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A user queries the Part table in the Premiere Products database over the company intranet.

Assume the Part table contains 5,000 rows, each row is 1,000 bits long, the access delay is 2.5
seconds, the transmission rate is 50,000 bits per second, and only 20 of the 5,000 rows in the Part
table satisfy the query condition

Create a class diagram for the Premiere Products database, as shown in Chapter 1, Figure 1-5. If
you need to make any assumptions in preparing the diagram, document those assumptions.

What does XSLT accomplish?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are the 14 rules against which you can measure object-oriented systems?

What are dynamic Web pages? How can you augment HTML to provide the dynamic capability?

The information-level design method presented in this chapter contains steps that must be
repeated for each user view. List the steps and briefly describe the kinds of activities that must
take place at each step.

1. Indicate the changes you need to make to the design of the Premiere Products database to
support the following situation. A customer is not necessarily represented by a single sales rep
but can be represented by several sales reps. When a customer places an order, the sales rep who
gets the commission on the order m

How is it possible to merge a collection of relations that is in third normal form into a cumulative
design that is in third normal form but not obtain a collection of relations that is in third normal
form? Give an example other than the one described in the text.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the purpose of DTDs and XML schemas?

What is meant by local deadlock? By global deadlock?

Create an example of an entity with candidate keys (multiple unique attributes).

Create your own example that shows a collection of data, first without the metadata and then
with the metadata.

What is journaling? What two types of images does a DBMS output to its journal?

See Full Question And Answer at

Suppose a given user view contains information about employees and projects. Suppose further
each employee has a unique EmployeeNum and each project has a unique ProjectNum. Explain
how you would implement the relationship between employees and projects in each of the
following scenarios: a. Many employees can work on

What are the DBA’s responsibilities with regard to the data dictionary?

What is a transaction?

Create requirements and the ER diagram for a scenario with two entities (both with several
attributes) involved in the following relationship: a. M relationship, where participation on the 1
side is mandatory and participation on the M side is optional. b. M relationship, where
participation on the 1 side is optional

The DBA at Premiere Products wants you to investigate biometric identification techniques for
potential use at the company for computer authentication purposes. Use books, articles, and/or
the Internet to research these techniques, then write a report that describes the advantages and
disadvantages of each of these tec

See Full Question And Answer at

What is a DBA? Why is this position necessary?

1. Many computer magazines and Web sites present comparisons of several DBMSs. Find one
such DBMS comparison and compare the functions in this chapter to the listed features and
functions in the comparison. Which functions from this chapter are included in the comparison?
Which functions are missing from the comparison

What are the steps in the development of a database system?

What is a three-tier architecture?

How does a catalog differ from a data dictionary?

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What are the 12 rules against which you can measure OLAP systems?

Occasionally, users at Premiere Products obtain incorrect results when they run queries that
include built-in (aggregate, summary, or statistical) functions. The DBA told management that
unrepeatable reads caused the problems. Use books, articles, and/or the Internet to research the
unrepeatable read problem. Write a s

While users were updating the Premiere Products database, one of the transactions was
interrupted. You need to explain to management what steps the DBMS will take to correct the
database. Using the sample log in Figure 7-11, list and describe the updates that the DBMS will
roll back if transaction 2 is interrupted at 8
What are integrity constraints? Describe four different ways to handle integrity constraints.
Which approach is the most desirable?

Is a self-assessment of effective security policy a good predictor of actual security? Why or why

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) If you accidentally find someone's password and use it to get into a system, is this hacking?
Explain. (b) Someone sends you a "game." When you run it, it logs you into an IRS server. Is
this hacking? Explain. (c) Could you be prosecuted for doing this? (d) You have access to your
home page on a server. By ac

In a two-tier client/server architecture, what problems occur when you place the business
functions on the clients? On the server?

What is location transparency?

Describe three possible approaches to storing data dictionary entries in a distributed system.

How could the lost navigational data compromise national security?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) What are policies? (b) Distinguish between policies and implementation. (c) Why should
policies not specify implementation in detail?

(a) In developing an IT security plan, what should a company do first? (b) What are the major
categories of driving forces that a company must consider for the future? (c) What should the
company do for each resource? (d) For what should a company develop remediation plans? (e)
How should the IT security staff vi

Write a "carpet bombing" program in CodeBlue that zeros out all of memory (with the possible
exception of the program locations).

Why would using a script created by a hacker not give you the experience of expert hacking?

(a) How does 3DES work? (b) What are the two common effective key lengths in 3DES? (c) Are
these lengths strong enough for communication in corporations? (d) What is the disadvantage of

See Full Question And Answer at

How would the following program fare against Imp? Loop COPY #0, -1 JUMP -1 Remember
that instruction execution alternates between the two opposing programs.
Give three examples of social engineering not listed in the text.

(a) What are the two advantages of RC4? (b) Why is an RC4 key length of 40 bits commonly
used? (c) Is this a strong key?

(a) What do data breach notification laws require? (b) Why has this caused companies to think
more about security?

How might widespread adoption of new technology affect an organization's security efforts?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) List the three stages in the plan-protect-respond cycle. (b) Is there a sequential flow between
the stages? (c) What stage consumes the most time? (d) How does this book define protection?
(e) How does the book define response?

Why are organizations hesitant to report losses related to cybercrime?

[Revised Question] An asset has a value of $1,000,000. In an attack, it is expected to lose 60

percent of its value. An attack is expected to be successful once every ten years. Countermeasure
X will cut the amount lost per incident by two-thirds. Counter measure Y will cut the frequency
of successful attack in half. C

(a) Distinguish between public intelligence gathering and trade secret espionage. (b) What must a
company do to its trade secrets if it wishes to be able to prosecute people or companies who steal
it? (c) How strong do those protections have to be? (d) Who is likely to engage in espionage
against a firm?

(a) Distinguish between IP address scanning and port scanning. (b) What is an exploit? (c) What
does "owning" a computer mean? (d) What is IP address spoofing? (e) Why is IP address
spoofing done? (f) When can an attacker not use IP address spoofing? (g) When attackers must
use valid IP source addresses in

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) What is mobile code? (b) What is social engineering? (c) What is spam? (d) What is
phishing? (e) Distinguish between normal phishing and spear phishing. (f) Why are hoaxes bad?

(a) Who is subject to FISMA? (b) Distinguish between certification and accreditation in FISMA.
(c) Why has FISMA been criticized?

(a) What are the two primary characteristics of skilled hackers? (b) Why are script kiddies
dangerous? (Give two reasons.) (c) Why are malware and exploit toolkits expanding the danger
of script kiddies?
(a) Who were the victims in the Sony breach? (b) How did the attackers steal the information
from Sony? Explain. (c) What likely motivated the attackers? (d) What is SQL injection? (e)
Were Sony's security measures strong enough? Why or why not?

