Computer Science Textbook Solutions - 3

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What are the business benefits of CRM implementations for organizations such as Berlin
Packaging and Churchill Downs? What other uses of CRM would you recommend to the latter?
Provide several alternatives. 2. Do you agree with the idea that smaller organizations are better
positioned to be more effective users of CR

Net Suite Inc. is a leading provider of on-demand enterprise applications, including CRM as
featured in the case. Other important players in this market include and Siebel on
Demand. Use the Internet to research all three-product offerings and discover how these
companies are faring in this increasingly

The case discusses the large volume of very detailed information collected daily by law
enforcement agencies. Knowing this, how comfortable do you feel about the storing and sharing
of that data? What policies would you put in place to assuage some of those concerns? Break
into small groups with your classmates to disc

See Full Question And Answer at

A large telecommunications company’s real estate holdings include more than 6 million
square feet of property. To aid in its more than 400 real estate–related transactions each year,
the company contracted the services of a corporate real estate company and a law firm that
specialized in corporate real estate. Real

Refer to the Real World Case on telepresence in the chapter. What seems to be the difference
between videoconferencing and telepresence? Given the discussion on the latter in the case, does
videoconferencing have a future? Why or why not?

What strategic competitive benefits do you see in a company’s use of extranets?

What are the advantages of a database management approach to the file processing approach?
Give examples to illustrate your answer.

Some of the technologies described in the case verify the diagnostics made by doctors and can
sometimes make recommendations of their own. Does this improve the quality of care, or are
these organizations putting too much faith on a computer algorithm that did not attend medical
school? Break into small groups to discu

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1. What does the position of enterprise architect entail? What qualifications or experiences would
you think a good enterprise architect should have? Support your answer with examples from the
case. 2. Consider the different companies mentioned in the case and their experiences with
enterprise architecture. Does this a
How have the Internet, intranets, and extranets affected the types and uses of data resources
available to business professionals? What other database trends are also affecting data resource
management in business?

Revenue from desktop application sales ends with the sale. Or does it? Companies like Microsoft
provide updates, fixes, and security patches to their software while developing the next revenue-
generating edition. However, they don’t make another dime until they release the next
edition. But that isn’t the only mode

As enterprise systems grow in size to perform ever more operations for an organization, the
software system itself becomes increasingly complex and hard to maintain. Add the fact that
organizations typically customize these applications and it becomes clear why organizations end
up with ever-increasing annual software

Search the Internet for reports of merger and acquisition cases where IT issues played an
important role, either positive or negative. How did different organizations handle IT-related
matters in the situations you found? What was the ultimate outcome of the process? Prepare a
presentation to share your findings with t

See Full Question And Answer at

Most businesses should engage in e-commerce on the Internet. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Explain your position.

1. Think about the business benefits of the mobile CRM deployments discussed in the case. How
did Dow Corning and DirecTV benefit from these applications? What can they do that was not
possible before? What were the effects on productivity? 2. Use examples from the case to
illustrate your answer. 3. What are some of th

Refer to the Real World Case on Medical IT in the chapter. What do these automated or semi-
automated technologies spell for the future of medicine? How much of this discipline can be
captured using these algorithms. What about pharmacy?

The CRM implementations in this case highlight the critical importance of information about
customers, their preferences and activities, and how to use it to understand and develop better
marketing solutions. On the other hand, the degree to which these companies are able to target
customers individually may be of conc

If widely adopted, these technologies could conceivably lead to a concentration of specialists in a

small number of “hub” institutions, essentially creating a two-tier health care system. Do
you believe this would lead to an increase or decrease in the availability of these professionals
for patients? What could be

See Full Question And Answer at

The case discusses many issues related to data quality, sharing, and accessibility that both
government bodies and for-profit organizations face. Go online and research how these issues
manifest themselves in companies, and some of the approaches used to manage them. Would
those apply to police departments? Prepare a r

Telepresence is described in the case as a green technology because it replaces air travel with a
more environmentally friendly alternative. Recently, many organizations are looking to IT to
help them cut their carbon footprint. What other technologies can be helpful in this regard?

The ability to accurately forecast demand is one of the major issues involved in the efforts
discussed in the case. Go online and research which technologies companies are employing
today to improve this aspect of their supply chains. Prepare a presentation to share your findings
with the rest of your class.

What is the business value driving so many companies to install and extend intranets rapidly
throughout their organizations?

1. Cisco Systems went from a “push” to a “pull” approach to its supply chain after the
dot-com debacle. How are these two approaches different? Does it depend on the state of the
economy, which one should be used? Why? 2. What are the different elements that need to come
together to bring supply chains to the o

See Full Question And Answer at

How should a business store, access, and distribute data and information about its internal
operations and external environment?

Have you considered a career as an enterprise architect? What bundle of courses would you put
together to design a major or a track in enterprise architecture? Break into small groups with
your classmates to outline the major areas that should be covered.

1. What were the most important factors contributing to MMCC’s success with its new,
secure, self-managed network? Explain the reasons for your choices. 2. What are some of the
business benefits and challenges of self-managed and externally managed networks? 3. Which
type of network management would you advise small-

Refer to the example on virtual worlds in the chapter. How do enterprise collaboration systems
contribute to bottom-line profits for a business?

Refer to the Real World Case on Kennametal, Haworth, and Others in the chapter. Do the
examples discussed in the case show that customization and ERPs should never go together?

See Full Question And Answer at

Refer to the Real World Case on telemedicine and videoconferencing in the chapter. Not
mentioned in the case are implications for both privacy and data security arising from the use of
these technologies. Which specific ones could arise as a result, and to what extent do you believe
those would inhibit the deployment o

The Internet is the driving force behind developments in telecommunications, networks, and
other information technologies. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Johan Bergendahl of Ericsson believes the demise of Wi-Fi is rather imminent and that mobile
broadband will replace hot spots for wireless access. Search the Internet for current commercial
offerings of mobile broadband and compare their features with Wi-Fi hotspots. Which one would
you choose? Which factors would affe

The insatiable demand for everything wireless, video, and Web-enabled everywhere will be the
driving force behind developments in telecommunications, networking, and computing
technologies for the foreseeable future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Many opportunities await those who troll the big job boards, the free-agent sites, the reverse
auction services, and the niche sites for specialized jobs and skills. Presented below are diverse
samples of employment–related Web sites. • ( •
( • (

See Full Question And Answer at

What offerings are available in the ERP marketplace today that was not available when the
companies mentioned in the case first started investing in the technology? What new
functionality do these offerings have? Research current ERP alternatives and prepare a report
comparing their major features.

Put yourself in the place of a newly hired Cisco employee. How comfortable would you feel
working on a team distributed across the globe, using the technologies described in the case?
What would be the major challenges you would face? Break into small groups with your
classmates to discuss these issues, and explore the

Use the Internet to discover more about the telecommunications products and services, and the
current business performance and prospects, of Cisco Systems and Hi-Link and some of their
many competitors in the telecom industry. Which telecom hardware and Software Company and
IT consulting firm would you recommend to a s

What are the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for business applications

Anonymous transactions on the Internet can have a dark side. Research each of the terms below
on the Web. Prepare a one-page report for each term researched. Your paper should describe the
problem and provide examples and illustrations where possible. Conclude each paper with
recommendations on how to guard against eac

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How will wireless information appliances and services affect the business use of the Internet and
the Web? Explain.

