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Geotech Geol Eng

DOI 10.1007/s10706-017-0279-8


Alternative Quantification of the Geological Strength Index

Chart for Jointed Rocks
Gian Luca Morelli

Received: 13 September 2016 / Accepted: 9 June 2017

Ó Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract The paper suggests an alternative quan- different and independent methods represents an
tification of the Geological Strength Index (GSI) effective practice to properly check and validate the
Chart published by Hoek et al. in Paper prepared for final estimation of the GSI.
presentation at the 47th US Rock mechanics/ge-
omechanics symposium held in San Francisco Keywords Geological strength index 
(2013). The engineering parameters proposed for Hoek–Marinos chart  Joint condition  Rock mass
the horizontal and vertical axes of the Chart are the structure  Rock mass interlocking
most commonly used in routine field investigations
on rock masses by means of standard exposure
surveys and borehole logging. They mainly include
parameters traditionally used for block size charac- 1 Introduction
terization (i.e., volumetric joint count Jv, joint
spacing S and RQD/Jn factor) as well as other The Geological Strength Index (GSI) was firstly
parameters purposely defined in the present study introduced in the mid-nineties as a qualitative
and based on combinations of the traditional ratings approach to relate the Hoek–Brown criterion to
of the Bieniawski’s RMR89 classification. Adopting geological field observations in hard rocks (Marinos
these options, new empirical equations for calculat- et al. 2007; Day et al. 2012) and has been successively
ing the GSI have been fine tuned and tested on a extended to accommodate also the most variable of
real rock mass dataset. The comparison between the rock masses, including extremely poor quality sheared
GSI values calculated using the new equations and rock masses of weak schistose materials and typical
those directly mapped during underground excava- heterogeneous lithological formations such as flysch
tions has demonstrated the potentiality of the and molasses (Hoek et al. 1998, 2005; Marinos and
proposed methodology. The new quantification of Hoek 2000, 2001; Marinos et al. 2006).
the GSI Chart can be regarded as a useful and The GSI system was specifically formulated to
practical tool suitable to integrate the Hoek et al. attempt to characterize rock masses from a more
(2013) approach. The complementary use of geological perspective, in order to better meet the need
for delivering reliable input data related to those
properties considered to govern the mechanical
G. L. Morelli (&) behaviour of a rock mass (Carter and Marinos 2014).
Geotecna Progetti S.r.l., Milan, Italy
According to Marinos and Hoek (2000) and Mari- nos et al. (2007), the heart of the GSI system is a

