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10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 1

Assessment of existing composite bridges

Stephen Hicks & Jing Cao

Heavy Engineering Research Association, Auckland, New
A note to the audience
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 2

• This presentation is based on research report RR 602 – Evaluation of shear connectors in

composite bridges.
• While the NZ Transport Agency provided investment, the research was undertaken
independently, and the resulting findings should not be regarded as being the opinion,
responsibility or policy of the Transport Agency or indeed of any NZ Government agency.
• The Transport Agency is established under the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
The objective of the Transport Agency is to undertake its functions in a way that
contributes to an efficient, effective and safe land transport system in the public interest.
The Transport Agency funds innovative and relevant research that contributes to this
• People using this research should apply and rely on their own skill and judgement and, if
necessary, they should seek appropriate legal or other expertise regarding its use.
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 3

• Since the early 1920’s steel-concrete composite bridges

have been used on New Zealand’s State Highway
• Unfortunately, many shear connector types that have
been utilized are not supported by current design rules
within the standards referenced in the NZ Transport
Agency’s Bridge manual (including international design
• Present paper presents results from a 2-year research
programme that has developed design rules for the load
assessment of existing composite road bridges within
New Zealand
Distribution of composite bridges in each NZTA region (n = 269)
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 4

Source: NZ Transport Agency (2009) Bridge data system structural guide

Canterbury and West Coast Case Study Information (MoW data)
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 5