How can Internet technologies be involved in improving a process in one of the functions of
business? Choose one example and evaluate its business value.

What challenges do you see for a company that wants to implement collaborative SCM systems?
How would you meet such challenges?

In telecommunications network installation and management, as in many other business

situations, the choice between “do it yourself” and “let the experts handle it” is a
crucial business decision for many companies. Break into small groups with your classmates to
debate this choice for small-to-medium businesse

What are the most important HR applications a company should offer to its employees via a
Web-based system? Why?

See Full Question And Answer at

The case compares short-term tactical needs with long-term strategic investments. How do you
make the case, in an economic downturn, for the continued need to invest in technology? Break
into small groups and brainstorm some alternatives.

The organizations featured in the case are not too keen on the future of business travel. Despite
the high quality of current and future telepresence systems, do you believe these companies are
missing something by not having people meet face to face? Why or why not? Break into small
groups with your classmates to disc

Should companies install e-business software suites or “best of breed” e-business software
components? Why?

Go online and search the Internet for commercial offerings that compete with Cisco’s
TelePresence products, such as those noted in the case. Prepare a report comparing and
contrasting their features and specifications, and justify your selection. Would it matter whether
the purchasing company was large or small?

Net Suite by Net Suite Inc. ( enables small businesses to develop and deploy
ERP, CRM, and e-commerce applications quickly. Their Web site presents detailed information
about this software suite. Visit Net Suite’s Web site and click on their “Net Suite”
product link to see more information about
See Full Question And Answer at

The case refers to a view of employees as “assets, to be acquired, cultivated, and deployed
strategically—not unlike product inventory or IT systems.” It also mentions that these
systems allow managers to evaluate and promote people on objective criteria. Do you believe
extensive adoption of these technologies ma

1. Implementing telepresence seems to have other, less tangible, advantages beyond travel cost
savings. What are some of those? How do you quantify them to make the case for investing in
the technology? Provide at least two fully developed examples. 2. DLA Piper, MetLife, and the
other companies featured in the case ar

1. What are the main business benefits of the collaboration technologies described in the case? 2.
Michelle Damrow of Polycom notes Cisco is betting on a proprietary standard for its
TelePresence product, while competitors are going with interoperability. Do you agree with
Cisco’s strategy? Why or why not? Defend you

Business systems have long served to automate tasks, facilitate data capture, and enable new
opportunities. These processes have crept into virtually all businesses and business processes.
RE/MAX real estate agent Rosemary Chiaverini remembers well business 20 years ago and the
rather cumbersome process of coordinating

What are some of the HR trends that seem to be operating behind this renewed emphasis on
strategic applications of technology to this functional area? What new developments have
recently arisen in this domain? Search the Internet for innovative applications of IT in HRM, and
write a report to summarize your findings.

See Full Question And Answer at

Why would systems that enhance a company’s relationships with customers have such a high
rate of failure?

Ms. Sapper, a marketing manager in a global accounting firm, was this year’s coordinator for
her firm’s annual partner meeting. With 400 partners from around the world, Sapper faced
daunting communications tasks that she wanted to automate as much as possible. Sapper
received a file containing all partners’ names

Erik Walters of DirecTV notes that a mobile CRM platform is part of the effort in search of the
“360-degree view of the customer.” What does he mean by that? Go online and research
this concept, other companies that are embracing it, and what technologies they employ. Prepare
a report to summarize your findings.

A number of political and cultural issues were involved in the implementation of the “one
source of the truth” approach at Nationwide. Can these obstacles be overcome simply by
mandating compliance from top management? What else should companies do to help ease these
transitions? Break into small groups with your c

What is the role of a database management system in a business information system?

See Full Question And Answer at

Ms. Sapper, this year’s annual partner meeting coordinator for a global accounting firm,
faced an interesting challenge. With 400 high-powered partners gathering from all around the
world, she wanted to arrange meal seating in a way that maximized diversity at each table. She
hoped that this seating would encourage p

1. From the perspective of a patient, how would you feel about being diagnosed by a doctor who
could be hundreds or thousands of miles away from you? What kind of expectations or concerns
would you have about that kind of experience? 2. What other professions, aside from health care
and education, could benefit from ap

Should every company become a customer-focused business? Why or why not?

The legal and regulatory environment of the health care industry has changed significantly in
recent times. How does this affect technology development and implementation in these
organizations. Go online and research new uses of information technology in health care
motivated by these developments. Prepare a presentat

Should companies scrap their existing ERP implementations and start from scratch again, or
should they keep trying to make their existing investments pay off? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach? Break into small groups to discuss these issues.

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What are several e-business applications that you might recommend to a small company to help
it survive and succeed in challenging economic times? Why?

Technology enhances the ability of educational institutes to reach students across geographic
boundaries. One recent development in this area is YouTube EDU. Go online to check out the
site and prepare a report summarizing its objectives, the kind of content available there, and how
it could be used to support traditio

1. Why does ERP customization lead to so many headaches when it is time to upgrade? 2. Why
were the systems customized in the first place? 3. Cutting payments outright to ERP vendors
may not be possible for smaller companies without the in-house resources that larger
organizations have. Are they at the mercy of the sof

1. What are the benefits that result from implementing the technologies described in the case?
How are those different for hospitals, doctors, insurance companies and patients? Provide
examples of each from the case. 2. Many of the technologies described in the case require access
to large volumes of data in order to b

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a recent approach to systems development and

implementation that has much in common (and some differences, as well) with enterprise
architecture. Go online and research the similarities and differences. Prepare a report to
summarize your work.

See Full Question And Answer at

How could sales force automation affect salesperson productivity, marketing management, and
competitive advantage?

Refer to the Real World Case on Nationwide Insurance in the chapter. Senior management was
emphatic about maintaining a 24-month deadline at all cost. Should the scope of the project be
adapted to reflect a deadline, or should deadlines reflect the scope of a project? Discuss.

How can the problem of overenthusiastic demand forecasts in supply chain planning be avoided?

How could some of the spectacular failures of ERP systems have been avoided?

What are some of the business benefits and management challenges of client/server networks?
Network computing? Peer-to-peer networks?

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Technologies and systems involved in financial reporting have received a great deal of attention
in the last few years due to renewed regulatory focus on the integrity and reliability of financial
information. Go online and research how companies are deploying technology to deal with these
issues. Prepare a report to s

What role does database management play in managing data as a business resource?

Refer to the Real World Case on Dow Corning and DirecTV in the chapter. Are mobile
applications limited to be scaled-down versions of their enterprise counterparts, or will
companies start to develop enter pries applications thinking about mobile deployments? Discuss.

