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Booklet Code A

Entrance Examination ( 2015)

Master of computer Applications (MCA)

Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: L00

Hall Ticket Number:

1' (") Write your Hall Ticket Number in the above box AND on the OMR Sheet.
(b) Fiil in the oMR sheet, the Booklet code given above at the top left corner
this sheet' Candidates should also read andfollow the other instructions
in the OMR sheet.
i 2' All answers should be marked clearly in the Oh,{R answer s}reet only.

3' This objective type test has two parts: Part A with 25 questions and part B with b0
questions' Please make sure that all the questions are
clearl;. printed in your paper.
4. There is negative marking. Every correct answer in Part A carries 2 (two)
marks and for every wrong a,nswer 0.66 mark will be deducted.
5. Every correct answer in Part B carries L (one) mark and for every wrong answer
0.33 mark will be deducted.
6. Do not use any other paper, envelope etc for writing or cloing rough work.
All the
rough work should be done in your question paper or on the sheets provided
the question paper at the end.

7. During the examination, anyone found indulging in cop;,ing or have any

will be asked to
leave the examination hall,

8. use of non*programmable calculator and log-tables are allowed.

9. use of mobile phone is NoT allowed inside the.hall.

10. Submit the ONiR sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination halt.

booK\sl (e$ea, l

Part A D. (z) and (zi)

1. Two campers A and B
made rice to 3. A scientist is sent by his wife to buy
eat when they camped for the night. A 2 Kg of sugar. He is afraid of be-
traveller stopped by and gave them Rs ing cheated and so thinks of a trick
5l-. The entire rice was consumed by by which even if the balance arms are
the three persons equally. A had con- not of equal length he cannot loose.
tributed 200 gms, while B contributed Which of the following is his trick?
300 gms to the meal. Which of the
. following is a fair distribution of the A. Weigh 1 Kg of sugar. Replace the
money(Rs 5l-)7 weight by this 1Kg of sugar and
weigh another Kg of sugar
A. Rs 2l- tct A and Rs 3l- to B B. \[reigh I Kg of sugar. NIove this
B. Rs 2 and 50 paise each 1 KS sugar to the pan with the
weight and now weigh 2 Kgs of
C. Rs 1/- to A and Rs 4l- to B
D. None of the above
C. Weigh l Kg of sugar. Change the
weight position to the other pan
2. A class of 25 students came to know
and weigh another Kg of sugar
that today was their professor's birth-
day and asked him for sweets. The I). None of the above
professor did not want to rnake things
easy for the students. He put the 4. A famous person in India was borrl on
condition tirat he will give a hundred 2910211896. He declared that the in-
sweets to the entire ciass provided terval between his previous birthda;r
that when divided amongst the class and next bir:thday is 12 years. What
nobody gets even number of sweets. is the date on which he could make
Given the above information, which of this statement?
the following is correct?
A. 2e lA2lreoo
(z')The students will get their wish as
there are many ways to divide hundred 8.2910211904
(ii) The students will not get their c.2el02lrea8
wish since the sum of odd number of
D. None of the above
odd numbers cannot be an even num-
5. The product of the positive integers
(iii) The students try to obtain a solu- in the intervai [1, ,.,, 100] is quite a big
tion with 12 pairs of odd numbers and
number* However, the number of" ze-
another odd number and succeed
ros on the right hand side end of this
big number can be found easilY as
A. (z) Only
B. (zz) Only A. 22
C. (zzz) Onlv B. 23

TJ€,' K\9JLCaALJ f\

c. 24 but she did remember that one stub

D. ,None of the above was 4 times longer than the other,
and informed the same to her father.
6. A non-stop express train starts from Her father was now happy since he
Eastpur to Westnagar, travelling at 40 knew that the thicker candle lasts for b
km per hour. At the same time an- hours while thinner one takes 4 hours
other non-stop train starts from West- oniy. Using this infbrmation, the time
nagar to Eastpur but travelling at 45 of electricity failure was calculated as
km per hour. We cannot locate East-
pur and Wbstnagar on the rnap so we A. 4 hours
cairnot say the distance between them. B. 4.5 hours
If r,ve assume a distance between them
greater than 200 krns, how far apart
C. 3.45 hours
wili ihey be exactly one hour before D. 4.45 hours
they cross each other?
9. Ramesh joinecl college when his age
A. 85 km was (1/5)th of his life span. He spent
B. 95 km (1/10)th of his life span in studies at
college. Later (1/9)th of his life span
C. 105 km was spent as bachelor. He had a son
D. 78 km 3 years after his marriage. His son
died 5 years before hirn. Ramesh's
-t. What is the smallest positive integer age at death is double his son's age
50! at death.How many years did Ramesh
n for which -::i-
is not an integer?
spend in his married life?
A. 55
B. 32
B. 45
c. 16
c. 53
D. None of these
D. 33
8. A student was studying in her room
when the electricity failed. She had 10. There are 8 boys and 7 giris in a class.
two new candles of different thickness Number of ways for seating arrange-
but same length on her desk. She ment in a row such that ali boys sit
iit them and went on studying. The contiguously and all girls sit contigu-
next day her father wanted to know ously is
how long the electricity failure last.
The student had not noted the times A.8! x7! '
of failure and restoration of electric- B. 15!
ity. The student was worried since
later last night she had cieared out c. 3z
her desk and thro'firn awal,' the stnbs, D. None of tire above

