Detox Recipes

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Detox Recipes for

Nirahaara Samyama
Over 50 juices for detoxification of the body, mind and soul

Presented By United Nations for Nutritious Food and A Hunger Free World
Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

Nirahara Samyama in brief ​6
What is Nirahara Samyama? ​6
What does His Divine Holiness Say on Nirahaara Samyama? ​7
Do’s and Don’ts ​11
General Tips ​13

1. CAC 40 Juice ​15

2. Just COG Juice ​16
3. Spinach Apple Juice ​17
4. CAO CAO Juice ​18
5. Red Cabbage Juice ​20
6. Liquid Licorice ​21
7. Chirpy Me ​24
8. Zen Zone Juice ​25
9. Cucumber & Celery Juice ​27
10. Radish Juice ​28
11. Catonic Juice ​30
12. Lemon Green Juice ​31
13. Happy Apple Juice ​32
14. Green Apple Juice ​33
15. Cantaloupe Juice ​34
16. Cucumber & Apple Juice ​36
17. Lech Leche Juice ​37
18. Sweet Carrot Juice ​40
19. Banana stem juice ​43
20. Grape Juice ​44
21. Mint Coconut Juice ​46
22. Amla Juice ​47
23. Bilva Tender Coconut Juice ​48
24. C4 Juice ​49
25. Chocolate Avocado Smoothie ​52
26. Chocolate Coconut Smoothie ​53
27. Blue Kale Smoothie ​54
28. Blended Beans Smoothie ​56
29. Machard Smoothie ​57
30. CK Pear Smoothie ​59
31. Chard Colada Smoothie ​60
32. Tropical Chaps Smoothie ​61
33. Nutella Popeye Smoothie ​62
34. Wake up Smoothie ​64
35. Cherry Smoothie ​65
36. Raspberry Chia Seeds Smoothie ​66

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

37. Dino Verde Smoothie ​67

38. Spinach -Banana Smoothie ​68
39. Coco Azul Smoothie ​69
40. Blue Dino Smoothie ​71
41. Liquid Pecan Smoothie ​73
42. Almond Dew Smoothie ​75
43. Lime Popeye Smoothie ​77
44. Pina Colada Smoothie ​78
45. Mint Chocolate Smoothie ​80
46. Halloween Smoothie ​82
47. Plato Popeye Smoothie ​86
48. Casi Popeye Smoothie ​87
49. Anafresco Smoothie ​89

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

Nirahara Samyama in brief

What is Nirahara Samyama?
Nirahara Samyama is an ancient Vedic Science brought to you by the Living
​ is Divine
Incarnation of Paramashiva, the Supreme Divinity of Hinduism: H

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam​. This Nirahaara Samyama is to safely

break away from Food and Hunger related patterns by awakening your
Kundalini and producing energy directly from space without depending on
any food intake through a proper visualization and Kriya.

What does His Divine Holiness Say on Nirahaara Samyama?

“Nirahara Samyama means to explore and discover your body’s possibilities
without having any external input like food or water.
Your body is the miniature of the Cosmos, with all possible intelligence in it.
If a fish can swim, you can swim, if a bird can fly, you can fly. Just, you need
to rediscover those possibilities from your bio-memory, reawaken those
possibilities in your bio-memory.

You need to understand, you need to live, you need to realize, only by living
you will understand – the food is one of the powerful collective delusory
pattern. ‘Collective Delusory Pattern’, that is what is the closest definition to
Maya. Maya means what is not there, but shown- is Maya. Maya means the
patterns which moves you away from your life’s mission, which does not let
you go near your life’s mission. Maya is the name, but it does not define
Food is one of the major ‘collective delusory pattern’ we human beings have
created for ourselves.
I tell you, if you do this Nirahara Samyama Kriya which I will be teaching on
July 1st in the Nithya Satsang, your bio-memory will be awakened to produce
the food directly from space. As I said, so many people got healed of so many
diseases from this Kriya and through this Nirahara Samyama.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

