Four Wheeler Basement Parking Planning G

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Four Wheeler Basement Parking Planning

(A Dissertation Report)








I declare that the research entitled “FOUR WHEELER BASEMENT PARKING

PLANNING” is the bonafide research work carried out by me, under the guidance of
AR. NIKHIL HARRY, further I declare that this has not been previously formed the basic
of award of any degree, diploma, associateship or other similar degres or diplomas and has
not been submitted anywhere else. I hereby, give consentfor my dissertation, if accepted, to
be available for photocopy and inter- library loan, and for the title and summary to be made
available to other organizations.

Place: Indore Name of student

Date: Gunjan Chandel


This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled “four wheeler basement parking

planning” is the bonafide work of Mr. GUNJAN CHANDEL, in partial fulfilment of

the academic requirements fot the award of “Bachelors of Architecture Degree”. This work
is carried out by him, Under my guidance and supervision.





I express my in debtness, admiration and respect towards my guide AR. NIKHIL

HARRY (Dissertation Guide) and AR. MEGHA SHROTI (Dissertation Coordinator) and
AR. NITYA DURVE(Dissertation Co-cordinator) for their valuable guidance for
preparing this report.

I am also thankful to PROF. AR MANITA SAXENA, PRINCIPAL, School of

Architecture, IPS Academy, Indore, for guidance and encouragement during the course of
this report.

I wish to place on record my sense of deep appreciation and gratitude to all my teachers
and fellow collegues for providing co-operation and help for my report. The co-operation
rendered by my friends and family in preparing this dissertation is gratefully




1.1 AIM
1.3 NEED


3.3 BAYS









10.1 ANGLE 90*
10.2 ANGLE 60*
10.3 ANGLE 45*
10.4 ANGLE 30*



The increasing number of motor vehicles and the limits to be set to the period
during which vehicles may wait at the curbside in built-up areas will accentuate the need
already apparent, for adequate and conveniently located parking place where motorists may
leave their vehicles for long period than that which comes within a definition of “waiting”.
Provision of parking is an essential consequence of the movement of the people
and goods into and within urban area. Parking is a result and a reason for zoning. The
unprecedented increase in automobile population has made the available road-network
inadequate for traffic demand.
The type and system and function of land use the quality of the public transport
systems and hence parking policy developed for any particular area depends very much on
local situation mainly influence parking. Parking is often based on providing enough
parking spaces to meet the vehicles with safety efficiency and convenience.
Parking is found as a primary land use. A set of common standard are developed
and adopted after research and documentation by city planner, landscape architects and
civil engineers on parking spaces.
1.1 Aim:
1. To study the importance of basement parking.

2. To study the parking (basement) planning of commericial as well as

multistorey building.

1.2 Objective:

1. To understand proper and smart use of basement parking.

2. Also to create a healthy space by designing the different types of
basement parking.
3. To provide people the smart use of spaces (underground).
4. To study the Parking layout as per the Parking standards and guidelines.
5. To study the circulation across vehicular routes as well as pedestrian

1.3 Need/Concern:The need for greater control of parking has developed

as a result of growth in motor traffic and particularly in the ownership and use
of private cars. The number of private cars in India has more than doubled in
30 years, increasing from 12.5 million in 1975 to 26 million in 2005. This
level of vehicle ownership has led to increased levels of congestion and
pollution, particularly in more densely populated areas.

1.4 Scope:

As a land is changed from agricultural to residential, to industrial or to

commercial use or as the density or bulk of a given activity increases, parking
demand increases. So, There is need to improve the parking planning of
basement area, so here we excluded that we have to provide people the smart
use of basement as well as proper circulation b/w vehicular routes and
pedestrian movements with respect to underground parking (basement).And
also the study involves analyzing the behavior of the ramps and decks due to
single vehicle movement and multi vehicle movement and also the vehicle
impact into a column.

1.5 Limitations:

1. Limitations of spaces during designing a basement parking.

2. Case study of all types of basement parkings are not covered.


The inconsistencies that created between local government have made the site planner to
consult his or her local zoning ordinance for specific parking criteria and requirements that
takes place to make certain that minimum sizes are properly recorded.

According to spaces, locations, sizes and arrangement the parking is based on different


(A) 90‟ TWO WAY:- This is the form of parking has the smallest amount of
wasted space and is most efficient.
(B) ANGLED ONE WAY LOTS 60‟, 45‟ AND 30‟:- It has advantage in those
situation where a one way system is necessary. Efficiency goes down as the
angle increases. A parking garage is a good example of one way drive.
(C) ANGLED TWO WAY LOT:- It is easy way right of entrance and for way right
to exit. It accommodates two way accesses down any way and has less than a
perpendicular angle for those drivers who struggle with the perpendicular
double loaded lot.
(D) PARALLEL PARKING:- It more inefficient among all type of angle parking.
Parallel parking should not be mixed with any other form of parking, as the
chances of collision are maximum in case of parallel parking.


There is economical use of space and finance in mass parking. The residential area can be
released from the normal constraints associated with car access and parking. There is poor
integration of housing with parking. Mass parking creates longer distances from dwelling
to car.


This type of parking can be better integrated with housing. Personal car space is provided
either in the front garden or in a shared courtyard. Enclosure of space for fragmental
parking is more difficult to achieve.

(A) INSIDE COURTYYARD:- Encourages social interaction between residents
when maintaining vehicles, but courtyard “fluoroscope” will relate primarily to
vehicle. Therefore the aspect and the prospect of room must be carefully
considered. Good surveillance by residents.
(B) OUTSIDE COURTYARD:- The type enables enclosure of small spaces. It is
used for short term parking for visitors or for oversell.


(A) FORMAL:- Formal parking within courtyard, the parking arrangement
dominated the court vehicular movement dominates the space.
(B) INFORMAL:- In informal parking within courtyard, the scheme produces well
integrated parking arrangement by means of an informal and fragmented layout and
close attention to landscaping. The three canopies and greater spatial variety and
therefore less obstruction soften vehicular movement by caused.


On street parking is convenient for the individual fortunate to find a space, however curb
parking is a deterrent moving traffic and accident do occur during parking maneuvers. To
improve traffic flow in areas of concentrated land such in the central business district, on
street or curb parking is rapidly being eliminated.


Off street parking facilities are usually of two basic types, namely surface lots and multi-
floor structures or garage. These structures or garage may be further classified as being of
the ramp type or the mechanical type.

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Parking at the curb may be convenient and desirable but the amount of space available.
Within a block may be limited due to driveways, fire hydrants, loading zones and other
legal restrictions. Also, curb parking in the central business district is usually prohibited.
When curb parking may be used.
Figure shows the geometric requirements for parallel and angle parking. It can be readily
seen that angle parking accommodation more vehicles per foot curb space than parallel
parking but as the angle increases, the roadway width needed for the parking but as the
angle increased.


In this type of parking arrangement vehicles stops are normally provided at the
“BUTT” and of the spaces, to ensure that vehicles do not encroach into opposing
parking ways or collide with each other while parking.
The parker‟s driven into opposing spaces when parking and then exit into the
side........ next to the one use for entering. This type of arrangement is used in
special event only or for large industrial car parks.
This type of parking is used only with 45‟ parking is very economical in space
utilization. It rarely used in shopper parking facilities.


The criteria associated with handicapped parking needs special attention. Accessible
parking requires that sufficient space be provided alongside the vehicles that persons using
mobility aids, including wheelchairs can transfer and maneuver to and from the vehicles.
Accessible parking also involves the connection to an accessible route.

(A) The walking distance should be held to minimum.

(B) A wider 12ft. 5inch space needed to permit wheel chair, access between cars.


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Most multi storey car parks are located where land costs are so high, e.g. in or about the
central areas of large towns, that it is more economical to build vertical facilities rather
than purchase additional land for surface parking.

(A) UNDERGROUND CAR PARKS:- By vertical location, i.e. whether the

parking facility is under or above ground.
(1) The main benefits of an underground car park are the conservation of expensive
surface land, the preservation of the visual amenity (especially important in historic
localities) and the capability a sharing construction costwith non-parking (often
above ground) usage‟s.
(2) Underground parking facilities are part of multipurpose facilities. The main
disadvantages of underground parking is its high construction cost i.e. typically up
to twice the cost per car space as in an equivalent above-ground multi-storey
(3) Features of underground parking:-
 Extensive excavation (magnified if rock is encountered).
 The relocation of public utilities.
 Concrete retaining walls on all side.
 The installation of ongoing denaturing system.
 The need for a major load-bearing and waterproof „roof slab‟.
 Artificial lightning (to near daylight quality).
 Artificial ventilation (to remove dangerous exhaust fumes and add air for
 Special fire fighting provisions.
(4) A special operational designs need for the provision of directional signs and
marking. Drivers and pedestrians get disoriented when underground and need clear
directions to guide them to the appropriate exit when leaving the car park.


