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Trace the execution of the following sequence of JavaScript assignments.

For each assignment,

fill in the values of the variables in their corresponding boxes-even those values that aren't

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Describe three elements common to a Graphical User Interface (GUI)? How do these elements
make it easier for a user to interact with the computer.

What error(s) occur when a JavaScript string contains incorrectly nested double quotation
marks? For example, add the following button to a Web page and describe what happens when
that button is clicked. ...................
onclick="document.getElementById('outputDiv').innerHTML= ....................................

Add a second button to your double.html page from Exercise 5.19. Each time this new button is
clicked, the value in the text box named number-Box should be halved. For example, if the box
contains the number 1,024, clicking the button should reduce the number to 512. If you start with
a value of 1,024 in the text box,

Suppose that you have been given an O(N) algorithm that averages student grades, where N is
the number of grades. If it takes 1 minute to average 100 grades using the algorithm, how long
would you expect it to take to average 200 grades? 400 grades? Justify your answer.

Enter the swap.html text from Figure 5.8 into a new Web page, then load the page in the browser
to verify that it behaves as described. Modify the page so that it has a third image to the right of
the existing images. In place of the single button labeled Swap Images, there should be two
buttons on the page, labeled R

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Modify your bits.html page from Exercise 7.4 so that it uses a function to encapsulate the
statements for accessing the number of bits, calculating the number of values, and displaying it
in the page. The button in the page should call this function when clicked?

Enter the mystery2.html text from Figure 4.4 into a new Web page, then load the page in the
browser to verify that it behaves as described. Modify the page so that it uses the same two
images that you chose for your mystery1.html page (from Exercise 4.1).

Two of the technological advances described in this chapter were so influential that they earned
their inventors a Nobel Prize in Physics. Identify the inventions and inventors?

Similarly, modify your grades.html page from Chapter 5 (Exercise 5.11) so that it uses a function
to encapsulate the statements for accessing individual grades, calculating their average, and
displaying that average in the page. The button in the page should call this function when

Add an ONLOAD attribute to your home page from Chapter 2. Within that attribute, place a call
to the alert function so that a greeting is displayed when the page loads. For example, the alert
window might display the message 'Hello and welcome to my page!'

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a. What kind of information do you think Tesco gathers? b. How do you think Tesco has
motivated over 12 million customers to sign up for its Clubcard program? c. What can Tesco
accomplish with the Clubcard data it collects? Think in term of strategy and competitive
advantage. d. What are some of the disadvantages

Discuss the differences between behavioral and computer-based actions that you should take?

Describe your personal bill paying process. What control plans do you have in place to meet the
control goals in this chapter? Consider effectiveness, efficiency, security and information goals.

Fidelity Corporation offers to hire Ron to replace Monica, who has given Fidelity a month's
notice to quit. Fidelity gives Ron a week to decide whether to accept. Two days later, Monica
signs an employment contract with Fidelity for another year. The next day, Monica tells Ron of
the new contract. Ron immediately sends

Examine issues of the Journal of Accountancy, Strategic Finance, and other business magazines
for the past three years to find stories about current developments in factory automation. Write a
brief report that discusses the accounting implications of one development: how it affects the
efficiency and accuracy of data

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InfoFree's website is linked to massive databases that consolidate personal data on millions of
people. Users can purchase marketing lists of consumers broken down by location, age, income
level, home value, and interests. One could use this capability to obtain a list, for example, of
everyone in Peekskill, New York,

Describe the relationship among people, organization, and technology at Home Depot. How did
this relationship change over time?

Café Rojo, Ltd., an Ecuadoran firm, agrees to sell coffee beans to Dark Roast Coffee
Company, a U.S. firm. Dark Roast accepts the beans but refuses to pay. Café Rojo sues Dark
Roast in an Ecuadoran court and is awarded dam ages, but Dark Roast's as sets are in the United
States. Under what circumstances would a U.S.
Mark Holifield, Home Depot's Vice President of Supply Chain, has noted that the company
didn't have the most leading-edge technology, but it could make a major change in its supply
chain. Discuss the implications of this statement.

Use the data in Table 16-3 to create the following graphs: a. Sales b. Sales and Gross Margin c.
Earnings per share d. Which principles of graph design, if any, did you have to manually
implement to over-ride the default graphs created by Excel?

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Match the following terms with their definitions: 1. Business continuity plan (BCP) 2.
Completeness check 3. Hash total 4. Incremental daily backup 5. Archive 6. Field check 7. Sign
check 8. Change control 9. Cold site 10. Limit check 11. Zero-balance test 12. Recovery point
objective (RPO) 13. Recovery ti

At present, no Berwick employees have auditing experience. To staff its new internal audit
function, Berwick could (a) train some of its computer specialists in auditing, (b) hire
experienced auditors and train them to understand Berwick's information system, (c) use a
combination of the first two approaches, or (d) tr

Analyze Sears, using the competitive forces and value chain models.

This chapter discusses both fraud and non-fraudulent losses in the AP/CD process. Describe any
losses you have encountered in your personal bill paying process. Did you change any aspect of
your process after the loss(es) you encountered?

Prepare a program flowchart to help Melanie program this process.

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How will information systems affect business careers, and what information system skills and
knowledge are essential? a. Describe the role of information systems in careers in accounting,
finance, marketing, management, and operations management and explain how careers in
information systems have been affected by new

RESEARCH the problem of identity theft and write a report that explains: a. Whether the
problem of identity theft is increasing or decreasing b. What kind of identity theft protection
services or insurance products are available. Compare and contrast at least two products.

a. Draw a system flowchart of the billing operations, commencing with the computer preparation
of the meter reading forms and ending with the mailing of customer bills. b. Draw a system
flowchart depicting customer payments processing, starting with the mail room operations and
ending with the two printed reports.
From the viewpoint of the customer, what are the advantages and disadvantages to the opt-in
versus the opt-out approaches to collecting personal information? From the viewpoint of the
organization desiring to collect such information?

Obtain a copy of COBIT (available at and read section DS5. Design a checklist
for assessing each of the 11 detailed information security control objectives. The checklist should
contain questions to which a Yes response represents a control strength, a No response represents
a control weakness, plus a

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Prepare a BPD that documents Beccan's business processes.

How much was Home Depot's management responsible for its problems? What about the role of
technology and organizational factors?

