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Why should some software metrics be kept "private"?

Provide examples of three metrics that

should be private. Provide examples of three metrics that should be public.

See Full Question And Answer at

Which of these threats is the most dangerous for a business? Which is the most dangerous for an
individual? Support your answers.

A) Describe Cannondale's complex manufacturing environment, and identify some of the

problems this environment created. B) Describe the Rapid Response system's impact on
Cannondale's global supply chain management?

Explain the import role that information systems play in supporting a supply chain strategy?

a. If we were to purchase a flip-flop circuit from an electronic component store, we may find that
it has an additional input called flip. When this input changes from a 0 to 1, the output flips state
(if it was 0 it is now 1 and vice versa). However, when the flip input changes from 1 to a 0,
nothing happens. Even tho

It could be argued that a WebApp functional model should be delayed until design. Present pros
and cons for this argument.

See Full Question And Answer at

What are aggregators, and what is their greatest value to Web 2.0 users?

Discuss why it is difficult to justify CRM applications?

Define on-demand CRM?

Compare and contrast the three major types of reports?

Describe the most common types of wireless devices.

See Full Question And Answer at

What advantages did the SmartTurn system provide for USA Cycling?

What are some potential disadvantages to photo-sharing Web sites such as Instagram and Color?

Discuss the benefits of telemetry in health care for the elderly.

Which of the applications of pervasive computing do you think are likely to gain the greatest
market acceptance over the next few years? Why?

Differentiate between core ERP modules and extended ERP modules?

See Full Question And Answer at

Why is demand management such an essential component of supply chain management?

What competitive advantages does the Hong Kong Jockey Club already have in their
competition with online betting Web sites?

How would you describe Web 2.0 to someone who has not taken a course in information

What are social networks, and how are organizations using them?

Why did USA Cycling need an inventory system?

See Full Question And Answer at

Go to Amazon's Mechanical Turk Web site "" view available HITs. Are there
any HITs that you would be interested in to make some extra money? Why or why not?

Identify two specific benefits that you would add to mall apps to make them functional enough to
attract shoppers to the mall.

Each team should examine a major vendor of mobile devices (Nokia, Kyocera, Motorola, Palm,
BlackBerry, Apple, and so on). Each team will research the capabilities and prices of the devices
offered by each company and then make a class presentation, the objective of which is to
convince the rest of the class why one sho

Describe the relationship between TPS and FAIS?

From Zynga's perspective, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the company's close
relationship with Facebook?

See Full Question And Answer at

List and explain the important components of a supply chain?

A) Describe what it means for an ERP system to be inflexible? B) Describe the pros and cons of
tailoring your organization's business processes to align with the procedures in an ERP system?

What is a functional area information system? List its major characteristics.

How do customer relationship management systems help organizations achieve customer


Why is CRM so important to any organization?

See Full Question And Answer at

Review the six categories of customers. Which kind of customer are you? Do you think it would
be advantageous to you if you could speak with a customer service representative who had a
similar personality? Why or why not?

What are the advantages of the Avenda system to the users?

What are some potential disadvantages to photo-sharing Web sites such as Instagram and Color?

Describe the benefits of integrated accounting software packages?

What are some of the functions of analytical CRM?

See Full Question And Answer at

Explain how a supply chain approach may be part of a company's overall strategy?

Differentiate between customer-facing CRM applications and customer-touching CRM


What benefits does Airgas expect to receive from its deployment of SAP?

Discuss the role that IT plays in support of auditing?

A) Describe the advantages enjoyed by advertisers who place ads on Facebook? B) Discuss
disadvantages that users may encounter when advertisers target them on Facebook?

See Full Question And Answer at

How do information systems benefit the finance and accounting functional area?

Define Transaction Processing System?

Differentiate between customer-facing applications and customer-touching applications?

What is the definition of customer relationship management?

Describe mobile portals and voice portals.

See Full Question And Answer at

Explain how and why a startup can survive if it becomes "wildly popular" before it evolves into a
real, profit-making business?

Provide specific examples of the advantages of WiMAX compared to wire line communications.

Use specific examples to describe other measures that the Hong Kong Jockey Club might take to
compete with online betting Web sites.
List some drawbacks of ERP software?

Differentiate between blogs and wikis?

See Full Question And Answer at

Enter Examine the demos and products, and list their capabilities.

What actions did Airgas take to help insure the successful implementation of SAP?

Define mobile CRM?

List three to four major advantages of wireless commerce to consumers, and explain what
benefits they provide to consumers.

What is Bluetooth? What is a WLAN?

See Full Question And Answer at

Are the advantages of the mall apps discussed in this case enough to entice you to go to a mall?
Why or why not? Support your answer.

Differentiate between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

Describe wireless financial services.

What are the most important HRIS applications?

What is the relationship between operational CRM and analytical CRM?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is netcasting?

Access Mojofiti "" What is interesting about this social networking site?

What kinds of actions could Zynga take to minimize its dependence on Facebook? Be specific,
and provide examples?

Explain how POM personnel use information systems to perform their jobs more effectively and

Why are companies so interested in e-CRM applications?

See Full Question And Answer at

Refer to the example concerning the CRM efforts of Caterpillar. Where on the CRM continuum
(low-end to high-end) does the company's CRM strategy fit? Explain your answer?
Discuss how wireless devices can help people with disabilities.

You are the CIO of a small company with a rapidly growing customer base. Which CRM system
would you use: on-premise CRM system, on-demand CRM system, or open-source CRM
system? Remember that open-source CRM systems may be implemented either on-premise or
on-demand. Discuss the pros and cons of each type of CRM system f

Discuss the business benefits of crowdsourcing?

Explain why On Star, Sync, and Blue Link are telemetry applications.

