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Criminologist Licensure Examination

LECTURE with Q and A
arranged by Sub-Subjects


Intelligence and Secret Service
History of Policing System I Concept of Police Organization, Administration and Management I Personnel
and Records Management I RA 6975 as amended by RA 8551 I Police Planning and Operations I Police
Patrol Operation and Communication I Intelligence and Secret Service I Comparative Police System I
Industrial Security Management
Michael Angelo P. Quarin
Jhun Boy L. Bernardino II
Charlemagne James P. Ramos
CLE Lecture Series
in Law Enforcement
Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the 
children of God. [Matthew 5:9]

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
Registered Criminologist
LEA (20%)
Pertinent laws and issuances, principles, concepts, procedures, methods
and techniques in the management, administration, and operation of a
police organization. Specifically it includes the history of policing, police
organization and administration with special focus on Republic Act No.
6975, as amended, police patrol operations with police communication
system, police intelligence, police personnel and records management and
comparative police systems. It includes also the study of the organization,
administration and operation of security agencies under the Private
Security Agency Law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; loss
prevention and assets, protection program through different security
methods and techniques such as physical security, personnel security,
document and information security; risk analysis and security hazard; and
security survey, inspection and investigations.
About the Contributor
MICHAEL ANGELO P. QUARIN obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2016 and
subsequently passed the October 2016 Criminologist
Licensure Examination with the rating of 85.85. He is
currently a member of the bold organization of the
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE and committed in the Lecture
Sessions at What Criminologist Knows? and focuses on the
field of Law Enforcement Administration.

Sir Michael Angelo P. Quarin

Criminologist / Police Officer
About the Contributor
JHUN BOY L. BERNARDINO II obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2016 and
subsequently passed the October 2016 Criminologist
Licensure Examination with the rating of 83.40. He is
currently a member of the bold organization of the BUREAU
OF FIRE PROTECTION and committed in the Lecture
Sessions at What Criminologist Knows? and focuses on the
field of Law Enforcement Administration.

Sir Jhun Boy L. Bernardino II

Criminologist / Fire Officer
About the Contributor
CHARLEMAGNE JAMES P. RAMOS obtained his Bachelor of Science in
Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences College of
Criminal Justice Education in 2013 and subsequently passed the
October 2013 Criminologist Licensure Examination with the rating of
88.05. At the young age he became a former professor at the same
school and a national lecturer to various review centers in the
Philippines. His passion in teaching lead him to do writings and a vast of
opus and treatise that would help the candidates of the Licensure
Examination. Aside from writing and teaching at his own coaching
sessions he is also currently completing his degree in Juris Doctor at the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines College of Law. The experience
he gained for being a lecturer and striker in every session of the
Criminologist Licensure Examination makes him specialized in training
candidates of the Criminology Licensure Examination evidence are the
Registered Criminologist of various schools he had produced in the first
row of years in the practice as a Criminologist.

Sir Charlemagne James P. Ramos

Founding Father of What Criminologist Knows
Criminologist / WCK Review Director / Writer / Author
CLE Lecture Series
Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the 
children of God. [Matthew 5:9]

Jhun Boy L. Bernardino II
Registered Criminologist/Fire Officer
Police Intelligence 4.1.6 Counter‐Intelligence Objectives and Importance of Counter‐
4.1 Nature and History of Intelligence Intelligence Basic Principles of Counter‐Intelligence
4.1.1 Nature of Intelligence Function Activities and Functions of Counter‐
4.1.2 Historical Developments of  Intelligence Categories of Counter‐Intelligence
4.1.3 Principles and Functions of  4.2 Police Intelligence Operations
4.1.4 Categories of Intelligence 4.2.1 Intelligence Operations
4.1.5 Intelligence Cycle Tasks in Police Intelligence Operations Cycles of Intelligence Operations Planning and Direction of Collection Overt and Covert Method
Efforts 4.2.2 Methods and Techniques of Collecting Collection of Information Information Processing of Information Dissemination and Use of Elicitation
Information Casing Surveillance Observation and Description Tactical Interrogation
4.2.3 Cover and Undercover Operations 4.3 Fundamentals of Cryptography: Encoding and 
Decoding Importance of Cover 4.3.1 Cryptography Types of Cover Hazards of Cover Codes and Ciphers Principles of Codes and Ciphers Undercover Assignment Rules on Encryption Uses and Types of Undercover 
Assignment 4.4 Counter‐Intelligence Security Measures and 
Security Operations in Relation to Intelligence The Undercover Agent
4.4.1 Physical Security
4.2.4 Informers and Informants 4.4.2 Communication Security
4.4.3 Document Security
4.4.4 Personnel Security Informer and Informant, 
Compared 4.5 Introduction to National Security Types and Motives of Informants 4.5.1 Definition and Importance of National Security Recruitment of Informants 4.5.2 Principles and Components
4.5.3 Threats to National Security
4.5.4 Identification of Criminal Subversive Elements
4.5.5 Modus Operandi (MO) and Order of Battle (OB)
“Trust But Verify”

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you 
need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
“If you know yourself and not the enemy, for 
every victory, you are a fool who will meet 
defeat in every battle”
“Against organized crime, internal affairs 
in my defensive arm; Intelligence is my offensive arm.” 
W. Parker


• Numbers 13:17 “And Moses sent them to spy out the
land of Canaan and said unto them, get you up this
way southward, and go up into the mountain; and see
the lands, what it is; and the people that dwell
therein, whether they are strong or weak, few or
many; and what the land they dwelt in, whether in
tents, or in strongholds; and what land is; whether it
be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not.
And be of good courage and bring of the fruit of the
SHAPAT THE SON OF HORI – Tribe of Simeon
IGAL THE SON OF JOSEPH – Tribe of Issachar
HOSHEA THE SON OF NUN – Tribe of Ephraim
PALTI THE SON OF RAPHU – Tribe of Benjamin
GADDIEL THE SON OF SODI – Tribe of Zebulun
GADDI THE SON OF SUSI – Tribe of Joseph, that is from the Tribe of Manasseh
NAHBI THE SON OF VOPSHI – Tribe of Napthali
The Harlot of Jericho (Joshua 2:1‐21)” who 
sheltered and concealed the agents of Israel, 
made a covenant with the agents and duped 
their pursuers. She was not only an impromptu 
confederate of immense value for the Jewish 
leader of that far distant day, but also 
established a plot‐pattern which is still of 
periodic relief to motion picture producers.
The Philistine used her when she 
allowed Philistine spies to hide in her 
house (Judges 16). Delilah was an 
impromptu intelligence agent. Apart 
from her tonsorial specialty, she also 
allowed sex to gain intelligence from a 
powerful enemy. She achieved the 
largest effective force of her 
employer’s adversaries and contriving 
the stroke which put that force out of 

Sun –Tzu 
A Chinese philosopher, creator of the 
“The Art of War”
“Information must be obtained from 
men who knew the enemy situation.” 
“Know thy enemy and know yourself, 
you need not fear the results of a 
hundred battles” 
“If you know yourself and not the enemy, 
for every victory, you are a fool who will 
meet defeat in every battle.”
Alexander the Great 
When Alexander the Great was 
marching to Asia, were rumors of 
disaffection growing among his 
allies and mercenaries, he sought 
the truth, and got it by simplest 
expedient by devising the first 
“letter sorting” and opening to 
obtain information.

He was the Roman Commander 
in Spain who possessed a 
White Fawn and allowed it to 
become widely known ‐ that he 
derived secrets and guidance 
from the fawn. His intelligence 
agents credited their 
information to the supernatural 
power of animals. 
He was known to be the sagacious 
master of the Hindustan. He 
employed more than 4,000 agents for 
the sole purpose of bringing him the 
truth that his throne might rest upon 
Genghis Khan 

He was known “The Great Mongol”, who used 
intelligence to conquer China and invade Cathay.
He instructed his Generals to send out spies and 
used prisoners as sources of information. The 
leader of the so‐called MONGOL CONQUERORS ‐
made use of effective propaganda machine by 
spreading rumors of Mongol Terror, they 
collected information on weaknesses and 
rivalries of Europe. The leaders usually disguised 
as merchants.
With the rise of Nationalism and 
development of modern armies, 
intelligence became apparent to 
large states. In England, Sir Francis 
Walsingham, under Queen 
Elizabeth, organized the first 
National Intelligence Service. He 
employed spies on the staff of the 
Admiral in Command of the Spanish 
Army and able to obtain information 
regarding Spanish Army as to their 
ships, equipment, forces and stores. 
He protected Queen Elizabeth I from 
countless assassins.
In France
introduced the network of covert collectors 
who transmitted prompt and accurate 
information to Paris regarding the activities 
of the rebels and dissidents of the kingdom.
Louis XIV 
systematized political policy, continuous 
surveillance, postal censorship and military 
intelligence organization were his 
The French Intelligence System continued since 15th 
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “One Spy in the right 
place is worth 20,000 men in the field”. He organized 
two Bureaus of Interest: 
Bureau of Intelligence – which consolidate all incoming 
information regarding the enemy for presentation to 
the emperor and to obtain information as desired, and 
Topographic Bureau – which maintains a large map 
which covers the latest information regarding both 
enemy and friendly forces. He maintained Military 
Intelligence and Secret Political Police Service all over 
Europe. His main arm was “Spy against spy” concept.
Frederick the Great  
“Father of Organized Military Espionage”
He has divided his agents into four classes:
Common spies
those recruited among poor folk, glad to earn a small sum or 
to accommodate as military officer.
Double spies 
are unreliable renegades, chiefly involved in spreading false 
information to the enemy.
Spies of Consequences
couriers and noblemen, staff officers, and kindred 
conspirators, requiring a substantial bribe or bait, 
• Persons who were forced to undertake espionage against 
their own will.
He was considered one of the brilliant 
military strategists in the history of 
military intelligence. He had developed an 
effective intelligence system for 15 years 
in Rome. He usually roam around the city 
often disguise himself as a beggar to 
gather first hand information.
Julius Caesar

During his time, the staff of each Roman Legion 
includes ten “speculators” who served as an 
information‐collecting agency.  The “speculators” 
were the first intelligence personnel to appear 
definitely in a military organization. Military 
success of the Romans was aided by 
communication system.  Made use of carrier 
pigeons, which made possible the amazing speed 
with which intelligence of Imperial Rome was 
transmitted.  They also employed ciphers to 
ensure secrecy of communications.
George Washington
Conspirator under oath abounds in the history of 
every nation. George Washington was grand 
master in intelligence. He mobilized the Free 
Masons of the colonies at the outbreak of the 
American war of Independence.

Karl Schulmeister
He was Napoleon’s eye, Napoleon’s military 
secret, born on August 5, 1770. He began his 
career in offensive espionage under a cover role. 
He was able to infiltrate the Austrian General 
Wilhelm Stieber
He incorporated intelligence in the General 
Staff Support System. He introduced military 
censorship and organized military propaganda. He 
works as a census taker and developed informal 
gathering of data.
Alfred Redl
He was one of the most brilliant intelligent 
agents. Though a homosexual, he became Chief of 
the Austro – Hungarian Secret Service. He became 
a double agent of Russia. 
Brahma Kautilya

In Ancient India, he overthrew the Nanda Dynasty and 
established the first MAYURYAN king in the Indian 
throne. He recommended to his king that for the ruler 
to succeed, the ruler should strike at his enemy’s weak 
points by means of spies. He proposed the following 
means to conquer enemy’s stronghold:
Intrigues and spies ‐ Winning over enemy’s people ‐ Siege 
and assault ‐ Before beginning military operation, a 
conqueror should know the comparative strength and 
weaknesses of himself and his enemy. No war should be 
undertaken without careful examination of all factors 
reported by the kings’ spies.
Maj. General Donovan 
He was the organizer of the OSS, builder 
of a central intelligence system ‐ OSS whose 
exploits become legendary in World War II. 

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
April 1943, He was the crypto analyst of 
the U.S. Navy Communications Intelligence 
intercepted a top‐secret signal relaying the 
travel of the Admiral. En route, he was 
intercepted and crashed in the Jungles of 
V2 – Rackets 
OSS agents working in conjunction with the British 
Intelligence, through penetration and technical 
intelligence discovered Punemundo which was 
the V2 guide missile research project of Nazi 
Germany. It resulted to its destruction and heavy 
Battle of Midway 
In June 1442, the turning point of the Naval 
in the Pacific, the victory gained by the Americans 
was due to the disrupted messages from the 
Imperial Japanese Navy.
State Informer 
Edward I, King of England in 1725 
organized a systematic police system so called 
Witch and Ward. By Royal proclamation, the 
profession “State Informer “was created in 
1734 enjoining all informers to expose criminal 
activities and be compensated.
Joseph Petrosino
He was member of the New York Police 
Department in early 1900, he was the head of 
the Italian Squad. Through extensive 
intelligence network, he was credited to smash 
and neutralization of the Black Society.
Joseph Fouche
“Father of Police Intelligence 

A Frenchman born in 1759, rose to 
become the most feared and respected 
intelligence director in French history. 
He created a network of agent. His 
assistance founded the modern system 
of spying on spies, which later was 
known as counter espionage.
Federal Bureau of Investigation 
First established in 1908 as an investigative arm of the U.S. Department of 
Justice and became what is known as the F.B.I. under its first director John Edgar 
Hoover in 1924. On September 6, 1939 by a presidential directive, it came to its 
responsibility the task of a domestic intelligence.
Central Intelligence Agency ‐ The agency was created under the US National Security 
Act of 1947. It was the Central Intelligence group established during the time of 
President Truman in January 1946. The CIA was under the National Security Council.
Committee for State Security ‐ Russia ‐ The Intelligence agency known as the KGB ‐
Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB)
British Secret Service – Great Britain
Mossad – Israel
Britain: Scotland Yard, London Metropolitan Police Force 
It was established by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 which signaled the beginning of a 
colorful legendary police force and considered one of the most efficient in the world 
Europe powers developed modern staff systems and place intelligence on the same 
level with personnel, operations and logistics.  Intelligence then functioned in time 
of peace and war. Intelligence during this period, concentrated on information 
about the armed forces of the enemy and their capabilities. AIRCRAFT was 
introduced as a method of conducting aerial reconnaissance. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH 
was used wherein CODES AND CIPHERS were applied. ARMY INTELLIGENCE rapidly 
expanded during this period.

gained a high reputation for offensive effectiveness throughout Europe but 
declined at the outset of the war.
succeeded greatly by means of censorship and its CODE ROOM combined with skillful use of COVERT 

principal activity. 
At this time US created three branches of its Intelligence System:
function of collecting evaluating and disseminating intelligence.  Prepare situation estimate and 
translate documents; 
it is the counterintelligence functions which involve in investigating disloyalty and sedition, investigate 
enemy activities, investigate graft and fraud in organization; 
Produces maps, photographs, and terrain studies. SECTIONS 
Administration, Collection by attaches and troops, Codes and ciphers
started the war with the world’s best organized intelligence service through advance preparation of 
intelligence accompanied by troop movements. GERMAN INTELLIGENCE WEAKENED by the attitude 
of the Officer Group wherein they subordinated intelligence to operation and did not regard 
intelligence assignment worthy of a soldier.
failed because it was not provided with sufficient number of trained personnel to assemble and 
evaluate the mass of materials which were collected although Japanese Intelligence was involved in 
short war and defensive in nature.
the delay in the use of German V‐BOMB against them was their main achievement during this time.
In 1942
a FEMALE SPECIAL AGENT was able to transmit vital information concerning the activities and 
installations of the main research station at Penemuenda. Its intelligence failed in the defeat of 
In 1941, The US Strategic Service was established to research and analyze military, political and 
economic information as it affected the security of the country. US JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFFS – was 
organized to act in support of the army and the navy in the collection and analysis of strategic 
information and to be responsible for the planning and operation of special services. US greatest 
contribution to intelligence was the development of the AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE where coordination of 
many types of intelligence activities was required to provide adequate knowledge of the successful 
operation of a complex military force transported over water with the objective of establishing itself on 
an enemy – held shore against opposition. US successes in WW II were based on personnel drawn from 
In 1932, TAI LI – organized the China’s Secret Police to conduct espionage and counterespionage against 
Japanese Spies and Chinese communist.
AMTORG was organized for the purpose of purchasing all kinds of materials for the Soviet Union.
SMERSH or “DEATH TO SPIES” was organized during the war as counterintelligence concerned with 
disaffection among Soviet troops and anti‐communism in any form. Its five major divisions are: 
Administration, Operation, Investigation, Prosecution, and Personnel.
POST WAR PERIOD: The superpowers
Soviet Intelligence System
SOVIET COUNTERINTELLIGENCE known as “IRON CURTAIN” signified that no one may 
cross the borders of the USSR without being detected. This means that all communications are 
rigidly controlled.  Its contribution to modern intelligence was the dissemination of false 
information designed to mislead and confuse opponents and prospective victims. The 
MGB(ministerstvo gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti) – MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AND THE MINISTRY 
OF STATE SECURITY formerly NKGB was concerned on political espionage and propaganda abroad 
and for the control of espionage activities of foreign communist countries. The KGB resumed the 
former function of the old MGB.  It is now the official secret police agency of the Soviet Union, in 
charge of the state security KGB means (Commission of State Security) K‐ Omissija G‐
Osudarstyennoj B – Ezopasnosti or Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti

British Intelligence System
It is composed of several intelligence agencies such as the BRITISH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE 
DIVISION (MID) which is divided into 20 different departments. The M15 – devoted to 
counterespionage and security. It is the special branch of the SCOTLAND YARD charged with 
guarding the Royal Family and important British officials and Visiting Foreign Dignitaries.
POST WAR PERIOD: The superpowers
French Intelligence System
Intelligence and counterintelligence Service) was under the office of the Prime Minister. GENERAL 
CHARLES DE GAULLE set up the Bureau Central de Reassignments et d’ Action (BCRA Central Office 
for Intelligence and Action in London in 1940. It is an expansion of the Service De Reassignments (SR‐
Intelligence Service) which is a part of the Old Renzieme Bureau (Second Bureau) of the French 
General Staff. SDECE concerned on Strategic and Counterintelligence while SURETE NATIONALE 
became part of French Intelligence Service.

German Intelligence System 
The RED GESTAPO which serves as security service organized by East Germany to combat the 
covert activities of West Germany Group when Germany was still divided by the Berlin Walls.

United States Intelligence System
The CIA and the FBI – the CIA is one among the biggest in the world in terms of intelligence 
networking. CIA and the FBI and the other state/ federal units of intelligence services were US main 
intelligence agencies.
Agents of Betrayal
Intelligence is sometimes described as a 
“world of deceit and betrayal”. Some of 
the high personalities which evidence 
this description are: 

JUDITH COPLON, a political analyst of a 
Department of Justice, was accused of 
taking unlawful possession of 
government documents and spying for a 
foreign power. 
DR. EMIL JULIUS KLAUS FUCHS was accused of 
releasing American Atomic Secrets to the Soviet in 
1945 and to the British in 1947.  He detailed 
knowledge of the construction of atomic bombs.