(a) Distinguish between the corporate security policy and major security policies. (b) Distinguish
between major security policies and the acceptable use policies. (c) What are the purposes of
requiring users to sign the AUP? (d) Why are policies for individual countermeasures and
resources needed?

See Full Question And Answer at

Why is it important to have corporate teams write policies?

(a) What is the dominant type of attacker today? (b) Is cybercrime negligible today compared to
non-computer crime? (c) Why are international gangs difficult to prosecute? (d) Why do
international gangs use transshippers? (e) How do they use transshippers? (f) How do they use
money mules?

(a) Is MS-CHAP used for initial authentication or message-by-message authentication? (b) How
does the supplicant create the response message? (c) How does the verifier check the response
message? (d) What type of encryption does MS-CHAP use? (This is a tricky question but an
important one.) (e) In MS-CHAP, does

(a) What is a governance framework? (b) Compare the focus of COSO with that of CobiT. (c)
Compare the focus of CobiT with that of the ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards.

(a) In hashing, what is the hash? (b) Is encryption reversible? (c) Is hashing reversible? (d) Is
hashing repeatable? (e) When a hashing algorithm is applied, does the hash have a fixed length
or a variable length? (f) What is the hash size of MD5? (g) What is the hash size of SHA-1? (h)
What is the hash

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Addamark Technologies found that its webservers had been accessed without authorization by an
employee of competitor Arcsight. Arcsight's vice president for marketing dismissed the hacking,
saying, "It's simply a screen that asked for a username and password. The employee didn't feel
like he did anything illicit." The

A competitor goes to your public website and discovers that they can get into a directory that you
did not know could be reached. There they find a list of customer and use the list to their
advantage. Have they hacked your webserver? What problem may you encounter in suing them
for the theft of trade secrets?
(a) What are the advantages of placing security within IT? (b) What are the disadvantages of
placing security within IT? (c) What do most IT security analysts recommend about placing or
not placing IT security within IT?

(a) For what reasons is security management hard? (b) What is comprehensive security, and why
is it needed? (c) What are weakest-link failures?

Consider the following C code fragment: if (EAX == 0) EBX = 1; else EBX = 2; Write an
equivalent NASM code fragment.

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) How can social engineering be used to get access to a sensitive file? (b) What is
piggybacking? (c) What is shoulder surfing? (d) What is pretexting?

Can IT Security be too secure? How?

(a) When can the Federal Trade Commission act against companies? (b) What financial burdens
can the FTC place on companies that fail to take reasonable precautions to protect private

(a) What is fraud? Be specific. (b) What is click fraud? (c) How do criminals engage in online

(a) What is a firm's technical security architecture? (b) Why is a technical security architecture
needed? (c) When is the best time to create one? (d) Why do firms not simply replace their
legacy security technologies immediately?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) What is an MSSP? (b) What are the two main benefits of using an MSSP? (c) Why are
MSSPs likely to do a better job than IT security department employees? (d) What security
functions typically are outsourced? (e) What security functions usually are not outsourced? (f)
What should a firm look for when select

(a) How can good security be an enabler? (b) What is the key to being an enabler? (c) Why is a
negative view of users bad? (d) Why is viewing the security function as a police force or military
organization a bad idea?

(a) Why do we annualize costs and benefits in risk analysis computations? (b) How do you
compute the ALE?

The chapter discussed three ways to view the IT security function-as a police force, as a military
organization, and as a loving mother. Name another view and describe why it is good.
(a) Distinguish between procedures and processes. (b) When would each be used? (c) What is the
segregation of duties, and what is its purpose? (d) When someone requests to take an action that
is potentially dangerous, what protections should be put into place? (e) Why is it important to
enforce mandatory vacati

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) Why is it a problem if benefits and costs both occur over several years? (b) Why should the
total cost of an incident (TCI) be used in place of exposure factors and asset values? (c) Why is it
not possible to use classic risk analysis calculations for firewalls? (d) What is the worst problem
with the classic ap

(a) It is claimed that new and proprietary encryption ciphers are good because cryptanalysts will
not know them. Comment on this. (b) What is security through obscurity, and why is it bad?

How could the Japanese Coast Guard write an effective data disposal policy?

(a) How can nonmobile malware be delivered to computers? (b) What is a Trojan horse? (c)
What is a RAT? (d) What is a downloader? (e) What is spyware? (f) Why can cookies be
dangerous? (g) Distinguish between keystroke loggers, password-stealing spyware, and data
mining spyware. (h) Distinguish between Troj

How would smart cards be safer than magnetic swipe cards? Why?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) What is the purpose of auditing? (b) Distinguish between log files and documentation. (c)
Why is the avoidance of compliance a serious red flag? (d) Distinguish between internal and
external auditing. (e) Why is regularly scheduled auditing good? (f) Why are unscheduled audits

List the 12 PCI-DSS control objectives. You will have to look this up on the Internet.

(a) What is a vulnerability test? (b) Why should you never engage in a vulnerability test without
a signed contract? (c) What should be in the contract? (d) What should you look for in an
external vulnerability testing company? (e) Why is follow-up needed on recommended fixes?

(a) What is a DoS attack? (b) Describe a DDoS attack. (c) Describe a SYN flooding attack in
some detail. (d) Why do many botnets have multiple owners over time?

(a) In SSL/TLS, what is a cipher suite? (b) Why do companies wish to create policies that define
security methods and options for a particular application that is used between corporate partners?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) What are the four ways of responding to risk? (b) Which involves doing nothing? (c) Which
involves insurance? (d) Why is insurance not a way to not deal with security protections? (e)
What is risk avoidance? (f) Why does risk avoidance not endear IT security to the rest of the

How does reading current news articles help IT security professionals in their daily jobs?

(a) Define cryptography. (b) What is confidentiality? (c) Distinguish between plaintext and
ciphertext. (d) Which is transmitted across the network-the plaintext or the ciphertext? (e) What
is a cipher? (f) What is a key? (g) What must be kept secret in encryption for confidentiality? (h)
What is a crypta

Why would someone want to install a keylogger on their own computer?

(a) Why should companies install anonymous protected hotlines? (b) Why are anonymity and
protection against reprisals importance when hotlines are used? (c) Why should general
employee misbehavior be a concern? (d) What are the three elements in the fraud and abuse
triangle? (e) Give an example of pressure not d

See Full Question And Answer at

How could the banks mentioned in this case have mitigated or prevented the thefts?

(a) Give four reasons why employees are especially dangerous. (b) What type of employee is the
most dangerous? (c) What is sabotage? (d) Give the book's definition of hacking. (e) What is
intellectual property? (f) What two types of things are employees likely to steal? (g) Distinguish
between intellectual

(a) Why shouldn't exceptions be absolutely forbidden? (b) Why is implementation guidance for
exception handling necessary? (c) What are the first three rules for exceptions? (d) Why would
documentation and periodic auditing be important? (e) What is an example of a dangerous
exception that would need to be reported

Why would this type of distributed bank theft be faster and incur larger losses than a traditional
strong-arm bank robbery?

