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9.1 Internal Trade: Meaning and Types 9.2 Wholesale Trade: eaning and Servos 913 Retail Trade: Meaning and Types S14 Goods and Serves Tax (GST: Concept and Kay Features Matar s Sr Acreage on Dsante f Departmental tre Bestre scion rd Dexoarane Se beara ators As sd Dentro Ena Ses hapa etn Sierra Sa cre ann od Sars Od uns va steno tons Wrage tage sd ans leaning and Woes 1 Meaning of tena Trade as nr Woah sk ee st Se recs inates ea voting STs. has Guemokr saosin banana ey ale ys oa eee ‘eet egos ae is ees, ‘ver wrade has the ong chit Aaracteriies é radelsearred on win, country. When trade coses the boundaries of OMIT; sealed Toh (Pree Movement of Gods Tere stn no reion on theo st oe ee ‘DeallgliaieniGuitaey Une erin onte BEING rere, Hey Special Act w Sette Disputes: node see dapat arsng of Provions ofthe ako Gn Ac are appeabie, 1 Types of Internal Trade “aha Internal rade anbeof diferent typex. I various types cam be made ds wt ofthe following diagram: they ‘© A. On the Basis of Relationship On the basis of relationship. it (1) Direct Trade: It has often there are certain mediators in 1d trade. For example, the prod the wholesaler, the wholes ‘Scanned with CamSeanner This method ed inca fe igh prise go. tas ce als hs goods ey we vee ether Wan ng the Jee This mead hs ben expan nthe bwin daa to = iain ened in ner) ier the whalers he ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ene Sues (iy Through Agents In this method, the producer does not sll his ‘wholesaler or the retailer, bur sells them through the medium ofa treknown as brokers oF commission agents. Thismethod has bey the fallowing diagram: ou EN Ty =D Explaine 4B. On the Basis of Levels Internal rade can be dyed into three parson the bss of levels {@) Loeabesel Trade ade remains confine sme vile or, {ide usualy deals primarily the goods of dally use and goo of pry “Tiny include rsh fits, milly sees et (i Sttelevel Trade A trade thats carried on in various districts of «wate the sate levebtrade, These goods chiefly ncude grains, pulse, cu (68) National deve Trade: trade that is caved on in various sates of ‘aonaleveltrade This trades uvalycarsedon hells reload ‘© C. On the Basis of Quantity (@ Wholesale Trade: A wholesale trader putchases goods in. huge «any producer ane then sells them in sill quantiticso the retailers The wah Jscarried on only in one ype of goods, . (Gi) RetaitTrade: A reales purchases diferent kinds of goods trom Wholesale traders. He sells these goods in sal quanies to meet te ‘Consumers. Areal deals indifferent kinds of good: caer ‘The following are the main documents used in the internal trade: (1) Invoice: For eredit purchase, the statement supplied by the seller giving partial goods purchased is known an Invoice. ie states seller's name-and adless, patsy as quality rate, totalvalue, salestan, trade discon n the aie demands fe Book x made on the Bass ofthis document ast the suse don. When recordinginmadein Purchase Bok Wom he acs (7) is made and is filed. nt or forwarding letter containing he devas onaignee known av 2 tvoorma law. pe feign Artic consignments moulds forwarding eticr ent slong withthe infra is set by the buyer othe sll it mous on acount of gods ‘Scanned with CamSeanner mn gape eye i eerie tetrad mins Pt geek om the ice fangs pasa on the fos oad A, ee nen eae een Oe ts Peet cnc ons ae 0 Neat esp 0 oa i al ae ae - Fara 0 Prt OS a 0) se a eo ae ont (0) Pro er ro Ral oo oh, i Cont Bisgotccaaeetor= 5 aaeaaaae ee ‘Scanned with CamSeanner 9.2 Wholesale Trade: Meaning and Services 1 Meaning f Whale Trade re ntl une Swe, oie soos tetas sie been he sagen tnt eee Te Ritter amcor hen font ea umes te rel ea ee aegis ye qui sd ge Scream pce eee Pe eer tete aie. SES pte peas peo he 1 Definitions of Wholesale Trade Fee lle cae natalie UA, Al meet nea Oe er eet iey tie crenata Pale hens dager ie aes fact ele oe soso bes fm for dtl oa ones i . Se hy Pech by gota age (2) Hectasony nso