Figure 12-18 depicts the activities performed in the revenue cycle by the Newton Hardware
Company. a. Identify at least 7 weaknesses in Newton Hardware's revenue cycle. Explain the
resulting threat and suggest methods to correct the weakness. b. Identify ways to use IT to
streamline Newton's revenue cycle activities.

What was the problem facing Sears? What people, organization, and technology factors
contributed to this problem?

How do information systems help businesses compete globally? a. Describe how globalization
has increased opportunities for businesses. b. List and describe the four main ways of organizing
a business internationally and the types of systems configuration for global business

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How effective was the solution Sears selected? Explain your answer.

Why is it so important for you to protect yourself?

After viewing the Web sites, and based on your reading of the chapter, write a 2 page paper that
describes how an ERP can connect and integrate the revenue, expenditure, human
resources/payroll, and financing cycles of a business.

How would you respond to the treasurer of a small charity who tells you that the organization
does not use a separate checking account for payroll because the benefits are not worth the extra
monthly service fee?

What are the two types of actions you can take to protect yourself?

See Full Question And Answer at

Research the information rights management software that may be available for your computer.
What are its capabilities for limiting access rights? Write a report of your findings. Optional: If
you can download and install IRM software, use it to prevent anyone from being able to copy or
print your report.

What is the role of business process management (BPM) in enhancing competitiveness? a.

Define BPM and explain how it helps firms become more competitive. b. Distinguish between
BPM and business process reengineering (BPR). c. List and describe the steps companies should
take to make sure BPM is successful.

Prepare a document flowchart to reflect how ANGIC Insurance Company processes its casualty

Don's Lumber Company on the Hudson River features a large selection of materials for flooring,
decks, moldings, windows, siding, and roofing. The prices of lumber and other building
materials are constantly changing. When a customer inquires about the price on prefinished
wood flooring, sales representatives consult a

Prepare a system flowchart of the process described.

See Full Question And Answer at

The local community feels that secondary school education is a necessity in our society and that
lack of education leads to a number of social problems. As a result, the local school board has
decided to take action to reverse the rising dropout rate. The board has voted to provide funds to
encourage students to remain

You recognize weaknesses in the existing system and believe a document flowchart would be
beneficial in evaluating this client's internal control in preparing for your examination of the
financial statements. a. Complete the flowchart given in Figure 3-12, for sales and cash receipts
of Charting, Inc., by labeling the

Creating and testing check digits. a. Create a spreadsheet that will take as input a five-digit
account number and calculate a check digit using this formula: (5 x left-most digit + 4 x next
digit + 3 x third digit + 2 x fourth digit + fifth digit) modulus division by 7. (Modulus division
returns the remainder - for e

MonsterMed Inc. (MMI) is an online pharmaceutical firm. MMI has a small systems staff that
designs and writes MMI's customized software. The data center is installed in the basement of its
two-story headquarters building. The data center is equipped with halon-gas fire suppression
equipment and an uninterruptible power

The chapter briefly discussed the following three common attacks against applications a. Buffer
overflows b. SQL injection c. Cross-site scripting Required Research each of these three attacks
and write a report that explains in detail how each attack actually works and that describes
suggested controls for reduci

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Examine Figure 1.1. Based on any work experience you have had, with which elements are you
least comfortable? With which are you most comfortable? Discuss your answers.

Alden, Inc. has hired you to review its internal controls for the purchase, receipt, storage, and
issuance of raw materials. You observed the following: • Raw materials, which consist mainly
of high-cost electronic components, are kept in a locked storeroom. Storeroom personnel include
a supervisor and four clerks.

Why has the Internet enabled an explosion in e-business when EDI has been available for

Identify whether the following transactions belong in a master file or a transaction file.

Product innovation includes designing innovative products and getting them to market quickly.
In a world where the design, production, and consumption may be on different continents,
describe how an ERP system help facilitate product innovation.

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What major features of a business are important for understanding the role of information
systems? a. Define a business and describe the major business functions. b. Define business
processes and describe the role they play in organizations. c. Identify and describe the different
levels in a business firm and their

Wonder Corporation has an opportunity to buy stock in XL, Inc. The directors decide that,
instead of Wonder buying the stock, the directors will buy it. Yvon, a Wonder shareholder,
learns of the purchase and wants to sue the directors on Wonder's behalf. Can she do it? Explain.

What solution did Sears select? What was the role of technology in this solution?

a. A purchasing agent orders materials from a supplier that he partially owns. b. Receiving-dock
personnel steal inventory and then claim the inventory was sent to the warehouse. c. An
unordered supply of laser printer paper delivered to the office is accepted and paid for because
the "price is right." After jamming

How have information systems affected laws for establishing accountability and liability and the
quality of everyday life? a. Explain why it is so difficult to hold software services liable for
failure or injury. b. List and describe the principal causes of system quality problems. c. Name
and describe four quality
See Full Question And Answer at

In this exercise, you will use software at car-selling websites to find product information about a
car of your choice and use that information to make an important purchase decision. You will
also evaluate two of these sites as selling tools. You are interested in purchasing a new Ford
Escape (or some other car of yo

The CISO of the ABC company is considering how to increase the strength of employee
passwords. Currently, passwords must be eight characters, they must be case-sensitive, and they
must contain at least two numbers. a. Calculate the size of the search space of possible passwords
given the current password requirements

Why did ACS contend that Johnson was not its employee? Discuss

In this project, you'll learn how to build a simple blog of your own design using the online blog
creation software available at Pick a sport, hobby, or topic of interest as the theme
for your blog. Name the blog, give it a title, and choose a template for the blog. Post at least four
entries to the blog,

The two most widely used billing systems are (1) pre-billing systems and (2) post-billing
systems. a. Discuss the conditions under which each of these billing systems is most appropriate.
b. Discuss the relative advantages of each of these billing systems from the standpoint of both
the selling company and the custom

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Should organizations permit personal use of e-mail systems by employees during working hours?

The Shark Company requests bids from vendors for specific configurations rather than bids for
general performance objectives because it "knows what it needs." Discuss fully.