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe the role of a TPS in a service organization?

You can use location based tools to help you find your car or the closest gas station. However,
some people see location-based tools as an invasion of privacy. Discuss the pros and cons of
location-based tools.

Read about the Internet of Things. What is it? What types of technologies are necessary to
support it? Why is it important?

Why is planning so important in supply chain management?

Define pervasive computing, RFID, and wireless sensor networks.

See Full Question And Answer at

Is there privacy issues associated with the Avenda system for users? If so, provide specific

What are ERP II systems?

What are the major drivers of mobile computing?

Describe mashups, and discuss their business value?

What are the advantages of the Blog del Narco?

See Full Question And Answer at

Discuss how mobile computing can solve some of the problems of the digital divide.

Distinguish between operational CRM systems and analytical CRM systems?

Compare and contrast the three types of on-demand reports?

Explain how AJAX, tagging, and RSS have made the Web more interactive and informative?
List the key objectives of a transaction processing system?

See Full Question And Answer at

Access the article in Forbes, "YouTube: Five Tips for Building Your Own Video Career."
Provide examples of how McLaughlin and Neal have followed each tip?

Define ERP and describe its functionalities?

Investigate the role of the Web in human resources management?

Access and take the interactive tour. Prepare a report on Sugar CRM's
functionality to the class?

How does an FAIS support management by exception? How does it support on-demand reports?

See Full Question And Answer at

If you were the CEO of a company, would you pay attention to blogs about your company? Why
or why not? If yes, would you consider some blogs to be more important or more reliable than
others? If so, which ones? How would you find blogs relating to your company?

Discuss how IT facilitates the budgeting process?

What sorts of restrictions or guidelines should firms place on the use of social networks by
employees? Are these Web 2.0 sites a threat to security? Can they tarnish a firm's reputation? If
so, how? Can they enhance a firm's reputation? If so, how?

Provide specific examples of the advantages that mobile communications provided to Mark.

Other than the examples in the book, provide an example of cross selling, up selling, and

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider the-chapter opening case. What are the advantages that Fieldf/x provides for the owners
of professional baseball teams? What are the advantages that Fieldf/x provides for professional
baseball players? Are there disadvantages for the players? Support your answers?

Explain why Web-based customer interaction centers are critical for successful CRM systems?

Provide specific examples of other advantages that WiMAX can deliver to the villagers.

Discuss how m-commerce can expand the reach of e-business.

Discuss the ways in which Wi-Fi is being used to support mobile computing and m-commerce.
Describe the ways in which Wi-Fi is affecting the use of cellular phones for m-commerce.
See Full Question And Answer at

Identify three basic characteristics of RAM and ROM.

Consider the following BCNF relation, which lists the ids, types (e.g., nuts or bolts), and costs of
various parts, along with the number available or in stock: Parts (pid, pname, cost, num avail)
You are told that the following two queries are extremely important: • Find the total number
available by part type, f

What advantages do fuel cells offer over batteries for use in portable electronic devices? Do they
have any disadvantages?

List some of the major intra business wireless applications.

Describe Wi-Fi, cellular service, and WiMAX.

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider two ways to compute the names of employees who earn more than $100,000 and whose
age is equal to their manager's age. First, a nested query: Second, a query that uses a view
definition: SELECT E1.ename FROM Emp E1, MgrAge A WHERE E1.dname = A.dname AND
E1.sal > 100 AND E1.age = A.age CREATE VIEW MgrAge

Identify the steps in the systems development process and state the goal of each.

What is a blade server? What advantages does it offer over an ordinary server?

Why is a database an important part of a computer-based information system?

Identify and briefly describe the various classes of personal computers.

See Full Question And Answer at

See the Web site for this book to read about the Whitmann Price Consulting case for this chapter.
The following questions cover this Web case. Discussion Questions 1. What advantages would
the proposed Advanced Mobile Communications and Information System provide for Whitmann
Price Consulting? What problems might it

What is RAID storage technology?

What are your career goals and how can a computer-based information system be used to
achieve them?

Describe three applications of virtual reality.

What is user satisfaction?

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe how information systems are used at school or work.

What are the most common types of computer-based information systems used in business
organizations today? Give an example of each.

If cost was not an issue, describe the characteristics of your ideal computer. What would you use
it for? Would you choose a handheld, portable, desktop, or workstation computer? Why?

Identify at least six characteristics of valuable information.

Identify several types of secondary storage media in terms of access method, capacity,
portability, and cost per GB of storage.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the difference between cloud computing and grid computing?

Using a word processing program, write a detailed job description of a CIO for a medium-sized
manufacturing company. Use a graphics program to make a presentation on the requirements for
the new CIO.

You have decided to open an Internet site to buy and sell used music CDs to other students.
Describe the supply chain for your new business.

How would you measure user satisfaction with a registration program at a college or university?
What are the important features that would make students and faculty satisfied with the system?

What is the total cost of ownership?

See Full Question And Answer at

How should organizations allocate grid computing resources so they address only important
research projects?

Give an algorithm for testing whether a relation scheme is in BCNF. The algorithm should be
polynomial in the size of the set of given FDs. (The size is the sum over all FDs of the number of
attributes that appear in the FD.) Is there a polynomial algorithm for testing whether a relation
scheme is in 3NF?

Describe the "ideal" automated vehicle license plate renewal system for the drivers in your state.
Describe the input, processing, output, and feedback associated with this system.

What is source data automation?

What would be the advantages for a university computer lab to install thin clients rather than
standard desktop personal computers? Can you identify any disadvantages?

