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 An employer's computerized recruitment system should include all of the

following elements EXCEPT:

A) hypertext transfer protocol to enable applicants to post their resumes in any format or

B) requisition management systems to facilitate routing, approval, and posting of job


C) hiring management software to collect and manage candidate information

D) recruitment marketing to improve applicant pool quality   

A) hypertext transfer protocol to enable applicants to post their resumes in any

format or font

 All of the following are common concerns that have been expressed to
researchers by temporary employees EXCEPT ________.

A) feeling angry towards the corporate world

B) being in compliance with equal employment laws

C) feeling insecure about their employment situation

D) worrying about the lack of insurance benefits

E) being treated by employers in an impersonal manner

B) being in compliance with equal employment laws

 All of the following terms are used to describe the contingent workforce of
an organization EXCEPT ________.

A) seasonal employees

B) part-time employees

C) collateral workers

D) temporary workers

E) just-in-time workers
C) collateral workers

 When constructing a job advertisement, all of the following are aspects of

the AIDA guide EXCEPT ________.

A) attracting attention to the ad

B) implying long-term benefits

C) creating desire for the job

D) prompting applicant action

E) developing interest in the job

B) implying long-term benefits

 Counselors in state-run employment agencies conduct all of the following activities EXCEPT

A) reviewing employer job requirements

B) filing employer tax reports

C) visiting employer work sites

D) writing job descriptions

E) filling job positions

B) filing employer tax reports

 All of the following are methods used by firms to develop high-potential candidates for
future positions EXCEPT ________.

A) providing internal training

B) offering cross-functional experiences

C) implementing job rotation

D) offering global assignments

E) developing skills inventories

E) developing skills inventories

 A recruiting yield pyramid is the historical arithmetic relationship between all of the
following EXCEPT ________.

A) internal and external candidates

B) offers made and offers accepted

C) recruitment leads and invitees

D) invitees and interviews

E) interviews and offers made

A) internal and external candidates

 All of the following are advantages of a firm recruiting through a central office EXCEPT

A) reducing the duplication of efforts

B) implementing company-wide strategic priorities

C) ensuring EEO compliance among recruiters

D) developing autonomous divisions and Web sites

E) simplifying the recruiting process

D) developing autonomous divisions and Web sites

 All of the following are characteristics of a job posting EXCEPT ________.

A) listing the job's attributes

B) providing the job's pay rate

C) publicizing the open job to employees

D) listing the job's required qualifications

E) indicating the preferred number of applicants

E) indicating the preferred number of applicants

 Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using all of the following
EXCEPT a ________.

A) ratio analysis matrix

B) personnel replacement chart

C) position replacement card

D) skills inventory software

E) personnel inventory and development record form

A) ratio analysis matrix

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