rs Geshe acnaie i yi eden Ve Fr etter or wt ete (Dy sors apalitaqive ora holoale wade a ee pro tere, ere aun Be Fi ert eeween the demand and supply by soring gos oleae is very ile both the producer or Wie manufacturer and thes BM Sat: ee ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ee ecieeen ty = eden the nance ese ew Wry fost tse They ee the poo amet ocr thee 4 See carton = \ | Raa erg a a the hing the ine of peda 1 Ge Res han den the dean cence the spy Me hap poe sre in he gowns Ava reat of the pies Se ey pb ea wth roducion iran The producers get al the he rezersin many ways The follwing ae the services rendered 19 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 3 reir dt nt ned 8 Rh HE Re an ay, Uae cece li teek so teneisi vcs saya” ve (eee ne yo in rc othe gon er they have been shh. Inept een rice: ace any cing ata to Ohi work cn be doneby a whale In Nsw a wholesaler wes he “The wholesaler ate well people they, tee A denand iseeate nthe mathe The eter 9, __ without any atonal effort P ©) re Inet ge ote Ne pe! fier un i sites holealer performs dhe ju, Toobkeolaepa ating ting wholesaler controls huge uctvations in ices femain under control. This rca a The presence ofthe wholesaler makes it easy fy Say aaa gue kate comune aay ine Comey sia oe conmen Inthe ens ok) A wholesaler collects things rom vatiows produces tone pac aod commas tumating chokes "8 dvertiement made by the wholesaler beset thes ‘With the help of advertisement people ge infers tie wc Production the cos of production per ni es ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ze... Pesto rode Mamata e ea aing Tao Preven oy Feta nda naian ese Gray sccrding to the\need oe ood marge quai se sl sm repeatedly in small quanti he cae eter Retail Trade Cand an Sel, ting esis tien stn im ling dry to 7 Rating ling finely roc to oneal: att ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner of iingCeted. a ot ace cat get ok gl ah ihe OE, Re son the consumers crf! hing acorn hie med easy. For ite merchant rod nek voc cit ang the er st cto ‘Scanned with CamSeanner a eh seling his things, assures the cu A retail rade ced or repaired free 2 tee eis er ites Farce thing oe oo EET ing machines ‘Gussie oe OE pene nv beefs bo inte eutmers Ts et spree onset er genes Kr mh the serve the eUsOMNETs Dy te . a ena Toere on be for paricular use The consumer isc oer: ere can be many OE he eng tobe purchased. A retail ie t ee f ee cieratew I. Itinerant Retalers Those traders who have no dette sling point and sell their goods by places are known as itinerant retailers, Their chet characteristics area follows (i) Easy exalishmnent of ade. (@ Need ofa litle capita i) Personal contact withthe customers, ‘These are manly of the following four types: leer ese traders are the smallest unit of retail trade, They cary their goods on wheelcars, on theit heads or shoulders and move around baraar, streets and mohallas to sell them Th things ate low-priced and provide entertainment hey generally include ca, sweets, kf toy, artical jewelery, fouits, vepetables, ete. They usually sel their goods on the Foorpahs, street corners, in thefts, around cinema hally anal the railway compartments a ‘Scanned with CamSeanner SE =e eae et ie a aay Sere art nics er ferent vay atts sop Far era hiees ose peas rade dealin hire arsenals che grmcnstcae een ofthese prmens in dieen nes and fret companies Seay sls only rigs ols spp eckson athe gone Hotere sock Piet tes dldren garments readme armen hp sagen och oho il \ nda mena ier oe te ’ et, Such a sop calle gle new Senay ia boosh ned in religous hk p openers ns ibe eae ashes asa good crap a eine oe Sch hepa gencraly opened . sop are wal cried on though wns ll These days we romney ae mde rie oh ae etc becdc eat pene, tony ick fate te Thee aa stope men the ray natn he inn hal, burst o the se shop sl oat offeror quay or things which are not ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Proce Src Sg wet Tearing Nac se Taino oe met Ya! i