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Enrico Johnny P.

Mijares Jr


Organizational Culture Change (10 Points)

1. Individual activity exercise.
2. Submit a hardcopy during the resumption of classes.
3. Google search for additional information and details.

“Changing an organization’s culture is one of the most difficult leadership challenges. That’s
because an organization’s culture comprises an interlocking set of goals, roles, processes,
values, communications practices, attitudes and assumptions.”

Task: In your own words, elaborate the statements mentioned above.

"Changing" means make or become unique. Changing an association's way of life is

troublesome, an association is a fix and define to its objectives have its own procedure the
manner in which they deal with the association, the qualities that shape everybody in an
association the correspondence everything arounds the association. Association is a gathering
of individuals cooperating. Association exist since individuals cooperating can accomplish in
excess of an individual working alone. The components fit all together strengthening framework
and join to forestall any endeavor to transform it. That is the reason single-fix changes, for
example, the presentation of groups, or Lean, or Agile, or Scrum, or information the executives,
or some new procedure, may seem to gain ground for some time, yet in the end the
interlocking components of the hierarchical culture dominate and the change is relentlessly
moved go into the current authoritative culture. Changing a culture is a huge scope
undertaking, and in the end the entirety of the authoritative devices for changing personalities
should be placed in play. Anyway the request where they sent critically affects the probability
of achievement. Changing association culture is changing every last bit of it, everything,
procedure and objectives. Changing association's way of life resembles building a house and its
solitary you working for it. Changing an association is a long procedure and furthermore a
troublesome procedure, its fix and set for its objective it very well may be adaptable in different
things yet transforming it is extremely difficult to do.
Enrico Johnny P. Mijares Jr


HR Interventions (10 Points)

1. Individual activity exercise.
2. Submit a hardcopy during the resumption of classes.
3. Refer to PPT. lecture slides for information.
3. Google search for additional information and details.
XYZ Company recently loses its star employee. The company’s engagement survey returns
dismal results. Consequently, top management leadership team wants to know why the
company seems to be declining in productivity for the sixth month straight. In this regard, as
the CEO, your resolve is to implement a well-planned performance management immediately
and without delay.

1. List down nine (9) contributions of performance management to an organization.

 Motivation to perform is increased

 Managers gain insights about subordinates
 The job definition and criteria are clarified
 Self-insight and development are enhanced
 Personnel actions are more fair and appropriate
 Organizational goals made clear
 Employees become more competent
 There is better and more tinely differentiation between good and poor performance
 There is better protection fron lawsuits

2. In view of the definition of performance management, fill in the blank space provided for to
complete its meaning.

“It is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of

individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization”.
Enrico Johnny P. Mijares Jr

April 29, 2020


Strategic Change Interventions (10 Points)

1. Individual activity exercise.
2. Submit a hardcopy during the resumption of classes.
3. Refer to PPT. lecture slides for information.
3. Google search for additional information and details.

Merger & Acquisition efforts of organizations are usually done for diversification or vertical
integration; gaining access to global markets, technology, or other resources; and achieve
operational efficiencies, improve innovation, or resource sharing.

Task: Cite an example of two business organizations who successfully engaged in merging &
acquisition. Briefly describe.

Merger and obtaining bargains drive the world as we know it and with time, bargain esteems
and complexities keep on expanding. Also, there are a wide range of reasons why organizations
seek after mergers and acquisitions, for example, resource or innovation procurement. For
instance, an objective organization has a particular in house distribution center activity that
another organization has been re-appropriating for quite a long time. In this article, we will give
well known instances of organization mergers. Mergers and acquisitions can be a sell or
purchase side arrangement. Contingent upon which kind of arrangement it is, figures out what
sort of organizations are included.

 Google and Android Acquisition. In 2005, Google procured Android for an expected $50
million. At the hour of the arrangement, Android was an obscure portable new business.
The move caused it feasible for Google to contend in a market possessed by Microsoft
with Windows Mobile and Apple's iPhone. This arrangement is an effective securing
model, 54.5 percent, of U.S. cell phone supporters utilize a Google Android gadget as of
May 2018.
 Pfizer and Warner-Lambert Acquisition. In 2000 Pfizer obtained Warner-Lambert for $90
billion, the two organizations in the pharmaceutical medication industry. It is known as
one of the most unfriendly acquisitions ever, because of the way that Warner-Lambert
was initially going to be procured by American Home Products, a purchaser merchandise
organization. American Home Products left the arrangement, bringing about enormous
separation expenses, and Pfizer dove in. Pfizer had their eye on Warner-Lambert as a
result of a profoundly requested cholesterol prescription Lipitor. "Pfizer had business
rights to Lipitor, however Pfizer was parting benefits on it with Warner-Lambert, and in
1999, Warner-Lambert sued Pfizer to end their authorizing settlement." The securing
made the second biggest medication organization, took three months, and Pfizer got
control of Lipitor's benefits, which added up to over $13 billion.
Enrico Johnny P. Mijares

April 8, 2020


Techno-structural Interventions (10 Points)

1. Individual activity exercise.
2. Submit a hardcopy during the resumption of classes.
3. Refer to PPT. lecture slides for information.
3. Google search for additional information and details.

