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Bible Reading

Genesis 6 and Acts of the Apostles 6

Old Testament:
1. When the Lord saw the wickedness of human beings, what happened to the heart of God?
”Evil as the only thought of his heart”
2. The ark is made up of what kind of wood? Cyprus Wood
New Testament:
1. Who made a complaint against the Hebrews, because their widows are being neglected?
2. Who is the person that the people of Cyrians and Alexandrians debated and they cannot
withstand? Stephen

Genesis 7 and Acts of the Apostles 7

Old Testament:
1. How many days and nights God brought rain on earth? 40 days and 40 nights
2. The Lord wiped out every being on earth as high as 10 (ten) cubit?
New Testament:
1. Where did Abraham and hid family got buried? Shechem
2. Who said this, “Behold I see the heavens opened and the son of man standing at the hand
of God.” Stephen
Genesis 8 and Acts of the Apostles 8
Old Testament:
1. In the second month of the 27th day of the month, the earth was dry.
2. When the Lord smelled the aroma, the Lord said to himself,” Never again will I curse the
New Testament:
1. The name of the magician who has been baptized and converted by Stephen. Simon
2. The way of Jerusalem, joint to Gaza is a desert place.

Genesis 9 and Acts of the Apostles 9

Old Testament:
1. The sons of Noah who came out of the Ark were Ham, Jahpheth and Shem
2. Who is the Father of Canaan? Ham
New Testament:
1. Who was the disciple from Damascus asked by the Lord to look for Saul?
2. Where did Saul go when he was plotted to be killed by Damascus?
Genesis 10 and Acts of the Apostles 10
Old Testament:
1. Who is the first mighty warrior on earth? Nimrod
2. His name means; the world is divided in the time of Ham. Peleg
New Testament:
1. He saw heaven opened and something resembling a large sheet coming down. Peter
2. Who said this; “God shows no partiality.” Peter
Genesis 11 and Acts of the Apostles 11
Old Testament:
1. How old was Shetan when he begot Eber? 30 yrs old
2. How old was Nanor when he begot Teran? 29 yrs old
New Testament:
1. Whose hands was with them that a great number believed in them?
The hand of the Lord
2. What place where the disciples first called Christians?
Genesis 12 and Acts of the Apostles 12
Old Testament:
1. How old was Abraham when he departed from Haran? 75 years old
2. Who is the beautiful woman that attracted the eyes of the Pharoah? Sarai
New Testament:
1. Who said this: “Put on your belt and your sandals”? Angel
2. When Herod left Judea, where did he go? Caesarea

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