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Tuesday | September 8, 2020

Golden Triangle residents, first responders

lend hand on coast after hurricane

Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff

A mangled billboard off Interstate 10 in
Lake Charles, Louisiana, barely hangs
onto its perch. Highway signs as far as
27 miles outside the city limits were
destroyed by Hurricane Laura.

‘Only with the

hand of God’ Oktibbeha County resident Everett Kennard looks at the slew of sleeper buses parked in Lake Charles, Louisiana,
Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff

Lake Charles area begins that will serve as shelter for electrical workers restoring power to the area. Kennard, who runs a branch of Cline
Tours, is driving residents back to their homes in the storm-torn area as they begin picking up the pieces after
arduous recovery from Hurricane Laura.

Category 4 storm
Firefighters, utility workers, bus drivers

Editor’s Note: A Dispatch reporter

help Laura victims start picking up pieces
rode down on Sunday with an Oktibbeha BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
County resident who was helping with AND BEN PORTNOY
relief efforts in the Lake Charles, Loui-,
siana, area to speak with residents and
others about Hurricane Laura’s impact. On Thursday, a week after Hurri-
cane Laura slammed into southwest

herian Powe sits on the foot of her Louisiana and southeastern Texas,
black leather sofa and clutches the Starkville resident Everett Kennard
gold cross dangling around her was driving a group of Port Arthur,
neck. Texas, residents from a hotel in Aus-
With a lump forming in her throat, tin back home.
she peers toward the roughly sev- The residents were among the
en-by-four-foot hallway between the thousands of people who fled their
bedrooms in the back portion of her homes along the Gulf Coast in the
two-story home off Old Spanish Trail in days before Aug. 27, when the hur-
Westlake, Louisiana. The passageway ricane made landfall as a Category
is small, almost nondescript relative to 4 near Lake Charles, Louisiana, de-
the rest of a house affixed with family stroying homes and businesses and
photos and a scattering of crucifixes on leaving hundreds of thousands with-
its walls. out water or electricity.
It’s in this ordinary crevice, marked Kennard has driven buses for
only by a framed copy of the Ten Com- Mississippi State athletics for 36
mandments hanging at chest height, years, and now runs a Starkville
that Sherian, her husband Mike, her Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff branch of Jackson-based Cline
82-year-old mother and her 81-year-old Michael Conner of Columbus receives a stash of Coca-Cola Sunday. Tours, a charter bus company which
Conner is set to stay in Lake Charles, Louisiana, for 30 days to oversee
blind father weathered the tenacious contracts with Transportation Man-
Everett Kennard’s buses.
and forceful winds of Hurricane Laura agement Service for disaster relief.
as it made landfall near Lake Charles, Cline sent a dozen or so buses, two
Louisiana, in the wee hours of Aug. 27. of them from Starkville, to shuttle
“Only with the hand of God,” Sheri- evacuees and volunteers to and from
an said, shifting into another thought. the areas where the storm had left
“We had family up praying.” its trail of destruction through south
One door over from the Powes’, Texas and Louisiana.
Leroy Bryant steps out from behind “They evacuated the people out
the pile of debris that had served as of these areas like Sunday, Monday
his home for 28 years. With a pair of and Tuesday before that thing hit (on
clear sunglasses covering his eyes, he Thursday morning),” said Kennard,
speaks in a deep Louisiana drawl. who had met up with other volunteer
Having braved Hurricanes Ike, bus drivers in Beaumont, Texas, the
Rita and Katrina in years prior, he felt day before the storm hit. “When we
comfortable remaining in place as got there … if they had any people
Laura bore down on Southwest Loui- left that really needed to be evacu-
siana. Huddled in the middle section ated quick we would be there, but
of his home, Bryant heard the devilish Courtesy photo
we were more or less there to … get
shrieking of the wind as sheetrock was A damaged home in Cameron, Louisiana, stands alone in floodwaters
them back in after the displacement
that had yet to recede within five days of Hurricane Laura hitting the
lifted out from the walls in the back area on Aug. 27 in this photo Columbus Fire and Rescue engineer Chris was over.”
portion of the house. Opening the door Carter took while aiding with disaster relief in the area. Carter and two The Port Arthur group was
to what was once a bedroom, he was other CFR firefighters spent five days in Louisiana aiding with search and lucky: They returned home after
See LAKE CHARLES, 6A rescue efforts and damage assessment. See RESPONDERS, 3A


1 With a high starched collar, black suit Today and Sept. 11, 22 MEETINGS
and white hair, which fashion icon long Today: City of Co-
■ Art Strolls with Ralph Null: Ralph Null
served as creative director for Chanel? lumbus budget public
2 Which river is longer — the Mississip- conducts informal gallery talks through his
hearing, 5 p.m.,
pi or Vietnam’s Mekong? exhibit of paintings featured at the Colum-
Columbus Municipal
3 Which band member created waves bus Arts Council’s Rosenzweig Arts Center,
Complex, facebook.
in the music world when he quit One 501 Main St. Focus Sept. 8 (6 p.m.) is
Direction to go in his own direction? com/CityofColum-
Caroline Criddle botanical paintings; Sept. 15 (11 a.m.)
4 Who was the first African American busMS/
Fourth grade, Heritage impressionistic paintings; and Sept. 22 (2
Supreme Court justice? Today: Columbus
p.m.) landscapes. Free. 662-328-2787.

92 Low 68
5 Which project, founded by Brandon Municipal School
High Stanton in 2010, began as photography District, 6 p.m., Bran-
Sun and clouds
and evolved into an interview series
about lives of New Yorkers?
Friday don Central Services
Full forecast on ■ 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb: North Mis- Sept. 15: Lowndes
Answers, 6B
page 3A. sissippi Medical Center-West Point Well- County Fiscal Year
ness Center sponsors a Memorial Stair 2020-21 budget
Climb to honor lives lost 9-11-01. Wear
INSIDE masks and have temperatures checked to
public hearing,
9:30 a.m., Lowndes
Classifieds 5B Health 3A enter the West Point High School football County Courthouse,
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A stadium, 950 S. Eshman Ave., West Point, Katelyn Rainey is a freshman
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A from 8:15-9 a.m. Event begins at 9:11 at MSU. She’s majoring in LowndesCountyMis-
141st Year, No. 153 Dear Abby 4B a.m. For information, 662-495-9355. accounting and is from Meridian. sissippi/


2A TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump, Biden spar over economy,

workers in Labor Day blitz
Labor Day typically marks
Vaccine latest flashpoint in White House campaign
the unofficial start to the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
fall campaign season WASHINGTON — The prospect of a vaccine to shield Americans
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from coronavirus infection emerged as a point of contention in the
White House race as President Donald Trump accused Democrats of
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Dem- “disparaging” for political gain a vaccine he repeatedly has said could
ocratic presidential nominee Joe be available before the election.
Biden and President Donald Trump “It’s so dangerous for our country, what they say, but the vaccine
spent Monday diminishing each will be very safe and very effective,” the president pledged Monday at a
other’s credentials on the economy White House news conference.
and understanding of the American Trump leveled the accusation a day after Sen. Kamala Harris, the
worker as the presidential cam- Democrats’ vice presidential candidate, said she “would not trust his
paign entered its final, post-Labor word” on getting the vaccine. “I would trust the word of public health
Day stretch. experts and scientists, but not Donald Trump,” Harris said.
While workers live by an “Amer- Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden amplified Harris’
ican code,” Biden said Trump “lives comments Monday after he was asked if he would get a vaccine for
by a code of lies, greed and selfish- COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Biden said he
ness” as he met with labor leaders would take a vaccine but wants to see what the scientists have to say,
in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a key too.
swing state. Trump, meanwhile, Biden said Trump has said “so many things that aren’t true, I’m wor-
tried to put the halting economic ried if we do have a really good vaccine, people are going to be reluctant
recovery under the best light in to take it. So he’s undermining public confidence.”
a White House press conference Still, the former vice president said: “If I could get a vaccine tomor-
where he said Biden and his run- row I’d do it, if it would cost me the election I’d do it. We need a vaccine
ning mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, and we need it now.”
would “destroy this country and
would destroy this economy.”
Labor Day typically marks the and pushed Biden and Harris in a major party presidential ticket,
unofficial start to the fall campaign particular to conduct much of the met privately with Blake’s family at
season as candidates accelerate traditional election activity online. the Milwaukee airport after arriv-
their activity for the final sprint to While the health of the Ameri- ing in the state, where she spoke
Election Day. Both campaigns re- can economy and status of workers with Blake by phone from his hos-
flected that urgency Monday, as were dominant Labor Day themes, pital bed. Harris told Blake she was
Harris and Vice President Mike both campaigns also focused on re- proud of him and individually spoke
Pence each campaigned in Wiscon- cent protests that have roiled Wis- to each of his family members, in
sin, a state Trump narrowly won in consin and the rest of the nation af- person and on the phone, urging
2016. The events played out against ter police shot Jacob Blake, a Black them to take care of their physical
the background of the pandemic, man, in Kenosha last month. and mental health, Blake’s lawyers
which has upended campaigning Harris, the first Black woman on said in a statement.

Hopes fading for coronavirus deal as Congress returns

‘I personally would like to see one more rescue package ...’ like to see one more res-
cue package, but I must
GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tell you the environment
in Washington right now
BY ANDREW TAYLOR taking the high road by who’ve lost their jobs be-
The Associated Press is exceedingly partisan
not seeing them.” cause of the pandemic,
because of the proximity
All of this imperils the updates to a popular busi-
WASHINGTON — At chances for another round ness subsidy program, to the election,” said GOP
least there won’t be a gov- of $1,200 direct payments and money to help schools Senate Majority Leader
ernment shutdown. delivered under Trump’s reopen and states and lo- Mitch McConnell at an ap-
But as lawmakers name, the restoration of cal governments avoid pearance in Kentucky last
straggle back to Wash- more generous unemploy- layoffs. week.
ington for an abbreviated ment benefits to those “I personally would
preelection session, hopes
are dimming for another
coronavirus relief bill —
or much else.
Talks between top
Democrats and the Trump
administration broke off
last month and remain off
track, with the bipartisan
unity that drove almost
$3 trillion in COVID-19
rescue legislation into law
this spring replaced by
toxic partisanship and a
return to Washington dys-
Expectations in July
and August that a fifth
bipartisan pandemic re-
sponse bill would even-
tually be birthed despite
increased obstacles has
been replaced by genu-
ine pessimism. Recent
COVID-related conversa-
tions among key players
have led to nothing.
Democrats seem se-
cure in their political
position, with President
Donald Trump and sev-
eral Senate GOP incum-
bents lagging in the polls.
Trump is seeking to side-
line the pandemic as a
campaign issue, and Re-
publicans aren’t interest-
ed in a deal on Democrat-
ic terms — even as needs
like school aid enjoy wide-
spread support.
Poisonous relation-
ships among key leaders
like House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, D-Calif., and White
House Chief of Staff Mark
Meadows give little rea-
son for confidence about
overcoming obstacles on
the cost, scope and details
of a potential relief bill.
Pelosi recently referred to
Meadows as “whatever his
name is,” while the Mead-
ows-run White House
during a press briefing
ran a video loop of Pelosi’s
controversial visit to a San
Francisco hair salon.
Trump said Monday
that Democrats “don’t
want to make a deal be-
cause they think that if
the country does as badly
as possible ... that’s good
for the Democrats.”
“I am taking the high
road,” he told reporters
at the White House. “I’m
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 3A

n Get the salad dressing on the side: Some Mississippi receives
salads are smothered in high-calorie dressings.
Asking for the dressing on the side makes it a lot
easier to control the portion size and therefore the
grants to help with
calories that you consume.
Source: rent, utility bills