Why are malicious insiders a focus of security experts?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) In Sarbanes-Oxley, what is a material control deficiency? (b) Why was Sarbanes-Oxley
important for IT security?

(a) Why is ethics unpredictable? (b) Why do companies create codes of ethics? (c) Why is good
ethics important in a firm? (d) To whom do codes of ethics apply? (e) Do senior officers often
get an additional code of ethics? (f) If an employee has an ethical concern, what must he or she
do? (g) What must an employe

(a) Distinguish between cyberwar and cyberterror. (b) How can countries use cyberwar attacks?
(c) How can terrorists use IT?

A company has a resource XYZ. If there is a breach of security, the company may face a fine of
$100,000 and pay another $20,000 to clean up the breach. The company believes that an attack is
likely to be successful about once in five years. A proposed countermeasure should cut the
frequency of occurrence in half. How m

(a) Why is information assurance a poor name for IT security? (b) Why is reasonable risk the
goal of IT security? (c) What are some negative consequences of IT security?

See Full Question And Answer at

Why was the navigational data on the Japanese Coast Guard vessel not securely deleted?

(a) Why is top management support important? (b) What three things must top management do
to demonstrate support?

What do you think are the pros and cons of paying off extortionists?

(a) Why is it important for firms to understand the threat environment? (b) Name the three
common security goals. (c) Briefly explain each. (d) What is an incident? (e) What are the
synonyms for incidents? (f) What are countermeasures? (g) What are the synonyms for
countermeasure? (h) What are the goals of

(a) Distinguish between standards and guidelines. (b) For guidelines, what is mandatory? (c)
When are guidelines appropriate?

See Full Question And Answer at

How much time does your employer give you to read about current events related to your job?

(a) Distinguish between the focuses of COSO and CobiT. (b) List the four CobiT domains. (c)
How many high-level control objectives does CobiT have? (d) Which domain has the most
control objectives? (e) How many detailed control objectives does CobiT have? (f) Why is
CobiT strongly preferred by U.S. IT auditors

Consider the following C program: /* a simple C program to average 3 integers */ main ( ) { int
avg; int i1 = 20; int i2 = 13; int i3 = 82; avg = (i1 + i2 + i3)/3; } Write an NASM version of this

(a) How long is a DES key? (b) Is this a strong length? (c) Describe block encryption with DES.
(a) What are driving forces? (b) What do compliance laws do? (c) Why can compliance laws and
regulations be expensive for IT security?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) What is carding? (b) Describe bank account theft and online stock account theft. (c)
Distinguish between credit card theft and identity theft. (d) Why is identity theft more serious
than credit card number theft? (e) How do criminals usually get the information they need for
credit card theft and identity th

(a) Why is defense in depth important? (b) Distinguish between defense in depth and weakest-
link problems. (c) Why are central security management consoles dangerous? (d) Why are they
desirable? (e) Why is it important to minimize the burdens that security places on functional
units in the firm? (f) Why do yo

(a) Why is the human resources department important to IT security? (b) Distinguish between the
three main types of corporate auditing units. (c) What is the advantage of placing IT security
auditing in one of these three auditing departments? (d) What relationships can the IT security
have to the corporation's u

How might broad economic concerns make an organization's information systems less secure?

What happens if we pit Imp against Dwarf?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) In authentication, distinguish between the supplicant and the verifier. (b) What are
credentials? (c) How many supplicants and verifiers are there in mutual authentication between
two parties? Explain.

(a) What are the four objectives of COSO? (b) List COSO's eight components. (c) What is the
control activity, and why is it important?

(a) What is the big advantage of AES over 3DES? (b) What are the three key lengths offered by
AES? (c) Which strong symmetric key encryption cipher can be used with small mobile devices?
(d) Which symmetric key encryption cipher probably will dominate symmetric key encryption in
the near future?

Are cybercrime efforts becoming more targeted? Why?

Consider the following NAMS instruction: cmp vleft, vright For signed integers, there are three
status flags that are relevant. If vleft = vright, then ZF is set. If vleft > vright, ZF is unset (set to
0) and SF = OF. If vleft < vright, ZF is unset and SF ≠OF. Why does SF = OF if vleft >
See Full Question And Answer at

(a) In the 27000 standards family, what is the function of ISO/IEC 27001? (b) In the 27000
standards family, what is the function of ISO/IEC 27002? (c) List the 11 broad areas in 27002.
(d) Why is ISO/IEC 27000 certification more attractive to firms than COSO or CobiT

(a) Why are processes necessary in security management? (b) What is driving firms to use
formal governance frameworks to guide their security processes?

(a) What is oversight? (b) How is oversight related to policy? (c) What is promulgation? (d)
What is stinging employees? (e) What are its costs and benefits? (f) Is electronic employee
monitoring widely done? (g) What should you tell employees before your begin monitoring? (h)
What are security metrics?

How would you know if you had a keylogger on your computer? How would you get rid of it?

(a) What three protections do cryptographic systems provide on a message-by-message basis? (b)
What is an electronic signature? (c) What two protections do electronic signatures usually
provide? (d) Distinguish between the handshaking stages and ongoing communication.

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) Why is border management important?

Does your employer/spouse/roommate monitor your activities with a keylogger? Are you sure?

(a) Distinguish between cryptography and cryptographic systems. (b) Distinguish between
cryptographic systems and cryptographic system standards. (c) Why is the first handshaking
stage the negotiation of security methods and options? (d) What is an impostor? (e) What is
authentication? (f) What is mutual auth

(a) When Alice sends a message to Bob, what key will she use to encrypt the message? (b) Why
is "the public key" not a good answer to Question 21a? (c) What key will Bob use to decrypt the
message? (d) Why is "the private key" not a good answer to Question 21b? (e) In a classroom
with 30 students and a teacher,

Suppose you own a travel agency in a large city. You have many corporate clients, but growth
has slowed somewhat. Some long-term employees are getting discouraged, but you feel that
there might be a way to make technology work in your favor. Use your imagination and suggest
at least one strength weakness, opportunity,

See Full Question And Answer at

Design a questionnaire to learn what students think of the registration process at your school.
Apply the guidelines you learned in this chapter.

Besides HIPAA, what external compliance rules must hospitals consider when planning their

(a) What have privacy protection laws forced companies to do? (b) What did they find when they
did so? (c) What institutions are subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act? (d) What institutions
are subject to HIPAA?

(a) What is malware? (b) Distinguish between viruses and worms. (c) How do most viruses
spread between computers today? (d) Describe how directly propagating worms move between
computers. (e) Why are directly propagating worms especially dangerous? (f) What is a virus or
worm payload?