ra ee tame rk quate ttee nore tems feeder bates en = cone es Seo... i epee os eee, Cpe sg | Ss Oe ket | rape ear od it verge etapa apn 2 © EE oictse mtn a Bs a re mabe ce a8 eprint oe 9 secret tet tga ogy smoganiaton tee tg departmental sore: laced ove fa er nertsinment shuld —s interest inthe customs ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ein en epee sop ee a (mo deperment oe Thetaicprm ie eset fadganmentoreet ded in separa sore win hve ma eon wh de ae Fincude the fis af po ane ler Hoary re homes ee ia 4 Berne ctuzn cece oer They ony te caper baal Be \ a Bes prosy doping tT cp asing te cons ) Pan reece onneag Teas ot pwc eases Bh pronded The ton Pia te ae fre water deren Seen ‘Scanned with CamScanner — eee: gg Sich bnties mptr tao ren ng. ts Sekar era reir oes Th wg a ie the Camere Sometimes, expenses of adverinement are aso Unnecessyr resets or wee ri econ (ey MONMOMPE Sace tes 80 comet Wih the owner icons ir a ee Seca ih coer rn me weer Tns a, eich cinnamon fier ae Se ae ep ae Mumbai Whitewayaidlaw, Sahkari Bhandar, Century Bara. Apna bo Chennai — Miltary Department Store Kollata — —Kamalalaya Store Ld. Delhi — Super Barat and Janki Das 1 2, Super Bazar/Market ‘© Meaning of Super Bazar Super bazar combinaion of wo words ie. super + bazar Super means : ad barr can Tn ahs way, super bara ih ‘otusines which beer and bigger than dhe ordinay business place and which characteristics of its own, ae 8 ts « Denton of Super Bazar “According 16 Gondiff and Stol, “Super market i large retailing busines soi jo ee cer ns fel eas ie oa i . ‘Scanned with CamSeanner =... pen pt tak ..... ce specs mctuse more hing emp te pc. ae | feou poses and which xc an ery eh ) | et ne aap Tred jakind of shopping complex where ee eee as so ] Sia they are soc oe he “Seanned with CamSeanner ‘another so that the customer can emily move from one str Wethese are well Sk andare running succes. The mallrre now beng inxivcnd eck ta ith the success of thone in the metropolitan citer wil not be aon ‘symbol of modernity. ES We ter Features of Malls ‘The following ate the main features of malls; Tmnthistypeot shopping comple, ea of every shop ives la par from eommoditieproducty, custome Inthe malls. Costomers no only purchase tee procs Bata o ‘one buiing. The ® oo aa of th ‘tenterainment and fod, cus fie the als ae located at a place where every, ‘ani. Elforis made to ensure tha iis cetrally ncate in the cigs PP a ” In the malls prodts are avila ‘very age group, So, the sales it the mals sce ‘Unlimited Fange of products © Al the shops in the mall donot Delong o jut ome person hur aber pune Dike evecnty neem PIN (© Mamgescaleradvensements Avertsmcot on ae Sale required uy 1% mea (9 Mg tnvestmente Te isto he hopin te mall ver igh “7 dex according othe bates trcrds aso desman igeimvestenc Apart fronts ange of prot of deren ses, clout design, ete ao ruins rag short ican be sid that oun a shop i he mall ge epi nce ‘© Advantages of Malls “The following are the main enefits ofthe mal: In this market system ll the products of diferent sin cost ate avalable atone plac, The rate an he qty of even con aad «ay hoping os, i eaters sirconditioned. Apart fom tis every morlern aig ‘he mall. customer can heve suisfy aloe his ery need under one a sare sold on the cash basis in the malls. Aa result, tere iy Dad debe (4) MalipleServces Many services ae ‘nena halls parking hung out. 1 Limitations of Malls Ponca emia oF oA (0) WMMIIMRREIOOM AT srnoerery cern licy & made avicbte x sn inyalves more running cost. A huge cost is incurred om the elcoraion the advertisement, variety of products, skilled unskilled profesionaly et So. un a shop inthe mal, @ eeaseof the high eunning costs the commodities va relatively high price ss compared to market ates It would no be ais ‘re called the market For the elite clase le for men, women a. a «) ble under one Foo ike est r ‘Scanned with CamSeanner See Pp Bien or 5 Ser Be rae sem ander which ew isa larg muber of et Aah Beare oa