Geotech Geol Eng

careful engineering geology description of the rock 2 Previously Published Charts to Quantify the GSI
mass which is currently based first upon the lithology
and secondary on structure (blockiness and degree of Attempts to quantify the qualitative GSI Chart origi-
interlocking of the rock blocks) and condition of the nally proposed by Marinos and Hoek (2000) have been
discontinuity surfaces assessed from visual examina- published by several authors during the last two
tion of rock exposures. decades.
As such, the estimation of the GSI value, which Generally, all these approaches incorporate quan-
theoretically varies in the nominal range 0–100, is titative scales for rock mass structure and joint surface
essentially a qualitative procedure whose accuracy conditions based on the ratings used in the traditional
may, therefore, depend on the level of experience and RMR, Q or RMi classification systems.
judgment of the observer directly involved in field Sonmez and Ulusay (1999) were first to suggest a
mapping. quantification of the original Chart by expressing the
To improve the objective assessment of the GSI, rock mass structure (y-axis) trough the Volumetric
quantitative charts based on a numerical quantification Joint Count (Jv), i.e. the number of discontinuities per
of the parameters defining the rock mass structure and cubic meter defined by Palmström (1982, 1985, 1986),
of the condition of discontinuities, have been fine- and the discontinuity characteristics (x-axis) by a
tuned and presented by several Authors over the time parameter called SRC (Surface Condition Rating),
(see e.g. Hoek et al. 1995; Sonmez and Ulusay 1999; which is based on the ratings for the condition of
Cai et al. 2004; Cai and Kaiser 2006; Russo 2009; Day discontinuities used in the RMR89 classification sys-
et al. 2012). tem (Fig. 1).
All these quantitative methods are generally Cai et al. (2004) successively proposed a quantifi-
expressed by empirical equations which apply input cation of the original GSI Chart by employing, as scale
parameters and ratings borrowed from the best known factors, the equivalent volume of the rock blocks (Vb)
rock mass classification index systems, principally the on the vertical axis and the joint condition factor (JC),
RMR (Bieniawski 1989), the Q (Barton et al. 1974) used for the determination of the RMi index of
and the RMi (Palmström 1995). Palmström (1995), on the horizontal axis, both plotted
More recently, the Hoek-Marinos Chart was on logarithmic scales (Fig. 2).
updated by Hoek et al. (2013) to include numeric In this case, the representative block volume is
scales on the horizontal and vertical axes and to adjust assessed using a ‘‘persistence factor’’, in order to take
the GSI iso-lines so that they followed a linear into account the effect of the persistence of the
equation. discontinuities on the block size.
In this last version of the GSI Chart, two simple Such a quantitative approach was validated suc-
linear scales have been found to be suitable to cessively using field test data and numerical model
consistently represent the discontinuity surface simulations (Cai et al. 2004; Kim et al. 2007).
conditions on the horizontal axis and the blockiness More recently, Hoek et al. (2013) have updated the
of the rock mass on the vertical axis. In particular, 2000 Hoek-Marinos Chart providing a simplified
the horizontal axis of the chart uses the JCond89 quantification of the two scales for the horizontal
parameter from Bieniawski (1989), while the and vertical axes of the chart (Fig. 3).
vertical axis uses RQD/2 as an approximation of In detail, the Scale A (horizontal x-axis) has been
the block size. set to represent the five divisions of surface quality
The main purpose of this paper is to address some with a range of 45 points. The Scale B (vertical y-axis)
possible alternatives for the rock mass parameters represents the five divisions of the rock mass inter-
used for scaling the two axes of the Hoek et al. (2013) locking and blockiness scale with a total range of 50
Chart. points, thus excluding the lower row of the original
On the basis of the proposed parameters, new Hoek-Marinos chart referred to ‘‘laminated/sheared’’
empirical equations for calculating GSI can be fine rocks.
tuned and their validity tested on a real rock mass The updated GSI Chart (Fig. 4) includes, on the
dataset. horizontal axis, the Joint Condition (JCond89) rating

