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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301

Temperature measurement when high speed machining

hardened mould/die steel
R.C. Dewesa,*, E. Nga, K.S. Chuaa, P.G. Newtona, D.K. Aspinwalla,b
School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
IRC in Materials for High Performance Applications, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK


When turning and face milling hardened (>30 HRC) mould/die steels, it is necessary to use conventional ceramic or polycrystalline cubic
boron nitride (PCBN) tool materials. The use of high speed steel and cemented tungsten carbide (WC) tooling for this application is
precluded due to their relatively low hot hardness values. In recent years, however, the mould and die industry has begun to utilise solid WC
ball nose end mills for the high speed machining (HSM) of hardened steel cavities. Economic tool lives have been reported at high
rotational speeds/feed rates.
The paper details the use of 6 mm diameter solid, TiCN coated WC ball nose end mills for the HSM of a hot work tool steel, AISI H13,
hardened to 52 HRC. Tests were performed on a Matsuura 20 000 rpm high speed machining centre and temperatures were measured using
thermocouple and infrared techniques. Recorded tool /workpiece interface and chip temperatures were relatively low (200±4008C) and
increased with higher cutting speed, when using worn rather than new tools and with the workpiece inclined at 608 to simulate ®nishing
operations on the side of die cavities. # 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High speed machining; Temperature measurement; Tool steel; Tungsten carbide

1. Literature survey 1.2. HSM cutting temperatures

1.1. High speed machining Salomon [1] proposed that there was a peak cutting
temperature at an intermediate cutting speed and that when
High speed machining (HSM) was ®rst reported in 1931 cutting speed was increased from this point, there was a
by Salomon [1]. One de®nition is that the process ``involves reduction in temperature, see Fig. 1(a). Since this claim,
machining at considerably higher cutting speeds and feed most of the literature has concluded that there is no corre-
rates than those used in conventional machining'', however, sponding reduction in temperature at higher cutting speeds.
it is most commonly used to describe end milling at high McGee [7] suggested that temperature increased with
rotational speeds. The process has been adapted to a wide cutting speed up to a maximum which was equal to the
range of applications. In the aerospace sector, HSM is used melting point of the workpiece, see Fig. 1(b). No tem-
to remove large volumes of aluminium quickly and to perature reduction occurred at higher cutting speeds.
produce thin walled sections in wings [2±4]. This explains why there is no ®xed limit to the cutting
One of the more recent applications of HSM is in the speed when machining aluminium alloys (other than
manufacture of moulds and dies from hardened tool steels that imposed by machine tool considerations). The melting
[5,6]. Cavities can be produced from solid in the hardened point of these alloys (up to 6608C) is lower than the
state using HSM, rather than via the more traditional route: temperature at which cemented carbide and ceramic tool
machining in the soft condition followed by electrical dis- materials begin to lose their strength and wear rapidly.
charge machining (EDM), grinding and/or hand ®nishing. Conversely, Trent [8] stated that ``it is in the cutting
of iron, steel and other high melting point metals and
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-121-414-4175; fax: +44-121-414-
alloys that the heat generated becomes a controlling factor''.
3541 Here the limit on cutting speed is a function of the cutting
E-mail address: (R.C. Dewes) tools used.

0924-0136/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 1 6 - 8
294 R.C. Dewes et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301

Fig. 1. Graphs of temperature vs. cutting speed: (a) Salomon's curve; (b) McGee's curve.