Ramps are used to allow vehicles to travel between adjacent floors in multi-storey (below-
ground) car parks. The ramps may be straight and /or curved. Clear way ramp systems
provide inter-floor travel paths that are entirely separated from conflicting
parking/unpacking maneuvers, but adjacent parking ramp systems require drivers to share
aisles withparking/unparking cars. Large multi-storey car parks often have a combination
of ramp systems, with adjacent parking ramp system being used by entering vehicles and
clearway ones by existing vehicles.

(1) Clearway ramp system.

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(2) Adjacent parking ramp system.
(3) Attendant parking ramped facilities.
(4) Attendant parking mechanical garages.5Self-parking multi-storey car parks.

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When developing the layout for parking it is essential for designers to work with aisles
which provides access to bays and the combination of bays and aisles known as modules.
Parking designer consider the module dimension to be more important than the aisle
dimension because the aisle is merely the space left when vehicles are parked opposite
each other.

(1) The aisle is theoretical the module is the dimensions needed for construction.
(2) The first major concern is the door opening dimension. For lomg term parking a
door clearance of 20inch between parked vehicles and for high turnover parking, a
door opening clearance of 24inch provides a level of convenience.
(3) The second major concern vehicle movement into the stall (bays). As the angle of
parking more further from 90‟s the parking module may be reduced while
providing similar maneuverability (i.e. one turning movement) into the stall.
(4) The module width is dependent on the stall width. A narrower stall requires a wider
module to achieve the same comforts a wider stall with a narrower module.
(5) Stall width greater than the minimum provide higher levels of comfort for turning
movement and door opening. Increasing stall width is generally a more economical
method for increasing comfort than increasing the module.


A parking module is the clear width provided for parking of vehicles.

(1) Parking module is composed either one-way or two-way services aisles with
parking bays on either or both sides.
(2) The module with „M‟ in influenced by the boundary i.e. whether there are wall on
each side, bays on each side or a wall on one side and parking bay on other side.

Aisles with bays on one side are termed as „single loaded aisles‟ and with baysand both
sides are „double loaded aisles‟.

(1) An aisle should be sufficiently wide to allow a car to park/unpark in one maneuver.
(2) The effective aisle width is also related to bay length. The design width varies
mainly with angle of parking and with bay width.
(3) Single loaded aisles are inefficient in respect of space usage per vehicle and are
avoided and park layouts.
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3.3 BAYS
Aisles provided the access to bays. The bay width effected by the clearance needed for
motorists to get in out their cars.

(1) 90degree parking bays with two-way aisles parallel to long dimensions of site.
(2) 60degree to 80degree interlocking bays with alternating one way aisle are most
efficient in parking.


Module width (M) for stall widths of

parking angle (deg.) Aisle width (m) 2.4m. 2.5m.

45 (one way) 3.6 13.712 13.853

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CHAPTER4. Elements Used for Basement Parking


Ramp Types

To appreciate the complexity of ramps in car parks one has to recognise that there
are many types of ramps used in many different situations.

Connecting ramps ramps linking vertically separated parking decks as

commonly found in multi-storey car parks

Parking ramps ramps combining the functions of circulation and storage

as occur in spiral or helical car parks

Whether a ramp is curved or straight has an important bearing on the issue of

gradient. Spiral ramps used to connect different levels within a car park are curved
and longer than straight ramps serving the same purpose.

The ramp design limitations for a general purpose public car park at a shopping
centre, for example, are very different to those for a car park built only to
accommodate one type of vehicle, e.g. as might happen at a car manufacturing

Straight Ramp Slope

The recommended slope for straight ramps in situations such as:

· Half deck car parks where the vertical separation between decks is less than
1.5m, is 1:6. This relatively steep slope is only possible when using transition
gradients top and bottom.

· Where vertical differences are greater than 1.5m, is not less than 1:10. Where
ramps are curved, 1:10 or 1:12 depending the separation.

Many modern cars have wheel bases that are ….. long and under-body clearances of
less than… The effect of these specifications is tat in any situation where a ramp of
gradient steeper than 1:10 intersects with a flat slab that cars will bottom out on the
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transition line at the top of the ramp. Figure 1.

The other side of this phenomenon occurs at the bottom of ramps. Long tall vehicles
moving off a ramp onto a flat deck effectively rise up within the car park structure
and run the risk of striking the soffit or structural beams at the bottom of the ramp.
Figure 2.

Gradient suitable for Pedestrians

In a car park where members of the public are likely to walk on ramps, then any
gradient steeper than 1:10 is likely to be problematic.

· A person wearing shoes with elevated heels finds steep slopes very

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uncomfortable and possibly dangerous.

· People pushing shopping trolleys, buggies or even bicycles find steep ramps
very uncomfortable and in many cases dangerous.

· People with mobility challenges requiring aids such as walking sticks, crutches
or wheelchairs experience severe difficulties on ramps steeper than 1:12.

Three-Stage Ramp Structures

To address some of these issues, engineers have developed three stage ramp

· The top and the bottom of the ramp are constructed to a gentle gradient say 1:16
or 1:20.

· The central section of the ramp is built to a steeper slope – 1:8 or 1:10.

Three additional issues with car park ramps include the:

· clear edge to edge width

· the turning circle on approach routes to the bottom or from the top of ramps.

· the location of ticket machines on ramps

Ramp Width

Many drivers find ramps too narrow and scrape their bumpers along walls at the top
or bottom of ramps. The recommended minimum width for a one-way ramp is 3.0m
with an additional 0.3m for side clearance to the structure. The recommended width
of the entry section for a turning approach to a ramp is 3.5m. Bearing in mind that
very few cars are more than 1.8m wide these recommendations allow for a broad
range of driver behaviour and skills.

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Turning Circles

Well-designed turning circles in car parks depend on the types of vehicles using
them. Some modern cars have turning circles of radius 6.0m to 7.5m. If these have
to be accommodated in a car park then it is prudent to design turning lanes on the
basis of an outside kerb radius of 9.0m. It is highly desirable that there are no
structural columns located at the turning pints onto or from ramps. They intimidate
drivers and lead to damage to walls and vehicles.

Ticket Machines

It is undesirable to have ticket machines located on ramps, as drivers and vehicles

experience difficulties. Practical experience suggests that ticket machines on down
ramps can work well while those on up-ramps are generally unfriendly. On the down
ramp the driver can see the barrier in front and can respond to any slippage. There is
little risk of collision with another vehicle. On an up ramp the driver has very poor
views of cars behind and will be nervous in case his car drifts back or the car behind
gets too close. Handbrake starts on up ramps make many drivers nervous

Sight Lines

Finally in designing ramps in car parks, it is vital that clear sight lines are maintained
at the top and bottom of the ramps. These are essential to the safety of pedestrians
and vehicles alike. The driver of a car on a ramp cannot readily see directly in front
because the bonnet of the car intrudes, and as a consequence must depend on being
able to see to the side to ensure he/she can proceed safely. Curtain walls on ramp
sides have been built with large holes to provide very good sight lines.

The Institution of Structural Engineers excellent publication “Design

Recommendations for Multi-storey and Underground Car Parks” provides detailed
information on many aspects of car park ramp gradients. I have used their
recommendations throughout this paper.

Liam Keilthy is MD of Parking Consultants Ltd., a specialist car park consultancy

practice based in Dublin. He provides „Ask the Expert‟ assistance on his web site at

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Inaccessible building entrances due to difference between indoor and outdoor levels.

Inaccessible routes due to differences in level.

Lack of or improper design of ramps.

Very steep and/or long ramps with no resting landings.


To provide ramps wherever stairs obstruct the free passage of pedestrians, mainly
wheelchair users and people with mobility problems.


3.1 General

An exterior location is preferred for ramps. Indoor ramps are not recommended
because they take up a great deal of space.

Ideally, the entrance to a ramp should be immediately adjacent to the stairs.

3.2 Ramp configuration (1)

Ramps can have one of the following configurations:

(a) Straight run (fig. 1);

(b) 90 turn (fig. 2);

(c) Switch back or 180 turn (fig. 3).

3.3 Width

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Width varies according to use, configuration and slope.

The minimum width should be 0.90 m.

3.4 Slope

The maximum recommended slope of ramps is 1:20. Steeper slopes may be allowed
in special cases depending on the length to be covered (fig. 4).