Quintana Corporation sends important documents to Regal Nursery, Inc., via Speedy Messenger
Service. While the documents are in Speedy's care, a third party causes an accident to Speedy's
delivery vehicle that results in the loss of the documents. Does Speedy have a right to recover
from the third party for the loss of

Given the following list of potential authentication credentials, identify as many combinations as
possible that can be used to implement (a) a multi-modal authentication process and (b) a multi-
factor authentication process. Consider both combinations of two and of three credentials. List of
possible credentials: •

For each of the following activities, identify the data that must be entered by the employee
performing that activity and list the appropriate data entry controls: a. Purchasing agent
generating a purchase order b. Receiving clerk completing a receiving report
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Give two specific examples of non-routine transactions that may occur in processing cash
receipts and updating accounts receivable. Also specify the control procedures that should be in
place to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and validity of those transactions.

Design a chart of accounts for SDC. Explain how you structured the chart of accounts to meet
the company's needs and operating characteristics. Keep total account code length to a minimum,
while still satisfying all of Mace's desires.

The use of some form of electronic "cash" that would provide the same kind of anonymity for e-
commerce that cash provides for traditional physical business transactions has been discussed for
a long time. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic cash to customers? To
businesses? What are some of the acco

How do information systems help businesses compete using quality and design? a. Define
quality and compare the producer and consumer definitions of quality. b. Describe the various
ways in which information systems can improve quality.

How will a four-step method for business problem solving help you solve information system-
related problems? a. List and describe each of the four steps for solving business problems. b.
Give some examples of people, organizational, and technology problems found in businesses. c.
Describe the relationship of critica

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Create the spreadsheet shown in Figure 14-11. Write formulas to calculate the total depreciation
expense and to display the correct values in the following three columns: Age, Depreciation
Rate, and Depreciation Expense.

a. Identify and discuss the basic factors of communication that must be considered in the
presentation of the annual report. b. Discuss the communication problems a corporation faces in
preparing the annual report that result from the diversity of the users being addressed. c. Select
two types of information found in

Payroll has traditionally been an accounting function and some CPAs have provided payroll
processing services to their clients. Today, CPAs are finding additional new lucrative
opportunities to provide not only payroll processing but also various HR services. Write a brief
report that compares the provision of payroll

Obtain a copy of COBIT (available at and read the control objectives that relate
to encryption (DS5.8 and DS5.11). What are the essential control procedures that organizations
should implement when using encryption?
How helpful is predictive planting to individual farmers and the agricultural industry? Explain
your answer.

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The BusyB Company wants to store data about employee skills. Each employee may possess one
or more specific skills and several employees may have the same skill. Include the following
facts in the database: Date hired Date of birth Date skill acquired Employee name Employee
number Pay rate a. Design a set of re

1. How does Miller fit the profile of the average fraud perpetrator? 2. How does he differ? 3.
How did these characteristics make him difficult to detect?

Some companies have eliminated the collection and reporting of detailed analyses on direct labor
costs broken down by various activities. Instead, first-line supervisors are responsible for
controlling the total costs of direct labor. The justification for this argument is that labor costs
represent only a small fracti

You and a few of your classmates decided to become entrepreneurs. You came up with a great
idea for a new mobile phone application that you think will make lots of money. Your business
plan won second place in a local competition, and you are using the $10,000 prize to support
yourselves as you start your company. a.

Match the following terms with their definitions TERM a. Data processing b. Source documents
c. Turnaround documents d. Source data automation e. General ledger f. Subsidiary ledger g.
Control account h. Coding i. Sequence code j. Block code k. Group code l. Mnemonic code m.
Chart of accounts n. General

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Lexsteel, a manufacturer of steel furniture, has facilities throughout the United States. Problems
with the accounts payable system have prompted Lexsteel's external auditor to recommend a
detailed study to determine the company's exposure to fraud and to identify ways to improve
internal control. Lexsteel's controller

a. What is an accounts receivable aging report? b. Why is an accounts receivable aging report
needed for an audit? c. What is an accounts receivable aging report used for in normal company
operations? d. What data will you need to prepare the report? e. Where will you collect the data
you need to prepare the report

How do Porter's competitive forces model, the value chain model, synergies, core competencies,
and network-based strategies help companies use information systems for competitive
advantage? a. Define Porter's competitive forces model and explain how it works. b. List and
describe four competitive strategies enabled b
Install and run the latest version of the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer on your home
computer or laptop. Write a report explaining the weaknesses identified by the tool and how to
best correct them. Attach a copy of the MBSA output to your report.

Joan, who is sixteen years old, moves out of her parents' home and signs a lone-year lease for an
apartment at Kenwood Apartments. Joan's parents tell her that she can return to live with them at
any time. Unable to pay the rent, Joan moves back to her parents' home two months later. Can
Kenwood enforce the lease again

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A seasoned systems employee was overheard saying, "As long as we plan a systems
development project and carry out the project in an orderly manner, we don't need a formal,
documented systems development methodology." Do you agree? Discuss fully.

a. Prepare and file a tax return with the tax owed to the Internal Revenue Service. b. A customer
pays an invoice with a check. Accounts receivable is updated to reflect the payment. The check
is recorded and deposited into the bank. c. A customer places an online order to purchase
merchandise. The order is approved,

Bernie sells his house to Consuela under a warranty deed. Later, Delmira appears, holding a
better title to the house than Consuela has. Delmira wants Consuela off the property. What can
Consuela do?

You want to extend the schema shown in Table 4-16 to include information about customer
payments. Some customers make installment payments on each invoice. Others write a check to
pay for several different invoices. a. Modify the set of tables in Table 4-16 to store this additional
data. b. Identify the primary key

One control that is applicable for almost any system is "enter data close to the originating
source." A customer entering a purchase into a sales system (such as at is an
excellent example of this control. Describe the details of why this process produces fewer errors
than a system of the customer writing d

See Full Question And Answer at

For each of the following activities identify the data that must be entered by the employee
performing that activity and list the appropriate data entry controls: a. Sales order entry clerk
taking a customer order b. Shipping clerk completing a bill of lading for shipment of an order to
a customer

How might a couple who enjoy purchasing virtual and digital goods together avoid property
division issues in the event of a divorce?
Match the following terms with their definitions: Term 1. Vulnerability 2. Exploit 3.
Authentication 4. Authorization 5. Demilitarized zone (DMZ) 6. Deep packet inspection 7.
Router 8. Social engineering 9. Firewall 10. Hardening 11. CIRT 12. Patch 13. Virtualization 14.
Transmission Control Protocol (TC

Alyssa owes Don $5,000 and refuses to pay. Don obtains a garnishment order and serves it on
Alyssa's employer. If the employer complies with the order and Alyssa stays on the job, is one
order enough to garnish all of Alyssa's wages for each pay period until the debt is paid? Why?

a. Develop a context diagram and a level 0 DFD of the acquisition/payment system at Oriental
Trading. b. Prepare a document flowchart to document the acquisition/payment system at
Oriental Trading.