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen JACKSON — The state of Mississippi has
received $24 million in federal grants to help
people struggling to pay rent and utility bills
during the coronavirus pandemic, the Mis-
The diabetes-COVID-19 tangle, higher rates of doctor; monitor sissippi Department of Human Services an-
in-hospital death your blood sugar nounced Friday.
untangled (1.1 percent with- regularly, take A $9.2 million grant was awarded for the
In March, Tom Hanks disclosed out diabetes versus your medication Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Pro-
he had COVID-19. He was espe- 11 percent with), as prescribed and gram for helping residents pay home energy
cially lucky to make a full recov- acute respiratory push to get your costs such as electric and gas bills. House-
ery, since he has Type 2 diabetes.
distress syndrome A1C below 6.4 holds may also apply for regular Low-Income
That precondition makes folks
(7.1 percent versus percent. In addi- Home Energy Assistance Program funds to
more likely to develop serious
21.4 percent) and tion, aim for 60 purchase or repair air conditioners, heaters
complications from the virus.
heart injury (1.4 minutes of exercise and fans, officials said. More than $15 million
A study of 200 COVID-19
patients with existing diabetes percent vs. 9.9 per- five days a week was awarded to assist households with rent,
suggests that diabetes presents cent). Those with Drs. Oz and Roizen and avoid highly mortgage, employment and educational ex-
a “fertile ground for the virus’ poorly controlled processed foods penses.
inflammatory surge.” That then glucose levels also and red meats. “The goal of MDHS is to serve as many
knocks diabetes out of control and had higher rates of Also, stockpile two months’ worth non-traditional clients as possible, who are
results in “severe insulin resis- septic shock, kidney dysfunction of diabetes medications, insulin mainly the households that have been directly
tance and severe hyperglycemia.” and stroke. and supplies. If you get sick, you’ll or directly impacted due to COVID-19,” said
That in turn makes COVID’s com- That’s why it’s important to need them. Tina Ruffin, Director of the MDHS Division of
plications, such as renal failure and get your diabetes under control, Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Community Services. “These funds will allow
low blood pressure, more likely to to protect yourself from infection Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, us to make sure our most vulnerable clients
lead to persistent problems or even and, if infected, to be aggressive M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and receive help when they need it.”
death. about managing your glucose lev- Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve- Individuals may contact their local commu-
Another study of COVID el. We urge you to make and keep land Clinic. To live your healthiest, nity action agency or human resource agency
patients that included 952 with appointments (telemedicine and/ tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit to apply for both types of assistance. A list of
diabetes found those folks had or in person) with your diabetes these agencies is posted on the MDHS website
vices/. Applications will be taken on a first
come, first served basis.
Individuals who have never received ser-

vices may submit a pre-application at https:// This site is avail-
able nationwide, but services and funds are for
Continued from Page 1A residents of Mississippi only.
one week to find their city
had escaped the brunt of
the storm. Some of their
homes already had elec-
tricity back.
That afternoon, Ken-
nard was on the road east
to Louisiana, where the
storm had made much
more of a mark.
“The really bad part
is east of (here) toward
Lake Charles,” he told
The Dispatch as he drove.

‘That’s home to them’

Kennard was not the
only Golden Triangle
resident to head south in
response to Hurricane
Laura. Both Starkville
and Columbus city fire
departments sent person- Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff
nel to Louisiana to help Michael Conner, left, and Everett Kennard perform maintenance on one of their
with search and rescue sleeper buses in Lake Charles, Louisiana, on Sunday.
and other efforts, while
chael that came through Capt. Melvin Junkin and Carter. “The majority of
4-County Electric Pow-
(Panama) City (in Florida Capt. Wes Mims, arrived everybody that we talked
er Association sent two
in 2018),” he said. “I’ve in Louisiana the day after to, they left. They left be-
crews of 11 employees
seen more damage here the storm hit, meeting fore the storm. Whenever
total to aid Louisiana’s than I did down there.” up with first respond- the state told them, ‘Y’all
Beauregard Electric Co- Chris Carter, an engi- ers from municipalities need to leave, y’all need
operative with power res- neer with Columbus Fire throughout Mississippi to evacuate,’ they actually
toration. and Rescue and part of a trained specifically to listened. For a lot of the
They joined volunteers state task force deployed aid with disaster relief. community, they’ve been
from around the country to aid in disaster relief, At night, the team stayed through this before. They
as locals who had stayed described the destruction in an elementary school know what the repercus-
during the storm as- left behind by a 15-foot with no electricity or wa- sions are for living down
sessed damage to homes storm surge in Camer- ter, and during the day there, so they know when
and businesses and evac- on, Louisiana, one of the they cleared areas of to get out and when it’s
uees slowly returned to worst-hit areas. land, conducting welfare good to go back.
do the same. “We were able to see checks on homes that “As far as their mental
Kennard’s fellow bus reeds and marsh being had withstood the 15-foot and cognitive acceptance
driver, Michael Conner pushed inland and flood- storm surge and 130-mph of it, it was ... just another
of Columbus, made the ing in areas that were not winds. storm,” he added. “They
same trek from Texas — (usually) flooded. Main- The locals they met, he live down there. They go
specifically San Antonio ly debris, houses being said, had resigned them- back and they rebuild.
— east into Lake Charles. pushed over,” Carter said. selves to a long rebuilding That’s home to them.”
A veteran of similar vol- “A lot of those houses are process.
unteer missions in previ- ... on stilts, just like you “When we went out,
ous hurricanes, including would find (in) a normal we would stop and ask lo-
Katrina in 2005, Conner river house around our cals that were in the area
thought he was prepared parts. A lot of them were how they were doing,
for anything. pushed over and just com- did they need any water,
“I came around the pletely wiped out.” did they need any food,
bypass and I think this is Carter and his fellow did they need any emer-
worse than Hurricane Mi- Columbus firefighters, gencies reported,” said


Autopsy set after inmate death at January. The U.S. Justice Department
announced in February that it is investi-
central Mississippi prison gating the state’s prison system.
JACKSON — An autopsy will be
done on an inmate who was pronounced
dead Wednesday at Central Mississippi Man killed after being hit by train in
Correctional Facility. Mississippi’s capital
The Mississippi Department of Cor- JACKSON — Mississippi authorities
rections said in a news release that are investigating a deadly train accident
Scott William Deters, 50, is believed to in the state’s capital city.
have died from natural causes.
The incident happened just after 8
Deters was sentenced Sept. 19, 2019,
p.m. Wednesday, WLBT-TV reported.
to seven years for possession of a con-
trolled substance in Stone County and The Jackson Police Departmet said
four years for prescription forgery in that a man was hit and killed by a train SOLUNAR TABLE
after he became stuck on the train
The solunar period indicates

Harrison County. peak-feeding times for fish and game.

Tue. Wed.
At least 73 inmates have died in Mis- tracks. Authorities are unsure why the Major 5:23a 6:10a
Minor 10:58p —
sissippi prisons since late December. man was there. Major 5:46p 6:34p
Several inmates died during outbursts The victim’s identity has not been re- Minor 12:53p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
of violence in late December and early leased.

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The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Answers to common questions:
Send us your business brief.
Published daily except Saturday.
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Phone: 662-328-2424 Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
subject: Business brief The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Six Saturdays and a Sunday
“There’s a new where Sam and I Bakery, Marcy Jo’s Muletown
hit rock group or sit on the couch restaurant in downtown, along
singer every five and sing loudly, with Muletown Roasted Coffee
minutes, but with completely out of next door. The feel of the town
country music, you tune and thankful is like Mayberry RFD. There’s
have one hit and no one will hear us. an old-fashioned schoolhouse
those people love you Sunday nights we on Rory’s farm. There are
forever.” watch three televi- ducks and chickens and cows
Kenny Rogers, sion shows: “Ameri- and horses and tractors and
Country Music Hall ca’s Funniest Home vegetable gardens. There are
of Fame 2013 Videos,” “Muletown big family dinners served on
in the Round” and an outside table on the porch
Things have Shannon Bardwell “This Life I Live,” and neighbors being neighbor-
settled into some with Rory Feek and ly, contributing an apple pie or
kind of normal around here. family. banana nut bread.
Sheltering has been going on I love these shows. They Michael, at the bakery,
six months now, allowing us to make me laugh out loud, and had to close down during the
develop new routines. Rou- sometimes make me teary in pandemic when all were shel-
tines that put some framework a good sort of way, but make tering and restaurants closed.
into our days but are also my Sundays great. Being lifted He gathered his team and they
extremely flexible. We remem- up is a good thing in times like made homemade bread and
ber a little better now what these. AFV has people falling of a small country restaurant others touch our hearts. handed it out free. Grocery
month it is, what day it is, and down and I’m sorry to say, in Columbia, Tennessee. “This Life I Live,” is the stores with limited number of
if there’s something we’re sup- although I don’t see how they Neither Sam or I know much ongoing story of country bread loaves sometimes meant
posed to do. I attribute this to don’t kill themselves, it is up- about country music, but we’re singer/songwriter Rory Feek not enough bread for families
the calendars I bought and the roariously funny. Then there’s learning. Our favorites are and his family. After losing with more than a couple of
notes I keep. Somebody said practical jokes and little kids songs like Paul Overstreet’s his wife, Joey, to cancer he kids. So, Michael gave away
it’s like having six Saturdays saying the darndest things. “Takes a Whole Lot of Li- is raising their 6-year-old bread. This is what I love
and a Sunday. Most commit- “Muletown in the Round” quor to Like Her” and Wynn daughter Indiana, aka Indy. about country living and this
ments, and there are few, can features three country sing- Varble’s “Waiting on a Wom- Many of his family members life we live.
be rearranged, canceled or for- er/songwriters each Sunday an.” Doesn’t really sound like have moved back to the area Email reaches Shannon
gotten, except Sunday. Sunday night. They are usually about songs you’d sing on Sunday, and run their own businesses Bardwell of Columbus at msdel-
is our online church service our ages and sit in the center but some make us laugh while like Marcy Jo’s Mealhouse and