Be ct cr rs cs 0 es ctw np nen rn i nrc vofall the shops is an individual or a firm. & geiare same in size, quantity and price al d ber of things sold are a few, just on ro thi ie a a Beta rine ene Soman rth i j lied profes a pile formity in the decoration of every a fof general consumption are sold in the zs Be ecm ren. Teoma eee | Stn I b Go ‘Scanned with CamSeanner | OFign of Chain Store "The Chain Sores rere fst o al exablshed inthe United Stes oF ne {in Englund av sch Shope were are oe ater the other The prominy Ute Staten ot Amarin ae Safeway, Fagg Brother, Standard Oi Compa tte popatr ther counares alone nd, DCM, Bea Shoes Raymond yt ‘Scotng Machine, Matt are worth mentioning ona ey ‘+ Estabchment of Chin Store stucsllopargyesmsy oad Piped phate eer rapt euasonasiab uses ete noses, Ferri i rn See rer nn, Sora an eee a eating Siete Se eee ii, soar theta sould bealmow enc nse ° Apart from the exterior decoration the interior devas seer toa eee pairs ‘hig sould be props stand. Oo PThe hinged the molpleshope should have the san cs ed on dhe package The prices fave tbe nc saa Riera “e Advantage of Chain Store ore ald ree ae wtp oor tr o The pices of things ate detetnined before sna Snes evay pce Tht eteunncssnyetance ofhaggngand tere seg he st pees rio aang @ the esablshmentof hese shops the manufacturer do, the middlemen The omission pasdw De midlemen fsned and ts a ema een tc s ok ‘because the advertisement is issued by the head office on behalf of am ae eae a © eee. ee ean eee tae ee eee Dee oe eae a ee ata a er dere ete sf pope hea esas ae Increases the goodwill oa business LF (or Sea tonne {own the shops are entablshe inthe thichy-yo ‘areas The consumers do ot have to goto dian places inorder wy purchece c be of prison tiple Sen ie they need. 1 exterior and the intsior decoration of every shop hap oe ‘mir: Any ordinary person ean eecognxe the ex ee o -Thereaemanyshopwunderone management mg bes not sl shop it canbe uansterred some athe sp. Tha ton ‘ved from being damaged, . " ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Pie themenntcarr dang eof he pop ans (ibmentestved and taboo lendency-Alcr mie oe Sender the motte sync ‘ome sas ow se ony beam ee eae {ete inthe hcp “eat Hn order purche ag Hea dept i he mais teptnin anes tne ten JF every shop happen te {problem forte indian businesmen. vente, these shopeateyrediay * Tesi pac ie ot et Wace ean sing income, improved andar sing and conscious pete ers uplesoes are fly competent to act he reverent a ue. e hat lke other coun the lar thee shapes ight in a aa ‘Scanned with CamSeanner pee eae fee contac wa te eee ee rede ee mn che cl cme Sete eeictona oer: Se SS en of as ang fo Saget anal se rid lity Ly cand wes sales by ma” OPA, Nato" Mal bse sine Halon . Once Business E Te! he loving few eats (a) Mading by Boats In is yes, heres no personal const beeen he pa thelr besa the over is placed! and woods are received only threw mua), aoe ee = ea een ™ apt ot the Arthe pF does not make | tthe faeparinca, fi oesekna a a... er pee eter ‘Scanned with CamSeanner tbs cre Fe tre tit fon meat Fini mate inet Fibs Br cca cok he ving antago he on lee ay spine mts Estnmagtbibrtnepraness= Fintan oF zdcreme Miiference i of 8.10 days. The customer can make arrangement Mt ‘Scanned with CamSeanner fc cc — eae RNS one on MMe dhekarian altho middhemen the prices = setae hee hn < Satcesee SET gg th Heat ® ec 0 eer Ree Tnene dacs no Tapp Ks received Wile he sien Pees acietntesnnaeestoaes a ee. ace ene reioe Sean cee eine act aan Wachtel ree ns — at se ea ota debt Penne of ch tans ‘Genera, the gods ae prepared acs the nec here be need to manasa the Wings betorctand an eo Saguitmaneesearcmery Tere 9 Ares ctr een the "Trevtre. he anomet can ely tN complains aa wa a 7 Re after oi We creo fndlemen The moun of coven oh eclcmenn sve tor the se wt cts syst he god ane set trugh VTE Wn Mh ery ences esc wabin2S dye Un thc way icewe ver ah : ‘sDleadvatages of Mail Order Business “Thetayer and ihe