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D Most nouns have singular and plural forms: D Here is a list of common uncountable nouns

lloiMfhousa defldols ,.,,,. and some of the words we use in front of them:

We call these nouns countable nouns, because

we can count them:

We can use a, some and the with

countable nouns:

D Some nouns have only one form. We call

these uncountable nouns, because we cannot
count them:
water bread petrol
golf tennis rain
We can use some with all these words. We also
look at these pictures: use grams, kilos, litres, etc. in shops:
Can I have two litres of milk, please?
D Some nouns can be countable or uncountable:

llikB teG.
Her hair is red.
rain (uncountable) cars (countable)

We do not use a or one, two, three, etc. before tea.

uncountable nouns, but we can use some
or the:
.a: We need to buy bread and sugar. nl have two teQs, please. (=cups of tea)
some: Let~ stop the car. We n«d some petrol.
the: Look at the rain! There's a hair in my tea.
We had a good time.
Three sugars in my tea, please.

A Put a circle around the uncountable nouns below.

house cat cheese car coat snow lemon

~ clock table tea ball museum apple

painting petrol news cigar teacher fi lm rain
holiday office bed pen sugar homework watch
tennis doctor cinema luggage chair banana information
cup coffee shoe shirt money exam hour
Articles, nouns, pronouns, etc.

city park toast sock nose water school

bread book jumper cloud milk bike television

Choose the correct word in brackets ( ) to complete the sentences.

+ (slice/piece/cup) I'd like a cup . . of coffee. please.
(glass/slice/spoonful) Would you like a . .. .... .. . of cheese on your toast?
2 (pieces/cups/bottles) My father gave me two .... of advice.
3 (slice/bottle/piece) Could you buy a .... ... _ .... . of milk at the shops?
4 (spoonful/piece/cup) That was a difficult . ... .. . .. .... of homework!
5 (glass/piece/slice) Would you give me a of water, please?
6 (slices/cups/pieces) How many ... .... of luggage do you have?
7 (spoonfuls/glasses/cups) I normally take three ........ . ......... of sugar in my tea.
8 (pieces/slices/litres) I've just put 40 ..... of petrol in the car.
9 (piece/slice/glass) I need a . of information.
10 (piece/kilo/slice) I'd like half a . ... .. ........ of coffee, please.

Put a tick (J') if the sentence is correct, and a cross (X) if it is incorrect.

• We live in a flat. ./ 10 Tim doesn't eat meat.

• I have some moneys. X

The car needs a petrol.
11 Two coffees, please.
12 Please buy some sugar.
2 She takes a milk in her tea. 13 Two kilos of a bread.
3 Mary likes tea; I prefer coffee. 14 We have two homeworks.
4 He's got some new games. 15 I need some information.
5 Two glasses of water............ . 16 We need some bananas.
6 A table and two chairs. 17 Have we got a butter?
7 Give me two toasts. 18 I like some egg for breakfast.
8 A snow comes in winter. 19 I can see some young women.
9 Give me some cup of tea. 20 Can you see the moon?

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

a (x2) bottle cartons cup (x2) pieces slice (x2) some (x4) the (x4) two (x2)

+ My father has a... . motorbike.

1 After school I have a of bread with butter on it.
2 Tom has got three .. of luggage.
3 Lucy always has a . .. .... . .. ... . . of coffee after lunch.
4 For this experiment we need a glass with water in it.
5 We want .. .. coffees, please- one white and one black.
6 We must stop at a garage and put ....................... petrol in ...... .. .. car.
7 How much is ...... _................. bottle of Coke at ............................... supermarket?
8 There are two ............................ of milk in .................................. fridge.
9 Can I have a .... ............................ . of tea and a ..................................... of cake, please?
10 There are ................................ hairs in ........................- ....... bath. Both are long and blond.