Voice of the people
More thoughts on the value of diverse letters
I take issue with one other aspect of Mike
McLaughlin’s September 2 letter; one that Roger
Wade’s letter the next day also contained. My spe-
cific beef: both characterized liberal writers like
me as essentially saying, “I have this all figured
out; here, let me show you the truth.”
Then, in their response, McLaughlin and Wade,
for sure did exactly that.
My overarching point? You cannot have it both
ways. That is, neither “side” can logically claim to
have a lock on the truth. But that seems to be what
you think. The lock is there alright — it’s just that
it’s you conservatives that possess it.
My view? Typically, for most cases, even for
some moral issues, no position is all right or all
wrong. Furthermore, we are all free to cite evi-
dence that either weakens or strengthens support
for the arguments of another — that helps clarify
the degree to which any claim has merit.
That is what I try to do, myself. If you read my
letters, I think you would find that, though I some-
times falter, I typically cite facts where applicable.
And that I also identify where I am giving opinion
based on those facts. I use words and phrases like,
“in my view” and “to me” to make it clear that I
consider the following statement to be opinion —
not Truth, in that literal sense. I never resort to ad
Sweden’s virus plan proves deadly.
hominem attacks and, for the most part, avoid the
pitfall of sarcasm. In my view (there I go again), all
of us contributors should strive to do something

Trump’s adviser likes it

like that.
So, take my arguments and find flaws in them
— I welcome it! If you did I would almost invariably
learn something, potentially seeing an issue from
Many of us lit can- no background in easier in Sweden because its urban
some new angle that might not ever occur to me
dles and prayed that infectious diseases or centers are less densely populated
on my own. I do have conservative friends where
Sweden’s approach to epidemiology and that than ours. In addition, about half
exactly that happens — and regularly.
the coronavirus would Trump found him on of all Swedes live in single-person
But neither you nor Mr. Wade have done that; at
succeed. As the rest of Fox News. households versus a quarter of
least, not so far.
Europe locked down, And, oh, the Centers Americans.
Still, perhaps there are some who would like
Sweden stayed mostly for Disease Control and Furthermore, it isn’t true that
to go back to the “good ol’ days” when the only
open. Its plan was to Prevention just advised Sweden was totally open. There
person who wrote letters to The Dispatch was
keep vulnerable people not testing people who were rules for social distancing,
Cameron Triplett, coming from the right. Me? I
separate while letting have been exposed to and gatherings were limited to 50
like the way things are now much better, with a di-
the virus infect the the virus but show no people. And many Swedes took it
verse array of contributors bringing different sides
others, thus creating symptoms. This “let- upon themselves to self-isolate.
to the exact issues we need to be talking about. Froma Harrop
herd immunity — a it-rip policy,” Gottlieb By the way, stores in Sweden
Very much like the approach Bonnie Oppenheimer
large proportion of complains, “will make are reporting a run on masks, as
described in her letter in the Sept. 3 Dispatch. You
people no longer able to spread it more difficult to track and trace people anticipate a government
might want to read that one.
the disease. Meanwhile, everyone cases. tightening of regulations.
Paul Mack
would go about their business, and It’s screwy from an economic One might wish otherwise,
the economy wouldn’t suffer. standpoint because frequent and but the only way to contain this
The Swedish example could widespread testing can help the virus is to follow the bothersome
In response to Armstrong Williams: The have offered deliverance from country reopen by identifying guidelines: Wear masks in public.
aftermath mask wearing, closed gyms and those who need to be isolated. Maintain social distancing. Test
Williams’ column states, “If Trump gets a sec- fights over when to open schools. Many states and cities say they and trace.
ond term, he has plans to create 10 million jobs in But it didn’t work. will ignore the lax new CDC guide- They are also key to boosting
ten months.” Sweden has recorded about 571 lines, another sign of the Trumpi- public confidence in any reopen-
That won’t be enough to cover the number of virus deaths per million, more than an times. ing. Bringing back Dr. Anthony
jobs that have and will be lost from the “hoax” even our 563 deaths per million. Meanwhile, concerns grow Fauci as America’s prime voice
pandemic. Its formerly locked-down Scandi- that the virus may not pass easily on the pandemic would further
The Republicans are always partial to business navian neighbors have reported through strong, young people to reassure Americans that someone
and Democrats are always partial to workers. far, far lower mortality, while their then exit leaving them good as in power is serious about this.
The Democrats have passed a bill to raise the economies are doing just as well, new. Doctors are seeing more and Trump will do none of the
federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025, but the if not better. Guess disease and more virus survivors with lasting above. But you already knew that.
Senate and the Republicans won’t move it. death are bad for business. heart damage and dangerous Eventually, we’ll have a vaccine,
Most of the states who took it on their own to And despite the suffering, inflammation. And it’s not just old and — this is another prayer — a
raise the minimum wage are controlled by Demo- Sweden is nowhere near achieving people. In the last week of June, competent leader in the White
crats. herd immunity, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, nearly half the hospitalized corona- House. At that point, it’s back to
Most all of the states who accepted expanded former commissioner of the Food virus patients in the Sunbelt states a kind of normal as we tend to
Medicaid are controlled by Democrats. and Drug Administration, writes were ages 18 to 49. hurting businesses, restore jobs,
Biden, who came out of the basement last week in The Wall Street Journal. Neither Sweden’s inferior performance grieve losses and deal with those
told QAnon followers to seek mental health before are we. is especially shocking given still suffering side effects of the
the Affordable Care Act is repealed by Trump and Sadly, but not surprisingly, certain advantages it has over the disease.
the Republicans. President Donald Trump’s favor- United States. They include a far Light a candle for all the above.
All workers will be ahead financially if Demo- ite coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott lower rate of obesity, a factor in Froma Harrop, a syndicated
crats are in charge. Atlas, now recommends following coronavirus deaths, and a strong columnist, writes for the Providence
James Hodges Sweden’s example. Two other public health system serving (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail
Steens non-surprises are that Atlas has everyone. Physical distancing is address is
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 5A

The Summer of COVID-19 ends with health officials worried

The U.S. had about 1.6M confirmed COVID-19 cases on Friday and Saturday.
“This is not who we
asked to wear masks.
Debbie Katsanos drove
their motor home, ate in
a restaurant only once on
around Memorial Day; it now has more than 6.2M cases are, and this is not how we
— as a community — get
down from New Hamp-
shire with her husband,
the way down and tried to
stay socially distant when
BY JEFFREY COLLINS diums at places like Ohio Memorial Day, before back to where we want to her father and a friend. visiting with other people
The Associated Press State and the University backyard parties and oth- be,” the city said. It was their first trip out at their campground.
of Texas sat empty. Many er gatherings contributed In South Carolina, of state since COVID-19 “It’s probably our only
The Lost Summer of Labor Day parades mark- to a summertime surge. which was a hot spot of started spreading. They chance to get somewhere
2020 drew to a close Mon- ing the unofficial end of It now has more than 6.2 contagion over the sum- had time off because the before the summer ends, “
day with many big Labor summer were called off, million cases, accord- mer before cases started Labor Day weekend fair Katsanos said Monday as
Day gatherings canceled and masks were usually ing to the count kept by to decline in early August, where they typically sell she sat in traffic on Inter-
across the U.S. and health required at the few that Johns Hopkins Universi- 8,000 fans, including Gov. concessions canceled this state 95 in North Carolina
authorities pleading with went on. ty. Deaths from the virus Henry McMaster, were year. on the long trip home. “I
people to keep their dis- “Please, please do not more than doubled over allowed to attend the NA- Katsanos said they saw it as the turning of the
tance from others so as make the same mistakes the summer to nearly SCAR race at the Darling- wore masks at all times corner. We survived this.
not to cause another coro- we all made on Memo- 190,000. ton Raceway on Sunday. when they were away from Let’s live life a little.”
navirus surge like the one rial Day weekend. Wear In New Orleans, which State officials approved a
that followed Memorial your masks, watch your had one of the largest socially distant attendance
Day. distance and wash your outbreaks outside of New plan at the track, which
Downtown Atlanta was hands,” said Dr. Raul Pino, York City this spring, can hold 47,000 people.
quiet as the 85,000 or so state health director in city officials reminded It was the biggest gath-
people who come dressed Orange County, Florida, residents that COVID-19 ering in the state since
as their favorite superhe- which includes the Orlan- doesn’t take a holiday af- the outbreak started six
roes or sci-fi characters do area. ter they received 36 calls months ago. Many rows
for the annual Dragon Con The U.S. had about about large gatherings and and seats were kept emp-
convention met online in- 1.6 million confirmed 46 calls about businesses ty to keep groups of fans
stead. Huge football sta- COVID-19 cases around not following safety rules apart, and people were