Geotech Geol Eng

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b Fig. 1 Modified Hoek’s Chart for determining the GSI (from addition, RQD only covers a limited part of the range
Sonmez and Ulusay 1999) of jointing (Palmström 2005) and it is unsuitable to
characterize rock masses with discontinuity spacing
defined by Bieniawski (1989) (see Table 1) and the larger than 0.3 m (Priest and Hudson 1976).
RQD index of Deere (1963) to express the rock mass Generally, the use of only jointing parameters to
structure on the vertical axis. quantify the rock mass structure excludes other
In order to match the established ranges of the axis parameters which have a considerable influence on
scales, the horizontal Scale A has been defined as the interlocking degree of the rock blocks, such as the
(1.5 9 JCond89) and the vertical Scale B as (RQD/2). aperture and the persistence of discontinuities.
The final value of the GSI is given by the sum of the In this regard, Dinc et al. (2011), Sonmez and
two scales: Ulusay (1999) state that there is a clear relation
between the degree of induration and the ‘‘distur-
GSI ¼ 1:5JCond89 þ RQD=2
bance’’ of a rock mass, as can arise from tectonism,
Figure 4 shows the updated Chart finally proposed excavation effects and weathering or alteration pro-
by Hoek et al. (2013). cesses, all affecting the integrity of the original rock
In the 2013 update, the lower and upper rows of the mass structure. In particular, the degree of induration
original 2000 Chart have been excluded since authors of a rock mass significantly decreases as the degree of
pointed out that rows represent type of rock masses disturbance increases, mainly as a consequence of the
that do not satisfy fundamental conditions for homo- occurrence of new discontinuities (increase of the
geneity and isotropy required for the use of GSI as density of joints) and of the increase in their apertures
input into the Hoek–Brown criterion. Therefore, in (increase of the degree of freedom of the rock blocks).
these rock masses the quantitative GSI chart should Following Cai et al. (2004), Kim et al. (2007), the
not be used. degree of interlocking of the individual blocks can be
In this way, the conventional range of the parameter also related to the persistence of discontinuities, since
(RQD/2) suggested by Hoek et al. (2013) for the y-axis it increases as the persistence or length of discontinu-
presents an upper limit of 40 (i.e. RQD = 80%). ities become shorter and rock bridges start to exist
Following Hoek et al. (2013), the updated Chart is between discontinuity terminations.
principally applicable to tunnels of about 10 m span or In addition to these aspects, it has to be observed that
less and slopes no taller than 20 m. the ratio of block size to the size of the tunnel or slope,
which has a significant influence on the application of
the original 2000 GSI chart (Fig. 5), is not explicitly
3 Limitations of the Quantitative Approaches taken into account in the existing quantitative methods,
which, consequently, could not have general validity
All quantitative methods currently in use to estimate (Hoek et al. 2013). Therefore, quantitative methods are
the GSI tend to quantify the rock mass structure, considered suitable only for common-size engineering
which, by definition, incorporates both the effects of designs, such as tunnels with diameter lower than about
size (blockiness) and degree of interlocking (com- 10 m and slopes no taller than 20 m (see Cundall et al.
pactness) of the individual rock blocks forming the 2008; Hoek et al. 2013).
mass, using measures of the block size or of the Many authors, among which Marinos et al. (2007),
density of joints (i.e., RQD, volumetric joint count, Carter and Marinos (2014), Hoek et al. (2013), also
block volumes). pointed out that all existing quantification methods of
In particular, the use of the conventional RQD GSI should be limited to rock masses in which the
index for scaling the vertical axis of the GSI Chart, as discontinuities play a prominent role in defining their
proposed by Hoek et al. (2013), suffers of a number of mechanical behaviour. Such conditions are repre-
well-known limitations. Specifically, the value of sented in the central area of the original Hoek-Marinos
RQD can change for the same rock mass depending on Chart, where rockmass can be thought of as blocky and
sampling direction and on the selected threshold value both qualitative and quantitative methods can be used
for the minimum intact core length (Li et al. 2009). In for assessing GSI properly (Carter and Marinos 2014).

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Fig. 2 Quantification of the GSI Chart (from Cai et al. 2004)

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Fig. 3 Quantification of the original 2000 Hoek-Marinos Chart as proposed by Hoek et al. (2013)

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Fig. 4 Quantification of the GSI Chart by Joint Condition, as graded by RMR, and RQD (from Hoek et al. 2013)

As a consequence, quantitative methods become schistose materials and typical heterogeneous litho-
inappropriate for rocks lying at both ends of the rock logical formations such as flysch and molasses, the
competence scale and for massive or tectonically original qualitative method based on a careful visual
disturbed rock masses in which the structural fabric has observation of the rock structure and the use of GSI
been destroyed (see Marinos et al. 2007; Carter et al. charts purposely published (Hoek et al. 1998; Marinos
2008; Hoek et al. 2013; Carter and Marinos 2014). and Hoek 2000, 2001; Hoek et al. 2005; Marinos et al.
In such particular type of rock masses, including 2006) is still the most suitable and recommended
extremely poor quality sheared rocks of weak approach.