1.3. Temperature measurement techniques Another technique is to implant a suitable insulated

thermocouple wire, Te¯on-coated constantan (55% copper,
Several experimental methods involving radiation, ther- 45% nickel) wire for example, into a workpiece. When the
mocouple and metallography/microhardness techniques workpiece is sheared during the machining process, the
have been used to measure cutting temperatures. A standard insulation is broken and an instantaneous hot junction is
thermocouple assembly embedded into a cutting tool or formed between the wire and the workpiece material in the
workpiece is known as an implanted, inserted or remote cutting zone, see Fig. 2. An electromotive force (emf) is
thermocouple [9,10]. On the other hand, if the tool generated and assuming calibration of the system has been
and workpiece are used as the dissimilar metals of the performed, an interface temperature can be calculated. The
thermocouple this is termed a tool/chip or tool/work advantages of this method include easy calibration and use,
thermocouple. The former is a low cost method which and the fact that tool materials which are electrical insulators
can be used to establish the distribution of tempera- can be used. Unfortunately, the maximum temperature at the
tures at different points in a cutting tool by utilising a tool/chip interface is not always recorded and experimental
series of predetermined locations. Unfortunately, the error is caused by the variation in detection position along
presence of holes in the tool may alter the temperature the cutting edge. These problems, however, can largely be
distribution and it is not possible to directly measure the overcome by test replications. This technique was used in
temperature at the tool/workpiece interface. The tool/chip the present work.
thermocouple [11] gives the average temperature, not the A less invasive technique involves measurement of the
maximum, at the interface. Drawbacks of the technique thermal radiation emitted during the cutting process by using
are that both workpiece and tool material must be electri- infrared (IR) sensitive photographic ®lm [13] or a pyrom-
cally conductive, cutting ¯uid cannot be used, calibration eter/infrared thermometer [14]. Fig. 3 shows the system
is laborious, secondary voltages may occur and many used in the present work. Unfortunately, no cutting ¯uid
tool/workpiece combinations do not form ideal thermocou- can be used and the temperature measured is usually that of
ples [8]. the top face of the chip and not the interface temperature
R.C. Dewes et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301 295

Fig. 2. Machining sequence when using the implanted workpiece thermocouple [12].

Fig. 3. Agema Thermovision 900 system with IR camera (right) and Fig. 4. Sandvik 1020, 6 mm diameter TiCN coated carbide cutter.
system controller (left).

because the tool/workpiece interface is obscured. Errors can coated with titanium carbonitride, TiCN). Consequently,
also result as a consequence of using an incorrect emisivity 6 mm diameter 1020 tools, shown in Fig. 4, were used
value. for the present work. Cutters had four ¯utes with a positive
When using high speed steel or WC tools with an iron/ helix angle of 308. A tool overhang from the collet of 30 mm
silicon binder, phase transformations in the tool material can was employed.
be used to deduce the temperature to which the tool has been The workpiece material used was AISI H13 hot work tool
subjected and produce isothermal maps [15]. Optical micro- steel at a hardness of 52 HRC. It was obtained with a
scopy is utilised to compare sections of the cutting tool with chemical composition of 0.38% C, 1.00% Si, 0.34% Mn,
standard specimens. The disadvantages of this method 5.00% Cr, 1.3% Mo and Fe balance. Not surprisingly, AISI
include the limited types of cutting tool materials that can H13 is not a standard thermocouple material categorised
be used and the manufacture of standard specimens which under British Standard BS1041, therefore, a calibration bar
must be very carefully prepared. was designed, see Fig. 5. For the machining trials, a work-
The aim of the present work was to determine cutting piece block 80mm55mm35 mm was electrical discharge
temperatures when high speed ball nose end milling har- wire machined into two separate pieces as shown in Fig. 6.
dened die steel, in order to explain the successful use of The design allowed insertion of thermocouple wires in the
tungsten carbide (WC) cutters for this operation. Tempera- gap while giving suf®ciently high clamping force to hold the
tures were measured using the workpiece/Te¯on-coated assembly in place during machining.
constantan thermocouple and infrared techniques previously Two diameters (0.075 and 0.5 mm) of Te¯on-coated
outlined. constantan wire were obtained from Omega Engineering,

2. Experimental

2.1. Tooling, workpiece materials and machine tools

Previous HSM machinability work on hardened steels

[16], highlighted the suitability of Sandvik Coromant 1020
(formerly MC45) solid carbide ball nose end mills (PVD Fig. 5. Calibration bar.
296 R.C. Dewes et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301

Fig. 6. Workpiece block.