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Pleasant Grove M.B. is in charge of arrange- was a member of the
OBITUARY POLICY Church-Motley. ments. Methodist Church.
Obituaries with basic informa-
In addition to her Mr. Cantrell was born In addition to his
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided
parents, she was pre- Cot. 25, 1953, in Amory, parents, he is survived
free of charge. Extended ceded in death by her to the late Howard and by his son, Tyler Ful-
obituaries with a photograph, husband, James Willie Helen Harmon Cantrell. gham of Birmingham,
detailed biographical informa- Sanders; son James He was a graduate of Alabama; and siblings,
tion and other details families Alfred Sanders; and one Amory High School and Misi Moreland of Bran-
may wish to include, are avail- grandchild. was formerly employed don and Vickie Sevier of
able for a fee. Obituaries must
She is survived by with MCEPA. He was West Point.
be submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s
her children, Ronald a member of Becker Memorials may be
body has been donated to Sanders of Steens, Baptist Church. made to West Point/
science. If the deceased’s Donald Sanders of In addition to his par- Clay County Animal
body was donated to science, Fairfield, Louisiana ents, he was preceded Shelter, 5122 Old Tibbee
the family must provide official and Charles Sanders of in death by his siblings, Road, West Point, MS
proof of death. Please submit Houston, Texas; seven Patricia Fogel, Hank 39773.
all obituaries on the form grandchildren; and five and Mickey Cantrell.
provided by The Commercial
Dispatch. Free notices must be
great-grandchildren. He is survived by his Thomas Berry
submitted to the newspaper wife, Brenda Cantrell; COLUMBUS —
no later than 3 p.m. the day Willie Luster children, Amber Vanvol- Thomas Scott Berry,
prior for publication Tuesday NOXUBEE COUN- sen of Ontario, Canada, 67, died Sept. 7, 2020, at
through Friday; no later than 4 TY — Willie Luster, 86, Lori Edwards of Amory Baptist Memorial Hospi-
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday and Bryan Fooshee
died Sept. 5, 2020. tal-Golden Triangle.
edition; and no later than 7:30
Arrangements are of Brandon; eight Arrangements are
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re- incomplete and will be grandchildren; and two incomplete and will be
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. announced by Carter’s great-grandchildren. announced by Memorial
for the Monday through Friday Funeral Services of Pallbearers will be Gunter Peel Funeral
editions. Paid notices must be Macon. Bryan Fooshee, Stone Home and Crematory
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Hunter, Paxton Vanvol- College Street location.
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Valarie Harris-Pierce sen, Luke Pannell, Brad
p.m. for Sunday and Monday STARKVILLE — Va- Sanders, Jeff Gilmore,
publication. For more informa- larie Harris-Pierce, 55, Jonathan Clouse and
tion, call 662-328-2471. died Sept. 1, 2020. Nick Webb.
Graveside services
Luther Simpson will be at 11 a.m. Scott Fulgham
COLUMBUS — Lu- Wednesday, in First WEST POINT —
ther Simpson, 88, died Baptist Longview Scott Lamar Fulgham,
Sept. 7, 2020, at Baptist Cemetery. Visitation is 48, died Sept. 6, 2020, at
from 2-6 p.m. today, at Baptist Memorial Hospi-
Memorial Hospital-East
West Memorial Funeral tal-Golden Triangle.
Memphis, Tennessee.
Home. West Memo- Graveside ser-
Arrangements are
rial Funeral Home of vices will be at 1 p.m.
incomplete and will be
Starkville is in charge of Wednesday, in Me-
announced by Lown-
arrangements. morial Gardens, with
des Funeral Home of
She is survived by Pat Bowen officiating.
her husband, Melvin Calvert Funeral Home
Pierce of Una; children, of West Point is in
Betty Nicholson Tommy Lawrence, charge of arrange-
GORDO, Ala. — Bet- Alisha Brown, Fallon ments.
ty Jean Craig Nicholson, Brown, Adrian Harris Mr. Fulgham was
60, died Aug. 28, 2020. all of Starkville and born March 29, 1972, in
A home going cele- Charles Lawrence of Columbus, to Margaret
bration was at 11 a.m. Atlanta, Georgia; sib- Cornell and John Lamar
Friday, in New Ceme- lings, Faye Benjamin, Fulgham. He was for-
tery, with the Rev. Rich- Wallace Lawrence both merly employed as an
ard Hood Sr. officiating. of Starkville, Connie upholsterer for Scarbor-
Lavender’s Funeral Leon of San Antonio, ough Upholstery and
Service of Aliceville was Texas, Tony Lawrence,
in charge of arrange- Louis Lawrence both of
ments. Knoxville, Tennessee
and Tyrone Lawrence
Allene Sanders of Columbus; and 10
COLUMBUS — Al- grandchildren.
lene James Sanders, 96,
died Sept. Bennie Perrigan Jr.
3, 2020, at COLUMBUS — Ben-
her resi- nie L. Perrigan Jr., 84,
dence. died Sept. 8, 2020, at
Grave- Baptist Memorial Hospi-
side tal-Golden Triangle. Oliver Chesnut
services Arrangements are Services:
will be at incomplete and will be Tuesday, Sept. 8 • 11 AM
Sanders Celebation of life.
11 a.m. announced by Memorial St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Wednes- Gunter Peel Funeral Graveside Services:
Sunday, Sept. 13 • 2 PM
day, in Memorial Home and Crematory Black Creek Cemetery
Gardens. Visitation is College Street location. Silas, Alabama
2nd Ave N. Location
from 2-5 p.m. today, at
Carter’s Funeral Ser- Dudley Cantrell Charles Arnold
vices. Carter’s Funeral AMORY — Dudley Graveside Services:
Services of Columbus Earl Cantrell, 66, died Tuesday, Sept. 8 • 1 PM
is in charge of arrange- Center Hill
Sept. 5, 2020, at his
2nd Ave N. Location
ments. residence.
Mrs. Sanders was Funeral service will Scott Berry
born March 4, 1924, in be at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Incomplete
Columbus, to the late at Cleveland Moffett Fu- College St. Location
Peter James and Mattie neral Home, with Eric
Lou James. She was Keeton and Jason Green Bennie Perrigan Jr.
formerly employed as officiating. Visitation College St. Location
an educator for Colum- is from 5-8 p.m. today,
bus School District at the funeral home.
at Franklin Academy Cleveland Moffett
and was a member of Funeral Home of Amory
6A TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff

Sherian Powe, left, and husband Mike walk through their backyard in Westlake, Louisiana. The Powes did not
evacuate ahead of Hurricane Laura and rode out the storm in a hallway in the middle of their house.

Lake Charles
Continued from Page 1A
left looking into his back-
yard. The entire back half
of his home had caved in.
“Ask me if I’d do it
again, I doubt it,” he said.
The first signs of the
storm-ravaged section
of greater Lake Charles
rear their heads 27 miles
outside the city limits.
Billboards advertising
fireworks, casinos and
restaurants have been
shredded by winds that
reached 135 miles per
hour. Further down
Interstate 10 at the Lake
Charles East/Iowa KOA
Journey campgrounds,
the Sulphur Parks
Waterpark looks closer Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff
to a deserted mine shaft Westlake’s welcome sign reveals previous posters below it after suffering damage at
with slides missing whole the hands of Hurricane Laura.
sections and towers
previously employed for But as the country fires from the local Phil- previous two weeks. In
sun-soaked fun resting continues coming to lips 66 oil refinery burst Lake Charles and the sur-
solemnly in the weeds grips with the COVID-19 into the early afternoon rounding communities,
below. pandemic, music per- sky. the water and wind have
“I actually think it formances have stalled, Sunday, the Powes’ subsided, but rebuilding
looks like a third-world and the revenue associ- 40-year-old nephew sat has just begun.
country,” said Roger ated with tour bookings in the hospital hooked
Latham, a trucker who have dried. Based out of to a ventilator after he
arrived in Lake Charles Nashville, Nitetrain sent was found by paramedics
from Maryville, Ken- an estimated 40 buses to with his skin tinged blue
tucky, to aid in the hur- Lake Charles. With local trying to let dogs out of a
ricane relief. “I’ve done motels destroyed, without camper. He’s not expect-
nine hurricanes. I’ve power, booked up or com- ed to make it.
done Harvey, Matthew — binations of all three, the Standing in his gravel
this one’s the (worst).” company’s sleeper buses driveway, Bryant runs his
equipped with beds for up fingers down the right
‘It’s a pretty to 12 people, televisions
and a slew of other ame-
arm of his sunglasses
major disaster’ nities serve as an outpost
as if to adjust them from
the haunting reality of
Settled in a massive for those working on the
parking lot next to the what’s become of his
front lines of Hurricane home. Along the fence
Power Centre Ball Fields Laura’s aftermath.
in Lake Charles’ Ward he and the Powes share,
“Some areas look like a massive tree has been
3, buses from as close as it’s going to be a couple
Texas and Mississippi uprooted, crushing half
of months before they get of Mike’s workshop.
and as far as Ohio and electricity,” Hoyt estimat-
Montana have nestled Uninsured and short
ed. “It’s a pretty major on sustainable income
into a fleet of portable disaster.”
sleeping stations for elec- at 70 years old, Bryant is
trical workers toiling to thinking about purchas-
return power to the area’s ‘What’re you going ing a modular home with
over 80,000 residents. to do?’ his daughter. The Powes
Firefighters, utility Carefully stepping say they’re headed for
workers and bus drivers over the scattered wires refuge with friends in
from the Golden Triangle hooked up to a generator Vancleave, Mississippi,
are there, too, each doing on her back porch, Sheri- until the insurance com-
their part to kickstart the an Powe opens the doors pany sends an adjuster
recovery effort. to the family’s bedrooms. to their home. Even the
Weaving his way Windows are opened bus drivers gathered near
through the caravan, to combat increasing the ballfields aren’t sure
Nitetrain Coach Com- smells of mildew. A bed whether their 30-day
pany driver Scott Hoyt, is pushed back from the contracts will turn into 60
a former member of the wall to give the floor days, 90 days or longer.
1960s and ’70s rock band ample space to dry. “We didn’t have
The Grass Roots, stops Cracks have also formed anywhere to go,” Bryant
for a brief chat. Having in the ceilings and walls. said of why he chose to
given up his music career She gingerly guides her stay. “What’re you going
after his mother suffered flip-flop clad right foot to do?”
a stroke, he’s spent the to indicate where the A mangled advertising
better part of the past wooden flooring she and billboard sits just off In-
two decades shuttling Mike recently added has terstate 10, minutes from
performers across the warped. water’s edge, as a har-
United States. In the distance, gas rowing reminder of the

Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff

Leroy Bryant was in his home when the back bedroom caved in due to hurri-
cane-force winds. This is what’s left.



Logan Martin was

starting to get down on
The West Plains, Mis-
souri, driver hadn’t ended
up in victory lane a single
time in 20 COMP Cams
Super Dirt Series races
this year, and though he
was first in the champion-
ship points standings, he
wanted that elusive win.
So Martin put together
perhaps the best weekend
of his career and doubled
up for two of them.
After posting the fast-
est time in qualifying,
earning the poll and win-
ning the feature race Sat-
urday at Jackson Motor
Speedway in Byram, Mar-
tin did the same Sunday
at Magnolia Motor Speed-
way, capping off a dom-
inant weekend of Super
Late Models racing.
“The last couple
nights, everything just
went our way,” Martin
From the pole position
in Sunday night’s CCSDS
feature race, Martin shot
out in front of Spencer
Hughes of Meridian, led
all 40 laps and walked
away with the $3,000 first
prize. Courtesy of Chris McDill
He also increased Logan Martin heads into Turn 3 during a lap at Magnolia Motor Speedway on Sunday. Martin won the COMP Cams Super Dirt Series race and
his lead in points over claimed a $3,000 prize.
Hughes, currently second
in the standings. Martin ing out his position in the 0.8 seconds to claim the #92 car for several laps, as close again. He added his right rear tire wearing
led Hughes by 62 points standings is easier said win. allowing Hughes to pass a second-place finish to thin. Martin said that he
going into Saturday’s than done. It wasn’t that close Culp and gain ground on Saturday’s seventh-place was given the choice of
event and 158 heading “I’d be lying if I said most of the time as Martin Martin. run. hard or soft options for
into Sunday’s race; now, I didn’t look at them opened up a lead of multi- Hughes got within “All in all, it was a good the tire prior to the race
that margin has increased points,” he said. ple seconds over Timothy about half a second of night and not a bad week- and chose the soft one to
again. Martin should be more Culp early on. He lapped the lead before Martin end,” Hughes said. avoid getting stuck, but
Martin said his focus than happy with his place Joseph Long on the 14th went around Mallett and It was an even better he burned up too much of
has been on winning rac- after Sunday’s race, hold- lap before getting stuck lapped him, and the Me- one for Martin, of course, the rubber in the first 20
es one at a time, but tun- ing off Hughes by roughly behind Chad Mallett’s ridian driver never got as he won despite feeling See MAG, 3B