1. What are some of the most important benefits derived by the law enforcement agencies
mentioned in the case? How do these technologies allow them to better fight crime? Provide
several examples. 2. How are the data-related issues faced by law enforcement similar to those
that could be found in companies? How are they

Go online and look at different companies in one of the industries mentioned in the case, noting
which companies offer free wireless access and which ones do not. Break into small groups and
brainstorm potential explanations for these differences. Do you see any patterns in the type of
companies that charge for access

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Nowadays new car buyers can configure the car of their dreams on Microsoft’s MSN Autos
Web site, as well as those of Ford, GM, and other auto giants. Many independent online car
purchase and research companies offer similar services. See Figure. • Enter make and model, and a loca

A student has claimed that ''in the abstract, the basic page replacement algorithms (FIFO, LRU,
optimal) are identical except for the attribute used for selecting the page to be replaced.'' (a)
What is that attribute for the FIFO algorithm? LRU algorithm? Optimal algorithm? (b) Give the
generic algorithm for these pa

In UNIX and Windows, random access is done by having a special system call that moves the
''current position'' pointer associated with a file to a given byte in the file. Propose an alternative
way to do random access without having this system call.

The IBM 360 had a scheme of locking 2-KB blocks by assigning each one a 4-bit key and having
the CPU compare the key on every memory reference to the 4-bit key in the PSW. Name two
drawbacks of this scheme not mentioned in the text.

1. Place yourself in the role of a manager at a company undergoing a merger or acquisition.

What would be the most important things customers would expect from you while still in that
process? What role would IT play in meeting those expectations? Provide at least three
examples. 2. Focus on what Andi Mann in the case

See Full Question And Answer at

Why is there a trend toward cross-functional integrated enterprise systems in business?

Consider the following solution to the mutual-exclusion problem involving two processes P0 and
P1. Assume that the variable turn is initialized to 0. Process P0's code is presented below. /*
Other code */ while (turn != 0) { } /* Do nothing and wait. */ Cr itical Section /* . . . */ tur n = 0;
/* Other code */ Fo

Round-robin schedulers normally maintain a list of all runnable processes, with each process
occurring exactly once in the list. What would happen if a process occurred twice in the list? Can
you think of any reason for allowing this?

Below is an execution trace of a program fragment for a computer with 512-byte pages. The
program is located at address 1020, and its stack pointer is at 8192 (the stack grows toward 0).
Give the page reference string generated by this program. Each instruction occupies 4 bytes (1
word) including immediate constants. B
Can you think of any situations where supporting virtual memory would be a bad idea, and what
would be gained by not having to support virtual memory? Explain.

See Full Question And Answer at

How many disk operations are needed to fetch the i-node for afile with the path name
/usr/ast/courses/os/handout.t? Assume that the i-node for the root directory is in memory, but
nothing else along the path is in memory. Also assume that all directories fit in one disk block.

A student in a compiler design course proposes to the professor a project of writing a compiler
that will produce a list of page references that can be used to implement the optimal page
replacement algorithm. Is this possible? Why or why not? Is there anything that could be done to
improve paging efficiency at run tim

In some systems it is possible to map part of a file into memory. What restrictions must such
systems impose? How is this partial mapping implemented?

The amount of disk space that must be available for page storage is related to the maximum
number of processes, n, the number of bytes in the virtual address space, v, and the number of
bytes of RAM, r. Give an expression for the worst-case disk-space requirements. How realistic is
this amount?

How could an operating system that can disable interrupts implement semaphores?

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In Windows, when a user double clicks on a file listed by Windows Explorer, a program is run
and given that file as a parameter. List two different ways the operating system could know
which program to run.

Consider a 4-TB disk that uses 4-KB blocks and the free-list method. How many block addresses
can be stored in one block?

Files in MS-DOS have to compete for space in the FAT -16 table in memory. If one file uses k
entries, that is k entries that are not available to any other file, what constraint does this place on
the total length of all files combined?

Consider the idea behind Fig. 4-21, but now for a disk with a mean seek time of 6 msec, a
rotational rate of 15,000 rpm, and 1,048,576 bytes per track. What are the data rates for block
sizes of 1 KB, 2 KB, and 4 KB, respectively?

Can two threads in the same process synchronize using a kernel semaphore if the threads are
implemented by the kernel? What if they are implemented in user space? Assume that no threads
in any other processes have access to the semaphore. Discuss your answers.
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Suppose that two processes A and B share a page that is not in memory. If process A faults on
the shared page, the page table entry for process A must be updated once the page is read into
memory. (a) Under what conditions should the page table update for process B be delayed even
though the handling of process A's pa

A real-time system needs to handle two voice calls that each run every 6 msec and consume 1
msec of CPU time per burst, plus one video at 25 frames/sec, with each frame requiring 20 msec
of CPU time. Is this system schedulable?

In Fig. 5-9(b), the interrupt is not acknowledged until after the next character has been output to
the printer. Could it have equally well been acknowledged right at the start of the interrupt
service procedure? If so, give one reason for doing it at the end, as in the text. If not, why not?

When an interrupt or a system call transfers control to the operating system, a kernel stack area
separate from the stack of the interrupted process is generally used. Why?

In Fig. 3-3 the base and limit registers contain the same value, 16,384. Is this just an accident, or
are they always the same? It is just an accident, why are they the same in this example? Figure 3-

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A computer provides each process with 65,536 bytes of address space divided into pages of 4096
bytes each. A particular program has a text size of 32,768 bytes, a data size of 16,386 bytes, and
a stack size of 15,870 bytes. Will this program fit in the machine's address space? Suppose that
instead of 4096 bytes, the pa

We discussed making incremental dumps in some detail in the text. In Windows it is easy to tell
when to dump a file because every file has an archive bit. This bit is missing in UNIX. How do
UNIX backup programs know which files to dump?

It has been suggested that efficiency could be improved and disk space saved by storing the data
of a short file within the i-node. For the i-node of Fig. 4-13, how many bytes of data could be
stored inside the i-node?

A computer has 4 GB of RAM of which the operating system occupies 512 MB. The processes
are all 256 MB (for simplicity) and have the same characteristics. If the goal is 99% CPU
utilization, what is the maximum I/O wait that can be tolerated?

Virtual memory provides a mechanism for isolating one process from another. What memory
management difficulties would be involved in allowing two operating systems to run
concurrently? How might these difficulties be addressed?
See Full Question And Answer at

How long does it take to load a 64-KB program from a disk whose average seek time is 5 msec,
whose rotation time is 5 msec, and whose tracks hold 1 MB (a) For a 2-KB page size? (b) For a
4-KB page size? The pages are spread randomly around the disk and the number of cylinders is
so large that the chance of two pages

Suppose that the WSClock page replacement algorithm uses a Ï„ of two ticks, and the system
state is the following: where the three flag bits V, R, and M stand for Valid, Referenced, and
Modified, respectively. (a) If a clock interrupt occurs at tick 10, show the contents of the new
table entries. Explain. (You can o

Write a shell script that produces a file of sequential numbers by reading the last number in the
file, adding 1 to it, and then appending it to the file. Run one instance of the script in the
background and one in the foreground, each accessing the same file. How long does it take
before a race condition manifests its

Explain how time quantum value and context switching time affect each other, in a round-robin
scheduling algorithm.