See Full Question And Answer at

You can often gauge the role of information systems within a business by evaluating how the
chief information officer (CIO), or head of information systems, interacts professionally with the
president, chief executive officer (CEO), and other highranking decision makers. At Volvo Cars
Belgium, the company's Brussels-ba

How is system performance measured?

You have been asked to participate in preparing your company's strategic plan. Specifically, your
task is to analyze the competitive marketplace using Porter's five-forces model. Prepare your
analysis, using your knowledge of a business you have worked for or have an interest in working

You are a painter and have an Internet store where you sell your paintings directly to the public.
You would like customers to pay for their purchases with credit cards, and wish to ensure that
these electronic transactions are secure. Assume that Mary wants to purchase your recent
painting of the Cornell Uris Library

Identify the functions of a transaction processing system.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is quality? What is total quality management (TQM)?

Discuss how information systems are linked to the business objectives of an organization.

What are organizational change and organizational learning?

More than ever before, Chinese retailers are facing local competition from foreign companies.
China's highly regulated economy has insulated businesses from competition. Now that China is
loosening its regulations in an effort to benefit from international trade, its own businesses must
work harder to become more effi

What is the difference between DSS and knowledge management?

See Full Question And Answer at

Identify the three components of the CPU and explain the role of each.

What are some general strategies employed by organizations to achieve competitive advantage?
Briefly describe Moore's Law. What are the implications of this law? Are there any practical
limitations to Moore's Law?

Chances are you have seen places that offer payday loans in your town. Payday loans are short-
term loans designed for people that run out of money before payday, but can repay the loan when
their paycheck arrives. Advance America is the leading payday loan company in the United
States. It includes 3,000 centers in 37 s

Prove that, if R is in 3NF and every key is simple, then R is in BCNF.

See Full Question And Answer at

Consider the following BCNF schema for a portion of a simple corporate database (type
information is not relevant to this question and is omitted): Emp (eid, ename, addr, sal, age, yrs,
deptid) Dept (did, dname, floor, budget) Suppose you know that the following queries are the six
most common queries in the workloa

When determining the appropriate hardware components of a new information system, what role
must the end user of the system play?

What is the difference between reengineering and continuous improvement?

What is a quad-core processor? What advantages does it offer users?

What are the components of any information system?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is on-demand computing? What two advantages does it offer to a company?

What is the value chain?

Consider the following BCNF relations, which describe departments in a company and
employees: Dept(did, dname, location, managerid) Emp(eid, sal) You are told that the following
queries are extremely important: • List the names and ids of managers for each department in
a user-specified location, in alphabetical

What is the overall trend in secondary storage devices?

See the Web site for this book to read about the Whitmann Price Consulting case for this chapter.
The following questions concern this Web case. Discussion Questions 1. Compare and contrast
the benefits and shortcomings of notebook PCs and handheld PCs in accessing information on
the road. 2. If Josh and Sandra are

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the difference between technology infusion and technology diffusion?

What role does an information system play in today's organizations?

Based on the analysis you performed in Discussion Question 6, what possible strategies could
your organization adopt to address these challenges? What role could information systems play
in these strategies? Use Porter's strategies as a guide.

Johnson & Johnson is the world's most "comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of
health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical,
and medical devices and diagnostic markets" according to its Web site. Consider what it must be
like to be the chief information offic

What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are computer literacy and information systems literacy? Why are they important?

There are many ways to evaluate the effectiveness of an information system. Discuss each
method and describe when one method would be preferred over another method.

Briefly describe how RFID technology works. Why is RFID technology being used to track
product inventory in retail stores?

Suppose that you are a teacher assigned the task of describing the learning processes of
preschool children. Why would you want to build a model of their learning processes? What
kinds of models would you create? Why might you create more than one type of model?

What is a computer-based information system? What are its components?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the difference between data entry and data input?

What is the difference between sequential and direct access of data?

New York City's Taxi & Limousine Commission has mandated that all licensed city cab owners
install new information systems in their cabs. The new state-of-the-art system connects the cabs
to a wireless data network. The new system will not be used for dispatching cabs (most New
York City cabs are hailed from the curb)

Briefly answer the following questions: 1. Explain the intuition behind the two rules in the Bell-
LaPadula model for mandatory access control. 2. Give an example of how covert channels can
be used to defeat the Bell-LaPadula model. 3. Give an example of polyinstantiation. 4. Describe
a scenario in which mandatory a
What is downsizing? How is it different from outsourcing?

See Full Question And Answer at

List and define the basic organizational structures.

What are the advantages of using a virtual organizational structure? What are the disadvantages?

What is an information system? What are some of the ways information systems are changing
our lives?

Why are the components of all information systems described as interdependent?

What is reengineering? What are the potential benefits of performing a process redesign?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are several common justifications for implementing an information system?

Suppose you are given a relation R with four attributes ABCD. For each of the following sets of
FDs, assuming those are the only dependencies that hold for R, do the following: (a) Identify the
candidate key(s) for R. (b) Identify the best normal form that R satisfies (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, or
BCNF). (c) If R is not in

Consider Exercises 7.7 to 7.9 from Chapter 7. For each exercise, discuss where encryption, SSL,
and digital signatures are appropriate.

How would you distinguish data and information? Information and knowledge?

Let R be decomposed into R1, R2, . . ., Rn. Let F be a set of FDs on R. 1. Define what it means
for F to be preserved in the set of decomposed relations. 2. Describe a polynomial-time
algorithm to test dependency-preservation. 3. Projecting the FDs stated over a set of attributes X
onto a subset of attributes Y requ

See Full Question And Answer at

What is RFID technology? Identify three practical uses for this technology.

