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As a student I am able to utilize the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle by:

As students we have to be able to watch our health because this is a sensitive time for growth

Here are some tips to a healthy diet:

 Learn proper portion size

 Vary your meals
 Eat breakfast
 Keep healthy snacks around
 Drink moderately
 Don't fight stress by eating
 Drink water
 Limit sugary and caffeinated beverages
 Try to eat fruits and veggies
 Limit junk food
 Make it convenient to eat right
 Don't skip meals
 Indulge every once in a while
 Take vitamins
 Get help for eating disorders

Now for exercises since students are able to exercise with proper time management here are some
exercise tips for students:

 Stretch first.
 Ride your bike.
 Play a sport
 Use safety equipment
 Head to the gym
 Take advantage of fitness courses.
 Walk to class.
 Incorporate different kinds of exercise in your routine
 Make it fun
 Bring a friend.
 Take advantage of open spaces.

When talking about a healthy lifestyle it doesn’t just mean physically it can also mean mentally. You
should always take care of your mental health and know when you need someone to be there for you.
Here are some examples of mental health tips:

 Don't be afraid to ask for help.

 Keep in touch with family and friends.
 Build new friendships
 Expect things to change.
 Understand that it may take time to fit in.
 Don't let stress get the best of you.
 Realize you don't have to please everyone
 Know the signs of depression.
 Build on your confidence
 Find strength in numbers
 Volunteer.
 Get involved on campus.
 Set goals.

These are just a few of many things you can do as students to help yourself to a better lifestyle the key is
just to be wary of yourself and always know your limits.

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