A machine-language instruction to load a 32-bit word into a register contains the 32-bit address
of the word to be loaded. What is the maximum number of page faults this instruction can cause?

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We consider a program which has the two segments shown below consisting of instructions in
segment 0, and read/write data in segment 1. Segment 0 has read/execute protection, and
segment 1 has just read/write protection. The memory system is a demand260 paged virtual
memory system with virtual addresses that have a 4-b

A computer has a three-stage pipeline as shown in Fig. 1-7(a). On each clock cycle, one new
instruction is fetched from memory at the address pointed to by the PC and put into the pipeline
and the PC advanced. Each instruction occupies exactly one memory word. The instructions
already in the pipeline are each advanced

A small computer on a smart card has four page frames. At the first clock tick, the R bits are
0111 (page 0 is 0, the rest are 1). At subsequent clock ticks, the values are 1011, 1010, 1101,
0010, 1010, 1100, and 0001. If the aging algorithm is used with an 8-bit counter, give the values
of the four counters after the

Suppose that a machine has 38-bit virtual addresses and 32-bit physical addresses. (a) What is
the main advantage of a multilevel page table over a single-level one? (b) With a two-level page
table, 16-KB pages, and 4-byte entries, how many bits should be allocated for the top-level page
table field and how many for
A certain file system uses 4-KB disk blocks. The median file size is 1 KB. If all files were
exactly 1 KB, what fraction of the disk space would be wasted? Do you think the wastage for a
real file system will be higher than this number or lower than it? Explain your answer.

See Full Question And Answer at

Can a measure of whether a process is likely to be CPU bound or I/O bound be determined by
analyzing source code? How can this be determined at run time?

Some digital consumer devices need to store data, for example as files. Name a modern device
that requires file storage and for which contiguous allocation would be a fine idea.

Is the open system call in UNIX absolutely essential? What would the consequences be of not
having it?

Describe the effects of a corrupted data block for a given file for: (a) contiguous, (b) linked, and
(c) indexed (or table based).

Given a disk-block size of 4 KB and block-pointer address value of 4 bytes, what is the largest
file size (in bytes) that can be accessed using 10 direct addresses and one indirect block?

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You are given the following data about a virtual memory system: (a)The TLB can hold 1024
entries and can be accessed in 1 clock cycle (1 nsec). (b) A page table entry can be found in 100
clock cycles or 100 nsec. (c) The average page replacement time is 6 msec. If page references are
handled by the TLB 99% of the t

Free disk space can be kept track of using a free list or a bitmap. Disk addresses require D bits.
For a disk with B blocks, F of which are free, state the condition under which the free list uses
less space than the bitmap. For D having the value 16 bits, express your answer as a percentage
of the disk space that must

Advances in chip technology have made it possible to put an entire controller, including all the
bus access logic, on an inexpensive chip. How does that affect the model of Fig. 1-6?

Contiguous allocation of files leads to disk fragmentation, as mentioned in the text, because
some space in the last disk block will be wasted in files whose length is not an integral number
of blocks. Is this internal fragmentation or external fragmentation? Make an analogy with
something discussed in the previous cha

Five batch jobs. A through E, arrive at a computer center at almost the same time. They have
estimated running times of 10, 6, 2, 4, and 8 minutes. Their (externally determined) priorities are
3, 5, 2, 1, and 4, respectively, with 5 being the highest priority. For each of the following
scheduling algorithms, determine
See Full Question And Answer at

Synchronization within monitors uses condition variables and two special operations, wait and
signal. A more general form of synchronization would be to have a single primitive, waituntil,
that had an arbitrary Boolean predicate as parameter. Thus, one could say, for example, waituntil
x < 0 or y + z < n The signal p

Assume that you are trying to download a large 2-GB file from the Internet. The file is available
from a set of mirror servers, each of which can deliver a subset of the file's bytes; assume that a
given request specifies the starting and ending bytes of the file. Explain how you might use
threads to improve the downlo

Section 3.3.4 states that the Pentium Pro extended each entry in the page table hierarchy to 64
bits but still could only address only 4 GB of memory. Explain how this statement can be true
when page table entries have 64 bits.

Copy on write is an interesting idea used on server systems. Does it make any sense on a

In light of the answer to the previous question, does compacting the disk ever make any sense?

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A computer with an 8-KB page, a 256-KB main memory, and a 64-GB virtual address space uses
an inverted page table to implement its virtual memory. How big should the hash table be to
ensure a mean hash chain length of less than 1? Assume that the hashtable size is a power of two.

One way to use contiguous allocation of the disk and not suffer from holes is to compact the disk
every time a file is removed. Since all files are contiguous, copying a file requires a seek and
rotational delay to read the file, followed by the transfer at full speed. Writing the file back
requires the same work. Assu

The readers and writers problem can be formulated in several ways with regard to which
category of processes can be started when. Carefully describe three different variations of the
problem, each one favoring (or not favoring) some category of processes. For each variation,
specify what happens when a reader or a writ

A computer whose processes have 1024 pages in their address spaces keeps its page tables in
memory. The overhead required for reading a word from the page table is 5 nsec. To reduce this
overhead, the computer has a TLB, which holds 32 (virtual page, physical page frame) pairs, and
can do a lookup in 1 nsec. What hit r

Consider the following C program: int X[N]; int step = M; /* M is some predefined constant */
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += step) X[i] = X[i] + 1; (a) If this program is run on a machine with a 4-
KB page size and 64-entry TLB, what values of M and N will cause a TLB miss for every
execution of the inner loop? (b) Wo

See Full Question And Answer at

Two computer science students, Carolyn and Elinor, are having a discussion about inodes.
Carolyn maintains that memories have gotten so large and so cheap that when a file is opened, it
is simpler and faster just to fetch a new copy of the i-node into the inode table, rather than search
the entire table to see if it is

Multiple jobs can run in parallel and finish faster than if they had run sequentially. Suppose that
two jobs, each needing 20 minutes of CPU time, start simultaneously. How long will the last one
take to complete if they run sequentially? How long if they run in parallel? Assume 50% I/O

A swapping system eliminates holes by compaction. Assuming a random distribution of many

holes and many data segments and a time to read or write a 32-bit memory word of 4 nsec, about
how long does it take to compact 4 GB? For simplicity, assume that word 0 is part of a hole and
that the highest word in memory contains

In many UNIX systems, the i-nodes are kept at the start of the disk. An alternative design is to
allocate an i-node when a file is created and put the i-node at the start of the first block of the
file. Discuss the pros and cons of this alternative.