ERNST HILDING ANDERSON was a Royal Swedish 
Navy who provided military secrets to a foreign power 
and was found guilty and sentences to life 
imprisonment in 1951. 
Intelligence Defined

• Webster defines intelligence as the capacity for understanding and for 
other forms of adaptive intellect of behavior; the mind in operation; the 
power of meeting any situation, especially a novel situation, successfully 
by proper behavior adjustments; the ability to apprehend the 
interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide action 
towards goal; knowledge of an event, circumstances, etc., received or 
imparted; the gathering or distribution of information; the staff of persons 
engaged in obtaining such information. 

• Base on Psychology‐ Intelligence is the capacity of a person to adjust to 
new situations through the use of what has been previously learned.
 Intelligence is the capacity to understand things (Webster)
 Intelligence is the way we adjust to certain situations (Psychology)
 Intelligence is a process, a product and an institution (Task Force)

• According to Military Terminologies ‐ Intelligence is the end 
product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, 
integration and interpretation of all available information which 
my have immediate or potential significance to the development 
and execution of plans, policies and programs of the users.

• According to Police Parlance ‐ The end product resulting from the 
collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of 
all available information regarding the activities of criminal and 
other law violators for the purpose of affecting criminals and their 
arrest, obtaining evidence, and forestalling plan to commit crime.
Definition of Terms
• National Intelligence – the total product of intelligence developed by all 
governmental agencies that cover the broad aspects of national policy and 
• Military Intelligence – it is used in the preparation of military policies, plans and 
programs. It includes the strategic and combat intelligence.
• Strategic Intelligence – the knowledge pertaining to the capabilities and 
probable courses of action of foreign nations.
• Combat Intelligence – is required by the commander in order to determine the 
best use of his available firepower and maneuver forces, to accomplish his 
mission, and to maintain the security of his command.
• Counter Intelligence – an integral part of all intelligence operations and as such 
can’t be separated from combat and strategic intelligence. Its objective is to 
safeguard information against espionage, material and installations against 
sabotage, and personnel against subversive 
• Order of battle intelligence – concerns the manner in which military forces are organized
and disposed

• Technical Intelligence – concerns foreign technical developments, which have a practical

military application and the physical characteristics, performance, capabilities, and
limitations of material and installation, used by and for foreign.

• Area of Operation – those aspects of the operational environment exclusive of the

military/police forces involved. It concerns weather economics, politics, sociology,
hydrographic (study of seas, lakes, etc.) and characteristics of the environment of an area
in which military/police operations are taking place or planned.

• Capabilities – form a police/military standpoint, enemy capabilities are courses of action

which the enemy can adopt and which, if adopted, will influenced the accomplishment of
the friendly mission, either favorable or not. From a broader national standpoint,
capabilities of a nation are the available, workable, courses of action to accomplish
national objectives.

• Vulnerabilities – A nation’s vulnerabilities are the weaknesses, which make it susceptible

to any action, which reduces its war, potential, and or its will to fight.
The Principal Areas of Interest 
• Military – offensive and defensive tactics, war plans, strategic concepts 
and tactical principles, organizations, installations, industrial lease, armed 
forces, command structure, command personnel, material, tactics, morale, 
• General – topographical and hydrographic characteristics, historical 
• Diplomatic – foreign policies, alliances, diplomatic establishment, foreign 
service personnel, technique of conducting foreign relations 
• Political – ideology, traditions, institutions, personalities, area of friction
• Communications and Transportation – telephones, telegraphs, wireless, 
railways, shipping, automobiles and trucks, highways, aviation, ownership, 
policies, organization, personnel
• Social – nationality structure, classes and caste, historical factors, census, personal 
aspects, characteristics and mentality of people forces, social legislation, radio, 
television, press, motion picture 

• Intelligence – organizations, methods and personnel of competing intelligence system

• Economic ‐ On economics, the areas are on:

Financial – Monetary policies, Currency structure, Transactions, Institutions, 
Commercial – trade policies, markets, trading methods, price policies, personalities
Industrial – structure of Capacity, manufacturing plants and processes, raw material, 
energy rotations, labor relations, personalities
Mining – Mineral Resources, Production method, Output
Agriculture – policies, crop structure, cultivation method, mechanization, financing, 
specific characteristics of rural population
Principles of Intelligence
• Objectivity ‐ in intelligence, only the well guided succeed. It is a basic intelligence concept 
that there must be unity between knowledge and action. It follows therefore that 
intelligence should interact and condition the decision. Intelligence must be adapted to the 
needs of the decision; it is both giver and taker. Action or decision is planned by knowledge 
and guided by it at every step.

• Interdependence ‐ Intelligence is artificially subdivided into component elements to insure 
complete coverage, eliminate duplication and to reduce the overall task or manageable 
sizes. Nevertheless, each subdivision remains as essential part of unity; contributes 
proportionately to the end result; possesses a precise interrelationship; and interacts with 
each other so as to achieve a balanced and harmonious whole.  

• Continuity ‐ Intelligence must be continuous. It is necessary that coverage be continuous so 
that the shape of what happens today could be studied in the light of what happened 
before, which in turn would enable us to predict the shape of things to come.
• Communication ‐ Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all 
the decision makers in manner that they will understand and form that will permit its 
most effective use.

• Usefulness ‐ Intelligence is useless if it remains in the minds, or in the files of its 
collectors or its producers. The story must be told and it must be told well. The story 
must be convincing and to be convincing it must not only be plausible or factual but 
its significance must be shown.

• Selection ‐ Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand. 
Intelligence involves the plowing through a maze of information, considering 
innumerable number of means or of picking the most promising of a multitude of 
leads. The requirement of decision‐making covers very nearly the entire span of 
human knowledge. Unless there is selection of only the most essential and the 
pertinent, intelligence will go off in all directions in one monumental waste of effort.
• Timeliness ‐ Intelligence must be communicated to the 
decision maker at the appropriate time to permit its most 
effective use. This is one of the most important and most 
obvious, for Intelligence that is too soon or too late are 
equally useless. Timeliness is one principle that complements 
all the others.

• Security ‐ Security is achieved by the measures which 
intelligence takes to protect and preserve the integrity of its 
activities. If intelligence has no security, it might be as well 
being run like a newspaper to which it is similar.
General Activities 
• Strategic Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity which is primarily long range in nature with little 
practical immediate operation value.

• Line Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value necessary for 
more effective police planning and operation.

• National Intelligence ‐ it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by all the governmental 
branches, departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and policy. It is concerned to 
more than one department or agency and it is not produced by single entity.  It is used to coordinate all 
the activities of the government in developing and executing integrated and national policies and plans.

• Counter‐Intelligence – phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness 
of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of info against espionage, subversion and sabotage.

• Undercover Work – is an investigative process in which disguises and pretext cover and deception are 
used to gain the confidence of criminal suspects for the purpose of determining the nature and extent of 
any criminal activities that maybe contemplating or perpetuating. 
Functional Classification of Police Intelligence

• Criminal Intelligence – refers to the knowledge essential 
to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest, 
and prosecution of criminal offenders.
• Internal Security Intelligence – refers to the knowledge 
essential to the maintenance of peace and order.
• Public Safety Intelligence – refers to the knowledge 
essential to ensure the protection of lives and 
Forms of Intelligence
• Sociological Intelligence – deals with the demographic and psychological aspects of groups of 
people. It includes the population and manpower and the characteristics of the people, public 
opinion – attitude of the majority of the people towards matter of public policy and 

• Biographical Intelligence – deals with individual’s personalities who have actual possession of 

• Armed Force Intelligence – deals with the armed forces of the nation. It includes the position 
of the armed forces, the constitutional and legal basis of its creation and actual role, the 
organizational structure and territorial disposition, and the military manpower recruitment 
and Order of Battle

• Geographical Intelligence – deals with the progress of research and development as it affects 
the economic and military potential of a nation.
 Strategic Intelligence – as defined earlier, it is an intelligence data that are 
not of an immediate value. It is usually descriptive in nature, accumulation 
of physical description of personalities, modus operandi. It does not have 
immediate operational value but rather long range that may become 
relevant to future police operations. 

 Line Intelligence – It is the kind of intelligence required by the commander 
to provide for planning and conduct tactical and administrative operation 
in counter insurgency. This pertains to knowledge of People, Weather, 
Enemy and Terrain (PWET) used in planning and conducting tactical and 
administrative operation in a counter insurgency.
Intelligence information to be determined in Line Intelligence are:

• People ‐ living condition of the people, sources of income, education of the 
people, government livelihood projects, extent of enemy influence to the 
• Weather – visibility, cloudy, temperature, precipitation (rain), wind
• Enemy ‐ location of the enemy, strength of the enemy, disposition, tactical 
capability, enemy vulnerability
• Terrain ‐ relief and drainage system, vegetation, surface material, man made 
features. There are military aspects of terrain which includes cover and 
concealment, obstacle, critical key terrain features, observation and fields of 
fire, and avenues of approach.
• Counter Intelligence (CI) ‐ this kind of intelligence covers the activity 
devoted in destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities 
and to the protection of info against espionage, subversion and 
sabotage. Hence, the three activities of CI are: protection of 
information against espionage; protection of personnel against 
subversion; and protection of installations and material against 

Measures in CI must be both passive and active. Passive measures 
are those measures which seek to conceal info from the enemy 
while active measures are those which seek actively to block the 
enemy’s efforts to gain info or engage in espionage, subversion or 
Counter Intelligence is also known as Negative Intelligence ‐ a generic term meaning three different 

• Security Intelligence – means that the total sum of efforts to counsel the national policies, 
diplomatic decisions, military data, and any other information of a secret nature affecting the 
security of the nation from unauthorized persons. It is an effort to deny information to 
unauthorized persons by restricting to those who are explicitly authorized to possess it.

• Counter‐Intelligence ‐ counter intelligence is the organized effort to protect specific data that 
might be of value to the opponent’s own intelligence organization. Some of its functions are: 
Censorship – of the following: correspondence, broadcast, telecast, telephone conversations, 
telegrams and cables, etc., prevention of the dissemination of any information that might aid an 
opponent; maintenance of files of suspect; surveillance of suspects; mail reading, wire tapping and 
recording; infiltration of the enemy intelligence organized to procure information about its 
method, personal, specific operations and interest.

• Counter‐Espionage ‐ In counter‐espionage, negative intelligence becomes a dynamic and active 
effort. Its purpose is to investigate actual or theoretical violation of espionage laws, to enforce 
those laws and to apprehend any violators. 
Five Categories of CI Operation
• Military Security – it encompasses the measures taken by a command to 
protect itself against espionage, enemy operation, sabotage, subversion or 
surprise. Examples are:  
Secrecy discipline ‐ Special safeguarding of classified information ‐ Security 
of troop movement ‐ Special handling of weather & escapes ‐ Counter 
subversion with in the armed forces ‐ Tactical measures in combat area

• Port Frontier and Travel Security – has to do with the application of both 
military and civil security measures for CI control at point of entry and 
departure, international borders or boundaries. Examples are: Security 
screening and control of frontier Security control of merchants, seaman and 
crew of commercial aircraft, Security control of frontier crossing point 
Security control of seaports
• Civil Security – it encompasses active and passive CI measures affecting the 
non‐military nationals permanently or temporarily residing in an area under 
military jurisdiction. Examples are: Systematic registration of civilians and 
Control of circulation, Curfew, Surveillance of suspected political 
organizations, Security screening of labor, Issuance of passes and permits, 
Control of internal commerce

• Censorship – it is the control and examination of the civil, national, armed 
forces, field press, and POWs.

• Special Operations – counter subversion, sabotage and espionage


Categories of CI Operation
• Counter Human Intel (HUMINT) – seeks to overcome enemy attempts to use 
human sources to collect information or to conduct sabotage and subversion 
which includes CI special operations, liaison, counter security, and CI screening.

• Counter Imagery Intel (IMINT) ‐ includes action taken to determine enemy SIGINT 

and related enemy weaknesses, capabilities and activities. These actions include 
surveillance radar, photo thermal and infrared systems. Successful counter –
IMINT operations rely heavily on pattern and movement analysis and evaluation 
of the enemy.

• Counter Signal Intel (SIGINT) – determine enemy SIGINT and related enemy 
weaknesses, capabilities and activities, assess friendly operations to identify 
patterns, profiles and develop, recommend and analyze counter measures. 
concerns about weapon capabilities and industrial activities which
includes advanced processing and use of data gathered from
overhead and airborne IMINT and SIGINT. It uses Telemetry
Intelligence (TELINT) ‐data relayed by weapons during tests and
electronic intelligence (ELINT) ‐ electronic emissions picked up from
modern weapons and tracking systems.
 OPEN‐SOURCE INTELLIGENCE (OSINT) refers to a broad array of
information and sources that are generally available, including
information obtained from the media (newspapers, radio, television,
etc.), professional and academic records (papers, conferences,
professional associations, etc.), and public data (government reports,
demographics, hearings, speeches, etc.).


OVERT through the review of already published material (newspapers, radio, periodicals, trade,
political, economic and military journals, as well as internet sources) and relatively passive
‘environmental scanning

COVERT through more aggressive techniques of penetrating the secrecy and privacy of others. It
comes from a variety of concealed sources such as human spies, defense attaché and diplomatic
reporting, intercepted communications and signals and satellite imagery. These clandestine means
are used to ‘steal’ information that potentially hostile nation‐states or trans‐national terrorist
groups want to hide
1. ISI Pakistan
3. MI6 UK
5. BND Germany
6. RAW India
7. DGSE France
8. MIS China
9. MOSSAD Israel

Planning the Collection Effort 
This phase of the cycle involve the determination 
of the requirements of intelligence. It is concerned 
with identifying the so called Essential Element of 
Information (EEI) ‐ an item of intelligence or 
information of the characteristics of the area of 
operations and the enemy, which the commander 
feels he needs before he can reasonably arrive at a 

Collection of information 

This phase of the cycle is concerned with identification of the collecting 
agency, the formulation of procedures on the manner of collecting the 
information in conjunction with the plans as achieved in phase one.

• Methods of Collection – information can be collected through overt 
method (open system) or covert method (secret/clandestine).
• Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting 
agency could be Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or 
• Trade Crafts – includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation 
/ interrogation, surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry – keys 
and locks, use of an artist, communication



Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting agency 
could be Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or Organizations 
Trade Crafts – includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation / 
interrogation, surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry – keys and locks, 
use of an artist, communication
This phase of the cycle is concerned with the examination and collation of all 
collected information. 
COLLATION – organization of raw data and information into usable form;
grouping similar items of information so that they will be readily accessible.
RECORDING– is the reduction of info into writing or graphical representation and
the arranging of this into groups of related items. Police log book and Journal,
Intel‐work Sheet ‐ Intel Files, Situation Maps ‐ Rouges Gallery, Modus Operandi
EVALUATION – examination of raw information to determine intelligence value,
pertinence of the information, reliability of the source and agency, and its
credibility or truth of information.
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION – explanation of events
A - Completely 1 - Confirmed by
reliable other
B - Usually reliable 2 - Probably true
C - Fairly reliable 3 - Possibly true
D - Not usually 4 - Doubtfully true
reliable 5 - Improbable
E - Unreliable 6 - Truth cannot be
F - Reliability cannot judged
be judged
As to Source of Info
T‐ Direct Observation by Commander/Chief of 
U‐ Report by DPA or Resident Agent
V‐ Report by PNP/AFP Troops 
W‐ Interrogation of Captured Enemy
X‐ Observation of gov’t/civilian employee 
Y – Observation from populace
Z‐ Documentary
This phase of the cycle refers to the activities of transferring the 
processed information to the proper users, most particularly the 
authority that requires the activity. Processed information can be 
disseminated through annexes, estimates, briefing, message, reports, 
overlays, and or summaries.
Methods of Dissemination

• Fragmentary orders from top to bottom of the 
• Memorandum, circulars, special orders 
• Operations order, oral or written
• Conference – staff members
• Other report and intelligence documents
• Personal Contact
Who are the users of intelligence?
• National leaders and military commanders –
formulation and implementation of national policies.
• Advisors and Staff – preparations of plans and 
• Friendly nations or other branches of the armed forces.
• Processor – basis for evaluation and interpretation.
• Head / chairman of an organization
• Any person with authority for purposes of planning.



FOR PRIVATE INSTITUTION – they maybe allowed to conduct overt intel 
activities through registered detective agencies as per (RA 5487)
 It is an operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the 
identity of operative.
 It is intended to create a political effect which can have implications in 
the military, intelligence or law enforcement arenas.

POLICE PARLANCE:  Undercover operations

Sting operations/infiltration
MILITARY PARLANCE:  SpecOps/BlackOps/ClanOps
(Spies = DPAs and DIAs)

A. COMDATA ‐ messages from mobile phones, emails, fixed 
telephones, postal services, and the internet social sites.


C. INTRUSIVE SURVEILLANCE – eavesdropping, bugging, wiretapping





Intelligence is Knowledge = Knowledge is 

Information refers to all evaluated materials of every description including those 
derived from observation, reports, rumors, imagery, and other sources from which 
intelligence in produced. 
Information is a communicated knowledge by others obtaining by personal study, 
investigation, research, analysis, observation. 

Two General classifications of sources of information:

• Open Sources – 99% of the information collected are coming 

from open sources.
• Close Sources – 1% of information are collected from close 
• Overt Intelligence – is the gathering of information or documents 
procured openly without regard as to whether the subject or target 
become knowledgeable of the purpose
Open Sources: Includes information taken from
• Enemy activity 
• POW and Civilians 
• Captured documents
• Map ‐ Weather, forecast, studies, report ‐ Agencies
• Covert Intelligence – is the secret procurement of information, which is obtained without the knowledge of 
the person or persons safeguarding 
vital intelligence interest.
Close Sources: Include information which maybe taken through:
• Surveillance 
• Casing and Elicitation
• Surreptitious entry 
• Employment of technical means (Bugging and Tapping device)
• Tactical Interrogation 
• Observation and Description (ODEX)
Informant Net – It is a controlled group of people who 
worked through the direction of the agent handler. The 
informants, principal or cutouts supply the agent handler directly or 
indirectly with Intel information

Informants (Asset) – people selected as sources of 
information, which could be voluntary, or in consideration of a price.
• Informant – refers to a person who gives information to the police voluntarily or 
involuntarily with out any consideration
• Informer – those who give information to the police for 
price or reward
Types of Informants

• Criminal Informant – an informant who give information to the police pertaining to the 
underworld about organized criminals with the understanding that his identity will be 

• Confidential Informant – is similar to the former but he gives information violate of the law to 
includes crimes and criminals

• Voluntary Informant – a type of informant who give information freely and willfully as a 
witness to a certain act

• Special Informant – those who gives information concerning specialized cases only and it is 
regarded a special treatment by the operatives (ex. teachers, businessmen)

• Anonymous Informant – those who gives information through telephone with the hope that 
the informant can not be identified
Sub‐type of Informant
• Incidental Informant – a person who casually imparts information to an 
officer with no intention of providing subsequent information
• Recruited Informant – A person who is selected cultivated and developed 
into a continuous source of info

Categories of Recruited Informants:
• Spontaneous or Automatic Informant – Informants who by the nature of 
their work or position in society have a certain legal, moral or ethical 
responsibilities to report info to the police
• Ordinary (out‐of‐their‐will) Informants – those under the compulsion to 
report info to the police
• Special Employee – informants who are of a specific operational nature
Other Classification of Informant

Other terms related to people who gives information 
are Automatic Informant,  Penetrating Agent , 
Infiltrating Agent , Full time Informant , Rival –
Elimination Informant, False Informant, Frightened 
Informant, Self‐ aggrandizing Informant, Mercenary 
Informant , Double Crosser Informant , Woman 
Informant , Legitimate Informant. 
Motives of Informants

People give information to the police due to various 
reasons. Their motives include reward, revenge, fear 
and avoidance of punishment, friendship, patriotism, 
vanity, civic‐mindedness, repentance, competition, 
and other motives.