Suppose you are a part-time student assistant in the computer lab at your school. Janet Jacobs,
the IT department chair, recently announced that a CASE tool will be installed on the lab
network. Her decision was welcomed by many IT faculty members, who think it is important for
students to learn about CASE tools and ho

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Write a draft of the proposal explaining the advantages of a review committee, as your boss
requested. 2. What would you tell your boss about the potential disadvantages of the committee
approach and what are the alternatives? 3. What are some of the questions that are typically
asked on a formal systems request fo

Create a decision table with three conditions. You can make one up, or use a scenario from
everyday life. Either way, be sure to show all possible outcomes.

Identify the main components of an information system. What is a mission-critical system?

1. Why is it important to define the project scope? How would you define the scope of the
payroll project in this case? 2. Review each constraint and identify its characteristics: present vs.
future, internal vs. external, and mandatory vs. desirable. 3. What questions would you ask to
determine the feasibility of thi

Your boss, the IT director, wants you to explain FDDs, BPM, DFDs, and UML to a group of
company managers and users who will serve on a systems development team for the new
marketing system. 1. Explain how an FDD can be used in requirements modeling. 2. Describe
BPM and how it can be used. 3. Explain how DFDs can be use

See Full Question And Answer at

You are the IT manager at a regional moving company that recently merged with a major
competitor. The company president asked you to prepare requirements for a new information
system to support the combined company. 1. Should employees be involved in developing the
new system? If so, should be their role? 2. What types

How would you balance DFDs?

What fact-finding methods are well-suited for complex technical issues? Which might be
appropriate for the pursuit of new, cutting-edge features?

What are the four organizational levels common to many businesses? Which level typically
requires data that supports long-term strategic planning and the overall business enterprise? What
level of worker might rely heavily on transaction processing systems?

1. In business process modeling notation, a gateway is like a fork in the road, allowing the flow
to go one way or another. You can learn more about gateways in the Visible Analyst Glossary
feature. Suppose, in your company, a key issue is whether a new product will be ready for
release on June 1, or whether it will re

See Full Question And Answer at

What is project scope? What are constraints? Provide an example of a mandatory, external,
future constraint. Also provide an example of a discretionary, internal, present constraint.

What formula can a project manager use to estimate task duration? Provide an example.

1. Prepare a context diagram for the new system. 2. Prepare a diagram 0 DFD for the new
system. 3. Write a brief memo that explains at least five attributes that you can use to define a
process in the new system. 4. Write a brief memo that explains at least five attributes that you
can use to define an entity in the ne

Your NewTech interview seemed to go well, but you did not get the job. During the meeting, the
interviewer mentioned that NewTech uses structured analysis and relies heavily on modeling,
prototyping, and CASE tools. Thinking back, you realize that you did not fully understand those
terms. As you prepare for an intervie

Why is it important to deliver effective project reports and communications?

See Full Question And Answer at

How would you explode DFDs?

1. Create a decision table that describes the discount rules. 2. Simplify the table you just created.
Describe the results. 3. Draw a simplified decision tree that shows the discount rules. 4. What are
the pros and cons of using a decision table versus a decision tree The company uses several
factors to set discounts,

Kitchen Gadgets sells a line of high-quality kitchen utensils and gadgets. When customers place
orders on the company’s Web site or through electronic data interchange (EDI), the system
checks to see if the items are in stock, issues a status message to the customer, and generates a
shipping order to the warehouse, w

What specific information do you need to create a work breakdown structure?

Zevo is currently reaching the end of the requirements modeling phase of a new inventory
control system for their global company. As a systems analyst you are asked to support this
ongoing project. 1. How would you explain scalability? How would you ensure that scalability
has been considered in Zevo’s requirements m

See Full Question And Answer at

Review the IBM history on page 4, and then consider the powerful statement shown in Figure. Is
there a connection between the two? Why or why not? In Figure At this institution, an individual
can actually change the world, can learn something new every day, can collaborate with some of
the smartest people on the planet

Why is the critical path important? Why would a task be on the critical path?

Should the IT director report to the company president, or somewhere else? Does it matter?

1. What is the correct total time? 2. What is the critical path? 3. Create a Gantt chart that shows
the WBS. 4. Create a PERT/CPM chart. At Forest Point Construction, your boss says that he can
estimate the total project time based on his personal experience. You are trying to convince him
that he should use project m

Explain the differences between Gane and Sarson and Yourdon symbols. Provide examples of
symbols that represent processes, data flows, data stores, and entities.

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Why would a systems analyst have to act as a translator? What groups might be involved?

1. Develop questions to ask Way Out’s owner to help her conduct a SWOT analysis. The
first step in developing a SWOT analysis is for top management to respond to questions like
these: 2. How could a mission statement help Way Out? 3. What are the critical success factors
for Way Out? 4. What questions would you as

What is the purpose of decision tables? How do you create them?

How would you level DFDs?

What are agile methods? Are they better than traditional methods? Why or why not?

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Create a decision table that describes Big State University course catalog regarding eligibility
for MIS 260. Show all possible rules. 2. Simplify the table you just created. Describe the results.
3. Draw a simplified decision tree to represent the Big State University catalog. Describe the
results. 4. Why might you

Identify the use cases for the following system: Of the-Month Club (OTMC) is an innovative
young firm that sells memberships to people who have an interest in certain products. People pay
membership fees for one year and each month receive a product by mail. For example, OTMC
has a coffee-of-the-month club that sends m

What are three types of sampling? Which one would you use to analyze data input errors?

What is a common problem in calculating start and finish times? Provide an example.

Describe three personal experiences where a project management approach would have been

See Full Question And Answer at

Are top managers likely to be more effective if they have IT experience? Why or why not?

Think about the system that handles student admissions at your university. The primary function
of the system should be to track a student from the request for information through the admission
process until the student is either admitted or rejected for attendance at the school. Write the use
case report that can desc

New Century Wellness Group offers a holistic approach to healthcare with an emphasis on
preventive medicine as well as traditional medical care. In your role as an IT consultant, you will
help New Century develop a new information system. New Century asked you to perform a
preliminary investigation for a new business s

Why would a manager prefer a decision tree instead of a decision table?

As part of your job search, you decide to find out more about salaries and qualifications for
systems analysts in the area where you would like to work. To increase your knowledge, search
the Internet to perform the following research: 1. Find information about a career as a systems
analyst. 2. Use the Internet to dete

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Describe the rules for creating DFDs. 2. What are the data flow and process combinations that
must be avoided when creating a DFD? 3. Explain what a diagram 0 is and how it is used. 4. Ask
Michelle and Aidan to review the order system context diagram on page 192, and compare it
with the order system diagram 0 DFD on

Explore the Critical Thinking Community Web site at Identify three
important topics currently being discussed, and describe your findings.

