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What is biodecoding?

Biodecoding, also known as bioneuroemoción, is an alternative therapy. Its
practitioners believe that the cells contain information related to the experiences of
each person's ancestors. These experiences can be activated due to emotional
suffering and cause a physical illnesses.

According to this therapy, diseases are formed due to changes in the cells of the
body. Therefore, the therapist must access the hidden emotions and solve them to
end the malignant symptoms of the disease. Biodecoding has proven to be very
useful for different types of diseases. However, under no circumstances should this
therapy be a substitute for traditional medicine, it can be used only as a complement.

Most people would often have a hard time harking back about things that happened
in the past, specially those that harmed us or made us feel something unpleasant.
But biodecoding emphasises that these harmful situations or moments are what
trigger the mind into causing a physical illness or a lack of well being.

How does it work? ANA

Once the supposed underlying cause of the disease has been discovered, methods
such as neuro linguistic programming, Ericksonian hypnosis or transgenerational
therapy are used to adjust emotional problems. Although some claim that only after
using biodecoding as their treatment did their illness get better, it depends on the
person and their will to solve the problem, other people my rely on other forms of

Therefore, biodecoding is defined as"the art of accompanying the person to find the
hidden emotion associated with the symptom it presents, in order to decode it and
thus promote healing through the release of this unconscious emotion and its

However, not everybody enjoys the idea of trying to decode their minds, not only
because of how much time it takes to do so but also because it only adds to the
workload of already hard-pressed individuals.

3 common diseases and their causes

according to biodecoding BELU
There are many diseases that can be treated with the technique of biodecoding. Of
course, any diagnosis of a disease must be in the hands of professionals.
1- Arthritis BELU
People with arthritis tend to be very argus eyed, both of others and of themselves.

Focusing too much on the negative aspects of their own lives and those of others, is
what aggravates this disease. It is accountable for a lack of underlying self-love.

2- Flue or colds Anto

These types of diseases are caused by a lasting conflict that generates stress,
emotional distress and disgust.

These negative emotions can weaken the immune system, and therefore become
the cause of lasting catarrh or flu that is not solved until the hidden cause is treated.

3- Overweight Anto
Being overweight is related to feelings of fear, sadness and helplessness. In general
there are certain emotional, amorous or sexual deficiencies that are tried to alleviate
with an excess of food.

Other possible emotional causes of overweight are loneliness, boredom, rejection or

feeling of failure, as well as low self-esteem in general.

How to carry out biodecodification? BELU

Biodecodification can be identified as a technique which has valuable data related to the
symptoms of multiple illnesses from different origins, unveiling its evolution with the prospect
of upgrading our physical and mental conditions; thus making it possible to have a perfectly
harmonized organism both on both conscious and unconscious

In order to carry out decodification, knowing what condition is tied to our consciousness and
what do we want to improve must be kept in mind, and it is important the patient be aware of
that which causes malaise. Once we prioritize what we want to improve, this will be,
allegedly, the biologic response to whether conflict the organism can’t solve on its own
By using this technique, it can be deduced that illness do not come from the exterior
but they are also deeply tied to internal energetical connections, even though it seems
hard to believe

Biodecodification’s objectives ANI

Biodecodification’s main goal is to find the symptom which causes the sickness, in a
way in which the patient can become fully aware of it unveiling its evolution with the
sole purpose of upgrading our physical and mental conditions, making it possible to have a
perfectly harmonized organism both on both conscious and unconscious. This is utterly
fruitful if you are determined that the sickness vanish rapidly.
Biodecodifaction’s second objective is to try to reach the patient’s hidden emotion,
the emotion which isn’t easy to express and which is related to cultural or religious
values, generally in the unconscious, making it prevail abroad and thus begin the
healing process

Benefits from bioneuroemotion Anto

Within the benefits from bioneuroemotion or biodecodification, a special

methodology can be highlighted. This technique specializes in learning how to use
treatments which undertake the entire organism in a cellular standpoint, associating
it to the symptoms and emotions presented in each person

Likewise, this emotional therapy optimizes each treatment the patient receives,
teaching the person to improve its concentration and listen the organism’s most
intimate need, as well as how to listen to the body’s biology and mental health

Doctors against biodecodification BELU

Although doctors against this technique acknowledge high-stress environment cause

changes that may have repercussions in our body, they repudiate that defenders from
biodecodification relate serious illnesses to familiar circes

Moreover, this science defenders express their shame on society for being
mesmerized by these “fraudsters” and their razzamatazz. The doctors go on to
explain cases such as french dentist Christian Beyer, who created “dental
decodification” and was reported to the police by his own paciets. Furthermore, the
article also explains how New Germanic Medicine doctor Claude Sabbah has just
finished his prison sentence, after being proved guilty of a patient's death, who felt
mesmerized by the French doctor and quit his prostate cancer treatment in order to
start his biodescodificacion treatment

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