• Selection – it is particularly desirable to be able to identify and recruit an 
informant who has access to many criminal in‐group or subversive 
organization. Wide access is probably the single most important feature in 
the consideration of recruiting the potential informant

• Investigation – the investigation of the potential informants that has 
tentatively identified as a “probable” must be as thorough as possible. It 
must establish possible existing motives as to this person might assist the 
police Intel community. Failure to do so will deny this office who must 
perform the approach and persuasion phase with little more that a guess. If 
necessary, conduct complete background investigation (CBI)
Approach – must be done in a setting from which might
include pleasant surroundings, perhaps a confidential
apartment, completely free from any probability of
compromise, preferably in an adjacent city or a remote area
foreign to the informants living pattern.

Testing – the testing program should begin, of course, with

the limited assignment, with a gradual integration into the
more important areas. The occasional testing of an informant
should continue through the entire affiliation
Intelligence Operations is the result of intelligence 
planning, planning is always ahead of operation although 
an operation can be made without a plan, it is usually 
due to sudden and inevitable situations but definitely 
this is poor intelligence management 

• Mission and Target
Infiltration – the insertion of action agent inside the target organization
Penetration – recruitment of action agent inside the target organization
• Planning
• Spotting
• Partial Background Investigation (PBI) or Complete Background Investigation
• Recruitment ‐ the only qualification of an agent is to have an access to the target
• Training
• Briefing
• Dispatch
• Communication ‐ technical method like telephone/radio, non‐technical method like personal meeting, live drop or dead drop
• Debriefing 
• Payments – depends upon the motivation of informant
• Disposition – involve activity on rerouting, retraining, retesting, termination
• Reporting
• Operational Testing

• Cover ‐ the means by which an individual group of organization 
conceals the true nature of its acts and or existence from the 
• Cover story – a biographical data through fictional that will portray 
the personality of the agent he assumed, a scenario to cover up 
the operation
• Cover Support – an agent assigned in target areas with the 
primary mission of supporting the cover story.
• Undercover Assignment – is an investigative technique in which agent conceal his official 
identity and obtain information from that organization 

Uses of Undercover Assignment
Use independently to get first hand info about the subject of investigation like:
a) Security evaluation of every installation
b) Gain confidence of suspended persons 
c) Agent penetration
d) Verify info from human resources
e) Uncover concealed identity

Supplement other investigative techniques like:
a) Playing ground works for raids and searches by going entry
b) To assist in locating evidence
c) To install, maintain investigative equipments of undercover assignment
Special qualifications include knowledge of the language, area background 
regarding events, knowledge about the custom and habits, physical 
appearance, and must be an artist.

Factors considered in Selecting Cover Story
• Mutual Point of Interest
• Justification of presents
• Previous and permanent address
• Efficiency of role and freedom from the movement
• Means of communication
• Social and financial status
• Optional alternate plan
• Safe departure
Selecting Action Agents

• Placement – location of prospective agent with respect to the 
• Access – it is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the 
desired info for the Intel organization or to perform to Intel 
collection mission in the area.
• Primary Access – it is the access to the desired info  
• Secondary Access – it is the access to the desired info through a 
principal source where the latter has the direct access
• Outside Access – the agent is employed outside the target and 
merely monitor info from a third person who is monitoring info n 
the area
CONTROL – authority to direct the agent to carryout task or requirement on 
behalf of the clandestine organization in an acceptable manner and security

Two Categories of Control
• Positive Control – is characterized by professionalism and rapport like Agent 
motivation and Psychological control
• Negative Control – characterized by threat and it include the following:
• Disciplinary Action – includes verbal reprimand for poor performance or 
insecure actions withholding certain material rewards, reduction of 
agents salary or in extreme situation the threat of terminating 
professional relationship
• Escrow Account – control of an agent by putting his salary in a bank to be 
withdrawn only after a fulfillment of a condition
• Blackmail
Procuring Different Type of Agents

• Agent in Place – an agent who has been recruited by an intelligence service 
within a highly sensitive target, who is just beginning a career or have been 
long or (outside) insider.
• Double Agent – an enemy agent who has been captured, turned around 
and sent back where he came from as an agent of his captors
• Expandable Agent – an agent whom false information is leaked to the 
• Penetration Agent – an agent who has such reached the enemy gets 
information and would manage to get back alive.
• Agent of Influence – an agent who uses influence to gain information
• Agent of Provocation – one who provoke the enemy to give information

Concept of Surveillance 
Surveillance is a form of clandestine investigation which 
consists of keeping persons, place or other targets under 
physical observation in order to obtain evidence or 
information pertinent to an investigation. 
Surveillance of persons is called Tailing or Shadowing, 
Surveillance of place is called Casing or Reconnaissance, 
and Surveillance of other things, events, & activities is called 
In Surveillance, the following are considered:
• Pre‐Surveillance Conference – a conference held among the
team members, the police intelligence unit before
surveillance is conducted.
• Surveillance Plan – a plan established the required type of
personnel, and the general and specific instructions for
• Area Target Study – refers to the area of operation (AOR) of
surveillance activities.
• Surveillant – a person who conducts surveillance with includes only 
• Stakeout or Plant – is the observation of places or areas from a fixed 
• Tailing or Shadowing – it is the observation of a person’s movement.
• Undercover Man – it refers to a person trained to observe and penetrate 
certain organization suspected of illegal activities and later reports the 
observation and information’s that proper operational action can be made  
• Liaison Program – the assignment of trained intelligence personnel to 
other agencies in order to obtain information of police intelligence value. 
(Agencies like the press, credit agencies, labor unions, telephone companies)
• Safehouse – is a place, building, enclosed mobile, or an apartment, 
where police undercover men meet for debriefing or reporting purposes. 
• Drop – any person is a convenient, secure and unsuspecting place where 
police undercover men meet his action agent for debriefing or reporting 
• Convoy – an accomplice or associate of the subject used to avoid or elude 
• Decoy – a cover supporting the surveillant who can become a convoy 
whenever surveillant is burned.
• Contact – any persons whom the subject picks or deals 
with while he is under observation & identifies the observer.
• Made – when subject under surveillance becomes aware 
that he is under observation and identifies the observer.
• Lost – when the surveillant does not know the whereabouts of his subject 
or the subject had eluded the surveillance.

• According to Intensity and Sensitivity
• Discreet –subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under observation 
• Close – subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each occasions
• Loose – applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation varied on each 
• According to Methods
• Stationary – this is observation of place usually a bookie stall, a gambling, joint, a 
residence where illegal activities are going on (fixed position)
• Moving – surveillance follow the subject from the place to place to maintain 
continuous watch of his activities
• Technical – this is a surveillance by the use of communications and electronic 
hardware’s, gadgets, system and equipment 
Special Equipment (Technical Supports)
• Camera with telephoto lens
• Moving Picture camera
• Binoculars
• Tape recording apparatus
• Wire taping device
• Other instrument – miniaturized one‐way radio

Methods available to employ in Surveillance
Ordinarily, the methods are surveillance of place, tailing or shadowing (1‐2‐3 man 
shadow), undercover investigation, special methods includes: wire tapping ‐ concealed 
microphones ‐ tape recorder ‐television ‐ electric gadgets
Counter Surveillance – the conduct of operation
is coupled with counter intelligence measures
such as window shopping, use of convoys and
decoys, stopping immediately on blind corners,
getting out immediately on public
conveyances, retracing, entering mobile housing

Casing is the term use in the police organization while 
reconnaissance is used in military terms. 
Casing or reconnaissance is the surveillance of a building place or 
area to determine its suitability for Intel use or its vulnerability in 
operations. It aids in the planning of an operation by providing 
needed information. It assists the agent handler to install 
confidence in his agent during briefing phase by being able to 
speak knowingly about the area of operation. 
Casing is also considered a security measure because it offers 
some degree of protection for those operating in an area 
unfamiliar to them.
Method of Casing 
• Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective method and 
will produced the most info since you know just what you’re 
looking for.
• Map Reconnaissance – it may not sufficient but it can 
produce a certain amount of usable information
• Research  ‐ much info can be acquired through research 
• Prior Information – your unit and of the unit will have file 
report that they may provide you with info
• Hearsay –info usually gain by the person operating in the area 
and performing casing job

Observation – a complete and accurate observation by 
an individual of his surroundings an encompasses the 
use of all the major sense to register and recognized its 
operational or Intel significance 

Description – the actual and factual reporting of one’s 
observation of he reported sensory experience 
recounted by another
It is a system or plan whereby information of intelligence value is 
obtained through the process of direct intercommunication in 
which one or more of parties to the common is unaware of the 
specific purpose of the conversation. The three phases are 
determination of the mission, selection of the subject, and 
accomplishment of the mission.      

Two Devices in the conduct of Elicitation
Approach – process of setting people to start talking
Probe – to keep the people taking incessantly
Example of Approach:
Teacher – Pupil Approach – the subject is treated as an authority then solicit 
his view point and opinion on a subject matter.
Good Samaritan Approach – is the sincere and valid offers of help and 
assistance are made to the subject

It is a means of using descriptive terms in 
relation to the personal features of an individual and it can be briefly 
described as a word 
description or a spoken picture. 
(Anthropometry ‐ no two human beings has the same body measurement)
(BI‐ PBI or CBI)
Information needed:
• Domestic Background 
• Personal Habit 
• Business History
• Social or Business Associates
• Medical History
• Educational Background
• Family History

The need for obtaining information of the highest 
degree of credibility taken on the minimum of time 
can be through interrogation which varies and 
dependent entirely on the situation. 
Types of Interrogation 

• Screening ‐ usually accomplished as soon as after capture, apprehension or 
arrest of an interrogee. The objective is to obtain background information 
about the interrogee and determine his area of knowledge and ability.
• Formal Interrogation (Detailed) –the systematic attempt to exploit to an 
appropriate depth those areas of the interrogee’s knowledge, which have 
been identified in the screening process
• Debriefing – a form of eliciting information, which is generally used when 
the area of intellectual capability of the interrogee is known. Maximum use 
of the narrative and not try to trap the person being debriefed with leading 
question. The debriefer/interrogator must be familiar with the subject in 
which the interrogation is being conducted.
• Interrogation of Lay Personnel (Specific Type) – the techniques used 
are the same as in the interrogations, however, especial effort must be 
made to established a common frame of reference between the 
interrogator and the interrogee. The amount of information obtained 
from this type will depend on the interrogator’s inequity in establishing 
common terminology on the source can understand which will enable 
the interrogator to get the desired information.

• Technical Interrogation – the level of interrogation where the source 
has specific and such detailed information that requires a trained 
expert in the subject matter to be explored. It usually covers the 
specific subject and time is not as limited as during other interrogation.
Phases of Interrogation 

• Planning and Preparation
• Approach (Meeting the Interrogee) Questioning 
• Termination 
• Recording Reporting

• Techniques of Approach – the purpose is to gain the cooperation of the source and induce 
him to answer questions which will follows.
• The “Open Techniques” – the interrogator is open and direct in his approach and makes no 
attempts to conceal the purpose of the interrogator. It is best employed when the 
interrogee is cooperative. It is frequently used at the tactical level where time is a major 
• The “Common Interest” Technique – the interrogator must exert effort to impress the 
interrogee of their common interest. The interrogator must look for he point out the real 
advantages the interrogee will receive if he cooperates
• Record File (we know all technique) – the interrogator prepare a file on the source listing 
all known information (record should be padded to make it appear to be very extensive). 
The information must contain the life history of he interrogee to include his activities and 
known associates (Party‐ bio‐data of the interrogee is important). The “we know all” is used 
in conjunction with the record file. During the approach, the interrogator may ask the 
interrogee about a subject, if he refuses to cooperate, the interrogator may provide the 
answer in order to impress him that the interrogator knows him very well (all is known).
• Exasperation – Techniques (Harassment) – effectively employed against hostile type 
interrogee. The interrogator must be alert because the interrogee may fabricate 
information to gain relief from irritation (monotype). Subject Interrogee is placed in a 
longer period of interrogation without rest or sleep. The interrogator permits the source to 
go to sleep and subsequently awaken for another series of questioning (this is done 
repeatedly). After many repetitions, the interrogee will be exasperated and will finally 
cooperate hoping that he can be allowed to rest or sleep. Ask a question, listen to a reply 
and then ask the same question repeatedly (use a tape recorder if possible). The purpose is 
to bore the interrogee thoroughly until he begins to answer questions freely to end the 

• Opposite Personality Technique – also known as “Mutt and Jeff”, “Threat and Rescue”, 
“Bad Guy – Good Guy’, “Sweet and Sour”, “Sugar and Vinegar”, “Devil and Angel”. Use of 
two (2) interrogators playing opposite roles.

• Egotist Techniques (Pride and Ego) – usually successful when employed against an 
interrogee who has displayed a weakness or a feeling of insecurity. You may reverse the 
technique by complimenting the interrogee in hopes of getting him to admit certain 
information to gain credit. Described him as the best person, superior or comrade.
• “Silent” Technique – employed against nervous or the 
confident type of interrogee. Look out the interrogee 
squarely in the eye with sarcastic smile (force him to break 
eye contact first). He may ask questions but the 
interrogator must not answer. Patience is needed until the 
interrogator is ready to break silence.   

• “Question Barrage” Technique (Rapid Fire Questioning) –
intended to confuse the interrogee and put him into a 
defensive position. The interrogee become frustrated and 
confused, he will likely reveal more than he intended, thus 
creating opening for further questioning.
Criminologist Licensure Examination
Frequently Asked Questions