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Sparky's Amusement Park is an entertainment park run by recent college graduates. It caters to
young people and others who are young at heart. The owners are very interested in applying
what they have learned in their information systems and marketing classes to operate a park
better than any other in the area. To acco

To protect themselves, manufacturers have been forced to include lengthy safety warnings for
their products. What is the downside of such behavior?

Why is it so important for you to protect your information assets? Can you assume that your
organization's MIS department will do it for you?

How do the systems described in this case provide business intelligence?

Your nursery sells various types and sizes of trees, bedding plants, vegetable plants, and shrubs.
It also sells fertilizer and potting soil. Design a coding scheme for your nursery.

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What problems and challenges did Home Depot experience?

List and describe the technologies used in this case study.

How does predictive planting support decision making? Identify three decisions that you can

a. Identify three potential users and design a subschema for each. Justify your design by
explaining why each user needs access to the subschema data elements. b. Use Microsoft Access
or some other relational database product to create the schema tables. Specify the primary key(s),
foreign key(s), and other data for
a. Why should USAA collect data on which auto parts are fixed most frequently? What could it
do with this data? b. Even though USAA offered to waive the deductible, the repair shops still
managed to convince 95% of the owners to replace rather than repair their damaged windshields.
How could USAA use its AIS to persua

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What are the four conversion methods?

Describe how neural networks function?

Distinguish between human data-entry devices and source-data automation?

Discuss the various types of feasibility studies. Why are they all needed?

a. Explain why WestJet and JetBlue decided to upgrade their reservation systems? b. Compare
and contrast the software upgrade processes of WestJet and JetBlue?

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Should prototyping be used on every systems development project? Why or why not?

Debate the lawsuit from the point of view of Marin County?

What is the purpose of decision support systems?

Describe the decision-making process proposed by Simon?

Would acquiring a new information system for a small organization be a longer or shorter
process than acquiring one for a large organization? Why or why not? Support your answer?

See Full Question And Answer at

A) What is the importance of allowing external parties to access data in Norfolk Southern's data
warehouse? What are the risks and rewards of allowing such access? B) Describe other
applications Norfolk Southern could develop using the data warehouse.

Describe structured programming?

Discuss the reasons why end-user-developed information systems can be of poor quality. What
can be done to improve this situation?

What are some problems associated with assessing the costs of IT?

What is a supply chain?

See Full Question And Answer at

Differentiate between the push model and the pull model?

Define EDI, and list its major benefits and limitations?

Explain the computer hierarchy from the largest to the smallest computers?

Describe the function of Web services?

What were the reasons why Vince Aurora decided not to implement an ERP system? Was this an
appropriate decision? Why or why not?

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe various problems that can occur along the supply chain?

What is a dashboard? Why are dashboards so valuable to employees?

Define hardware, and list the major hardware components?

Identify and discuss the three basic targets of Business Intelligence?

What difficulties accompany the intangible benefits from IT?

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Debate the lawsuit from the point of view of Deloitte and SAP?

Distinguish between primary storage and secondary storage?

List and briefly define the major types of extranets?

Should prototyping be used on every systems development project? Why or why not?

Describe the three segments of a supply chain?

See Full Question And Answer at

Interpret the phrase "that which gets watched, gets done." Give an example from your personal

Discuss each of the seven development methods in this section with regard to the four business
decisions that organizations must make?

Define cloud computing?

Why is it important for all business managers to understand the issues of IT resource acquisition?
You are the CIO of your company, and you have to develop an application of strategic
importance to your firm. What are the advantages of disadvantages of using open-source

See Full Question And Answer at

What is artificial intelligence?

A) Explain why West Jet and JetBlue decided to upgrade their reservation systems? B) Compare
and contrast the software upgrade processes of West Jet and JetBlue?

List the major steps of selection of a vendor and a software package?

Your company is considering opening a new factory in China. List several typical activities
involved in each phase of the decision (intelligence, design, and choice)?

If you were the chief information officer (CIO) of a firm, how would you explain the workings,
benefits, and limitations of cloud computing?

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Contrast the uses of supercomputers with the uses of mainframe computers?

Consider your decision-making process when registering for classes next semester. Explain how
information technology supports (or does not support) each phase of this process?

Describe the alternate methods that can be used for systems development, other than the SDLC?

What is the value of server farms and virtualization to any large organization?

Discuss the breadth of support provided by BI applications to organizational employees?

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What is an expert system?

What are some reasons why Virginia's IT problems can be considered the result of poor state
oversight of Northrop Grumman? What are some reasons, if any, why the state might not be
overseeing Northrop effectively?

Discuss the issue of assessing intangible benefits and the proposed solutions?

Analyze this case in terms of the three phases of the decision-making model (intelligence,
design, and choice)?

What is corporate performance management?

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What advantages does the analytics software provide for the Office of Technology Transfer?

Describe the four main types of primary storage?

What are the main types of printers? How do they work?

Define intelligent agents, information agents, monitoring-and-surveillance agents, and user


Use Google to find combined GIS/GPS applications. Also, look at various vendor sites to find
success stories. For GPS vendors, look at (directory) and Google. Each group will
make a presentation of five applications and their benefits?

See Full Question And Answer at

Define an extranet, and explain its infrastructure?

Why is it important for everyone in business organizations to have a basic understanding of the
systems development process?

What is the purpose of the contract between the two parties?

What is the difference between systems analysis and systems design?

What is real-time BI, and why is this technology valuable to an organization's managers and

See Full Question And Answer at

What are the differences between various types of monitors?

Store Front is a vendor of e-business software at its site, the company
providers demonstrations illustrating the types of storefronts that is can create for shoppers. The
site also provides demonstrations of how the company's software is used to create a store. a. Run
the Store Front demonstration

Differentiate between procurement portals and distribution portals?