Bulldogs host scrimmage, quarterback update, COVID-19 good luck

BY GARRICK HODGE tion groups for their per- noted some players are Costello and freshman to a point. But I thought breakout 2018 campaign formances. standing out more than Will Rogers for their per- those two had the best where he accumulated
“A positive about the others. formanc- scrimmage.” 3,540 yards, 29 touch-
STARKVILLE — scrimmage, and why “You try to channel es, while Leach added the quar- downs and 11 intercep-
When Mike Leach ar- it’s hard to say, is every- not men- terback competition
the reps around the guys tions.
rived at fall camp, the
thing was contested,” that are starting to sep- tioning is “still open, but less
first year Mississippi
Leach said. “All sides, arate themselves,” he last year’s open that it was.” While Hill standing out in
State head coach had no
both offense and de- said. “That would be the st a r ter many Southeastern Con-
predetermined expecta-
fense, had plenty to be biggest thing. There’s Garrett ference experts expect practice
tions. He simply wanted Considering he led
pissed about. And that’s no scheme overhauls, in Shrader. Leach to tab Costello
to see where everyone the SEC in rushing yards
was at, good, bad or ugly. usually pretty good fact, we’ll probably cut “ I Leach the starter, the former
news for a competitive thought Washington State coach in 2019, many wondered
On Saturday, MSU some plays rather than
team, as long as it wasn’t add some plays. We’ll K.J. had a said he will likely name how Columbus native
had its first team scrim- Kylin Hill would factor
mage of fall camp. The a slopfest and it was identify what we’re re- really good day today,” a starting signal caller
not. There were some ally good at and polish Leach said. “I thought before game week. The into Leach’s famous air
result left a favorable
well-executed things out that up.” Will did an admirable Bulldogs are slated to raid offense.
impression on the for-
there. And there were a job as far as a lot of times open the season against Through the first few
mer Washington State
lot of plays that either a freshman will go out defending national weeks of fall camp, the
and Texas Tech coach,
side won by just a couple
Leach to name quar- there in their first scrim- champions LSU on Sept. senior running back has
as Leach said the prac-
tice was one of the best of inches. So, the com- terback ‘Before game mage and flinch a little 26. in Baton Rouge. left a favorable impres-
the Bulldogs have had in petitiveness I was very week’ bit, but he came out of it Last season at Stan- sion on his new coach.
camp, and perhaps even pleased with.” In his Saturday me- fast. He did some good ford, Costello threw for “He’s a real physical
the best one. He praised While competition dia availability, Leach things. I thought the 1,038 yards, six touch- guy,” Leach said. “When
both the secondary and for starting spots has praised graduate trans- others were competitive, downs and three inter- he triggers on a play, he
the offensive line posi- yet to wrap up, Leach fer quarterback K.J. they can line up and play ceptions following a See MSU, 3B

Marlins beat Braves 5-4 in 10th inning Southern Miss’

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS naud grounded into an in-
ning-ending double play.
Rojas tied his career
high with four hits and
Miami’s José Ureña
allowed three runs in five
Hopson out as coach;
ATLANTA — Miguel
Rojas had four hits, in-
Garrett Cooper opened
the 10th as Miami’s des-
drove in two runs in a
game he said was import-
innings in his season de-
but. Ureña had been out
Walden takes over
cluding a go-ahead dou- ignated runner at second ant for the Marlins’ play- with COVID-19.
ble in the 10th inning,
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ending Hopson’s ten-
and advanced on Jon Ber- off hopes. Miami took a 4-3 lead
and the Miami Marlins ure one game into his
ti’s sacrifice. A.J. Minter Atlanta’s NL East lead off Robbie Erlin in the
beat the Atlanta Braves HAT TIESBURG fifth season. The Gold-
(1-1) intentionally walked was cut to two games fourth on RBI singles by
5-4 on Monday. — Southern Mississip- en Eagles lost at home
pinch-hitter Brian Ander- over second-place Phila- Starling Marté and Jesús
Pinch-hitter Adam son, and Rojas doubled to delphia, while the third- pi coach Jay Hopson to South Alabama in
Aguilar. said Monday that he Thursday’s season open-
Duvall led off the ninth right-center. place Marlins are 2 1/2
Braves rookie Ian An- has stepped down and er.
with a tying homer off “Miggy has been like games behind the Phil-
Brandon Kintzler (2-3), derson, who allowed only co-offensive coordinator In statements, Hop-
this the last couple of lies.
the closer’s second blown years, just growing and “I feel like there’s a three runs in his first Scotty Walden will take son described the de-
save in 11 chances. At- growing,” Marlins man- streak in there some- three starts, lasted only over as interim coach. cision as the result of
lanta loaded the bases on ager Don Mattingly said. where for us,” Mattingly three innings. The school an- a “mutual agreement”
Dansby Swanson’s double Nick Vincent got three said. “I feel like we could Anderson was hurt by nounced the coaching with athletics director
and a pair of intentional straight outs for his third get hot and win six of four walks and also was change Monday after- Jeremy McClain, while
walks before Travis d’Ar- save. eight.” See BRAVES, 3B noon in a news release, See HOPSON, 3B
2B TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

Dustin Johnson cashes in and

finally wins the FedEx Cup
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS third victory since June 72-hole score of the tour- the Memorial and then a
and the 23rd of his PGA nament at 265. “He made 78 at the 3M Open in Min-
ATLANTA — Dustin Tour career. that putt. I didn’t. That nesota before he with-
Johnson only looks like “It’s a very tough tro- was a pinnacle moment.” drew because he wasn’t
he plays without a pulse. phy to win,” Johnson said. Thomas made bogey feeling quite right.
Beneath his stoic stare “I controlled my own des- from a wild tee shot to the Since then, he looks
and that swagger as he tiny, but I still had to go right on the 17th. Schauf- like the biggest talent in
walked the fairways of out and play well. I had a fele also had to scramble golf.
East Lake were jangled lot of great players right on the 17th, escaping “I played with him at
nerves Monday because behind me. It got close with par after a tee shot the Memorial, and I’ve
it meant so much to him. at the end. I knew it was into the bunker. And on never seen him as lost,
The $15 million prize going to come down the the par-5 18th, Johnson anywhere remotely close
for winning the FedEx stretch and I’d have to hit unleashed a drive that to that lost,” Thomas said.
Cup? That would get any- some golf shots.” started left along the pine “He was putting so bad
one’s attention, especially None were bigger than trees and faded gently and playing so bad. But he
someone who thought he the 20-foot par putt on toward the middle of the never gave up. He was just
was rich when Johnson the 13th hole to keep his fairway. trying to find it out there
cashed his first tourna- lead at three shots, the That set up a birdie and he couldn’t find it
ment check as a PGA Tour 5-iron safely on the green from the front bunker, a again the next week, and
rookie for $113,571. on the toughest hole at hug with brother Austin, then next thing you know,
But there was more. East Lake, another 5-iron his caddie, and a trophy two months later he’s the
“The prestige, for over the water on the par- he long wanted. FedEx Cup champion.
sure,” Johnson said after 3 15th — the one hole Johnson was staked to “I think that’s all you
delivering a key par putt where big numbers lurk a five-shot lead at 19-un- need to know about golf
and steady play down the — and a wedge out of a der par — 9 under on his right there.”
stretch for a 2-under 68 deep bunker and onto the own score and starting In four straight tour-
and a three-shot victory green at the 16th. the tournament at 10 un-
naments against the best
in the Tour Champion- “This is a tough golf der as the No. 1 seed in
fields, he had the 54-hole
ship. course. No lead is safe,” the FedEx Cup. He fin-
three times and was tied
“Being a FedEx Cup Johnson said. “The guys ished at 21 under.
champion is something in the other. He converted
gave me a good fight to- Schauffele and Thom-
that I really wanted to one into an 11-shot win.
day.” as tied for second, each
do. I wanted to hold that He lost to a 65 by Collin
Johnson became the earning $4.5 million.
trophy at the end of the Morikawa at the PGA
first No. 1 seed at the Jon Rahm, the No. 2
day,” Johnson said. “It was Tour Championship to seed, closed with a 66 to Championship and to a
something that I wanted win the FedEx Cup since finish fourth and earn $3 65-foot putt by Rahm at
to accomplish during my Tiger Woods in 2009. million. Scottie Schef- the BMW Championship.
career.” Now he has his name fler, who a year ago was He badly wanted the
He did it by hitting etched on the silver tro- getting ready to start his last one, and even staked
his stride at just the right phy alongside some of the rookie year, had a 66-65 to a five-shot lead to par
time. best from his generation, finish and was fifth for a at East Lake, it was never
He won two of the starting with Woods and $2.5 million payoff. easy.
three FedEx Cup post- most recently Rory McIl- And so wrapped up the It rarely is for Johnson.
season events and lost in roy, with Hall of Famers, strangest season on the But he’s back on top at
a playoff by a 65-foot putt major champions and for- PGA Tour, which doesn’t No. 1 and with a trophy he
in the other. It all came mer world No. 1 players in feel like the end at all ex- badly wanted. Next up is
down to the final day of between. cept for the $15 million the U.S. Open at Winged
the final event, and even Schauffele, who tends awarded to Johnson, $14 Foot in two weeks, a
with a five-shot lead, it to bring his best golf to million now and $1 mil- tough course, the kind
was never easy. big moments, cut the lion deferred. Johnson loves. Still to
Xander Schauffele and lead to two shots when The new season starts come is the Masters. The
Justin Thomas each got both had to scramble for Thursday. Two majors are celebration can wait until
within three shots on the par on the 13th. Schauf- still to be played. the holidays. He wants to
front nine. They each got fele missed his par putt Golf was shut down for keep going.
within two shots of John- from 25 feet, and Johnson three months and when “I’m playing well. I’ve
son with two holes to play. rammed his in. it restarted, Johnson was got a lot of confidence in
He never let them catch “He’s here to win the No. 111 in the FedEx Cup. the game,” he said. “I’m
them, and his only birdie tournament,” said Schauf- He won the Travelers really looking forward to
of the back nine on the fele, who closed with a Championship. He fol- the next obviously couple
final hole gave him his 66 and had the lowest lowed with a pair of 80s in months.”

Harvick takes Southern to be happy, taking the — Truex won the first two NASCAR’s return after a
Southern 500 when lead- stages — and were once 10-week pause at the start
500 after leaders ers Chase Elliott and Mar- again dueling for lead. of the pandemic. When
Elliott, Truex bump tin Truex Jr. bumped as Once they touched and hit he won that race without
Truex tried to make a pass the wall, things opened up spectators, he pointed into
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and both brushed the wall. for Harvick, who suddenly the television camera and
Harvick was there to found himself out front. told the fans how much
DARLINGTON, S.C. take advantage — and be- Elliott dropped off the they were missed.
— There was no doubt gin NASCAR’s playoff the pace and Harvick passed It was difficult to imag-
which of his two Darling-
best way possible. him for second. Truex — ine the win going to any-
ton Raceway victories this
Harvick, the 2014 se- who led a race-high 196 one other than Truex or
year Kevin Harvick en-
ries champion, was widely laps — had to pit for re- Elliott, who combined to
joyed more.
considered a favorite to be pairs on his damaged car, lead 310 of 367 laps.
“The first thing I want
to say is, ‘Welcome back racing for a title this sea- giving Harvick a clear But as Truex tried to
fans! This is a hell of a lot son. His eighth win this path to the finish. complete a pass for first,
more fun with you guys up year put him into the sec- “The leaders got tan- he clipped Elliott’s front
there,’” he told the crowd ond round. gled up there and the next side and both slid up into
Saturday night. “It was way better” thing you know we were the wall.
Harvick had a large getting out of the car and racing for the win,” Har- “Just not enough
smile as he waved to the hearing a fan reaction, vick said. “This is one of room there for both of
8,000 or so fans — the Harvick said. “It felt really the most prestigious races us,” Truex said about the
May 17 event here was run good to have fans cheer- in our sport and obvious- botched pass for the lead.
without spectators due to ing.” ly everybody in our sport “I thought I had enough of
the coronavirus pandem- Especially after what knows the history that a run to clear him. I think
ic — and even gave the they witnessed down the Darlington has for our it was close, obviously. I
checkered flag to a young stretch at the track “Too sport, so anytime you can thought I had enough mo-
fan wearing one of his Tough to Tame.” win here is pretty special.” mentum and distance on
shirts. Elliott and Truex had Harvick’s May victo- him that he was going to
Harvick had reason the most speed throughout ry at Darlington came in let me in there.”
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B