In early UNIX systems, executable files (a.out files) began with a very specific magic number,
not one chosen at random. These files began with a header, followed by the text and data
segments. Why do you think a very specific number was chosen for executable files, whereas
other file types had a more-or-less random ma

See Full Question And Answer at

A computer has 32-bit virtual addresses and 4-KB pages. The program and data together fit in
the lowest page (0-4095) The stack fits in the highest page. How many entries are needed in the
page table if traditional (one-level) paging is used? How many page table entries are needed for
two-level paging, with 10 bits in

What would happen if the bitmap or free list containing the information about free disk blocks
was completely lost due to a crash? Is there any way to recover from this disaster, or is it bye-bye
disk? Discuss your answers for UNIX and the FAT -16 file system separately.

In the WSClock algorithm of Fig. 3-20(c), the hand points to a page with R = 0. If Ï„ = 400, will
this page be removed? What about if Ï„ = 1000?

How can the associative memory device needed for a TLB be implemented in hardware, and
what are the implications of such a design for expandability?
It has been suggested that the first part of each UNIX file be kept in the same disk block as its i-
node. What good would this do?

See Full Question And Answer at

It has been observed that the number of instructions executed between page faults is directly
proportional to the number of page frames allocated to a program. If the available memory is
doubled, the mean interval between page faults is also doubled. Suppose that a normal
instruction takes 1 microsec, but if a page fau

In the dining philosophers problem, let the following protocol be used: An even-numbered
philosopher always picks up his left fork before picking up his right fork; an odd-numbered
philosopher always picks up his right fork before picking up his left fork. Will this protocol
guarantee deadlock-free operation?

Explain how hard links and soft links differ with respective to i-node allocations.

Consider Fig. 4-27. Is it possible that for some particular block number the counters in both lists
have the value 2? How should this problem be corrected?

If FIFO page replacement is used with four page frames and eight pages, how many page faults
will occur with the reference string 0172327103 if the four frames are initially empty? Now
repeat this problem for LRU.

See Full Question And Answer at

For an external USB hard drive attached to a computer, which is more suitable: a write through
cache or a block cache?

Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes in memory
order: 10 MB, 4 MB, 20 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB. Which hole is taken for
successive segment requests of (a) 12 MB (b) 10 MB (c) 9 MB for first fit? Now repeat the
question for best fit, worst fit, and next fit.

Suppose that a machine has 48-bit virtual addresses and 32-bit physical addresses. (a) If pages
are 4 KB, how many entries are in the page table if it has only a single level? Explain. (b)
Suppose this same system has a TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) with 32 entries.
Furthermore, suppose that a program contains i

Consider a system in which it is desired to separate policy and mechanism for the scheduling of
kernel threads. Propose a means of achieving this goal.

Consider an application where students' records are stored in a file. The application takes a
student ID as input and subsequently reads, updates, and writes the corresponding student record;
this is repeated till the application quits. Would the "block readahead" technique be useful here?
See Full Question And Answer at

Consider the procedure put forks in Fig. 2-47. Suppose that the variable state[i] was set to
THINKING after the two calls to test, rather than before. How would this change affect the

Name one advantage of hard links over symbolic links and one advantage of symbolic links over
hard links.

Explain the difference between internal fragmentation and external fragmentation. Which one
occurs in paging systems? Which one occurs in systems using pure segmentation?

The Intel 8086 processor did not have an MMU or support virtual memory. Nevertheless, some
companies sold systems that contained an unmodified 8086 CPU and did paging. Make an
educated guess as to how they did it.

A UNIX file system has 4-KB blocks and 4-byte disk addresses. What is the maximum file size
if i-nodes contain 10 direct entries, and one single, double, and triple indirect entry each?

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider a real-time system with two voice calls of periodicity 5 msec each with CPU time per
call of 1 msec, and one video stream of periodicity 33 ms with CPU time per call of 11 msec. Is
this system schedulable?

Five jobs are waiting to be run. Their expected run times are 9, 6, 3, 5, and X. In what order
should they be run to minimize average response time?

Suppose that the virtual page reference stream contains repetitions of long sequences of page
references followed occasionally by a random page reference. For example, the sequence: 0, 1, ...
, 511, 431, 0, 1, ... , 511, 332, 0, 1, ... consists of repetitions of the sequence 0, 1, ... , 511
followed by a random referen

A group of operating system designers for the Frugal Computer Company are thinking about
ways to reduce the amount of backing store needed in their new operating system. The head guru
has just suggested not bothering to save the program text in the swap area at all, but just page it
in directly from the binary file whe

What kind of hardware support is needed for a paged virtual memory to work?

See Full Question And Answer at

Give a simple example of a page reference sequence where the first page selected for
replacement will be different for the clock and LRU page replacement algorithms. Assume that a
process is allocated 3=three frames, and the reference string contains pagenumbers from the set
0, 1, 2, 3.

For each of the following decimal virtual addresses, compute the virtual page number and offset
for a 4-KB page and for an 8 KB page: 20000, 32768, 60000.

Measurements of a certain system have shown that the average process runs for a time T before
blocking on I/O. A process switch requires a time S, which is effectively wasted (overhead). For
round-robin scheduling with quantum Q, give a formula for the CPU efficiency for each of the
following: (a) Q = ∞ (b) Q > T

Consider a file whose size varies between 4 KB and 4 MB during its lifetime. Which of the three
allocation schemes (contiguous, linked and table/indexed) will be most appropriate?

The beginning of a free-space bitmap looks like this after the disk partition is first formatted:
1000 0000 0000 0000 (the first block is used by the root directory). The system always searches
for free blocks starting at the lowest-numbered block, so after writing file A, which uses six
blocks, the bitmap looks like t

See Full Question And Answer at

Some operating systems provide a system call rename to give a file a new name. Is there any
difference at all between using this call to rename a file and just copying the file to a new file
with the new name, followed by deleting the old one?

Consider the following two-dimensional array: int X[64][64]; Suppose that a system has four
page frames and each frame is 128 words (an integer occupies one word). Programs that
manipulate the X array fit into exactly one page and always occupy page 0. The data are
swapped in and out of the other three frames. The X

You have been hired by a cloud computing company that deploys thousands of servers at each of
its data centers. They have recently heard that it would be worthwhile to handle a page fault at
server a by reading the page from the RAM memory of some other server rather than its local
disk drive. (a) How could that be do

Oliver Owl's night job at the university computing center is to change the tapes used for
overnight data backups. While waiting for each tape to complete, he works on writing his thesis
that proves Shakespeare's plays were written by extraterrestrial visitors. His text processor runs
on the system being backed up since

Show how counting semaphores (i.e., semaphores that can hold an arbitrary value) can be
implemented using only binary semaphores and ordinary machine instructions.

See Full Question And Answer at

A machine has a 32-bit address space and an 8-KB page. The page table is entirely in hardware,
with one 32-bit word per entry. When a process starts, the page table is copied to the hardware
from memory, at one word every 100 nsec. If each process runs for 100 msec (including the time
to load the page table), what frac

Consider a hierarchical file system in which free disk space is kept in a free space list. a. Suppose
the pointer to free space is lost. Can the system reconstruct the free space list? b. Suggest a
scheme to ensure that the pointer is never lost as a result of a single memory failure.