S he a r Cle a t De t a ils Ma t e r i a l P r o p e r t i e s ( MP a ) ** De c k S t e e l
S t ruc t ura l Tr a n s v e r s e Lo n g i t u d i n a l
Ye a r De s ig n Co mpo s it De c k S t e e l Co nc re t e
SH RS RP Na me Dra wing s S pa n B e a m Ty p e Steel Fu rt h e r D e t a i l s
Co ns t ruc t e d Lo a d i n g e S t y le S pa c ing Cro s s s e c t io n Le n g t h Th i c k n e s s No rm a l Co m pre s s iv e Dia me t e S pa c in Dia me t e
No rm a l S pa c ing
D e s i g n S t r e s s S t r e n g t h *** r g r
De s ig n
1S 247 0 HURUNUI RIVER BRIDGE 1927 HCH 45 pla t e girde rs Ye s Rive t e re d Angle s 3.5' -3' 3" x 2" 8" 0.5" 9" 1' 3" x 2" x 0.5" x 8" long
73 191 0 TAIP O RIVER BRIDGE 1935 ot he r HCH 1220 22.45m pla t e girde rs Ye s Rive t e re d Angle s VARIOUS 3" x 2" 7.5" 0.5" 0.5" 3" x 2" x 0.5" x 7.5" long
73 121 10.1 BROAD S TREAM BRIDGE 1953 H20_S 16 HCH755, 6/ 142/ 33/ 7604/ 1-4 50' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 6" 4" x 2" 6" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 6" long
79 42 0 OP UHA RIVER (S KIP TONS ) BRIDGE 1953 H20_S 16 P D144351 HCH710/ 1 59.25' pla t e girde rs Ye s Mild Fla t S t e e l P la t e s 1' 2", 1' 6", 2' (va rious) 2.5" x 3/ 8" 2.5" se ve ra l diffe re nt t ype s, 2.5" x 3/ 8" MS Fla t 2.5" wide
7 78 9.18 GORGE S TREAM BRIDGE 1954 H20_S 16 HCH585/ 2&3 pla t e girde rs Ye s Mild Fla t S t e e l P la t e s 2' , 1' 6", 1' 2" 2.5" x 3/ 8" 2.5" 6 diffe re nt t ype s out of 2.5" x 3/ 8" fla t pla t e
7 78 2.8 S HALE P EAK (BOUNDARY) S TREAM BRIDGE 1955 H20_S 16 HCH1070/ 1 40' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' , 1' 6", 4" x 2" 6" 0.5" 5.5" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 6" long
80 35 0 TWIN S TREAM BRIDGE 1955 H20_S 16 P D152182 HCH246/ 3 35' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' 3", 1' 10" 4" x 2" 0.5" 5' 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 6" long
73 68 0 KOWAI BRIDGE No. 1 1956 H20_S 16 HCH1099 50' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 21" 4" x 1 5/ 8" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 4" x 1 5/ 8" x 6.25# , 8" long
6 695 7.71 J AMIE CREEK BRIDGE 1957 H20_S 16 GCH 5668/ 1 40' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' 3", 1' 6", 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 152 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
7 98 0 HOP E RIVER BRIDGE 1957 H20_S 16 HCH562/ 23,6/ 79/ 25/ 7504/ 1-7 110' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' 5" x 2.5" 5" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 7" 0.5" 5" x 2.5" x 10.2lb
7 152 14.04 TOBINS BRIDGE 1957 H20_S 16 WP T1826|HCH1324/ 5 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6", 2" 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 5/ 8" 9" 0.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
6 695 4.34 P OTTERS CREEK BRIDGE 1958 H20_S 16 GCH 5669/ 2 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' 6", 2' 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
7 78 4.19 BOUNDARY(DEEP ) S TREAM BRIDGE 1958 H20_S 16 HCH1142/ 17 90' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
7 224 0 BIG GREYBRIDGE (GREYRIVER) 1958 H20_S 16 P DH153431HCH1411-7 60' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 767 9.86 IMP GROTTO BRIDGE 1959 H20_S 16 GR 7318 GCH 5740 49.5' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 6" 4" x 2" 6" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 6" long
7 78 1.13 WATERFALL (HANDYS IDES ) S TREAM BRIDGE 1959 H20_S 16 HCH1244/ 10 50' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 15.5" 4" x 2" 9.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 9.5" long
7 152 9.95 INANGAHUA RIVER BRIDGE 1959 H20_S 16 WP T1650HCH1340/ 6 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6", 2" 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
8 85 1.97 S AWDON S TREAM BRIDGE 1959 H20_S 16 HCH1130/ 7 59.25' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 6" 5/ 8" 8" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 6" long
8 85 6.91 EDWARDS S TREAM BRIDGE 1959 H20_S 16 HCH1131/ 9 59.25' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 6" 5/ 8" 8" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 6" long
6 313 0 BLACKWATER RIVER BRIDGE 1960 H20_S 16 HCH 1117/ 13, 16, 17, 22,25 & 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 5" x 2.5" 5" 0.5" 6" 0.5" 5" x 2.5" x 10.2"
6 416 0 NINE MILE (KOTOREP I) CREEK BRIDGE 1960 H20_S 16 MOW 3859 HCH 1608/ 5 ot he r Ye s S t uds 1' 3" a nd 2' 3/ 4' dia 5/ 8" 9" 0.5" 2 3/ 4" dia st uds wit h 1" upse t he a ds (3.5" spa c ing, 5" high)
6 695 6.63 TUI S TREAM BRIDGE 1960 ot he r HCH 1329/ 1 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6" 2' 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 137 152 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
6 695 9.48 KIWI CREEK BRIDGE 1960 H20_S 16 HCH5778/ 1 GCH 5695-3 50' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 6" 5/ 8" 7" 0.5" 12" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long
7 196 10.6 LITTLE GREYRIVER (MAIMAI) BRIDGE 1960 H20_S 16 HCH 1605/ 3&8 65' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 5" x 2.5" 6" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 5" x 2.5" x 10.22 lbs RS C 6" long
7 212 1.4 LITTLE GREYRIVER (MAWHERAITI) BRIDGE 1960 H20_S 16 P D157762|HCH1436-14 pla t e girde rs Ye s S t uds 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6",1' 5", 4 x 3/ 4" dia 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4 x 3/ 4" dia 4" high, spa c e d 2.5" wit h 1"dia he a d
6 501 2.8 CLEAR CREEK BRIDGE 1961 H20_S 16 HCH 1536/ 4 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6", 2' 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 10 1/ 2" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
6 596 10.35 TATARE S TREAM BRIDGE 1961 H20_S 16 HCH 1566/ 1, 3&5 70' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long