wild on his high throw inning, forcing infield ad- alternate training site at warned both benches, double play that ended the delphia Phillies infield this
to first after fielding a justments. ... OF Harold Triple-A Gwinnett. and Acuña stole second first inning, went 0 for 5 season.
weak grounder by Jazz Ramirez (strained left before Ureña picked him and is hitless in 24 at-bats Might have the bull-
Chisholm opening the hamstring) was trans-
ferred to the 60-day IL,
BAD FEELINGS off. in September, dropping
his average to .259 after a pen’s biggest save now,
second. Following the There were height- “The warnings are
throwing error, Chisholm ending his season. He from the history, I be- sizzling .368 in August. too.
ened tensions when
scored on Rojas’ double. was injured while run- lieve,” Mattingly said. “I “Jean has been special
Ureña hit Ronald Acuña
Braves manager Brian ning out a grounder Sat-
urday. ... Cooper (quad-
Jr. with a 95 mph sinker really believe that Snitker UP NEXT for us this year,” manager
Snitker said Anderson’s in the fourth; Ureña hit and the Braves know that Marlins: Rookie RHP Joe Girardi said.
error “kind of rattled him riceps) started as the was not intentional. It Sixto Sánchez (1-1, 2.37)
designated hitter after Acuña with a 97 mph fast- Segura hit a two-run ho-
a little bit” and the rookie ball in 2018. wasn’t.” is to make his fourth start,
being held out of the line- mer in the 10th inning and
agreed. After being hit on the Ureña said he has to and his first against Atlan-
“I should have been up two days. pitch inside against Acuña. ta, on Tuesday night. drove in a career-best five
Braves: 2B Ozzie Al- guard which protects his
able to just lock back in left elbow. Acuña took a “I’ve got to do my job,” Braves: Struggling runs, bailing out the Phil-
bies (bone bruise right RHP Kyle Wright (0-3, lies’ abominable bullpen to
and refocus a little bit first step toward the the Ureña said. “For me, that
wrist) took ground balls 7.20) is to make his fifth salvage a 9-8 win over the
quicker and it didn’t hap- midpoint between the is a weak spot for him and
from third base coach start.
pen,” Anderson said. mound and first base. a stronger spot for me. ... New York Mets on Mon-
Ron Washington and
made throws to first base With plate umpire Junior I can’t give him the inside
day for a four-game split.
TRAINER’S ROOM before the game. The Valentine and catcher plate. I have to challenge Phillies narrow gap in NL With the win, the Phil-
Marlins: Berti cut a next step for Albies, who Jorge Alfaro escort- him.” East to two lies sit two games be-
hand during his bunt in has been out for a month, ing him for a few steps, Elsewhere in the NL
the 10th and couldn’t re- likely will be to play in a Acuña then slowly walked MARKAKIS SLUMPING East, Jean Segura has hind the NL East-leading
turn for the bottom of the simulated game at the to first base. Valentine Markakis hit into a helped all over the Phila- Braves.


Continued from Page 1B Sudoku

Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 4 2 8 7 9 6 3 1 5
McClain said Hopson ap- Hopson went 28 -23 Baylor head coach Art including some against ber-placing
given numbers. puzzle
Hopson disagreed and9 6working
The object 5 1 3 as 2 4receivers
7 8

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

is to onthe
place a 9x9
numbers 1 3 7 5 4 8 6 9 2
proached him after last and reached three bowl Briles for a position on football players. said at the time that coach. Previously he
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 6 9 2 8 1 5 7 3 4
week’s loss. games since taking over his football staff. Briles That led to a state- Briles
given “deserves
numbers. Thea sec- had been head coach at
“I am in total agree- before the 2016 season. had been fired after an ment from the school so that
ond each row, each
chance.” 7 1 3 6 2 4 5 8 9
column is to
and eachplace the
3x3 box the Division III East Texas
ment with this change He was also an assistant external investigation saying university presi- Walden
numbers has
to 9 spent
1same in 8 5 4 3 7 9 1 2 6
in leadership and truly for Southern Miss from revealed in May 2016 dent Rodney D. Bennett contains
four spaces number
seasons sowith5 8Baptist. 1 2 6 7 9 4 3
believe it is in the best 2001-03 and 2005 -07. that Baylor had for and interim athletics only once. The difficulty
the Golden
that each row, Eagles,
each with 3 4 6Southern
9 8 1 Miss2 5 hosts
level increases from
interest of the players, Hopson created years mishandled nu- director Jeff Mitchell column
this being his second2 7Louisiana
and each 9 4 5 3 Tech
8 6 in 1
Monday tocontains
3x3 Sunday.
coaches and this entire headlines in 2019 when merous sexual assault had decided Briles was yearbox as co-offensive co- ference USA play on
Difficulty Level 9/05

program,” Hopson said. he interviewed former allegations by students, “not a candidate,” while the same number
ordinator. He wasonly once.
also Sept.The19.
difficulty level

increases from Monday to Sunday.

Continued from Page 1B

goes full throttle. And with an energy. He has guys to do everything. SEC, Tennessee had to been fortunate to avoid had a pretty complete
everyone knows the in- pretty good technique That’s why people put reportedly cancel a scrim- any major COVID-19-re- group. I don’t know if it’s
tensity he runs with. and he explodes into the best athletes there. mage last weekend be- lated issues and have luck and circumstance,
He’s got great hands. them. That’s key for a He fills that role.” cause 44 players were un- been able to keep their but our trainers have been
The thing that’s im- back. able to practice because regular practice schedule very vigilant in every-
pressed me most is on “Running back is the COVID stoppages have of concerns related to Sunday’s Cryptoquote:thing they do as far as the
in place.
pass protection, block- toughest position to yet to reach Bulldogs COVID-19. According to “Knock on wood, we testing, the masks, and
ing, he hits those guys play. You’re asking those Elsewhere in the Leach, the Bulldogs have have,” Leach said. “We’ve routines for separation.”

Continued from Page 1B

to 25 laps. Randall Beckwith, Ja- Tony Shelton of Steens, John A. Beard Jr. and third. Langford, Tim Parker
But the tire hung on, mie Tollison, Ryan Col- Evan Ellis and Chance In- Bobby Barksdale, both of Dewayne Estes of St- and Sam Hughes rounded
and so did Martin with a by and Sid Scarbrough man rounded out the top Columbus, finished 10th urgis and Eddie Rickman out the top five.
win to cap off a weekend rounded out the top five. five. and 11th, respectively. of Columbus rounded out Brent Burns of Steens
he won’t soon forget. Jamie Pickard of Co- Colby Ponds of Cale- Kevin McWilliams of the top five, while TK was seventh, and Jimmy
“Sometimes, it’s just lumbus was eighth, Mark donia was seventh, Mike Columbus was 13th, and King of Columbus was Anderson of Columbus
about circumstances Stokes of Steens was 18th, Pickard of Steens was JR Card of West Point was sixth. was 15th.
and letting that stuff fall and Lance Johnson of Co- 10th, and TJ Davis of 22nd. Dustin Dupler of Co-
in place,” Martin said. lumbus was 26th. Caledonia was 18th. lumbus was 20th, and Hot Shots
“Luckily, the last few Street Stocks Michael Collums of West Isaac Gipson of Rus-
nights, everything’s fall- Sportsman Factory Stocks Jason Hollis of Eth- Point was 22nd. sellville, Alabama, won
en in place.” Nick Thrash of Merid- Aidan Fletcher of Co- elsville, Alabama, edged Sunday’s Hot Shots race.
ian won Sunday night’s lumbus won the Ranch two local racers to win Modifieds Dale Johnson, Blake
Late Models Glenn’s BBQ and Fish House Diner Factory Sunday night’s Three Shane Stephens of Ar- Lamberth, John Norris and
Jeremy Shaw of Mill- Crate Racin’ USA Late Stocks feature Sunday. Star Tire and Auto Street lington, Tennessee, won Thomas Bynum rounded
port, Alabama, won again Model Sportsman race. Charles Moudy, Na- Stocks race. Sunday’s The Eaton Clin- out the top five.
in the Crate Racin’ USA Thrash beat out Brett than Page, Blake McNeill Shay Knight of Steens ic Modified Sportsman Ed Caulder of Columbus
Late Models race Satur- White, who typically and Jarrett Jones rounded finished second, and Lee race. was 13th, and Judd Murphy
day night. dominates in the division. out the top five. Ray of Columbus was Jason Byrd, Mike of Columbus was 20th.


1 Barbecue rods
The Dispatch did not publish a Monday, September 7, 2020, newspaper, due to the 6 Lincoln’s bill
holiday. The Jumble, Word Warp, Crossword, Sudoku and Cryptquote puzzles that would 10 Body of law
11 Serving
have appeared in that edition are printed below. perfectly
13 Tree-lined
14 — de Mayo
15 Singer Carly
— Jepsen
16 Retina setting
18 Light brown
19 “I will go,” for
22 Slangy denial
23 Lusty look Sunday’s answer
24 Suit
Sunday’s Cryptoquote: 27 Parliament 45 New drivers, 24 Jacqueline of
members usually films
28 “What’s — for DOWN 25 Came in
me?” 1 Neck wrap 26 Aid in break-
29 Cork sound 2 Pacific island ing down doors
30 2007 group 27 Letter writing,
Kentucky Derby 3 Cove some say
winner 4 Sock part 29 Sch. support
35 View 5 Treat derisively group
36 Brewery tub 6 Gem side 31 Calendar
37 Massive ref. 7 Here, to Henri entry
bk. 8 Chateau owner 32 Sleep dis-
Sunday’s 38 Make blank 9 Put in a box turber
40 Full of energy 12 Dead ducks 33 Middling card
42 Houston 17 Evergreen 34 Perfect
native shrub places
43 Out of bed 20 Bring to- 39 Tree fluid
44 Office div. gether 41 Tell tales
21 Wed in secret

Sudoku Sunday’s Answer

Sudoku is a num- 4 2 8 7 9 6 3 1 5
ber-placing puzzle based 9 6 5 1 3 2 4 7 8
2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

on a 9x9 grid with sev-

eral given numbers. The 1 3 7 5 4 8 6 9 2
object is to place the
numbers 1 to 9 in the
6 9 2 8 1 5 7 3 4
empty squares so that 7 1 3 6 2 4 5 8 9
each row, each column 8 5 4 3 7 9 1 2 6
and each 3x3 box con-
tains the same number 5 8 1 2 6 7 9 4 3
only once. The difficul-
ty level increases from 3 4 6 9 8 1 2 5 7
Monday to Sunday. 2 7 9 4 5 3 8 6 1
Difficulty Level 9/05
4B TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