llr gt any svntage Even then this rystem of ret way ‘hou many duvanages witch ae dsetibed below mete is The ass of tin spt sales in cab. Thone wh want Ingen ere remain deprived of thse series Ana Tens tc al say den «Seen i eng n eet erin See Sets waite eters to the consimers ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Miho Plaga Hie cy of rary tomer Thereoretere em se de ine mers Cooperative Store mr SOY ti esate by te consumer themes Some consumers ge vogeiber a. tres trom the duchesotthemilenen Thea her ne nek : fq fadlenen.Allhe consumer who yetoguiercuabhrcrennewee Samoa Ik iret ent proc ae eon pods directly frm the producer the manacears oe ea i < mpumers Coopernve Sere. tn his nay the wkend enka arn Bes) Blesen and the prot. Al the comaimes purchne ine ened Sr fel less pies rom there ove i ea wth these sore its neciary to purchase at leat one shar. Every Beit to cast one vc irrapetve af he mune otha poncho bh Rises ried se eee a ong the member according to the number af ares dand wore un ft mer Crop Ste ote a Case sta spe, "Cine nets ran yf pena ae fagincontmen end ain tp slg wren . os edhe nsin eure of mune coer sores dr bythe consumers, “4 When the cing liminaes the middlemen, Birra on grare sold tes prices, a sls dein.” right test one ve hing and sig rs" Cooperative Sore yo nor sae the main advantages ofeonsumer’ cooperative wores: , \ ad Sa pss nos ) ai ees os es ey ens sil expenses we ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ns Sates 8. The benefits of large-scale selling are available 19. ‘There is certainty ofthe sles because of the certainty of the cosenes 10. The needs ofthe customers are aken care of. . + Disadvantages of Consumers’ Cooperative Store “Thefolowing are the in disadvantages ofonsumers cooperative 1. Loan oe faced when the market dl, : 2 There it a posbily of quarrels because the consumers rm grap 8, ‘There ia lack of speciality In these ores Because the customers, ‘boinestmen succes HOt Pay, 4. The spirit of cooperaivenes ilar because ofthe lange numberof me {, There isthe facity of wihdracng one's capital, Sometimes, when” {members takeout er api endangers he ensence of she nore = Automatic Vending Machine (AVM) ‘AVM means that type of machine from which we can got ‘the desired product by Inserting predetermined coiv/token, “This sone of the latest methods of direc sales. No person. is needed to operate this machine. For example, just by Inserting dhe com in the slf-operauing coll drink machines, a ised quanuly olcald drink comes out oft ‘Often by this medium commodities of sinall size (ike ‘igarette, posal stamps, underwear, beer, snacks, ete) and beverages ike cold drink, milk lassi, water, etc) ave sold, "These machines can be seen at petrol pumps, bus stand, Tallway station, airport, and other public places in the metropolitan ces, Thete machines afe widely prevalent in the Westesn c Sto, te tend ofthese machines gaining momentum. Through these mache," {o make retail sales on alarge scale So (1) Sales are possible at any me, jee no bar of ime om sales (@) Salesman is not needed < (@) We get the products of similar weight and quality. (4) We get fresh produc (6) Machine isnot difficle to operate, (6) No fear of deft the alarms are installed in the machines) ‘© Limitations of AVM, "The following are the main limitations of AVM: (1) Sales process i gos (2) Hage expense om maintenance and repair (8) Coins of the same size are needed, () Products can waste away i ot so (6) Useful to sell only few item ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Bape connen, oc... we a... Srmctines ec shes ia a Som aon Berm on te cy SEEEP Gcif the Western counts thee ahi i 19 te Cp ty rota ce ae Pe mn ona a ar ern cl op pt oi \ Pe iss omy nt 6 ms Cn a ere deerae ny Be Peat Pon ap a Ren, Shee te. nt tg ain of Te cosa = Ra, Ga tw Ce, ty Fe Gat pen tc ‘Scanned with CamSeanner . | Sitcom aap aap de a = Divincon been Departmental Store and Mabie Shope: Worn. han (Bo Savun otc ag