An alternative algorithm for insertion into a B-tree is the following: As the insertion algorithm
travels down the tree, each full node that is encountered is immediately split, even though it may
turn out that the split was unnecessary. a. What is the advantage of this technique? b. What are
the disadvantages?

Instructions related to accessing I/O devices are typically privileged instructions, that is, they can
be executed in kernel mode but not in user mode. Give a reason why these instructions are

What is the difference between a physical address and a virtual address?

See Full Question And Answer at

Give five different path names for the file /etc/passwd. (Think about the directory entries ''.'' and

Explain the rationale behind the three-tier client/server architecture.

In Fig. 2-12 the register set is listed as a per-thread rather than a per-process item. Why? After
all, the machine has only one set of registers.

List some benefits and disadvantages of blocking and non-blocking primitives for message

Figure 1-23 shows that a number of UNIX system calls have no Win32 API equivalents. For
each of the calls listed as having no Win32 equivalent, what are the consequences for a
programmer of converting a UNIX program to run under Windows?

See Full Question And Answer at

A computer has a pipeline with four stages. Each stage takes the same time to do its work,
namely, 1 nsec. How many instructions per second can this machine execute?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a file integrity checking tool (e.g., tripwire).
This is a program which notifies the administrator of any changes to files on a regular basis?
Consider issues such as which files you really only want to change rarely, which files may
change more often, and which may c

Ignoring overhead for directories and file descriptors, consider a file system in which files are
stored in blocks of 16K bytes. For each of the following file sizes, calculate the percentage of
wasted file space due to incomplete filling of the last block: 41,600 bytes; 640,000 bytes;
4.064,000 bytes.

On early computers, every byte of data read or written was handled by the CPU (i.e., there was
no DMA). What implications does this have for multiprogramming?

In the example given in Fig. 1-17, the library procedure is called read and the system call itself is
called read. Is it essential that both of these have the same name? If not, which one is more

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the difference between timesharing and multiprogramming systems?

Is there any reason why you might want to mount a file system on a nonempty directory? If so,
what is it?

When a computer is being developed, it is usually first simulated by a program that runs one
instruction at a time. Even multiprocessors are simulated strictly sequentially like this. Is it
possible for a race condition to occur when there are no simultaneous events like this?

List and briefly describe some of the defenses against buffer overflows that can be implemented
when running existing, vulnerable programs.

Techniques like memory overcommit and page sharing permits virtual machines to be allocated
more resources than are physically in a single virtualization host. Does this allow the aggregate
of the virtual machines to perform more real work than a physical workload would be capable of
on the same hardware?

See Full Question And Answer at

Both the search and the insertion time for a B-tree are a function of the height of the tree. We
would like to develop a measure of the worst-case search or insertion time. Consider a B-tree of
degree d that contains a total of n keys. Develop an inequality that shows an upper bound on the
height h of the tree as a fu

Can the priority inversion problem discussed in Sec. 2.3.4 happen with user-level threads? Why
or why not?
In the context of an IDS, we define a false positive to be an alarm generated by an IDS in which
the IDS alerts to a condition that is actually benign. A false negative occurs when an IDS fails to
generate an alarm when an alert-worthy condition is in effect. Using the following diagram,
depict two curves that roughly

In the traditional UNIX file access model, UNIX systems provide a default setting for newly
created files and directories, which the owner may later change. The default is typically full
access for the owner combined with one of the following: no access for group and other,
read/execute access for group and none for ot

Consider the organization of a UNIX file as represented by the inode. Assume that there are 12
direct block pointers, and a singly, doubly, and triply indirect pointer in each inode. Further,
assume that the system block size and the disk sector size are both 8K. If the disk block pointer is
32 bits, with 8 bits to ide

See Full Question And Answer at

The discussion of eCos spinlocks included an example showing why spinlocks should not be
used on a uni-processor system if two threads of different priorities can compete for the same
spinlock. Explain why the problem still exists even if only threads of the same priority can claim
the same spinlock.

Consider a system that has two CPUs, each CPU having two threads (hyperthreading). Suppose
three programs, P0, P1, and P2, are started with run times of 5, 10 and 20 msec, respectively.
How long will it take to complete the execution of these programs? Assume that all three
programs are 100% CPU bound, do not block dur

An application program is executed on a nine-computer cluster. A benchmark program takes

time T on this cluster. Further, 25% of T is time in which the application is running
simultaneously on all nine computers. The remaining time, the application has to run on a single
computer. a. Calculate the effective speedup un

A 255-GB disk has 65,536 cylinders with 255 sectors per track and 512 bytes per sector. How
many platters and heads does this disk have? Assuming an average cylinder seek time of 11 ms,
average rotational delay of 7 msec and reading rate of 100 MB/sec, calculate the average time it
will take to read 400 KB from one sec

In a system with threads, is there one stack per thread or one stack per process when user-level
threads are used? What about when kernel-level threads are used? Explain.

See Full Question And Answer at

For each of the following system calls, give a condition that causes it to fail: fork, exec, and
What distinguishes client/server computing from any other form of distributed data processing?

In the text it was stated that the model of Fig. 2-11(a) was not suited to a file server using a cache
in memory. Why not? Could each process have its own cache?

Does Peterson's solution to the mutual-exclusion problem shown in Fig. 2-24 work when process
scheduling is preemptive? How about when it is nonpreemptive?

Suppose that you were to design an advanced computer architecture that did process switching in
hardware, instead of having interrupts. What information would the CPU need? Describe how
the hardware process switching might work.

See Full Question And Answer at

Some have argued that Unix/Linux systems reuse a small number of security features in many
contexts across the system; while Windows systems provide a much larger number of more
specifically targeted security features used in the appropriate contexts. This may be seen as a
trade-off between simplicity verses lack of fl

A portable operating system is one that can be ported from one system architecture to another
without any modification. Explain why it is infeasible to build an operating system that is
completely portable. Describe two high-level layers that you will have in designing an operating
system that is highly portable.

Set user (SetUID) and set group (SetGID) programs and scripts are a powerful mechanism
provided by Unix to support “controlled invocation” to manage access to sensitive
resources. However, precisely because of this it is a potential security hole, and bugs in such
programs have led to many compromises on Unix syste

There are several design goals in building an operating system, for example, resource utilization,
timeliness, robustness, and so on. Give an example of two design goals that may contradict one

Why is the process table needed in a timesharing system? Is it also needed in personal computer
systems running UNIX or Windows with a single user?

See Full Question And Answer at

Explain the relative advantages and disadvantages of an embedded OS based on an existing

commercial OS compared to a purpose-built embedded OS.

In Fig. 2-2, three process states are shown. In theory, with three states, there could be six
transitions, two out of each state. However, only four transitions are shown. Are there any
circumstances in which either or both of the missing transitions might occur?
What is middleware?

What are the design goals for TinyOS?

What is the essential difference between a block special file and a character special file?

See Full Question And Answer at

When a user program makes a system call to read or write a disk file, it provides an indication of
which file it wants, a pointer to the data buffer, and the count. Control is then transferred to the
operating system, which calls the appropriate driver. Suppose that the driver starts the disk and
terminates until an in

Why would a thread ever voluntarily give up the CPU by calling thread yield? After all, since
there is no periodic clock interrupt, it may never get the CPU back.

