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Std 10—Biology, Photosynthesis notes

Copy down these notes in your School sheets and submit the work for internal assessment

Q1. Define- Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process by which living plant cells prepare food (glucose) using water and carbon
dioxide as raw materials, in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll to liberate oxygen.

Q2. Write the equation for Photosynthesis

6 CO2 + 12 H2O Chlorophyll Sunlight C6 H12 O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2


Q3. Name the raw materials, conditions needed and end products of photosynthesis.

Raw materials—Carbon dioxide and Water.

Conditions required—Sunlight and Chlorophyll.

End products—Glucose and Oxygen.

Q4. What is the significance or importance of photosynthesis?

i) Plants produce food for all (Glucose)

ii) Release Oxygen which supports life on Earth.

Q5. Explain the 2 mechanisms to explain the opening and closing of stomata.

Mechanism of opening and closing of Stomata---

1. Sugar Concentration Theory—During the day time, Guard cells photosynthesize and Glucose is
produced. This increases the Osmotic pressure, resulting in Guard cells bulging out and hence Stoma
opens. When Guard cells stop photosynthesizing during night, Osmotic pressure decreases, since Glucose
gets transported from the guard cells, and stoma closes.

2.K+ ion concentration Theory--- According to this theory, the stomatal opening and closing depends on
K+ ions gradient. During daytime, the chloroplasts in the guard cells photosynthesise which leads to the
production of ATP which pumps the potassium ions of the adjacent cells into the Guard cells, makes it
hypertonic and hence draws water into the guard cells, making them more turgid and Stoma opens.

The reverse happens in night, K+ ions leak out, the turgor of guard cells reduces and the stomatal opening
Q6. Explain the steps of photosynthesis.

Steps in Photosynthesis process---2 main phases---

I. Light Reaction-- / Photo-chemical Phase/ Hill Reaction

1. Activation of Chlorophyll---Chlorophyll molecules absorb photons of light energy and get activated.
(Photon is the smallest unit of light energy)

2. Photolysis of water --- It is the splitting up of water molecule into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions taking
place in presence of sunlight and in grana of chloroplasts.

H2O-------- H+ + OH-

3. Formation of NADPH2 --- A hydrogen acceptor, NADP accepts H+ ions to form NADPH2

NADP + 2 H+ --------- NADPH2 [NADP—Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate]

4. Release of Oxygen----

2 OH---------------2 H2O2 --------------2H2O + O2

( Hydrogen peroxide )

5. Photo- Phosphorylation---- It is the formation of ATP from ADP and iP (inorganic phosphate) taking
place in presence of sunlight and in grana of chloroplasts.

ADP + iP -------------- ATP

II. Dark Reaction--/Bio synthetic phase

The reactions in this phase do not require light energy and occur simultaneously with the light reaction.
The reactions are light independent. The fixation of carbon dioxide occurs in a number of steps using a
special CO2 acceptor RuBP (Ribulose Bis Phosphate). The first stable compound formed is PGA
(Phospho Glyceric Acid). Ultimately glucose C6H12O6 is formed.

Q7. Define—i) Photolysis of water—--- It is the splitting up of water molecule into hydrogen and
hydroxyl ions taking place in presence of sunlight and in grana of chloroplasts ( H2O-------- H+ + OH- )

ii) Photo- Phosphorylation---- It is the formation of ATP from ADP and iP (inorganic phosphate) taking
place in presence of sunlight and in grana of chloroplasts.

ADP + iP -------------- ATP

iii) Polymerisation--- It is the conversion of glucose into starch.

Q8. Differentiate between:--

Light Reaction Dark Reaction

1. Also called photo chemical phase 1. Also called Bio synthetic phase.

2. Takes place in Grana of chloroplast 2. Takes place in Stroma of chloroplast.

3. Reactions depend on light 3. Reactions are light independent.

4. End products—Oxygen, NADPH2 , ATP, 4. End products—Glucose, NADP, ADP, iP


Q9. Explain the adaptations in leaf for photosynthesis.

Adaptations in leaf for photosynthesis---

1. Large surface area—for maximum light absorption.

2. Leaf arrangement at right angles so that maximum sunlight is available.

3. Numerous stomata allow rapid exchange of respiratory gases.

4. The thinness of leaves—Reduces the distance between cells, facilitating rapid transport.

5. The Chloroplasts are concentrated in the upper layers of the leaf, so that using light energy, maximum
photosynthesis can be done.

6. Extensive vein system for rapid transport of water, to and from the mesophyll cells. Factors affecting

Q10. Explain the external and internal factors affecting photosynthesis

A. External factors ---

i). Light intensity and ii) Carbon dioxide concentration—Photosynthesis increases with increase in
light intensity, but gets stabilized at 0.02% of CO2.

If CO2 concentration is increased further, along with increased light intensity, then photosynthesis
increases and it further stabilized again at 0.05% CO2.

iii) Temperature—Rise in temperature, increases photosynthesis upto a maximum of 35o C. At 40o C the
rate of photosynthesis stops, since the enzymes get destroyed

iv) Water content—Scarcity of water, results in decreasing the rate of photosynthesis.

B) Internal factors—i) Chlorophyll--- If Mg+ ions are deficient in soil, then it results in chlorophyll
deficiency and hence rate of photosynthesis decreases.

ii) Protoplasm—Dehydration of protoplasm, decreases the photosynthesis rate. Similarly accumulation

of starch or sugar also decreases photosynthesis.

iii) Structure of leaf--- Size of leaf, thickness of cuticle and distribution of stomata influences CO2
diffusion inside the leaf, hence photosynthesis also decreases.

Q11. Define—Destarching of a plant.

. Destarching of a plant—It is the removal of starch from the leaves of a plant.

(This is done by placing the plant in the dark for 24 to 48 hours, so that the starch present in the leaves
moves to the underground storage organs of the plant.)

Q12. Explain the steps for testing a leaf for starch;

Steps to remove chlorophyll from a leaf/ Steps to be done before testing a leaf for starch:---

• Dip the leaf in boiling water to kill the cells.

• Boil the leaf in methylated spirit in a water bath to remove chlorophyll.
• Place the leaf in hot water to soften the cells.
• Put a drop of Iodine solution on it. The leaf will turn blue black showing the presence of starch.

Expt 1—Aim—To show that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis.

Observation—After testing the leaf for starch with iodine solution, the part of the leaf which has starch
turns blue black and the part of the leaf without starch remains yellowish brown.

Examples of Variegated leaf—Croton, Coleus, Geranium

Expt 2--Aim: To demonstrate that Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.

Observation: The part of the leaf inside the bottle remains yellowish brown with iodine, but the part of the
leaf outside gives a blue black colour with iodine.

Inference: The bottle contains KOH which absorbs CO2 and due to the absence of CO2 photosynthesis does
not take place in the leaf inside the bottle, therefore due to the absence of starch it does not give blue black
colour with iodine.

Qn--Name any other chemical which can be added in the bottle, other than KOH. ---Lime water, Sodium
hydroxide, Calcium hydroxide.

Expt 3--Aim: To demonstrate that light is required for photosynthesis

Observation: The part of the leaf covered with black paper does not show blue black colour with iodine
whereas the part exposed to light shows blue black colour with iodine.
Inference: Light is necessary for the process of photosynthesis
Expt 4--Aim: To show that Oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis.

Observation: A stream of bubbles are evolved from the hydrilla stem.

Inference: Oxygen gas is evolved during the process of photosynthesis.


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