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Topics: 1: The nature, goals and perspectives in/of Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science
Length: 35 mins.
Objectives: Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and political science.
5 mins. REVIEW/PRELIMINARIES Teacher GEM : Blessed Day Catbalogan! Hello and welcome to the School on
Air where we will have our weekly lesson in the new normal education.
(PAUSE) This is Understanding Culture, Society and Politics a core subject of
the Senior High School. (PAUSE)
AND FADE OUT I am Teacher GEM, greeting you on this beautiful day! (PAUSE) How are you
guys in surviving this time of pandemic? (PAUSE) Hoping that we are all safe
and healthy. (PAUSE) And so here we go! I hope you have your modules with
you this time as we are about to start our very first lesson on this beautiful
day on our subject Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. (PAUSE)

Let us enjoy the rest of the session. Let’s start. (PAUSE)

This module will help you understand the Nature, Goals and Perspectives in/of
Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science. (PAUSE)

So, I hope you are now ready. (PAUSE)

Now before we begin with our discussion of our first topic, please answer the
What I know portion of your module, this portion is your pre-test for the
lesson. (PAUSE) This will give you an idea of the skills or competencies you are
expected to learn in the module. Write your answers in your notebook.
4 mins. MOTIVATION Meanwhile, to activate and stimulate your mind allow me to play this song
from one of the best Filipino rapper, Gloc 9. (PAUSE)

(Playing Hari ng Tondo 4:24)

That was Hari ng Tondo, a searing song by Gloc 9 with the alluring voice of
Denise Barbacena, our favorite right? Especially when we watching its music
video in You tube. The message and the sounds. The lively rap and pop that
affects our emotions, make us excited and pumped up. (PAUSE) One of the
best OPM music featuring Philippine culture. (PAUSE)


Our lesson for today is Nature, Goals and Perspectives in/of Anthropology,
Sociology and Political Science.
15 mins. LESSON PROPER In our modern world, it is important to pay attention to the interplay of
culture, politics, and society. (PAUSE) These elements are essential in
understanding human behavior and social groups against the backdrop of
globalization and industrialization. (PAUSE)
It is therefore imperative that students must be well-equipped and well-
informed individuals who are familiar with the disciplines of political science,
anthropology, and sociology as learning aids in locating himself or herself
within his or her community and society. (PAUSE)
Welcome to the journey of Understanding Culture, Society and Politics! Prepare
yourself to discover how far you have gone in developing your essential life
skills in Understanding Culture, Society and Politics particularly in The
Nature, Goals and Perspectives in/of Anthropology, Sociology and Political
Science. (PAUSE)
So let us begin by discussing lesson one (1). (PAUSE)

In your module you will see a direction for What’s In portion. Identify the
picture and write your answer in the space provided either Anthropology,
Sociology or Political Science (2 points each). And for activity 1 and 2 for
What’s Knew portion, please read the directions carefully and then write your
answers in your notebook. (PAUSE)

Are you ready? In 1, 2, 3 smile and click! Go and answer it happily! (PAUSE)

Okay, let us proceed to the next. (PAUSE)

Why do you write those words? Here are things to learn about the nature and
goals of Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science. (PAUSE)
 The nature of culture refers to a theoretical foundation of contemporary
 It has been observed that the terms "nature" and "culture" that can not
necessarily be translated into non-western languages. (PAUSE)
Anthropology relates to sociology, it always describes human, human
behaviour and human societies around the world. It is a comparative science
that examines all societies. The term anthropology means scientific study of
man or human beings. Anthropology is a behavioral science that deals with the
study of culture. The components, characteristics, functions, modes of
adaptation of culture as well as cultural value and practices are studied in
Anthropology. The word anthropology is derived from the Greek words “logos”,
which means study and “anthropo”, which means man. (PAUSE)
Cultural anthropology studies, human societies and elements of cultural life.
An example of cultural anthropology is the Linguistic anthropology which
focuses on language in a certain society. The goal of studying anthropology is
to understand the origin human evolution and the diverse forms of its
existence throughout time. (PAUSE)

Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions.

Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the
family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared
beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in
whole societies. The purpose of sociology is to understand how human action
and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and
social structures. The word sociology was derived from two terms; “logos”,
which means study or science; and “socius”, which means group or
partners. (PAUSE)

Political Science is a social science that deals with humans and their
interactions. It is a branch of sociology; it essentially deals with the large-scale
actions of humans, and group mentality. It deals with the study of politics or
government. It also deals with the foundation of the state and the principles
of government. In political science, the way people govern themselves; the
various forms of government, their structures and their relationship to other
institutions in society are studied. (PAUSE)

In your module, you can see a diagram that follows shows the relativity of the
three multi-disciplines.

Do you understand class? (RECORDED YES MAAM)

Do you have any question? (RECORDED NONE MAAM).

Ok let us continue.

Goals of Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science

(a) Goals of Anthropology
1. Students will see human cultures – whether in texts religious rituals
and political or economic behavior from an anthropological
perspective. These insights can be applied both to cultures separated
from student’s own cultures by time or space as well their own
2. Students will learn that anthropology as a discipline has a strong
commitment to issues of social justice.
3. Students will understand the process of anthropological
interpretation and representation.

(b) Goals of Sociology

1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of cultural variation,
social differences, social changes and political identities.
2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the significance of
studying culture, society and politics.
3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for
studying anthropology, political science and sociology.
MUSIC FADE IN 5 SECOND 4. Students will develop and apply a comparative perspective to explain
AND FADE OUT the diversity of human societies.
5. Students will be able to describe how social structures and
institutions operate.
6. Students will be able to completely and effectively communicate
sociological concepts and their applications.

(c) Goals of Political Science

Students will –

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and principles of

political science in the structures, institutions, and processes of the
Philippines and other nation;
2. Apply the knowledge of the discipline, using technology as well as
traditional methods, to contemporary questions;
3. Organize ideas and focus them effectively on the issues on questions;
4. Demonstrate an outstanding of verbal and written communicative,
analytical and critical thinking skills in various academic and
professional settings;
5. Recognize their personal value systems and apply these to their own
social and political worlds; and
6. Provide content for integrating skills for teacher preparation,
graduate, and professionals.

Do you understand class? (RECORDED YES MAAM)

Do you have any question? (RECORDED NONE MAAM).

Great! You have successfully completed the lesson and indeed you have
understood the nature and goals of anthropology, sociology and political
science. By this time, you will explore the perspectives of anthropology,
sociology and political science. What do you think are these perspectives and
how important they are with anthropology, sociology and political science?
Now let’s find out in this next topic, Perspectives of Anthropology, Sociology
and Political Science. (PAUSE)
It was not easy to fill in the diagram on Activity 2 right? To be able to
understand, read the following concepts:

Anthropological perspectives are culture, cultural relativism, fieldwork,

human diversity, holism, bio-cultural focus. The four main perspectives of
Anthropology are the cross-cultural or comparative emphasis, its
evolutionary/historical emphasis, its ecological emphasis, and its holistic
emphasis (Dudgeon). An example for this is the analysis and solutions of the
different aspects of the society such as the environment issues of pollution, the
issues on health and medicine and other issues related to the human

Sociological perspective introduces the discipline of sociology, including

something about its history, questions, theory, and scientific methods, and
what distinguishes it from other social science disciplines. Central features
include social interaction and relationships, social contexts, social structure,
social change, the significance of diversity and human variation, and the
critical, questioning character of sociology. It also explores what sociologists

Sociology includes three major theoretical perspectives:

1. The functionalist perspective;
2. The conflict perspective; and
3. The symbolic interaction perspective. (PAUSE)

Theoretical perspective is used to analyse and explain objects of social study,

and facilitate organizing sociological knowledge. In functionalist perspective,
societies are thought to function like organisms, with various social
institutions working together like organs to maintain and reproduce societies.
The conflict perspective sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the
distribution of resources, power, and inequality. (PAUSE)

