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In the Beginning 1
Genesis 1

God Made the World


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”Genesis 1:1

1. God made me, and I am special.

2. God made the world and every thing in it.
3. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh.
4. God said, “It is good” to every thing He made.

Early Arrival Activity

Have play dough available for the children to play. Instruct them to create items as you call
them out.

Talk about how God created everything. They are creating items using play dough, but God
created everything from nothing. Isn’t He amazing!
We Learn
Boys and girls, today we are going to talk about how God created the world. The
Bible tells us that “In the beginning” there was nothing, absolutely nothing - until
God spoke. Look at my poster board. Do you see anything on it? There is
nothing but blackness. That is exactly how it was before God created the world.

Tape number 1 to the board

On the first day, God simply spoke the words, “Let there be light.” And guess
what? There was light. He separated the light from the dark and He called it “day”
and “night”. God saw that it was good. Let’s say that together - “It is good.”

Tape number 2 to the board

On the second day, God simply spoke, “Let the waters separate”. All of a sudden,
the waters separated. He called the part between the waters “sky”. God saw that it
was good. Let’s say it together - “It is good.”

Tape number 3 to the board

On the third day, God spoke the words, “Let the water under the sky gather to one
place and let the dry ground appear.” What happened? The water separated and
dry ground appeared. He called the dry ground “land” and the water “seas”. Now
God wasn’t finished. He then spoke and said, “Let there be trees and plants”.
When God spoke those words, the earth was filled with trees, bushes and flowers.
God saw that it was good. What did He say? Let’s say it together - “It is good.”

Tape number 4 to the board

On the fourth day, God spoke the words, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate
night from day”. What did He create? That’s right! God created the sun and the
moon, but He wasn’t finished. He also made the stars. He hung each one of them
in the sky. God saw that it was good and He said - “It is good”.

Tape number 5 to the board

On the fifth day, God spoke and said, “Let there be fish in the sea and birds in the
sky.” There appeared every kind of fish and bird you can imagine. Big fish and tiny
fish swam in the waters. Large birds and small birds flew in the sky. God saw that it
was good and He said - “It is good”.

Tape number 6 to the board

On the sixth day, God spoke and said, “Let the land produce living creatures.”
What are living creatures? Living creatures are cows, chickens, horses, and pigs.
Living creatures are elephants, tigers, kangaroos and wolves. Can you name some
more living creatures? And God saw that it was good - “It is good”.
When God finished making all the living creatures, He
made something extra special. Do you know what God
made next? God made man. God said, “Let us make black poster board or
man in our image, so that they may rule over the fish in black butcher paper
the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and numbers 1-7
all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that tape
move along the ground.”

God looked at all He had made and IT WAS VERY


But wait - we have one more day.

Tape the 7 to the board

The Bible tells us, by the seventh day God had finished
the work He had been doing. So, on the seventh day
He rested from all His work. How do you think God Snacks
rested? Show me.

Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy.

Wow! Isn’t God amazing!! Let’s thank Him for creating

the world. Let’s thank Him for the light and darkness,
the sun, moon and stars, the water and the land, the
plants, the fish, the birds and all the animals. And, let’s
thank Him for making us too!

We See
Everyday, we look around and we can see what God has made. What are some of
your favorite things God has made?

©Colonial Heights Baptist Church 2013

We Make One -
God Made the World color sheet, crayons/markers,
colored construction paper (one sheet/child), glue sticks

1. Give each child a color sheet and instruct them to color it along with you.
2. Begin with the #1 and talk about the Day One of creation.
3. Continue with each number, discussing what God did on each day.
4. After the picture has been colored, mount it on colored construction paper

Talk about the things God made.

We Make two -
All Things Were Made by Him coloring sheet, crayons or

1. Give each child a coloring sheet and ask them to listen for your instructions.
2. Name an item on the sheet and have them find it and color it. Talk about how
God is so creative.
3. Continue doing this until all of the items are colored.

Have them say today’s Bible verse. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the
earth.” Genesis 1:1

©Colonial Heights Baptist Church 2013

God Made the World

white card stock - one/child! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! L1 We Make One

white card stock - one/child! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! L1

white card stock - one/child! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! L1

white paper - one/child! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! L1 We Make Two

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