Can the Count = write(fd, buffer, nbytes); call return any value in count other than nbytes? If so,

Providing additional bandwidth for virtualization servers initially involved additional network
interface cards (NICs) for more network connections. With the advent of increasingly greater
network backbone bandwidths (10Gbit/s, 40Gbit/s, and 100Gbit/s), fewer NICs are necessary.
What issues might result from these conv

Here are some questions for practicing unit conversions: (a) How long is a nanoyear in seconds?
(b) Micrometers are often called microns. How long is a megamicron? (c) How many bytes are
there in a 1-PB memory? (d) The mass of the earth is 6000 yottagrams. What is that in

See Full Question And Answer at

a. The TinyOS Resource interface does not allow a component that already has a request in the
queue for a resource to make a second request. Suggest a reason. b. However, the TinyOS
Resource interface allows a component holding the resource lock to re-request the lock. This
request is en-queued for a later grant. Su

What is the difference between kernel and user mode? Explain how having two distinct modes
aids in designing an operating system.

Type-1 hypervisors operate directly on physical hardware without any intervening operating
system. Type-2 hypervisors run as an application installed on an existing operating system.
Type-1 hypervisors perform much better than Type-2 hypervisors since there is no intervening
layer to negotiate between themselves and th

Briefly describe the difference between DAC and RBAC.

One reason GUIs were initially slow to be adopted was the cost of the hardware needed to
support them. How much video RAM is needed to support a 25-line × 80-row character
monochrome text screen? How much for a 1200 × 900-pixel 24-bit color bitmap? What was
the cost of this RAM at 1980 prices ($5/KB)? How much is it

See Full Question And Answer at

User “ahmed” owns a directory, “stuff,” containing a text file called

“ourstuff.txt” that he shares with users belonging to the group “staff.” Those users
may read and change this file, but not delete it. They may not add other files to the directory.
Others may neither read nor write or execute anythin

Rewrite the function shown in Figure so that it is no longer vulnerable to a stack buffer overflow.

Assume a system with N job positions. For job position i, the number of individual users in that
position is Ui and the number of permissions required for the job position is Pi. a. For a
traditional DAC scheme, how many relationships between users and permissions must be
defined? b. For an RBAC scheme, how many rela

For the DAC model discussed in Section 15.3, an alternative representation of the protection
state is a directed graph. Each subject and each object in the protection state is represented by a
node (a single node is used for an entity that is both subject and object). A directed line from a
subject to an object indicat

Suggest pros and cons for fat client and thin client strategies.

See Full Question And Answer at

To use cache memory, main memory is divided into cache lines, typically 32 or 64 bytes long.
An entire cache line is cached at once. What is the advantage of caching an entire line instead of
a single byte or word at a time?

Can a thread ever be preempted by a clock interrupt? If so, under what circumstances? If not,
why not?

Consider an automated audit log analysis tool (e.g., swatch). Can you propose some rules which
could be used to distinguish “suspicious activities” from normal user behavior on a system
for some organization?

In this problem you are to compare reading a file using a single-threaded file server and a
multithreaded server. It takes 12 msec to get a request for work, dispatch it, and do the rest of the
necessary processing, assuming that the data needed are in the block cache. If a disk operation is
needed, as is the case one-
Does the busy waiting solution using the turn variable (Fig. 2-23) work when the two processes
are running on a shared-memory multiprocessor, that is, two CPUs sharing a common memory?

See Full Question And Answer at

Directories can be implemented either as “special files” that can only be accessed in limited
ways or as ordinary data files. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

List some benefits and disadvantages of non-persistent and persistent binding for RPCs.

Consider a computer system that has cache memory, main memory (RAM) and disk, and an
operating system that uses virtual memory. It takes 1 nsec to access a word from the cache, 10
nsec to access a word from the RAM, and 10 ms to access a word from the disk. If the cache hit
rate is 95% and main memory hit rate (after a

UNIX treats file directories in the same fashion as files; that is, both are defined by the same type
of data structure, called an inode. As with files, directories include a 9-bit protection string. If
care is not taken, this can create access control problems. For example, consider a file with
protection mode 644 (

Consider user accounts on a system with a Web server configured to provide access to user Web
areas. In general, this scheme uses a standard directory name, such as public_html, in a
user’s home directory. This acts as the user’s Web area if it exists. However, to allow the
Web server to access the pages in this

See Full Question And Answer at

In Sec. 2.3.4, a situation with a high-priority process, H, and a low-priority process, L, was
described, which led to H looping forever. Does the same problem occur if roundrobin
scheduling is used instead of priority scheduling? Discuss.

What is an embedded system?

Let a be the percentage of program code that can be executed simultaneously by n computers in a
cluster, each computer using a different set of parameters or initial conditions. Assume that the
remaining code must be executed sequentially by a single processor. Each processor has an
execution rate of x MIPS. a. Derive

On all current computers, at least part of the interrupt handlers are written in assembly language.

The family-of-computers idea was introduced in the 1960s with the IBM System/360
mainframes. Is this idea now dead as a doornail or does it live on?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are fat clients and thin clients, and what are the differences in philosophy of the two

The following FORTRAN program is to be executed on a computer, and a parallel version is to

be executed on a 32-computer cluster. L1: DO 10 I = 1, 1024 L2: SUM(I) = 0 L3: DO 20 J = 1, I
L4: 20 SUM(I) = SUM(I) + I L5: 10 CONTINUE Suppose lines 2 and 4 each take two machine
cycle times, including all processor

List and briefly define four different clustering methods.

In UNIX System V, the length of a block is 1 Kbyte, and each block can hold a total of 256
block addresses. Using the inode scheme, what is the maximum size of a file?

In the text, we described a multithreaded Web server, showing why it is better than a single-
threaded server and a finite-state machine server. Are there any circumstances in which a single-
threaded server might be better? Give an example.

See Full Question And Answer at

Discuss the rationale for locating applications on the client, the server, or split between client and

Virtual Machines are presented with storage in manners similar to physical machines via TCP/IP,
Fibre-Channel, or iSCSI connections. There are features in virtualization that optimize memory
and processor usage, and advanced features that can provide more efficient use of I/O resources.
What do you think might be avail

Some operating systems have a tree–structured file system but limit the depth of the tree to
some small number of levels. What effect does this limit have on users? How does this simplify
file system design (if it does)?

Explain how separation of policy and mechanism aids in building microkernel-based operating

What is a TinyOS component?

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider a system in which threads are implemented entirely in user space, with the run-time
system getting a clock interrupt once a second. Suppose that a clock interrupt occurs while some
thread is executing in the run-time system. What problem might occur? Can you suggest a way
to solve it?
To a programmer, a system call looks like any other call to a library procedure. Is it important
that a programmer know which library procedures result in system calls? Under what
circumstances and why?

In the discussion on global variables in threads, we used a procedure create global to allocate
storage for a pointer to the variable, rather than the variable itself. Is this essential, or could the
procedures work with the values themselves just as well?