Maximu Maximu Maximu

m slope m length m rise

1:20 i.e., - -

1:16 i.e., 8 m 0.50 m


1:14 i.e., 5 m 0.35 m


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1:12 i.e., 2 m 0.15 m

1:10 i.e., 1.25 m 0.12 m


1:08 i.e., 0.5 m 0.06 m


3.4 Landings

Ramps should be provided with landings for resting, maneuvering and avoiding
excessive speed.

Landings should be provided every 10.00 m, at every change of direction and at the
top and bottom of every ramp.

The landing should have a minimum length of 1.20 m and a minimum width equal to
that of the ramp

3.5 Handrail

A protective handrail at least 0.40 m high must be placed along the full length of

For ramps more than 3.00 m wide, an intermediate handrail could be installed (fig.

The distance between handrails when both sides are used for gripping should be
between 0.90 m and 1.40 m (fig. 5).

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3.6 Surface

The ramp surface should be hard and non-slip.

Carpets should be avoided.

3.7 Tactile marking

A coloured textural indication at the top and bottom of the ramp should be placed to
alert sightless people as to the location of the ramp.

The marking strip width should not be less than 0.60 m.

3.8 Drainage n Adequate drainage should be provided to avoid accumulation of water.

3.9 Obstacles

The same clearance considerations that apply to pathways apply to ramps (see

3.10 Mechanical Ramps

Mechanical ramps can be used in large public buildings but are not recommended for
use by persons with physical impairments.

If the ramp is to be used by a wheelchair-confined person, the slope should not

exceed 1:12.

The maximum width should be 1.00 m to avoid slipping.

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If the topography or structure of the existing building is restrictive, minor variations of

gradient are allowed as a function of the ramp length:

Maximu Maximu Maximu

m slope m length m rise

1:20 i.e., - -

1:16 i.e., 8 m 0.50 m


1:14 i.e., 5 m 0.35 m


1:12 i.e., 2 m 0.15 m


1:10 i.e., 1.25 m 0.12 m


1:08 i.e., 0.5 m 0.06 m


A non-slip surface finish should be added to slippery ramps.

Notes:(1) Circular or curved ramps are not recommended

4.2 Minimum dimensions of Clearway Ramps and Accessways

Clearway ramps are inclined floors that provide access between two levels. Clearway
ramps do not have parking stalls adjacent to them.
Accessway refers to a driveway that provides access to the parking place. Acessways do
not have adjacent parking stalls.

Single-lane is a lane where only one vehicle can pass through at any given time.
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Multi-lane is where more than one vehicle can pass through at any given time and there is
no physical separation/dividerbetween the lanes. Divider may be in the form of kerbs,
parapet and walls.

Inside lane of curve is to the innermost lane, nearest to the centre point of curve.

Outside lane of curve refers to any lane positioned after the innermost lane.

Inside radius of lane of curved accessway and driveway is the distance measured from the
inside curve edge to the centre point of the curve.

Maximum gradient is the steepest gradient of ramp measured along the centre line of the
ramp. Gradient refers to the ratio of the inclination of the ramp (height:length).

4.2: Types of ramp

4.2.1 Straight ramp

•Usually rectangular shaped with ramp well along the structure‟s longer side dimension
•more horizontal distance is required to satisfy ramp grade criteria than accommodate
vehicular movement between ramp ends
•Requires less floor area and simple to construct
•Economical space on lot that is long and narrow
•Cause difficulties to get on and off straight ramp (Sharp turn)

•Having two ways circulation lanes on parking floor may be hazardous

•Up and down circulation lanes intersect on the parking floor unless the floor area is so
large that each circulation can be kept within its own half on one-way lanes

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4.1.2 Curve ramp

•Single surfaces that permits vehicles to travel on a continuous helical path between
parking levels

Entrance and exit in the side
•Opposite side of ramp oil

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•Directly above each other on succeeding floor

•Should be clearway type

•Continuous-360º of rotation between two parking levels

•Located near corners of rectangular structure to minimize floor space loss but required
more space than straight ramp.(fit narrow site but waste more spaces)


4.2.1 General
Each parking lot presents its own particular problems based on physical layout, terrain, and
security requirements. Campus parking lot security can be enhanced through a combination
lighting, surveillance and response. These actions will improve security, deter crime,
potential liability and make staff and students feel safer.

4.2.2 Security Lighting

Security lighting is used to increase effectiveness of campus police forces by increasing the
visual range of the police during periods of darkness or by increased illumination of an
area where natural light does not reach or is insufficient. Lighting also has value as a
deterrent to potential individuals looking for an opportunity to commit crime. Normally
security lighting requires less intensity than working areas. Police must be able to identify
badges, people at gates, observe activity, inspect vehicles, observe illegal entry attempts,
detect intruders in the protected area, and observe unusual or suspicious circumstances.
The goal of direct illumination is to provide the specified intensity throughout the area for
support of campus police, provide good visibility for faculty, students or staff and have a
minimum of glare. Lighting must follow the provisions of Section 4.4 of this manual.

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As a rule of thumb, illumination levels at entrances, exits, loading zones and collector lanes
parking areas should not be less than twice the illumination of the adjacent parking area or
adjoining street which ever is greater.

Normally students and staff who arrive early also leave early, leaving late arrivals the less
(further away from buildings and traffic flow) parking spaces. Since these late arrivals also
usually the last to leave, they are also the most vulnerable to crime. By rerouting incoming
outgoing traffic through the parking lot to pass by the more remote areas, natural
surveillance is
increased and criminal opportunity is reduced. Parking perpendicular to the line of sight
reduces the criminal value of hiding between cars waiting for potential victims. Walking
corridors between cars at strategic locations also concentrates foot traffic and increases
natural surveillance by students and staff.

Emergency Call Stations

Surveillance without potential response provides little increase in system trust by
customers.Emergency Call Stations that can be used to cal security forces or police to an
emergency situation should be provided at multiple convenient locations in each lot.
Availability of these call stations for use by customers observing a crime in progress or by
victims who are threatened provides a considerable increase in comfort level for staff and
students. These
systems provide immediate voice contact (with security forces), alarm (to attract attention)
light signal (quick location of trouble spot). The UH emergency call station system consists
of a one button hands-free direct dial communications unit. There are two different
types of units one for wall mounting and one stand alone exterior mounting. The
communications units are manufactured by Code Blue ( For current
specifications, please see Master Construction Specification Section 28 26 00
ElectronicPersonal Protection Systems.

Barrier Gates
Barrier gates are a means of restricting use of parking spaces to those individuals with
preapproved permission to park in a specific lot. Gates can be a two-way gate system or a
card gate with a separate controlled egress.

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a.Two Way Gate System b. Card Gate

4.2.1 Security and safety

•Open, glass stairwells and glass-backed elevators

•Security devices
-video, audio and emergency buttons that call into the booth or local police station
-Public telephones
•Eliminate potential hiding places, such as under open stairs

•Handicap accessibility with vehicles close to stair and elevator cores have a direct path to
key movement patterns of the garage
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-avoid carbon monoxide build-up, designed adequate air flow for through mechanical
and/or natural
•Non-slip floor surface

-ensure safety of movement of the man and automobile

•Energy efficiency in lighting

-balance between day lighting, interior lighting and exterior control especially on the
exterior design of the façade while providing adequate lighting within
-Lights should be vandal resistant and easy to maintain.


4.3.1 General
Parking, handicap, and other signage must conform to the . Department of Transportation
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Standard and with Disabilities Act standards.
All signs must meet University of Houston standards for colors and lettering.

4.3.2 Sign Size

All signs must have a ratio that is neither greater than 3.20 nor less than 1.75 (ratio: divide
length by the height).
Street signs and standard roadway signs will be 18” wide by 24” high. Examples include
Not Enter” and “One Way” (without arrow). See Figure.

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Handicap (ADA) and other parking signs will be 12” wide by 18” high. See Figures


Colors Legend and Border -- Green

White symbol on Blue background
Background – White


4.3.3 Font Size
Font size is strictly dependent on the nature of the sign; i.e. whether the sign is intended for
vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Only the rules that apply to traffic around the University are
detailed in below table:

Travel Speed Traffic Categor Reading Distance Appropriate Letter Height Symbol
31 | P a g e
0 mph on campus pedestrians 5 feet 1 inch 4inches
0-10 mph pedestrians cyclists
Rollerbladers 10 feet 2 inches 8inches
10-40 mph Vehicular 20 feet 4 inches 16 inches


4.3.4 Sign Materials

Sign materials depend upon the following criteria:
 DOT standards include 0.080 gauge aluminum signs covered with Approved
Engineer Grade
(SEG) reflective sheeting for street and parking signs.
 ADA standards include a 6" pictogram with verbal description, 1/32" raised letters
numerals, 5/8" minimum letter height, raised grade 2 Braille, and 70 percent contrast
background and text for all handicap signage.