Consider the following BCNF relational schema for a portion of a company database (type
information is not relevant to this question and is omitted): Project(pno, proj name, proj base
dept, proj mgr, topic, budget) Manager(mid, mgr name, mgr dept, salary, age, sex) Note that
each project is based in some department,

You have been hired to work in the IS area of a manufacturing company that is starting to use the
Internet to order parts from its suppliers and offer sales and support to its customers. What types
of Internet positions would you expect to see at the company?
Define the term productivity. How can a company best use productivity measurements?

Briefly discuss several data-storage issues that face the modern organization.

See Full Question And Answer at

Why is the study of information systems important to you? What do you hope to learn from this
course to make it worthwhile?

What are some of the benefits organizations seek to achieve through using information systems?

A new IS project has been proposed that will produce not only cost savings but also an increase
in revenue. The initial costs to establish the system are estimated to be $500,000. The remaining
cash flow data is presented in the following table. a. Using a spreadsheet program, calculate the
return on investment (ROI)

Sketch and briefly describe the three-stage organizational change model.

Explain the two-phase process for executing instructions.

See Full Question And Answer at

Identify and briefly describe the three fundamental approaches to data storage.

What is feedback? What are possible consequences of inadequate feedback?

What is supply chain management?

Describe the role of the CIO.

Assume you are the manager of a retail store and need to hire a CIO to run your new computer
system. What characteristics would you want in a new CIO?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the difference between an intranet and an extranet?

What is the value of software? Give several examples of software you use at school or home.

What is the difference between e-commerce and m-commerce?

What is a knowledge management system? Give an example.

Write a procedure to delete an invoice given the invoice number as a parameter. Name the
procedure prc_inv_delete. Test the procedure by deleting invoices 8005 and 8006.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is an Oracle sequence? Write its syntax.

What issues can arise when the CPU runs at a very fast rate?

Consider the following collection of relations and dependencies. Assume that each relation is
obtained through decomposition from a relation with attributes ABCDEFGHI and that all the
known dependencies over relation ABCDEFGHI are listed for each question. (The questions are
independent of each other, obviously, since

What is m-commerce? Describe how it can be used.

What is a correlated subquery? Give an example.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is a scheduler, what does it do, and why is its activity important to concurrency control?

Modify the CUSTOMER table to included two new attributes: CUST_DOB and CUST_AGE.
Customer 1000 was born on March 15, 1979, and customer 1001 was born on December 22,

List and briefly explain the activities involved in the verification of an ER model.

Suppose you have been asked to create an information system for a manufacturing plant that
produces nuts and bolts of many shapes, sizes, and functions. What questions would you ask, and
how would the answers to those questions affect the database design? a. What do you envision
the SDLC to be? b. What do you envision

Suppose you perform the same functions noted in Problem 2 for a larger warehousing operation.
How are the two sets of procedures similar? How and why are they different?

See Full Question And Answer at

What are the different levels of lock granuality?

What DBMS component is responsible for concurrency control? How is this feature used to
resolve conflicts?

What three levels of backup may be used in database recovery management? Briefly describe
what each of those three backup levels does.

List and briefly explain the four steps performed during the logical design stage.

Explain the difference between a regular subquery and a correlated subquery.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is a lock, and how, in general, does it work?

Create a trigger named trg_pic_hours that will automatically update the PILOT table when a new
CREW row is added and the CREW table uses a ‘pilot’ CREW_JOB entry. Use the
CHARTER table’s CHAR_HOURS_FLOWN to update the PILOT table’s
PIL_PIC_HRS only when the CREW table uses a ‘pilot’ CREW_JOB entry.

What are database statistics, and why are they important?

Write an example of a database request.

What are some disadvantages of time-stamping methods for concurrency control?

See Full Question And Answer at

Create a stored procedure named prc_new_detail to insert new rows in the DETAILRENTAL
table. The procedure should satisfy the following requirements. a. The video number will be
provided as a parameter. b. Verify the video number exists in the VIDEO table. If it does not
exist, then display a message that the video d

What does the acronym SDLC mean, and what does an SDLC portray?

What is an information system? What is its purpose?

Write a query to display the customer code, first name, and last name of all customers who have
had at least one invoice completed by employee 83649 and at least one invoice completed by
employee 83677. Sort the output by customer last name and then firstname.

What does the acronym DBLC mean, and what does a DBLC portray?

See Full Question And Answer at

What database statistics measurements are typical of tables, indexes, and resources?

ABC Markets sell products to customers. The relational diagram shown in Figure represents the
main entities for ABC’s database. The following important characteristics: A customer may
make many purchases, each one represented by an invoice. The CUS_BALANCE is updated
with each credit purchase or payment and repre

What Oracle function should you use to calculate the number of days between the current date
and January 25, 1999?

Write the query that will generate only the records that are unique to the CUSTOMER_2 table.

What is a subquery, and what are its basic characteristics?

See Full Question And Answer at

Create a trigger named trg_mem_balance that will maintain the correct value in the membership
balance in the MEMBERSHIP table when videos are returned late. The trigger should execute as
an AFTER trigger when the due date or return date attributes are updated in the
DETAILRENTAL table. The trigger should satisfy the f

Suppose you are asked to evaluate a DBMS in terms of lock granularity and the different locking
levels. Create a simple database environment in which these features would be important.

Suppose you are a manufacturer of product ABC, which is composed of parts A, B, and C. Each
time a new product is created, it must be added to the product inventory, using the PROD_QOH
in a table named PRODUCT. And each time the product ABC is created, the parts inventory,
using PART_QOH in a table named PART, must be

What is dynamic SQL, and how does it differ from static SQL?

What factors are important in a DBMS software selection?

See Full Question And Answer at

Create the tables. (Use the MS Access example shown in Figure P8.1 to see what table names
and attributes touse.)