By: Charlemagne James P. Ramos

In Intelligence work, an information is evaluated to
determine its___
A. Reliability
B. Feasibility
C. Effectiveness
D. Efficiency
In Intelligence work, an information is evaluated to
determine its___
A. Reliability
B. Feasibility
C. Effectiveness
D. Efficiency
The detection, prevention and neutralization of any
activity inimical to the best interest of the
A. Intelligence
B. Line Intelligence
C. Counter-Intelligence
D. Subversive Intelligence
The detection, prevention and neutralization of any
activity inimical to the best interest of the
A. Intelligence
B. Line Intelligence
C. Counter-Intelligence
D. Subversive Intelligence
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that
the investigator is conducting a surveillance on him,
the latter is:
A. get out
B. sold out
C. burnt out
D. cut out
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that
the investigator is conducting a surveillance on him,
the latter is:
A. get out
B. sold out
C. burnt out
D. cut out
A surveillant becomes an ___ when he/she discards
his/her identity, changes his/her name and/or his/her
appearance and gets into contact with his subject.
A. Undercover agent
B. Informant
C. Informer
D. Asset
A surveillant becomes an ___ when he/she discards
his/her identity, changes his/her name and/or his/her
appearance and gets into contact with his subject.
A. Undercover agent
B. Informant
C. Informer
D. Asset
The process of preparing an intelligence agent for a
specific mission including a good description of the
target area.
A. De-briefing
B. Orientation
C. Briefing
D. Demonstrating
The process of preparing an intelligence agent for a
specific mission including a good description of the
target area.
A. De-briefing
B. Orientation
C. Briefing
D. Demonstrating
Collection agents should give consideration to the
information they are gathering.
A. Credibility and adequacy
B. Reliability and availability
C. Reliability and adequacy
D. Reliability and credibility
Collection agents should give consideration to the
information they are gathering.
A. Credibility and adequacy
B. Reliability and availability
C. Reliability and adequacy
D. Reliability and credibility
The _____ does not get paid for the information he gives
to the police intelligence officer.
A. informer
B. asset
C. aide
D. informant
The _____ does not get paid for the information he gives
to the police intelligence officer.
A. informer
B. asset
C. aide
D. informant
What is the oral method of collecting information
wherein the suspect is subject to intense questioning?
A. interview
B. interrogation
C. elicitation
D. inspection
What is the oral method of collecting information
wherein the suspect is subject to intense questioning?
A. interview
B. interrogation
C. elicitation
D. inspection
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created under
the US National Security Act of 1947 and took over the
functions of the____.
A. National Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS)
B. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
C. Office of Strategic services (OSS)
D. US Navy/Communication Intelligence Service (USNCIS)
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created under
the US National Security Act of 1947 and took over the
functions of the____.
A. National Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS)
B. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
C. Office of Strategic services (OSS)
D. US Navy/Communication Intelligence Service (USNCIS)
When frisking a suspect, it is considered most important
that the Police Officer should keep his eyes on the:
A. Suspect’s accomplices
B. Suspect’s hands
C. Suspect’s head
D. Suspect’s legs
When frisking a suspect, it is considered most important
that the Police Officer should keep his eyes on the:
A. Suspect’s accomplices
B. Suspect’s hands
C. Suspect’s head
D. Suspect’s legs
In the Intelligence process, evaluation is a critical
appraisal of information as a basis for the subsequent
interpretation regarding the following, EXCEPT___
A. Accuracy of information
B. Reliability of source
C. Manner of dissemination
D. None of these
In the Intelligence process, evaluation is a critical
appraisal of information as a basis for the subsequent
interpretation regarding the following, EXCEPT___
A. Accuracy of information
B. Reliability of source
C. Manner of dissemination
D. None of these
What is the covert observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to get information?
A. Penetration
B. Casing
C. Surveillance
D. Undercover work
What is the covert observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to get information?
A. Penetration
B. Casing
C. Surveillance
D. Undercover work
Money Laundering has two (2) processes, that is the
concealment of money and the ___ of that money.
A. cleaning
B. investing
C. profiting
D. depositing
Money Laundering has two (2) processes, that is the
concealment of money and the ___ of that money.
A. cleaning
B. investing
C. profiting
D. depositing
The investigator is ___ when the subject identifies or
obtains knowledge that said investigator is conducting
surveillance on him.
A. Sold out
B. Burnt out
C. Cut out
D. Get out
The investigator is ___ when the subject identifies or
obtains knowledge that said investigator is conducting
surveillance on him.
A. Sold out
B. Burnt out
C. Cut out
D. Get out
The information cycle consists of five (5) stages,
namely: creation, use, storage and retrieval, transfer
and ____.
A. disposition
B. development
C. deactivation
D. duplication
The information cycle consists of five (5) stages,
namely: creation, use, storage and retrieval, transfer
and ____.
A. disposition
B. development
C. deactivation
D. duplication
Reliability rating of an intelligence is A to F. If A is
very reliable, B is ____.
A. Unreliable
B. Not usually reliable
C. Fairly Reliable
D. Usually Reliable
Reliability rating of an intelligence is A to F. If A is
very reliable, B is ____.
A. Unreliable
B. Not usually reliable
C. Fairly Reliable
D. Usually Reliable
A close surveillance is being conducted when:
A. There is constant observation of the subject,
regardless of whether or not the target becomes aware
that he is being followed
B. There is a randomized observation of the movements of
the target personality
C. There is an off-and-on observation of the target and
periodic schedules of observation
D. There is a long running time of observation followed
by a short respite
A close surveillance is being conducted when:
A. There is constant observation of the subject,
regardless of whether or not the target becomes aware
that he is being followed
B. There is a randomized observation of the movements of
the target personality
C. There is an off-and-on observation of the target and
periodic schedules of observation
D. There is a long running time of observation followed
by a short respite
An information that is “fairly reliable source-
information confirmed from other sources “is evaluated
as ____.
A. A-1
B. B-1
C. A-2
D. C-1
An information that is “fairly reliable source-
information confirmed from other sources “is evaluated
as ____.
A. A-1
B. B-1
C. A-2
D. C-1
What is the formal surrender of a fugitive by one state
to another?
A. Extradition
B. Reconduction
C. Deportation
D. Negotiation
What is the formal surrender of a fugitive by one state
to another?
A. Extradition
B. Reconduction
C. Deportation
D. Negotiation
What is the evaluation of an information which is
“completely reliable source-probably true?”
A. A-5
B. A-2
C. A-1
D. A-4
What is the evaluation of an information which is
“completely reliable source-probably true?”
A. A-5
B. A-2
C. A-1
D. A-4
It deals with all things which should be known in
advance before initiating a course of action
A. Crime research
B. Information
C. Crime investigation
D. Intelligence
It deals with all things which should be known in
advance before initiating a course of action
A. Crime research
B. Information
C. Crime investigation
D. Intelligence
A type of surveillance that uses devices such as
electronics, wire-tapping, bugging and others.
A. Technical surveillance
B. Intermittent surveillance
C. Overt surveillance
D. Undercover surveillance
A type of surveillance that uses devices such as
electronics, wire-tapping, bugging and others.
A. Technical surveillance
B. Intermittent surveillance
C. Overt surveillance
D. Undercover surveillance
Police Intelligence Operations involved a number of
tasks. Below is an enumeration of these tasks EXCEPT:
A. Custodial investigation
B. Clipping services
C. Discovery and identification activity
D. Surveillance
Police Intelligence Operations involved a number of
tasks. Below is an enumeration of these tasks EXCEPT:
A. Custodial investigation
B. Clipping services
C. Discovery and identification activity
D. Surveillance
It comprises all documents, reports and all recorded
information that pertains to a single personality or
subject. Contained in a folder for storage convenience
A. Document
B. File
C. Information
D. Dossier
It comprises all documents, reports and all recorded
information that pertains to a single personality or
subject. Contained in a folder for storage convenience
A. Document
B. File
C. Information
D. Dossier
When casing a suspect , it is an improper technique to:
A. Undertake necessary precautions
B. Familiarize himself with the area
C. Resort to extreme facial disguises
D. Avoid being detected
When casing a suspect , it is an improper technique to:
A. Undertake necessary precautions
B. Familiarize himself with the area
C. Resort to extreme facial disguises
D. Avoid being detected
The covert observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to gain information is
A. Surveillance
B. Undercover works
C. Penetration
D. Casing
The covert observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to gain information is
A. Surveillance
B. Undercover works
C. Penetration
D. Casing
In counter intelligence, the operational file that
contains the list of persons who are known to be
friendly with the intelligence forces is known as
A. Tactical list
B. Black list
C. White list
D. CI list
In counter intelligence, the operational file that
contains the list of persons who are known to be
friendly with the intelligence forces is known as
A. Tactical list
B. Black list
C. White list
D. CI list
Police Norberto Iso works as intelligence officer and he
has a civilian friend who gives him information without
any monetary reward. What is his friend called?
A. Ally
B. Informer
C. Informant
D. Asset
Police Norberto Iso works as intelligence officer and he
has a civilian friend who gives him information without
any monetary reward. What is his friend called?
A. Ally
B. Informer
C. Informant
D. Asset
A person or object used by the subject in an attempt to
elude the surveillant?
A. Convoy
B. Decoy
C. Agent
D. Contact
A person or object used by the subject in an attempt to
elude the surveillant?
A. Convoy
B. Decoy
C. Agent
D. Contact
The act of extracting from an agent the maximum amount
of pertinent and useful information which he obtained in
the collection mission.
A. Briefing
B. Debriefing
C. Penetration
D. Infiltration
The act of extracting from an agent the maximum amount
of pertinent and useful information which he obtained in
the collection mission.
A. Briefing
B. Debriefing
C. Penetration
D. Infiltration
The process of combining elements which are isolated
through analysis and other known information to form a
logical theory is called _____
A. Collection
B. Integration
C. Deduction
D. Evaluation
The process of combining elements which are isolated
through analysis and other known information to form a
logical theory is called _____
A. Collection
B. Integration
C. Deduction
D. Evaluation
What is an agent doing when he discards his identity
changes his name and/or his appearance and gets into
contact with the subject.
A. Casing
B. Undercover
C. Surveillance
D. Penetration
What is an agent doing when he discards his identity
changes his name and/or his appearance and gets into
contact with the subject.
A. Casing
B. Undercover
C. Surveillance
D. Penetration
Police intelligence is the gathering of information on
the activities of criminals and law violators while the
procuring of information pertaining to the security of
the state is called _____ intelligence.
A. Counter
B. Military
C. Overt
D. Covert
Police intelligence is the gathering of information on
the activities of criminals and law violators while the
procuring of information pertaining to the security of
the state is called _____ intelligence.
A. Counter
B. Military
C. Overt
D. Covert
In counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized
according to intensity and sensitivity. When there is
intermittent observation varying n occasions, this
surveillance is called _____
A. Discreet
B. Closed
C. Loose
D. Open
In counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized
according to intensity and sensitivity. When there is
intermittent observation varying n occasions, this
surveillance is called _____
A. Discreet
B. Closed
C. Loose
D. Open
This type of surveillance is one which the surveillant
follows or observes a person on occasions, such as after
work for a few hours to see if the subject is planning a
robbery for the evening.
A. Closed surveillance
B. Loose surveillance
C. Open surveillance
D. Decoy surveillance
This type of surveillance is one which the surveillant
follows or observes a person on occasions, such as after
work for a few hours to see if the subject is planning a
robbery for the evening.
A. Closed surveillance
B. Loose surveillance
C. Open surveillance
D. Decoy surveillance
Gathering anything of intelligence interest and for use
as leads in the solicitation of crime under
A. Report preparation
B. Collection
C. Analysis
D. Dissemination
Gathering anything of intelligence interest and for use
as leads in the solicitation of crime under
A. Report preparation
B. Collection
C. Analysis
D. Dissemination
What do you call the list of persons which are required
by the guards at the malacanang palace to determine who
should be permitted to enter the malacanang gate?
A. Security list
B. Gate pass
C. Secret list
D. Access list
What do you call the list of persons which are required
by the guards at the malacanang palace to determine who
should be permitted to enter the malacanang gate?
A. Security list
B. Gate pass
C. Secret list
D. Access list
In Counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized
according to intensity and sensitivity. When there is
intermittent observation, varying in occasion, then this
surveillance is called:
A. loose
B. open
C. discreet
D. close
In Counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized
according to intensity and sensitivity. When there is
intermittent observation, varying in occasion, then this
surveillance is called:
A. loose
B. open
C. discreet
D. close
It is the product resulting from the collection
evaluation analysis integration and interpretation of
criminal activity and which is immediately or
potentially significant to police planning.
A. Investigation
B. Information
C. Data
D. Intelligence
It is the product resulting from the collection
evaluation analysis integration and interpretation of
criminal activity and which is immediately or
potentially significant to police planning.
A. Investigation
B. Information
C. Data
D. Intelligence
It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine
its suitability for particular operational purposes.
A. Inspection
B. Survey
C. Surveillance
D. Casing
It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine
its suitability for particular operational purposes.
A. Inspection
B. Survey
C. Surveillance
D. Casing
In the de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked to
discuss which of the following:
A. his education profile and schools attended
B. his personal circumstances such as his age, religion,
affiliation, address, etc.
C. his political inclination and/or party affiliation
D. his observations and experiences in the intelligence
In the de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked to
discuss which of the following:
A. his education profile and schools attended
B. his personal circumstances such as his age, religion,
affiliation, address, etc.
C. his political inclination and/or party affiliation
D. his observations and experiences in the intelligence
What form of intelligence is involved when information
is obtained of the person against whom the information
or document may be used, or the information is
clandestinely acquired?
A. Covert
B. Active
C. Overt
D. Underground
What form of intelligence is involved when information
is obtained of the person against whom the information
or document may be used, or the information is
clandestinely acquired?
A. Covert
B. Active
C. Overt
D. Underground
The term used for the object of surveillance is subject
while the investigator conducting the surveillance is:
A. Rabbit
B. Decoy
C. Surveillant
D. Target
The term used for the object of surveillance is subject
while the investigator conducting the surveillance is:
A. Rabbit
B. Decoy
C. Surveillant
D. Target
The father of military espionage was;
A. Akbar
B. Genghis Khan
C. Alexander the great
D. Fredrick the great
The father of military espionage was;
A. Akbar
B. Genghis Khan
C. Alexander the great
D. Fredrick the great
Intelligence is under what type of police function?
A. Primary
B. Auxiliary
C. Administrative
D. Secondary
Intelligence is under what type of police function?
A. Primary
B. Auxiliary
C. Administrative
D. Secondary
Which of the following is the most common reason why an
informer gives information to the police?
A. wants to be known to the police
B. monetary reward
C. as good citizen
D. revenge
Which of the following is the most common reason why an
informer gives information to the police?
A. wants to be known to the police
B. monetary reward
C. as good citizen
D. revenge
In surveillance, the following are done to hide the
appearance of the surveillance vehicle EXCEPT.
A. changing license plate of surveillance vehicle
B. putting on and removing hats, coats and sunglasses
C. change of setting arrangement within the surveillance
D. keep the cars behind the subject’s car
In surveillance, the following are done to hide the
appearance of the surveillance vehicle EXCEPT.
A. changing license plate of surveillance vehicle
B. putting on and removing hats, coats and sunglasses
C. change of setting arrangement within the surveillance
D. keep the cars behind the subject’s car
Fredrick the Great is known as the;
A. Father of Military Espionage
B. Intelligence Father
C. Great Intelligence Father
D. Father of Criminology
Fredrick the Great is known as the;
A. Father of Military Espionage
B. Intelligence Father
C. Great Intelligence Father
D. Father of Criminology
Which of the following is contained in the heading of an
intelligence report?
A. reporting unit
B. conclusion
C. signature of the Director
D. assessment of the operation
Which of the following is contained in the heading of an
intelligence report?
A. reporting unit
B. conclusion
C. signature of the Director
D. assessment of the operation
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that
the investigator is conducting surveillance on him, the
latter is,
A. cut out
B. burnt out
C. sold out
D. get out
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that
the investigator is conducting surveillance on him, the
latter is,
A. cut out
B. burnt out
C. sold out
D. get out
Some of the instruction in foot surveillance are the
following, EXCEPT
A. stop quickly, look behind
B. drop paper, never mind what happens to the paper
C. window shop, watch reflections
D. retraces steps
Some of the instruction in foot surveillance are the
following, EXCEPT
A. stop quickly, look behind
B. drop paper, never mind what happens to the paper
C. window shop, watch reflections
D. retraces steps
On many occasions, the bulk of the most information
comes from?
A. business world
B. an underworld
C. news clippings
D. communications media
On many occasions, the bulk of the most information
comes from?
A. business world
B. an underworld
C. news clippings
D. communications media
A method of collecting information wherein the
investigator merely uses his different senses.
A. Observation
B. Research
C. Casing
D. Interrogation
A method of collecting information wherein the
investigator merely uses his different senses.
A. Observation
B. Research
C. Casing
D. Interrogation
In stationary surveillance, the following must be
observed, EXCEPT
A. never meet subject face to face
B. avoid eye contact
C. recognized fellow agent
D. if burnt out, drop subject
In stationary surveillance, the following must be
observed, EXCEPT
A. never meet subject face to face
B. avoid eye contact
C. recognized fellow agent
D. if burnt out, drop subject
In intelligence evaluation, the evaluation rating of A-4
A. completely reliable source - Doubtfully true
B. Usually reliable source – Probably true information
C. fairly reliable source - Probably true information
D. Usually reliable source – Probably true information
In intelligence evaluation, the evaluation rating of A-4