The Purpose and Promise of Nirahara Samyama

Slowly, slowly, training your bio-memory to produce the energy directly from
the space and liberating you from all the patterns you created about food
and food itself – that is the purpose of Nirahara Samyama. And it is possible.
It is possible. Your bio-memory, once awakened, will do so much good
which you can’t imagine.
I am not giving you false promises; I am just giving you possibility. When
you enter into the space of Nirahara, not only you go beyond food, suddenly
your consciousness rises to the next level. Your consciousness rises to the
next level; completely to the next level.
Nirahara Samyama will undoubtedly prove your own higher possibility for
you. I tell you, if you want to practice Shraddha, Authenticity, gain
confidence. First thing, hit at the root-pattern of food. Hit at the root-pattern
of food. When you hit at the pattern of food, you will gain confidence about
your Authenticity. You will gain confidence that you can be authentic, you
can do something which others are afraid of doing, you can do something
which even you are afraid of doing.

Confidence & Capability to Practise Integrity, Authenticity,

Responsibility, Enriching
Nirahara Samyama is one of the most powerful technique, most powerful

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

Understand, it is so unfortunate, human-beings have forgotten their

capability so much, it takes so much to remember and bring them back to
that space of remembrance of their capabilities. Nirahara Samyama will
really, really, really help you to experience Authenticity, to live Authenticity,
because it’s a direct experience which you can see directly, which you can
listen directly, which you can visualize directly, the pattern with which you
can directly play, complete.
First thing required for Nirahara Samyama, start practicing Integrity,
Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Complete all the patterns related
to food. I tell you, once you reach COMPLETION, you don’t need the quantity
of food you are taking.
With completion starts LIFE. Otherwise you are running out of compulsion.
Either you run the life in compulsion, or completion. With completion, your
life starts. With compulsion, not only you don’t have life, you constantly
reduce the level of your life. Bring constantly Integrity to your thinking;
Authenticity to your behavior; Responsibility to your actions; Enriching to
your lifestyle.

The Essence of Nirahara – Blasting Away Your Patterns and

Liberating you from Food-Patterns
Nirahara Samyama not only liberates you from food, it liberates you lot of
patterns you created based on food and many bondages related to food. See,
if you want to remove a rock, first you blast, then it becomes loose. Then
removing the rock is easy. Same way, all your patterns, if you blast that
patterns with Nirahara Samyama, then removing all the patterns is very

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

Nirahara YouTube Channel

NIrahaara Website

Steps in Nirahara Samyama – Introductory Level

● The technique is simple comprised of 21 days split over 3 levels. Level 1
is 2 days, one day break followed by level 2, 7 days followed by one day
break followed by level 3 of 11 days. All through the three levels of, 2
days, 7 days and 11 days you must be on liquid diet.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

● Liquid diet is any Liquids like water, milk, buttermilk, juices, thin
porridges, soups, tea. The thumb rule keep the stomach full and don’t
take anything that needs chewing, grinding, using your teeth. Liquids
must be of the consistency to slip easily through the throat.
● Take Kadukai (Haritaki) powder 1 teaspoon every day at night
● Watch Sathsang every day in Nithyananda.TV or in YouTube
mala /Rosary of 108 beads).This is responsible for Ajapa Japa
happening in you
● Nirahara Samyama Kriya for levels 1, 2 and 3: (Banyan Tree
meditation). Sit in a comfortable Asana (Padmasana/Ardha
Padmasana/Vajrasana) and breathe in (inhale) through both the
nostrils and mouth together simultaneously and hold it judiciously as
long as possible and visualize you are Bidadi Banyan Tree receiving
your food and energy from space. Breathe out (exhale) from both
nostrils slowly. Do this for 21 minutes. Visualization sets unclutching
● Introduction to Hunger Free Meditation
● Nirahara Samyama Kriya

Do’s and Don’ts

● Never be lazy and put yourself in Thamasik (laziness) state during
Nirahara Samyama. Be active and involve yourself in activities and do
regular Yoga and Nithya dhyaan, Meditations. Actively listening to the
Spiritual Truths through Swamiji's satsangs on YouTube.
● Take Kadukai (Haritaki) powder 1 teaspoon every day at night