A, $01\Jte, any, no

D Look at these pictures: D POSITIVE

We normally use some in positive sentences:

... ..
a pen some pens some food no food
She took some photos.
I'd like some information, please.
But we sometimes use any like this:
You can leave at any time. (= lt doesn't matter
D We use a with singular countable nouns when you leave.)
(e.g. pen, car, friend):
Take any book. (= lt doesn't matter which
I bought a pen yesterday. book you take.)
Do you have a car?
He doesn't have a friend. D NEGATIVE

(For countable and uncountable nouns, We usually use any in negative sentences:
see Unit 53.) I didn't see any good films last year.
We haven't got any food.
D We use some or any with plural countable
nouns (pens, friends, books): We sometimes use no instead of not ... any:
I bought some new pens yesterday. I'm sorry, there are no buses to the museum.
John doesn't have any friends. The shops are shut, and we've got no food.
Do you have any books about Africa?
D We use some or any with uncountable nouns
We use any in questions:
(e.g. money, information, advice, news, music,
coffee, milk, toast, bread, food, water, snow): Do you speak any Russian?
I haven't got any money. But we use some in requests:
Did the teacher give you any advice? Can you give me some information?
I would like some coffee, please.
We also use some when we offer something:
Would you like some coffee?

Put the words in brackets ( ) in the correct order to make sentences.

+ A: Can I help you, sir?
B: (to buy - for my living - room. - furniture- I'd -some- like)
Yes, please.I'd lik~ to_buy ?Otr)§..furnitur:~fQr rny living roon:J,

A: Shall we go into town t his afternoon?

B: Why? (shops open today. - any- There - aren't)

2 A: (Can I -cheese, please? - some - have)

B: Of course. How much would you like?

3 A: (any - in Cambridge? - museums - Are there)

B: I don't know. We can find out at the Tourist Information Centre.

Articles, nouns, pronouns, etc.

4 A: I'd like to go to Bristol, please.

B: Certainly, madam. (any- You- train from platform 9. - can take)

5 A: I'd love to go to South America.

B: Really? (you speak- Spanish?- Do- any)

6 A: I'm hungry! We haven't eaten all day. Look at that wonderful restaurant!
B: Wait a moment! (money - with us. - We haven't - any - bro ught)

Make the following statements negative. Use not .. . any.·

+ We've got som e photos of our holiday.
W~.b~.Y.~.n'.k. g,Q~ any .p.bP..1fQ!?..Qf.9.Y.r.h.qlJ.~..;;~y..
She gave me some advice.

2 There are some good films at the cinema this week.

3 You'll find some cake in the cupboard.

4 Maria had some heavy luggage with her at the airport.

5 There are some letters for you today.

6 We saw some snow on the mountains this morning.

Tom and Tina are writing a shopping list. Complete their conversation with a, some, a_
or no.
Tom: We haven't got • ..a!1y ... . . ... eggs so we need to buy • ~or:ne .............. _.
Tina: No, no. There are ........ in the fridge, but there's 2.... . cheese.
Tom: OK, cheese. Now, we've got 3.............................. fru it in the sitting room but we haven't got enough
for the weekend so we need to buy 4... .. ... more. What else?
Tina: We want to have 5 ... .......... salad for lunch, I think.
Tom: Yes, of course. So we need 6 ........ lettuce. Oh, and 7 .... ... ... • tomatoes because
there aren't in the kitchen.
Tina: We must buy 9.. bottle of oil as well.
Tom: OK, and I want to buy ... .. .... ....... . . newspaper because there's 11. ... football
match on TV this afternoon and I want to know what the reporters are predicting.
Tina: But there are . .. . . .. ... . football matches today because the weather is so bad. We can go
and see 13 film instead.
Tom: Oh, all right. Anyway, are there 14........... .................. more things to put on the list?
Tina: No, I think that's everything. I hope you've got ..... .. money because
I haven't got .................................. ..
17 18
Tom: OK. Put ........................ coat on and get . .......................... shopping bag and
we're ready.


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