Explain why SLAs play an important role in systems development?

What does this statement mean: "Hardware is useless without software"?

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe the four fundamental business decisions that organizations must make when acquiring
information systems? A. How much computer code does the company want to write? B. How
will the company pay for the application? C. Where will the application run? D. Where will the
application originate?

What are neural networks?

Differentiate between artificial and human intelligence?

Discuss the various types of feasibility studies. Why are they all needed?

Provide specific examples of other revenue-generating applications that Kelley could develop
from its data-mining application?

See Full Question And Answer at

American Can Company announced that it was interested in acquiring a company in the health
maintenance organization (HMO) field. Two decisions were involved in this act: (1) The
decision to acquire an HMO, and (2) The decision of which HMO to acquire. How can the
company use BI to assist it in this endeavor?

Store Front "" is a vendor of e-business software. At its site, the company
provides demonstrations illustrating the types of storefronts that it can create for shoppers. The
site also provides demonstrations of how the company's software is used to create a store? a. Run
the Store Front demonstratio

Describe the flows in a supply chain?

Access "" Find the product review area. Read review of three software
payment solutions. Assess the payment solutions as possible components?

Explain the difference between geographic information systems and reality mining, and provide
examples of how each of these technologies can be used by businesses and government

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Describe the concept of multimedia, and give an example of a multimedia system?

What factors determine the speed of the microprocessor?

Why is it important for all business managers to understand the issues of IT resource acquisition?

How are microprocessor designs advancing?

Discuss the issue of assessing intangible benefits and the proposed solutions?

See Full Question And Answer at

Should the analytics software in the Office of Technology Transfer be used in other departments
in the university? Why or why not? Support your answer.

Describe the benefits and limitations of using expert systems?

What are some reasons why Virginia's IT problems can be considered the result of poor
execution by Northrop Grumman? What are some reasons, if any, why Northrop might be
executing this project poorly?

What is fuzzy logic?

Describe a request for proposal (RFP)?

See Full Question And Answer at

Give examples of the use of genetic algorithms?

Define Business Intelligence (BI)?

Describe the tools that augment the traditional SDLC?

Why is it important for everyone in business organizations to have a basic understanding of the
systems development process?

Access "" Find the product review area. Read review of three software
payment solutions. Assess the payment solutions as possible components?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is open-source software, and what are its advantages? Can you think of any disadvantages?

What are differences between systems software and applications software?

What is a genetic algorithm?

Describe the NPV, ROI, breakeven analysis, and business case approaches?

Define open-source CRM?

See Full Question And Answer at

Discuss possible solutions to problems along the supply chain?

What are the different types of networks? 1. Define an analog and a digital signal. 2. Distinguish
between a LAN, MAN, and WAN.

Discuss the reasons why end-user-developed information systems can be of poor quality. What
can be done to improve this situation?
Give some examples where fuzzy logic is used?

Describe the functions of the operating system?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are the overall trends in hardware?

List and describe the limitations to using big data.

As of 2016, how many apps were available for Android and iOs devices?

What people, organization, and technology factors contributed to these problems? How much
was management responsible?

What are the three components of the CIA triangle?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is business continuity planning? Why is it needed?

What are the core problem-solving steps for developing new information systems? • List and
describe the problem-solving steps for building a new system. • Define information
requirements and explain why they are important for developing a system solution. • List the
various types of design specifications requi

1. How does Pandora Radio recommend music to its listeners? 2. How are listeners able to create
their own customized stations? 3. What are some variables that Pandora Radio uses to
recommend a song?

What is intellectual property? What are three examples of intellectual properties?

Is the knowledge of Office such as world processing and Excel computer literacy or information
literacy? Discuss

See Full Question And Answer at

Banks are promoting online banking to a broad range of customers. After reading the
information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that lists three
advantages and three disadvantages of online banking. Why are some customers reluctant to use
online banking?

What are the major types of computer software used in business and the major software trends?
a. Distinguish between application software and system software and explain the role the
operating system of a computer plays. b. List and describe the major PC and server operating
systems. c. Name and describe the major d
1. Which other companies are using approaches similar to the one used by Austin Peay State? 2.
Based on which data does the system makes a course recommendation to a student? 3. How
many courses are recommended to a student for possible selection? 4. According to the case
study, are any other Tennessee schools using

What are two advantages of Office 365 compared to the traditional Office?

What are five major components of a DBMS?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are the four main components of an information system?

What is text neck? How is it caused?

Analyze Walmart and, using the competitive forces and value chain models.

How should information systems projects be selected and managed? 1. Explain the difference
between tangible and intangible benefits. 2. List six tangible benefits and six intangible benefits.
3. List and describe the major components of an information systems plan. 4. Describe how
portfolio analysis and scoring mod

Define data hierarchy.

See Full Question And Answer at

What was the business impact of Sony hack? Explain your answer.

What are 3 Vs in big data analytics?

What are two responsibilities of a data scientist?

Compare Walmart's and Amazon's business models and business strategies.

What are five generation of computer hardware? What is one characteristic of each generation?

See Full Question And Answer at

The sample table below shows 11 of the students enrolled in an MIS course. Organize the data in
a relational format, and use Microsoft Access to list all ACC majors, all ACC majors with a GPA
higher than 3.7, all students who are MIS or ACC majors, and all students who aren't ACC
majors. Repeat this assignment, this ti

. A bus is a link between devices connected to the computer. It can be parallel or serial, internal
(local) or external. True or False? 2. Second generation of computers are identified by vacuum
tube. True or False? 3. A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated high-speed network
consisting of both hardware and sof
1. An acceptable use policy is a set of rules specifying the legal and ethical use of a system and
the consequences of noncompliance. True or False? 2. According to Brookings Institution for
every 1 percent increase in high-speed penetration, employment expands by nearly 300,000 jobs.
True or False? 3. Generally, cop

1. According to this case study, what is an upcoming key technology that will be used in retail
stores to improve customer service? 2. What is the name of the device used by Ahold USA's
Stop & Shop retail stores? 3. What will be the role of smartphones in the future of shopping?

1. According to the case, how many Yahoo!'s user accounts were stolen in 2013? 2. What types
of information were stolen? 3. When did Yahoo! find out about the 1 billion user accounts
breach? 4. According to the case, did Yahoo! encrypt all the security questions that it stored?