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

● Drink plenty of liquids to fill your stomach. Drink only liquids, Juices,
Soups, Buttermilk, and Milk etc. in good qty.
● Thumb rule Keep the stomach full. The consistency of liquid should be
- enough to slip through the throat. You should avoid any thing that is
solid and chewable
● You will develop whitish/greyish layer on the tongue regularly clean
with tongue cleaner. Haritaki powder will help heal small micro ulcers
if they develop due to body heat.
● At any time you feel you are not able to bear or feel it is affecting your
health, please break the Nirahara Samyama and resume eating. That
ends your Nirahara Samyama.
● Be confident, be with strong feeling connection, Nirahara Samyama
will happen in all participants very successfully by the Blessings and
Grace of Swamiji.
● At any time you need help and encouragement please message
Nirahara Samyama Team on our Facebook pages or join our
guidelines sessions announced on our pages
● Use ​organic​ and ​non-gmo​ food always.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

General Tips
● For plant based milk, sock nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios, etc.)
for 8 to 12 hours, mix water in 1:4 ratio for thin milk or 1:3 ratio for
thick milk and blend it in a high speed blender and use nut milk bag to
extract milk.
● If nut milk feels heavy you can replace it with water
● Using a slow juicer is recommended
● It’s recommended to be on clear juices, coconut water, milks and thin
soups if possible, go to smoothies only needed

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

1.CAC 40 Juice
Yields: 24 Oz

● Carrots - 8 big
● Lemon - 1 Small
● ginger - 1"
● Apples -2
● Celery Stalks -4

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients through the juicer.

2. Just COG Juice

Yields: 40 Oz

● Carrots - 2 lbs.
● Navel Oranges -6
● Ginger, Chopped - 2 Tbsps.

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients through the juicer.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

3. Spinach Apple Juice

Yields: 36 Oz

● Apples -2
● Celery - 1 Bunch
● Beet Root - 2 XXS
● Carrots -8
● Baby Spinach - 6 OZ TJ

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Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients through the juicer.

4. CAO CAO Juice

Yields: 36 Oz

● Celery - 1 Bunch
● Apples - 5 Medium (I used Gala Apples)
● Oranges, Peeled -2

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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5. Red Cabbage Juice

Yields: 36 Oz

● Apples -3
● Red Cabbage - 1/2 Head XX-Small
● Carrots -6
● Ginger Root - 1"
● Lemon -1
● Spinach - 4 cups

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Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

6.Liquid Licorice
Yields: 22 Oz

● Fennel -1
● Beet with Greens -1
● Fuji Apples -4

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Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

If you enjoy the taste of licorice, you will love fennel. Fennel helps your eyes
to increase in sensitivity, overcoming night blindness. Some have found
fennel juice good for relieving migraine headaches.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

7​. ​Perrezana Juice

Yields: 30 Oz

● Parsley - 1 Bunch
● Carrots -4
● Cucumbers -2
● Celery - 1 Bunch
● Lemon -1

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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8. Chirpy Me
Yields: 30 Oz

● Carrots -4
● Cucumbers -2
● Small Parsnips -2
● Lemons -2
● Green Bell Pepper -1

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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Parsnip, Cucumber and Bell Pepper are good source of the trace mineral
Silicon, which is recommended to strength skin, hair and fingernails as well
as bones. In studies Silicon has been shown to reduce signs of aging by
improving thickness of skin and reducing wrinkles.

9. Zen Zone Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Carrots - 20
● Green Apples -4

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● Ginger - 1 (thumb-size)

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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10. Cucumber & Celery Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Carrots -9
● Celery - 1 and 1/2 Bunches
● English Cucumber -2
● Spinach - 7.5 oz
● Lemons - 2 small
● Beet with Greens - 1 and 1/2 small

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Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

11. Radish Juice

Yields: 58 Oz

● Carrots - 20
● Radishes - 12 (1 bunch radish)
● Lemon -1
● Cucumber - 4 Regular (2 English Cucumber)

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

12. Catonic Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Tomatoes -4
● Cucumber - 5 regular /4 English cucumber
● Asparagus - 1 bunch (28 stems)
● Lemon -1

Preparation Method

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Process all the ingredients in a juicer.


