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FLUTTER WEBVIEW APP (these are the step by step instructions / features)

1. it shows the splash screen (optional, could be disabled)

2. login screen, the first time the user opens the app he is presented with a
login/register screen
a. he will have this options: google,facebook,twitter,email.
b. the email retrieved from the social login or email login must be associated or
linked to the phone’s token_id (this will be useful in push notifications)
c. all the info of the user will be stored in a MySQL database at my hosting. I
think this could be done with a PHP webservice maybe.
d. The next time the user opens the app it must remember the login and go
directly to the webview screen.
e. if he chooses email registration,
i. he will receive an email with a link to confirm his identity , if the user
clicks on the link, then it is authorized and added as a new user,
another email is sent with a welcome message and thanks for
ii. there must be a recover password option, he must enter his email and
click on the recover button, then he receives an email with a link,
when he clicks he has the option to enter a new password and confirm
the new password. He receives an email with a confirmation that the
password has changed.

3. there must be an option to disable the login screen if i want, and go directly from the
splash screen to the webview screen
4. The Webview will have a default URL to open, it has to be easy to modify this URL in
5. The Webview has to “feel similar” to the chrome app, with features like
a. Pull down to refresh
b. back button goes back to the previous page.
c. remember logins in webpages, for example in some pages made with
wordpress you have to fill forms with your info, or you can login/register to
wordpress with a username, i would like this info to be remembered if the
user closes and opens the app again.
d. internet detection in case there is a problem with wifi or 4g connection, if it
can detect webpage’s 404 errors and 500 errors would be nice, but it’s not
very important.
6. Push notifications with title, description and the option to show a photo.

7. Example
8. The Dashboard is a webpage made in PHP / MySQL i will have in my hosting. I will
provide a nice html template that i bought so i can have a beautiful design, you will
modify this template and add the php code. In the dashboard i can login with my
email/password and i will see a webpage with:
a. section with a list of the users that have installed my app, Name, email and
avatar photo (taken from the facebook/google/twitter profile, depends what
they used to login in the app), maybe some additional info taken from
b. section with segments or groups, here i can create a group, and drag and
drop users to that group.
c. section to create messages, here i will enter a title a description, an optional
photo, an optional URL, and a destination.
d. if the optional URL is filled, when the user receives the notification in his
phone and taps the notification, the app will open and the webview will show
him that url.
e. the destination of the notification can be:
i. send to all users
ii. send only to this group
iii. send only to this user devices.
iv. i know that OneSignal has some default segments named Subscribed
Users - All users in your app that are subscribed to receive
v. Active Users - Users that have logged in to your app/site recently
vi. Engaged Users - Users that have logged in to your app/site frequently
vii. Inactive Users - Users that have not logged in to your app/site for a
long time
ix. when i click send message, it will connect to the OneSignal API or
Firebase notifications API and post the info.
x. the message will be saved in the section called past messages.
xi. the dashboard could look something similar to this:

9. Important Notes:
a. if the user logins from other devices like a tablet or a second phone the push
notification must be sent to the tokenid of all devices, because each device
will have it’s unique token id, but all this tokens will be linked to the same
email address (that was retrieved from the social login or email login and
stored in the database)
b. if the users does a factory reset of the phone, when he installs and logins
again the info must be updated in the database, be careful not to create a
new user because the user already existed.

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