Techno-structural Interventions include changes, such as, reorganizing the company and
changing the designs of specific jobs. It includes changes in the following: division of the overall
work of an organization into units, reporting relationships, methods of control, arrangement of
equipment and people, work flow arrangements and communications and authority.

1. List down eight (8) examples of Techno-Structural Interventions.

 Structural Design
 Downsizing
 Process Reengineering
 Employee Involvement
 Work Design
 Total Quality Management
 Quality of Work-Life ProgramsTeam- Based Organization

2. Name two (2) TQM strategies implemented by organizations.

 Training for top Management members of equality council, senior management,

executives, and employees.
 Forming improvement teams for specific problems.
Enrico Johnny P. Mijares Jr

April 22,2020


Managing Workforce Diversity & Wellness (10 Points)

1. Individual activity exercise.
2. Submit a hardcopy during the resumption of classes.
3. Refer to PPT. lecture slides for information.
3. Google search for additional information and details.

“To achieve business success and maintain a competitive advantage, organizations must be able
to draw on the most important resource – the skills of the workforce. With the increasing
richness of diversity in the world and in the workforce, business firms need to expand outlook
and use creative strategies to be successful.”

Task: Identify & briefly discuss the benefits of workforce diversity management.

Workforce decent variety implies similitudes and contrasts among representatives as far as age,
social foundation, physical capacities and handicaps, race, religion, sex, and sexual direction.
Assorted variety makes the work power heterogeneous. A differing workforce has numerous
prompt and substantial advantages to you and your organization. To your primary concern.
Since working environment assorted variety fits some significant level objectives, for example,
expanded advancement and better outcomes. In any case, we'll get to that in a second. Put an
assortment of world perspectives into one room, and you'll come out the opposite side with
better thoughts. It's basic When representatives of various foundations, various societies,
various nationalities, and alternate points of view meet up, everybody shares a marginally
unique way to deal with the activity and the current issue. Also, that is an advantage, most
definitely. In any case, it's more than that. An assorted workforce additionally gives you better
knowledge into your clients. They're assorted as well, all things considered. In a similar vein,
work environment decent variety helps imagination. Consider it thusly: equality breeds
equivalence. In the event that you utilize just heterogeneous gatherings that is, workers who
hail from comparable societies, points of view, and financial conditions at that point you're
restricting your inventiveness and development. On the other hand, workers from different
foundations will carry various answers for accomplish a shared objective, your objective.
Enrico Johnny P. Mijares Jr

April 1, 2020


Organization Process Approaches (10 Points)

1. Individual activity exercise.
2. Submit a hardcopy during the resumption of classes.
3. Refer to PPT. lecture slides for information.
3. Google search for additional information and details.

General Electric (GE) medical systems first initiated the organization confrontation meeting. The
GE organization confrontation meeting was adopted by the GE to improve their organizational
health and environment. It involved the entire management group from different levels of the
organization who came together to work on ways for improving the working of the business
organization. They conducted meetings regularly for one or two hours which helped them in
understanding the working and satisfaction level of their people.

1. List down the seven (7) steps involved in an organizational confrontation meeting.

 Climate Setting
 Information Collecting
 Information Sharing
 Priority Setting and Group Action Planning
 Organizational Action Plan
 Immediate Follow-up
 Progress Review

2. Give three (3) benefits of confrontation meeting.

 Direct Communication is improved

 Better Work Culture
 Improve inter Department Human Relationship
Enrico Johnny P. Mijares Jr

MAY 6, 2020


Employee Wellness & Stress Interventions (10 Points)

1. Individual activity exercise.
2. Submit a hardcopy during the resumption of classes.
3. Refer to PPT. lecture slides for information.
3. Google search for additional information and details.

It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Coping with stress
during the 2019-nCoV (or Covid-19) outbreak is a great challenge for everyone.

Task: Describe the stresses you are experiencing this outbreak? How do you manage the stress
you are confronted with during this challenging time?

NCOV or Covid19 a pandemic that challenge everybody. This emergency happening causes me
to feel pitiful, on the grounds that we all endure and furthermore the destitute individuals that
doesn't have capacity to flexibly their requirements. Focused on account of the individuals
didn't think what happening right now on the planet resisting rules, do a few things that won't
help us to forestall this ailment. I do deal with the worry by conversing with my family, petition
God for the security and wellbeing of all and examination about certain realities and wellbeing
precautionary measures for this pandemic, do some exploration for this illness so me and my
family have some information on what a malady are in here, on how we will be protected inside
and outside the house. Those things that causes me to feel good that my family is protected
regardless of whether they generally go outside as their very own result business and do a few
things that can help others around us by giving them some food or things that will give their
necessities. Helping other people and dealing with my family gives me more solace and less
pressure. I'll acknowledge the way that this infection will be with us so we additionally take
great consideration our self, our family and furthermore our temperament. I realize god will
support us and secure us.

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