13. Lemon Green Juice

Yields: 38 Oz

● Romaine lettuce - 14 ounces
● Kale - 1 bunch
● Fuji apples -4
● Lemons -2
● Ginger - 2 inches

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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14. Happy Apple Juice

Yields: 57 Oz

● Spinach - 10 ounces

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● Fuji apples -4
● Carrots -4
● Celery - 2 bunch
● Lemons -2
● Ginger - 1 & 1/2 inches

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

Green Apple Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Lacinato kale - 1 bunch
● Cucumber -2
● Celery - 1 and 1/2 bunch
● Green apples(Granny Smith)- 3
● Lemons - 2 small
● Ginger - 2 inches

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

If you are new to green juice, proceed with caution.
If this is your first time making this, may be use Fuji apple instead of granny
Or add coconut water while drinking to mellow down the green juice taste.

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15. Cantaloupe Juice

Yields: 16 Oz

● Cantaloupe/Muskmelon -1
● Sweet Potato - 2 Medium/4 small
● Pear -1

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

17. Cucumber & Apple Juice

Yields: 16 Oz

● Large Cucumber - 1 Regular
● Celery Bunch -1
● Fuji Apples - 3 Costco
● Lemon -1
● Ginger - 1"
● Black pepper Powder - 1 pinch

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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18. Lech Leche Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Romaine Hearts -2
● Bunch Celery -1
● Golden Delicious Apple -1

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● Gala Apple -1
● Pear -1
● Lime (Peeled) -1

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

Lettuce calms you down, good to have when you are stressed.

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19​. ​Orange- Ginger Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Orange - 4 lb. Bag
● Ginger - 1"

Preparation Method
Process all the ingredients in a juicer.

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20. Sweet Carrot Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Carrot - 3 lbs.
● Coconut milk - 2 cups
● Honey / Jaggery - To taste
● Cardamom Powder - 1 pinch

Preparation Method
Take milk out of coconut by blending coconut and water and filter through
nut milk bag
Process carrots in a juicer. Mix with coconut milk, honey and cardamom.

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22​. ​Pumpkin Carrot Beet Juice

Yields: Oz

● White Pumpkin - 1 lb.
● Carrot - 1/2 lb.
● Beetroot - 1/4 lb.
● Cardamom - 1 pinch
● Honey/Jaggery - To taste

Preparation Method
Process everything in a juicer and add cardamom & honey/jaggery.

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23. Banana stem juice

Yields: Oz

● Banana Stem - 1/2 ft.

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● Butter milk - 1 cup

● Salt - 2 pinch

Preparation Method
Blend everything together and filter

24. Grape Juice

● Grapes - 1 lb.

Preparation Method
Blend well and add water to dilute it if needed

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25. Mint Coconut Juice

Yields: Oz

● Mint - 1/2 bunch
● Coconut - 1/2
● Water - 2 Cups.

Preparation Method
Blend well and filter using a nut milk bag

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26. Amla Juice

Yields: Oz

● Amla -4
● Water - 2 cups
● Jaggery / Salt - To taste

Preparation Method
Blend amla with water well and filter using a nut milk bag and add

27. Bilva Tender Coconut Juice

Yields: Oz

● Bilva leaves - 10
● Tender coconut water -1
● Honey/Jaggery - To taste

Preparation Method
Blend well and filter using a nut milk bag

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28. C4 Juice
Yields: 50 Oz

● Coconut milk - 2 cups
● Carrot - 2 lbs.
● Cucumber - 2 medium.
● Coriander Leaves - 1 bunch
● Salt - 1/4 tsp
● Black Pepper Powder - 1/4 tsp

Preparation Method

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Take milk out of coconut by blending coconut and water and filter through
nut milk bag
Process carrots, cucumber and coriander leaves in a juicer. Mix juice,
coconut milk, salt & pepper.