How do systems analysis and systems development fit into a discussion about information

The purchasing manager is still concerned about the impact of price on sales. Write a query to
display the brand name, brand type, product SKU, product description, and price of any products
that are not a premium brand, but that cost more than the most expensive premium

Create a procedure named prc_cus_balance_update that will take the invoice number as a
parameter and update the customer balance.

Discuss the distinction between centralized and decentralized conceptual database design.

See Full Question And Answer at

Assuming that pessimistic locking is being used, but the two-phase locking protocol is not, create
a chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur
during the complete processing of the transaction described in Problem.

Assuming that pessimistic locking is being used, but the two-phase locking protocol is not, create
a chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur
during the complete processing of the transaction described in Problem.
Create a trigger named trg_char_hours that will automatically update the AIRCRAFT table when
a new CHARTER row is added. Use the CHARTER table’s CHAR_HOURS_FLOWN to
update the AIRCRAFT table’s AC_TTAF, AC_TTEL, and AC_TTER values.

Given the employee information in Question 1, what is the query output for the MINUS query?
(List the query output.)

In simple terms, the DBMS processes queries in three phases. What are those phases, and what is
accomplished in each phase?

See Full Question And Answer at

Create a stored procedure named prc_return_video enter data about the return of videos that had
been rented. The procedure should satisfy the following requirements. a. The video number will
be provided as a parameter. b. Verify the video number exists in the VIDEO table. If it does not
exist, display a message that

Write the query that will show only the duplicate customer records.

If indexes are so important, why not index every column in every table? (Include a brief
discussion of the role played by data sparsity.)

Write the SQL statements that might be used in transaction management and explain how they

What are business rules? Why are they important to a database designer?

See Full Question And Answer at

How are database statistics obtained?

The relational set operators UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS work properly only if the
relations are union-compatible. What does union-compatible mean, and how would you check
for this condition?

What are the four ANSI transaction isolation levels? What type of reads does each level allow?

What is a trigger, and what is its purpose? Give an example.

What are optimizer hints and how are they used?

See Full Question And Answer at

Why does the order of the operands (tables) matter in a MINUS query but not in a UNION

Discuss the distinction between top-down and bottom-up approaches to database design.
Explain the following statement: a transaction is a logical unit of work.

The DBMS does not guarantee that the semantic meaning of the transaction truly represents the
real-world event. What are the possible consequences of that limitation? Give an example.

What steps are required in the development of an ER diagram?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is a transaction log, and what is its function?

Using the same procedures and concepts employed in Problem 1, how would you create an
information system for the Tiny College example in Chapter 4?

What is the data dictionary's function in database design?

Create a stored procedure named prc_new_rental to insert new rows in the RENTAL table. The
procedure should satisfy the following conditions. a. The membership number will be provided
as a parameter. b. Use a Count() function to verify that the membership number exists in the
MEMBERSHIP table. If it does not exist, t

Suppose that a PRODUCT table contains two attributes, PROD_CODE and VEND_CODE.
Those two attributes have values of ABC, 125, DEF, 124, GHI, 124, and JKL, 123, respectively.
The VENDOR table contains a single attribute, VEND_CODE, with values 123, 124, 125, and
126, respectively. (The VEND_CODE attribute in the PRODUCT

See Full Question And Answer at

Write the proper sequence of activities in the design of a video rental database. (The initial ERD
was shown in Figure 9.9.) The design must support all rental activities, customer payment
tracking, and employee work schedules, as well as track which employees checked out the
videos to the customers. After you finish w

Trace the use of the transaction log in database recovery.

Write the trigger to update the CUST_BALANCE in the CUSTOMER table when a new invoice
record is entered. (Assume that the sale is a credit sale.) Test the trigger using the following new
INVOICE record: 8005, 1001, ’27-APR-14’, 225.40

Using tables named T1 and T2, write a query example for each of the three join types you
described in Question 2. Assume that T1 and T2 share a common column named C1.

What is the minimal data rule in conceptual design? Why is it important?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is embedded SQL, and how is it used?

Starting with a consistent database state, trace the activities that are required to execute a set of
transactions to produce an updated consistent database state.

Write a procedure to add a new customer to the CUSTOMER table. Use the following values in
the new record: 1002, ‘Rauthor’, ‘Peter’, 0.00

What is a deadlock, and how can it be avoided? Discuss several strategies for dealing with

Assuming that pessimistic locking with the two-phase locking protocol is being used, create a
chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur
during the complete processing of the transaction described in Problem.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL? Write the syntax for each.

Write the query that will show the invoice number, the invoice amount, the average invoice
amount, and the difference between the average invoice amount and the actual invoice amount.

What is an exclusive lock, and under what circumstances is it granted?

List and discuss the five transaction properties.

LargeCo is planning a new promotion in Alabama (AL) and wants to know about the largest
purchases made by customers in that state. Write a query to display the customer code, customer
first name, last name, full address, invoice date, and invoice total of the largest purchase made by
each customer in Alabama. Be certai

See Full Question And Answer at

Create a stored procedure named prc_inv_amounts to update the INV_SUBTOTAL, INV_TAX,

and INV_TOTAL. The procedure takes the invoice number as a parameter. The
INV_SUBTOTAL is the sum of the LINE_TOTAL amounts for the invoice, the INV_TAX is
the product of the INV_SUBTOTAL and the tax rate (8%), and the INV_TOTAL is the

What are some general guidelines for creating and using indexes?

Create a simple transaction log (using the format shown in Table) to represent the actions of the
two previous transactions.

What is the difference between a rule-based optimizer and a cost-based optimizer?

Assuming that pessimistic locking with the two-phase locking protocol is being used create a
chronological list of the locking, unlocking, and data manipulation activities that would occur
during the complete processing of the transaction described in Problem.