 All other signs can be made from metal or Dura-ply.

4.3.5 Pole/Mounting Post

Poles shall be manufactured or constructed of 2" O.D. round galvanized pipe. Poles for
signs or standard roadway signs should extend 9‟ 0” above the parking surface. Poles for
Handicap markings should be 6‟ above the pavement. All poles must be set in concrete
extending a minimum of 2‟ 6” below the surface. Signs should be mounted as close to the
top of the post as possible. See Figure for details.

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4.3.6 Quality Assurance
Manufacturer should have a minimum of 5 years experience in manufacturing signage. All
signage is to be manufactured by one manufacturer. Install traffic signs in accordance with
manufacturer's written installation instructions and the project plans.

4.3.7 Replacement
All signs should be replaced on an as-needed basis to reflect the proper image of the

Any signage within the parking facility must be clearly visible and used to control, warn or
instruct customers. Ideally, signs should be sited so that information is visible from all
parts of the parking facility, but without obscuring CCTV, views or natural surveillance.
Examples may include defining entry and exit routes, one way lane directions and locations
of pay stations and help points.
Designers will need to establish from the owner or operator what the operating
requirements are for the facility and allow for the following additional signage:

 Name of parking facility and owner or operator. This should be located near the
vehicle entrance.
 Parking facility operational hours. This should be located near the vehicle entrance.
 Details of the owner or operator and how to contact them.
 A copy of the owner or operator Terms and Conditions.
 Clear information on the charges applicable and where to pay. This should be
located near the vehicle entrance and at payment machines or meters
 Clear and visible signage must be provided to identify entrances, exits, lifts,
stairwells, payment machines or meters and parking levels and zones.
 The locations of any customer service help points.


Natural surveillance is the most effective form of surveillance, but where this cannot be
achieved CCTV or other measures, such as mirrors, should be considered. In a new parking
facility, there is the opportunity through design to negate areas of concealment or, at the
very least, severely restrict them.
There may be a site specific request made by the CPDA/ALO for CCTV cameras, which
should cover the vehicle and pedestrian entrances and exits, as well as any help points and
pay stations present.

33 | P a g e
Where necessary, cameras vulnerable to damage should be protected from attack, such as
fitting of a suitable vandal-resistant housing.
All such CCTV systems would be expected to include an appropriate digital recording
system (DVR) generally enabled to store images from the cameras at an agreed frame rate
and evidential standard.
As a general guide the following issues should be considered:
CCTV cameras should be capable of providing images from which the person
shown can be identified
All pedestrian and vehicle access points should be fitted with such CCTV cameras
All lifts should be fitted with such CCTV cameras
Other known crime generating areas (such as bicycle or motorcycle parking areas)
should be fitted with such CCTV cameras

4.5.1 Vehicle Entrance and Exits

Static cameras should be positioned to ensure that:

Upon entry the front of the vehicle is viewed where possible
The registration plate is easily readable when the vehicle is stationary at the barrier and a
view of the front seat occupants is available
The recorded image of the vehicle registration number is not obscured by date, time and/or
recording mode
Upon exit, the images of the vehicle registration number recorded are not obscured by the
flow of traffic

4.5.2 Pedestrian Entrances and Exits

Cameras installed on pedestrian entrances and exits should comply with the following:
 Provide clear facial recognition for evidential purposes Entrances and entrances
should always be kept to a minimumIf there are too many pedestrian entrances or
other areas of access to cover without large installations, designers should consider
the following options:
 Installing cameras at ground floor lift lobbies, stairwells and ramps,offers better
protection to the upper levels
 Fitting grilles/barriers to create natural choke points so that pedestrians can be
channelled past a particular camera

34 | P a g e
4.5.1 Purpose
Parking lot lighting is vital for traffic safety; for protection against assault, theft and
for convenience; and for comfort to the user. Lighting on parking lots at the University of
Houston Central Campus are to be designed to provide the minimum lighting necessary to
adequate vision and comfort while being arranged so as not to cause visual interference on
thorough fares or encroach on the visual privacy of adjacent building occupants.

4.5.2 Criteria
Lighting systems are to be designed to conform with Illuminating Engineering Society of
NEW DELHI requirements, to the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA)
recommendations, and to the following criteria:
General: All UH parking lot lighting will utilize a standard luminaire and pole height
unless the
Director of Facilities Planning and Construction directs otherwise. Illumination Level
within the Parking Lots: Illumination levels at any point across the parking lot must not be
greater than 6.0 foot-candles in the horizontal plane, and must not exceed 0.5 vertical foot-
candles. All points across the interior of the parking lot must have an illumination level
greater than 3.0 foot-candles. Illumination in low traffic areas must not fall below the 2.5
footcandles level. Illumination Level Beyond Parking Lot Perimeter: Illumination
attributable to a parking lot
lighting system should not exceed 0.50 horizontal foot-candles beyond the perimeter of the
parking lot
. Illumination Level at High Traffic Areas: Illumination levels at entrances, exits, loading
zones and collector lanes of parking areas should be greater than twice the illumination of
the adjacent
parking area or the adjoining street, whichever is greater.
Uniformity Ratio: The illumination uniformity ratio should not exceed 3:1, average to
or 4:1 maximum to minimum. The use of unnecessarily high wattage lights can actually
lead to a
less secure environment by creating dark pockets just outside the range of the lights.

Glare Control: Lighting should be designed to protect against glare onto public rights-of-
way that could impair the vision of motorists and adversely impact adjoining properties.
Lighting adjacent to buildings and/or residential districts must be arranged so that the
luminaires have a sharp cutoff at no greater than 78 degrees vertical angle above nadir. Not
more than five (5) percent of the total lamp lumens can project above 78 degrees vertical.

Spillover: In the ideal case, all exterior light would be shielded from adjacent properties by

35 | P a g e
existing vegetation, thick evergreen vegetated buffers, berms, walls or fences, and/or the
use of
directional lighting, lighting shields, special fixtures, timing devices, appropriate light
luminaries, and mountings at established heights. A design objective for all UH parking
lots is
for outdoor lighting to be designed and located such that the maximum illumination
measured in
foot-candles at the property line shall not exceed 0.5 onto adjacent residential sites and 1.0
adjacent commercial sites and public rights-of-way.

Orientation: The intent of UH parking lot lighting is to minimize or eliminate light directed
upward. Light emitted at angles of 80 degrees higher (where straight down is 0 degrees)
fails to
produce useful illumination on horizontal surfaces in open areas. At these high angles light
produces significant glare, light pollution, and energy waste. Light above 90 degrees is
wasted and produces undesirable sky glow.

Placement: The placement of light poles within raised curb planter areas is encouraged, but
conflicts with parking lot trees, which can obscure the lighting, should be avoided. The
separating lights will be determined by the geometry of the parking lot and the requirement
satisfy illumination levels.

Control: Lighting must be designed to interface with the existing University control system
where lighting is currently controlled by photocells. Each lighting circuit must be equipped with
a manual over-ride switch. Lighting should be capable of bi-level control within a future
energy management system.

4.5.3 Luminaires
Mounting Height: The mounting height is measured from the finished grade or surface and
includes the total height of the luminaire, pole, and any base or other supporting structure
required to mount the light. Parking lot luminaires shall be designed, located and mounted at
heights no greater than:
33-feet above grade for cutoff lights (See Figure)

Pole bases: Raised light pole bases shall be attractively designed and compatible with the overall
campus. The standard is a 2 ft. diameter, cylindrical concrete base set 8.0 ft. below and 2.5 ft.
above grade. The top of the base must be finished in a slight convex shape to prevent water
pooling at the base of the light pole. (See Figure 9.9.3 for details).
Light Source: Lamps shall be metal halide (MH), 20,000 hour type. Lamps for cut-off

36 | P a g e
luminaires shall not exceed 400 watts without specific approval of the University of Houston.

Pole Lights
In most areas, parking lots are required to meet some type of lighting level standard
recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES). And the best way to meet
those standards and disperse light over the wide open area of a parking lot is by
strategically placing pole lights throughout the property. Not only will quality light deter
crime and car accidents, but, for retailers, it can attract customers and assure them your
business is a safe place. In addition to shopping centers, pole lights are regularly used in
the parking lots of parks, factories, hospitals, warehouses, apartment buildings, and more.

Pole lights come in a wide range of architectural designs and are made of steel, aluminum,
concrete, fiberglass, and even wood. Typical poles have anywhere from one to four fixtures
at the top with luminaires that must be able to withstand harsh weather and, unfortunately,
rocks and other projectiles thrown by vandals.

