thru d entire
factors considered n informant
1. avoid derogatory terms
2. avoid dsclosng d identity of in4mant-8
wil rin hs potential
3. protct d interest of n4mant, rmmbr
dat an nvstgator s jus as good as hs
4.cnsder ol infos frm known & unknown
as valuable
gnral treatmnt of n4mant
5. b non-comital of d value of d info
6. expres apreciation regrdles of value
7. kep apointmnt on tym even d n4mant
may not
8. b patient
9. kep control of d invstgation
10. kep wat u know 2 urself, dont bcome
an informant's informant
1. dtermine colcting agncy
2. send ordrs o requests
steps n d colection of n4mation 3. suprvise colection effort
4. use tools o technique n collection
5. ensure tymly colction
s d reduction of info nto writing o some recording
ader form of graphical representation & d
aranging of ds info nto writing o some *police log book & journal
form of graphical represntation & d *intel-work sheet-intel files
aranging of ds n2 groups of relatd items. *situation maps-rouges gallery
*MO files

n4mants hu r of a specfic operational

special n4mnts

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