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Name: Eulimer E.


Subject: EDUC5

Instructor: Sir Robert E. Wariza

Topic: Lesson 3 (Appropriateness of Assessment Methods)

Exercise 1.2

A. Discuss the appropriateness of the following assessment methods:

1. Objective Tests
An objective test is a test that has right or wrong answers and so can be
marked objectively. It can be compared with a subjective test, which is evaluated
by giving an opinion, usually based on agreed criteria.

These are appropriate for assessing the various levels of hierarchy of

educational objectives. These can be multiple-choice tests, true-false tests, short
answer tests, match type tests, or fill-in-the-blank tests. The checklist is a list of
items for consideration. It can be in the form of questions or actions to be carried
out. It can speed up the collection of information by using tick-boxes and rating

2. Essay Tests
It involves answering a question or proposition in written form. It is
powerful in the sense that it allows students to express themselves and
demonstrate their reasoning. It can also assess student's grasp of higher-
level cognitive skills particularly in the areas of application, and higher than
application. When the essay question is not sufficiently precise and when the
parameters are not properly defined, students write irrelevant and unnecessary
things just to fill in blank spaces. When this happens both teachers & students
will experience difficulty and frustration.

3. Performance Tests

Requires students to perform a task rather than select from a given set of
options. Unlike brief-constructed response items, students have to come up with
a more extensive and elaborate answer or response. Performance tasks are
called authentic or alternative assessments because students are required to
demonstrate what they can do through activities, problems, and exercises. As
such, they can be more valid indicators of students' knowledge and skills than
other assessment methods.

4. Oral Questioning

Also known as Socratic method is a form of cooperative argumentative

dialogue discussion between individuals, based on asking and answering
questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying
presumptions (Copeland, 2005). It is a collaborative and open-minded discussion
as opposed to debate. In oral questioning, several factors need to be considered
such as the students’ state of mind and feelings, anxiety and nervousness in
making oral presentations which could mask student’s true ability. Moreover, oral
questioning is appropriate when objectives are: to assess the students' stock
knowledge, and to determine the students' ability to communicate ideas in a
coherent verbal sentence.

5. Self-reports

If researchers are interested in people's subjective experience of their own

thoughts and behaviors, then self-report is appropriate. However, if researchers
are interested in more than people's subjective experience of themselves, then a
multimethod approach should be used to ensure reliable and valid measurement.

Another advantage of the self-report method is that no one is more

fascinated by the target of assessment than is the assessor. Up to a point, then,
people are usually pleased to talk about themselves. Of course, the motivation to
reflect on the self-varies across individuals (Trapnell & Campbell, 1999). Self-
preoccupation may also lead people to answer more diligently when completing
selfreports. Whereas ratings of others may be done carelessly or superficially,
people tend to put in more time and effort when reporting on their own

6. Observational Reports

Observational assessments or reports involve obtaining evaluative

information through direct observation. Although observational
assessments could potentially be used in any domain, they most often are used
for behavior, social-emotional functioning, and language. As the assessor is
actively watching and recording the actions of the subject during an observational
assessment, the results can be deemed to be more reliable.

7. Product Reports

The ability of the student to create achievement-related products such as

written reports, oral presentations, and art products.

B. If you were to utilize all these procedures, how would you put weights on
each of the procedure? Explain your answer on the space provided.

Once learning targets are clearly set, you can easily determine the
appropriate assessment method by reading it. If I were to utilize all these
procedures, the most appropriate assessment that may help the teacher and
student to provide reliable and accurate output. First, the constructed-response
format since it is useful in targeting higher levels of cognition. It is also subjective
because it demands that students create or produce their own answers in
response to a question, problem or task. Some categories may fall under this
format of assessment such as brief-constructed response, performance task,
essay items, and oral questioning. That’s why its very appropriate in all area of
assessing the needs of the students and the environment. Next, Selected
Response Format because the items on this kind of assessment is objective
and efficient which means it can be easily graded, we all know that after having
an assessment it requires a list or a checklist of the performance to be able to be
reliable and true of the output/outcome. In this format, the objective tests are
assessing the various level of hierarchy of educational objectives and it may
count as appropriate in all area. Last, the Teacher Observations and
Student Self-Reports/Assessments as it is like making a judgment based on
the observation and reports it is very useful also in recording the frequency of
student behaviors, activities, and remarks in the anecdotal records. This
assessment method can also be used to assess the effectiveness of teaching
strategies and academic interventions.

Assessment is a key component of learning because it helps students

learn. When students are able to see how they are doing in a class, they are able
to determine whether or not they understand course material. Assessment can
also help motivate students.


Instruction: Answer the ff. questions. Write your answer on the space

2 things I learned from this lesson

I. I learned that a high quality assessment must be valid, reliable, and

fair and has clear learning targets.
II. I also learned that assessment plays a major role in how students
learn, their motivation to learn, and how teachers teach.
Where assessment helps teachers gain insight into what students
understand in order to plan and guide instruction, and provide
helpful feedback to students.

2 things I will do to apply what I learned

I. First thing to do is to examine or have a formative pencil-paper

assessment since I’ve already learned how to make my assessment
reliable and valid in this way I the teacher collect assessments to
monitor individual student progress and to inform future instruction.
II. Since I learned the different assessments and categorizing them
based on my perspective on its effectiveness and appropriateness,
So, trying other strategies applying those assessments and
procedure to see other areas and discover new inputs to be used in
classroom purposes.
1 question I have about the lesson

1) Is there any possibility that the assessment can be reliable but not

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