l"{ ,_R
r,3ooK\.rfr@L\ I

11. If the ratio of the ages of two friends ,4 r,vho always tell the truth. They sat in
and B is in the ratio 3 : b and that of a row. In each of the scenarios below
B and C is 3 : b and the sum of their their father puts a rer1 or blue colour
ages is 147, then how old is B? hat in each of their heads. Alice can
see Bob's hat and Charlie,s hat but
A. 15 years not her own. Bob can see only Char_
B. 75 years lie's hat. Charlie can see none of the
C. 49 years hats. Ali three of them are aware of
this arrangement, Choose the correct
D. 45 years answer describing hat colors of Alice,
Bob and Charlie respectively.
12. What is the probability that two
square regions(of smallest dimension) 74. Their father puts a hat on each of their
selected randomly from a chess board heads and says ,,Each of yor,rr hats is
will have only one common corner? either red or blue and atleast one of
von has a red hat". Alice then savs ,,I
A. trd know the color of rny hat".
B.* A. Red, Blue, Blue
c.& B. Blue, Red, Red
D.# C. Red, Blue, Red
13. Alice, Bhaskar and Salim belong to a D. Blue, Red, Blue
class in which all the students study
mathematics or computer science ( or i5. Their father puts again a new hat on
boi;h). All students who take com- each of their heads and says ,,Each
puter science are poor at progran]_ of your hats is either red or blue and
ming. Students who take rnathemat- atieast one of you has a red hat',. Al_
ics are good at theory. Alice is poor at ice then says "I don't know the coior of
whatever Salim is poor at. Bhaskar is my hat. Bob then says ,,I don,t know
poor at everything that Salim is good the colour of rny hat".
at. Salim is good at both program-
ming and theory. Who takes the com- A. Red, Red, Biue
puter science course? B. B1ue, Red, Red
A. Alice C. Blue, Red, Blue
B. Salim D. None of the above
C. Bhaskar 16. Their fat\er puts again a new hat on
D. None each of their heads and says ,,Each
of your hats is either red or biue and
NOTE Answer the questions 14, lb, atleast one of you has a red hat and at
16 using the following information. least one of you has a blue hat". Aiice
Alice, Bob and Charlie are logicians. tiren sa-vs "I rlont know tlie r-:r_rlour of

K -\
BooKVn ccd.e:- A

my hat". Bob then says "mY hat is the pipes are opened, rvhen the tank
red". is empty, then how long, in hours, will
it take to fill the tank?
A. Red, Red, Red
B. Blue, Red, Red A. 6417
C. BIue, Red,, Blue B.6017
D. None of the above c. r5l2

17, Aii, David and Shyam are waiting in

D. 2013

line for theatre tickets. Five people are

between AIi and Shyam and ten Peo- 20. A righi circular metal cone has a di-
ple are between David and Shyam' If ameter of 6 metres and height of 12
David is next to the la^st in line a,nd metres. The cone is meited and drawn
Shyam is fifth in the line, ttren the into a wire of diarneter 0.2 metres.
minimum number of vacancies that What would be the iength of the wire?
enables all the three enter the theatre
is A. 43200 metres
A. 13 B. 10800 metres
B. L4 C." 3600 metres

c. 16 D. 2700 metres

D. None of the above

21. Complete the series of positive inte-
18. I(iran on his birtirday distributed an gers 6, 18, 2I,7, 4,7,2, ...
friend. 'Icl
average of 5 cookies for each
his teacher and the headmaster Kiran A.8
gives 10 and 15 cookies respectively.
Thus the average cookie distributed B. 15
per head increases to 5.5.How many c. 24
friends Kiran distributed the cookies
D. 36