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 1 Basic ratings scheme for calculating the RMR89 index, including the JCond89 parameter
Rating Parameter (rating range)

R1 Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock (0–15)

R2 Rock quality designation (3–20)
R3 Spacing of discontinuities (5–20)
R4 Condition of discontinuities (JCond89) (0–30)
R4a Length (0–6) R4b Aperture (0–6) R4c Roughness (0–6) R4d Infilling (0–6) R4e Weathering (0–6)
R5 Groundwater condition (0–15)
R6 Orientation of discontinuities (-50–0)

Fig. 5 Limitations on the

use of the GSI and of the
Hoek–Brown criterion
depending on scale (from
Carter and Marinos 2014)

4 Possible Alternative Quantifications of the GSI related to the quantification of the block size in a rock
Chart mass, such as the volumetric joint count (Jv), the
spacing of discontinuities (S) and the RQD/Jn factor
Taking into consideration the known limitations of adopted in the Barton’s Q-System classification.
using RQD alone to quantify the rock mass structure in For these traditional parameters, the scales of
the quantitative Hoek et al. (2013) Chart, five alter- values previously established by Tzamos and Sofianos
native options to scale the vertical axis (Scale B) of the (2007) for correlating the different rock mass fabric
Chart are presented in the follow. indices have been adopted without significant
The parameters identified for this aim include some modifications.
combinations of ratings of the RMR89 classification All proposed parameters can be easily quantified
system, besides other traditional parameters directly from rock face surveys and drill core logging and their

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Fig. 6 New quantification scales proposed for the original 2013 Hoek-Carter-Diederichs Chart

meaning has been well established for many years been included in the scale parameter for the x-axis,
through common engineering geological practice. as they represent properties that can be more
An alternative scale parameter for the horizontal properly related to the degree of interlocking of
axis (Scale A) of the Chart has been also proposed the rock mass structure (see § 3).
in the present work, consistent with the terms used On the basis of selected parameters, five new
in the original Marinos-Hoek’s Chart to describe the equations to quantify the GSI have been developed
condition of discontinuities. In particular, the sum of and presented.
the RMR89 ratings for the surface conditions of Figure 6 shows the new parameters proposed for
discontinuities, namely the roughness (R4c), the scaling the two axes of the 2013 GSI Chart, compared
infilling (R4d) and the weathering (R4e), has been to the original scales suggested by Hoek-Carter-
considered. In such a way, the horizontal scale is Diederichs; Table 2 summarizes the new Eqs. 1–5
well adherent to the original definition of the developed to calculate GSI on the basis of the
discontinuity conditions used in the Hoek-Marinos proposed scale parameters.
Chart. The ratings for length (persistence) and The use of the full scale range for the vertical axis of
aperture of discontinuities (R4a and R4b) have not the GSI chart (Scale B = 0–50 points in Fig. 6) is

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 2 New equations for Ref. Fig. 6 GSI = Scale A ? Scale B

assessing GSI developed to
quantify the 2013 Chart Eq. 1 GSI = 2.5 (R4c ? R4d ? R4e)-8.59 ln(Jv) ? 39.74 [for Jv B 100]
Eq. 2 GSI = 2.5 (R4c ? R4d ? R4e) ? 1.56 (R2 ? R3 - 8)
Eq. 3 GSI = 2.5 (R4c ? R4d ? R4e) ? 1.14 (R2 ? R3 ? R4a ? R4b-8)
Eq. 4 GSI = 2.5 (R4c ? R4d ? R4e) ? 8.72 ln(S) ? 20.21
Eq. 5 GSI = 2.5 (R4c ? R4d ? R4e) ? 8.49 ln(RQD/Jn) ? 10.5 [for RQD/Jn B 100]