See Full Question And Answer at

What was Celcom's business strategy and what was the role of customer relationship
management in that strategy?

What are three examples of data models? Which one is the most popular type?

Grocery chains have been using information technologies for several decades. After reading the
information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that describes
three such technologies.

What are three examples of intentional threats?

What are Michael Porter's three strategies for successfully competing in the marketplace?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are three types of firewalls?

List and describe the security and control weaknesses at Sony that are discussed in this case.

Define an operating system. What are two examples of operating systems for PCs and two
examples of operating systems for mainframe computers.

1. Random access file structure method is very effective when a large number of records need to
be processed daily or weekly. True or False? 2. Data dictionary is one of the major components
of a DBMS. True or False? 3. data-driven Web site acts as an interface to a database, retrieving
data for users and allowing us

What is recency, frequency, and monetary analysis (RFM) in database marketing?

See Full Question And Answer at

Define data communication.

What are three major components of a typical data communication system?

1. A point-of-sale (POS) system slows down service by reading the universal product codes
(UPCs) on items in your shopping cart. True or False? 2. Organizations use social networking
sites to give customers up-to-date information and how-to support via videos. True or False? 3.
A logistics information system (LIS) is

Define baiting and quid pro quo as they are used for committing computer crimes.

1. According to this case study, how were outages reported to the utilities department manager in
the past? 2. What are the two apps that are being used by the utilities department? 3. What are
two advantages of using iPad at the utilities department?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are the three waves in computing?

What is tailgating as used for committing social engineering attacks?

A survey of your firm's IT infastructure has identified a number of security vulnerabilities.

Review the data about these vulnerabilities, which can be found in a table in MyMISLab. Use the
table to answer the following questions: 1. Calculate the total number of vulnerabilities for each
platform. What is the potentia

What are two applications of computers and information systems at the Home Depot?

What are three advantages of telecommuting?

See Full Question And Answer at

What was the problem at Celcom that was described this case? What people, organization, and
technology factors contributed to this problem?

Is there a solution to this problem? Explain your answer.

1. According to, what percent of the workforce is at least half

time telecommuter? 2. What are some methods that employers use to monitor their employees?
3. What is an example of a software tool that is used for employee monitoring? 4. According to
the case study what percent of the U.S

What are two main components of a CPU?

How effective was this solution? How did it affect the way Celcom ran its business and its
business performance?
See Full Question And Answer at

Identify two decisions at the organizations described in this case that were improved by using big
data and two decisions that big data did not improve.

Compare the BYOD experiences of Michelin North America and Rosendin Electric. Why did
BYOD at Michelin work so well?

What people, organization, and technology factors should be addressed when deciding whether
to allow employees to use their personal smartphones for work?

What are two types of information available on the Web? Which type can be censored?

What is the goal of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?

See Full Question And Answer at

Define database management system (DBMS). Give an example of a DBMS for PCs and one for
mainframe computers.

What are three major outputs from a data warehouse for decision-making?

What are the principal issues in managing hardware and software technology? a. Explain why
managers need to pay attention to capacity planning and scalability of technology resources. b.
Describe the cost components used to calculate the TCO of technology assets. c. Identify the
benefits and challenges of using outs

What role does information technology play in each of these businesses? How is it helping them
refine their business strategies?

1. What are some business applications of Google Maps' Street View? 2. How has Google Maps'
Street View created privacy and other legal issues? 3. What is Google Books, and how has it
created copyright protections and other legal issues?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are two applications of IBM Watson?

How has e-commerce affected business-to-business transactions? 1. Explain how Internet

technology supports business-to-business electronic commerce. 2. Define and describe Net
marketplaces and explain how they differ from private industrial networks (private exchanges).

Reloaded Games is an online games platform that powers leading massively multiplayer online
games. The Reloaded platform serves more than 30 million users. The games can accommodate
millions of players at once and are played simultaneously by people all over the world. Prepare a
security analysis for this Internet-base
In this exercise, you will use database software to design a database for managing inventory for a
small business. Sylvester's Bike Shop, located in San Francisco, California, sells road, mountain,
hybrid, leisure, and children's bicycles. Currently, Sylvester's purchases bikes from three
suppliers but plans to add new

Identify three applications of information systems at the college or the university that you are
attending. Write a one-page paper that describes these three applications, and provide an
example of the type of decisions that are being improved by each application.

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Using your smartphone and a financial app, how do you deposit a check into your checking
account? 2. Name some financial apps introduced in this case. 3. What are some examples of
analytics that can be done using financial apps? 4. What are some other examples of financial
apps? What are their applications?

In this exercise, you'll use software at various online travel sites to obtain pricing for total travel
and lodging costs for a sales conference. The Foremost Composite Materials Company is
planning a two-day sales conference for October 19-20, starting with a reception on the evening
of October 18. The conference con

What are three features or capabilities of a modern ATM?

Should all organizations try to analyze big data? Why or why not? What people, organization,
and technology issues should be addressed before a company decides to work with big data?

What is cyber squatting?

See Full Question And Answer at

The Warm and Toasty Heating Oil Company used to deliver heating oil by sending trucks that
printed out a ticket with the number of gallons of oil delivered that was placed on customers'
doorsteps. Customers received their oil delivery bills in the mail two weeks later. The company
recently revised its oil delivery and

What business benefits did the companies and services described in this case achieve by
analyzing and using big data?

Caterpillar is the world's leading maker of earth-moving machinery and supplier of agricultural
equipment. The software for its Dealer Business System (DBS), which it licenses to its dealers to
help them run their businesses, is becoming outdated. Senior management wants its dealers to
use a hosted version of the softw

1. Baiting is in similar to phishing attacks. However, what distinguishes it from phishing is the
promise that the baiter gives to the recipient. True or False? 2. Tailgating or "piggybacking"
takes place when an unauthorized person follows an employee into a restricted area for example
an individual impersonates a he

After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper
that describes net neutrality. Describe how a non-neutral network will impact all businesses.

See Full Question And Answer at

What are three types of hackers?

Who are the prime users of iris analysis?

After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper
that lists three antivirus software applications; include one advantage and one disadvantage of
each. Which one do you recommend for the student lab mentioned in Project 1? What are the
bases for your recommendation? Is an

After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a two-page paper
that explains BI. Identify three companies (in addition to those mentioned in this chapter) that
have been using BI, and explain the applications of BI in these companies. What are two
differences between BI and informatio

What are three popular types of business analytics?