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29. Watermelon Juice

Yields: 50 Oz

● Watermelon - 1 baby or 1/3 big
● Lime - 1.
● Salt - 1/8 tsp
● Black Pepper Powder - 1/8 tsp

Preparation Method
Take juice out of lime and process everything in a blender

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Recipes for Nirahaara Samyama

30. Chocolate Avocado Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 2 cups
● Chia seeds - 2 tbsps.
● Raw cacao powder or cacao nibs - 1 and 1/2 tbsps.
● Ground Cinnamon - 1/4 tsp
● Fuji apple, cored -1
● Avocado - 1/2
● Water - 2 cups
● Dates - 2 (preferred) / 1 tbsp. molasses

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

Adjust cacao powder and sweetener (dates/figs) according to your likings for
the bitter taste of the chocolate

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31. Chocolate Coconut Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 2 cups
● Blueberries - 1 and 1/2 cup
● Avocado - 1/2
● Raw cacao powder - 2 tbsps.
● Coconut water - 2 cups or water 2 cups or 1 cup
coconut water and 1 cup water

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

Adjust cacao powder and sweetener (dates/figs) according to your likings for
the bitter taste of the chocolate

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32. Blue Kale Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Baby kale - 2 cups
● Blueberries - 1 and 1/2 cups
● Avocado -1
● Hemp seeds - 2 tbsps.
● Lime juice - 1 tbsp.
● coconut water - 1 cup
● Brewed green tea (chilled) - 1 cup

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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33. Turtle Kale Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Black beans - 3 tbsps.
● Salt - 1/8 tsp
● Water - 2 and 1/2 cups

● Kale - 2 cups
● Blackberries - 1 and 1/2 cups
● Banana -1
● Cooked black beans - 1/2 cup
● Almonds - 20
● Raw cacao powder - 2 tbsps.
● Water - 2 cups

Preparation Method
Overnight soak black beans in water. Drain the soaked water, wash the
beans, add beans, salt and water to a pan, and allow it to boil, reduce the
heat to low, cover partially and cook for 1 hour.
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

Adjust cacao powder and sweetener (dates/figs) according to your likings for
the bitter taste of the chocolate

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34. Blended Beans Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Black beans - 3 tbsps.
● Salt - 1/8 tsp
● Water - 2 and 1/2 cups

● Blueberries - 1 cup
● Blackberries - 1 cup
● Banana -1
● Cooked black beans - 1/2 cup
● Walnuts - 1/4 cup
● Raw cacao powder - 2 tbsps.
● Almond milk - 2 cup

Preparation Method
Overnight soak black beans in water. Drain the soaked water, wash the
beans, add beans, salt and water to a pan, and allow it to boil, reduce the
heat to low, cover partially and cook for 1 hour.
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

Adjust cacao powder and sweetener (dates/figs) according to your likings for
the bitter taste of the chocolate

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35.Machard Smoothie
Serves: 2

● Swiss chard - 2 Cups (2 large leaves and 2 large
● Banana -1
● Almonds - 1/4 cup
● Maca powder - 2 tsp
● Dates -2
● Coconut water - 2 cups or Water 2 cups

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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36. CK Pear Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Swiss chard - 1 cup (1 large chard leaves and 1
● Kale - 1 cup (1 large curly kale leaves, no
● Pear - 1 medium (D'Anjou pear)
● Blueberries - 1 cup
● Cashews - 1/4 cup
● Goji berries, dried - 1/2 cup
● Cacao powder or nibs - 2 tbsps.

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● Plant based milk - 2 cups

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly. It’s a very thick smoothie

Adjust cacao powder and sweetener (dates/figs) according to your likings for
the bitter taste of the chocolate

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37. Chard Colada Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Swiss chard - 2 cups (3 stems and 2 and 1/2
large leaves)
● Tropical fruit - 1 and 1/2 cups (Mango or
Pineapple or Papaya or combination of them)
● Sweet potato - 1 medium (1 cup after baking)
● Almond butter - 2 tbsps.
● Ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
● Water - 2 cups

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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38. Tropical Chaps Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 1 cup
● Swiss chard - 1 cup (1 and 1/2 large chard leaves
and 1 stem)
● Pumpkin seeds - 2 tbsps.
● Mango -1
● Pineapple - 1 cup
● Cashews - 1/4 cup
● Coconut water or Water - 2 cups

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Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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39. Nutella Popeye Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 2 cups
● Banana -1
● Raspberries - 1 cup
● Dry roasted hazelnuts - 20
● Raw cacao powder - 2 tbsps.
● Pure vanilla extract - 1 tsp
● Plant based milk - 2 cups

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

Adjust cacao powder and sweetener (dates/figs) according to your likings for
the bitter taste of the chocolate