6 695 6.78 WAIHUKA S TREAM BRIDGE 1961 H20_S 16 GR7498HCH5818/ 1 GCH 5818-1 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' 6", 2' 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 137 152 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 10.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
6 695 8.94 RANDOM CREEK BRIDGE 1961 H20_S 16 GR7223|HCH5695/ 3 GCH 5695-3 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6", 2" 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 137 152 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 10.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
6 695 11.92 P ANEL CREEK BRIDGE 1961 H20_S 16 GR 7508 GCH 5779-3 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6" 2' 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 137 152 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 10.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
7 78 11.6 MANUKA CREEK BRIDGE 1961 H20_S 16 HCH1570/ 11 + 5/ 2293/ 1/ 7544 45' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' , 1' 6", 1' 4" 5" x 2.5" 5" 5/ 8" 0.5"
7 255 3.11 ARNOLD RIVER BRIDGE 1961 H20_S 16 GR7898|HCH1538-9 100' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 519 20.37 HURLEYS CREEK BRIDGE 1962 H20_S 16 HCH1912/ 1 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' , 1' 3", 1' 6", 2' 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 10 1/ 2" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
7 212 6.59 BLACKWATER CREEK BRIDGE 1962 H20_S 16_T16 WP T1567|HCH1776/ 2 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 1' ,1' 3",1' 6",2' 5"x 3" 6" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long
6 541 0 WANGANUI RIVER BRIDGE 1963 H20_S 16 HCH1253/ 6 20' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' 1' 5", 1' 6", 2' 5" x 2.5" 4" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 5" x 2.5" 4" long
6 709 11.74 MOERAKI RIVER BRIDGE 1963 H20_S 16 GR7808GCH5924/ 2 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 723 12.63 S HIP CREEK BRIDGE 1963 H20_S 16 HCH 1912/ 3 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
7 196 0.07 INANGAHUA RIVER (REEFTON) BRIDGE 1963 H20_S 16_T16 HCH 1825/ 6 60' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 695 2.63 DICKS CREEK BRIDGE 1964 H20_S 16 HCH 1964/ 2 I be a ms Ye s We lde d VAngle s 2' 5" x 3" 6" 3/ 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 3" x 3" x 3/ 8" a ngle 5" high
6 740 0 WAITA RIVER BRIDGE 1964 H20_S 16 GCH 5926/ 2 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' , 1' 7", 2' 4" x 2" 8" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 282 3.42 BENS CREEK BRIDGE 1965 H20_S 16 HCH 1910/ 5 100' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 5" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 1' - 1' 2" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 5" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 709 7.52 KAKA CREEK BRIDGE 1965 H20_S 16 HCH 2083/ 1 50' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long
6 723 0 WHAKAP OHAI RIVER BRIDGE 1965 H20 S 16 T44 HCH1783/ 10 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 626 0 WAIKUKUP A RIVER BRIDGE 1966 H20_S 16_T16 HCH 1946/ 6 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 750 13.95 GLITTER BURN BRIDGE 1966 H20_S 16 GCH 5661/ 2 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 416 9.62 MCLEANS CREEK BRIDGE 1967 H20_S 16_T16 HCH 1944/ 3 30' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 11" 4" x 2" 5" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 5" x 7# c le a t s 5" long
6 584 0 WAITANGITAONA RIVER BRIDGE 1967 H20_S 16_T16 6/ 57/ 3/ 7604 HCH 943/ 8 24.8m pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 610 mm 120mm x51mm 200 mm 102 x 51 x 10kg/ m c ha nne l 200mm long
82 17 3.1 WAIHAO RIVER (S TH BRANCH) DOUGLAS BRIDGE 1967 H20_S 16_T16 HCH2072/ 5 60' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 15.5" 4" x 2" 5" 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 12" 4" x 2" x 7# RS C 5" long
6 723 9.97 COLE CREEK BRIDGE 1968 H20_S 16_T16 HCH 2130/ 2 50.75' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long
40' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' 11.5" 4" x 2" 5" 4" x 2" x 5" long
7 212 8.14 S NOWYRIVER BRIDGE 1970 H20_S 16_T16 WP T2301|HCH3047/ 3 30' I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' 10" 4" x 2" 4" 8" 4" x 2" x 4" long
6 783 0.63 MACP HERS ON CREEK BRIDGE 1972 H20_S 16_T16 HCH 2702/ 6 60' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 783 6.21 P IVOT CREEK BRIDGE 1972 H20_S 16_T16 HCH 2580/ 6 59' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 8" 0.5" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 416 8.09 COAL CREEK No.2 BRIDGE 1973 H20_S 16_T16 HCH 2917/ 17 100' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 2' 4" x 2" 8" 137 20.7 5/ 8" 6" 0.5" 11" 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
6 767 8.71 DEP OT CREEK BRIDGE 1975 HN_HO_72 GR8414/ 8HCH3555/ 2 80' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' , 1' 7", 2' 4" x 2" 8" 275.8* 20.7 4" x 2" x 7.09 lbs RS C 8" long (a lt e rna t ive US A se c t ion 4" x 1 3/ 4" x 7.25lbs)
8 146 1.42 P UKAKI-OHAU CANAL CROS S ING 1976 HN_HO_72 HCH 3815 117' pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 20", 9' 5" x 2.5" 8" 275.8* 24.1 5" x 2.5" x 8" 10lb C
6 709 4.16 BOULDER CREEK BRIDGE 1977 HN_HO_72 6/ 66/ 1/ 7604 45' 9" pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' , 1' 6" 5" x 2.5" 8" 13 mm 12" 5" x 2.5" x 10lb/ ft RS C 8" long
79' 12" pla t e girde rs Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 1' , 2' 5" x 2.5" 8" 5" x 2.5" x 10lb/ ft RS C 8" long
73 107 7.18 RIBBONWOOD S TREAM BRIDGE 1978 HN_HO_72 6/ 141/ 1/ 7604 22.45m I be a ms Ye s We lde d Cha nne ls 300mm/ 400mm/ 500mm 127mm x64 mm 200mm 127 x 64 x 14.9 kg/ m RS C 200 mm long
Survey of shear connector types
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 6