See Full Question And Answer at

In the context of Web and network privacy, what is non repudiation?

Will Walmart be successful against Explain your answer.

What are three examples of code of ethics outlined by the Association for Computing Machinery

1. What are three examples of devices that could be attacked by computer viruses? 2. What are
the risks related to using electronic health records in hospitals and medical facilities? 3. What are
three pieces of advice for reducing the risk associated with using these devices?

What are two applications of computers and information systems at Domino's Pizza?

See Full Question And Answer at

Visit the website of your choice and explore it thoroughly. Prepare a report analyzing the various
functions provided by that website and its information requirements. Your report should answer
these questions: What functions does the website perform? What data does it use? What are its
inputs, outputs, and processes?
What are three areas within data communication that managers need to have a clear

This project requires you to perform a systems analysis and then design a system solution using
database software. Ace Auto Dealers specializes in selling new vehicles from Subaru in Portland,
Oregon. The company advertises in local newspapers and is listed as an authorized dealer on the
Subaru website and other major

Which type of memory is volatile? What does volatile mean?

Why was the project so important?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are the major computer hardware, data storage, input, and output technologies used in
business and the major hardware trends? a. List and describe the various type of computers
available to businesses today. b. Define the client/server model of computing and describe the
difference between two-tiered and n-tier

What are the purposes of the HLR and VLR in GSM networks? What elements of mobile IP are
similar to the HLR and VLR?

What is a database and how does a relational database organize data? 1. Define a database. 2.
Define and explain the significance of entities, attributes, and key fields. 3. Define a relational
database and explain how it organizes and stores information. 4. Explain the role of entity-
relationship diagrams and norm

What are three examples of computing trends that are already underway?

Describe two operational activities and two business decisions that were improved by Celcom's
new CRM capabilities.

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe Celcom's solution to its problem. What people, organization, and technology issues did
the solution have to address?

Consider the previous problem, but instead of containing the binary of the numbers 0 through 9
suppose these 10 bytes contain a, the binary representation of the numbers I through 10, b, the
ASCII representation of the letters A through J (uppercase), c, the ASCII representation of the
letters a through j (lowercase

Suppose nodes A and B are on the same 10 Mbps Ethernet bus, and the propagation delay
between the two nodes is 325 bit times. Suppose node A begins transmitting a frame and, before
it finishes, node B begins transmitting a frame. Can A finish transmitting before it detects that B
has transmitted? Why or why not? If the

If all the links in the Internet were to provide reliable delivery service, would the TCP reliable
delivery service be redundant? Why or why not?

Consider a 100 Mbps 100BASE-T Ethernet with all nodes directly connected to a hub. To have
an efficiency of 0.50, what should be the maximum distance between a node and the hub?
Assume a frame length of 1000 bytes and that there are no repeaters. Does this maximum
distance also ensure that a transmitting node A will be

See Full Question And Answer at

Suppose that you would like to increase the link speed of your Ethernet cable, how would this
upgrade affect the minimum required packet sizes? If you upgrade your cable to a higher speed
and realize that you cannot change packet size, what else can you do in maintain correct

Suppose two nodes, A and B, are attached to opposite ends of an 800 m cable, and that they each
have one frame of I,SOO bits (including all headers and preambles) to send to each other. Both
nodes attempt to transmit at time t =O. Suppose there are four repeaters between A and B, each
inserting a 20-bit delay. Assume t

Consider the single switch VLAN in Figure 5.30, and assume an external router is connected to
switch port 1. Assign IP addresses to the EE and CS hosts and router interface. Trace the steps
taken at both the network layer and the link layer to transfer an IP datagram from an EE host to a
CS host (Hint: reread the discu

What is the difference between end-to-end delay and packet jitter? What are the causes of packet

Describe polling and token-passing protocols using the analogy of cocktail party interactions.

See Full Question And Answer at

Given that a CON does not increase the amount of link capacity in a network (assuming the
CON uses existing links to distribute its content among CON nodes), how does a CON improve
the pert'ormance seen by hosts? Give an example.

What does it mean for a wireless network to be operating in "infrastructure mode"? If the
network is not ill infrastructure mode, what mode of operation is it in, and what is the different
between that mode of operation and infrastructure mode?

Suppose the correspondent in Figure 6.22 were mobile. Sketch the additional network-layer
infrastructure that would be needed to route the datagram from the original mobile user to the
(now mobile) correspondent. Show the structure of the datagram(s) between the original mobile
user and the (now mobile) correspondent,

What is the role of a SIP registrar? How is the role of an SIP registrar different from that of a
home agent in Mobile IP?

Three camps were discussed for improving the Internet so that it better supports multimedia
applications. Briefly summarize the views of each camp. In which camp do you belong?

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider an RTP session consisting of four users, all of which are sending and receiving RTP
packets into the same multicast address. Each user sends v ideo at 100 kbps. a. RTCP will limit
its traffic to what rate? b. A particular receiver will be allocated how much RTCP bandwidth? c.
A particular sender will be all

In Section 6.5, one proposed solution that allowed mobile users to maintain their IP addresses as
they moved among foreign networks was to have a foreign network advertise a highly specific
route to the mobile user and use the existing routing infrastructure to propagate this information
throughout the network. We iden

Consider the figure below, which shows a leaky bucket policer being fed by a stream of packets.
The token buffer can hold at most two tokens, and is initially full at t =O. New tokens (uTive at a
rate of one token per slot. The output link speed is such that if two packets obtain tokens at the
beginning of a time slot,

What are the four type of wireless networks identified in our taxonomy in Section 6.1 Which of
these types of wireless networks have you used?

What is the role of the DNS in a CON? Does the DNS have to be modified to support a CON?
What information, if any, must a CON provide to the DNS?

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider the previous problem, but suppose that D has the value a. 1001000101. b. 1010001111 .
c. 0101010101.