High-intensity discharge (HID) and metal halide (MH) lamps are historically the most
popular type of lights used in parking lot applications. However, because their light output
significantly decreases over time and there are currently more efficient bulbs on the
market, energy efficiency groups no longer recommend these two bulbs for pole lights.

37 | P a g e
Instead, induction lamps, or even better, LEDs are preferred for parking lots because of
their lower energy requirements, good color, and durability. Although more expensive,
LED outdoor lights have particularly long lifespans and deliver targeted illumination which
helps to reduce light pollution.

Flood Lights
In the last energy saving outdoor lighting post, we described the benefits of installing flood
lights directly on or around buildings, but let‟s not forget flood lights are equally useful in
parking lots. You can affix them to poles, use them to illuminate something you want to
highlight, or position them in landscaped areas where they‟ll be both functional and
aesthetically pleasing. They are commonly used to increase safety and in applications
where a great deal of light output is needed, such as car lots.

For years, many consumers opted for metal halide lamps in flood lighting applications,
because of the MH‟s bright, true-white color. However, with advancements in LED
technology, LED bulbs are now able to provide a bright, white color that‟s comparable to
the MH‟s and with lower energy demands. Again, LEDs are more expensive, but
considering lighting accounts for around 17% of a commercial buildings energy use
(according to the US Department of Energy) and LED outdoor lighting can lower light
energy consumption as much as 50% or more, they are actually a relatively modest
investment with significant long term returns.

Also, with the quality light of an LED, you may be able to reduce wattage, which can save
even more energy and cut down on the intrusion on neighboring properties. Not to
mention, LEDs require little maintenance, which means you‟ll spend far less on upkeep
and limit the number of times workers put themselves at risk to replace high mounted
parking lot bulbs.

4.3.1 General
All parking lots shall be designed to develop proper site drainage, directed at the disposal
of all
storm water accumulated on the site. Parking lots constructed on UH campuses and other
sites which contain an area of 2,500 square feet or more; and which are located within 150
feet of an existing storm sewer or other drainage way, including an open channel or creek,
should be
38 | P a g e
designed to direct storm water runoff into such storm sewers or drainage ways. The
parking lot
should be graded and surfaced such that storm water runoff from the site is collected on the
site by a parking lot drainage system and carried to the storm sewer system, and not allowed to
discharge through the driveway entrances and exits onto the public way. Proposed finished
elevations of the parking lot must be indicated on appropriate plans. The site drainage design must
not restrict flows that could occur during a 100-year flood condition.

4.3.1 Proper Drainage

Laboratory testing and practical experience have demonstrated the dramatic reduction in the
ability of a soil to resist stresses in the presence of excess moisture. For this reason, one of the
most important functions of a pavement is to provide a seal over the underlying soil or sub grade.
Although the pavement itself absorbs much of the traffic-induced stress, invariably some of this
pressure is ultimately transmitted to the soil foundation. If there is excess moisture in this soil, it
may be unable to resist the applied loads. The load will eventually exceed that which the
pavement can tolerate, and a local failure will result.
Excess moisture can be prevented by proper drainage. Properly designed inlets and culverts
should efficiently remove storm water from the parking lot surface. Where necessary, subsurface
drains should be used to collect and dispose of groundwater before it can reach the sub grade.
Evidence of poor drainage, which includes ponding (bird baths) or standing water that does drain
from the surface of a parking lot, is an unacceptable consequence of poor parking lot construction.
The University of Houston will require that the paving contractor rectify any ponding susceptible
areas at their cost and at a schedule and method acceptable to the University during the first year
following handover of the parking lot to the University.

4.3.2 Pipes
Refer to Master Construction Specification Division 33. All drainage pipes shall be
of Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP). Pipes shall be designed for free flow and a minimum
velocity of 3.0 fps at peak design flow. Wherever possible underground utilities should
the roadway centerline.

4.3.3 Storm Drain Manholes, Junction Boxes and Cleanouts

Manholes are required at:
 Any change in horizontal or vertical alignment of underground drainage pipe.
horizontal curvature in pipe less than 15 degrees may be allowed, (without manholes or
cleanouts), depending on pipe size, street alignment, degree of curvature and reason.
Maximum joint deflection shall be per manufacturer‟s recommendation.
 All connections.
 All changes in pipe size.
 At least every 500 feet.
Standard catch basins, junction boxes, or cleanouts may be used in place of manholes for
pipe no
larger than 18 inches in diameter and with a depth less than 4.0 feet.

39 | P a g e
Avoid placing manholes within a parking space. Wherever possible manholes should be
behind the curb or in drive lane.

4.3.4 Inlets and Catch Basins

Inlets and catch basins are required at:
 All low spots and shall be connected to a storm drainage facility.
 At least every 500 feet of gutter length.

Open Channels
All existing ditches and other open channels feeding a pipe with a diameter greater than 36
inches shall remain open channel except at road crossings.
Where possible, ditches shall be located along or adjacent to lot lines.
For reasons of maintenance and safety, bank slopes shall be 4:1 or flatter.
The maximum allowable design velocity is 7 fps. The minimum allowable design velocity
is 2 fps. The installation of a concrete lined low-flow channel may be required to achieve
minimum velocity. The normal maximum depth for an open ditch is 4 feet outside of road
rights-of-way and 2 feet adjacent to the roadways.

40 | P a g e
Pedestrian access, as with vehicles, is based on the same principle - entrance and exit
routes should be kept to a minimum.
The location of pedestrian access and exit routes should be designed so that people who
have no legitimate reason to be in a parking facility are inhibited from uncontrolled or
unobserved access to a site. Additionally the sites should be designed, wherever possible,
to maximise both formal and passive surveillance and completely remove recessed areas.
If lifts are being installed you should consider the following features:
 A vision panel should be installed into the lift lobbies and doors to allow
surveillance to and from the landings
 Vandal-resistant buttons and panels are required with an alarm button, connected
via a link to a remote monitoring point, to enable hands-free voice communication
 The fitting of glazed doors and mirrored interiors into the lift cars can enhance
customer visibility
 Landings should not be accessed via long passageways and lifts, ideally, should
open onto the level of the parking facility. Due to statutory requirements, e.g. fire
regulations, a lobby should separate the lifts from the parking areas. In this instance a well-
illuminated and unobstructed landing area must be provided.
 A safety rail, control barrier or other safety provision should be provided at the
point of entry onto the parking area to ensure pedestrians and vehicles do not collide
 In the event of a power failure, a suitable back up facility should be available to
assist any persons trapped

5.2 Stairways
 Where possible, incorporate see-through balustrades allowing good visibility on
approach to and from landing areas
 Glazed stairwell and landing openings facing external areas provide enhanced
natural light and surveillance. Where this is not possible, vandal-resistant mirrors installed
at stair turns can provide a similar level of surveillance
 If stairways are on the external face of the building, incorporate maximum areas of
glazing to permit surveillance internally and externally.

41 | P a g e
5.3 Underground Car Parks
These types of parking structure can present different security issues with regards to the
pedestrian means of escape and access into and out of the car park.
This is of particular concern where multiple residential blocks or a combination of
residential and commercial premises share the same underground facility.
For obvious reasons, any emergency exit routes from the car park to ground level cannot be
totally secured from the inside. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they do not lead
directly into any of the buildings/blocks. It is preferable that they either lead directly
outside or into an access controlled lobby, where escape can be made outside, but further
access into the building would require the individual to pass through another access
controlled door. It may be appropriate in some shared commercial/residential underground
car parks to provide physical separation between the two distinct areas. Ideally, separate
entrances/exits would be the best solution although in some locations there is only space
for one entrance/exit which by default has to be the public one. Nevertheless, a second
access point could be located within the car park providing separate access to the
residential properties.

42 | P a g e
The main rule for new car parks is that vehicular access and exit routes should be kept to a
6.1 Control the Traffic
Ideally both the entry and exit routes should be in very close proximity, i.e. separate but
adjacent lanes. On large installations more than one point of entry and exit may be
required, but where possible should remain adjacent in order to effectively maintain control
over the locations.
Where possible all routes should incorporate a degree of control - this will vary dependent
upon the location, the type of parking facility and management practices.
Controlling the movement of vehicular routes can be achieved by a number of methods
including barrier access, flow plates, staffed control points and CCTV.
Features such as narrowed entrances or height restrictors may be included where it is
necessary to control which vehicles are permitted within a parking facility. If height
restrictors are fitted they must be able to be opened or removed to allow access for
emergency or maintenance vehicles.

43 | P a g e

1. This document sets out the parking standards that the Department will have regard to in
assessing proposals for new development. It includes parking standards for residential
development previously published in „Creating Places – Achieving Quality in
Residential Developments‟.