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40. Wake up Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 2 cups
● Banana -1
● Pumpkin seeds - 2 tbsps.
● Orange -1
● Carrot - 1 cup
● Plant based milk - 2 cups

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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41. Cherry Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 2 cups
● Banana -1
● Fresh/Frozen pitted cherries - 10 ounces
● Walnuts - 1/4 cup
● Fresh ginger, chopped - 1/2 tsp
● Plant based milk - 2 cups

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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42. Raspberry Chia Seeds Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 2 cups
● Broccoli florets - 1/2 cup
● Mango - 1 (1 cup)
● Orange - 1 medium
● Strawberries - 4 medium
● Raspberries - 1/2 cup
● Chia seeds - 2 tbsps.
● Water - 2 cups

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Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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43. Dino Verde Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Dinosaur kale (3 stalks) - 1 cup
● Granny smith apples - 2 (core and seeds removed, if too
waxy, peeled as well)
● Cucumber - 1 cup (1/2 regular cucumber)
● Celery stalks - 1 (1/3 cup chopped)
● Pineapple / mango - 3/4 cup (1 mango)
● Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
● Hemp seeds - 1/4 cup
● Fresh mint leaves -2
● Coconut oil - 1 tbsps.
● Coconut water - 1 cup
● Water - 1 cup

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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44.. Spinach -Banana Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Spinach - 2 cups
● Banana -1
● Orange -1
● Almonds - 1/4 Cup
● Chia seeds - 1 tbsp.
● Blackstrap molasses - 1 tbsp.
● Plant based milk - 2 Cups

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

45. Coco Azul Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Nut Milk - 2 Cups
● Vanilla Extract - 1/2 Tsp
● Coconut Oil - 2 Tbsps.
● Unsweetened Coconut Flakes - 1/4 Cup
● Bananas -2
● Flaxseed Meal - 1 Tbsp.
● Frozen Blueberries - 1 Cup
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Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

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46. Blue Dino Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Lacinato Kale - 1 Cup (4 stems)
● Blueberries - 1 and 1/2 Cup
● Banana -2
● Nut Milk - 2 Cup
● Medjool Dates -2
● Vanilla Extract - 1/2 Tsp
● Chia Seeds - 2 Tbsps.
● Hemp Seeds - 1 Tbsp.

Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

47. Liquid Pecan Smoothie

Serves: 4

● Banana - 4 Large
● Pecan Nuts - 1 Cup
● Nut Milk - 2 Cup
● Maple Syrup - 4 Tbsps.

Preparation Method

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Process the bananas in blender until smooth. Add nuts and blend again until
thoroughly combined.
The nuts must be finely ground so stop and scrape down the side of the bowl
once or twice, if necessary.
Add the maple syrup, then pour the milk over the banana paste and blend
again until creamy.
Pour smoothie in tall glasses, sprinkle with extra pecan nuts.

It may be good to make Popsicle out of this

48. Purple Rain Smoothie

Serves: 3

● Almond Milk - 3 Cups
● Blueberries, Fresh or Frozen - 3 Cups
● Fresh Ginger, Grated - 1 Tbsp.

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Preparation Method
Add all ingredients to blender and blend smoothly.

49. Almond Dew Smoothie

Serves: 3

● RIPE Honeydew Melon, Diced - 3 Cups
● Unsweetened Almond Milk - 3 Cups
● Honey - need basis
● Cardamom Powder - 1/8 Tsp

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Preparation Method
Add honeydew to the blender and blend to a smooth paste.
Add almond milk to the honeydew melon puree and process until smooth.

Tastes yummy only if you use RIPE honeydew. Consistency is like milk not
like smoothie

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50. Lime Popeye Smoothie

Serves: 3

● Coconut Water - 3 Cups
● Freshly Squeezed Lime Juice - 4 Tbsp (1 Lime)
● Mashed Avocado - 1/4 Cup (3/4 Avocado)
● Fresh Spinach Leaves - 3 Handful
● Medjool Dates, Pitted -3
● Shredded Coconut - 1/4 Cup

Preparation Method
Blend all the ingredients until smooth.

51. Pina Colada Smoothie

Serves: 3

● Crushed Pineapple In Juice - 14 Oz Can
● Coconut Milk - 13.5 Oz
● Bananas, Peeled and Frozen -3

Preparation Method
Blend all the ingredients in blender until smooth.