Keep fighting!’ Serena Williams yells herself to Open win

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ria Sakkari of Greece 6-3, band, who stood at his “I have to be deadly a completely different Open.
6-7 (6), 6-3, reaching the front-row seat and yelled honest: I wasn’t brave match, completely differ- Williams, who turns 39
NEW YORK — Her quarterfinals in a 12th right back. enough in the third set. I ent scenario, completely in less than three weeks,
breathing loud enough to consecutive appearance How tight was this con- kind of like, not choked, different moment,” Wil- will face unseeded Tsvet-
hear in an empty Arthur at Flushing Meadows. test? Sakkari produced but didn’t (convert) my liams said. ana Pironkova for a semi-
Ashe Stadium, her third- “I feel like I’m pretty more aces than Williams, chances,” Sakkari said. In the earlier one, Wil- final berth.
set deficit a point from vocal with or without a 13-12, and more total win- “And if you don’t get your liams’ legs were cramp- Playing in her first
growing to 3-1 against crowd. ... I’m super pas- ners, 35-30. chances with a good Sere- ing by the end, and she tournament in more than
someone who beat her sionate. This is my job. Williams was two na against you, it’s done.” blamed herself for that three years after taking
less than two weeks ear- This is what I wake up points from victory at This was a rematch situation, memorably de- time off to have a child,
lier, Serena Williams to do. This is what I train 6-all in the second-set from Aug. 25, when Wil- claring: “I put myself in a the 32-year-old Pironkova
scrambled to extend a to do, 365 days of the tiebreaker, but faltered liams faded after building bad situation. It’s like dat- advanced with a 6-4, 7-6
13-stroke exchange un- year,” said Williams, who there, sending a back- a lead and lost in three sets ing a guy that you know (5), 6-3 victory over Alize
til her opponent netted a moved a step closer to a hand return long to give to Sakkari at the Western sucks.” Cornet.
forehand. record-tying 24th Grand Sakkari her fifth set & Southern Open, a hard- Asked about that line In men’s action, where
“Keep fighting!” Wil- Slam title. point, then pushing a fore- court tournament usually Monday, Williams joked: Novak Djokovic’s default
liams exhorted herself. “Yeah, I’m always go- hand out. held in Ohio but moved “Thank God, I got rid of on Sunday left zero past
Locked in a tough ing to bring that fire and But as is so often the to the U.S. Open site as that guy. Never want to Grand Slam champions
fourth-round match that passion,” she contin- case, when the outcome part of a two-tournament see him again. He was the in the bracket, No. 2 seed
Monday, and without the ued, “and that ‘Serena’ to was hanging in the bal- “controlled environment” worst.” Dominic Thiem moved
benefit of a pro-Ameri- the court.” ance in the third set, without spectators amid That setback made into the quarterfinals by
can audience, Williams When the match end- which Sakkari led 2-0 but the coronavirus pandem- the American 3-2 since claiming a close first set
provided her own en- ed, after Williams collect- couldn’t quite get to 3-1, ic. tennis returned from and then running away
couragement along the ed six of the last seven Williams was better down “Of course I thought its COVID-19 hiatus, all with a 7-6 (4), 6-1, 6-1 win
way to coming back and games, she turned and the stretch, when it mat- about (the loss), but ever three-setters. And since? against No. 15 Felix Au-
beating 15th-seeded Ma- yelled toward her hus- tered the most. so little, because it’s She is 4-0 at the U.S. ger-Aliassime.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I of the family? and here’s my dilemma. My
am recently The world? daughter lives in another state
divorced People can be so and would love us to build a
after a 19-year judgmental, even second home nearby to be
marriage, and to though in many closer to their family.
my great shock, parts of the world My wife and I are nearly 80
I already find it is perfectly and very active. I play tennis
myself in love normal to marry or pickleball every day. My wife
with another your cousin. — walks an hour to an hour and
man. I didn’t SECRET LOVE IN a half every morning. We are
come out of the THE SOUTH happiest when we are active.
marriage looking DEAR SECRET Where my daughter lives is not
ZITS for anyone, nor LOVE: You are conducive to walking, and my
did I think I’d ever not “crazy,” wife would be very unhappy.
marry again, but but you may be Please don’t suggest a gym
this man wants to in an altered or a treadmill — been there,
marry me, and I’m mental state, as done that. Plus, my wife has
seriously consid-
Dear Abby many recently no desire to take on the added
ering it. divorced people burden of a second house. We
We bonded when he con- have found themselves. They just downsized five years ago.
tacted me to offer support af- describe it as a kind of high. How do I keep the two women
ter he heard about my divorce, If you are wise — and I in my life happy? — FIGURING
and it was love at “second” hope you are — you will slow IT OUT IN FLORIDA
sight. Why “second”? Because this romance down and allow DEAR FIGURING: Recognize
we grew up together — literally enough time for your family to that it won’t be possible to
next door — and he’s my first become accustomed to the make both women happy. Your
cousin. changed circumstances of your first loyalty should be to your
GARFIELD Despite the societal taboo, relationship with your cousin. wife.
it is legal in my state for first The “world” isn’t going to care Explain to your daughter
cousins to marry, and genetic about this the way your family that you know she means well,
issues with offspring aren’t does, so don’t concern your- but that at your ages (80), your
a concern. We’re both sterile self with explaining anything routine is extremely important.
and have no ability (or desire) to the general public. (How (It’s true.) That routine may
for more children. My siblings often have you asked couples be what keeps you as healthy
suspect and aren’t pleased to explain if they are related as you are. Back it up with the
with the situation. His parents in addition to marriage? Not fact that two homes would
know and are happy for us. many, I’ll bet.) be too much for you and her
Am I crazy to think I’m My advice is to let this mother to manage, which is
in love again this quickly? It new relationship evolve more why you have BOTH decided —
doesn’t feel too fast because slowly. If you do, the outcome as much as you love her — to
we’ve always known each other may be more positive than if keep things as they are. And
and been close; it’s just that you hurtle to the altar. stick to it. Your daughter can
CANDORVILLE the form of love has changed.
How do we break it to the rest
DEAR ABBY: I have the
best wife and daughter ever,
visit you, and you can visit her,
but stay where you are.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. powerful by fulfilling requests. gets the dish going and too
8). You’ll strike a deal beneficial TAURUS (April 20-May 20). much ruins it.
to you and to your entire family To have someone to bounce LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
going forward. Open your idea of your ideas off of is a gift. If you Mistakes happen. So what.
what “deals” are. Contracts are don’t have this, try anyone, Breathe in and out. Who cares?
sacred. Not only the ones that really, because the reflection Someone, for a second, and
you agree to but also the ones will be fundamental to your next then they don’t. There’s no use
you create through your living moves. in you caring for a lifetime. Move
by the principles of your choice. GEMINI (May 21-June on, move on, move on.
Take it seriously because 21). It won’t be hard to find VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
BABY BLUES destiny is forever altered by your cheerleaders for team Gemini. 22). Loose clothes and tight
choices. Gemini and Leo adore Sometimes, it’s just about relat- relationships — that’s comfort.
you. Your lucky numbers are: ability. An Aquarius or Libra will It feels good and cozy — until it
10, 4, 38, 19 and 16. lead the parade and bring out doesn’t. Comfort is messy, and
ARIES (March 21-April 19). your best in these times. then too messy. When the line
You’re given more responsibil- CANCER (June 22-July 22). gets crossed, comfort changes
ities than the others because Resentment is a strong energy into discomfort.
the general consensus is that and a hard one to get over. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
you can handle them. Bonus: Bitterness follows suit. Feelings Life is music. Interactions have
You grow stronger and more like this are like spice -- a little a rhythm and stick to a certain
pace. You’ll groove with this
music today, create it, walk in it.
It can go from pop to classical
to jazz, but mostly it stays in the
realm of indie.
21). The stoic way is fine and
good, though it’s not exciting
enough to engage some of the
others. Letting emotions out
is the only way to connect. We
connect in our mess.
21). You can look forward to a
professional exchange and the
particular thrill of going from
formal modes of communication
to more informal, which always
means the same thing: You’re
19). How best to show your
love? Do you show it by assist-
ing others or by encouraging
others to help themselves?
Each situation and relationship
is unique, so there is not one
blanket method that is best
for all.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). People understand best
people who are like them. But
that excludes so many when
you’re an Aquarius, as you are
unique, singular and having
bright ideas very much in line
FAMILY CIRCUS with your sign today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Wouldn’t you love to know
the conversations they have
about you when you’re not
there? But since you can’t, you
make sure to drop in some
interesting details that will be
sure to be repeated!

Turn the lights out

known Parties In Interest

You have been made a defend-
ant in the Petition for Adjudica-
tion of Heirs [Doc. No. 2] filed
on August 18, 2020, by An-
nette Glover, seeking to de-
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James J. Brown, deceased.
Other than you, the only other
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tion are Ranong M. Brown, An-
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PUBLISH: 9/1 & 9/8/2020 undersigned upon the estate of 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL tors. Home weekly. Benefits package.
JEAN CAROL HENDERSON, de- GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. Pearl, MS. 601-939-8088. Miscellaneous
of Lowndes County, Missis- DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY.
SIPPI sippi, on the 3rd day of Receive maximum value of write off for
September 2020. This is to
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- give notice to all persons hav- SURVEILLANCE. Benji & your taxes. Running or not! All condi-
TATE OF CLARA WICKS ing claims against said estate Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. GENERAC STANDBY GENERATORS. tions accepted. Free pickup. Call for
SWALES, DECEASED to Probate and Register same
Apts For Rent: West The weather is increasingly unpredictable. details. 855-400-8263
with the Chancery Clerk of Be prepared for power outages. FREE 7- STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS- Place Your Classified Ad
CAUSE NO. 2020-0174-RPF Lowndes County, Mississippi,
within ninety (90) days from year extended warranty ($695 value). ING at one low price. 601-981-3060
GEORGE A. SWALES, PETITION- this date. A failure to so Pro- Schedule your in-home assessment today.
Real Estate
ER bate and Register said claim Call 1-844-316-8630. Special financing In 100 Newspapers!
will forever bar the same.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS for qualified customers. REAL ESTATE SALE - Online Bidding
This the 3rd day of September
9/25-30. Hunting Lodge/413+/- Ac. STATEWIDE RATES:
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 2020. Apartments & Houses Insurance Up to 25 words...........$210
COUNTY OF LOWNDES 3887 Sf Home on 10+/- Ac. Home on
Robert B. Henderson
ERS! Are you protected in case of prop-
10+/- Ac., Tylertown, MS MS378 D 1 col. x 2 inch.............$525
Letters Testamentary have 1 col. x 3 inch.............$785
2 Bedroooms
Gilmore LA447.
been granted and issued to the erty damage or if you have an interrup-
PUBLISH: 9/8, 9/15 & 504-468- 1 col. x 4 inch...........$1050
3 Bedrooms
undersigned upon the Estate of
Clara Wicks Swales, Deceased, 9/22/2020 tion in service due to a property event? 6800
by the Chancery Court of Business Owner Property insurance IS Nationwide Placement
Lowndes County, Mississippi, IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Furnished & Unfurnished AFFORDABLE and WILL PROTECT YOU Services-General Available
on the 1st day of September LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- when the unexpected happens! For free
2020. This is to give notice to SIPPI 1, 2, & 3 Baths quote, call 855-933-1267 (M-F 7:30 am-
DIRECTV - Switch and Save! Call Sue at
all persons having claims
against said estate to probate IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Lease, Deposit 9:30 pm ET)
$39.99/month. Select All-Included
MS Press Services
Package. 155 Channels. 1000s of
and register same with the TATE OF RALPH C. YOUNG- & Credit Check AUTO INSURANCE STARTING AT
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes BLOOD, DECEASED
$49/ MONTH! Call for your fee rate
Shows/Movies On Demand. FREE Genie 601-981-3060
County, Mississippi, within HD DVR Upgrade. Premium movie chan-

ninety (90) days from the first RENASANT BANK, EXECUTOR comparison to see how much you can nels, FREE for 3 mos! Call 1-855-978-
publication date of this Notice save! Call: 833-678-0500
to Creditors. A failure to so pro- NO. 2020-0172-JNS 3110 Week of September 6, 2020
bate and register said claim
will forever bar the same. Apts For Rent: Other
This the 2nd day of September Letters Testamentary have