2. The standards comprise Supplementary Planning Guidance and should be read in

conjunction with the relevant policies contained in Planning Policy Statements or the
development plan.

3. The principle objective of the parking standards is to ensure that, in assessing

development proposals, appropriate consideration is given to the accommodation of
vehicles attracted to the site within the context of wider government policy aimed at
promoting modal shift to more sustainable forms of transport.

4. The precise amount of car parking will be determined according to the specific
characteristics of the development and its location having regard to these standards or
any reduction provided for in an area of parking restraint designated in a development
plan. Proposals should not prejudice road safety or significantly inconvenience the flow
of traffic.

5. Developers are advised to consult the relevant development plans to ascertain whether
specific parking limitations apply to their proposed development location.

7.2 General Considerations

6 In assessing the parking provision in association with development the Department
will normally expect developers to provide an access to the site in accordance with the
current standards . Where appropriate, developers will be required to demonstrate there
is adequate provision of space within the site, for parking, manoeuvring, loading and
unloading to fulfil the operational requirements of the proposed development.

7.Where developments incorporate more than one land use which are functioning
simultaneously, e.g. a warehouse containing a large offi ce or a public house containing
a restaurant, the combined figures applicable to both uses will apply. Conversely, in
multi-purpose development where it can be shown that separate uses operate at
different times of the day greater flexibility will be applied.

8.Floor areas quoted in the guidelines relate to Gross Floor Area unless otherwise
44 | P a g e
9. The term „one space‟ used in the standards refers to standing area only and the
recommended minimum dimensions for a car space are 4.8 metres by
2.4 metres. The term „commercial vehicle space‟ used in the standards refers to the
standing area required for the general type of commercial vehicle which would
normally serve the particular development.

10. The following are standard space requirements of some typical vehicles. These may be
used as basic minimum reference values but different layouts such as parallel,
herringbone and in-line, have slightly different overall space requirements and
detailed layout of parking spaces will be site specific.

Car 2.4 metres x 4.8 metres

Light Vans 2.4 metres x 5.5 metres

Rigid Vehicles 3.5 metres x 14.0 metres

Articulated Vehicles 3.5 metres x 18.5 metres

Coaches (60 seats) 3.5 metres x 14.0 metres

These dimensions refer to standing space only and do not take account of access,
manoeuvring space or space required for loading/unloading.

1. Operational parking space for commercial and service vehicles will depend on the type
attracted to a development and should provide for manoeuvring space to enable
vehicles to exit the site in forward gear.

2. Best practice on the number, size and layout of parking spaces reserved for people with
disabilities and general guidance on the provision of appropriate related facilities is set
out in the Department‟s guide „Access for All‟.

3. The Department will, on request or as necessary, provide advice on the parking

requirement for developments not covered by these standards taking into account the
number and size of vehicles likely to use the proposed development at any one time
and wider Government policy on transportation.

For the purpose of interpreting the attached standards:
45 | P a g e
a) Gross floor space shall be calculated by way of internal measurement to the
inner face of the exterior wall and shall include any mall, covered entrance
lobby, enclosed circulation space, staff accommodation and other ancillary
space; and

b) Gross retail fl oorspace is floorspace used for selling goods by retail and includes
associated storage space but excludes any mall, covered entrance lobby, enclosed
circulation space, staff accommodation and any other ancillary space.

c) Net retail floorspace is the area for the sale and display of goods, checkout,
counters, packing zones, circulation space from check-outs to exit lobby, fitting
rooms and information areas. Net retail floorspace shall be calculated by way of
internal measurement to the inner face of the wall.

46 | P a g e
47 | P a g e


The Parking Places (Provision of Parking Places and Parking Spaces) Rules
stipulate the minimum parking layout dimensions for cars, heavy vehicles
and motor-cycles parking places. When designing a parking place QPs must
ensure that all the dimensions are met. Where necessary, provision in excess of
the requirement should be made to meet the actual demand of the development.

Columns, ducts, services and other items that would affect the standard
parking dimensions must be clearly indicated on the plans. These items, in a
completed/constructed parking place, must not hinder the minimum
dimensions specified in the Rules. QP should also consider the good practices in
Chapter 4 in their design and implementation of the parking place.

8.1 Car Parking Places

8.1.1 Minimum dimensions of parking stalls

A Parking Stall refers to the space for parking of one motorcar,

that is, a car parking lot. The space of the stall should be rectangular. The
longer side is known as length and the shorter side is the width. In
parallel parking, the longer side is parallel to the parking aisle or

The minimum dimensions required of a car parking stall are as follows:

Stall width: 2400mm Stall
length: 4800mm Stall length
for parallel parking: 5400mm
The area of each stall shall be flat and free from kerbs and other

47 | P a g e


Parallel Parking
Angled Parking

Parking Aisle /
4800 Driveway 2400

Fig 8.1: Minimum Dimensions of Car Parking Stalls

Where there is an object or obstruction, adjacent to a

stall, located within the middle 2800mm of the parking
length, the parking stall shall be widened. If the
obstruction is on one side, the minimum stall width shall
be 2700mm. If the obstruction is on both sides, then the
minimum stall width shall be 3000mm. Any large element
above 175mm such as columns, walls or ducts
constitutes an obstruction.

48 | P a g e
Parking Aisle

2400 2400 2400 3000 2700 2400



Obstruction Free Zone (middle 2800mm)

Obstruction (column)

Fig 8.3: Parking stalls with adjacent obstructions

Stall A: without any obstruction within Obstruction Free Zone

Stall B: with obstruction on both sides
Stall C: with obstruction on one side

For parallel parking, where cars cannot be parked by reversing or

where there are obstructions at its ends, minimum stall
length shall be 7200mm.

Angled Parking

Parking Aisle

Cannot reverse
into lot

5400 7200

Parallel Parking

Fig 8.4: Parking stall that cannot be parked by reversing

49 | P a g e
2.1.2 Minimum Width of Parking Aisle

A parking aisle refers to an access lane or driveway with

adjacent parking stalls.
Parking angle is the angle measured between the longer side of the
parking stall and the line of traffic flow of the aisle. Traffic Flow
refers to the direction of vehicle movement.

The minimum width of parking aisle shall be as follows:

1-way Traffic Flow 2-way Traffic Flow

Angle Bays on 1 Bays on 2 Bays on 1 or 2 sides

side sides
Parallel 3600mm 3600mm 6000mm

30° 3600mm 4200mm 6300mm

45° 4200mm 4800mm 6300mm

60° 4800mm 4800mm 6600mm

90° 6000mm 6000mm 6600mm

3600 3600

Bay on 1-side Bays on 2-side

1-way traffic flow 1-way traffic flow 2-way traffic flow

Fig 8.5 Parallel Parking Aisle

50 | P a g e
30° 3
3 333

330 30°

33330° 0°

3600 4200

Bay on 1-side Bays on 2-side

1-way traffic flow 1-way traffic flow 2-way traffic flow

Fig 8.6 30°-Angled Parking Aisle


45° 45 45°
4 444

4200 4800

Bay on 1-side Bay on 2-side

1-way traffic flow 1-way traffic flow 2-way traffic flow

Fig 8.7 45°-Angled Parking Aisle

51 | P a g e
60° 60 60°
0° 60

4800 4800

Bay on 1-side Bay on 2-side

1-way traffic flow 1-way traffic flow 2-way traffic flow

Fig 8.8 60°-Angled Parking Aisle

6000 6000 6600

Bay on 1-side Bay on 2-side

1-way traffic flow 1-way traffic flow 2-way traffic flow

Fig 8.9 90°-Angled Parking Aisle

Parking Aisle
Parking Aisle

Fig 8.10 Typical parking aisle

52 | P a g e
8.2.1 Minimum Dimensions for heavy vehicle parking

Items Rigid-framed Rigid-framed Articulated vehicles

vehicles of vehicles of (eg. prime movers,
length < 7.5m length > 7.5m 20',40' & 45'
a) Parking stall:
- Parallel parking 9.3m x 3.0m 14.0m x 3.3m 19.0m x 3.3m
- Angled parking 7.5m x 3.0m 12.0m x 3.3m 14.0m x 3.3m

b) Width of parking 1-Way 2-Way 1-Way 2-Way 1-Way 2-Way

aisle: flow flow flow flow flow flow
- Parallel parking 3.6m 7.4m 4.5m 7.4m 4.5m 7.4m
- 300-parking 3.6m 7.4m 4.5m 7.4m 7.0m 7.4m
- 450-parking 5.0m 7.4m 5.5m 7.4m 9.5m 9.5m
- 600-parking 6.5m 7.4m 7.0m 7.4m 11.0m 11.0m
- 900-parking 9.0m 9.0m 11.0m 11.0m 12.0m 12.0m

c) Width of
-On Straight 1-way traffic 1-way traffic 1-way traffic flow:
flow: 4.5m; flow: 4.5m 4.5m
2-way traffic 2-way traffic 2-way traffic flow:
flow: 7.4m flow:7.4m 7.4m