A. completely reliable source - Doubtfully true
B. Usually reliable source – Probably true information
C. fairly reliable source - Probably true information
D. Usually reliable source – Probably true information
One way of extending the power of observation is to get
information from persons within the vicinity. In police
work, this is called:
A. Data gathering
B. Interrogation
C. Field inquiry
D. Interview
One way of extending the power of observation is to get
information from persons within the vicinity. In police
work, this is called:
A. Data gathering
B. Interrogation
C. Field inquiry
D. Interview
Intelligence on ______________ makes heavy usage of
geographic information because law enforcement officials
must know exact location to interdict the flow of drugs.
A. Logistics
B. Narcotics Trafficking
C. Human Cargo Trafficking
D. Economic Resources
Intelligence on ______________ makes heavy usage of
geographic information because law enforcement officials
must know exact location to interdict the flow of drugs.
A. Logistics
B. Narcotics Trafficking
C. Human Cargo Trafficking
D. Economic Resources
A method of collection of information wherein the
investigator tails the person or vehicle.
A. Investigation
B. Casing
C. Undercover Operation
D. surveillance
A method of collection of information wherein the
investigator tails the person or vehicle.
A. Investigation
B. Casing
C. Undercover Operation
D. surveillance
Disguise or secret observation of places, persons or
vehicles for purpose of obtaining information.
A. Evaluation
B. Surveillance
C. Elicitation
D. Infiltration
Disguise or secret observation of places, persons or
vehicles for purpose of obtaining information.
A. Evaluation
B. Surveillance
C. Elicitation
D. Infiltration
It is the combination of analyzed data to form a logical
A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception
It is the combination of analyzed data to form a logical
A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception
The information is obtained through direct communication
in which the other party is unaware of the specific
purpose of the conversation.
A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception
The information is obtained through direct communication
in which the other party is unaware of the specific
purpose of the conversation.
A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception
It is conducted when the subject is moving from one
place to another.
A. Casing
B. Lost
C. Made
D. Shadowing
It is conducted when the subject is moving from one
place to another.
A. Casing
B. Lost
C. Made
D. Shadowing
PO IV Ram Edgar is assigned to collect available
information concerning the activities of Blue
Sagittarius Group. He is in what unit of the police?
A. Criminal investigation
B. Patrol
C. Intelligence
D. Women’s Desk
PO IV Ram Edgar is assigned to collect available
information concerning the activities of Blue
Sagittarius Group. He is in what unit of the police?
A. Criminal investigation
B. Patrol
C. Intelligence
D. Women’s Desk
If the information or documents are produced openly
without regard as to whether the subject of the
investigation becomes knowledgeable of the purpose/s for
which it is being gathered.
A. Overt operation
B. Covert operation
C. Evaluation
D. Interpretation
If the information or documents are produced openly
without regard as to whether the subject of the
investigation becomes knowledgeable of the purpose/s for
which it is being gathered.
A. Overt operation
B. Covert operation
C. Evaluation
D. Interpretation
It is the type of intelligence activity which deals with
defending of the organization against its criminal
A. Counter intelligence
B. Military intelligence
C. Military information
D. Strategic intelligence
It is the type of intelligence activity which deals with
defending of the organization against its criminal
A. Counter intelligence
B. Military intelligence
C. Military information
D. Strategic intelligence
In intelligence, what is meant by C.B.I?
A. Complete Background Investigation
B. Complete Background Investigator
C. Complete Back draft Investigation
D. Competent Background Investigator
In intelligence, what is meant by C.B.I?
A. Complete Background Investigation
B. Complete Background Investigator
C. Complete Back draft Investigation
D. Competent Background Investigator
Red Gestapo for Germany, Mossad for Israel; M15 for the
British, KGB for the Russians. What are being referred
to by each country?
A. Network of assets and agents
B. National Intelligence Systems
C. Strategic plans for National Interest
D. National Intelligence headquarters
Red Gestapo for Germany, Mossad for Israel; M15 for the
British, KGB for the Russians. What are being referred
to by each country?
A. Network of assets and agents
B. National Intelligence Systems
C. Strategic plans for National Interest
D. National Intelligence headquarters
Who among the following was considered “father of
intelligence operations”?
A. Joseph Petrosino
B. Joseph Fouche
C. Joseph Montiel
D. Antonio Alsivok
Who among the following was considered “father of
intelligence operations”?
A. Joseph Petrosino
B. Joseph Fouche
C. Joseph Montiel
D. Antonio Alsivok
An enemy agent who has been captured, turned around and
sent back where he came from as an agent of his captors
is considered –
A. Agent in place
B. Double agent
C. Expandable agent
D. Penetrating agent
An enemy agent who has been captured, turned around and
sent back where he came from as an agent of his captors
is considered –
A. Agent in place
B. Double agent
C. Expandable agent
D. Penetrating agent
X clandestinely followed Y as he entered a restaurant. Y
brought out a small size of brown envelop allegedly
containing disk of sensitive information and handed it
to Z. In the parlance of police surveillance activities
in this scenario, Z is considered -
A. the surveillant
B. the subject
C. the contact
D. the assassin
X clandestinely followed Y as he entered a restaurant. Y
brought out a small size of brown envelop allegedly
containing disk of sensitive information and handed it
to Z. In the parlance of police surveillance activities
in this scenario, Z is considered -
A. the surveillant
B. the subject
C. the contact
D. the assassin
Every nation has its own national intelligence. Non
comparable with the super powers, but the Philippines
has its own coordinating agency for intelligence
concerning national security and interest. If the USA
has its CIA, and the former Soviet Union has its former
KGB, and Great Britain has its M16/M15, the Philippines
has its –
A. Armed Forces of the Philippines
B. National Bureau of Investigation
C. Department of National Defense
D. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
Every nation has its own national intelligence. Non
comparable with the super powers, but the Philippines
has its own coordinating agency for intelligence
concerning national security and interest. If the USA
has its CIA, and the former Soviet Union has its former
KGB, and Great Britain has its M16/M15, the Philippines
has its –
A. Armed Forces of the Philippines
B. National Bureau of Investigation
C. Department of National Defense
D. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
The examination of raw information to determine
intelligence value, pertinence of the information,
reliability of the source and agency, and its
credibility or truth of information is called
A. Recording
B. Analysis
C. Evaluation
D. Collection
The examination of raw information to determine
intelligence value, pertinence of the information,
reliability of the source and agency, and its
credibility or truth of information is called
A. Recording
B. Analysis
C. Evaluation
D. Collection
What is an example of a special reconnaissance?
A. Covert missions to conduct surveillance activities in
foreign countries
B. Secret observation of persons
C. Clandestine police operations in a town fiesta
D. All of these
What is an example of a special reconnaissance?
A. Covert missions to conduct surveillance activities in
foreign countries
B. Secret observation of persons
C. Clandestine police operations in a town fiesta
D. All of these
The insertion of an action agent to the target
organization in an undercover project is called –
A. Penetration
B. Infiltration
C. Recruitment
D. Access to information
The insertion of an action agent to the target
organization in an undercover project is called –
A. Penetration
B. Infiltration
C. Recruitment
D. Access to information
The term unconventional warfare is a fancy term for –
A. Chinese communism
B. long-term guerrilla warfare
C. special operations
D. Political Terrorism
The term unconventional warfare is a fancy term for –
A. Chinese communism
B. long-term guerrilla warfare
C. special operations
D. Political Terrorism
When the person accept every story at face value and can
see no wrong in anyone, usually idealists and can
sometimes be utilized by unscrupulous persons, then
he/she possess a weakness known as –
A. Jealousy
B. Gullibility
C. Weakness of Character
D. Infidelity
When the person accept every story at face value and can
see no wrong in anyone, usually idealists and can
sometimes be utilized by unscrupulous persons, then
he/she possess a weakness known as –
A. Jealousy
B. Gullibility
C. Weakness of Character
D. Infidelity
___ is all about being able to produce "products" that
are disseminated in a timely fashion to those in a
position to make decisions and take action.
A. Data Analysis
B. Intelligence work
C. Espionage
D. Cold war
___ is all about being able to produce "products" that
are disseminated in a timely fashion to those in a
position to make decisions and take action.
A. Data Analysis
B. Intelligence work
C. Espionage
D. Cold war
When an undercover man is burnt out, he –
A. recorded the information
B. was being compromised
C. has escaped from a shoot out
D. was able to eliminate the subject
When an undercover man is burnt out, he –
A. recorded the information
B. was being compromised
C. has escaped from a shoot out
D. was able to eliminate the subject
What phase in the intelligence cycle a more complete
process of evaluating data for reliability, validity,
and relevance are made?
A. Phase I
B. Phase II
C. Phase III
D. Phase IV
What phase in the intelligence cycle a more complete
process of evaluating data for reliability, validity,
and relevance are made?
A. Phase I
B. Phase II
C. Phase III
D. Phase IV
To effectively understand intelligence work, one should
have an understanding of the ____, which is the
beginning of the cycle.
A. Strategic Intelligence Planning
B. Data Analysis
C. Intelligence Networking
D. Evaluation and Processing information gathered
To effectively understand intelligence work, one should
have an understanding of the ____, which is the
beginning of the cycle.
A. Strategic Intelligence Planning
B. Data Analysis
C. Intelligence Networking
D. Evaluation and Processing information gathered
In the world of intelligence, ___ are verified
information; something known to exist or to have
A. Fictions
B. Facts
C. Narratives
D. Estimates
In the world of intelligence, ___ are verified
information; something known to exist or to have
A. Fictions
B. Facts
C. Narratives
D. Estimates
Basically, the content of intelligence reports,
research, and reflection on an intelligence issue that
helps to evaluate the likelihood that something is
factual and thereby reduces uncertainty is called –
A. Intelligence product
B. Documentary evidence
C. Legal reports
D. Intel Estimates
Basically, the content of intelligence reports,
research, and reflection on an intelligence issue that
helps to evaluate the likelihood that something is
factual and thereby reduces uncertainty is called –
A. Intelligence product
B. Documentary evidence
C. Legal reports
D. Intel Estimates
____ is the separation of a whole into its parts to
allow an examination and interpretation of the
information. It typically involves certain methods and
techniques, some of which are statistical, others which
are not, which reveal patterns and trends that often
reveal the probability of conclusions.
A. Evaluation procedures
B. Analysis
C. Reporting
D. Testing
____ is the separation of a whole into its parts to
allow an examination and interpretation of the
information. It typically involves certain methods and
techniques, some of which are statistical, others which
are not, which reveal patterns and trends that often
reveal the probability of conclusions.
A. Evaluation procedures
B. Analysis
C. Reporting
D. Testing
The sole basis for clearance to a classified matter is
none but –
A. Access to information
B. Need-to-know basis
C. Order of superior officer
D. Linkage with the president
The sole basis for clearance to a classified matter is
none but –
A. Access to information
B. Need-to-know basis
C. Order of superior officer
D. Linkage with the president
What form of intelligence work involves national
estimates about the strength, size, and capabilities of
another nation’s military and/or counterintelligence
A. Estimative Intelligence
B. Political Intelligence
C. Technical Intelligence
D. Biographical Intelligence
What form of intelligence work involves national
estimates about the strength, size, and capabilities of
another nation’s military and/or counterintelligence
A. Estimative Intelligence
B. Political Intelligence
C. Technical Intelligence
D. Biographical Intelligence
One of the following involves threat assessment, the
analysis of surprise, intelligence failures, and other
indicators of catastrophe. It’s the use of hindsight to
improve foresight.
A. Estimative Intelligence
B. Warning Intelligence
C. Technical Intelligence
D. None of these
One of the following involves threat assessment, the
analysis of surprise, intelligence failures, and other
indicators of catastrophe. It’s the use of hindsight to
improve foresight.
A. Estimative Intelligence
B. Warning Intelligence
C. Technical Intelligence
D. None of these
What is meant by the word “drop” in intelligence
A. Observation from a fixed point
B. Moving surveillance
C. Unsuspecting place for information relay
D. Sensitive items to purchase
What is meant by the word “drop” in intelligence
A. Observation from a fixed point
B. Moving surveillance
C. Unsuspecting place for information relay
D. Sensitive items to purchase
When the knowledge we want to derive consists of the
things that economists collect data on, such as
population demographics, labor statistics, crop
statistics, manufacturing production rates, import-
export rates, natural resources, and public opinion,
then intelligence falls under -.
A. Science and technology intelligence
B. Economic intelligence
C. Biographical intelligence
D. Any of the above
When the knowledge we want to derive consists of the
things that economists collect data on, such as
population demographics, labor statistics, crop
statistics, manufacturing production rates, import-
export rates, natural resources, and public opinion,
then intelligence falls under -.
A. Science and technology intelligence
B. Economic intelligence
C. Biographical intelligence
D. Any of the above
Form of investigation in which the investigator assumes
a different identity in order to obtain information is
known as:
A. surveillance
B. intelligence
C. shadowing
D. undercover
Form of investigation in which the investigator assumes
a different identity in order to obtain information is
known as:
A. surveillance
B. intelligence
C. shadowing
D. undercover
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not to
fear the results of hundred battles, if you know
yourself and not the enemy, for every victory, you are a
fool who will meet defeat in every battle.” This is
stated by whom?
A. Sun Yat Sen
B. Sun tzu
C. Budda
D. Mao Tze tung
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not to
fear the results of hundred battles, if you know
yourself and not the enemy, for every victory, you are a
fool who will meet defeat in every battle.” This is
stated by whom?
A. Sun Yat Sen
B. Sun tzu
C. Budda
D. Mao Tze tung
The product resulting from the collecting information
concerning an actual and potential situation and
condition relating to foreign activities and to foreign
enemy held areas
A. Interrogation
B. information
C. Intelligence
D. investigation
The product resulting from the collecting information
concerning an actual and potential situation and
condition relating to foreign activities and to foreign
enemy held areas
A. Interrogation
B. information
C. Intelligence
D. investigation
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning
organized crime and other major police problems.
A. military Intelligence
B. military information
C. police intelligence
D. police investigation
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning
organized crime and other major police problems.
A. military Intelligence
B. military information
C. police intelligence
D. police investigation
The combination of two or more persons for the purpose
of establishing terror or corruption in the community or
section of, either monopoly, or virtual monopoly or
criminal activity in a field that provides a continuing
financial profit.
A. organized
B. criminal syndicate
C. criminal record
D. Mafia
The combination of two or more persons for the purpose
of establishing terror or corruption in the community or
section of, either monopoly, or virtual monopoly or
criminal activity in a field that provides a continuing
financial profit.
A. organized
B. criminal syndicate
C. criminal record
D. Mafia
The social organization of criminals, having its own
social classes from the hobo to the moneyed gangsters or
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. organized crime
D. criminal syndicate
The social organization of criminals, having its own
social classes from the hobo to the moneyed gangsters or
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. organized crime
D. criminal syndicate
A stable business with violence applied and directed at
unwelcome competitors.
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. criminal syndicate
D. organized crime
A stable business with violence applied and directed at
unwelcome competitors.
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. criminal syndicate
D. organized crime
A form of intelligence which concerns with the various
types of confidential information that filter into the
possession of the police, and the techniques employed in
developing these lines of information.
A. counter intelligence
B. Department intelligence
C. under cover intelligence
D. strategic intelligence
A form of intelligence which concerns with the various
types of confidential information that filter into the
possession of the police, and the techniques employed in
developing these lines of information.
A. counter intelligence
B. Department intelligence
C. under cover intelligence
D. strategic intelligence
Which of the following police administrator must rely as
one of the most indispensable tools of management; it is
derived from organized information available in the
police records division which is concerned with the
nature, size and distribution of the police problems of
crime and traffic.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. Departmental intelligence
D. undercover intelligence
Which of the following police administrator must rely as
one of the most indispensable tools of management; it is
derived from organized information available in the
police records division which is concerned with the
nature, size and distribution of the police problems of
crime and traffic.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. Departmental intelligence
D. undercover intelligence
Intelligence which is primarily long-range in nature
with little or no immediate practical value.
A. Departmental Intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. undercover intelligence
D. counter intelligence
Intelligence which is primarily long-range in nature
with little or no immediate practical value.
A. Departmental Intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. undercover intelligence
D. counter intelligence
Intelligence activity which deals with defending of the
organization against its criminal enemies.
A. counter intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. Military intelligence
D. military intelligence
Intelligence activity which deals with defending of the
organization against its criminal enemies.
A. counter intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. Military intelligence
D. military intelligence
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning an
actual or possible enemy or threat of operations,
including weather and terrain, together with conclusions
drawn therefrom.
A. Line intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. covert operation
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning an
actual or possible enemy or threat of operations,
including weather and terrain, together with conclusions
drawn therefrom.
A. Line intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. covert operation
Criminologist Licensure Examination
Frequently Asked Questions