2020. been granted and issued to
Renasant Bank, Executor of the
/s/ George A. Swales Estate of Ralph C. Youngblood,
GEORGE A. SWALES, Executor deceased, by the Chancery
Court of Lowndes County, Mis-
PUBLISH: 9/8, 9/15 & sissippi, on the 27 day of Au-
9/22/2020 gust, 2020. This is to give no-
tice to all persons having
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF claims against said estate to
Probate and Register same
SIPPI with the Chancery Clerk of
Lowndes County, Mississippi, Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- within ninety (90) days from the
TATE OF JAMES J. BROWN, DE- first publication of this notice.
CEASED A failure to so Probate and Re- A & T TREE SERVICES SAM’S LAWN SERVICE
gister said claims will forever Bucket truck & stump No lawn too large or too
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0169-RPF bar the same. removal. Free est. small. Mowing, trimming &
Serving Columbus weedeating.
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THIS the 28 day of August, since 1987. Senior Call 662−243−1694
2020. citizen disc. Call Alvin @
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 242−0324/241−4447 Painting & Papering
Renasant Bank, Executor
"We’ll go out on a limb for
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of you!"
James J. Brown, and Any Un- /s/ Crystal H. Tucker QUALITY PAINTING.
known Parties In Interest Crystal H. Tucker Ext/Int Painting.
First Vice President & Trust Of- DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA DAVID’S CARPET & WORK WANTED: Licensed Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
You have been made a defend- ficer CH&A, 1 story, W/D, UPHOLSTERY & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Repair. Pressure Washing.
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- historic district, 1 block CLEANING electrical, minor plumbing, Free Estimates. Ask for
tion of Heirs [Doc. No. 2] filed OF COUNSEL: FALL SPECIAL
William F. Gillis (MSB 4854) from downtown. insulation, painting, demo− specials! Larry Webber,
on August 18, 2020, by An- 4 Rooms − $99 lition, gutters cleaned,
nette Glover, seeking to de- Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC $575/mo. + $575 dep. 662−242−4932.
Post Office Box 1827 NO PETS. 662−574−8789. Carpet − Rugs − Cars pressure washing, land−
termine the heirs-at-law of Call for more info!
James J. Brown, deceased. Columbus, MS 39703 Peaceful & Quiet area. scaping, cleanup work.
Other than you, the only other PHONE: (662) 243-7329 662−722−1758 662−242−3608. SULLIVAN’S PAINT
interested parties in this ac- FAX: (662) 328-6890 SERVICE
One call will bring Lawn Care / Landscaping Special Prices.
tion are Ranong M. Brown, An-
nette Glover and Brinda Black you results. General Services Interior & Exterior Painting.
formerly known as Brinda Mi- PUBLISH: 9/1, 9/8 & 662-328-2424 JESSE & BEVERLY’S 662−435−6528
Slag − $400 Mowing, cleanup, Tree Services
You are summoned to appear Clay Gravel − $250 landscaping, sodding,
Good help isn’t hard to find if you know
and represent your interests Available for hauling any & tree cutting.
against said Petition before the 662−356−6525 J&A TREE REMOVAL
Honorable Rodney P. Faver,
materials. Columbus. Call Work from a bucket truck.
where to look. Start your search here.
Chancellor of the 14th Chan- Walter, 662−251−8664. Insured/bonded.
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on Find the best deals.
Grow your business.
Call Jimmy Prescott for free
the 24th day of September estimate, 662−386−6286.
2020, at the Lowndes County

Just a click away!

Courthouse in Columbus, Mis-
sissippi, and in case of your
failure to appear your interest
in this matter will not be con-

You are not required to file an

answer or other pleading, but
you may do so if you desire.

Issued under my hand and the

seal of said Court, this the
19th day of August 2020.


The best place for personalized


advertising in your community.

BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander-
son, D.C.

PUBLISH: 8/25, 9/1 &


Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3
Premium placement Preferred placement in search
on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with
with a dash of color. an attention getter.
6B TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Mobile Homes for Rent Burial Plots

in Friendship Cemetery. ON THE WEB
RENTALS Utilities & cable included, South West corner. $2000
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS from $145/wk − $535/mo TWO FREE SIGNS Call 662−574−5420 Visit
Columbus & County School
1 BEDROOM locations. 662−242−7653 Estate Sales Farm Equipment & Supplies for a printable copy of
or 205−442−2011.
2 BEDROOMS Huge Estate Sale John Deere Tractor with these puzzles.
3 BEDROOMS RV/MOBILE HOME SITE 5456 MS−Hwy 182 E accessories John Deere
East or West Columbus or Columbus, MS 39702 790, 432 hours, very
© The Dispatch

near CAFB, Caledonia Fri. Sept. 11, 9am−4pm good condition, 72"
DEPOSIT schools. 601−940−1397. Sat. Sept. 12, 9am−4pm
Sun. Sept. 13, 1pm−4pm
"Frontier" finishing
mower, 60" Country
AND Rooms For Rent Mon. Sept. 14, 9am−1pm Box Blade. $8,500.00
CREDIT CHECK Selling 1000’s of items in 662−497−2309
ROOM FOR RENT, FULLY this estate, including
662-329-2323 FURNISHED, WEST POINT. contents of home, shop,
Includes appls, furn & util. outbuildings, sheds,

$350 or $500 per month. antiques, collectibles,
2411 HWY 45 N No deposit. household items,
662−295−4701. recliners, kitchen items,
COLUMBUS, MS china, crystal, jewelry,
Commercial Property For Rent
designer clothes, shoes, ADS STARTING AT $12

woodchipper, Dulcimers,
guitars, Bernina 950
8000 SQ ft. dock height sewing machine, rugs, wow Autos For Sale
warehouse w/ office at the items at this sale,
2012 Red Cadillac CTS
space. $2000/month. ADS STARTING AT $25 photos
Coup, 3.5 engine, loaded,
Call Bud Phillips
662−549−2302 Benny Shelton 65k hwy mi only, new tires,
Stewart’s Estate Sales fully serviced & well−
Houses For Rent: North Lots & Acreage maintained. $28,000.
Columbus, MS
2b/1ba, kitchen/dining Good/Bad Credit Options. Motorcycles & ATVs
Good credit as low as 20% 662−251−1515
room, front porch, covered
patio, fenced yard. Counrty down, $499/mo. Eaton 2005 HONDA 250 REBEL YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
living in the city. $650/ Land, 662−361−7711. MOTORCYCLE.

Black, red, and gray.
month. No Pets! No HUD!
662−549−1884 LOWNDES COUNTY, MS: 1,428 miles. $1500.
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
662−364−0120. placing puzzle based on
Houses For Rent: East
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 6 3 9 4 8 1 5 7 2
Excellent timber & building ADS STARTING AT $12 Trucks, Vans & Buses
sites. $72,000. For more given numbers.puzzle
The object 7 1 5 6 3 2 8 4 9

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

1607 SHEPHARD RD. info, call 205−799−9846 based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 8 2 4 7 5 9 1 6 3
$750/month. Plus Bargain Column
or 205−695−2248. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 9 2 3 6 8 7 5 1
No pets. No HUD. Mobile Homes for Sale Baby activity center $35. given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 1 7 3 9 4 5 2 8 6
Call 662−889−2031 662−798−9811 object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
box 5 8 6 1 2 7 9 3 4
Houses For Rent: Other 1997 Fleetwood Riverview numbers
contains the1sameto 9 number
16x80, 3BR/2BA MH. Incl Hearth cushion $4. the empty spaces so 2 4 1 5 7 3 6 9 8
HVAC & propane tank. 662−798−9811 only once. The difficulty 9 6 7 8 1 4 3 2 5
IDEAL FOR 1 OR COUPLE! that each row, each
Good cond. Ethelsville, AL, level increases from
2BR/1BA w/ workshop.
$9,950 OBO, will need Swimming pool fountain column and each 3 5 8 2 9 6 4 1 7
Caledonia school area. No
moved. 662−364−0552. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 9/07
HUD. No pets. $675 dep + $45. 662−798−9811 Reduced!!!...Exceptional
$687 rent, incl trash. one−owner maintained the same number only once. The difficulty level

Need fast cash? increases from Monday to Sunday.

662−386−5000. 2001 Dodge Ram 3500
Quad Cab w/5.9L
Mobile Homes for Rent Cummins engine,
automatic transmission
3BR/2BA Trailer, New & spray−in Bedliner.
Hope school dist. $650/ Truck has 203,000+
mo & $650 dep. No pets, miles, but runs like new
no drugs, no partying. Call and looks great!
b/w 10a−9p. 662−386− $10,500. 662−574−
4292. NO TEXT MGS. 4640


Columbus School Dist.

No HUD. No Section 8.
$600/mo + 600 dep.
601−940−1397 or
Shop Classifieds Sell your unwanted items in the classifieds today. Travel & Entertainment

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Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
Call for pricing.

Free Pets


Part German Shepherd part
Chow puppies. Call

You’ll find the best deals

when you advertise
and shop here!

Five Questions: ACROSS

1 Less danger-
1 Karl Lagerfeld 6 Sound-based
11 Nimble
12 Barrel piece
2 Mekong 13 Does a yo-yo
3 Zayn Malik 15 Cain’s mother
16 Stage prompt
17 Water cooler
4 Thurgood Mar- 18 Roundabout
shall routes
20 Beans buy
21 Signing need
5 Humans of New 22 “Shane” star
23 Intense beam
York 26 Angel toppers
27 Persia, today try job 23 Broad-mind-
28 Unruly crowd 2 Yucca’s kin ed
29 Chestnut 3 Steak cut 24 Salad herb
case 4 Caribou’s 25 Wrapped
30 Seafood cousin garments
restaurant 5 Firefighter, at 26 Backpackers’
choice times stops
34 Sense of self 6 Fire remnants 28 A lot of
35 Play division 7 Salt Lake City 30 Crew mem-
36 Sandal sight player bers
37 Is in charge 8 Extreme 31 Hawke of film
40 Pond growth 9 Guacamole 32 Unfettered
41 Rental base 33 Rat’s home
contract 10 Popular tales 38 Plopped
42 Endures 14 Go around down
43 Less loony 19 Start the 39 Great ex-
DOWN bidding panse
1 Did a carpen- 22 Research

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