See Full Question And Answer at

Suppose that your database system has failed. Describe the database recovery process and the
use of deferred-write and write-through techniques.

The ABC Car Service & Repair Centers are owned by the SILENT car dealer; ABC services and
repairs only SILENT cars. Three ABC Car Service & Repair Centers provide service and repair
for the entire state. Each of the three centers is independently managed and operated by a shop
manager, a receptionist, and at least eigh

What is a consistent database state, and how is it achieved?

What is concurrency control, and what is its objective?

The Binder Prime Company wants to recognize the employee who sold the most of their
products during a specified period. Write a query to display the employee number, employee first
name, employee last name, e-mail address, and total units sold for the employee who sold the
most Binder Prime brand products between Novem

See Full Question And Answer at

Most query optimization techniques are designed to make the optimizer’s work easier. What
factors should you keep in mind if you intend to write conditional expressions in SQL code?

Insert the data into the tables you created in Problem1.

Write a procedure to add a new invoice record to the INVOICE table. Use the following values
in the new record: 8006, 1000, ’30-APR-14’, 301.72

What are the three types of database critical events that can trigger the database recovery
process? Give some examples for each one.

Assuming you completed problem 10, write the query that will list the names and ages of your

See Full Question And Answer at

What three join types are included in the OUTER JOIN classification?

One of the purchasing managers is interested in the impact of product prices on the sale of
products of each brand. Write a query to display the brand name, brand type, average price of
products of each brand, and total units sold of products of each brand. Even if a product has been
sold more than once, its price shou

Why might a page-level lock be preferred over a field-level lock?

What is a stored procedure, and why is it particularly useful? Give an example.

Write a query to display the invoice number, line numbers, product SKUs, product descriptions,
and brand ID for sales of sealer and top coat products of the same brand on the sameinvoice.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is data analytics? Briefly explain explanatory and predictive analytics.

What issues should be considered when resolving data requests in a distributed environment?

How does a BASE system differ from a traditional distributed database system?

List and briefly explain the three steps performed during the physical design stage.

Why might it take a long time to complete transactions when an optimistic approach to
concurrency control is used?

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe the different types of database requests and transactions.

Explain ROLAP, and list the reasons you would recommend its use in the relational database

Assuming that you generate 15,000 invoices per month, what recommendation would you give
the designer about the use of derived attributes?

What is ADO.NET, and what two new features make it important for application development?

What are the two basic styles of data replication?

See Full Question And Answer at

Briefly discuss OLAP architectural styles with and without data marts.

What are Web server interfaces used for? Give some examples.

Give some example of database connectivity options and what they are used for.

ROBCOR, Inc., whose sample data are contained in the database named Ch13_P4.mdb, provides
"on demand" aviation charters using a mix of different aircraft and aircraft types. Because
ROBCOR has grown rapidly, its owner has hired you to be its first database manager. The
company's database, developed by an outside consul

Name and contrast the types of cloud computing implementation.

See Full Question And Answer at

What indexes would you recommend for the query you wrote in Problem 30, and what SQL
commands would you use?

Define SQL data services and list their advantages.

What is the SQL command to list the total sales by month and product category, with subtotals
by month and a grand total for all sales?

What is the SQL command to list the total sales by customer, month and product, with subtotals
by customer and by month and a grand total for all product sales?

What are the most relevant differences between operational and decision support data?

See Full Question And Answer at

Briefly describe the process of writing a file in a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

What index would you recommend, and what command would you use?

What is the SQL command to list the number of product sales (number of rows) and total sales
by month, product category and product, with subtotals by month and product category and a
grand total for all sales?

What are ODBC, DAO, and RDO? How are they related?

Explain multidimensional cubes, and describe how the slice and dice technique fits into this

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe the following: TCP/IP, Router, HTML, HTTP, and URL.

How does ADO complement OLE-DB?

What are decision support systems, and what role do they play in the business environment?

What is a JDBC, and what is it used for?

What is the objective of the query optimization functions?

See Full Question And Answer at

What type of I/O database operations would be most likely to be used to execute that query?

What type of database I/O operations will likely be used by the query?

David Suker, the inventory manager for a marketing research company, wants to study the use of
supplies within the different company departments. Suker has heard that his friend, Ephanor, has
developed a spreadsheet-based data warehouse model that she uses in her analysis of sales data.
Suker is interested in developin

Using Table 11.4 as an example, create two alternative access plans. Use the following
assumptions: a. There are 8,000 employees. b. There are 4,150 female employees. c. There are
370 employees in area code 615. d. There are 190 female employees in area code 615.

What type of database I/O operations will likely be used by the query?

See Full Question And Answer at

Describe the client/server model for application processing.

Describe and contrast the focus of data mining and predictive analytics. Give some examples.

What is OLE-DB used for, and how does it differ from ODBC?

What are XML schema definition (XSD) documents and what do they do?

Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database using ODBC, and retrieve
all of the AGENTs.

See Full Question And Answer at

Create a System DSN ODBC connection called Ch02_SaleCo using the Administrative Tools
section of the Windows Control Panel.

Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database using ODBC, and retrieve
the customers whose AGENT_CODE is equal to 503.

Explain the OLE-DB model based on its two types of objects.

What indexes should you create and why? Write the SQL command to create the indexes.

How does data mining work? Discuss the different phases in the data mining process.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is the SQL command to list the number of product sales (number of rows) and total sales
by month, with subtotals by month and a grand total for all sales?
Multiple requests accessing a single remote database, figure Multiple Requests to a Single

Use MS Excel to list all of the invoice lines for Invoice 1003 using the Ch02_SaleCo System

Describe the characteristics of predictive analytics. What is the impact of Big Data (social
media) in predictive analytics?

