Plan de Lectie Cls 6

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NAME: Lavinia Aramă

SCHOOL: “Ion Băncilă” Secondary School, Brăila
DATE: February 21, 2020
CLASS: 6th grade (VI A)
TEXTBOOK: Limba modernă 1 / Limba engleză / clasa a VI-a, (Editura Art)
Unit 6
Lesson: Skills and culture – Treasure Hunting
Type of lesson: reinforcement; project-based
Time: 50 minutes
Recent work: places in town, Present Tense Continuous (future reference)

GENERAL AIM: to develop speaking and writing skills

1. to develop awareness and understanding of the topic (comics);
2. to practise basic interaction;
3. to practise using vocabulary in context;
4. to practise writing in context.

1.1 Identifying the overall meaning of common and familiar, clearly articulated oral messages;
1.2 Identifying the significance of common verbal exchanges in simple, clearly articulated oral messages;
2.1 Making short speeches on familiar topics;
2.2 Taking part in short verbal interactions with support on behalf of the addressee;
2.3 Expressing opinions on familiar topics;
3.3 Identifying the appropriate information in a web document;
4.2 Presenting activities in written form.

T-->C / S-->C / GG / S-->computer

seating arrangement: the students seating next to each other in front of personal computers
- whole class
- group work

- Some students may not recall some words related to the topic.
- The students may have difficulty with understanding some words or phrases.
- The students may have difficulty with getting their ideas across or with the correct word order in questions.


ACTIVITY 1 - OBJECTIVE 1: (estimated time: 5 minutes)

a) Context: video
b) Activity/Class organization: The teacher has the students watch a short video on Comic Con in order to find
out what kind of characters are present. They are, in fact, characters from comics (Thor, Superman,
Transformers, Predators, etc.), so the teacher introduces the topic of the lesson: creating a comic.
c) Aids: TV, computer
d) Interaction: T-->C
e) Possible problems & solutions: Some students may not identify specific details mentioned in the conversation.
However, they may still recognise the characters, based on their costumes.

ACTIVITY 2 - OBJECTIVE 1: (estimated time: 5 minutes)

a) Context: mind-mapping
b) Activity/Class organization: The teacher asks the students what things they bear in mind when they create a
comic (scene/setting, characters – numbers, gender, clothes, body postures – weather and season, time of the
day, etc.).
c) Aids: board
d) Interaction: T-->C
e) Possible problems & solutions: Some students may not come up with words related to the topic. The other
students will help.

ACTIVITY 2 - OBJECTIVES 2&3&4: (estimated time: 15 minutes)
(a) Context: writing a story
(b) Activity/Class organization: The teacher asks the students to sit in groups of four. The students work together
to create a story for a comic, in which to include such details as the scene/setting, the characters (number,
gender, clothes, body posture), weather, etc. The topic of the story is treasure hunting. Each group will
produce a different story.
(c) Aids: flipcharts
(d) Interaction: T-->C / GG
(e) Possible problems: The students may not remember the English equivalent for certain words or may use the
incorrect word order in questions. The desk mate or the teacher will provide the correct version.

ACTIVITY 3 - OBJECTIVES 2&3: (estimated time: 20 minutes)

(a) Context: story presentations and comic design
(b) Activity/Class organization: Each group of students is asked questions by the other groups so that they would
get as many details on the stories as possible. Then, each group assigns a representative to read aloud the story
that has been written. The teacher draws lots to choose which story will be created onto the platform
( The students take turns in working onto the platform to create each section of the comic,
based on the details provided by the team that has written the script.
(c) Aids: TV, computer
(d) Interaction: T-->C / S-->C / GG / S-->computer
(e) Possible problems: The students may have difficulty with understanding certain details. The teacher will elicit
the correct response by getting other students to help.

ACTIVITY 4 – Feed-back: (estimated time: 5 minutes)

(a) Context: matching/physical description quiz
(b) Activity/Class organization: The take turns in writing the appropriate sentences onto the spaces, so that the
description provided would match the picture. (platform:
(c) Aids: TV, computer
(d) Interaction: T-->C, S -->C, S-->computer
(e) Possible problems: The students may have difficulty with certain vocabulary items. The computer will provide
the correct answer, and the teacher will provide supplementary information.


ACTIVITY 5: (estimated time: 5 minutes)

(a) Context: matching
(b) Activity/Class organization: The students match the pictures to the correct description of each cartoon
character. (platform:
(c) Aids: TV, computer
(d) Interaction: T-->C, S -->C, S-->computer
(e) Possible problems: The students may have difficulty with certain vocabulary items. The computer will provide
the correct answer, and the teacher will provide the necessary explanations.

HOMEWORK: create a new comic onto the platform and provide a heading and a short description

1. Limba modernă 1, Limba engleză, Clasa a VI-a, Clare Kennedy with Chiara Soldi, Cristina Rusu and Diana
Todoran, Editura Art

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