Political science perspective studies the tendencies and actions of people

which cannot be easily quantified or examined. Political science is more
focused than most social sciences. It sticks to the political arena and to the
realm of politics, either dealing with situations with two competing sides or the
lateral decisions that affect the group as a whole. An example is the study of
democracy as a form of government and why is democracy considered as the
best form of government. (PAUSE)

Did you understand class? (RECORDED “YES MAAM”)

Is everything is clear now? (RECORDED “YES MAAM”)
So if there are no questions/ Let us proceed to the next activities. (PAUSE)

Kindly answers the activities in your module and follow the given directions
with the process questions. (PAUSE)

10 mins. RECAP/GENERALIZATION Congratulations! You finish the module! Before you take off, let’s do some
/EVALUATION recap on what we have discussed today.
 How will you define Culture? --- defined as how people relate to nature
and their physical environment.
 What is Anthropology? ---relates to sociology, it always describes
human, human behaviour and human societies around the world. Also
means scientific study of man or human beings.
 What is Sociology? ---is the study of human social relationships and
 What is Political Science? ---a social science that deals with humans
and their interactions, it is a discipline that deals with several aspects
such as the study of state and government.
 The term “Politics” means ---study of government and the state.
 What is Cultural Anthropology? --- studies human societies and
elements of cultural life.
 What are the difference between Anthropological Perspective,
Sociological Perspective and Political Science Perspective?
---Anthropological perspectives are culture, cultural relativism,
fieldwork, human diversity, holism, bio-cultural focus.
---Sociological perspective introduces the discipline of sociology,
including something about its history, questions, theory, and scientific
methods, and what distinguishes it from other social science
--- Political science perspective studies the tendencies and actions of
people which cannot be easily quantified or examined. Political science
is more focused than most social sciences. It sticks to the political arena
and to the realm of politics, either dealing with situations with two
competing sides or the lateral decisions that affect the group as a whole.

Is everything is clear now? (RECORDED “YES MAAM”)

So if there are no more questions,/ let us have a post test/assessment to

check your learnings on the topics discussed. (PAUSE)

Please get your notebooks and pens and answer the questions. (PAUSE)

Are you ready?

Let us begin.

Directions: True or False. Analyze each statement. Write T If the statement is true and
write F if the statement is false. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
1. Culture is defined as how people relate to nature and their physical
2. The term “Politics” means scientific study of man or human beings.
3. Theoretical perspective is used to analyse and explain objects of social study,
and facilitate organizing sociological knowledge.
4. Anthropology always describes human, human behaviour and human societies
around the world.
5. Beliefs refer to the state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in
some person or thing.
6. Cultural perspective sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the
distribution of resources, power, and inequality.
7. Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions.
8. Sociological theory attempts to explain how the social world operates.
9. Political Science, social science that deals with humans and their interactions.
10. Nature of politics refers to a theoretical foundation of contemporary

Are you done?

If you are done, let us check. (PAUSE)
1. T 6. F
2. F 7. T
3. T 8. T
4. T 9. T
5. T 10. F

Who got perfect? If not, I hope that everybody got the passing score of 4.
MUSIC FADE IN 5 SECOND Let us give ourselves a word of appreciation by saying “LABAN SELF!”
5 mins. REMINDERS Before we end today, let me remind you to continue reading your modules
onwards so you can follow our discussions next meeting. (PAUSE)


2 mins. CLOSING It’s been a pleasure being with all of you today our dear leaners! (PAUSE)

I am your teacher for today, Teacher GEM reminding you to stay safe, stay at
home and always pray. (PAUSE)

Do not forget to clean your hands often, and follow health protocols. (PAUSE)

We heal as one through Bayanihands. (PAUSE)

Keep safe and God bless! (PAUSE)


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