By: Charlemagne James P. Ramos

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not to
fear the results of hundred battles, if you know
yourself and not the enemy, for every victory, you are a
fool who will meet defeat in every battle.” This is
stated by whom?
A. Sun Yat Sen
B. Sun tzu
C. Budda
D. Mao Tze tung
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not to
fear the results of hundred battles, if you know
yourself and not the enemy, for every victory, you are a
fool who will meet defeat in every battle.” This is
stated by whom?
A. Sun Yat Sen
B. Sun tzu
C. Budda
D. Mao Tze tung
The product resulting from the collecting information
concerning an actual and potential situation and
condition relating to foreign activities and to foreign
enemy held areas
A. Interrogation
B. information
C. Intelligence
D. investigation
The product resulting from the collecting information
concerning an actual and potential situation and
condition relating to foreign activities and to foreign
enemy held areas
A. Interrogation
B. information
C. Intelligence
D. investigation
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning
organized crime and other major police problems.
A. military Intelligence
B. military information
C. police intelligence
D. police investigation
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning
organized crime and other major police problems.
A. military Intelligence
B. military information
C. police intelligence
D. police investigation
The combination of two or more persons for the purpose
of establishing terror or corruption in the community or
section of, either monopoly, or virtual monopoly or
criminal activity in a field that provides a continuing
financial profit.
A. organized crime
B. criminal syndicate
C. criminal record
D. Mafia
The combination of two or more persons for the purpose
of establishing terror or corruption in the community or
section of, either monopoly, or virtual monopoly or
criminal activity in a field that provides a continuing
financial profit.
A. organized crime
B. criminal syndicate
C. criminal record
D. Mafia
The social organization of criminals, having its own
social classes from the hobo to the moneyed gangsters or
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. organized crime
D. criminal syndicate
The social organization of criminals, having its own
social classes from the hobo to the moneyed gangsters or
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. organized crime
D. criminal syndicate
A stable business with violence applied and directed at
unwelcome competitors.
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. criminal syndicate
D. organized crime
A stable business with violence applied and directed at
unwelcome competitors.
A. Mafia
B. criminal world
C. criminal syndicate
D. organized crime
A form of intelligence which concerns with the various
types of confidential information that filter into the
possession of the police, and the techniques employed in
developing these lines of information.
A. counter intelligence
B. Department intelligence
C. undercover intelligence
D. strategic intelligence
A form of intelligence which concerns with the various
types of confidential information that filter into the
possession of the police, and the techniques employed in
developing these lines of information.
A. counter intelligence
B. Department intelligence
C. undercover intelligence
D. strategic intelligence
Which of the following police administrator must rely as
one of the most indispensable tools of management; it is
derived from organized information available in the
police records division which is concerned with the
nature, size and distribution of the police problems of
crime and traffic.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. Departmental intelligence
D. undercover intelligence
Which of the following police administrator must rely as
one of the most indispensable tools of management; it is
derived from organized information available in the
police records division which is concerned with the
nature, size and distribution of the police problems of
crime and traffic.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. Departmental intelligence
D. undercover intelligence
Intelligence which is primarily long-range in nature
with little or no immediate practical value.
A. Departmental Intelligence
B. undercover intelligence
C. strategic intelligence
D. counter intelligence
Intelligence which is primarily long-range in nature
with little or no immediate practical value.
A. Departmental Intelligence
B. undercover intelligence
C. strategic intelligence
D. counter intelligence
Intelligence activity which deals with defending of the
organization against its criminal enemies.
A. Counter intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. Military intelligence
D. military intelligence
Intelligence activity which deals with defending of the
organization against its criminal enemies.
A. Counter intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. Military intelligence
D. military intelligence
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning an
actual or possible enemy or theatre of operations,
including weather and terrain, together with conclusions
drawn therefrom.
A. Line intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. covert operation
An evaluated and interpreted information concerning an
actual or possible enemy or theatre of operations,
including weather and terrain, together with conclusions
drawn therefrom.
A. Line intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. covert operation
Intelligence which is of immediate nature unnecessary
for more effective police planning and operations.
A. Line intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. overt operation
Intelligence which is of immediate nature unnecessary
for more effective police planning and operations.
A. Line intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. overt operation
If the information or documents are produced openly
without regard as to whether the subject of the
investigation becomes knowledgeable of the purpose or
purposes for which it is being gathered.
A. Overt operation
B. evaluation
C. covert operation
D. interpretation
If the information or documents are produced openly
without regard as to whether the subject of the
investigation becomes knowledgeable of the purpose or
purposes for which it is being gathered.
A. Overt operation
B. evaluation
C. covert operation
D. interpretation
If the information or documents is obtained without the
knowledge of the person against whom the information or
documents may be used, or if the method of procurement
is done not in an open manner.
A. Overt operation
B. Evaluation
C. Covert operation
D. Interpretation
If the information or documents is obtained without the
knowledge of the person against whom the information or
documents may be used, or if the method of procurement
is done not in an open manner.
A. Overt operation
B. Evaluation
C. Covert operation
D. Interpretation
A critical appraisal of information as a basis for its
subsequent interpretation, which includes determining
the pertinence of information, the reliability of the
source and agency through which the information was
derived and its accuracy.
A. interpretation
B. tasks
C. Evaluation
D. Operations
A critical appraisal of information as a basis for its
subsequent interpretation, which includes determining
the pertinence of information, the reliability of the
source and agency through which the information was
derived and its accuracy.
A. interpretation
B. tasks
C. Evaluation
D. Operations
Determines the significance of the information with
respects to what is already known, and it draws
conclusions as to the probable meaning of the evaluated
information; it is the result of critical judgment
involving analysis, integration and forming of
A. Evaluation
B. tasks
C. interpretation
D. operations
Determines the significance of the information with
respects to what is already known, and it draws
conclusions as to the probable meaning of the evaluated
information; it is the result of critical judgment
involving analysis, integration and forming of
A. Evaluation
B. tasks
C. interpretation
D. operations
The proper, economical, most productive use of
personnel, resources and equipment employed and/or
utilized in planning the collection of information,
processing of information and dissemination of
A. Cardinal principle of intelligence
B. Asset and Liability Intelligence
C. Economic Intelligence
D. Income and Expenditure Intelligence
The proper, economical, most productive use of
personnel, resources and equipment employed and/or
utilized in planning the collection of information,
processing of information and dissemination of
A. Cardinal principle of intelligence
B. Asset and Liability Intelligence
C. Economic Intelligence
D. Income and Expenditure Intelligence
To the military, business, political groups, police and
others, intelligence is in general
A. a means of combination risk security
B. Processed information
C. Preservation of security
D. Tactical information
To the military, business, political groups, police and
others, intelligence is in general
A. a means of combination risk security
B. Processed information
C. Preservation of security
D. Tactical information
To the many dedicated intelligence operatives both
clandestine and overt intelligence to them is
A. Profession
B. Calling
C. job
D. All of them
To the many dedicated intelligence operatives both
clandestine and overt intelligence to them is
A. Profession
B. Calling
C. job
D. All of them
To intelligence brokers who sell information at a price,
intelligence is a
A. business
B. way of life
C. income generating undertaking
D. all of them
To intelligence brokers who sell information at a price,
intelligence is a
A. business
B. way of life
C. income generating undertaking
D. all of them
Intelligence activity which is dealing all the time.
A. undertaking
B. information
C. Action
D. hearsay
Intelligence activity which is dealing all the time.
A. undertaking
B. information
C. Action
D. hearsay
How can a police station with only five (5) personnel
undertake intelligence activity?
A. each police officer must perform intelligence work as
additional job
B. one shall be assigned to head the intelligence unit
C. The cop must act as intelligence officer at the same
D. all of the above
How can a police station with only five (5) personnel
undertake intelligence activity?
A. each police officer must perform intelligence work as
additional job
B. one shall be assigned to head the intelligence unit
C. The cop must act as intelligence officer at the same
D. all of the above
There are three (3) categories of intelligence.
A. Strategic, line and counter-intelligence
B. Tactical , line and counter-intelligence
C. Line, strategic and advance
D. Tactical, strategic and offensive
There are three (3) categories of intelligence.
A. Strategic, line and counter-intelligence
B. Tactical , line and counter-intelligence
C. Line, strategic and advance
D. Tactical, strategic and offensive
These three (3) categories of intelligence are
_________________ to one another.
A. Interdependent, overlapping and interrelated
B. electronic, satellite and cosmetic
C. Coordinative, strategic and offensive
D. Flexible, accurate, trustworthy
These three (3) categories of intelligence are
_________________ to one another.
A. Interdependent, overlapping and interrelated
B. electronic, satellite and cosmetic
C. Coordinative, strategic and offensive
D. Flexible, accurate, trustworthy
Intelligence information which is not of practical and
immediate operational value but rather long range is
know as
A. line
C. Strategic
D. none of them
Intelligence information which is not of practical and
immediate operational value but rather long range is
know as
A. line
C. Strategic
D. none of them
It is filtered as a finish product or in the form of
information requiring processing. It must be current,
concise and factual to reduce probability of guesswork.
A. line
B. strategic
C. counter
D. none of them
It is filtered as a finish product or in the form of
information requiring processing. It must be current,
concise and factual to reduce probability of guesswork.
A. line
B. strategic
C. counter
D. none of them
It is the most important among the categories of
intelligence because the survival of the police unit
depends on it.
B. counter-intelligence
C. strategic
D. none of them
It is the most important among the categories of
intelligence because the survival of the police unit
depends on it.
B. counter-intelligence
C. strategic
D. none of them
Intelligence must be available on time.
A. timeliness
B. Punctuality
C. automatic
D. suddenness
Intelligence must be available on time.
A. timeliness
B. Punctuality
C. automatic
D. suddenness
Intelligence information must be changeable according to
the present situation, condition and other factors.
A. Timeless
B. Flexibility
C. effectiveness
D. None of them
Intelligence information must be changeable according to
the present situation, condition and other factors.
A. Timeless
B. Flexibility
C. effectiveness
D. None of them
In organizing police intelligence unit, the factor/s to
be considered is/are
A. size of the place or area
B. frequency of seriousness of civil disturbance
C. extent or prevalence
D. all of them
In organizing police intelligence unit, the factor/s to
be considered is/are
A. size of the place or area
B. frequency of seriousness of civil disturbance
C. extent or prevalence
D. all of them
In the police unit with only five (5) personnel
including the chief, is it necessary to establish and
intelligence section?
A. no need as there are only few men
B. no because it is not advisable to establish one where
there is a problem
C. yes as it is indispensable
D. yes, because the police unit is not complete without
intelligence unit
In the police unit with only five (5) personnel
including the chief, is it necessary to establish and
intelligence section?
A. no need as there are only few men
B. no because it is not advisable to establish one where
there is a problem
C. yes as it is indispensable
D. yes, because the police unit is not complete without
intelligence unit
In a particular police intelligence section, who usually
heads the section?
A. Chief of police
B. Intelligence officer
C. operation chief
D. chief of patrol
In a particular police intelligence section, who usually
heads the section?
A. Chief of police
B. Intelligence officer
C. operation chief
D. chief of patrol
There are actually several function of intelligence
officer, but in summation, they are
A. managing the affairs of the intelligence unit
B. supervising the conduct of the intelligence operation
and directing his men for the success of the
C. coordinating with other intelligence
D. all of the above
There are actually several function of intelligence
officer, but in summation, they are
A. managing the affairs of the intelligence unit
B. supervising the conduct of the intelligence operation
and directing his men for the success of the
C. coordinating with other intelligence
D. all of the above
Intelligence plan is a part of what?
A. Police effectiveness plan
B. line functions plan
C. police operation plan
D. security plan
Intelligence plan is a part of what?
A. Police effectiveness plan
B. line functions plan
C. police operation plan
D. security plan
Intelligence process refers to cycle known it is acronym
Intelligence process refers to cycle known it is acronym
PCAD literally means
A. Planning, Collecting, Analysis And Dissemination
B. Programming, Culturing, Auditing And Directing
C. Presenting, Collection, Assuming And Development
D. Proacting , Collating ,Analysis And Delivering
PCAD literally means
A. Planning, Collecting, Analysis And Dissemination
B. Programming, Culturing, Auditing And Directing
C. Presenting, Collection, Assuming And Development
D. Proacting , Collating ,Analysis And Delivering
Any knowledge, data, news, opinion and the like
transmitted from one person to another is
A. Collecting data
B. intelligence data
C. gathered data
D. information
Any knowledge, data, news, opinion and the like
transmitted from one person to another is
A. Collecting data
B. intelligence data
C. gathered data
D. information
What kind of information is needed in intelligence
A. Criminal information
B. subversive information
C. intelligence information
D. all of them
What kind of information is needed in intelligence
A. Criminal information
B. subversive information
C. intelligence information
D. all of them
Intelligence information are those of what?
A. Intelligence interest
B. unprocessed or raw intelligence data
C. intelligence and significance
D. all of them
Intelligence information are those of what?
A. Intelligence interest
B. unprocessed or raw intelligence data
C. intelligence and significance
D. all of them
What short course or program is offered for police
officer in intelligence?
What short course or program is offered for police
officer in intelligence?
In the police intelligence, it is where information is
A. field
B. Source
C. friend
D. all of them
In the police intelligence, it is where information is
A. field
B. Source
C. friend
D. all of them
An individual, an organization or a unit that knows and
exploits the sources of intelligence information.
A. Collecting of agency
B. police unit
C. personnel
D. all of them
An individual, an organization or a unit that knows and
exploits the sources of intelligence information.
A. Collecting of agency
B. police unit
C. personnel
D. all of them
Source of information can be
Source of information can be
Obtaining information employing means and effort through
secrecy, pretending or posing as somebody, and or
through clandestine operation.
A. Covert
B. library technique
C. overt
D. secrecy
Obtaining information employing means and effort through
secrecy, pretending or posing as somebody, and or
through clandestine operation.
A. Covert
B. library technique
C. overt
D. secrecy
Obtaining information without resorting to clandestine
A. Open source
B. Surveillance
C. Cover
D. Shadowing
Obtaining information without resorting to clandestine
A. Open source
B. Surveillance
C. Cover
D. Shadowing
Obtaining information through newspapers, comics and the
A. overt
B. Clipping
C. Documentary
D. All of them
Obtaining information through newspapers, comics and the
A. overt
B. Clipping
C. Documentary
D. All of them
Non-open or covert means of gathering information is not
usually resorted to because of the reason that
A. It is expensive
B. IT needs to much effort
C. It is risky
D. All of them
Non-open or covert means of gathering information is not
usually resorted to because of the reason that
A. It is expensive
B. IT needs to much effort
C. It is risky
D. All of them
The source of expenditure in intelligence activities
A. Government coffer
B. police budget
C. internal revenue activities
D. intelligence fund
The source of expenditure in intelligence activities
A. Government coffer
B. police budget
C. internal revenue activities
D. intelligence fund
PIR in intelligence parlance literally means what?
A. Priority Intelligence Requirements
B. Preparatory Intelligence Requirement
C. police intelligence requirements
D. intelligence fund
PIR in intelligence parlance literally means what?
A. Priority Intelligence Requirements
B. Preparatory Intelligence Requirement
C. police intelligence requirements
D. intelligence fund
IR in intelligence parlance literally means what?
A. Information requirements
B. information requirement
C. Intelligence requirement
D. Intelligence reservation
IR in intelligence parlance literally means what?
A. Information requirements
B. information requirement
C. Intelligence requirement
D. Intelligence reservation
If the intelligence unit’s current mission is
trafficking the PIR are/is
A. Identities of person involved
B. type of drugs being pushed
C. modes of movement and contracts
D. all of them
If the intelligence unit’s current mission is
trafficking the PIR are/is
A. Identities of person involved
B. type of drugs being pushed
C. modes of movement and contracts
D. all of them
The IR of the above are/is
A. true and reliable
B. true and accurate
C. schools they are enrolled
D. all of them
The IR of the above are/is
A. true and reliable
B. true and accurate
C. schools they are enrolled
D. all of them
AIEI stands for analysis, integration, evaluation and
interpretation. Its purpose is to determine that
information is
A. true and reliable
B. true and accurate
C. schools they are enrolled
D. all of them
AIEI stands for analysis, integration, evaluation and
interpretation. Its purpose is to determine that
information is
A. true and reliable
B. true and accurate
C. schools they are enrolled
D. all of them
In analyzing information gather it will prove
A. Reliability of the source
B. trustworthiness of the source
C. dependability of the source
D. all of them
In analyzing information gather it will prove
A. Reliability of the source
B. trustworthiness of the source
C. dependability of the source
D. all of them
When the accuracy of an information is placed on test,
this is determined not on reliability of the sources but
on its
I. worthiness
II.Face value
A. I only
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II and III
When the accuracy of an information is placed on test,
this is determined not on reliability of the sources but
on its
I. worthiness
II.Face value
A. I only
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II and III
Intelligence analysts use a standard system to evaluate
the reliability of the agency and the accuracy of an
information. As to reliability it is designed by letters
from A to F; whereas, as to the accuracy of the
information, it is designed by numbers
A. 1 TO 7
B. 1 TO 6
C. 1 To 5
D. 1 TO 8
Intelligence analysts use a standard system to evaluate
the reliability of the agency and the accuracy of an
information. As to reliability it is designed by letters
from A to F; whereas, as to the accuracy of the
information, it is designed by numbers
A. 1 TO 7
B. 1 TO 6
C. 1 To 5
D. 1 TO 8
If information is determined to be such low reliability
and poor accuracy, will that be discarded?
A. Partly yes
B. it depends
C. no
D. Yes
If information is determined to be such low reliability
and poor accuracy, will that be discarded?
A. Partly yes
B. it depends
C. no
D. Yes
Subject information will not be discarded because
A. it may be found useful and relevant in the future
B. such seemingly is important and significant
information that may turnout to be the break the
police is waiting
C. The information may be worth while in the near future
D. All of the above
Subject information will not be discarded because
A. it may be found useful and relevant in the future
B. such seemingly is important and significant
information that may turnout to be the break the
police is waiting
C. The information may be worth while in the near future
D. All of the above
The furnishing of intelligence data to other police unit
or their government agencies so that they can use its
importance is called
A. Distribution
B. Furnishing
C. channeling
D. Dissemination
The furnishing of intelligence data to other police unit
or their government agencies so that they can use its
importance is called
A. Distribution
B. Furnishing
C. channeling
D. Dissemination
Statistics shows that cases are solved due to
intelligence operation activities. The percentage is
A. More than 100%
B. More than 90%
C. Less than 90%
D. A little less than 100%
Statistics shows that cases are solved due to
intelligence operation activities. The percentage is
A. More than 100%
B. More than 90%
C. Less than 90%
D. A little less than 100%
The main factor why informant gives information to the
police is
A. Cash
B. money
C. Peso
D. dollar
The main factor why informant gives information to the
police is
A. Cash
B. money
C. Peso
D. dollar
One of the richest sources of information as to events,
personalities, ideas, statistics, comments, stories,
situations, opinions and the like.
A. Magazine
B. hearsay
C. Komiks
D. newspaper
One of the richest sources of information as to events,
personalities, ideas, statistics, comments, stories,
situations, opinions and the like.
A. Magazine
B. hearsay
C. Komiks
D. newspaper
What kinds of records in the government wherein
intelligence information can be gathered?
A. Judicial records
B. administrative records
C. legislative records
D. All of them
What kinds of records in the government wherein
intelligence information can be gathered?
A. Judicial records
B. administrative records
C. legislative records
D. All of them
It is the conglomeration of all intelligence
units/agencies in a country composed of military,
civilian and others.
B. Intelligence
C. POLCOM International
D. Intelligence community
It is the conglomeration of all intelligence
units/agencies in a country composed of military,
civilian and others.
B. Intelligence
C. POLCOM International
D. Intelligence community
This check is done to verify a person’s record entries
like an application for loan, employment, and others.
A. Personal record check
B. security check
C. Background investigation
D. Security investigation
This check is done to verify a person’s record entries
like an application for loan, employment, and others.
A. Personal record check
B. security check
C. Background investigation
D. Security investigation
Informant to the underworld is called
A. Canary bird
B. judas
C. Stool pigeon
D. Penetration agent
Informant to the underworld is called
A. Canary bird
B. judas
C. Stool pigeon
D. Penetration agent
Informant to the police is called
A. Angel
C. Salvador
D. savior
Informant to the police is called
A. Angel
C. Salvador
D. savior
The best factor in selecting informants or assets
A. Integrity
B. Intelligence
C. Access
D. educational attainment
The best factor in selecting informants or assets
A. Integrity
B. Intelligence
C. Access
D. educational attainment
Informants are being contacted
A. By public telephone
B. by drop
C. Safe house
D. All of them
Informants are being contacted
A. By public telephone
B. by drop
C. Safe house
D. All of them
Information are transmitted by the informant by placing
it in a specified or prearranged place, like on a table
in a restaurant along with a trash napkins is called
A. Trash
B. drop
C. Left over
D. All of them
Information are transmitted by the informant by placing
it in a specified or prearranged place, like on a table
in a restaurant along with a trash napkins is called
A. Trash
B. drop
C. Left over
D. All of them
There is no other witness in a sensational crime except
the informant. Can he be utilized as a witness?
I. Yes as it is necessity
II.no his life is in danger
III.His training as informant will be at naught
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. III only
There is no other witness in a sensational crime except
the informant. Can he be utilized as a witness?
I. Yes as it is necessity
II.no his life is in danger
III.His training as informant will be at naught
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. III only
Operation which includes discovery and identification
activity, surveillance, liaison program, informant
management, clipping service, debriefing and relevant
miscellaneous activities is called
A. Police operation
B. Intelligence activities
C. Security capabilities
D. All of them
Operation which includes discovery and identification
activity, surveillance, liaison program, informant
management, clipping service, debriefing and relevant
miscellaneous activities is called
A. Police operation
B. Intelligence activities
C. Security capabilities
D. All of them
Observation of person, places or things of intelligence
A. Surveillance
B. Stake out
C. Follow-up
D. None of them
Observation of person, places or things of intelligence
A. Surveillance
B. Stake out
C. Follow-up
D. None of them
In case of motorized surveillance, the thing that should
be done is
A. Use mobile patrol car
B. Use private car
C. Be in full uniform
D. All of them
In case of motorized surveillance, the thing that should
be done is
A. Use mobile patrol car
B. Use private car
C. Be in full uniform
D. All of them
King of surveillance wherein the subject is not aware he
is being snooped.
A. Covert surveillance
B. Shadowing
C. Secret surveillance
D. None of them
King of surveillance wherein the subject is not aware he
is being snooped.
A. Covert surveillance
B. Shadowing
C. Secret surveillance
D. None of them
Observation of a place like gambling den, drug den,
night club and similar places.
A. Stationary surveillance
B. covert surveillance
C. Tailing
D. surveillance Snooped
Observation of a place like gambling den, drug den,
night club and similar places.
A. Stationary surveillance
B. covert surveillance
C. Tailing
D. surveillance Snooped
A conference held among the team members before
dispatching the agents for intelligence operation
A. Debriefing
B. team conference
C. Pre-surveillance conference
D. All of them
A conference held among the team members before
dispatching the agents for intelligence operation
A. Debriefing
B. team conference
C. Pre-surveillance conference
D. All of them
The process wherein the informant reveals all
information he gathered to the intelligence officer.
A. Briefing
B. Debriefing
C. Report
D. All of them
The process wherein the informant reveals all
information he gathered to the intelligence officer.
A. Briefing
B. Debriefing
C. Report
D. All of them
A place or building where agents meet their informants
or assets.
A. Apartment house
B. empty house
C. Safe house
D. All of them
A place or building where agents meet their informants
or assets.
A. Apartment house
B. empty house
C. Safe house
D. All of them
A forwarding address of a police intelligence unit where
mails, packages and other communication are sent.
A. Headquarters
B. Police address
C. Secret address
D. Collecting information services
A forwarding address of a police intelligence unit where
mails, packages and other communication are sent.
A. Headquarters
B. Police address
C. Secret address
D. Collecting information services
The assignment of trained intelligence personnel to
other agencies in order to obtain.
A. Liaison program
B. collecting information services
C. Transmittal of information
D. Intelligence activity
The assignment of trained intelligence personnel to
other agencies in order to obtain.
A. Liaison program
B. collecting information services
C. Transmittal of information
D. Intelligence activity
One reason why our agent failed in their job.
A. Friendship
B. disloyalty
C. Bribery
D. Tong collection
One reason why our agent failed in their job.
A. Friendship
B. disloyalty
C. Bribery
D. Tong collection
Intelligence fund is a potent source of corruption among
offices of the intelligence units because of
A. It is too big that detection is difficult
B. It is not subject to audit by government auditor
C. It is discretionary on the part of intelligence
officers to use the fund
D. All of the above
Intelligence fund is a potent source of corruption among
offices of the intelligence units because of
A. It is too big that detection is difficult
B. It is not subject to audit by government auditor
C. It is discretionary on the part of intelligence
officers to use the fund
D. All of the above
Through the years, intelligence has earned and has been
identified to have many and varied meanings, whatever it
is in, in total is
A. Network
B. Profession
C. Tradecraft
D. Activity
Through the years, intelligence has earned and has been
identified to have many and varied meanings, whatever it
is in, in total is
A. Network
B. Profession
C. Tradecraft
D. Activity
There are six applicable principles of police
intelligence, one is police intelligence must be useful,
which mean
A. It must be capable of changing operatives depending
upon the situation
B. Logical decision can be made if relevant intelligence
is available
C. There must be initiative and imagination
D. Timeliness is essential
There are six applicable principles of police
intelligence, one is police intelligence must be useful,
which mean
A. It must be capable of changing operatives depending
upon the situation
B. Logical decision can be made if relevant intelligence
is available
C. There must be initiative and imagination
D. Timeliness is essential
The primary purpose of police counter intelligence is
A. Detection of criminal
B. protection of life and property
C. Security
D. Background information
The primary purpose of police counter intelligence is
A. Detection of criminal
B. protection of life and property
C. Security
D. Background information
There are several reasons why an informer is giving
information to the police, select the most common
A. Civic-mindedness
B. Status symbol
C. Revenge
D. Financial gain
There are several reasons why an informer is giving
information to the police, select the most common
A. Civic-mindedness
B. Status symbol
C. Revenge
D. Financial gain
The police intelligence function when properly performed
is strictly
A. Crime prevention service
B. Informational services
C. Security service
D. Collection service
The police intelligence function when properly performed
is strictly
A. Crime prevention service
B. Informational services
C. Security service
D. Collection service
Which of the four below is common in treating best, a
suspected captures terrorist under tactical
A. Use of sex and charm
B. giving favors
C. Tact and diplomacy
D. Giving monetary consideration
Which of the four below is common in treating best, a
suspected captures terrorist under tactical
A. Use of sex and charm
B. giving favors
C. Tact and diplomacy
D. Giving monetary consideration
There are four parts of police intelligence cycle, they
are: (1) command/mission objectives; (2) collection of
information; (3) processing information; and
A. Counter intelligence
B. communication
C. Dissemination
D. Operations
There are four parts of police intelligence cycle, they
are: (1) command/mission objectives; (2) collection of
information; (3) processing information; and
A. Counter intelligence
B. communication
C. Dissemination
D. Operations
The placement of a hidden microphone in a particular
room to obtain information
A. Bugging
B. Eavesdropping
C. Taping
D. Sanitizing
The placement of a hidden microphone in a particular
room to obtain information
A. Bugging
B. Eavesdropping
C. Taping
D. Sanitizing
Any knowledge, date, news, opinion or the like
transmitted form one person to another is
A. Communication
B. information
C. Intelligence
D. report
Any knowledge, date, news, opinion or the like
transmitted form one person to another is
A. Communication
B. information
C. Intelligence
D. report
Suppose your police station will be overrun by the
enemy, what among the item below will you destroy first
as it will be of value for the enemies’ intelligence
A. Cache of bullets
B. Radio
C. Troop deployment report
D. Grenades
Suppose your police station will be overrun by the
enemy, what among the item below will you destroy first
as it will be of value for the enemies’ intelligence
A. Cache of bullets
B. Radio
C. Troop deployment report
D. Grenades
In the selection and recruitment of informers, the best
factor to be considered is
A. Educational attainment
B. charm and sex
C. Health and age
D. Access
In the selection and recruitment of informers, the best
factor to be considered is
A. Educational attainment
B. charm and sex
C. Health and age
D. Access
In police intelligence, there is the so called clippings
service within the unit, it is
A. Collection of news items of intelligence value from
local publication
B. Accompanying the informant to the photo gallery
C. Treating your informant to drinking and disco dancing
D. Giving your informant to woman to have sex
In police intelligence, there is the so called clippings
service within the unit, it is
A. Collection of news items of intelligence value from
local publication
B. Accompanying the informant to the photo gallery
C. Treating your informant to drinking and disco dancing
D. Giving your informant to woman to have sex
Wiretapping operation is the process of
A. Placing a hidden camera
B. placing a monitor system to a telephone line
C. Placing a concealed microphone
D. placing a video tape recorder
Wiretapping operation is the process of
A. Placing a hidden camera
B. placing a monitor system to a telephone line
C. Placing a concealed microphone
D. placing a video tape recorder
Being a police officer, you can acquire information by
means of
A. Sex
B. public relations
C. Money
D. Interrogation
Being a police officer, you can acquire information by
means of
A. Sex
B. public relations
C. Money
D. Interrogation
The finished product or intelligence is presented to the
commander in the police department in the form of
A. Laboratory reports
B. Initial investigative report
C. Microscopy
D. Briefs
The finished product or intelligence is presented to the
commander in the police department in the form of
A. Laboratory reports
B. Initial investigative report
C. Microscopy
D. Briefs
There are two (2) main sources in the collection of
police information, one is the open sources, there is
A. Covert sources
B. Community sources
C. Informants sources
D. Documentary sources
There are two (2) main sources in the collection of
police information, one is the open sources, there is
A. Covert sources
B. Community sources
C. Informants sources
D. Documentary sources
It is the detention, prevention or neutralization of any
activity inimical to the harmony and best interest of
the police organization
A. Police strategic intelligence
B. police line intelligence
C. Police counter intelligence
D. police operational intelligence
It is the detention, prevention or neutralization of any
activity inimical to the harmony and best interest of
the police organization
A. Police strategic intelligence
B. police line intelligence
C. Police counter intelligence
D. police operational intelligence
Criminologist Licensure Examination
Frequently Asked Questions