UK. There are a number of reasons why it is desirable to use

thinner wires in the measuring junction during machining. Fig. 8. Matsuura FX-5 machining centre.
They are poorer conductors of heat which reduces the
tendency of heat loss to the environment. Secondly, it is had a maximum power of 15 kW and a continuously variable
critical to cut the wire cleanly to induce a suf®ciently high feed rate up to 15 m/min.
thermal emf for measurement. The wire diameter also
determines the gap width in between the two parts of the 2.2. Equipment ± thermocouple technique
workpiece. A large wire diameter would result in a larger
gap causing an interruption in cutting and possibly reduced A Fluke 8050A digital multimeter, set at its lowest DC
temperature measurements. voltage range of 0±200 mV, was used for voltage measure-
Prior to the machining tests, the workpiece and thermo- ment during initial calibration work. The advantage of this
couple wires were prepared. Two 600 mm lengths of 0.5 mm was that it displayed voltage values instantaneously, thus
diameter constantan wire were utilised for longer connec- saving time. Unfortunately, the refresh rate on the LCD
tions between the measuring apparatus and workpiece. One screen of 0.25 s was a limitation. A Gould 100 Ms/s oscillo-
of the wires was silver soldered to the side of the workpiece scope (DSO) 420 was used for some calibration and the
and the other was soldered to a 40 mm length of 0.075 mm majority of temperature evaluation work. Its advantages
diameter wire. The thinner wire was formed into a sinusoidal included high accuracy, high sampling rate, rapid screen
wave shape, 10 mm high with 2 mm protruding out of the refresh rate and a capability to produce hard copies using its
face of workpiece. Fig. 7 shows the workpiece with the two pen plotter. When using the HSM set-up at the operating
halves separated in order that the looped wire can be seen. parameters detailed, the thermal emf generated lasted for a
The wire was bonded to the male half of the workpiece using very short period of time, typically 40 ms. By using the
adhesive tape. oscilloscope, the input signal could be monitored continu-
A Cincinnati milling machine (maximum spindle speed ously, so that the probability of not capturing a short duration
1500 rpm) and a Matsuura FX-5 CNC controlled high speed thermal emf signal was minimised.
machining centre (maximum spindle speed 20 000 rpm) A Kane-May KM1420 temperature data logger was used
were used for the work, see Fig. 8. The latter machine for the calibration work. This was speci®c to the K-type
thermocouple standard (nickel±chromium and nickel±alu-
minium), as in BS1041. The logger had a measuring range
from ÿ100 to 12008C with an accuracy of 0.28C and a
response time of <1 s. A stainless steel sheathed K-type
probe was connected to the logger and was used to measure
the temperature at the measuring junction of the calibration
bar. The data in the logger was transferred to a personal
computer using the equipment manufacturer's software
TERM2UK. The computer enabled the storage of data ®les
in ASCII format and allowed the generation of temperature
versus time plots on the screen.
In order to perform thermocouple calibration, it was
necessary for the measuring or hot junction of the calibration
bar to be heated while the other end, the reference or cold
junction remained at room temperature. Because of this, the
furnace calibration method reported by Braiden [17] was not
Fig. 7. AISI H13 workpiece with constantan wire in place. suitable. The induction heating method [18] was also
R.C. Dewes et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301 297