South Island: 60 composite bridges located in Canterbury

and the West Coast (Region 11 and 12)

North Island: 50 composite bridges located in Gisborne and

Hawke’s Bay (Region 5 and 6)
Most utilized shear connector types
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 7

Welded channel Welded V-angle

shear connectors shear connectors
Historical material strengths given in current NZ MoW publications
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 8

Structural steel Estimated compressive concrete

strengths based on specifications at the
time of construction
Construction Yield strength Normal design Allowable
Normal Allowable
date fy stress* [MPa] overstress† Specified
design overstress*
[MPa] Construction date strength fc
[MPa] stress*
[MPa] [MPa]
Prior to 1935 206.8 fs=110.3 144.8 [MPa]
(30,000 psi) (16,000 psi) (21,000 psi) Prior to 1932 14.0 4.1 6.2
fv= 75.8 100.0 1933-1940 17.0 5.5 7.6
(11,000 psi) (14,500 psi) 1941-1970 21.0 6.9 9.0
1936 to 1940 206.8 fs= 124.1 165.5 1971 and later 25.0 - -
(30,000 psi) (18,000 psi) (24,000 psi)
fv= 86.2 113.8
(12,500 psi) (16,500 psi)
1941 to 1970 227.5 fs= 137.9 186.2
(33,000 psi) (20,000 psi) (27,000 psi)
fv= 93.1 124.1
(13,500 psi) (18,000 psi)
1970 to 1980‡ 250, 275, 340, - -
Historical structural steel mechanical properties from current NZTA
project (British Standards)
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 9

