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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

English Intermediate B1- (2020-1)

Professor: María Paula Bautista
1. Watch the video and practice the grammar of Would and Used to, then develop the
activities below:

2. Look at the verbs in bold. Replace used to with would/wouldn’t where possible. Then
listen and check*.1

I 1used to love chocolate. I 2used to eat it all day long. Some days I 3didn’t use to eat anything else, until one
day I developed an allergy to it – and now I can’t eat it anymore!
I 4used to be scared of the dark. I 5used to refuse to go into a dark room on my own. My little sister 6used to
hold my hand!
I 7didn’t use to do any sport at all. I 8used to think I was fit and healthy enough without it. I 9used to spend all
day at my desk and I 10never used to ever get any exercise. But then I broke my leg and I had to follow an
intensive exercise programme. I actually enjoyed it and I’ve kept doing sport ever since.

1 _ used to _ 2 _I’d_ 3 _ wouldn’t _ 4 _ used to _ 5 _would_

6 _ would _ 7 _ didn’t use _ 8 _ used to _ 9 _ I’d _ 10 _ wouldn’t _

*You can check the record in the attached documents in Edmodo platform.

3. Underline in yellow the correct option in each situation with the Would or Used to uses:

Which sentence is correct? Which sentence is correct? Which word goes in the space?
a. My brother and I often would a. I didn’t use to like cabbage.  My mum _____ my hair in the
fight. b. I didn’t used to like cabbage.   kitchen.
b. Often my brother and I would c. I never use to like cabbage.  a. would cut 
fight.  b. would use to cut 
c. My brother and I would often c. would to cut 

Which words go in the space? Which sentence is correct? Which sentence is correct?
My granddad _______ us stories a. I used never to like cheese, but a. There would be a post office
about his life as a policeman. I love it now. on this street, but it’s not there
a. used to tell   b. I never used to like cheese, but now.
b. use to tell  I love it now. b. My brother would be very
c. was used to tell  c. I used to never like cheese, but short when he was younger.  
I love it now. c. I would often play by myself
when I was younger.

Taken from: National Geographic Learning: Upper intermediate.
Assignment 3 – B1 Level (May 2020)
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
English Intermediate B1- (2020-1)
Professor: María Paula Bautista
Which word(s) CANNOT go in the Which sentence is NOT correct? Which sentence means: ‘I am
space? We ___ go to the park and a. We would go to the zoo every familiar with / I am accustomed to
play football. summer.  working alone’?
a. would   b. We would go swimming every a. I am used to working alone. 
b. were used to  Friday. b. I am used to work alone. 
c. used to   c. My grandmother would have c. I used to work alone.
long, fair hair. 


4. Study the new vocabulary from the video and the images about junk and healthy food
and answer the following questions:

Attention! Before answering the questions take into account the grammar tense.

a) What kind of food do you prefer between junk or healthy food? Why?
I prefer the healthy food, because it has more variety of flavors and is good for the body.
b) Are you used to eating junk food? Which one?
No, I’m not used to eating junk food, but from time to time I eat pizza.
c) Are you getting used to cooking during the quarantine?
Yes, I’m getting used to cooking because I cook the lunch every day since the quarantine’ beginning.
d) What kind of food didn’t you use to eat on breaks when you were at school? Why?
I didn’t use to eat peanut on breaks, because I didn’t like it.
e) What type of meals would your grandmother prepare when you were a child?
When was a child my grandma used to prepare a roasts for the whole family. I love that. I loved it.

Assignment 3 – B1 Level (May 2020)

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
English Intermediate B1- (2020-1)
Professor: María Paula Bautista

Assignment 3 – B1 Level (May 2020)

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
English Intermediate B1- (2020-1)
Professor: María Paula Bautista

Assignment 3 – B1 Level (May 2020)

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