What are some typical requirements or constraints on embedded systems?

List and briefly describe some of the defenses against buffer overflows that can be used when
compiling new programs.

See Full Question And Answer at

List some benefits and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous RPCs.

What types of programming languages are vulnerable to buffer overflows?

Why is logging important? What are its limitations as a security control? What are pros and cons
of remote logging?

The implementation of mutexes within the eCos kernel does not support recursive locks. If a
thread has locked a mutex and then attempts to lock the mutex again, typically as a result of
some recursive call in a complicated call graph, then either an assertion failure will be reported
or the thread will deadlock. Sugges

When virtualization first appeared in the x86 marketplace, many server vendors were skeptical of
the technology and were concerned that consolidation would impact the sales of servers. Instead,
server vendors found that they were selling larger, costlier servers. Why did this happen?

See Full Question And Answer at

State some threats that result from a process running with administrator or root privileges on a

What are some of the key characteristics of an embedded OS?

In general terms, what are four means of authenticating a user’s identity?

In Section 1.4, nine different types of operating systems are described. Give a list of applications
for each of these systems (one per operating systems type).

List and briefly define three classes of intruders.

See Full Question And Answer at

Suppose that a 10-MB file is stored on a disk on the same track (track 50) in consecutive sectors.
The disk arm is currently situated over track number 100. How long will it take to retrieve this
file from the disk? Assume that it takes about 1 ms to move the arm from one cylinder to the next
and about 5 ms for the sec

Create a text file named string.js and enter the Capitalize function into that file. Then, modify
your strdemo.html page so that it loads this library file. When the button in the page is clicked, in
addition to displaying the previous values, it should also call the Capitalize function and display
the capitalized word

Add elements to your roman.html page so that the user can perform the opposite conversion,
translating a number into an ancient Roman numeral. [One approach to building the Roman
numeral would be to write a series of while loops. As long as the number entered by the user is
greater than or equal to 1,000, add the lett

Technically speaking, the Pig Latin rules that we have established apply only to words, not
phrases. However, your current piglatin.html page does nothing to prevent users from entering a
string containing spaces. Thus, a user could enter 'foo bar' in the text box and be told that the Pig
Latin translation is 'oo barfa

In Fig. 2-8, a multithreaded Web server is shown. If the only way to read from a file is the
normal blocking read system call, do you think user-level threads or kernel-level threads are
being used for the Web server? Why?

See Full Question And Answer at

Figure is a listing of code intended for use on the eCos kernel. a. Explain the operation of the
code. Assume thread B begins execution first and thread A begins to execute after some event
occurs. b. What would happen if the mutex unlock and wait code execution in the call to
cyg_cond_wait, on line 30, were not atom

Describe the difference between an NMOS transistor and a PMOS transistor?

A more challenging programming exercise would be to modify your roman.html page so that it
uses the modern style of Roman numerals. In this system, I can appear before V and X to
represent 4 and 9, respectively; X can appear before L and C to represent 40 and 90,
respectively; and C can appear before D and M to represe

Describe how a flip-flop is able to retain the last bit value assigned to it?

Design and create a Web page named states.html that quizzes the user on state capitals. The
layout of the page is entirely up to you. However, the page should contain a text box in which the
user can specify the number of questions on the quiz. After processing this input, the page should
repeatedly ask the user to ide
See Full Question And Answer at

Design and create a Web page named phoney.html that converts alphabetic phone numbers into
entirely numeric ones. Your page should allow the user to enter the number (possibly containing
letters) in a text box. When the user clicks a button, the page should call a function to translate
the input, generating a version o

Modify your cipher.html page from Exercise 15.15 so that it implements a rotating substitution
cipher. [This should require only minimal changes to the code. After each character in the
message has been encoded/decoded, your Rotate function (from Exercise 15.4) should be called
to rotate the key.]

What settings would result in the sum of registers R0 and R3 being stored in memory location 4?

Describe two advantages of assembly languages over machine languages?

Consider a variation on the code in Figure 15.5, in which the string concatenation inside the
while loop is reversed: str = foobar; i =[aeiou]/); while (i != -1) { str = str.substring(0,
i) + '*' + str.substring(i+1, str.length); i =[aeiou]/); }

See Full Question And Answer at

What sequence of assembly-language instructions corresponds to the machine language

instruction set you wrote in Exercise 14.9? Refer to Exercise 14.9, What sequence of machine-
language instructions would cause the simulator to add the contents of memory locations 10, 11,
and 12 and then store the result in memory lo

The first statement that follows assigns a string to variable people, whereas the subsequent four
assignments split people into various arrays. For each of these statements, draw the memory cell
associated with the variable after the assignment has been made:

In what way is integrated-circuit manufacturing similar to photography?

What is the sum of the binary numbers 1001012 and 10112? Show the steps you used to
calculate your answer.

Modify your stats.html page so that it simulates repeatedly rolling a pair of eight-sided dice and
then collects statistics on the dice totals obtained. Because the array of counters provides extreme
flexibility, only minimal changes should be required to adapt the page?

See Full Question And Answer at

What sequence of machine-language instructions would cause the simulator to add the contents
of memory locations 10, 11, and 12 and then store the result in memory location 13?
Explain why the circuitry for adding two 4-bit numbers must be constructed by combining full
adders, rather than half-adders?

Define a function named Rotate that takes a string as input and returns a copy of that string in
which all characters are rotated one position to the left. This means that the second character
should be shifted from index 1 to index 0, the third character should be shifted from index 2 to
index 1, and so on. The first

What do you think would happen if you forgot to place a HALT instruction at the end of a
machine-language program? How would the Control Unit react? Use the simulator to test your
prediction, then report the results.

The sort method, when applied to an array of strings, returns a copy of that array in which the
strings appear in alphabetical order. For example, if the variable words stored the array ['foo',
'bar', 'biz'], then the call words.sort() would return ['bar', 'biz', 'foo']. Define a function named
BinSearch that implemen

See Full Question And Answer at

Name three different technologies that, over the years, have served as electrical switches in
computers. How were these technologies similar, and how were they different? What advantages
or disadvantages did each provide?

Electricians commonly wear rubber shoes and gloves to protect themselves when working with
live wiring. Would this suggest that rubber is an efficient or inefficient conductor of electricity?
Explain your answer.

After experimenting with seq.html's sequential search capabilities, answer the following
questions: • What is the minimum number of inspections required to find an item in an array
using sequential search? Where must the desired item occur in the array in order for the page to
perform this minimum number of inspecti

Add the SeqSearch function to the arrays.js library file, then create a Web page named seq.html
that utilizes the SeqSearch function to perform sequential searches on user input. The page
should contain a text area in which the user can enter a sequence of words separated by white
space, as well as a text box in which

Define a function named Classify that takes a string as input and then determines whether the
string is a single word (containing no spaces) or a phrase (containing one or more spaces). The
function should return a string value, either 'word' or 'phrase', depending on whether the input
string contains any spaces. Once

See Full Question And Answer at

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