pet Cao ne esi sy, eee. eames oat pee ae sateen non ee rere cr : ete Srareyl eee = 5 £0) Home Delivery (1) Arailablty of Non ease ee item : Cr ce Ber ee eke weet aretapaaciin reyes tr > sed Bae eens fer) : a andrea 5 69 He ch Dre of Conds, 8 Penn Pie Begiaemcts bm co my tn pa emer = je a in ; —— peice - ivan: | beac: Se eric (9 Hage peor tence nd rept 9.4 Goods and Services Tax (GST): - Concept and Key Feature: 7 Market 1 Goods and Services Tax (GST): Concept ‘During the last several years im India, several differences were being notice! vs levied on goods snd services The rates of tax on similar goods and services es this, butby the ume the goods and services as being added o their (goods and src= poss > to lear the heavy burden of taxes the traders had to remain helplessly confused in the Tax Net (It should le born 0 the tax levied on goods and services it known a the Indirect Tax) ma Se ‘Scanned with CamSeanner re ee a \ ‘Tax (GST): | | Seb aeapelen meinen p ory land Key Features then goons or serie are nsppid rom one State or Union Teritory The shar of the Central Govern i the tal GST om the Tera bythe suppliers Known she COST: This mone about 50% a ro CST coleces share of de Sete or Union Terstoryin the tral GST collected on u pple nown asthe SCSI. The amount waboue SOW ofthe teal GST — eT ee onthe Iner Sate Supply i known a the IGST. share ofthe rate or Union Terry here the goods or services and the remaining amour of the Central Goxernoen \) m eT $227 On nev Sep On heyy amr Snes Qn tment a waite Spe Me Bw ig Riaseleoa eGo 21m CST coke Hf 100091804200, wre ie ‘Scanned with CamScanner i 9 endothe te Fn the port gas Poth wb es Sele pied fon Dew Kapaa an tears IS wilde ote Ta a Pirsacie sl her Yee oii he Dal GST wh bos been apd Ue hi Genie and Ste Covers i ve el re he OST pad he i gods and services Sas won yl wae cl vente fakes ple atte IntSse kel The CST eed ont spy il fect and sos ie pan vin in he tS he ST wi Tt Authority ofthe place consupine The 16S reset hie ay OF share ofthe Goweramet apne of Desai andthe emaining 50% Be coeen Gorncn ne pad as 162840 Conn ining 210-9 St i Wi (1000+ 1804200 heres 1300 (1000+200). Tein ery amount iE ye so ‘Scanned with CamScanner "ee Omer ornare cuts ee oa a aio ct at rin myth, Sieteee mena iota te iasesamaan ait oc HES lett on porn tos % dlabetx|fod, hand oe ace of spent Sm, om) SP RNoducs ween stan wiebincudes ATM. ving icra fr yen ily tae pea este ooo 3 * preeengera retest triegcr eee aes ps goy: One Tarver of ore han 16 nl pao aa Ss eben SALA spc cheno Sy Ghar abe Outpuc Whe asi Pali nent tstotn be srs Benya te "Scanned with CamSeannes Fee Nee ts ciplin ie Cat open poe incon on spc andthe Crea Tx She SE i ft hve es Matrigel ch pis un ia Arti the wee of Dhl spies shone ey eds me ay ne Rta 9 Haryana supplies hse goods othe act. the The as evel inp ese the Netto The oo Pe ap ix Cea ‘Seanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner ing he roi he To he ‘\ 630 the Old Sytem, the VAT Dt under the GS System, ther no sich pronto rer dhe GST ster the COST she Rite Bur onder the Ot Stem, hero sh 9 fer the GST Sytem, the SCT atthe Rte oF 9 f But under the Oi Sytem therein na anh provision, er the Old Stem, the amount of 8436.0 ha Been taken from the Hina under the GST System the amount aken fom hme ®8 13110, REE Here maybe petit Now Refine. One ss ‘Scanned with CamSeannee MES (09 sine: TA] Remembering based Guestens 20 n° Na 1 Merk Questions, Objective Type Qvestions ternal ade means "(are within the boundaries of country {trade beroen wo couses. {trae wath reat (Gyonde at gta 2, Retall ade Is the example ofthe type of internal ade he basis ot (@)Retaionship ep © bevel {None of the above Producer > Wholesaler» Retailer > Consumer is he example of G)Real ade 1B) Whotemte eae epDiret irae a {Indicted 4. The wholerler bays goods ann quantity ake “Wymore (medium ~ (8) none ofthe above teat Sey ‘Scanned with CamScannes ah b Wisk Shop \ and) Wace | of Commerce an Indies fears the