The Baby Boomer Generation, Generation Y, and Generation Z

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1. They value face-to- 3. Generation Y, are tech- 5. Generation Z sees jobs as

face communication savvy that prefer a thing that is not valued
since computer- communicating using highly because they want to do
mediated interactive digital their own things but also
communication communication tools such see that is an important
(CMC) lacks the as social media. Members of thing. I personally think
essential aspects of this generation are known that way because I don’t
interpersonal as "Digital Natives" because like the idea of working for
communication which this is the first generation to someone else.
is social- presence have experienced the digital
technology revolution
and non-verbal cues.
growing up.
According to Lo, S. K.
(2008), CMC often
lacks enough
appropriate non-
verbal cues,
preventing effective
delivery of emotions
and attitudes to CMC
messages, this then
brings to dispute the
meaning of the

2. The Baby Boomer 4. Generation Y is a capable 6. Generation Z prefers

generation has a multi-tasker, this working independently.
strong work ethic generation sometimes even This is the case to this
meaning they are eat food while using their generation because they
accustomed to phone and also watch want to showcase their skill
working hard. They television at the same time. and prove to others that
favor step-by-step According to Hartman and they are better. According
and doing the thing McCambridge (2011) to (Hughes 2020)
one thing at a time. describe generation Y as a generation Z are describe as
Baby Boomers technologically develop being tech-savvy, realistic,
prefer independence individual capable of doing and driven and enjoys
or freedom and work multiple things at the same personalized training and
ethics than time but lacks interpersonal attention.
collaboration communication skills.
(Helyer & Lee 2012).

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