- On Curve 5.5m per lane 7.5m per lane 9.0m per lane
(6.0m for 20' trailer)
d) Inside turning 6.0m 6.0m 6.0m
radius of curve
e) Maximum gradient
of ramp:
- Straight ramp
- Curved ramp 1:12 1:12 1:15
1:15 1:15 1:20

f) Headroom 4.2m 4.2m 4.5m

clearance (exclude (4.75m at ramps)
double -

53 | P a g e
(on flat ground)

Headroom == 4750
(on ramp)

Fig 8.11 Headroom for clearance articulated heavy vehicles (eg. prime
movers, 20', 40' & 45' trailers)

2.3 Motor-cycle Parking Provision

Minimum dimensions of motor-cycle parking stall:

- 800mm x 2400mm

Preferred dimensions of motor-cycle parking stall:

- 1000mm x 2500mm

Developers are encouraged to provide motor-cycle parking stalls within

their developments. These motor-cycle stalls can be provided at
corners or any available space within the parking place, preferably isolated
from car parking. They should not obstruct movement of other vehicles
and pedestrians. If provided next to car parking lots, it is
recommended that a gap of 500mm to1000 mm be provided between
the car and motor-cycle lots.

54 | P a g e


This part explains the guidelines for the provision of mechanised parking system and lifts
in parking places. As mechanical systems evolve with time, the guidelines are general in
nature. Each parking proposal would be evaluated on its merit.

9.1 General

Mechanised parking systems are innovative solution to

provide parking needs. In using mechanised parking systems, typically
space used for ramps and driveway is significantly reduced. Designers
should take into consideration the user experience in selecting the most
appropriate system. Essentially, any mechanised system should provide a
greater degree of comfort and convenience to users. Mechanised systems
should not cause limitations to the type of cars that can use the system as
compared to conventional parking spaces. Developers should make known
to purchasers or users upfront about the provision of mechanised parking
in a development.

Mechanised parking systems can be broadly categorised under two groups:

a. Lateral Displacement Systems;

b. Vertical System
9.2 Guidelines for mechanised parking places

These guidelines deal with the car parking provision

a. and layout aspect. Notwithstanding the
guidelines, each mechanised parking proposal
shall be evaluated on its own merit.
Designers would be required to seek
clearances or approvals on other operational
aspects of the system, such as fire system,
security etc. from other relevant authorities.
The mechanism of the system does not come
under the jurisdiction of the Authority

55 | P a g e
Platform size (min) 5.4m long x
2.4m wide
Min. manoeuvring space 3.0m
Min. manoeuvring space 7.2m
Min. clear driveway width (after
- 1-way traffic
- 2-way traffic 3.6m

Table 9.1 Requirements for lateral parking system

7.2 m
5.4 m 3.6

56 | P a g e

6.0 m

3.0 m

Fig 9.6 Critical dimensions for lateral parking system

9.2.2 Requirements for vertical displacement

Platform size 5.4m long x
2.4m wide
Holding bay At entrance
and exit
Height limit 2.2m clear
Table 3.2 Requirements for vertical parking system

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5.4 m

2.2 m

Fig 9.7 Critical dimensions for vertical parking system

obstruction on
2.2 m

both sides
2.4 m 2.4 m

Fig 9.8 Critical dimensions for vertical parking system

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Chapter 10: Parking layout
•parallel parking requires experience, confidence, and patience
•Parking spaces (min );
7.5 meters long
2.75 meters wide.

•Works well in extremely narrow, linear spaces
•Requires minimum pavement area

•Difficult maneuvering for most drivers
•Less than ideal visibility of adjacent traffic
•Inefficient use of on-street space

10.1: Angle 90°

effective in low turnover rate or long term parking areas, the perpendicular, or 90 degree
parking configuration is the most efficient and economical since it accommodates the most
vehicles per linear meter.

•Standard dimensions for this configuration are:

Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (2-way) 7 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 19 meters V
vehicles per 100 linear meter double row 82

60 | P a g e
Degree Parking Dimensions and Geometry

•Handles the most vehicles per square meter of pavement
•Handles most vehicles per linear meter

•Requires widest area
•Difficult maneuvering for some drivers
•Two-way traffic can create some visibility problems
• Works well with either one-or two-way

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10.2: Angle 60°
-ideal for a fast turnover rate or predominantly short term use
-often offset by difficulties of inefficient circulation patterns and one-way aisles
•Standard dimensions for this configuration are:

Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 5.5 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 16.5 meters

60 degree parking one way and two way pattern

60 Degree Parking Dimensions and Geometry

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•in and out of parking spaces
•Good visibility
•Lends itself to either one-or two-way aisles
•Most common short term parking configuration
•Requires more pavement per vehicle than perpendicular configuration
•Handles less vehicles per linear meter

10.3: Angle 45°

The 45 degree angled parking configuration displays similar benefits and limitations as the
60 degree.
Standard dimensions for this configuration are:
Parking space width 2.75meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 4.5 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 14 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear meter double row 52.5

45 Degree Parking Dimensions and Geometry

•Reduced width requirements for layout
63 | P a g e
•Easy maneuvering in and out of parking spaces
•Good visibility to the rear

•Doesn't work well with two-way aisles
•Requires more pavement per vehicle than perpendicular parking configuration

45 Degree Parking Pattern

10.4: Angle 30°

Standard dimensions for this configuration are:
Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 7 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 19 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear meter double row 39.4

•Easy parking
•Reduced width requirements for layout

•Requires the most pavement per vehicle
•Doesn't work well with two-way aisles

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30 Degree Parking Dimensions and Geometry 30 Degree Parking Pattern



•Floor levels in one section is staggered vertically by one half story from those in adjacent
•Applicable to small, high-cost sites where maximum use of space must be achieved

•Construction is relatively simple
•The design fits well on rectangular sites
•Efficient in terms of floor space per vehicle parking stall

•Frequent conflicts may arise between circulating traffic and parking and un-parking

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Split system

Two-way staggered-floor ramp system

Tandem staggered-floor ramp system

This staggered-floor system provides parking on level floors and desirable one-way traffic

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Three-level staggered-floor ramp system

•Consist of sloping levels (full width ramp/continuous ramp)
•Contains two adjacent parking modules tilted in opposite directions
•Well-suited to self-park operations

•The relatively flat floor slope permits comfortable parking and pedestrian walking
•Each entering customer has an opportunity to park in the first available space as parking is
adjacent to the interfloor circulation system
•Floor-to-floor travel distance is greater in sloping-floor garages than in other types of
ramp garages

•Cause congestion during peak out-bound movements

conceptPlan view of sloping floor systems

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Basic sloping-floor concept

Sloping –floor system with crossover ramp of mid point

Double sloping-floor system with midpoint crossover

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 Automated parking is a method of automatically parking and retrieving cars

typically using a computerised system of pallets, lifts and carriers

•Most suitable on expensive sites and where land is very limited-too small for economical
development with a ramp parking

•advantages :
-increase capacity ; high space utilization due to lower ceiling height, dense parking,
and reduce space width
-no ventilation or HVAC required; saving utility costs
-eliminates stairs, elevators and fire exits
-enhance safety and security
-typically requires less building volume and less ground area than a conventional facility
with the same capacity.
Disadvantages :
-cost ; operation and maintenance
•Many structural and functional types of automated mechanical systems exist, such as :

-underground systemsas part of the building foundation

-above gradewhere they can match neighboring buildings in architectural appearance.

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Fee collection
•Fixed or variable charged pay on exit

Barrier capacity
•2 barrier types available

-Rising arm
-Rising kerb
•Entry barrier400 vehicles/hour
•Exit barrier250 vehicles/hour

•Services illumination for public should be (lux);

Parking areas 20
Driveways 50
Ramps 70
Roof 20
Entrance and exit 150

Interior view of multi storey car parking

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Chapter 13: Fire and precaution

Structural fire resistance

•Use non-combustible materials in the construction with structural fire requirement 1 hour
in specific restricted circumstances requirement for structural fire requirement may be
waived for building less than 15.2m high
•Eg: Cast in place concrete, pre-cast concrete and structural steel

Means of escape
•All parking spaces within 45.7 m of escape stairway having 1 hour fire requirement

Fire precaution
•Have adequate

-fire bridge access

-Dry rising main
-Fire points

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Chapter 14: Ventilation System Used For Basement

In an enclosed space, such as underground car park in malls, smoke is a real threat to life and it

also causes significant issues for fire fighters dealing with fire, in case there is a fire breakout.