eres of 7 end Besincsmen (dh Ren Ge ta Ad oe Wb he Re a al god crcly tothe a ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ‘Seanned with CamScanner wert) ‘Scanned with Camscannee ee (23. What you der yale Een mer > 2.24 wa Da st syerm? SO 1 Wainer wie? Menton two fares, Se Lope tne pen at ome rate on heb oe Oe ree teatmcan nde rect Wr re vamp o | GEMS Ronin yee Nee an Cree Noe OS Mise orcs remderedy anes wa reer Ge ramon tn four tetresot wheter 1G. We ur ears of etal ae (Gis, we ashore note cn mail shop G8. Pc out our eres ender y= etaer othe consumer Sho. Paint out te dvanage oe conser copra sores @ hvac the a order ns G12 wesc on be depurnent ston a G18 Drew our fears ma GE Wace mits Atom Vending Machine oe Se ome 1G.17, Explain the Pringple of Destination’ with reference wo GST Smarks Questions (QJ. What do yo understand by feral wade? Wit ar characteris (0.2 Whatare the types ot imerma rate? | 2.3, What are he oper a G4, Papin te ter Cath on Delnery and re on Bord 2.5, Whats meant by whole rae? Ln ite characteriics. 2.6 Esplin theses feed ty the whelealen othe manatcisrers Qe VG Are deer ined wa en oy th he wate me ‘Wha yo nde yee WHat ei ei a a (2 Dien Ute coat tt pe here Be oe oe oe alee ep ereegecnioe orn . 15. Esplin he and tations of mal 216, Cave Chub of Commerce and tase in the promaton sen 17. Explain any vee e 1% Clarify the various ‘Scanned with CamSeanner sn tft igs En ar pret aa Percent, te tio tn EO Martyr ara fe eat oon sp em he Sil he or nex Te pc of ae bn, th le hs om il ns unr y pas estos rs an cm a cao le me nin roo i ig Sy hn rs ry q ec snc cpr Se The min hacen a ae ; = : \ om Bre ilngrore sac nem, ese A teen work bre acai manager oer deporte Bhan on aig ks Dt a dof bas val Repor oof hemp Sl Ss Rat ae Boe nthe ne jos rn echt naar of ference betvon he rade ff them amd explain Preah Bhan ony pow bok oe vl ut Ths pe of shop bt ape Proc Sue Ths des limon one ype goad Ty Sha reap eames | os 4 Plgions aaa wih eer cng pts Boks E 2 ‘Scanned with CamScanner (i) AL “Kapoor Pustak Bhanda” all kinds of books ae sold ou. ry known a Single Line tore. These traders deal in one pros, all yper ofthe elas, the product of which they dealin & Marks Questions 1Q 1. Sub des the Whole Trade of fuse Asics 8 Wholesale Trade ny, ee eats pees tntetldematoniamct go Ass theob of rd bran the producer ond readers Dash an ‘nd dar bth remain uh th Sub and ther Wholesale Trades yy ‘tern btwn thmaros . Do you agree withthe altitude of producers and retailers? Explain ‘Ans: No,1 do not agree wth such an attitude, because the Whotesse Trane ofservices towards the producers nd retailers, For cxample. (A) Services towards Producers: (Glue: Desribeany three points) (2) Services towards Retailers: (Cave: Describe any two points) 2 Rat Fr Li del hoes, TH comping hs Opened 500 shop a ay, ‘he wk cunt, The ied of be ss of hs company har i ele are ofthe same te a thet rca the same By tating Comp has dane ay wth he Middlemen, The erie ar hay oes gon. tor ansfctre dey, deny the trade of Rakhi ootwenr Land describe any five ots any 0h reas mh ‘Ans. The name of ae of Rakhi Footwear Li is'Ghain Store es main nese are the follow és Merits of Chain Store: (Clue: Describe any five of ts mets) {C)_Application-based Questions. ‘Marks Questions (Q.1. Bind an Ret tard busines in the ou Bath of them wanted th apy ‘he people im general had from the. To know ti, they made sure. Inthe ore sch pope were cade who could be ter pose ctamers. Prom the suv dag ‘at manly pple wanted that they shoud control he facta i the dase Should snp the ecatablityo ons ‘What sort of business in your view is being done by Bindu and Rekha- Wholesale trade or retail trade? Also explain how from your answer the expencinns nea ‘people will be flied. 