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Vocabulary Breaking the law a) b) Have you ever witnessed any of the above? vandals a statue 1 Listen and say. Last Monday someone sprayed paint on the school walls. We were very upset. steal a painting Reading Read the key words in the b Ox and look at the picture. Wh k . What do you thi i about? Listen, read and chee? ae G- The Vanishing Smile... ~) 7” Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vine! is probably the Tmost famous painting in the world. A star attraction atthe Louvte Museum in Paris, her fanovs errife continues 0 Inspire! However, did you know thal @ thief once stole the Mona Lisa from the museum and caused an international scandal? ‘The Mystery: 7am, Dist August, 1911 and just another Monday morn clearing staf, maintenance workers working in the building before the public on Tuesday. While they at some time between 7 and 6:30 the empty Salon Carré, unhooked the at the Louvre. Guards, ‘and curators were all reopening its doors to were working, though, am, someone entered Mona Lisa from the we The staits led to a door, somehow, the thief escaped through workers assumed that the official photo shooting pictures of the painting in all and carried it off down a stairwell locked from the outside, but jgrapher was it. At first, museum his studio. An afternoon and evening passed by and it ast unt the fowing day that they realised the reson artwork was missing. it was the begining of @ ruse trtmational search forthe missing Mona Lisa. The only clue wwas the discovery ofthe painting's heavy frame discarded an the stars, There were conficing rumours ie the newspapers; the Mona Lisa was now in ‘Switzerland, South faenea or in asmall apartment inthe Brons, New York No cone knew who realy committed the crime and Row. The Solution: On that fateful Monday moming, an ttalian man called incenao Perugia was hiding in a smal room within the vruseurn, Peruggla, nce a worker at he Lowe, knew the puling very wel. The guard on duty inthe Salon Garé pamited leaving ris post for afew minutes at around @ am. Wile the guard was away, Perugia ited. the Mona Usa from her fout ron pegs, entered the stairwell, removed the paining’s frame and hurried down the steps. Then, he Flocked the door and escaped from the museum. Peruggia hid the painting in his small Paris tat where it remained, in a cupboard, for over two year Later, Perugah took the Mona Lisa to Florence, Italy, and attempted 10 sel i ewas there, back inthe Mona Lisa's hometown, thatthe police finally caught Perugia. Peruggia served a short prison sentence, He then went boack to Franoe and opened a paint shop in Haute-Savoie, And the Mona Lisa? After touring her Italan homeland, she ratumed to the Louvre museum, where she resides f0 this day, behind buletproot glass, still smiling S quad, reopen its doors, rs, Someone ent Q ered, unh from the wal cated ito, the escaped pets artwork, huge international search, cue ‘card, conflcing rou, crite te crime, guard on left his post, unlocked the doo sel pole caught senda sentence” 10 Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, 6, Cor D. Ona Monday, 21st August, 1911, the Louvre A opened at9 am. C opened at 7 am. B was closed. D closed at 8:30 am. Museum workers found out the painting was missing A later that morning, C on Monday evening. B on Tuesday. D during the afternoon, Peruggia ‘A was the guard on duty. C_hid in the museum. B worked at the museum. D left his post. For over two years, Peruggia kept the painting ‘A atthe museum. Cin his home. B ina stairwell. D in Florence. The police arrested him A at his flat. € in Florence. B inhis hometown. D in Paris. Complete the sentences with: inspire, unhook, assume, admit, remove, hurry, attempt, reside, commit, catch in the correct form. The thief a the frame from the painting so it was easier to carry. The thief .. .». Stealing the painting. The police have no idea who .. the crime or why? Leonardo da Vinci continues to artists even today. The police set a trap to the thief. The caretaker nen .. the painting from the wall for cleaning. People shouldn't . should find out the truth, We have 0 ..rr--n-nne OF We'll miss the bus! The Mona isa ... - in the Louvre Museum, Thieves are often caught when they to sell stolen property. . things, they “see Grammar 685 Past continuous 5 Read the theory box. How do we form the past continuous? Find examples in the text. ‘(We use the past continuous | + for actions happening at a certain time in the past. | Hewas working ot 12 o'clock yesterday. | + for two or more actions happening at the same time in | the past (simultaneous actions). While he was working, she was cleaning the house | » to give background information in a story | That morning Peter was walking down the street. The wind | was howling ond it was raining | Time expressions used with the past continuous: wile | as, at... o'dlock yesterday morning/evening etc. G Use the verbs in the list in the past continuous to complete the sentences. * blow «shout * watch * read * look ¢ shine wave 1 While he a book, the lights went out. 2 They .. swine at the exhibits when the fire alarm went off. B SHE vreeneannnnenen her arms and .. for help hoping someone would notice her. con you TV when he called you? 5 The sun ..... and a light wind .. Speaking & Writing 7 Write sentences about yourself using the phrases below and the verbs in the past simple or the past continuous. * travel abroad * play computer games * visit a museum + do my homework * watch TV nigh 8 [ETT imagine you were the person who found out that the Mona Lisa was missing. Describe the scene and how you felt. 3 p.vB8) 53

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