rejected. It was decided that the most suitable heating machine was not equipped with in®nitely variable table
method was to use an oxygen±acetylene torch. feeds. By looping the thermocouple wire in the manner
shown in Fig. 7, each test was effectively replicated a
2.3. Equipment ± infrared technique number of times.
Tests on the Matsuura machining centre involved both the
Equipment consisted of an IR camera and a system thermocouple and infrared techniques, see Table 2. All tests
controller, see Fig. 3, borrowed from the UK's Engineering were performed using the thermocouple technique, however,
and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The due to limited equipment availability, the infrared technique
controller was a dedicated microcomputer set up speci®cally was limited to tests 5 ± 10. Resources did not allow a full
for use with the camera. It consisted of a processor unit, factorial experiment to be performed, therefore, it was felt
VGA video monitor, mouse and keyboard with specialised that most information could be gained in the time available
system controls for image handling. The software was menu by investigating four variables: cutting speed (tests 1 ± 3),
driven and was contained in a windows environment. The tool wear (tests 3 ± 10), angle of the workpiece (tests 3 ± 6)
camera was designed to operate at wavelengths in the infra- and axial/radial depth of cut. In order to simulate the actual
red spectrum (8±12 m). The temperature ranges selected machining of a mould or die cavity, the workpiece was
for this work were 0±2508C and 100±6008C. The emissivity clamped both horizontally and at 608 to the horizontal while
level used was 0.82. Interchangeable lenses were available maintaining a constant cutting speed by varying the rota-
for the use with the scanner. In this case, a 408x208 resolution tional speed. Fig. 9 illustrates the interface cutting speed at
lens was used which had a minimum focal length of 0.3 m. workpiece angles 08 and 608 when using a 0.5 mm depth of
cut. Table 2 classi®es roughing, semi-®nishing and ®nishing
2.4. Machining parameters cuts depending on the depth of cut applied. During all tests,
dry cutting was employed and feed was ®xed at 0.1 mm/
In the tests on the Cincinnati milling machine, only the tooth.
thermocouple technique was used. Fixed parameters
included the angle of workpiece (08), down/climb milling, 2.5. Experimental procedure ± thermocouple technique
dry machining, use of a tool with 0.3 mm maximum ¯ank
wear and an axial/radial depth of cut of 0.5 mm. The effect The calibration experiment involved a number of steps.
of feed per tooth and cutting speed were evaluated, see The 0.075 mm diameter thermocouple wire was silver sol-
Table 1. Feed per tooth values are approximate because the dered into hole A on the calibration bar, see Fig. 5. The bar

Table 1
Test parameters on the Cincinnati milling machine

Test Cutting Feed Spindle Feed

speed per tooth speed rate
(m/min) (mm/tooth) (rpm) (mm/min)

a 16 0.10 870 420

b 21 0.10 1140 420
c 28 0.10 1500 570
d 21 0.05 1140 220
Fig. 9. Effect of workpiece angle on cutting speed.

Table 2
Test parameters on the Matsuura machining centre

Test Maximum Angle of Cutting Spindle Axial Radial Feed

flank wear workpiece speed speed depth of depth of rate
(mm) (degree) (m/min) (rpm) cut (mm) cut (mm) (mm/min)

Roughing cut 1 0 0 100 9597 0.5 0.5 3839

2 0 0 150 14 396 0.5 0.5 5759
3 0 0 200 19 194 0.5 0.5 7678
4 0.3 0 200 19 194 0.5 0.5 7678
Roughing cut 5 0 60 200 10 610 0.5 0.5 4244
6 0.3 60 200 10 741 0.5 0.5 4244
Semi-finishing cut 7 0 60 200 10 741 0.2 0.2 4296
8 0.3 60 200 10 741 0.2 0.2 4296
Finishing cut 9 0 60 200 10 741 0.2 0.1 4296
10 0.1 60 200 10 741 0.2 0.1 4296
298 R.C. Dewes et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301