What trade-offs are involved in building highly distributed data environments?

See Full Question And Answer at

Name and describe the most prevalent characteristics of cloud computing services.

Discuss the possible data request scenarios in a distributed database environment, single request
accessing a single remote database. Figure D12.1 Single Request to Single RemoteDBMS

One of your vendors recommends using an MDBMS. How would you explain this
recommendation to your project leader?

Using the Internet, search for providers of cloud services. Then, classify the types of services
they provide (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS).

What is the difference between DAO and RDO?

See Full Question And Answer at

The project group is ready to make a final decision between ROLAP and MOLAP. What should
be the basis for this decision? Why?

What is the SQL command to list the total sales by region and customer, with subtotals by region
and a grand total for all sales?

Prepare a high-level summary of the main requirements for evaluating DBMS products for data

Explain the use of facts, dimensions, and attributes in the star schema.

What is cloud computing, and why is it a “game changer”?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is XML, and why is it important?

Describe the BI framework. Illustrate the evolution of BI.

What are scripts, and what is their function? (Think in terms of database applications

What does this statement mean: The Web is a stateless system? What implications does a
stateless system have for database applications developers?

What is the SQL command to list the number of product sales (number of rows) and total sales
by month and product category with subtotals by month and product category and a grand total
for all sales?

See Full Question And Answer at

Using the answer to Problem 10 as your base, what command would you need to generate the
same output but with subtotals in all columns?

What are document type definition (DTD) documents and what do they do?

Suppose you are selling the data warehouse idea to your users. How would you define
multidimensional data analysis for them? How would you explain its advantages to them?

Use the recommendations given in Section 11.5.2 to rewrite the query to produce the required
results more efficiently.

What is a data warehouse, and what are its main characteristics? How does it differ from a data

See Full Question And Answer at

Multiple requests accessing multiple remote databases, Figure D12.3 Multiple requests, Multiple

Give three examples of likely problems when operational data are integrated into the data

Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database using ODBC, and retrieve
all of the CUSTOMERs.

What is a DataSet, and why is it considered to be disconnected?

Your data warehousing project group is debating whether to create a prototype of a data
warehouse before its implementation. The project group members are especially concerned about
the need to acquire some data warehousing skills before implementing the enterprise-wide data
warehouse. What would you recommend? Explain

See Full Question And Answer at

Victoria Ephanor manages a small product distribution company. Because the business is
growing fast, Ephanor recognizes that it is time to manage the vast information pool to help
guide the accelerating growth. Ephanor, who is familiar with spreadsheet software, currently
employs a sales force of four people. She asks

What is OLAP, and what are its main characteristics?

What indexes you would recommend? Write the commands to create those indexes.

Should you create an index? If so, what would the index column(s) be, and why should you
create that index?

How should you rewrite the query to ensure that it uses the index you created in your solution to
Problem 25?

See Full Question And Answer at

What does RAID stand for, and what are some commonly used RAID levels?

The data warehousing project group has invited you to provide an OLAP overview. The
group’s members are particularly concerned about the OLAP client/server architecture
requirements and how OLAP will fit the existing environment. Your job is to explain to them the
main OLAP client/server components and architectures.

What recommendations would you make for managing the data files in a DBMS with many
tables and indexes?

The university computer lab's director keeps track of the lab usage, as measured by the number
of students using the lab. This particular function is very important for budgeting purposes. The
computer lab director assigns you the task of developing a data warehouse in which to keep track
of the lab usage statistics. T

Discuss the most common performance improvement techniques used in star schemas.

See Full Question And Answer at

Given the scenario and the requirements in Problem 2, answer the following questions: a. What
recommendations will you make regarding the type and characteristics of the required database
system? b. What type of data fragmentation is needed for each table? c. What must be the criteria
used to partition each database?

Should you create an index on P_CODE? If so, write the SQL command to create that index. If
not, explain your reasoning.

Should you create an index on EMP_DOB? Why or why not?

Multiple requests accessing any combination of multiple remote DBMSes, Figure Multiple
Requests and any Combination of RemoteDatabases

What indexes should you create? Write the required SQL commands.

See Full Question And Answer at

To which transparency feature are the query optimization functions related?

What is the SQL command to list the total sales by customer and by product, with subtotals by
customer and a grand total for all product sales?

What steps are required to create an ODBC data source name?

The data warehouse project is in the design phase. Explain to your fellow designers how you
would use a star schema in the design.

Search the Internet for Web application servers. Choose one and prepare a short presentation for
your class.

See Full Question And Answer at

What is a Web application server, and how does it work from a database perspective?

Explain how the main components of the BI architecture interact to form a system. Describe the
evolution of BI information dissemination formats.

Define the term heartbeat in an HDFS and explain its purpose.

(a) What is the most common attack against wireless networks? Why? (b) Which IEEE standard
governs WLAN transmission? (c) Which device acts as a relay between wired and wireless
networks? (d) What is the typical range of a WLAN? (e) What is the difference between an open
network and a private network? (f) Who woul

What are the three basic components of the ODBC architecture?

See Full Question And Answer at

What is business intelligence? Give some recent examples of BI usage, using the Internet for
assistance. What BI benefits have companies found?

Using Table as an example, create two alternative access plans.

In the star schema context, what are attribute hierarchies and aggregation levels and what is their
(a) What is the advantage of face recognition? (b) What does surreptitious mean? (c) Where is
hand geometry recognition used? (d) What are the disadvantages of voiceprint recognition? (e)
What are the most widely used forms of biometric authentication? (f) What is the most widely
used form of biometrics?

