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Chapter 1: Marriage Isn’t That Great


We are seen by God. Noticed, known. For me this sentence means, it is really possible and easy
to speak with God. Whenever and wherever you are. Some people missed this thing. They
thought that knowing God’s will in our life is impossible. I found some people out there staring
at me with an awkward staring when i shared about God’s will with my close friend. But since
we believe in Him, we have been given the right to become God’s children. The relationship
with God is possible. Not only possible, but it is a MUST. We need to prioritize our relationship
with God above all things, since we live for Him daily.

Good relationship with God means have intimacy with God, have closeness with Him, fear Him
(love and obey Him).


Fear and Awe.

Have you ever felt this before? When?


 Worshipping Him. Be in His presence, be grateful for everything.

 If we don’t worship God, we’ll spend our time staring at lesser thing, namely ourselves.

For me, i understand what Francis mean, but it is quiet hard to explain by words. I have
experience this much more time. When i stare at Him, he give me humble heart, a heart that obey
Him. This kinda heart that made me can see the other problem in their proper place. That’s how
God teach me, that’s how staring at God bring us into peaceful. How about you?

Aplication: Focusing on God regularly. Focusing on Him in every condition. Take time to pray
for everything that happened, not only in marriege (later) but in all aspects in our life. This is

To Do: - Commit to have worshipping God time every single day (in quite time or another),
consistently, continue.


Nowadays sin is more accesible one tip of your finger

And this world say “It’s Okay”. This is SATAN mind.

God sees our sin, and until now God hates it the way He hates it in the Bible.
Remember, no matter you are unbeliever or believer, there is always an enemy who is seeking
to destroy your marriage. To protect marriage, love for our family in not the answer, since our
battle in not againist the flesh and blood. Vacation and counseling (although this is impotant) is
not the answer too. But sincere and concentrated prayer more that any human strategy for a
happy marriage (Read James 5:16). The other source is the Bible. The Bible more than a good
teaching, the Bible posesses power (Read Ecc 5:1-7 & 2 Pet 3:10-12).

Application: Pray for your marriage consistantly (even from now until you die wkwk) and never
stop reminding each other by the words of the Bible.


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”
(Matt. 22:37-38) the first commandement.

This is not mean we love God a little bit more than our parents, husband, kids, ect. But our love
for Him is a different category. Love Him far beyond our love for others.

No such thing as a “close second”.


After the momment of salvation The momment of sanctification, our Christ-likeness is

growing more depth over a lifetime.

This is my favourite pharagraph : Marriage is a big deal when you think of it that way. God does
so much work in our minds and heartsthrough this relationship. Marriage is one of the most
humbling, sanctifying journeys you will ever be a part ofIt forces us to be wrestle with our
selfishness and pride. But it also gives us a platform to display love and commitment.

Love of God should be foundation to love others. We are chosen to make it believable that God
is good and loving and true. He chose to reveal Himself through people. He calls us to represent
this world that there is God. Especially in marriage. People need to see God in you, as you love
your spouse. The world needs to see an accurate reflection of Christ and the church in your
marriage, because it is about God’s glory. That’s exactly loving God is. God’s glory is at stake.
Focus on Him.

“Wouldn’t it be incredible to know that your marriage actually drew someone into a
relationship with Christ?”

With love,

Agnes Evonella Pangaribuan

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