was clamped in place and the thermocouple wires from the

measuring and reference junctions were connected to the
multimeter. At the measuring junction, the K-type stainless
steel probe was inserted into hole B, see Fig. 5, and con-
nected to the data logger. The measuring junction was heated
with the oxygen±acetylene torch to 7008C. The voltage on
the multimeter was recorded and the bar allowed to cool.
During cooling, at ®xed temperature intervals, the emf value
was recorded. The values were plotted on a graph of voltage
versus temperature. A linear relationship between voltage
and temperature was established and the equation of the line
determined. The calibration procedure was repeated ®ve
times and ®ve calibration lines superimposed. The equation
of a line of best ®t was determined. One calibration test using
the oscilloscope rather than multimeter was carried out in
order to con®rm that both sets of equipment gave similar Fig. 10. A thermal image captured when machining workpiece at 608.
When calibration was complete, initial tests were under-
taken on the Cincinnati milling machine. The workpiece/ parameters given in Table 2. After the sequence was
thermocouple junction was set-up as discussed previously. recorded, the images were recalled and analysed by using
The assembly was clamped in a vice with plywood used to the ``spotmeters'' in the software. When placed over the
insulate it from the machine to prevent electrical interfer- image, these gave a temperature value at a particular point.
ence. Machining cuts were taken across the workpiece using The maximum chip temperature was therefore recorded
the parameters given in Table 2 until the protruding thermo- for each test.
couple wire was cut and a signal triggered in the oscillo-
scope. The voltage was printed using the pen plotter. When
the entire face of the workpiece had been machined and a 3. Results and discussion
number of temperature readings obtained, the workpiece
was re-prepared. The voltages were analysed and converted 3.1. Calibration of the thermocouple
to temperatures. A mean temperature value was calculated
and taken as the interface temperature for the test. The ®ve sets of calibration results using the multimeter
All subsequent work was performed on the Matsuura were combined to give a line of best ®t, see Fig. 11 for graph
machining centre. Each time a new workpiece was clamped and equation of the line. Also shown are the results and
in the vice, it was levelled to 30 m. Trigonometric equation obtained when using the oscilloscope. The differ-
calculations were used to check the level of the workpiece ence in readings between the two measuring devices was
at 608. The voltage and timebase settings on the oscilloscope only 0.14% at 20 mV. Therefore, the equation from the
were modi®ed depending on the cutting parameters, in order oscilloscope was used to calculate the temperature from
to produce reliable results. A CNC program was executed the induced thermal emf for the machining tests.
which resulted in the cutter machining across the workpiece,
retracting above the workpiece and returning to the start of 3.2. Temperature results
the next cut and applying the radial depth of cut. Each time a
wire was machined through, a signal occurred and the The effect of cutting speed on interface temperature, as
voltage trace was recorded and printed out as with the tests measured using the thermocouple technique can be seen in
on the Cincinnati machine. Fig. 12 which shows the results of Cincinnati tests  a ± c
and Matsuura tests 1 ± 3. Mean temperature values are
2.6. Experimental procedure ± infrared technique shown. An analysis indicated that mean and median tem-
peratures fell within 108C in all cases. It can be seen that
The Agema Thermovision 900 system was set up, the over the range of cutting speeds tested, the interface tem-
temperature range selected and the level and span of the perature increased in a manner similar to that found by
image adjusted to produce a recognisable image. The McGee when machining aluminium [7]. This is in line with
IR camera was ®lled with liquid nitrogen, positioned conventional metal cutting theory [19]. A machine with
at a safe distance from the workpiece to avoid any possibility higher spindle speeds would be required to fully test Sal-
of damage by the swarf and connected to the system omon's ®ndings that temperature reduces at higher cutting
controller. The automatic image storing sequence (1 s speeds [1].
intervals) was initiated, see Fig. 10. The machining Although not shown graphically, reducing the feed rate
sequence was set up as described previously with the cutting from 0.10 to 0.05 mm/tooth at a cutting speed of 21 m/min
R.C. Dewes et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301 299

Fig. 11. Calibration results and equations for multimeter and oscilloscope.