(a) Distinguish between mutual and one-way trust among AD domains. (b) Distinguish between
transitive and intransitive trust. (c) What principle should companies follow in making trust

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) What is Microsoft's directory server product? (b) What is the smallest organizational unit in
active directory? (c) What two things does a domain controller contain? (d) Can a domain have
multiple domain controllers? (e) What is the advantage of having multiple domain controllers?
(f) Into what larger structur

How could Spamhaus avoid similar attacks in the future?

(a) Suppose that the probability of a false acceptance is one in a million, that there are 10,000
identities in the database, and that there is a watch list with 100 people. What will be the FAR for
verification? (b) For identification? (c) For the watch list?

Why is it still important to use an HTTPS connection if you are using a Tor network?

(a) What is a SLAAC attack? (b) Why do host automatically prefer IPv6 addressing? (c) What
has to be introduced to a network for a SLAAC attack to work? (d) Would a SLAAC attack work
on an existing IPv6 network? Why not? (e) Could a rogue router direct internal traffic to an
outside rogue DNS server? How?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) At what layer does IPsec operate? (b) What layers does IPsec protect? (c) Compare the
amount of cryptographic security in IPsec with that in SSL/TLS. (d) Compare centralized
management in IPsec and SSL/TLS. (e) Why is IPsec's transparent protection attractive
compared with SSL/TLS' non-transparent protection?

(a) From what kind of organization can a verifier receive digital certificates? (b) Are most CAs
regulated? (c) Does a digital certificate indicate that the person or firm named in the certificate is
trustworthy? Explain.

(a) List the AAA access controls. (b) Explain each in a sentence. (c) What are the four bases for
authentication credentials? (d) What is two-factor authentication's promise? (e) How can a
Trojan horse defeat this promise? (f) How can a man-in-the-middle attack defeat this promise?
(g) What is RBAC? (Do not
(a) What was the first core wireless security standard? (b) What encryption algorithm does it
use? (c) Why are permanent shared keys undesirable? (d) What per-frame key does a WEP
computer or access point use to encrypt when it transmits? (e) What mistake did the 802.11
Working Group make in selecting the length of

(a) How would a wireless DoS attack be carried out? (b) What type of devices could be used to
flood the transmission frequency for a WLAN? (c) What device could be used to identify a DoS
flood if the entire frequency is being flooded by EMI? (d) What type of attack commands could
be sent to cause a wireless DoS atta

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) In biometrics, what is a match? (b) Distinguish between false acceptances and false
rejections. (c) What are false acceptance rates (FARs) and false rejection rates (FRRs)? (d) For
computer access, why is a false acceptance bad? (e) Why is a false rejection bad? (f) Which is
worse from a security viewpoin

(a) Distinguish between mandatory access controls and discretionary access controls. (b) What is
multilevel security? (c) What are SBU documents? (d) Do they need to be considered in access
controls? (e) Why are access control models needed?

(a) In codes, what do code symbols represent? (b) What is the advantage of codes? (c) What are
the disadvantages?

How should Bloomberg handle questions about its ability to protect traders' data?

Why would Spamhaus be the target of such a large DDoS attack?

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) Distinguish between verification and identification. (b) Which requires more matches against
templates? (c) Which is more likely to generate a false acceptance? Why? (d) Compare
identification with watch list matching. (e) Which is more likely to generate a false match? Why?

(a) Why is 802.1X called Port-Based Access Control? (b) Where is the heavy authentication
work done? (c) What are the three benefits of using a central authentication server? (d) Which
device is the verifier? Explain. (Tricky question) (e) Which device is called the authenticator?

Why does EFF publish a report about consumer privacy at large Internet companies?

(a) What are the three devices in central authentication using RADIUS servers? (b) What is the
role of the authenticator? (c) What is the role of the central authentication server?

(a) How does an EAP session start? (b) What types of messages carry requests for authentication
information and responses to these requests? (c) Describe how the central authentication server
tells the authenticator that the supplicant is acceptable. (d) How does the authenticator pass this
information on to the su

See Full Question And Answer at

(a) How is information in directory servers organized? (b) What are the top two levels of the
organization? (c) Do directory servers only hold information about people?

Brute force is used to crack a 100-bit key. The key is cracked in only 5,000 tries. How can this

(a) What prompted the Wi-Fi Alliance to create WPA? (b) Compare WPA and 802.11i security.
(c) What does the Wi-Fi Alliance call 802.11i? (d) Despite its security weaknesses, why do many
companies continue to use WPA instead of 802.11i?

How might privacy concerns affect customer loyalty and new product adoption?

Should governments provide support to businesses to prevent cyber espionage? How?

See Full Question And Answer at

Longer keys are more difficult to crack. Most symmetric keys today are 100 to 300 bits long.
Why don't systems use far longer symmetric keys-say, 1,000 bit keys?

Could your network administrator open these files after you encrypted them with AxCrypt? Why

(a) Does a digital signature by itself provide authentication? Explain why or why not. (b) Does a
digital certificate by itself provide authentication? Explain why or why not. (c) How are digital
signatures and digital certificates used together in authentication?

(a) Explain the four general goals for secure networking. (b) How can information be gathered
from encrypted network traffic? (c) Give an example of how new technology has made networks
less secure. (d) How does the castle model relate to secure networking? (e) What is meant by
"death of the perimeter?" (f) How do

(a) SSL/TLS was created for host-to-host (browser-webserver) communication. What device can
turn SSL/TLS into a remote access VPN? (b) In SSL/TLS remote access VPNs, to what device
does the client authenticate itself? (c) When a remote client transmits in an SSL/TLS VPN, how
far does confidential transmission defin

See Full Question And Answer at

How could Bloomberg insiders use terminal data to front-run traders?

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