9. Both the expectations ofthe people can be ule only by a wholesaerader hee itis clear that Bindw and Rekha are doing wholesale trade. A wholesale wales sos both the desired series in the folowing manner: © Control on Market Fluctuations: A wholesaler controls huge Svctuatins inte ‘market by stocking goods Therefore, the prices remain under contol This cy Ipenefits the consumers ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Si Hc ig eral mn opt ne Pee rin the ners ern he eee mck pe baat hg fee Bom 9 ra hon ae of cooperative is " br ime nn ta rie see ee se on hapa cnn ane muna ofc Il et rh pi a ent ins Sn ot Bates sun ht eine to him what hind of bins esos da. As wie abot any fou \ which the cuviomers i ve Hem is snes Ho} 0 my end 1 Mai Order Base From hi bse the lowing fAdeanaget ctr bi ny fur rats) | owl Kl hedging th sm cunt i daing in fs ras ond sR gas es od Ra ah 1 clo al tl San ara what shall we cll the rade fl the thre on the Bas of Lave and 1s doing the rade of fesh frst anl vegetables, This a Local Level allt a Local Level Tae bcos be tradeasuch tested to one ‘Scanned with CamSeanner a SS (D) Higher Order Thinking Skits HOTS). 1. Mark Questions - "thing dane a Chala Store or lite Shops G8. Th nef ofa teh ep raceme ramet sins in wich several sho =" neti me ta esp po he Py ny bth the frm et bsinese Ans: Te ae ofthe fn rete Mal de sn gy 9. Ow a ny Jb ete © po fre ete despa = ee ‘which cla fe bros wou you tep Mr Jobs ‘Aus Me Jha shop woul belecoted nthe snag 0.0 Ae oe asteeaiox (On the oer and Me Schad has eh a th ‘nt nd TO * fet Ten he Bah pe hes. (0) bom om re sn Ton cs Whoa Bases ‘3 Marks Question rae ae Dir of Sones rel ee ern ew ‘tomer il ecto the pnds ond Nae sie fs is ed for drat food ‘Give fs mame and writ rey out any ive of te dvantges ‘Ane. ‘Th nasi fa wre of buses nrne Neng tio avr ae ‘Tre Elegie eeeeetne CCN (2) Sole PRE ai ser eon oc (2) Salman pated (3) We ner the produc aie weigh and qa. (3) We go tech prod Biome cst, ure ‘Scanned with camScanner see —" the aberve seaveenenst 7! 5 ae nstustrtes eet met tn a aa eens et srt ate mk tami ee learn eel ii fl te es Ce Bean sce cre rete | M ices eres ot icng ie ‘Scanned with CamSeanner pee ee - Te tacos nag twp ye “J tm sate Otway Be mpi samntns peas S.neeriee Question RSET Ra ch eee nw, era eae cpg am ee cae eta “ ee xt we an Matteo ie ig oe a aiperinels Fae pe eel crm, My Ae Te dt ying nd elinig ts n toye Benoa cer eecnaccen gin 2 Secs of Benen Orpnnon Free reece, Mgiat pies se "y Aagems op Pag Omni tee eee raptors (= eT ec ies Sebastes Mecimeniceneiscteainniempeie = ik Speake ce Ae Peak Bek Nh rt ao ee ge 0 fatale Renin Mies eee eee ere Sees Pee ata eminem hier sad a Fo Tap ia erie ina ee eee ed pe eee eee se ney anne 4 ie Bana Tueafer Ms An Goya came toby goods when Aish tlhe he as fs ord Be asm aie nn nel creo aor ag et a hes ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ec tmepe cy ore Fao nea ee ef ofall dk oe fed Te ees ot Oo a cet ens co pe woe a a nitrates ti peed ce mec a ee ree ee eee nad ae Pinta eee tern Bee fant See ee ee crs bern eer inn Esp Ct tn fegee ee te ee Bip ie etd ee oe eee ae Pot Ba wi ee nr Sra rose Saree [Se Beas apy ods oo mes wy oe as rake ecm oe ‘Scanned with CamSeannes rs ten (2) Kaew th documenlsued fares Masia wie Yin yo (0) Kaen the document lanued to Mrs Spa Gupta tpg (6) Mdentfy the document sent vy "Madhav ith thew (4) Kenly the document writen by ‘Magar ores Ws Mc (o) What te whew alg eomveye by the rer ot hyp ‘Anas (3) Inve "Cath Memo, (6) Dobie Nowe (Cede Nine 4) (e) Seca ervice 4 Mr ath herr owned Sra Sate Mab” A ops ‘hecho, Daring Beason tnt a ti sera th mance of res A ro sh ‘ie dance pment Beta of making tah payment, he th “Sharan has mot any net camct with the fad comnwers, tthe ot 102 10. 10) ii epg aah tig ioe ‘re yang ahead compton ying ef fa r (a) oswhich wotypes of busnesumen ie Mr Shara offerin Ihaine activites inthe above paragraph (0) Quoting the relevant lines iden two services each being pron ‘eninemmen dented no). ded 4 Proving nancial beip| Me Sharma continues w convey..abou the cha ‘ensumers” 18 Providing information about demand ‘Scanned with CamSeanner

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