Hence, these places need a good ventilation system for the removal of exhaust gases and

replacing the wasted air with fresh air inside the car parking space so that the people inside do
not get suffocated or choked.

The conventional ventilation system was ducted ventilation system which requires a ducting

arrangement for the provision of fresh air. It is being replaced by latest ductless ventilation

systems that do not have require any ducts to exhaust smoke and provide fresh air inside. These
systems are perfect for enclosed and underground spaces that are already fighting for space.

What is Ductless Ventilation System?

A series of jet fans and exhaust fans are used in ductless ventilation systems for the removal of

exhaust. The jet fans provide a high velocity to the gas stream entering into it and pass it onto the

next exhaust or jet fan which then releases the gas stream to the outside surrounding while also
replacing it with fresh air from outside.

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What are the Advantages of Ductless Ventilation Systems?

 The first and foremost advantage that these systems have over ducted ones is that due to

the lack of ducts, it is extremely to install ductless systems in car parking spaces. The

time and cost taken for the installation is also considerably lower.

 With the absence of ducts, the weight of the installation is also less. The jet fans are made

of lightweight, less density corrosion resistant aluminum and the outer casting is made up

of stainless steel.

 The overall height of the basement gets restricted due to the installation height of the

ducts and then the parking space is also convenient for small and medium cars and larger

cars do not fit in. Whereas with ductless systems, one does have to face such issues.

 The jet fans in ductless systems are synced with CO2 detectors and they automatically

adjust themselves to work according to the CO2 level in the parking space. Whereas in

ducted systems, the fresh air and exhaust fans would be required to work all day leading

to more energy consumption.

 The jet, impulse or induction fans are designed to have a characteristic thrust that ensures

a relatively even distribution of air.

 The jet fans can be worked in single or in both directions, according to the requirement.

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In light of the above advantages that ductless systems offer over ducted ones, it can be safely

said that ductless ventilation systems are ideal for underground car parking spaces in malls which

already have less space and need to provide for hundreds of cars that come day in and out. The

level of fresh air need to be maintained if people are to be prevented from getting suffocated and

also a good ventilation system will come in handy when fire breaks out as it would neither be

possible for people to vacate the space if there is smoke everywhere nor will the fire fighters be
able to do their job.

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As traffic increases, car park requirements and also poor air quality in underground parking
garages are increasing. From this regard, PM10, NOx and CO parameters are becoming larger
amounts in air of underground parks which have no high ventilation possibilities and require
extra measures to protect human health. However SO2 and O3 parameters are not in remarkable
amounts in underground parking garage air. In Turkey, investment in underground parking
garages is a new trend for both private and public initiatives. Of course, required precautions are
taken, however due to technical problems such as establishment of abatement technologies in
wrong locations of parking garages causes concentrated exhaust pollutants which have adverse
effects in human health. In order to solve such problems, literature should be investigated deeply;
new studies should be performed and public should be informed for the possible health induced
problems of poor air quality in parking garages.

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Ever since the 1960s, parking has turned out to be a major user of developable land. Multi-storey
car parks, underground or basement car parks, and car parks in a multi-function building are
common. Even though multi-storey car parks are mainly found in city and town centers, they as
well feature in airports, retail centers, conference centers, hotels, housing developments, places
of employment (both offices and factories), places of entertainment, railway stations, and sports
facilities. Underground parking provides many long-term benefits such as preserving prime real
estate, offering convenient, centrally located parking, and removing parking structures from
street frontage. Deep underground basements that are integrated into urban development projects
early in the overall project design offer many inherent improvements to the overall quality and
value of the project and its surrounding community. Understanding the primary design and
construction issues is significant while planning an underground parking structure.The current
study involves the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete buildings with multiple underground
stories.The study involves analyzing the behavior of the ramps and decks due to single vehicle
movement and multi vehicle movement and also the vehicle impact into a column.

Parking structures are one of the most conspicuous “solutions” to a society’s parking
challenges. In a number of cases parking structures are the best solution and numerous cases
are present where parking structures make sure improved parking conditions, the global
transportation network and quality of the neighborhood, also allowed for transit impacts.
Effective parking structures are designed to meet the consumer’s demands, which
development that would not take place otherwise[1]. At the same time, if not properly
evaluated, parking structures can be built in places and in methods that have significant
usually take account of feeling safe and welcome, and more knowing that their cars are in a
secure environment.Given the choice, people all the time park in light and bright car park
where they feel their car and its contents will be safe and secure.
This design procedure is influenced by the parking purpose, how frequently
consumer’s visit, payment and control systems, and connection to the external highway ence, for
short-stay parking such as for shoppers – where higher dynamic and turnover capacities are
required – wider bays are recommended. Underground structures are constrained by the
neighbouring soil or rock and cannot move independently so they are not generally subjected to
significant dynamic amplification effects. They are usually affected by the deformation of the
surrounding ground and not by the inertia forces acting on the structure. Many factors influence

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whether a user will find the car park easy to use and be comfortable in the car park. The most
important elements are outlined below:

 Size of car park and ease of circulation

 Layout in terms of column spacing, ability to find available spaces easily, aisle and
ramp widths, headroom and ramp gradients
 Safety and security
 Level of visibility
 Lighting
 Quality and style of internal surface finishes
 Clear and concise user information and signage.

The growth of automobile population is an important issue in many urban cities around the
world. It creates not only a horde of problems such as indoor air quality and noise pollution, but
also affected the demand of parking spaces as in any city, land is scarce and expensive resource
that has to be utilized to its fullest value. Therefore, BASEMENT car park has become a
solution in order to optimize the usage of the land. Varieties of parking spaces are designed such
as underground (basement), surface (ground level) and above ground (elevated and usually
multi-storey complex).
Underground car parks are expected to be much more constructed in future. This is due to the
current scenario of the developed cities where they prefer to build the main building spaces
rather than erecting an elevated multi-storey car park complex on the land provided which this is
believes will affect the aesthetic value as well as the environment of the whole development. An
underground car park is defined as under a street or an open space and it is a basement to a
building which includes any floors constructed under ground level (Burnett J. and Chan M.L

The growth of automobile population in Kuala Lumpur is an important issue for car parking
spaces especially commercial buildings. The large multi storey and underground car parks seem
to offer good solution nowadays. Undeniably, indoor air quality (IAQ) is a vital element in the
underground car park. It is so important due to its effects to the human beings. It can affect
someone’s health condition indirectly if someone stays in the environment such as underground
car park with the poor IAQ for a long time. This problem can be reduced by providing a better
ventilation system in the underground park so that the IAQ can be improved and increased well.
Provision of adequate mechanical ventilation is essential to maintain an acceptable air quality in
underground car parks. This paper addresses concerns about psychological aspect on indoor air
quality in underground car park associated with ventilation system and design layout. Users in a
sample of underground car parks were interviewed in the course of a questionnaires survey
dealing with nuisance occasioned by the pollutant mainly due to vehicle emissions. Accumulate
two case studies measured data is important for the further discussion and developments to
overcome the problem. This paper gives a fundamental data for the help of the future refinements

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In this work, the underground parking of Medical College (as my thesis topic) is
comprehensively assessed by grey relational analysis and the results of comprehensive safety
assessment of the system are obtained, which accord well with the actual situation, and prove the
method effective, practical in application of fire risk assessment of underground buildings. (2)
When under construction, the underground buildings usually have much higher risk of fire than
normal because of lacking for firefighting facilities, such as automatic fire alarm systems,
ventilation and exhaust systems, fire extinguishers emergency lights and the like. The pileup of
large quantities of flammable and combustible materials and weak awareness of construction
workers on fire control also contribute to the danger. Therefore, fire risks during construction of
underground buildings should be checked timely and fire safety assessment should be conducted
in each phase of construction, before taking necessary measures for weak links. (3) The main
idea of grey relational analysis applied in the area of fire safety assessment of buildings
underground is that, by analyzing the grey relational grades between each comparative sequence
based on index system and the reference sequence, the safety levels of each index and the system
as a whole are obtained. This method has a clear concept, and is easy to conduct and
programming. The results are direct, reliable and easy to generalize. Besides, the grey relational
analysis is applicable to multi-level systems

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3.PLANNING SERVICE PARKING STANDARDS : An agency with the department of


4.ACT PLANNING & LAND AUTHORITY : Parking and Vehicular access code.

5. (ramps in car parks)


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