A. 28 22. In how many rearrangements of the

Ietters of the word SCINTILLATING
B. 30
will no two 'I's appear together?
c. 32

D. None of'the above A. 11cs x 13!

B. ilVzxzt
19. Three pipes filI a tank separately in 10
1"1c, x 10!
hours, 20 hours and 30 hours respec- C. Dlv9lv9l
tir,'el5'. An outlet pipe can empty it in 11!
15 hours when no water flows in. If all 2tx2lv'zt

Boo nt d"c*fq:

23. A cube has its six sides coloured dif- Part B

fdrently. The brown side is opposite
to black. The blue side is adjacent 26. Consider the function / R -+ (0, oo)'
to white. The red side is adjacent to '
blue. The brown side is faced down. f (r) : (Lr, where a is. a positive con-
stant. The following statements are
Which one of the following would be made about the graph of
opposite to red? /:
(?) It is parallel to X axis,
A. Brown (ii,) It is monotonically increasing in
B. Black (iit) It is monotonically decreasing in
C. White r.
Which of the following is true regard-
D. Blue
ing these statements?
24. A person has four culrency notes of
Rupees 10, 20, 50, and 100 denomina-
tion. The number of different sums of A. (z) only
money she can form from them is B. (ii) only
A.8 C. (tii,) onry
D. all (e) , (ii) and, (i,i,i)
.8. 15

c. 16
27, If f(r,a) : 12y
Then the value
D. None of the Above na + a2'
25. The petrol tank of a motor c)'cle has
a capacity of 11 litres, where 2.5 litres ,",rlHo,o rf @'a)
are held in reserve. Initially 6 litres
of petrol r,vas filled. Tire odometer
reads 21375 km, when the motor cycle B. doesn't exist
comes to reserve. It was then driven c. 1
for another 98 km before 7 litres of
petrol was filled. After a week. the D. None of the above
motor cycle was again on and
the odometer reads 21718 km. What
is the mileage given b)' of the motor 28. Let A
l'"13 3l
cycle in kms per liter?

A.49 .
Then de
L:{;I) tofA)is
t' A (determinan
equal to
B. 35
c. 61
D. None of the Above B.detl"/l

b\ -t
Hcoe<.\af, cplqz

A. B is not
[: l].0", lx Il
C. det
D. Non e of the above
C. BAt:I
)q D. None of the above
sin(2r) cos(2r)dr
I 33. Given that an eigenvector
A. sin-1(cos2 r) + c L_ll"
B. -1,i,,-' (ry{) *, l+ -2 11. The corresponding
of lz o
cosz(2r) Iz -2 3l
t/. -a eigenvalue is
D. None of the above A. -3
30. Given equation of ellipse as 9rz * A' - B. 1
36, consider the chord in the positive c.4
quadrant between points A(2,0) and D. None of the above
B(0,6). The area of the region above
the chord but within the ellipse curve 34. Consider the matrix
is given as
Is 4 ol
A. 3n sq. units A- lr 2 o l

B. 3n * 2 sq. units Ir z 2)
C. 3tr - 6 sq. units Then w hich of the following is true
D. None of the above A. A-1 doesn't exist
31. A tangent to the curve frA : c at B. A-r _ IA, _ 2A+ 2oI)
any point on the curve, where c is a
constant, forrns a right anglecl triangle
c. A-7 - A2 -2A+201
with the coordinate axes. The a,rea of D. A-)' - L,q,
the triangle is,
35. An airport receives on an average 4
A. ro. units aircrafts per hour. What is the prob-
i ability that no aircraft lands in a par-
B. Independent of c ticular 2 hour period?
C. 2c sq. units
D. None bf tfr. above A. e-8
B. e-4
32. A square matrix ,4 is said to be ldem- c. 1116
potent 'Lf A2 A. Given A is Idempo-
tent, and B (I A), then - 112

bt -t
{AaKW<4<\ |

36. Let R be a relation on the set of C. exactly 2 solutions

natural numbers N definecl by R:
D. Infinitely many solutions
{(*,y)l*,y € N, br2 * 6ry -r y2 -ol
Then .R is 40. Let A
- {1,,...,n} where n € l/, and ^R
A. an eqrrivalence relation be a relatiorr "is cubr: of" defined in ,4.
Let m denote the cardinality of range
B. reflexive, not symmetric, not tran- of ft. Then which of the following is
sitive always satified?
C. reflexive. symmetric, not transi-
tive A. *: {6
D. not reflexive, not syrnmetric, tran- B. (*+D > in
sitive C. m: n3