What is a fishbone diagram, and why would you use one? Think of a problem you have
experienced at school or work, and draw a sample fishbone diagram with at least two levels.

1. Health information management is a rapidly-growing sector that directly affects health care
costs. Every specialized area has its own vocabulary, and health information management is no
exception. Conduct an Internet search to learn about Electronic Medical Records (EMR),
Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE), an

Suppose that the vice president of marketing asks you to write a program to create labels for a
onetime advertising promotion. As IT manager, you know that the labels can be prepared more
efficiently by exporting the data to a word processing program and using a mail merge feature.
How would you handle this situation?

See Full Question And Answer at

Explain the differences between a Gantt chart and a PERT/CPM chart.

Suppose you are a part-time student assistant in the computer lab at your school. Janet Jacobs,
the IT department chair, recently announced that a CASE tool will be installed on the lab
network. Her decision was welcomed by many IT faculty members, who think it is important for
students to learn about CASE tools and ho

Think about your school or local library and the processes involved in checking out books,
signing up new borrowers, and sending out overdue notices, all from the library’s
perspective. Describe three use cases that represent these three functions. • Create the use case
diagram for the library system. • Choose o

On the Internet, locate at least three firms that offer CASE tools as shareware or free, public
domain software. Describe what you found.

The new information system at Jones Legal Investigation Services will be developed, using
objects. The data to be managed by this system will be complex, consisting of large amounts of
text, dates, numbers, graphical images, video clips, and audio clips. The primary functions of the
system will be to establish an inves

See Full Question And Answer at

Will online transactions eventually replace person-to-person contact? Why or why not?
What is a task? What is an event? What is a milestone?

In Poor Richard’s Almanac, Benjamin Franklin penned the familiar lines: “For the want
of a nail the shoe was lost, for the want of a shoe the horse was lost, for the want of a horse the
rider was lost, for the want of a rider the battle was lost, for the want of a battle the kingdom was
lost — and all for the wan

What strategies are Wal-Mart and Lowes using to gain more online customers?

Describe a data dictionary and list the types of information it contains.

See Full Question And Answer at

How does strategic planning influence day-to-day business operations? Why is it important for
systems analysts to understand a company’s strategic plan?

Suppose you were assigned to develop alogical model of the registration system at a school or
college. Would you be better off to use a top-down approach, or would a bottom-up strategy be
better? What would influence your decision?

1. Develop a business profile for Hudson Kayak Adventures. Create a separate section for each
of the following: HKA’s business activities, organization, resources, customers, and potential
for Web-based marketing. 2. List HKA’s main functions and business processes. Draw a
model of an HKA kayak rental, including po

Some systems analysts find it better to start with a decision table, and then construct a decision
tree. Others believe it is easier to do it in the reverse order. Which do you prefer? Why?

Identify the use cases for the following system: Picnics R Us (PRU) is a small catering firm with
five employees. During a typical summer weekend, PRU caters 15 picnics for 20 to 50 people
each. The business has grown rapidly over the past year, and the owner wants to install a new
computer system for managing the orde

See Full Question And Answer at

Write the script for a one-minute explanation of basic project management concepts.

1. Create a decision table that describes the movement of inventory. 2. Draw a decision tree that
describes the merchandise inventory management process. 3. Name four attributes that you can
use to define a data flow in the grocery inventory information system. 4. Name four attributes
that you can use to define a data

1. Use the background information to create a business profile for New Century, and indicate
areas where more information will be needed. The profile should include an organization chart of
the office staff. You can create the chart using Microsoft Word or a similar program, or you can
draw it by hand. In Word 2010, cl

Go to Microsoft’s Web site and navigate to the Download and Trials area. Select the
Microsoft Project Professional 2010, download the program, and install it. Then create a project
based on the five tasks shown in Figure 3-21 on page 106. When the project is complete, click
View, then click Network Diagram. Do the ta

What is information technology and why is it important? Suggest three fictitious headlines that
might be added to Figure 1-1 on page2.

See Full Question And Answer at

Visit at least three Web sites to learn more about agile system development and spiral models.
Prepare a list of the sites you visited and a summary of the results.

1. According to Visible Analyst, functional decomposition diagrams (FDDs) involve top-down

business planning decisions, and should be the starting point for modeling business functions and
processes. Visible states that “There is no rule that you must begin here, but some other things
are easier if you do.” Visit t

You are the IT manager at Hi-Voltage Components, a medium-sized firm that makes specialized
circuit boards. Hi-Voltage’s largest customer, Green Industries, recently installed a
computerized purchasing system. If Hi-Voltage connects to the purchasing system, Green
Industries will be able to submit purchase orders ele

Identify and briefly describe five common fact-finding methods.

What are four types of feasibility? Which type focuses on total cost of ownership? Which type is
influenced primarily by users?

See Full Question And Answer at

Compare enterprise computing systems to transaction processing systems. Provide three

examples of each type of system.

Provide three examples each of closed-ended, open-ended, and range-of-response questions.

What is a SWOT analysis? Prepare a SWOT analysis of your school or your employer.

To ensure the quality, cost, and timeliness of the new system, you suggested that New Century
use a project management approach. Dr. Jones agreed, and he wants you develop a brief
presentation that will describe project management concepts and benefits. You realize that most
of the partners do not have project manageme
1. Review the fact statements in Chapter 1, and perform Internet research to find out as much as
you can about fitness center operations. Using this background, conduct a SWOT analysis with
at least three entries in each area. 2. Does the proposed system present a strong business case?
Why or why not? 3. What fact-find

See Full Question And Answer at

What type of tool might a systems analyst use to identify a relationship between two variables?
What tool is useful for identifying and prioritizing causes of problems?

What are the phases of the SDLC waterfall model? Who was Barry Boehm, and what did he
have to say about spiral models?

What is the difference between a context diagram and diagram 0? Which symbol is not used in a
context diagram?

A systems analyst attended a week-long workshop on structured analysis. When she returned to
her job, she told her boss that structured analysis was not worth the time to learn and use on the
job. Her view was that it was too academic and had too much new terminology to be useful in a
practical setting. Do you agree or

The case investigation undergoes several states in the Jones Legal Investigation Services system.
The case investigation is first established when the attorney requests that an investigation be
conducted. When the investigator begins to perform the various investigative techniques, the
case investigation becomes active

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe three systems development tools and three development methods.

Describe the six steps in a typical preliminary investigation. Why should an analyst be careful
when using the word problem?

Use the Internet to find two examples of corporate mission statements.

Use Microsoft Word to design a simple fill-in form with at least five fields.