By: Charlemagne James P. Ramos

The observation of a person, place or thing,
generally—but not necessarily—in an unobtrusive
A. casing
B. surveillance
C. undercover operation
D. cover operation
The observation of a person, place or thing,
generally—but not necessarily—in an unobtrusive
A. casing
B. surveillance
C. undercover operation
D. cover operation
Surveillance involving the use of scientific
device to enhance hearing or seeing the
subject’s activities.
A. close surveillance
B. open surveillance
C. loose surveillance
D. technical surveillance
Surveillance involving the use of scientific
device to enhance hearing or seeing the
subject’s activities.
A. close surveillance
B. open surveillance
C. loose surveillance
D. technical surveillance
This letter represents that the source of
intelligence information is from tactical
interrogation of captured enemy.
A. U
B. V
C. W
D. X
This letter represents that the source of
intelligence information is from tactical
interrogation of captured enemy.
A. U
B. V
C. W
D. X
The intelligence operatives are being asked
about his personal experiences and observations
while conducting intelligence operations.
A. news clipping
B. liaison activities
C. de-briefing
D. counter-intelligence
The intelligence operatives are being asked
about his personal experiences and observations
while conducting intelligence operations.
A. news clipping
B. liaison activities
C. de-briefing
D. counter-intelligence
It is an important method of gathering
intelligence data, and this is an excellent
source of highly valuable material.
A. news clipping
B. liaison activities
C. de-briefing
D. counter-intelligence
It is an important method of gathering
intelligence data, and this is an excellent
source of highly valuable material.
A. news clipping
B. liaison activities
C. de-briefing
D. counter-intelligence
It is the permanent official chronological
record of the operations of the intelligence
section, unit or agency.
A. intelligence journal
B. intelligence workbook
C. situation map
D. intelligence file
It is the permanent official chronological
record of the operations of the intelligence
section, unit or agency.
A. intelligence journal
B. intelligence workbook
C. situation map
D. intelligence file
It is one of the principal activities of police
intelligence operations, and limited activities
on this will usually produce a limited
intelligence product.
A. news clipping
B. liaison activities
C. de-briefing
D. counter-intelligence
It is one of the principal activities of police
intelligence operations, and limited activities
on this will usually produce a limited
intelligence product.
A. news clipping
B. liaison activities
C. de-briefing
D. counter-intelligence
It is in this phase of intelligence cycle in
which information becomes intelligence.
A. dissemination
B. collection
C. processing
D. direction
It is in this phase of intelligence cycle in
which information becomes intelligence.
A. dissemination
B. collection
C. processing
D. direction
Are any person, things or actions from which
information about the criminals and subversives
are derived.
A. collection agency
B. sources of information
C. pertinence factor
D. pertinence consideration
Are any person, things or actions from which
information about the criminals and subversives
are derived.
A. collection agency
B. sources of information
C. pertinence factor
D. pertinence consideration
The reliability of the source is “highly
reliable” and the accuracy of information is
“confirmed information’ what is the evaluation
rating of the information.
A. A-1
B. B-2
C. C-3
D. D-4
The reliability of the source is “highly
reliable” and the accuracy of information is
“confirmed information’ what is the evaluation
rating of the information.
A. A-1
B. B-2
C. C-3
D. D-4
It is the granting of access to classified
document or information.
A. compartmentation
B. need-to-know
C. cleared individual
D. security officer
It is the granting of access to classified
document or information.
A. compartmentation
B. need-to-know
C. cleared individual
D. security officer
It is the term given to the requirement to those
persons whose official duty requires knowledge
or possession of information or intelligence.
A. compartmentation
B. need-to-know
C. cleared individual
D. security officer
It is the term given to the requirement to those
persons whose official duty requires knowledge
or possession of information or intelligence.
A. compartmentation
B. need-to-know
C. cleared individual
D. security officer
A properly trained and cleared individual who
assist the head of the department in discharging
the responsibilities of safeguarding classified
documents and materials.
A. intelligence operative
B. undercover agent
C. security officer
D. confidential agents
A properly trained and cleared individual who
assist the head of the department in discharging
the responsibilities of safeguarding classified
documents and materials.
A. intelligence operative
B. undercover agent
C. security officer
D. confidential agents
It is an information or material in which the
unauthorized disclosure of which would cause
administrative embarrassment or unwarranted
A. restricted
B. Confidential
C. secret
D. top secret
It is an information or material in which the
unauthorized disclosure of which would cause
administrative embarrassment or unwarranted
A. restricted
B. Confidential
C. secret
D. top secret
It is not usually a major factor in prompting an
individual to furnish information, but it can be
potent at times.
A. civic duty
B. gratitude
C. self-serving reasons
D. emotions
It is not usually a major factor in prompting an
individual to furnish information, but it can be
potent at times.
A. civic duty
B. gratitude
C. self-serving reasons
D. emotions
It is an individual who openly of secretly
obtained or assist in obtaining information for
intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes
in exchange for some recompense, monetary or
A. informants
B. informer
C. confidential agents
D. sources of information
It is an individual who openly of secretly
obtained or assist in obtaining information for
intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes
in exchange for some recompense, monetary or
A. informants
B. informer
C. confidential agents
D. sources of information
It is the visual inspection of an area,
installation or building to determine its
suitability for intelligence operational
A. surveillance
B. casing
C. stake out
D. mustard plaster
It is the visual inspection of an area,
installation or building to determine its
suitability for intelligence operational
A. surveillance
B. casing
C. stake out
D. mustard plaster
It is a repetitive process in which intelligence
are produced from information.
A. intelligence cycle
B. processing
C. collection
D. phase of intelligence
It is a repetitive process in which intelligence
are produced from information.
A. intelligence cycle
B. processing
C. collection
D. phase of intelligence
These are the purpose of intelligence activity,
A. to fill the void often existing in decision
B. to increase the probability of accuracy
C. to reduce the probability of error
D. to observe the cycle of intelligence
These are the purpose of intelligence activity,
A. to fill the void often existing in decision
B. to increase the probability of accuracy
C. to reduce the probability of error
D. to observe the cycle of intelligence
He is the father of organized military
A. Alfred d’ Great
B. Frederick d’ Great
C. Akbar
D. Genghis Khan
He is the father of organized military
A. Alfred d’ Great
B. Frederick d’ Great
C. Akbar
D. Genghis Khan
It is an individual who are employed by two
friendly intelligence collection agencies, with
one of whom are aware of his dual functions.
A. dual agent
B. double agent
C. spy
D. informant
It is an individual who are employed by two
friendly intelligence collection agencies, with
one of whom are aware of his dual functions.
A. dual agent
B. double agent
C. spy
D. informant
It is an evaluated material of every
description, including those derived from
observations, reports, rumors, imagery, and
other sources from which intelligence is
A. intelligence
B. police intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. information
It is an evaluated material of every
description, including those derived from
observations, reports, rumors, imagery, and
other sources from which intelligence is
A. intelligence
B. police intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. information
Intelligence activity that is concerned
principally with the defending of the police
organization against penetration by individual
and various groups.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter-intelligence
C. line intelligence
D. police intelligence
Intelligence activity that is concerned
principally with the defending of the police
organization against penetration by individual
and various groups.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter-intelligence
C. line intelligence
D. police intelligence
The subject is kept under constant surveillance,
the aim is not to lose the subject even at the
risk of being made.
A. close surveillance
B. open surveillance
C. loose surveillance
D. mustard plaster
The subject is kept under constant surveillance,
the aim is not to lose the subject even at the
risk of being made.
A. close surveillance
B. open surveillance
C. loose surveillance
D. mustard plaster
PO III Peter Factor is assigned to collect
available information concerning the activities
of the Red Scorpion Group (RSG). He is with what
unit of the police?
A. anti-juvenile delinquency
B. criminal investigation
C. intelligence operations
D. patrol activities
PO III Peter Factor is assigned to collect
available information concerning the activities
of the Red Scorpion Group (RSG). He is with what
unit of the police?
A. anti-juvenile delinquency
B. criminal investigation
C. intelligence operations
D. patrol activities
Intelligence on the enemy and the
characteristics of operation used in the
planning and conduct of tactical operations.
A. military intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. combat intelligence
D. counter-intelligence
Intelligence on the enemy and the
characteristics of operation used in the
planning and conduct of tactical operations.
A. military intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. combat intelligence
D. counter-intelligence
What is meant by an evaluation of C-1?
A. information comes from an unreliable source
and is probably true
B. information comes from a fairly reliable
source and is confirmed from other sources
C. information come an unreliable source and is
D. information comes from fairly reliable source
and is doubtfully true
What is meant by an evaluation of C-1?
A. information comes from an unreliable source
and is probably true
B. information comes from a fairly reliable
source and is confirmed from other sources
C. information come an unreliable source and is
D. information comes from fairly reliable source
and is doubtfully true
PO III Serafin B. Alta frequents clubs, places
of amusement and entertainment known to be
habitually visited by his subject and his
subject’s associates. PO III Alta’s undercover
assignment is called.
A. multiple assignment
B. social assignment
C. work assignment
D. dwelling assignment
PO III Serafin B. Alta frequents clubs, places
of amusement and entertainment known to be
habitually visited by his subject and his
subject’s associates. PO III Alta’s undercover
assignment is called.
A. multiple assignment
B. social assignment
C. work assignment
D. dwelling assignment
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. classified information must not be discussed
by one friends and members of the family
B. classified information should be known only by
one person
C. cabinets with classified documents must be
secured with padlocks and security measures at
all times.
D. all classified documents must be safeguarded
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. classified information must not be discussed
by one friends and members of the family
B. classified information should be known only by
one person
C. cabinets with classified documents must be
secured with padlocks and security measures at
all times.
D. all classified documents must be safeguarded
The ____________ list includes and citizens who
are cleared to attend meeting in Malacañang.
A. white list
B. black list
C. target list
D. access list
The ____________ list includes and citizens who
are cleared to attend meeting in Malacañang.
A. white list
B. black list
C. target list
D. access list
What is the evaluation of an intelligence report
which is “the information comes from a
completely reliable source and is probably
A. B-2
B. A-2
C. A-3
D. B 1
What is the evaluation of an intelligence report
which is “the information comes from a
completely reliable source and is probably
A. B-2
B. A-2
C. A-3
D. B 1
SPO I Edna E. Castro evaluated the information
gathered as “completely reliable, source
probably true”. What is the type of evaluation?
A. A-5
B. A-1
C. A-4
D. A-2
SPO I Edna E. Castro evaluated the information
gathered as “completely reliable, source
probably true”. What is the type of evaluation?
A. A-5
B. A-1
C. A-4
D. A-2
A __________ is usually for the purpose of
waiting for the anticipated arrival of a suspect
who is either wanted for investigation or who is
expected to commit a crime at a certain
A. stake out
B. cops and robbers game
C. follow up
D. surveillance
A __________ is usually for the purpose of
waiting for the anticipated arrival of a suspect
who is either wanted for investigation or who is
expected to commit a crime at a certain
A. stake out
B. cops and robbers game
C. follow up
D. surveillance
The formulation of conclusions from the theory
developed, tested and considered valid as a
result of interpretation is called.
A. Collection
B. integration
C. evaluation
D. deduction
The formulation of conclusions from the theory
developed, tested and considered valid as a
result of interpretation is called.
A. Collection
B. integration
C. evaluation
D. deduction
The following questions are tests for accuracy
of information, EXCEPT:
A. Does the report agree or disagree with
available and related intelligence?
B. Is the reported fact or event known in
C. Is it the same or consistent with known modus
D. Is the information about the target or area of
the operation?
The following questions are tests for accuracy
of information, EXCEPT:
A. Does the report agree or disagree with
available and related intelligence?
B. Is the reported fact or event known in
C. Is it the same or consistent with known modus
D. Is the information about the target or area of
the operation?
What is the method of collection information
wherein the investigator tails or shadows the
persons or vehicles?
A. research
B. surveillance
C. casing
D. photography
What is the method of collection information
wherein the investigator tails or shadows the
persons or vehicles?
A. research
B. surveillance
C. casing
D. photography
When one procures information about subject
surety; he is performing _________ collection
A. routine
B. overt
C. active
D. covert
When one procures information about subject
surety; he is performing _________ collection
A. routine
B. overt
C. active
D. covert
To what unit do policeman in plainclothes belong
when they infiltrate and gather information
about criminal syndicates?
A. budget
B. planning
C. Intelligence
D. Patrol
To what unit do policeman in plainclothes belong
when they infiltrate and gather information
about criminal syndicates?
A. budget
B. planning
C. Intelligence
D. Patrol
What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining
to capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable
course of actions of foreign nations?
A. combat intelligence
B. national intelligence
C. police intelligence
D. strategic intelligence
What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining
to capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable
course of actions of foreign nations?
A. combat intelligence
B. national intelligence
C. police intelligence
D. strategic intelligence
How are coded messages converted to intelligible
A. encoding
B. processing
C. labeling
D. decoding
How are coded messages converted to intelligible
A. encoding
B. processing
C. labeling
D. decoding
The type of undercover operation wherein
techniques are applied for a longer time and is
considered as the most different investigative
activity, yet the most rewarding.
A. casing
B. undercover operation
C. penetration
D. surveillance
The type of undercover operation wherein
techniques are applied for a longer time and is
considered as the most different investigative
activity, yet the most rewarding.
A. casing
B. undercover operation
C. penetration
D. surveillance
The cover observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to gain information
is called:
A. undercover works
B. penetration
C. casing
D. surveillance
The cover observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to gain information
is called:
A. undercover works
B. penetration
C. casing
D. surveillance
An intelligence report classified as A-2 means
A. the information comes from a completely
reliable source and is doubtfully true
B. the information comes from a completely
reliable source and is probably true
C. the information comes from a usually reliable
source and is probably true
D. the information comes from a usually reliable
source and is possibly true
An intelligence report classified as A-2 means
A. the information comes from a completely
reliable source and is doubtfully true
B. the information comes from a completely
reliable source and is probably true
C. the information comes from a usually reliable
source and is probably true
D. the information comes from a usually reliable
source and is possibly true
It is the product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, analysis, integration and
interpretation of all available information
which concerns one or more aspects of criminal
activity and which is immediately or potentially
from significant to police planning.
A. Investigation
B. operational plan
C. military intelligence
D. police intelligence
It is the product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, analysis, integration and
interpretation of all available information
which concerns one or more aspects of criminal
activity and which is immediately or potentially
from significant to police planning.
A. Investigation
B. operational plan
C. military intelligence
D. police intelligence
It is the circumspect inspection of a place to
determine its suitability for a particular
operational purposes.
A. Inspection
B. Survey
C. Surveillance
D. Casing
It is the circumspect inspection of a place to
determine its suitability for a particular
operational purposes.
A. Inspection
B. Survey
C. Surveillance
D. Casing
In de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked
to discuss which of the following:
A. his educational profile and schools attended
B. his personal circumstances such as his age,
religious affiliation, address, etc.
C. his political inclination and/or party
D. his observations and experiences in the
intelligence function
In de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked
to discuss which of the following:
A. his educational profile and schools attended
B. his personal circumstances such as his age,
religious affiliation, address, etc.
C. his political inclination and/or party
D. his observations and experiences in the
intelligence function
That form of intelligence is involved when
information is obtained without the knowledge of
the person against whom the information or
documents may be used, or if the information is
clandestinely acquired.
A. covert
B. active
C. overt
D. underground
That form of intelligence is involved when
information is obtained without the knowledge of
the person against whom the information or
documents may be used, or if the information is
clandestinely acquired.
A. covert
B. active
C. overt
D. underground
The term used for the object of surveillance is
subject while the investigator conducting the
surveillance is:
A. rabbit
B. decoy
C. surveillant
D. target
The term used for the object of surveillance is
subject while the investigator conducting the
surveillance is:
A. rabbit
B. decoy
C. surveillant
D. target
It is an evaluated material of every description
including those derived from observation,
reports, rumors, imagery and other sources from
which intelligence is derived.
A. intelligence
B. police intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. information
It is an evaluated material of every description
including those derived from observation,
reports, rumors, imagery and other sources from
which intelligence is derived.
A. intelligence
