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Neha Lakhani

Batch C

Aim: Class Diagram for Alumni Information System

Problem Statement
The Directorate of Higher Education has 7 Government Colleges and 26 aided colleges
under it. Altogether, more than 10000 students that pass out from them every year either
choose to opt for further studies, work or have their own startups. Currently, there is no
mechanism for the colleges and the Directorate to keep a track of the students passing out.
Hence, the problem is to develop a web based application for colleges and the Directorate to
keep a track of the Alumni. The said application should have the following features:- (a)
allow the Alumni members to register themselves (b) allow colleges to verify and
authenticate their registered alumni (c) provision for alumni members to update their details
(d) allow the colleges to search details based on criteria such as year, subject, etc. (e) send
messages and emails to alumni members (f) group chats, create events, publish notices on
the portal (g) Security features with login for every user.

Noun/Noun Phrases
User, Alumnus, College Authority, Visitor, College, Profile, Event, Job

User, Alumnus, College Authority, Visitor, Profile, Event, Job Offer, Message

Verb Phrases
1. Alumnus edits his profile

2. Alumnus, College authority and visitors can view the profile of any alumnus

3. Alumnus can send/receive messages to other alumni

4. College authority edits the information about upcoming events

5. Alumni and visitors can view any event updates

6. College authority edits the information about job offers

7. Alumni and visitors can view those job offers.

1. Alumnus, College authority and Visitors are the users of the system. Hence we can
generalize them to a User class

2. An alumni can view one or more profiles.

3. An alumni can only edit his own profile (one to one). The profile cannot exist without
the alumni. Hence the relationship is composition.

4. College authority and visitor can view one or more profiles

5. An alumni can send one or more messages to fellow alumni

6. An alumni can receive one or more messages from fellow alumni

7. The college authority updates information about one or more upcoming events.
Events can exist as a separate entity and hence the relation is aggregation.

8. Alumni and visitors can view information about one or more upcoming events.

9. The college authority updates information about one or more job offers. Job offers
can exist as a separate entity and hence the relation is aggregation.

10. Alumni and visitors can view information about one or more job offers.

Class Diagram:
Object Diagram:

Hence I created the class diagram for Alumni Information System and understood the
relationship between different classes.

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