You have an interview for an IT position with NewTech, a large telecommunications company,
and you want to learn more about the firm and its organizational structure. To prepare for the
interview, you decide to review your knowledge about corporations, including the following
questions: 1. What are the four organizatio

See Full Question And Answer at

Write a business profile for a large business in your town. You can use your imagination to
supply details you might not know.
Would you continue to work for a company if you disagreed with the firm’s mission
statement? Why or why not?

1. Use the background information to develop a business profile for Personal Trainer. Be sure to
indicate where more information will be needed. 2. Each new supercenter service represents a
business function, which is composed of one or more business processes. Using the background
information and the conversation betw

What is the Hawthorne Effect? Have you ever experienced it? When and where?

During requirements modeling for the new system, Susan Park met with fitness center managers
at several Personal Trainer locations. She conducted a series of interviews, reviewed company
records, observed business operations, analyzed the BumbleBee accounting software, and
studied a sample of sales and billing transact

See Full Question And Answer at

The data flow symbols shown on page 185 were designed by Ed Yourdon, a well-known IT
author, lecturer, and consultant. Many IT professionals consider him to be among the most
influential men and women in the software field. Learn more about Mr. Yourdon by visiting his
Web site at, and write a brief revi

Use the Internet to find a site that contains current IT industry news, information, and links.
Write a brief description of you liked and didn’t like.

Some experts believe that the growth in e-commerce will cause states and local governments to
lose tax revenue, unless Internet transactions are subject to sales tax. What is one argument that
supports this view, and one that opposes it?

What are the three main task patterns? Provide an example of each.

What is an effective way to assess user requests for additional features and functions?

See Full Question And Answer at

1. In deciding on your proposal, what options do the owners have? 2. If the owners decide to
purchase or customize a software package, what steps will you take? 3. Explain the difference
between logical and physical design. 4. Describe the steps typically performed in systems design.
Leading Edge Climbing Equipment is

Describe modular design, and explain the two main prototyping methods.

What is cardinality, and what symbols do you use in the crow’s foot notation method?
Research newspaper, business magazine articles, or the Web to find IT companies whose stock is
traded publicly. Choose a company and pretend to buy $5,000 of its stock. Why did you choose
that company? What is the current price per share? Report each week to your class.

Describe data and process modeling concepts and tools.

See Full Question And Answer at

If you were a programmer, would you prefer to work with procedural or non-procedural
languages? Explain your reasons.

1. Design a switchboard that includes the main information management functions that Mountain
High might need. Create a storyboard with a design layout that allows customers to perform the
following functions: Obtain information about new RVs and campers, obtain information about
used vehicles, send an inquiry e-mail t

1. Draw a simple floor plan for New Century Wellness group and include the placement of all
network nodes including the placement of a server, and network equipment. How many ports
will your switch need to accommodate? 2. Given this information, what physical and logical
topologies would you recommend for New Century?

How would you define third normal form? How do you convert a 2NF design to 3NF?In your
answer, refer to specific pages and figures in this chapter.

1. Identify the entities and their relationships. Then create an ERD for the reservations system. 2.
Create 3NF table designs for the system. 3. For each of the entities identified, design tables and
identify the possible candidate keys, the primary key, a probable foreign key, and potential
secondary keys. 4. Use samp

See Full Question And Answer at

Why is practice so important when preparing a presentation? Provide a specific example from
your own experience.

1. Charles asks you, “What is an entity, a table, a field, and a record?” He also wants to
know the different between primary key, candidate keys, foreign keys, secondary keys, and
combination keys. 2. After looking at the ERD you developed, Charles asks you to explain the
crow’s foot notation symbols he sees on

Define an object, and provide three examples.

1. What options does Atrium have for acquiring a new system? 2. What are the pros and cons of
in-house development versus purchasing a system? 3. If the decision is made to purchase a new
system, what are three options for customizing the software? 4. Based on Part C of the Systems
Analyst’s Toolkit, what financial
1. List possible objects in the registration system, including their attributes and methods. 2.
Identify possible use cases and actors. 3. Create a use case diagram that shows how students
register. 4. Create a state transition diagram that describes typical student states and how they
change based on specific actions

See Full Question And Answer at

1. For the prototype user interface, design a switchboard that leads from main sections to
subsections of related system tasks. The main sections may include member information,
registration, payments, fitness instructors, and any other top-level sections necessary for Personal
Trainer’s system. Subsections may inclu

E-commerce has seen explosive growth in recent years. What are the most important reasons for
this trend? Will it continue? Why or why not?

1. Based on what you know about e-commerce, how would you have tested a new Web-based
system? 2. Should ISO standards have been considered? Explain your answer. 3. What should
White Diamond do in the future to avoid similar problems when developing new systems? 4.
Three months after the system changeover, you perform a

What is an evaluation model? How would you create a weighted evaluation model?

Is it possible to over communicate? For example, in Chapter 4 you learned to avoid leading
questions, which might suggest an answer. Can you think of other examples, like newspaper
headlines, where “less is more”?

See Full Question And Answer at

Trace the history of system architecture, with particular emphasis on the impact of the personal
computer and the Internet. Be sure to include examples.

Define an actor, and provide three examples.

Describe the concept of software as a service rather than a product. Is this an important trend?
Why or why not?

1. List possible objects in the library operation, including their attributes and methods. 2. Identify
possible use cases and actors. 3. Select one of the use cases and create a sequence diagram. 4.
Create an object relationship diagram that provides an overview of the system, including how
books are requested by facul

What is Camtasia and why would you use it? What is the Windows Snipping Tool and why
would you use it?

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Identify possible actors and use cases involved in ATA’s bus operations. 2. Create a use
case diagram for the bus system. 3. Create a sequence diagram for the use case you selected. 4.
Create a state transition diagram that describes typical passenger states and how they change The
Area Transit Authority (ATA) is

Provide an example of technical obsolescence, and explain how it can be a threat to an

information system.

Define the term what-if analysis. How could you use a spreadsheet in capacity planning?

1. Should Paperback Press have a specific process to manage future changes and enhancements?
What should it be? 2. If new features are added, what methodology should the IT staff use to add
functions and enhancements? 3. Suppose that you had to assign specific IT staff members to
maintain the inventory control system.

Why is a post-implementation evaluation important? Who should conduct it, and why?

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Using the guidelines and suggestions in this chapter, design a user interface. Draw storyboards
then use Microsoft Access or another form-designing application to create the screens. 2.
Determine the data required for a new patient. Design an input source document that will be used
to capture the patient’s data an

Explain the concept of an application life cycle management environment and provide two
examples of ALMs.

Create a one-page document with at least five grammatical errors. Then run the Microsoft Word
grammar checker and describe the results.

What are three typical reasons why companies develop their own information systems?

What are the most significant differences among structured, object-oriented, and agile methods?
What do they have in common?

See Full Question And Answer at

List and describe the main tasks that are performed during systems implementation.