B. police intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. information
Intelligence activity that is concerned
principally with the defending of the police
organization against penetration by individual
and various groups.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. line intelligence
D. information
Intelligence activity that is concerned
principally with the defending of the police
organization against penetration by individual
and various groups.
A. strategic intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. line intelligence
D. information
Individuals who are simultaneously employed by
two opposing intelligence agencies with one of
the agencies aware of his dual role.
A. dual agents
B. double agents
C. undercover agents
D. informants
Individuals who are simultaneously employed by
two opposing intelligence agencies with one of
the agencies aware of his dual role.
A. dual agents
B. double agents
C. undercover agents
D. informants
The father of organized military espionage was:
A. Akbar
B. Genghis Khan
C. Alexander the Great
D. Fredrick the Great
The father of organized military espionage was:
A. Akbar
B. Genghis Khan
C. Alexander the Great
D. Fredrick the Great
Which of the following is the most common reason
why an informer gives information to the police?
A. wants to be known to the police
B. monetary reward
C. as a good citizen
D. revenge
Which of the following is the most common reason
why an informer gives information to the police?
A. wants to be known to the police
B. monetary reward
C. as a good citizen
D. revenge
In surveillance, the following are done, to
alter the appearance of the surveillance
A. changing license plates of surveillance
B. putting on and removing hats, coats and
C. change of seating arrangement within the
D. keep three cars behind the subject’s car
In surveillance, the following are done, to
alter the appearance of the surveillance
A. changing license plates of surveillance
B. putting on and removing hats, coats and
C. change of seating arrangement within the
D. keep three cars behind the subject’s car
Frederick the great is known as the __________.
A. Father of Military Espionage
B. Intelligence Father
C. Great Intelligence Officer
D. Father of Criminology
Frederick the great is known as the __________.
A. Father of Military Espionage
B. Intelligence Father
C. Great Intelligence Officer
D. Father of Criminology
Which of the following is contained in the
heading of an intelligence report.
A. reporting unit
B. conclusion
C. signature of the director of operation
D. assessment of the operation
Which of the following is contained in the
heading of an intelligence report.
A. reporting unit
B. conclusion
C. signature of the director of operation
D. assessment of the operation
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge
that the investigator is conducting a
surveillance on him, the latter is:
A. cut out
B. burn out
C. sold out
D. get out
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge
that the investigator is conducting a
surveillance on him, the latter is:
A. cut out
B. burn out
C. sold out
D. get out
Some of the instructions in foot surveillance
are the following, EXCEPT:
A. stop quickly, look behind
B. drop paper, never minds what happens to the
C. window shop, watch reflection
D. retrace steps
Some of the instructions in foot surveillance
are the following, EXCEPT:
A. stop quickly, look behind
B. drop paper, never minds what happens to the
C. window shop, watch reflection
D. retrace steps
On many occasions, the bulk of the most valuable
information comes from:
A. business world
B. an underworld informant
C. newspaper clippings
D. communications media
On many occasions, the bulk of the most valuable
information comes from:
A. business world
B. an underworld informant
C. newspaper clippings
D. communications media
A method of collecting information wherein the
investigator mere uses his different sense.
A. observation
B. research
C. casing
D. interrogation
A method of collecting information wherein the
investigator mere uses his different sense.
A. observation
B. research
C. casing
D. interrogation
In stationary surveillance, the following must
be observed, EXCEPT:
A. never meet subject face to face
B. avoid eye contact
C. recognize fellow agent
D. if burn out, drop subject
In stationary surveillance, the following must
be observed, EXCEPT:
A. never meet subject face to face
B. avoid eye contact
C. recognize fellow agent
D. if burn out, drop subject
In intelligence evaluation, the evaluation
rating of A-4 means:
A. highly reliable source-doubtfully true
B. usually reliable source-probably true
C. fairly reliable source-probably true
D. usually reliable source-probably true
In intelligence evaluation, the evaluation
rating of A-4 means:
A. highly reliable source-doubtfully true
B. usually reliable source-probably true
C. fairly reliable source-probably true
D. usually reliable source-probably true
One way of extending the power of police
observation is to get information from persons
within the vicinity. In police work, this is
A. data gathering
B. interrogation
C. field inquiry
D. interview
One way of extending the power of police
observation is to get information from persons
within the vicinity. In police work, this is
A. data gathering
B. interrogation
C. field inquiry
D. interview
Intelligence on __________ makes heavy use of
geographic information because law enforcement
officials must know exact locations to interdict
the flow of drugs.
A. Logistics
B. narcotics trafficking
C. human cargo trafficking
D. economic resources
Intelligence on __________ makes heavy use of
geographic information because law enforcement
officials must know exact locations to interdict
the flow of drugs.
A. Logistics
B. narcotics trafficking
C. human cargo trafficking
D. economic resources
A method of collection of information wherein
the investigators tails or follow the person on
A. research
B. casing
C. undercover operation
D. tail gaiting
A method of collection of information wherein
the investigators tails or follow the person on
A. research
B. casing
C. undercover operation
D. tail gaiting
Who once said, “One Spy in the right place is
worth 20,000 men in the field”.
A.Napoleon Bonaparte
B.Fredrick the Great
C.Alexander the Great
D.Sir Walshingham of England
Who once said, “One Spy in the right place is
worth 20,000 men in the field”.
A.Napoleon Bonaparte
B.Fredrick the Great
C.Alexander the Great
D.Sir Walshingham of England
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was
established on 1908 as an investigative arm of
the U.S. Department of Justice and became what
is known as the F.B.I. under its first Director
A.Joseph Petrosino
B.Manuel Pena
C.John Edgar Hoover
D.Emmanuel Kant
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was
established on 1908 as an investigative arm of
the U.S. Department of Justice and became what
is known as the F.B.I. under its first Director
A.Joseph Petrosino
B.Manuel Pena
C.John Edgar Hoover
D.Emmanuel Kant
A Code is a system which uses words as the
smallest element while a cipher is a system that
manipulates one, two, or three characters at a
time. In cryptographic systems, the symbol P:
means ___.
A.Code one
C.Plain Null
A Code is a system which uses words as the
smallest element while a cipher is a system that
manipulates one, two, or three characters at a
time. In cryptographic systems, the symbol P:
means ___.
A.Code one
C.Plain Null
It is the product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, analysis, integration, and
interpretation of all available information
which concerns one or more aspects of criminal
activity and which is immediately or potentially
significant to police planning:
A. Investigation
B. Data
C. Information
D. Intelligence
It is the product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, analysis, integration, and
interpretation of all available information
which concerns one or more aspects of criminal
activity and which is immediately or potentially
significant to police planning:
A. Investigation
B. Data
C. Information
D. Intelligence
The Father of organized military espionage was:
A. Akbar
B. Genghis Khan
C. Alexander the Great
D. Frederick the Great
The Father of organized military espionage was:
A. Akbar
B. Genghis Khan
C. Alexander the Great
D. Frederick the Great
Intelligence on the enemy and the
characteristics of the operation used in the
planning and conduct of tactical operations.
A. strategic intelligence
B. military intelligence
C. combat intelligence
D. counter intelligence
Intelligence on the enemy and the
characteristics of the operation used in the
planning and conduct of tactical operations.
A. strategic intelligence
B. military intelligence
C. combat intelligence
D. counter intelligence
What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining
to capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable
course of action of foreign nations?
A. Combat intelligence
B. National intelligence
C. Police intelligence
D. Strategic intelligence
What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining
to capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable
course of action of foreign nations?
A. Combat intelligence
B. National intelligence
C. Police intelligence
D. Strategic intelligence
The knowledge essential to the prevention of
crimes and the investigation, arrest, and
prosecution of criminal offenders is called
A. Criminal intelligence
B. External intelligence
C. Internal intelligence
D. Public safety intelligence
The knowledge essential to the prevention of
crimes and the investigation, arrest, and
prosecution of criminal offenders is called
A. Criminal intelligence
B. External intelligence
C. Internal intelligence
D. Public safety intelligence
Intelligence should be essential and pertinent
to the purpose at hand. This refers to the
principle of _____.
A. Continuity
B. Selection
C. Objective
D. Timeliness
Intelligence should be essential and pertinent
to the purpose at hand. This refers to the
principle of _____.
A. Continuity
B. Selection
C. Objective
D. Timeliness
This segment of the intelligence process deals
with what happens when information is received,
processed and now integrates with current
holdings. This phase is called _____.
A. Data Analysis
B. Data evaluation
C. Data collation
D. Data dissemination
This segment of the intelligence process deals
with what happens when information is received,
processed and now integrates with current
holdings. This phase is called _____.
A. Data Analysis
B. Data evaluation
C. Data collation
D. Data dissemination
PO III Juan Tupaz submitted an intelligence
report evaluated as B-5. What does that mean?
A. Information is usually from a reliable source
and is possibly true.
B. Information is usually from a reliable source
and is probably true.
C. Information is usually from a reliable source
and is improbable.
D. Information is usually form a reliable source
and is doubtfully true.
PO III Juan Tupaz submitted an intelligence
report evaluated as B-5. What does that mean?
A. Information is usually from a reliable source
and is possibly true.
B. Information is usually from a reliable source
and is probably true.
C. Information is usually from a reliable source
and is improbable.
D. Information is usually form a reliable source
and is doubtfully true.
What is meant by evaluation of C-1?
A. Information comes from a fairly reliable
source and is confirmed from other sources
B. Information comes from an unreliable source
and is improbably true
C. Information comes from an unreliable source
and is probably true
D. Information comes from a fairly reliable
source and is doubtfully true
What is meant by evaluation of C-1?
A. Information comes from a fairly reliable
source and is confirmed from other sources
B. Information comes from an unreliable source
and is improbably true
C. Information comes from an unreliable source
and is probably true
D. Information comes from a fairly reliable
source and is doubtfully true
PO I Edna Castro evaluated the information
gathered as “completely reliable, source
probably true”. What is the type of evaluation?
A. A 5
B. A 4
C. A 1
D. A 2
PO I Edna Castro evaluated the information
gathered as “completely reliable, source
probably true”. What is the type of evaluation?
A. A 5
B. A 4
C. A 1
D. A 2
A method of collecting information wherein the
investigator mere uses his different senses.
A. Observation
B. research
C. casing
D. interrogation
A method of collecting information wherein the
investigator mere uses his different senses.
A. Observation
B. research
C. casing
D. interrogation
The term used for the object of surveillance is
subject while the investigator conducting the
surveillance is:
A. Rabbit
B. decoy
C. Surveillant
D. Target
The term used for the object of surveillance is
subject while the investigator conducting the
surveillance is:
A. Rabbit
B. decoy
C. Surveillant
D. Target
In counterintelligence, surveillance is
categorized according to intensity and
sensitivity. When there is intermittent
observation varying in occasions, then this
surveillance is called:
A. Loose
B. open
C. Discreet
D. close
In counterintelligence, surveillance is
categorized according to intensity and
sensitivity. When there is intermittent
observation varying in occasions, then this
surveillance is called:
A. Loose
B. open
C. Discreet
D. close
A method of collection of information wherein
the investigator tails or follows the person or
A. research
B. casing
C. undercover operation
D. surveillance
A method of collection of information wherein
the investigator tails or follows the person or
A. research
B. casing
C. undercover operation
D. surveillance
A system or plan whereby information of
intelligence value is obtained through the
process of direct intercommunication in which
one or more of the parties to the communication
is unaware of the specific purpose of the
A. Casing
B. Surveillance
C. Elicitation
D. Surreptitious entry
A system or plan whereby information of
intelligence value is obtained through the
process of direct intercommunication in which
one or more of the parties to the communication
is unaware of the specific purpose of the
A. Casing
B. Surveillance
C. Elicitation
D. Surreptitious entry
The covert observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to gain information
is called:
A. Surreptitious entry
B. Surveillance
C. Penetration
D. Casing
The covert observation of an area, a building or
stationary object in order to gain information
is called:
A. Surreptitious entry
B. Surveillance
C. Penetration
D. Casing
It is a circumspect inspection of place to
determine its suitability for a particular
operational purposes
A. Inspection
B. Survey
C. Surveillance
D. Casing
It is a circumspect inspection of place to
determine its suitability for a particular
operational purposes
A. Inspection
B. Survey
C. Surveillance
D. Casing
What is the method of collecting information
wherein the investigator tails or shadows the
persons or vehicles?
A. Research
B. Surveillance
C. Casing
D. Photography
What is the method of collecting information
wherein the investigator tails or shadows the
persons or vehicles?
A. Research
B. Surveillance
C. Casing
D. Photography
An agent through whom false information is
leaked to the enemy.
A. Agent in place
B. Expandable agent
C. Double agent
D. Penetration agent
An agent through whom false information is
leaked to the enemy.
A. Agent in place
B. Expandable agent
C. Double agent
D. Penetration agent
A biographical data through fictitious which
will portray the personality of the agent which
is to assume is better known as _____.
A. Cover
B. Cover support
C. Cover story
D. Undercover
A biographical data through fictitious which
will portray the personality of the agent which
is to assume is better known as _____.
A. Cover
B. Cover support
C. Cover story
D. Undercover
Which of the following is the most common reason
why an informer gives information to the police?
A. wants to be known to the police
B. monetary reward
C. as a good citizen
D. revenge
Which of the following is the most common reason
why an informer gives information to the police?
A. wants to be known to the police
B. monetary reward
C. as a good citizen
D. revenge
In general, a person who gives information to
the police voluntarily, without any
consideration is properly called _____.
A. Agent
B. Informant
C. Agent handler
D. Informer
In general, a person who gives information to
the police voluntarily, without any
consideration is properly called _____.
A. Agent
B. Informant
C. Agent handler
D. Informer
An informant that is usually anonymous and his
purpose is to eliminate competitors is properly
called _____.
A. Anonymous
B. Rival Elimination
C. False
D. Double-crosser
An informant that is usually anonymous and his
purpose is to eliminate competitors is properly
called _____.
A. Anonymous
B. Rival Elimination
C. False
D. Double-crosser
Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. Classified information must not be discussed
with friends and members of the family.
B. Classified information should be known only by
one person.
C. Cabinets with classified documents must be
secured with padlocks and security measures at
all times.
D. All classified documents must be safeguarded
Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. Classified information must not be discussed
with friends and members of the family.
B. Classified information should be known only by
one person.
C. Cabinets with classified documents must be
secured with padlocks and security measures at
all times.
D. All classified documents must be safeguarded
PO III Serafin Alta frequents clubs, places of
amusements and entertainment known to be
habitually visited by subject and subject’s
associates. PO III Alta’s undercover assignment
is called.
A. multiple assignment
B. social assignment
C. work assignment
D. dwelling assignment
PO III Serafin Alta frequents clubs, places of
amusements and entertainment known to be
habitually visited by subject and subject’s
associates. PO III Alta’s undercover assignment
is called.
A. multiple assignment
B. social assignment
C. work assignment
D. dwelling assignment
PO I BBB get employed at a restaurant where he
can observe the activities of the crew who
happens to be subject in his undercover
assignment. PO I BBB’s undercover assignment is
A. multiple assignment
B. social assignment
C. work assignment
D. dwelling assignment
PO I BBB get employed at a restaurant where he
can observe the activities of the crew who
happens to be subject in his undercover
assignment. PO I BBB’s undercover assignment is
A. multiple assignment
B. social assignment
C. work assignment
D. dwelling assignment
In the debriefing, the intelligence agent is
asked to discuss which of the following:
A. His educational profile and school attended
B. His personal circumstances such as his age,
religious affiliation, address, etc.
C. His political inclination and/or party
D. His observations and experiences in the
intelligence function
In the debriefing, the intelligence agent is
asked to discuss which of the following:
A. His educational profile and school attended
B. His personal circumstances such as his age,
religious affiliation, address, etc.
C. His political inclination and/or party
D. His observations and experiences in the
intelligence function
It is the employment of beautiful women in
intelligence work.
A. Drone drop
B. Honey Drop
C. Dead Drop
D. None of these
It is the employment of beautiful women in
intelligence work.
A. Drone drop
B. Honey Drop
C. Dead Drop
D. None of these
The examination of raw information to determine
intelligence value, pertinence of the
information, reliability of the source and
agency, and its credibility or truth of
information is called
A. Recording
B. Analysis
C. Evaluation
D. Collection
The examination of raw information to determine
intelligence value, pertinence of the
information, reliability of the source and
agency, and its credibility or truth of
information is called
A. Recording
B. Analysis
C. Evaluation
D. Collection
The insertion of an action agent to the target
organization in an undercover project is called

A. Penetration
B. Infiltration
C. Recruitment
D. Access to information
The insertion of an action agent to the target
organization in an undercover project is called

A. Penetration
B. Infiltration
C. Recruitment
D. Access to information
Intelligence is under what type of police
A. Primary
B. Auxiliary
C. Administrative
D. Secondary
Intelligence is under what type of police
A. Primary
B. Auxiliary
C. Administrative
D. Secondary
A person or object used by the subject in an
attempt to elude the surveillant?
A. Convoy
B. Agent
C. Decoy
D. Contact
A person or object used by the subject in an
attempt to elude the surveillant?
A. Convoy
B. Agent
C. Decoy
D. Contact

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