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A Guide to

Health & Happiness

Using H O P E

 This presentation is about leading a balanced life. While it’s not intended as
an income producing opportunity, hopefully you will be able to gain some
additional life skills and meaning that can enable you to create the space
in your environment and your head to apply Autonomy to move you
forward to build Health, Happiness and financial security in your life.

“Our life is frittered away by detail… Simplify, simplify.”

— Henry David Thoreau
What is HOPE?


 HEALTH: Vibrant energy to do what you want to do
 ORDER: Clearing space in your environment and mind for more
creativity and clarity.
 PURPOSE: What do you love…what brings you joy and excitement?
 ENLIGHTENMENT: Your relationship with the Universe/Spirituality.
Accepting the beauty of life and knowing that you belong here.
The Universe has your back.
Ancient Wisdom…

“I have just three things to teach:

simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.”

— Lao Tzu
Creating vs. Consuming

 Use your Leisure time to CREATE not to CONSUME (substances, food,

alcohol, TV, games, other media) – with the exception of BOOKS…

“Well there's these things called books....

…They are like TV for smart people.”

― Robert Redford – A Walk in The Woods
Keep it Simple

 “Simplicity is the essence of happiness.”

— Cedric Bledsoe

 “Teach us delight in the simple things, and mirth that has no bitter
springs; forgiveness free of evil done, and love to all men beneath the
— Rudyard Kipling

 “There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and

— Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Do You Have a Mission?
A Vision?
 For Example: I want Optimum Health and Happiness available to me.
 Some people are taught that they need to create a “Mission”. Businesses
are driven by their stated Mission. You can be too.
 Health and Happiness is the only Mission you need
 This will be the ultimate purpose throughout your life
 What brings you happiness or – your purpose – will likely change depending
on what stage of life you are in.
Do You Know Your Purpose?
Many Variations…
 In your 20’s your purpose may be getting out into the world and seeing how
you fit into it.
 In your 30’s your purpose may be starting a family, building your home life
or a career.
 In your 40’s your purpose may be a “reset”; a new career, new direction
 In your 50’s your purpose may be a review of your life…knowing yourself
 In your 60’s your purpose may be retirement, creativity, travel
 In your 70’s your purpose may be longevity, family and friends
 In your 80’s and beyond your purpose may be reflecting on your
accomplishments, spirituality.
Do You Know Your Mission? Purpose?
Do You Have Goals?
 The problem with specific goals, career choices, etc., is that it can be
difficult to sustain the motivation, interest and delight in what you are
doing…how you invest your energy and time.
 You will change and evolve, and your purpose will change and evolve –
sometimes on a daily basis.
 Using HOPE (Health, Order, Purpose, Enlightenment) can be a framework
for creating your everyday Health & Happiness.
 MAKE EVERY MINUTE COUNT! We are only here for such a short time. Every
day is a gift from the universe. The universe has given you a life. What a gift!
What are your Goals?

 Have you ever set yearly goals?

 Did you follow through with those goals?
 Did those goals turn out the way you thought they would?
 Did those goals make you happy? Satisfied? Proud?
 I used to set new goals every year. Also had a five year “plan”
 I did achieve many of my goals, but I realized that some were not
achieved, or they didn’t end up being important enough to me to
continue on with them.
 But what was the PURPOSE of those goals? What is the ULTIMATE GOAL IN
Why Health & Happiness?

 Good health brings vibrancy, zest for life and energy

 We all define happiness our own way
 There are different ways to be happy within a human framework
 What do we need to be happy? (May be different for some?)
 Safety
 Love
 Autonomy
 Security
 Integrity
 Spirituality
How to Create Health & Happiness

 Health and Happiness. Bringing awareness of this mission regularly/daily

will bring specific goals into mind.
 Goals will change form day to day, year to year, etc.
 But if you can identify what does and can bring you health and
happiness you will discover meaningful goals and the actions to take to
achieve them.
 Use HOPE tools and methods (meditation, planner, journal, thinking)
daily to pull it together to create Health and Happiness on a consistent
How Do I Create Health & Happiness?

 With HOPE:
 Health: Vibrant energy and feeling pleased with your body
 Order: An uncluttered environment and mind
 Purpose: Doing what you love to do and having financial
 Enlightenment: Appreciating the gift of life we have been given
and knowing we belong here. We are here for a reason – the
Universe wants us to be alive and fulfilled.
How do I Create Health

 Nutrition: Whole foods, plant based

 Sleep: 8 hours…turn off devices!
 Movement: Sitting is the new smoking. Move out of your chair every waking
hour (for you gamers)
 De-Stress: Learn Neuroplasticity: We don’t have to be slaves to our
emotional dysfunctions. Be aware of our emotional landscape and the
triggers that cause stress and unnecessary suffering. (, CBT,
 Learn Anatomy and Physiology: We are NOT taught anything about our
bodies in school! We become victims of an UNHEALTHY medical system.
How Do I Create Order?

 In my Environment: Homecare = 15 minutes/day with or other

 In my Mind: 10 minutes meditation…aka Brain Dump (write down todos,
thoughts, ideas)
 In my Business Affairs: Automate bill paying and savings, use
Quicken/Mint/YNAB, reduce overhead (Mr Money Moustache style)
 In Meaningful Pursuits: Writing, etc. Use Brain, OneNote, Evernote, GTD tools
 In my Personal Affairs: Integrity, emotional honesty and warmth in
relationships - and a SENSE OF HUMOR!
How Do I Create Purpose?

 Know myself: What do I love to do?

 What is meaningful to me?
 Family
 Home
 Friends
 Meaningful Work
 Financial Security
How Do I Create Enlightenment?

 Education:
 Read books; history, philosophy, religion
 Trivium; Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric
 Meditation:
 Reduce Stress
 Clear My Mind
 Know What to Do Next
 Spiritual Connection
 To a Religion or God(optional)
 To the Universe: “The Universe is Conspiring to Give me a Beautiful
 To Myself: My highest self is kind, compassionate, loving, wise, brave
Tips for Implementation

 Daily meditation, journaling or planning practice

 Ask yourself…what one thing in each category can I do today to move me
towards optimum Health and Happiness using HOPE?
 Examples…
 Health: Drink more water today(and every day). Turn off WIFI an hour before
bedtime for better sleep
 Order: 15 minutes decluttering or cleaning environment, desk/desktop file org
 Purpose: Autonomy Integration exercise, business plan outline, setup auto
monthly investment/bill pay, family fun, home remodeling
 Enlightenment: Read a book, study, have compassion for myself and my good
intentions, show loving kindness to family or friends.
Keep it Simple…

 “Order and simplification are the first steps towards the mastery of a
- Thomas Mann, writer

 “That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be

harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean
to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get
there, you can move mountains.
- Steve Jobs, businessman

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