Define a structure chart in language that a non-IT person would understand easily. Also provide
a step-by-step description of how to create a structure chart.

How would you define second normal form? How do you convert a 1NF design to 2NF? In your
answer, refer to specific pages and figures in this chapter.
1. Prepare a detailed list of pros and cons of in-house versus software purchase. 2. Calculate ROI
for both options. 3. Calculate NPV for both options. Use an 8% discount factor. 4. Create a
PowerPoint presentation for Mark showing the results of your analysis, including
recommendations and reasons. Until now, the own

Describe three main types of testing and the order in which they are performed.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the purpose of a benchmark test? Suggest at least two examples of benchmarks.

Define polymorphism, and provide three examples.

What is an unnormalized design, and how do you convert an unnormalized design to 1NF? In
your answer, refer to specific pages and figures in this chapter.

1. Launch the Visible Analyst® CASE tool, or a similar tool, and then visit the Help section for
structure charts. Look for a description of the symbol set, and the definitions for data couples,
control couples, and modules. Write a brief summary of what you found, or create a short slide
presentation with the results

Use Microsoft Access or similar database software to create a DBMS for the imaginary company
called TopText Publishing, which is described in Case In Point 9.1 on page 365. Add several
sample records to each table and report to the class on your progress.

See Full Question And Answer at

Suppose your company wants to create a logical model of a proposed information system, and
then decide whether to develop the system in-house and purchase a software package. You have
been asked to use a CASE tool to construct the model. 1. After you perform fact-finding, you
begin to work on the model. What diagrams

1. Review the concept of supply chain management. Although Passing Lane offers services
rather than products, could the SCM concept apply to the design of the new system? Why or why
not? 2. What would be the advantages of selecting a Web-based architecture for Passing
Lane’s system? 3. Since the firm is growing rapid

1. Should an organization choose a new system based on client/server architecture? Why or why
not? 2. Explain the pros and cons of thick or thin client characteristics. 3. What is the difference
between physical and logical topology? Provide examples. 4. Will mobile devices replace
desktop system units and traditional

1. Should Green Design adopt ERP? Why or why not? Provide specific reasons. 2. Is the
experience of other companies relevant? Use the Internet to locate a software platform that may
be useful to Green Design. Give a summary of ERP solutions you find for architectural and
engineering firms. 3. Should Green Design use se

1. Perform research to learn how much consumers are projected to spend on Internet purchases
during the next three years, and describe the results. Does the estimate seem reasonable? Why or
why not? 2. Many of Precision’s clients are start-up firms that must fight hard to attract
investment capital, and some traditio

See Full Question And Answer at

This chapter begins with an architecture checklist. If you had to rank the items, from most
important to least important, what would your list look like? Explain your answer.

In the auto shop examples on page 348, what are some problems that might arise in Mario’s
system? Why won’t Danica run into the same problems? Provide specific examples in your

Your supervisor said that “Integration testing is a waste of time. If each program is tested
adequately, integration testing isn’t needed. Instead, we should move on to system testing as
soon as possible. If modules don’t interact properly, we’ll handle it then.” Do you
agree or disagree with this comment? Ex

Provide suggestions for reducing input volume.

What is a release methodology? Why is version control important?

See Full Question And Answer at

Define the term topology, and draw a sketch of each wired and wireless network topology.

Define encapsulation, and explain how it is used in object-oriented analysis.

1. Draw an ERD for the Winfield Public Transit Authority system. 2. Indicate cardinality. 3.
Identify all fields you plan to include in the tables. 4. Create 3NF table designs. Winfield is a
small city with a population of 22,000. Until now, Winfield was served by a bus route from a
nearby city. The Winfield City Coun

1. What should BoB have done to avoid this situation? 2. Should the sales support staff ask the
IT department to rewrite the user manual as a maintenance project, or should they request more
training for sales staff? Can you offer any other suggestions? 3. Rewrite the user manual
instructions so they are clear and unde

What is the most important Information Technology (IT) security issues facing companies
today? Have these changed in the last five years, and will they continue to change? How should
companies prepare themselves for security threats and problems in the future?
See Full Question And Answer at

Explain how to use the Goal Seek feature in Microsoft Excel, and create a worksheet that
demonstrates this feature.

Define a method, and provide three examples.

1. Design a suitable source document for ads that are telephoned or mailed in. 2. Explain user-
centered design principles in a brief memo to Annie. 3. Suggest at least four user interface design
guidelines for the new system. 4. Suggest several types of controls that might be used on a
switchboard you plan to design. E

1. What options does Personal Trainer have for developing a new system? What are some
specific issues and options that Susan should consider in making a decision? 2. Susan has been
asked to prepare a system requirements document and deliver a presentation to the management
team. What should be the main elements of the

1. Identify possible actors and use cases involved in Osceola’s business functions. 2. Create a
use case diagram for Osceola’s operations. 3. Select one of the use cases and create a class
diagram. 4. Create a sequence diagram for the use case you selected. Osceola Auto Parts is an
independent auto parts dealer th

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Visit the Web site for Visible Analyst® or another CASE tool, and investigate licensing
options. Are network installations limited by the number of workstations, the number of users at
any one time, or other constraints? Write a brief report with your findings. 2. The lab supervisor
also told you that several compu

What are user applications? Suggest three examples that could boost user productivity.

1. Study the user interface in Visible Analyst or another CASE tool, consider the guidelines
described in this chapter, and prepare a detailed recommendation for interface design changes, if
any. Be sure to explain your reasons, and the results you hope to achieve. 2. Assume that the
client agreed to all your recommend

1. Draw an ERD for the Parrot Palace information system. 2. Indicate cardinality. 3. Identify all
fields you plan to include in the birds and tricks tables. For example, in the bird table, you might
want species, size, age, name, and so on. In the tricks table, you might want the trick name and
description. You will ne

1. Using the Help feature, determine what security features are available in Visible Analyst®,
or another CASE tool. Describe what you found in a brief memo, and include screen shots if
possible. 2. Can Visible Analyst®, or another CASE tool enhance system performance by
speeding up access to stored data? If so, how
See Full Question And Answer at

Provide an overview of the systems design phase.

As an IT manager, would you assign newly hired systems analysts to maintenance projects? Why
or why not?

1. Identify possible actors and use cases involved in Personal Trainer’s operations. 2. Create
an object relationship diagram for the Personal Trainer information system. 3. Create a use case
diagram for one of the use cases. 4. Select one of the use cases and create a state transition
diagram. Personal Trainer, Inc

What is a corporate culture, and why is it important? Describe the culture ata business where you
have been employed.

Design a generic post-implementation evaluation form. The form should consist of questions that
you could use to evaluate any information system. The form should evaluate the training
received and any problems associated with the program.

See Full Question And Answer at

What techniques can help e-mail communications? Provide specific examples.

