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No. E(NG)T/2018/PM I /4 New Delhi , Date: I y.12.2018

The General Ma11agcrs
All Zonal Railways & PUs
(As per Standard Iist)

Sub: Introduction of 100% -- Objective Paper for promotional

examination to expedite and simplify examination process.

The promotion of staff within Croup 'C' by "Selection" or " non-selection"

process and Group 'D' to 'C' is regulated by provision contained in Section 'B' of
Chapter-IJ o f Indian Rail way Establishment Manual Vol ume I; and instructions
contained in Board's letter No.E(NG)U98/PM l/17 dated 20 .10.1999 and other
instructions issued from ti ml' to time.

2. The existing system of examination conducted f()r filling up promotional posts

has been rev iewed by the Board and to bring objectivity to the selection process it has
been decided as under:-

(i) The question paper wili henceforth be 100% Objective Type;

(ii) All the questions will be of muitiplc choice only;
(iii) A large Questiou Bank may be created from which the questio ns ca n be
selected randomly for conducting a Computer Based Test;
(iv) Railways may co nduct exa mination m CBT mode or pen and paper
depending on their preparedness;
(v) If com puter based Test takes Lime Lo implement, the tests may be
conducted on OM!<. sheets, wh ich shall ha ve a ca rbon copy, kept in safe
custody of officer nc'minated by the ::w!!1ority nomi nating the Selection
Co mmittee at HQ/Division/ PU /Workshop;
(vi) OMH ca n be cvaluat.ccl manually. A model Answe r Sheet shall be given by
the paper setter in a separate -.:oYer on conclusion of the examination;
(vii) To ensure the aut hcnticlty of the answers , cutting, overwriting, erasing or
alteratio n of any type in the ?.nswcr will nut be accep ted. Zero marks wi ll
be given for Amwcr having correction /over writing;
(viii) T h,erc shall be negative milrking for incorrect Answers . One third of the
marks allotted for each question will be deducted for wro ng Answers;
(ix) Respo nsibility fen evaluation shall be with the Officer nominated for
(x) T he system of cod ir1g & dccod ing of answer sheets will con tinue;

.. .21-

(xi) Any selection which has already been notified will be cond ucted as per the
existing instructions only and the new instructions would apply for those
selections which are notified after the date of issue of these instructions;

3. The above changes would be aprlicable t o all Departments, except Accounts

and RPF, who deal with their nwn establishments.

Please ackno wledge receipt.

~ c,
Jt. Director/Estt.(N)
Railway Board

No. E(NG)I/20 18/PM 1/4 New Delhi, Date: .12.2018

Copy forwarded to:-

1. The General Secretary, All Indian Railwavmcn's Federation, Room No.253, Rail
Bhawan, New Delhi (3 5 copies).
2. The General Secretary, National Federation of lndian Railwaymen , Room No.256-E ,
Rail Bhawan , New IJelhi (35 copies).
3. All Members , Departmental Council and National Council and Secretary , Staff Side,
National Council, 13-C, fc rozeshah Road, New Delhi (60 spares).
4. The Secretary General, Federation of Railway Officers Associat·ion, Room No.256-A,
Rail Bhawan , New Delhi (."i <;pares) .
5. The Secretary General, Tndit1n Railway Promotee Officers Association , Room No .268,
Rail Bhawan . New Delhi (5 spares).
6. The General Secretary, All India RPF Association, Room No.256-D, Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi- 11000 I.
7. The Secretary, RBSS Group 'A' Otficers Association , Rail Bhawan, New Delhi .
8. The Secretary , RBSS Group 'B' Officers Association, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
9. The Secretary, Railway Board Ministerial Staff Association, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
10. The Secretary , Railway Boa rd Group 'D' Employees Association , Rail Bhawan, New
11. The Secretary Railway Board Promotec Officers Association, Room No.341 -C, Rail
Bhawan, New Delhi .
12. Chief Commissioner of' Railway Safety, Lucknow.
13. Adviser (Safety), Railway Board. New Delh i.
14. The Director General & Ex Ofli cio Gcn~ral Manager, RDSO, Lucknow.
15. The Managcr / HRD, R.L.DA , Neat Safda~jung Railway Station, Motibagh-1, New
Delhi-11 002 I .
16. DFCCIL, 5' Floor. Pragari Maidan , Metro Station Complex, New Delhi -11000 1.
17. Office of Chief 1\.dmini~trative Officer, Indian Rdilways(Workshop Projects), Chamber
Bhawan, Judge 's Court Road, Anta Ghat, Patna-800001, Bihar.