be explained because at 08 the cutting speeds on the ball nose

end mill ranged from zero in the centre to 200 m/min at the
periphery, while at 608 the range is from 173 to 200 m/min,
see Fig. 9. As a result, higher average cutting speeds
occurred in the cutting zone and therefore, higher tempera-
tures would be expected. An effect which is likely to have
prevented temperatures at 08 from being even lower was the
nature of the ball nose cutter. At 608, all four teeth of the
cutter would have done an equal amount of cutting, however,
at 08, two of the teeth would have done very little work due
to the fact that they stop short of the centre of the tool. The
effective feed per tooth would have approached 0.2 mm/
tooth which would be expected to contribute to higher
Fig. 12. Effect of cutting speed on interface temperature. When using a tool with 0.3 mm of ¯ank wear, tem-
peratures increased. With a worn tool, more surface
gave a very slight reduction in temperature from 1108C to contact between the tool and workpiece occurred and
1078C. the increase in sliding friction and rubbing caused higher
The next stage of the work was to test the effect of temperatures.
workpiece angle and tool wear on interface temperature, Figs. 14 and 15 show the effect of axial and radial depth of
see Fig. 13. There was an increase in temperature when cut on interface and chip temperatures, respectively. Rough-
machining with the workpiece at 608 rather than 08. This can ing, semi-®nishing and ®nishing cuts are indicated as R, SF

Fig. 13. The effect of workpiece angle and tool wear on interface
temperature. Fig. 14. Effect of axial and radial depth of cut on interface temperature.
300 R.C. Dewes et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 92±93 (1999) 293±301

4. Conclusions

1. Interface temperatures measured using the thermocouple

technique when machining with the workpiece at 08
were 198±3018C. Higher temperatures, 247±3858C,
occurred at a 608 workpiece angle.
2. Temperature increased with cutting speed and no reduc-
tion at higher speeds occurred. This is contrary to Sal-
omon's theory and agrees with McGee's findings. Feed
per tooth did not have a large effect on temperature.
3. Machining with a worn tool generated higher tempera-
tures than when using new tools.
4. The IR technique indicated lower temperatures than the
thermocouple method with values of 68±3908C. Heat
Fig. 15. Effect of axial and radial depth of cut on chip temperature.
losses to the tool and workpiece and drawbacks with the
IR technique explain the lower temperatures measured.
5. The relatively low cutting temperatures measured explain
and F. In all but one case, chip temperatures are much lower why WC products can be successfully used for the HSM
than interface temperatures. Values measured by the infrared of hardened steels.
technique were typically one third those from the thermo-
couple. It is widely accepted that during metal cutting, the
majority of heat (80%) is transferred to the chip, therefore, Acknowledgements
it could be argued that this is a larger difference than would
be expected. A possible explanation is that with the IR We would like to thank Prof. A.A. Ball, Head of the
camera and lens used, the hot zone was relatively small School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, and
compared to the total area scanned, see Fig. 10. This, Prof. M.H. Loretto, Director of the IRC in Materials for High
combined with limitations in the software which would Performance Applications, for provision of facilities and
allow the use of ``spotmeters'' but not output a maximum funding. We are grateful to Messrs. R. Fasham, W. Hewitt, P.
temperature over an area, meant that there was no guarantee Thornton and J. Wedderburn for their assistance with the
that the hottest point was measured. It is considered that the experimental work. Thanks also go to the Control, Design
thermocouple technique was intrinsically superior for this and Production Directorate of EPSRC, De Beers Industrial
application and gave more accurate, absolute temperature Diamond Division (Pty) Ltd., Dynacast (UK) Ltd., Kienin-
values. ger Tooling Ltd., Matsuura Machinery plc, Sandvik Cor-
The differences in temperature between the three types of omant (UK) Ltd., United Engineering Forgings Ltd., and
cut are as would be expected, with smaller depths of cut WH Smith and Sons (Tools) Ltd., for additional funding and
giving signi®cantly lower temperatures. This would validate support. We also wish to express our gratitude to the EPSRC
the use of small depths of cut during the HSM of hardened for lending the infrared equipment.
steels in order to minimise cutter wear. With the roughing
cut, there is a large difference between the temperatures
generated with the new and worn tools, a smaller difference
when semi-®nishing and an even smaller range when ®nish- References
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