3,7. If the sum of two unit vectors is a unit D Tn<{n

vector then the magnitude of their dif-
ference is 47. In a triangle ABC, the coordinates of
A are (I,2) and the equations to tire
A.0 rnedians through B, C are n * A
- s
and r : 4 respectively. What are the
B. t/2
coordinates of B ?
D. 1 A. (-1,6)
38. A curve A@) is passing through the
B. (1,4)
point (L, r I $ and its slope at any c. (7, -2)
point (*, il ,s ! - cos2 (y f n) , then the D. (3,2) o,
equation of the curve is
42. If the rank of the matrix
A. a@) : tan-l (los(e I r)) [ -r i
B. a@) : r tan-l(Ios(rl e)) .tL
lr ^1^
C. y(r) : tr tan-t (tos(elr)) is 1, then the value of ,\ is
D. None of the above
A. 1
39. The number of solutions for r tn the
equation given by the determinant be-
low are c. -1
2 cos2 r sin(2r) - sin r D. I{.one of the above
sin(2r) 2 sin2 r cos r -n 43. If (123)b _ (43)r, where A is a sin-
sin r -cosfr 0 gle digit, then the number of possible
values of A is
A. Zerc
B. only one solution A.4


B. 1 eiements from P at random. And

Let C be any subset of P "chosen
randomly from all possibie subsets of
D.2 P,
44. 3428is decimal value for which of the 47. What is the probability that a mean-
following binary coded decimal (BCD) ingful noun can not be formed using
groupings? the alphabets in B as defined above?
A. ,11010000101000 A. rll5
B. 11010001001000 B. 2lr5
c. 1101010000101000 c. 5ll5
D. 110100001101010 D. 7lr5
45. The expression I is uncle-
zsinr .L 48. What is the probability that two-letter
fined when the values of fr are meaningful words , one of the alpha-
bets being A, can be formed using the
A. alphabets in B as defined above?
B. + ,nT A. rl]5
B. 2115
c. f * zntr,T* ztntr,,[+nn
c. 3lL5
D. D. 7lr5

46. Which is the solution of tfrlaif- 49. What is the probability that the word
ferentiai equation (*n"* - 2ra')dr * "school" can be formed using the al-
2nz'ydy : 0? phabets in C as defined above?

A. e'*!,
:, A.
B. e**a:, c. 5164
C. e'-\:, Xr
50. The correlation coefficient between
D. e* -U :c random variables X, Y where X+Y
r -
80is ,
NOTE: Answer questions 47, 48, 49
using information given below. A. 0.5
Let P B.i
{{o, e,'i} ,, {o,,u} , {b, c, d, f , g , h)

{j, k,1,ffi, fr,, p, q}, {r, s,t,,u, r, z}, {y}}.

Let B be a set formed by taking two D. -1

&of.tuzfc-&r {

51. The value of the expression /5 csc 20+ B. 872.65

sec 20 is
C. 872.34
4.2 D. 872.35
c. ryg 56, For any three non-zero vectors
d, the product vector d x (6 x
A', 6'and
sin 40 fl is al_
D. 8 cos 40 ways a linear combination of

52. A person standing on bank of river ob- A. d andi

derves that the angle of elevation of B. b'and d
the top of tree on the opposite bank
of riv-er is O0 and when he retires 40m C. dandd
away from the tree, the angle of eleva- D. all three d,6 and, d
tion becomes 30. The breadth of the
river is 57. Consider the following staternents
about the locus of the point
A. 20m whose position vector i satisfy-
B. 30m ins (,i - 61 .r
)A, - b2) , where
C. 40m d, and b' are constant vectors with
D. 60m magnitudes a and b respectively.

53. The set of values otf. a for which the (i) the locus is a plane passing through
function f (*) : trs -- ar is monotoni- L. -
,(d +
cally increasing in JR is
(ii) the locus is a plane perpendicular
A. (0, *) toa*b -+

B. (-*,0] (iii) the locus is a sphere of radius a2 -

c. 14,5l 6z
Which of the following is correct?
D. No set exists

54. The hexadecimal equivalent of the A. (i) only

decimal number 10ZOZ is B. (ii) only
A. LAOF C. (i) and (ii) only
B. SAAF D. (iii) only
C. 4AOF 58 In the range A I r I 2r, number of
D. None of thl above solutions, the equation (3 + cos r)2 _
4-2sin8r has
55. 9's complernent of 127.3b is
A. 872.64 B. 1

tBooKVt qr&.:

C. 2 A. 60 krnh
D. I B. 80 kmh
59. Which of the following is TRUE about C. 50 kmh
ali sets A, B, C7 D. 30 kmh
A. A-(B-C)_(A-B)-C 63. The equation of the plane which bi-
B. (A-B) n (C - B) : (AnC) - B sects perpendicularly the line seg-
C. if AnC-BnC then A:B ment joining the pointr (-1, 2, 3) and
then A-B -2, -3)
(1,, is
60. Let A. r-2A-32-A
A- tiLZ J,tlJ andB- | o, bI
L -2)
C. r-3y-2z-A
If matrices A, B satisfy
(A+ B)':A2+2AB+82 D. None of the above
then values of a, b arc
64. Let g(r) -I*r - W| where [r] de-
A. -3, 1
notes the largest integer 1r andlet
-1 r <0
B. -3, 1
f(*): { 0r '. [ . Then
t 1r >0

C. s1
,2 :
rgX /(a(r))
D. s.,2
-1 A.0
61. The coordinates of a focus of the hy- B. 1
C. ,Coesnit exist
9n2 -76a' * 18r *32y - 151:0 D.
are -1

A. (-1,1) 65. On the average, one computer in 8

crashes during a thunderstorm.
A cer-
B. (5, 1)
tain company has 320 working com-
c. (4,3) puters when the area was hit by a
D. (-6, 1) thunderstorm. Then the expected
value and variance of the number of
62. The fuel costs in running a car is pro- crashed computers are
portional to the square of the speed
and is Rs.25 per hour for a speed of 30 A. 40 and 20
kmh. Other costs amount to .Rs.100
per hour, regardless of the speed. Find
B. 40 and 80
the speed which will make the cost per C. 35 and 32
kilometer a minimum. D. 40 and 35


66. In a triangle ABC, a : b : c :4 : 5 : 6, 70. How many functions f are possible

a, b and c being the sides, the ratio of from {1,2,3,4,5} -+ {1,2,3,4} such
the radius of the circumcircle to the that lRange(!)l : 3? You may use
radius of incircie is the fact that number of partitions of
{L,2,3,4,5} into 3 blocks is 25.
A. L5:2
A. 450
B. L67
C. 7:6
B. 100

D. 8:3 c. 150

D. 600
67. A right circular cone with radius R
and height H contains liquid which NOTE: Answer questions 71 and 72
evaporates at a rate propotional to its based on the following algorithm.
surface area in contact with air. The
time after which the cone becomes START
$srn :- " , $ASTR :- 'a',
$BSTR : - 'b'
A. depends on I/ only I^THILE LENGTH ($STR)
B. depends on R only INPUT OPTION AS 1 OR 2
C. depends on R and //
IF ($0Pr = 1) THEN
68. Given that 6 + f (r) - 2f (-r) + APPEND $BSTR IN THE END OF $STN
s" (/1, f (ildt), for all n, rhen ENDIF
IF ($0PT = 2) THEN
69. If (54.3)6 _ (317)k, then the value of 7r. Length of $,S?ft is
the base k is
A. Always Odd
A. 16 ' B. Multiple of 4 for length of $,STR 2
B. 11 4
c.g C. Can be Even or Odd
D.B D. None of the Above
erpKtdc"&: I

Figure 1: Flow Chart bers Li,stfl : B] _ 0 to 7 and a re-

quest sequence Req[L : n]. For e>(iln-
Ple fteqfl] : 5 means search for 5 in
Consider the list of numbers 0 to 7 List. Consider the request sequence
Reqfl:4]-5,4,b,2. In the flow c:hart
Set i=1
MOVE to front operation indicates
Set 1=1 , moving the element to the front of the
Count =0
i=i+l- {___ list after right shifbing the preceding
j=1 |I elements.

-.--)' lS count=count+l
73. Wrat is tire value of count
t?|.\j:tTil[r"tji" afber ac-
Req[i]= Listlrl? t; cessing the List for the given request

j=j+l ls i=n? ,-No-l
' count:count+1 B. 20

c. 1g

i ,",
i_ --_j

D. 2L
Print count

74. What is the ordering of the list after

the request sequence is accessed?

A. 0 r 2 3 4 5 6 7
B. 2 5 4 0 1 3 6 7
72. The number of iterations, the algo- D.54012367
rithm will go thr.ough, is dependent on
the sequence of options provided by
75. If the reqnested element is not rnoved
the user. What is the minimum and
to the front of the list, which of the
following case leads to more work?
marcimum possible values for the num-
ber of iterations assuming that the A. When the same number is re-
first option provided by user is 1? quested more number of times

A. 6,49 B. When the same number is not re-

quested more than once
B, 7,49
C. When last number in the sequence
c. 7,50 is requested all the time
D. 6,50 ' D. When numbers are requested ran-
NOTE: Refer to the flowchart given
in figure 1 and answer questions Tg,
74 and 75. Consider a list of num-


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