Describe the habits of successful interface designers.

1. What is a prototype and why is it an important tool for system designers? 2. Explain two
different ways that Global Earth might use prototypes. 3. What are some of the advantages and
disadvantages of prototyping? 4. In addition to the wind tunnel shown in figure think of at least
three other products that would be g

1. Create an initial ERD for the new system that contains at least eight entities. 2. Analyze each
relationship to determine if it is 1:1, 1:M, or M:N. 3. Normalize your designs for all tables to
ensure they are 3NF, and verify that all primary, secondary, and foreign keys are identified
properly. Update your ERD to re

Define a use case and a use case diagram, and prepare a sample of each.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is ISO, and why is it important to a systems developer?

What is cohesion? What is the difference between close coupling and loose coupling?

Suppose you had a client who never used a network. Explain, in everyday terms, the role of
network servers and clients.
Visit the IT department at your school or at a local company and find out whether performance
measurements are used. Write a brief report describing your findings.

Visit the bookstore at your school or in your area. Interview the manager or store employees to
learn more about the business and the entities that are involved in bookstore operations.
Remember that an entity is a person, place, thing, or event that affects an information system.
Draw an ERD, including cardinality tha

See Full Question And Answer at

What are main steps in the software acquisition process?

Explain the main difference between the BSS and ESS wireless topologies. To what kind of
wireless topology do the 802.16 standards apply?

Most people agree that business e-mail can be more conversational than formal written
documents, but even e-mail has its limits. As a manager, what guidance would you give people
regarding e-mail style and usage?

Describe four types of system maintenance and provide two examples of each type.

Suggest three typical business situations where referential integrity avoids data problems.

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Create a context diagram for the new business. It is OK to use your imagination with respect
to data flows that you envision. 2. Create a diagram 0 that includes at least three processes and
two data stores that would be typical in a small business of this kind. You can use your
imagination with respect to the proce

Is batch processing still relevant? Why or why not?

1. What application development methods will you use? Explain your answer. What
development tools will help your team finish the business support system and how will you use
them? 2. Prepare a structure chart that shows the main program functions for the New Century
system. 3. Develop a testing plan for the new system

List and describe the four main system changeover methods. Which one generally is the least
expensive? Which is the safest? Explain your answers.

What are data warehousing and data mining? How do businesses use these tools?

See Full Question And Answer at

1. Search for information about software outsourcing generally, using the search techniques
described in Part D of the Systems Analyst’s Toolkit. 2. Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics
site at and search for information about employment trends affecting systems
analysts, computer programmers, and softwar

1. List possible objects in the new bike shop system, including their attributes and methods. 2.
Identify at least three possible use cases and actors. 3. Create a use case diagram that shows how
service requests are handled. 4. Create a state transition diagram that describes typical customer
states and how they chang

What is the difference between an operational environment and a test environment?

Suppose that a file initially contains r=120,000 records of R=200 bytes each in an unsorted
(heap) file. The block size B=2400 bytes, the average seek time s=16 ms, the average rotational
latency rd=8.3 ms and the block transfer time btt=0.8 ms. Assume that 1 record is deleted for
every 2 records added until the total

What are input masks? What are validation rules? Why are they important?

See Full Question And Answer at

Sandy Shores Time Shares is one of the largest time-sharing and rental brokers for vacation
cottages along the North Carolina coast. After 10 successful years of matching up owners and
renters, Sandy Shores decided to acquire a computerized reservation and booking system. Tim
Burns, the owner of Sandy Shores, read an a

Create a one-page questionnaire to distribute to users in a post-implementation evaluation of a

recent information system project. Include at least 10 questions that cover the important
information you want to obtain.

Define a class, subclass, and superclass, and provide three examples of each.

Consider a disk with the following characteristics (these are not parameters of any particular disk
unit): block size B=512 bytes, interblock gap size G=128 bytes, number of blocks per track=20,
number of tracks per surface=400. A disk pack consists of 15 double-sided disks. (a) What is the
total capacity of a track a

What are the current relational DBMSs that dominate the market? Pick one that you are familiar
with and show how it measures up based on the criteria laid out in Section 10.2.3?

See Full Question And Answer at

A possible DDL corresponding to Figure 3.1 is shown below: Discuss the following detailed
design decisions: a. The choice of requiring NAME to be NON NULL. b. Selection of SSN as
the PRIMARY KEY. c. Choice of field sizes and precision. d. Any modification of the fields
defined in this database. e. Any constraints
Repeat exercise 15.24 for the following different set of functional dependencies G = { {A, B} ->
{C}, {B, D} -> {E, F}, {A, D} -> {G, H}, {A} -> {I}, {H} -> {J} }.

Show that, if the matrix S resulting from Algorithm 15.3 does not have a row that is all "a"
symbols, then projecting S on the decomposition and joining it back will always produce at least
one spurious tuple.

Consider the following relation: CAR_SALE (CarID, Option_type, Option_Listprice, Sale_date,

Discounted_price) This relation refers to options installed on cars (e.g.- cruise control) that were
sold at a dealership and the list and discounted prices for the options. If CarID ( Sale_date and
Option_type( Option_Listpr

Map the BANK ER schema of Exercise 7.23 (shown in Figure 7.21) into a relational schema.
Specify all primary keys and foreign keys. Repeat for the AIRLINE schema (Figure 7.20) of
Exercise 7.19 and for the other schemas for Exercises 7.16 through 7.24.

See Full Question And Answer at

Can a nondense (sparse) index be used in the implementation of an aggregate operator? Why or
why not?

Consider the ER diagram of Figure 7.20, which shows a simplified schema for an airline
reservations system. Extract from the ER diagram the requirements and constraints that resulted
in this schema. Try to be as precise as possible in your requirements and constraints

Consider the relation: BOOK (Book_Name, Author, Edition, Year) with the data: a. Based on a
common-sense understanding of the above data, what are the possible candidate keys of this
relation? b. Does the above have one or more functional dependency (do not list FDf.d.s by
applying derivation rules)? If so, what is

Consider an entity type SECTION in a UNIVERSITY database, which describes the section
offerings of courses. The attributes of SECTION are SectionNumber, Semester, Year,
CourseNumber, Instructor, RoomNo (where section is taught), Building (where section is
taught), Weekdays (domain is the possible combinations of weekda

Consider the following relation for published books: BOOK (Book_title, Authorname,
Book_type, Listprice, Author_affil, Publisher) Author_affil referes to the affiliation of the
author. Suppose the following dependencies exist: Book_title -> Publisher, Book_type
Book_type -> Listprice Author_name -> Author-affil

See Full Question And Answer at

Change transaction T 2 in Figure 21.2b to read: read_item(X); X:= X+M; if X > 90 then exit else
write_item(X); Discuss the final result of the different schedules in Figure 21.3 (a) and (b),

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