Fig. 7 RQD values (left) and RMR89 ratings for joints condition (right) typical of the tested rock mass

motivated only considering that the scale parameters et al. (2013) Chart, about 350 rock mass data
used in new equations are borrowed from Q, RMR and gathered in the underground during the excavation
RMi classification systems, which are applicable also of an hydraulic tunnel in the Western Italian Alps,
in the rock mass category referred to ‘‘massive-low mainly involving pre-Mesozoic polimetamorphic
jointed’’ (upper row of the original 2000 GSI Chart) gneissic hard rocks of the alpine Pennidic basement,
(see Tzamos and Sofianos 2007). have been analyzed.
However, according to concepts well established The surveys were performed during the drill-and-
by previous Authors (see e.g., Carter et al. 2008; blast excavation of a 6 m span tunnel. The rock
Hoek et al. 2013; Carter and Marinos 2014), the consists of jointed quartz-feldspar gneiss having an
quantitative charts should not be used for estimating average value of the uniaxial compressive strength of
GSI in massive/low jointed rock masses that, the intact rock of about 100 MPa.
depending on the scale of the engineering problem The RQD of the rock mass, as estimated by tunnel
with respect to the rock mass scale, do not satisfy face mapping, mostly ranges in the interval 80–100%
fundamental conditions for homogeneity and iso- (Fig. 7a). The parameter Jv (volumetric joint count)
tropy. For these rock masses the adoption of the spans between 1 and 15, indicating a low to moderate
original qualitative approach is still considered more degree of jointing of the rock mass.
appropriate. Relevant rock discontinuities are, for most part,
slightly rough, unweathered or slightly weathered,
feeble open and with thin hard infillings; the joint
5 Validation of the New Chart Quantification condition factor JCond89 of the Bieniawski’s RMR89
classification mostly lies in the range 12722 (Fig. 7b).
In order to test the credibility and potentiality of the With few exceptions, the excavated rock mass falls
proposed alternative quantifications of the Hoek in classes II and III of the RMR89 classification.

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Fig. 8 Rock mass dataset plotted in the 2013 Hoek-Carter-Diederichs GSI Chart and in the proposed alternative charts

Figure 8 displays the field data plotted in the Hoek Except for the 2013 Chart, where the data concen-
et al. 2013 Chart and in the five alternative charts trate in the upper region of the chart, which is mainly
proposed. pertinent to ‘‘massive-low jointed’’ rock masses

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Fig. 9 Comparison between mapped and calculated GSI

(RQD [ 80%, see Figs. 6 and 7a), in proposed alter- The values of GSI predicted by new Eqs. 1–5 (ref.
native charts data mostly fall in the conventional range Table 2) have been checked against field mapped GSI
where rock mass can be though of as ‘‘blocky’’ and estimated from the direct observation of the excava-
quantitative methods for assessing GSI can be applied. tion faces.

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Figure 9 shows the correlations obtained between Applicability of the new GSI Chart do not over-
mapped and predicted GSI. come the known limitations related to application of
The diagrams show that the correlation between quantitative methods and, therefore, should be utilized
calculated and mapped GSI is reasonably close to the only for common-size engineering designs in jointed
ideal 1:1 relationship especially for new Eqs. 2 and 3, hard rocks.
while deviations become more apparent using other The comparison between GSI values predicted
equations. using the proposed alternative equations and those
On the basis of such a comparison, it can be mapped during a real underground excavation work
observed that the best approximation is obtained by has demonstrated that Eq. 3, which uses a combina-
scaling the horizontal and vertical axes of the GSI tion of RMR89 ratings for RQD, spacing, persistence
Chart using parameters defined by appropriate com- and aperture of discontinuities to scale the vertical axis
binations of the traditional ratings used in the RMR89 of the Hoek et al. (2013) Chart, has the best predictive
classification system. potential for the examined case.
In particular, for the examined dataset the best Such a new quantification can, thus, represent a
predictive potential has been demonstrated by Eq. 3, simple and promising approach for practical uses in
which uses a scale parameter to quantify the rock mass engineering geological characterization of jointed
structure (Scale B on the y-axis) based on the sum of hard rocks.
the RMR89 ratings for RQD, spacing, persistence and
aperture of discontinuities.
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design. In: Proceedings 1st international conference on
commonly assessed during routine rock mass field applied empirical design methods in mining, Lima-Perú,
investigations. 9–11th June, 19
In particular, they include parameters in general use Carter TG, Diederichs MS, Carvalho JL (2008) Application of
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