NetBeans6 0 PDF

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Highlights of NetBeans IDE 6.

0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code Templates

Finding, Searching, and Coding in Java Compiling, Testing, and Running
Replacing F9 Compile package/ file
Alt-Insert Generate code
Ctrl-F3 Search word at insert point Ctrl-Shift-I Fix all class imports F11 Build main project
F3/Shift-F3 Find next/previous in file Alt-Shift-I Fix selected class's import Shift-F11 Clean & build main project
Ctrl-F/H Find/Replace in file Alt-Shift-F Format selection Ctrl-Q Set request parameters
Alt-F7 Find usages Alt-Shift Left/ Shift lines left/right/up/down Ctrl-Shift-U Create JUnit test
Ctrl-Shift-P Find/replace in projects Right/Up/Down Ctrl-F6/Alt-F6 Run JUnit test on file/project
Alt-Shift-U Find usages results Ctrl-Shift-Up/D Copy lines up/down F6/Shift-F6 Run main project/file
Alt-Shift-H Turn off search result Ctrl/Alt-F12 Inspect members/hierarchy
Opening and Toggling between
Ctrl-/ Add/remove comment lines
Ctrl-R Rename Ctrl-E Delete current line Views
Ctrl-U, then U Convert selection to Ctrl-Tab (Ctrl-`) Toggle between open
uppercase Coding in C/C++ documents
Ctrl-U, then L Convert selection to Shift-Escape Maximize window (toggle)
Alt-Shift-C Go to declaration
lowercase Ctrl-F4/Ctrl-W Close currently selected
Ctrl-F9 Evaluate expression
Ctrl-U, then S Toggle case of selection window
Alt-Shift-V Paste formatted Coding in Ruby Ctrl-Shift-F4 Close all windows
Navigating through Source Code Shift-F10 Open contextual menu
Ctrl-Shift-A Jump Rails action > view
Alt-Shift-D Undock window
Ctrl-O/Alt-Shift-O Go to type/file Alt-Shift- Select Next/Previous
Ctrl-Shift-T Go to JUnit test Period/Comma element Debugging
Alt-O Go to source Ctrl-Shift-Space Show documentation
Ctrl-Shift-T Jump from test file to file Ctrl-F5 Start debugging main project
Ctrl-B Go to declaration
Ctrl-Shift-F5 Start debugging current file
Ctrl-G Go to line
SOA Ctrl-Shift-F6 Start debugging test for file
Ctrl-Shift-M Toggle add/remove
bookmark Tab-Shift-Arrows Move through elements
Shift-F5/F5 Stop/Continue debugging
Ctrl-Shift- Next/previous bookmark Alt-Shift-F Advanced search
Period/Comma Alt/Shift-Enter Expand/collapse elements
F4 Run to cursor location in file
Ctrl- Next/previous Ctrl-Shift-9 Show BPEL Mapper
F7/F8 Step into/over
Period/Comma usage/compile error
UML Ctrl-F7 Step out
Ctrl-Shift-1/2/3 Select in
Ctrl-Alt-Up Go to called method
Projects/Files/Favorites Alt-Shift-A/O Insert attribute/operation Ctrl-Alt-Down Go to calling method
Ctrl-[ Move caret to matching into selected element Ctrl-F9 Evaluate expression
bracket Ctrl-Shift-F Fit diagram into window Ctrl-F8 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl-K/Ctrl-Shift K Next/previous word match F8 Toggle Overview window Ctrl-Shift-F8 New breakpoint
Alt-Left/Alt- Go backward/forward/to last Ctrl-Shift-5 Select active UML diagram Ctrl-Shift-F7 New watch
Right/Ctrl-Q edit
Highlights of NetBeans IDE 6.0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code Templates
When typing in the Source Editor, you can generate the ir import <jsp:setProperty name="|"
text in the right-column of the following list by typing jsps
le length property=""/>
the abbreviation that is listed in the left-column and newo Object name = new Object(args); jspu <jsp:useBean id="I" type=""/>
then pressing Tab. pe protected oup out.print("|")
pr private oupl out.println("|")
Java Editor Code Templates psf private static final pcg pageContext.getAttribute("|")
En Enumeration psfb private static final boolean pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope(
Ex Exception psfi private static final int "|")
Ob Object psfs private static final String pcgs pageContext.getAttributesScope("|")
Psf public static final pst printStackTrace(); pcr pageContext.removeAttribute("|")
Psfb public static final boolean psvm public static void main(String[] args){ pcs pageContext.setAttribute("|",)
Psfi public static final int } pg <%@page |%>
Psfs public static final String pu public pga <%@page autoFlush="false"%>
St String re return pgb <%@page buffer="|kb"%>
ab abstract serr System.err.println ("|"); pgc <%@page contentType="|"%>
bo boolean sout System.out.println ("|"); pgerr <%@page errorPage="|"%>
br break st static pgex <%@page extends="|"%>
ca catch ( sw switch ( pgie <%@page isErrorPage="true"%>
cl class sy synchronized pgim <%@page import="|"%>
cn continue tds Thread.dumpStack(); pgin <%@page info="|"%>
df default: th throws pgit <%@page isThreadSafe="false"%>
dowhile do { trycatch try {} pgl <%@page language="java"%>
} while (condition); catch (Exception e) {} pgs <%@page session="false"%>
eq equals tw throw rg request.getParameter("|")
ex extends twn throw new sg session.getAttribute("|")
fa false wh while ( sp session.setAttribute("|", )
fi final whilei while (it.hasNext()) { sr session.removeAttribute("|")
fl float Object elem = (Object); tglb <%@taglib uri="|"%>
forc for (Iterator it = collection.iterator(); }
it.hasNext();) {
To Change Default Settings:
Object elem = (Object); JSP Editor Code Templates 1. Choose Tools > Options from the main menu.
} ag application.getAttribute("|") 2. For code templates, select Editor and click
fore for (Object elem : iterable) { ap application.putAttribute("|",) the Code Templates tab. Here you can also
} ar application.removeAttribute("|") change the expansion key, from Tab to
fori for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { cfgi config.getInitParameter("|") something else.
} jspf <jsp:forward page="|"/> 3. For keyboard shortcuts, select Keymap
fy finally <jsp:getProperty name="|"
jspg and choose a profile from the Profile drop-
ie interface property="" /> down list.
ifelse if (condition){}else { jspi <jsp:include page="|"/>
} <jsp:plugin type="|" code="" Complete List of Keyboard Shortcuts:
im implements jspp
iof instanceof

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