Suppose an 802.11 b station is configured to always reserve the channel with the RTS/CTS
sequence. Suppose this station suddenly wants to transmit 1,000 bytes of data, and all other
stations are idle at this time. As a function of SIPS and DIFS, and ignoring propagation delay
and assuming no bit errors, calculate the t

Consider the client buffer shown in Figure 7.3. Suppose that the streaming system uses the third
option; that is, the server pllshes the media into the socket as quickly as possible. Suppose the
available TCP bandwidth » d most of the time. Also suppose that the client buffer can hold
only about one-third of the media

Consider the leaky-bucket policer (discussed in Section 7.5) that polices the average rate and
burst size of a packet flow. We now want to police the peak rate, p , as well. Show how the
output of this leaky-bucket policer can be fed into a second leaky bucket policer so that the two
leaky buckets in series police the

Consider the following idealized WiMAX scenario. The downstream sub-frame (see Figure
6.17) is slotted in time, with N downstream slots per sub-frame, with all time slots of equal
length in time. There are four nodes, A, B, e. and D, reachable from the base station at rates of 10
Mbps, 5 Mbps, 2.5 Mbps, and I Mbps, res

See Full Question And Answer at

What information is needed to dimension a network so that a given quality of service is


Consider the scenario shown in Figure 6.33, in which there are four wireless nodes, A, B, C, and
D. The radio coverage of the four nodes is shown via the shaded ovals; all nodes share the same
frequency. When A transmits, it can only be heard/received by B; when B transmits, both A and
C can hear/receive from B; when C

Show that as long as r l < R w/(∑wj), then d max is indeed the maximum delay that any packet
in flow I will ever experience in the WFQ queue.

True or false: a. If stored video is streamed directly from a Web server to a media player, then
the application is using TCP as the underlying transport protoco' b. When using RTP, it is
possible for a sender to change encoding in the middle of a session. c. All applications that use
RTP must use port 87. d. If

Recall that with the CSMA/CD protocol, the adapter waits K• 512 bit times after a collision,
where K is drawn randomly. For K = 100, how long does the adapter wait until returning to Step
2 for a 10 Mbps Ethernet? For a 100 Mbps Ethemet')

See Full Question And Answer at

In the Internet phone example in Section 7.3, let h be the total number of header bytes added to
each chunk, including UDP and IP header. a. Assuming an IP datagram is emitted every 20
msecs, find the transmission rate in bits per second for the datagrams generated by one side of
this application. b. What is a typica

In the Ethernet standard, a sender pauses 96 bit times between sending consecutive frames. This
pausing time is referred to as inter-frame gap, and it is used to allow a receiving device to
complete the processing of a received frame and to prepare for the reception of the next frame.
Since the Ethernet standard was sp

What are some typical compression ratios (ratio of the number of bits in an uncompressed object
to the number of bits in the compressed version of that object) for image and audio applications,
and the compression techniques discussed in Section 7.1?

Suppose that the WFQ scheduling policy is applied to a buffer that supports three classes, and
suppose the weights are 0.5, 0.25, and 0.25 for the three classes. a. Suppose that each class has a
large number of packets in the buffer. In what sequence might the three classes be served in
order to achieve the WFQ weigh

Consider Figure 5.38. Now we replace the router between subnets I and 2 with a switch S l, and
label the router between subnets 2 and 3 as R l. a. Consider sending an IP datagram from Host E
to Host F. Will Host E ask router R l to help forward the datagram? Why? In the Ethernet frame
containing the IP datagram, what

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider the figure below (which is similar to Figure 7.5). A sender begins sending packetized
audio periodically at f =I. The first packet arrives at the receiver at f =8. a. What are the delays
(from sender to receiver, ignoring any playout delays) of packets 2 through 8? Note that each
vertical and hOJizontaJ line

What are some of the possible services that a link-layer protocol can offer to the network layer?
Which of these link-layer services have corresponding services in IP? In TCp?

Consider two nodes, A and B, that use the slotted ALOHA protocol to contend for a channel.
Suppose node A has more data to transmit than node B. and node A's retransmission probability
PAis greater than node B's retransmission probability, PB a. Provide a formula for node A's
average throughput. What is the total effc

Three RTCP packet types are described in Section 7.4. Briefly summarize the information
contained in each of these packet types.

Let's consider the operation of a learning switch in the context of Figure 5.24. Suppose that (i) B
sends a frame to E, (ii) E replies with a frame to B, (iii) A sends a frame to B, (iv) B replies with
a frame to A. The switch table is initially empty. Show the state of the switch table before and
after each of these e

See Full Question And Answer at

Repeat P23 but assume that r =2. Assume again that the bucket is initially full.
Consider the previous problem, but suppose now that the router between subnets 2 and 3 is
replaced by a switch. Answer questions (a)-(c) in the previous problem in this new context.

In this problem, we ex.plore the use of small packets for Voice-over IP applications. One of the
drawbacks of a small packet size is that a large fraction of link bandwidth is consumed by
overhead bytes. To this end, suppose that the packet consists of P bytes and 5 bytes of header. a.
Consider sending a digitally enc

Consider again the figure for P21. a. Assume a priority service, with packets 1,4, 5, 6, and 11
being highpriority packets. The remaining packets are low priority. Indicate the slots in which
packets 2 through 12 each leave the queue. b. Now suppose that round robin service is used, with
packets 1,4, 5, 6, and 11 bel

Suppose four nodes, A, B, C, and D, are all connected to a hub via 10Mbps Ethernet cables. The
distances between the hub and the 'e four nodes are 300m, 400111, 500m, and 700m,
respectively. Recall that the CSMNCD protocol is used for this Ethernet. Assume that the signal
propagation speed is 2 . 108 sec. a. What is t

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the difference between a permanent address and a care-of address'? Who assigns a care-
of address?

Suppose the information content of a packet is the bit pattern 1110 10 II 100 I 1101 and an even
parity scheme is being used, What would the value of the field containing the parity bits be for
the case of a two-dimensional parity scheme?

What are the differences between the following types of wireless channel impairments: path loss,
multi path propagation, interference from other sources?

How is the interarrival time jitter calculated in the RTCP reception report? (Hint: Read the RTP

Why would the token-ring protocol be inefficient if a LAN had a very large perimeter?

See Full Question And Answer at

Suppose nodes A, B, and C each attach to the same broadcast LAN (through their adapters).If A
sends thousands of IP datagrams to B with each encapsulating frame addressed to the MAC
address of B, will C's adapter process these frames? If so, will C's adapter pass the IP datagrams
in these frames to the network layer C?

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