Yield stress fy Tensile strength fu

Year Standard
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
mm min min max
1906 386.12 441.28
1912 - 386.12 455.07
1930 BS15 386.12 455.07
1936 BS15 - 386.12 455.07
1941 CF(15)7376 - 386.12 455.07
≤19 247.04 386.12 455.07
1948-1961 BS15 38 231.6 386.12 455.07
>38 227.74 386.12 455.07
≤31.75 355.12 510.23 592.97
1934-1942 BS548
44.45 339.68 510.23 592.97
Bridge 57.15 324.24 510.23 592.97
w/d 1965 69.85 308.8 510.23 592.97
>69.85 293.36 510.23 592.97
1941 BS968 Bridge Mechanical properties the same as BS548
≤19.05 324.24 482.65 565.39
>19.05 293.36 455.07 537.81
BS968 ≤15.88 355.12 441.28 537.81
1962 31.75 347.4 441.28 537.81
50.80 339.68 441.28 537.81
Channel shear connector design models
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 10

• No rules given in Eurocodes although, through NZS CSA Pashan AISC Baran &
consultation with IABSE WC2, a popular form of 3404 S16-09 & 360-10 Topkaya
shear connector in the UK and Germany (in the Hosain
latter case, connector type used extensively
n 84 84 84 84 84
between 1950 and 1960)
• New Zealand and North American design models  0.914 0.914 0.941 0.921 0.901
based on work by Viest et al.
• CAN/CSA-S16-09 and NZS 3404.1 b 1.48 1.2 0.83 1.14 0.71
PRk = n(t f + 0.5t w )b f c
Vr 27.1% 27.1% 23.4% 27.5% 29.1%
where n = 36.5 in NZS 3404 and n = 45 in CAN/CSA-
S16-09, tf is the flange thickness (mm), tw is the web  0.73 0.59 0.46 0.55 0.37
thickness (mm) and b is the length of the channel
• ANSI/AISC 360-10 modified original cf. AS 5100.6 value of  = 0.85
Viest et al. equation to include secant
modulus of concrete, Ecm
PRk = 0.3(t f + 0.5t w )b f cEcm
Proposed design rules
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 11
Studs - ‘Flexible shear connectors’

P Rk

Load per stud P (kN)

Slip  (mm)
‘Ductile’ shear connectors
when uk  6 mm
• New design equation for channel shear
connectors to ensure  = 0.85:
PRk = 31.3(t fsc + 0.5t wsc )Lsc f c
• Channel shear connectors may be considered
ductile (i.e. uk  6 mm) if:
0.124  H / t wsc / Lsc
where H, twsc and Lsc are the height, web thickness
and length of the channel shear connectors,
Design methodologies given in AS/NZS 2327 for composite beams in bending

10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 12
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 13

• From survey of 124 existing composite bridges (representing approximately

50% of this bridge type on New Zealand’s State Highway Network), channel
shear connectors are by far the most widely used.
• Present research also reviewed existing specifications and design standards
to identify expected nominal material strengths.
• From structural reliability analyses, predictions given by CAN/CSA-S16-09,
NZS 3404.1 and ANSI/AISC 360-10 for channel connectors are overoptimistic.
• New design model for channel connectors developed together with a semi-
empirical rule for determining whether they may be deemed to be ductile (for
plastic design).
• A design method utilizing partial shear connection theory is proposed to
enable the load assessment of existing bridges to be made.
• NTZA Research Report 602 published, which is available for free download
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 14

• Funding by NZ Transport Agency is gratefully acknowledged

(Project Number TAR 14/07)
• Thanks go to Opus International Consultants Ltd (c = co-
authors of RR 602)
• Chloe McKenziec
• Mehedi Chowdhuryc
• Ross Kaufusic
• Raed El Sarraf
• Jeremy Waldin
• Special thanks go to the members of the project steering
group: Nigel Lloyd of NZTA; Kenyon Graham of AECOM
(formerly SMEC); and Prof. G. Charles Clifton of the University
of Auckland.
IABSE 2020, Christchurch
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 15
10th Austroads Bridge Conference (ABC) 2017, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, 3-6 April 2017 16

Kopu Bridge near Thames, New Zealand (Photograph courtesy of

D&H Steel Construction)

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