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52. Mint Chocolate Smoothie

Serves: 3

● Bananas -1
● Nut Milk - 1 and 1/4 Cups
● Fresh Mint Leaves - Handful
● Spinach - 2 Handful
● Peppermint Extract (Optional) - 1/8 - 1/4 Tsp
● Dark Chocolate Nibs, For Garnish - 2 Tbsps.

Preparation Method
Add in all the ingredients, except the chocolate into a blender and blend
until smooth.

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53. Beet- Avocado Smoothie

Serves: 3

● Water - 1 Cup
● Avocado, Pitted - 1/2 Medium
● Celery Stalks, Roughly Chopped - 2
● Strawberries (Frozen Preferred) - 1 Cup
● Beet, Chopped and Steamed - 1 Small / Medium
● Lemon, Juiced -1
● Coconut Oil - 1 Tbsp
● Apple (Optional), Chopped -1

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Preparation Method
Steam the beet if necessary before starting.
Add all the ingredients into a high speed blender and blend on high until
smooth. Adjust sweetness if desired, adding an apple or liquid sweetener to
taste if needed.

54. Halloween Smoothie

Serves: 1

● Nut Milk - 1 Cup
● Pumpkin Canned - 1/2 Cup
● Banana - 1/2
● Raisins - 1 Tbsp. or 1/2 Tsp Maple Syrup
● Vanilla Extract - 1/2 Tsp

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● Ground Cinnamon - 1/4 Tsp

● Ground Ginger - 1/8 Tsp
● Ground Nutmeg - 1/8 Tsp
● Ground Cloves - 1/8 Tsp
● Ground All Spice - 1/8 Tsp

Preparation Method
Blend all the ingredients in blender until smooth.

55. Breakfast Smoothie

Serves: 2


● Nut Milk - 2 Cup

● Oats - 2 Tbsps.
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● Hemp Seed - 1 Tbsp.

● Chia Seed - 1 Tbsp.
● Raisins - 2 Tbsps.
● Vanilla Extract - 1/2 Tsp
● Raw Walnuts - 2 Tbsps.
● Ground Cinnamon - 1/4 Tsp
● Banana -2

Preparation Method
Combine all the above ingredients except banana and let it stand for 30 mins
or more.
Add banana and blend until smooth.

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56. Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Rolled Oats - 2 Tbsps.
● Hemp Seeds - 2 Tbsps.
● Flax Seed - 1 Tbsp.
● Chia Seed - 1 Tbsp.
● Date -4
● Strawberries - 1 Cup
● Nut Milk - 2 Cup
● Banana -1

Preparation Method
Combine all the above except banana and keep it for at least 4 hours or
overnight in the fridge. Add bananas and blend.

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57. Plato Popeye Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Rolled Oats - 2 Tbsps.
● Flax Seed - 1 Tbsp.
● Chia Seed - 1 and 1/2 Tbsps.
● Hemp Seed - 1 and 1/2 Tbsps.
● Nut Milk - 2 Cup
● Date -4
● Banana -1
● Spinach - 5 Oz

Preparation Method

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Add everything except banana & spinach the night before and keep it in the
Add bananas, spinach and blend.

58. Casi Popeye Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Nut Milk - 2 Cup
● Spinach - 4 Cups /5 OZ
● Banana -2
● Flax Seed / Ground Flax Seed - 1 Tbsp.
● Raw Almond Butter - 2 Tbsps.

Preparation Method
Blend all the ingredients in blender until smooth.

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59. Anafresco Smoothie

Serves: 2

● Strawberries, Chopped - 1 Cup
● Unsweetened Nut Milk - 2 Cup
● Oats - 2 Tbsps.
● Hemp Seeds - 2 Tbsps.
● Chia Seeds - 2 Tbsps.
● Cashews - 2 Tbsps.
● Lemon Juice - 2 Tsp
● Vanilla - 1/2 Tsp
● Maple Syrup - 2 Tbsps.

Preparation Method
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and place it in the fridge overnight
or at least 4 hours in advance.
In the morning, process until smooth.

If you feel this is heavy, you can skip one seed.

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