. .. 3/-

18. The Chief" Mechanical Lngincer, Indian Rc1ilways Organisation For Alternate Fuels,
12th F loor, Cnrr:- l, ScrJ1X' Minilt. Di'lll ict Centre , L.axmi Nagar, Delhi -92 .
19. General Secretary, All India SCs & STs RJilway Employees Association , Room No .7
(Ground 1:1oor), Rail f3h awan , New Delhi.
20. Chief Administrat ive 01-Ticer, Rail Coach Factory / Racbareli Project, Kishanganj ,
21. Adviser (Projects), Room No .548. M ./ 0 Railway:;, Rail I3hawan, New Delhi.
22. President, RUSS Group 'A' Officer A~sociation, Room No .3 70, Rail Bhavan, New
23. General Secretary, Railway Board Ncn-Ministerial Staff Assoc iat ion, Room No.42,
Rail Bhavan , New Delhi.
24. Chief Admn Officer, Indian Railwa·ys Organisation for Alternative Fuels, 12 111 floor,
Core-l, SCOP I·: Minar, District Cent re, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi -- 110009.
25 . C hairman, T echnology Mission for Indian Railways (TMJR) , Room No.2 18, Rail
Bhawan, New Delhi-11000i .
26. Co-Chairman, Technology Mission f(H Jndian R ailways (TMI R) , Room No.2 18, Rail
Bhawan , New Delhi -110001.
27. Cha irman, Advisory Gro11p of Experrs (AGE). Rl)Om No.2l8, Rail Bhawan , New
Delhi-1 1000 I .
28. The Convener Member. Arlvisorv Group nf Experts (AGE) , J~{ oom No .218., Rail
Bhawan, Ncvv Delhi- I I000 l ~l-
for Secreta !~Board
PSs to MR, MoS(G), MoS(S),
PPSs to CR13, FC, MS, MRS, MT. MTR, ME. Sc..:retary, DG(P) , DG(S&T), DG(RS) ,
DG/RHS and DG / RPF.

PPSs to AM(Comml. ), AM(CE), AM(C&lS) , Aiv1(E lec .), AM(B udgct ), AM(F) ,
AM(Mech .), AM(Plg .) , AM(Projcct), AM(PU) , AM(Sig.), AM(Storcs), AM(Tele),
AM(Traffic), AM(Works), AM(T&C), AM(S taff) , Adv.(TR) and Adv.(Vig.)

PSs to ED F in(BG), EIJ(Safcty), EDCE(G) , ED(E&R), EDE , l~ DE(N), EDME(W) ,

ED(Projects) , EDU~S(G) , EIJE(Res.), ED.E(RRB) , t:JJE(Fin), EIJF(B), ED(Planning) ,
ED(RE), ED(Sig), EO/Track(M), .EDF(X)l , EOF(X) l l, ED(H), EDLM, EDE (GC),
EDRE(S&T), ED(Stat), FDRS(S) , ED(Track / MC), ED(T&MPP), EDME(Chg.),
EDME(Traction) , ED(Works), EDME(DAv.) , EDRE(S), EDRS(C), EDRS(W) , EDPC ,
EDF(E), EDA. ED V(A), J S(G), JS(E&P) and JS and fG/RPF.

JD(OL), DPC-1 , lJPC - II , DE(G), D(J H) , D(H&FW), D(MPP), Di.r.(Safety)J,

Dir.(Safety)fl , Dir.(Safety) lll , UE(N)fl, DE(R). DE(D&A) , DE(LL), JDE(Rcp), JDE(GP),
JDE(RRB), DD(Code Revision). DD(Health), DDE(N), DDE(LR)I, DDE(LR)II ,
DDE(LR)III, US(/\) , DDF(D&A) , DDV(A&P), DDE(Rep) 1, DDE(Rep)Tl, DD(OL)I,
DD(OL)II, E(D&J\). E(GP) . E(NG)l l, E(Rep)l, E(Rep)l l , E(Rep)lll " E(SCT)l, E(SCT) II ,
E(RRB), ERB-11 , ERB-V, PC Ill , PC-TV, PC- V, E(P&A) I, E(P&A) fl , CE -I , CE-lT, CE -fll,
Sec.(E), Sec.(ABE) . E(MPP), E(G) , Hec:ith Branch, Safety Branch, A / C -lll & Code
R evision Cell.


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